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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1905)
eeeesit,t:tt::i Czzrr.zry C-tt:r C :i t Chew.: C;;.i!J A.ce. t" ,C -:t::;n Tciiy Touching thirty Cer.ta fcr O Cert. r T ' fm-' 11 v. w. ....1 - (. . i j I.LL JCUTTER RISES TO i JIIIY CESS t Pest Product of City CreaiTieries , j neacnes top rijure uur- : the Day. V I ALL VALUES ARE QUOTED i . TWO. AND A HALF HIGHER Un...i T -. . - avri.t. ii - 1 v?!....- j. " uci wiwcr w Jin uuunm u ruwi - Market-Gray. Oats' Coming ' and 1 Are Quoted Quits Finn Hay Mar- f Oolnr to Piecea;,, J' f .. ' 'I'i'-f: Ws'i: ... ,.f-,, ." Front Brreat. An"! 10. Tbs principal featnrtt ef (be rorTlaad wlioleaale eiara.ta soaty n ;-Bwter toerket reecho 10 -twtl.' , , ' ' - Wh values lower sa eot.,.t ; Ha market com to pieces. '" j ' "y:'New cats ars quoted .rather flxol. t Poultry drop with lea demand.' . 1 , Etgt weaken tad show a decline. I'nctmbers are ww selling by eeee;. V Washington and Oregoa celery In. ' -"' . , HMe and wool market- ia a noted strong.'' "n Peaetaea slightly off; raoelpta heavier. .,' Hop market la qolet, a tain weaker. - i t'eotakxipee are selling at deelw.-r-Potstoes an alow and draff Inc. . ,;y.'.'; f Bnttat 'Market leaches Thirty Casta, ' Lata actkms In the- creamery batter market , aan hem rather aenaatlooel. to aar the leant. " Con tinted dry weather and general, lask . 1 bal curtailed the . eupplr of .cream to .avek an extant that very tew creameries have more, than a quarter of their normal supplies. .'Than by adding to thla the Terr seevy demand . fnr err am for Ice man purpoaea makes the .etiortaee eltmaelr- erltleal.- Today them waa - farther adrance In the price sf the, brat creamery product, the qnoutlona an ftrat grade ' teaching arte, while the second grade product s , ' ' la quoted at the former price, ef the flrat-claas "r article, rHo. Aloot front street the market la eerr firm, althoaali only one dealer a a. ' w( h product np Is the top. Htifultea alone the atreet aaa acarrer than in recWt years and . within the next taw day It la expected that , - the cold atorare article will make-Its appear i anca. Butter that was placed In atnrafs around ', lH4ta0c earlier tn tiis season can now be aarlr withdrawn at n uandeoms profit.' there bring but small storks ef the fresh article to - bold It in Chock, in wis connection b taw : auted for the benefit sf grocers that all freah ' butter manufnetnred. la the state has the Orreou label attached If It ,ta freehly menu . factured. but the cold atorage srtlcU cannot '' ' '. rsaltry Waaksas U Vksa Srena. v '' The decline et m the quotations n nonllry r ' - 'reiwrted la The. Journal Veaterdar sasnm to be ;"T but the beginning of a ganeral drop hi raluea. r--Mlsr thr market waa maaldeiahlr weakee. - sad In order to stern the heary arrivals dealers M nrsrs compelled to slaah prices.-- . . ; . bn Dm With Pose ttaallty, . ' Poor quality, mars than- anything alas la anaUB' the egg market to seek a lower krral ' Receipts are. eery beaTjr. bat It. In not so .f morn the heary err! re Is an the poor quality that causing the dullness and consequent weak. .': neaa. Today prlcra are ranging between Sie&s . for local freah, although aomedcalara with aun ' ' pTTca'ofcastefa ars sUeiipluij U oT4 op lha . price of locals In erdssM dots their foreign ;. . goods without a msb. w , Tksst Talnea Ars Lowe en Coast. 1 ' la nmawtlon with tha minor markets on . ; . the coaat. bs Pert land wheat market la ruling tew for club, red and niueetem. wit on ac hsiiii iif tfte aiiiaH'w and flis lisitr tlennnrt- I WllffdMlte valley wheat In .anchnnged at the , .highest prtre ln the markeU. Demand at the '. ' 0 nW' prices is fair.- bat not sxdted. Tba flour ' msrket la very qnlat. ; ' f' i'V - . Bar Karkat saa ts VIsom.."- V Tbs bar market m weak. Ia fart. It la dead as far as demand m concerned. . Hay of ferlnjra , .. st the moment ars esry hcaTy and assJers do f V. . not cars tn boy the cbeaper gradea at nay . ' price. Tndsy's seines show eonsliwraMs ,. slump. Tbs prices quoted ars for Pert la ad i deUrsry. r.J-. .: " t- - wrsy Oats Osatlaa ts atarkai' ' noma'' axav sets ars now. being rscelTed' tn tbs Portland market and ars quoted around fas i ' per Ion. Aa yet lbs arrlrsla of bow white ars nominal, but prices offered for tbs former ' N " ars about II higher than tbs latter. ' The crop :' of oats la tbs Willamette Taller tbS prcaent " - seaann m eonalderably ander tba Borstal out ! put. bat la eaatera Oregon and seat era Waal- ' In ft on tbs prodnctwa will bs bat slightly ander '. .' that of tba prerlous year. Tbs, market Is In good abapa.- Vf ' i'-- .- L' ' .. , Petatoss Ars How asd Draggrng. ' , j ' With stocks of potatoes rn tbs market quite beary end demand slow, rhs prlcss are bold weaker 'today. Offerings from tbs country ars ' . . very besvy, but there Is no sign of na satslds demrnd at present sad dealers da not cars to j ' purcbaaa. Tbs onion market la la good abapa with supplies of torsi storks small. 'Most of Uis . oamns now In the market ars from Walla Walla, and they ars not glrlng general astlsfsctlsa vd . s-f account of their pear keeping qnslltlss. .. Peaches Blightly Offi Ksavlss aUoalpta. . , ; ftapplles of peaches srs showing a conaldsra '" bis Increase' today,' but demand la not qalts so good and valoea are fewer. Consldersbls com ' i plaint baa been mads sa account of dry rot ax .. many or tns snatoern vregna snipmeais. -', ' . Cncsmbers ars now selling by tbs saek aa ,- Bccoant of the vary bssvy arrlrala., fifty ceata : m being asked. Oreen corn hi slumping tbs market, root '; atocka ars a burden to prices. - ' ; Cantaloupes srs In Very heavy . supply and . prices srs rsnglng as low as 1 per crata oa ' aoms atocka. y Tomatoea srs la liberal supply, bat aa week , Bess Is shown la tbs best goods. r .i v Teal U Bkswtog 0rat aoaroity. There Is a great scarcity of dressed vent sfeng . front atreet today and prlcss ars being bakt up to 7 He, tba lop notch. In this connect Inn -.Tom Farrell of BvsrdJng farrell ears: "Wi i bsrs an vest today and the demand at good. Beven and a half cents m tbs ruling pries for best storks today." , , : ' 8oms fan- alsed shlpmsatsejf local celery ars hi tha market; quality good; 60s tbs average '."'prlee. - ' ' " Tbs qnotatlnns ruling below art for first-claaa .' stocks snd srs tbs prlcss obtained from rstalW ' ars aniens otherwise specified. . r -.' ' wrnla. fleur and Teed. ;.'" WHF. AT Contracts, laoB New slab sad rss, " 73c; bluentsm,- t7e; valley, THc. i DAHLkvF fsed. aaaM rsUsd, ttf0 brsw- I f bRN'Wbols, ITT.0O! ersckad, f2S.90 asr ton. '1. BYB per ewt, . ". OAT Ksw No, 1 wklta, $76.00; gray, "' t.f . f ru)l.'B Kotera ' Orngvia pateata. M BCx) d.5S: straights. .'l sxports. as.lloa3.Sll: " vslley. $4 0t : sTsbam, at. . $4,001 lot, ;.s "rye. Bbs. is.OO bales, 4S.TS, MILLSTUrFB Fran, $20.00 per ton; mid .dilute. $25.00: shorts, cuaatry, $M.00; slty, $21,110;. chop, fla.00, ' x " . ' HA Y--Pro! cere' nrlcs TlmntHy, Wlllametrs -'VSllev, fancy, $l.00?; 'nrdinsvy, $11.00 I2.0O; -eaatera Oregon. fUOtmH.Art: mixed, $ll.A0tia.0Ot.clnver. $s.00t.0; grain. $10.00 till 01); cheat. $S.008.M.. .: '. , : ' - . Butter, Eggs and saltrp. - '"" .' BITTBR FAT Sweet. WHe; amir, tH. '. BUTTP.R City -creamery, -best, aOc; aeennd .rrade, STttr: ostsWs fancy, 117 e; ordwaryi t; S3c; ators, 16c, . .... . BOdS Na. I freak Ore goo, candled, SlAtfe; '' jesatern. .v ' CHE MB New Full cream, twin. llfiltUei . . wnns America. l.lAlSVie: Cheddar. 3u)c, . POULTRY Chickens, mixed, 12 He per lb: ; 'bens. 12H13 per lb; roosters, old. Itn lb; --. rming, HtllVr per lb; broil era, UHtjjl.V per lb; fryere, lUle lb: dock.. Ufl l.Vi Ibt geese, ' aflinc por lb; turkera. lKarc per lb; dreaeia, ' utt22s par Ibt squabs, $4.U0 per doe. Kept, Waal asd Bidss.. .. '"T! "-' noPf Ontract, 1IX Oregon, lSet Wssh fins ton, Httl4r; 1004 crop. l7lBt tat , ebotce; ItaiTo for primes and medtame. WOOI I Bug clip, valley, saaree ts medlnaa, , MvaMxSVsSI ana, , Mttljet eaatera Oregon. ' l22c. , . : . v . y, i i h A ITV WonHnsl. aosjile. ' " . " HIEP8KINa abeartng, 10a-. short wool, tottwtoi medium wsol. aotjboes loag. wool, BOcUII 00 each. ., ' --TaUow Prime, par Ibt el Ko. and CttlTTIal JBAKK $Hs Bar B thu..:day PRICES IN ' ; Ti:: IVUEAT MT T. ... , . d -Bept- Dsc. 4 d Chicago ."ijjl ,81 $ JI S4,u.a . Puiuth it -i .. s - MlnnapolU-w. " .I6A .JHB" Ksnsss City..., .li-J".1tk :d fit. L,oulg....;..i .7JV4 .$1HB' 4 Near York;. ; , i,$T , A A 4 Baa Tranclaco. ...... . 1.1$ H ' 4 jLlvarpooi .a..,fg$Ha !, Naw September1. ' HIDRB Dry hides, "Ko. 1. It rot and aa. lt10He per lb dry kip, Ms. t, 8 o 1$ lbs, lie; dry calf, Ko. J, ander lbs, ldtjlac: arr saltsd hldea, steers, sound. N tbs or sear, Bfed He; SO ts to lbs. aJNWc: .under SO lbs aud cowa, bHt; stags aad bubs, sound. nt7ci kip, U to MO lbs, we; sousd. 10 ts 14 lbs, $ H; calf, sound, under 10 lbs 'BHOUc; grass (unssltod). Is per lb lass; talis, 1c per lb lessi horaebidee, salted,- each, $1.Q1.T8; dry, each, $l.00Ql.BO; salt bidet, daoh. XSO&utt goa , sains, sommoa, each, oyjiss . svof ora. wiib woe sa. sssn, aocoti, . ' ' finite'' asd eaetaelee. " POTATOBa Oregon, T5tJj car lota, 60i one eaca; sweet, aHC .. ONIUN8 New ta-eann eellnar nenvaes.-aU!l Walla Walla, $1.00jl.l0 garlic. 10o per la. ' FKSHI1 ntUlTlt Apples. Orga.l.6l4jl.T5; fancy, 2.00a oranges, late Valenclaa, $2.16o-M; nauauss. a lb; Ismoos. sboloe. $o.00 boil fancy. $d.00 per box; Umes. Max lea a. oos per 100) plueapplea, $3.60 per doe; peacnea, sul sue; plums, TSHSo per crate; csnulospes, tl.00tjt.0o per crate wstermelons, $l.ul LIS cwt: arsnea. SI 40 ner host nesrs. tjsil- tornls, $2.00; Oregon, $1.00u)1.5O per box; blac'k- awrriea.Sl.xo-; caasDSSo 9a.uurX.0U per sob. VMUarfABLES Turnips, new, $1.00 per sack) rrsts. gl.ootal.xa ee aki . h.ati tl.UUtl csrrsta, $1.00jl.2 pec sack; 1.2ft pet sack; Oregon radMhea, 1.2ft pet sack; Oregon rsdMhes, 2M pot dosl cabbags, -Oregouit- auttTos-- dot cwt peppers. Toe per box; feral tomatoea, Xet Tbe; parsnips, $1.00tjl.2S; atrtng beana, atjsc; cauliflower. T5o nsr dosi rbubaiu. KM par Ibt horsarsdlah, 12e lb; srtlcbnkes, eOtbl&Or per dos; soiauuss isitaea, aotJISct baad lettnsa, joe pss dos; green onions, luUUHe per -doa; spinach, $e . pes . lb; green corn, tot par sack; nsss, to per I Ibt cucumbers, bus asr sack: celery: fo per dsn) eggputnt, $8 PX crsts. -OktiUb FKHiO Asulea. svsuoratsd. tS ner id; aoncota. PHtliac per ibt aacaa,. s per tn less: ssataia. kaiJt per id: pssrs. per lb;- prunes. Italian. 44a4V.s not b: French. ItlUlw ner lb: fin. California stack. atxeita Per Ibt California white. - pee lb plums, pitrsa, nsr int oatsn, aoiuws, we sec lb; tarda. $1.B0 asr 10-U box. rsosrissv Bate. Its. 'J'.'"' C u BTJOAB naek baala Cnha M.tB: BOW dared: $S.s0t fruit grata la ted, SO. 40: dry granulated, I5.40t Conf. A. $s.40; best granulated. $6JU extra V, $400; golden 0. $4Jat I fallow. 14-70; bbls. lot, H bbls Xc boxes 80s adrance sa aacx Baals, leas too psr swt lot casa, is NVSerttT :' ! ! v V wiiix t-actaga braaoa, isva. ' SALT rise Males. 2s, eat 4a. as. 10s, $1.60 table, dalrr. buav -tll.uO: luua. 110.78: Imi Ported - Liver nocd. bus. 811.00: 100a. 818.MI 224s. $lt.oOi sx-ra fine. bbla. $4.6006.00: balk. S20 lbs, e4.W0txft.00l gacks, bos. noaste. , , , T ,, ., HALT iiamm H.lf veaaejl. 100a. BSS fan. FT 00; 80a. ner ton. $7.00; Urerpeol tarns rock. $18.60 sat torn ftu-lb rock. $7.00; 100s. St. To. lAbovs prlcss apply to aalea of Iraa that car lota. Car lota at asocial prices subject ts fluctuations). - - , , - . , UHAia haqb oaleatta, TUt. : T . HICB lmnartal Janae. Na 1. nt Na. 9. 8wt: New Orleans bead. tWai AJax. 4at; Cra- BBANS mslt whits. $4Uer lante white. $Hct pink. HtAc-baron. 414c: UmaV Ai: Mexican rede. NUT8 Peanuts. TVcf tumboa. (Ha asr Ibt raw. BrllOa ner lb: roasted. 1 - eeeoaanta. SSatSOe ner dox: walnata. laeilBe nsr lor sins taorxttHe oar lb r hickory luta. 10c pet Ibt I rbeataata. eaatera. lftflloc per lb; Braati aata. ise oar id: filberts, lbfrios nor id: laser escBaa. UaiScs almonds, ltalSs dot lb. " ,: , : . '. Valats. , Coat 00a. Its.' .. V ' " KOPnl Pure Manila. 14s atandard. . UtUl aieai. jwms: usw prsna sisal. aa.. COAL OIL Pearl or AsUal. Caaes, SOHt 0!ldoaec,iiid preferred woodan. las nae eali awaadliabt. Til) daa caaaa. t2Hc per gaL . . . .. ... . OArHlUN 8-der. eases. S2t as alt troa bbla, aes psr gal: atovmv.ttita. 24HS sot sal; hub nnia. iss nsr gal. nENZINaUaaL . eaaaa. fju aa call troa bbls. IS i4c her aaX . TbBPBNTINB la cases, B9c per fall wooden bbla, 880 psr gal; iroa bbls, 80s ps gaL WH1TB LEAD Ton lota. Ills psr Ihl 800-lb LINSIfeO OIL Purs raw. In bbls. tie par gal; tasaa. T2c por gait genolns- ksttls boiled. cases. tot ' nsr gall bbls. 80s nor gslt.greand cake, car lota. $20.00 par toot lass than eat ota. B3Q.00 par ioa. . . . " 1 Basts, flak aaa lhwvtelsaa. - ' ' FREMH ' HIlT-rnat ' atraat , Beef atssra. lata net lb: nork. block. tWa nee lb: nackera. two asr lb: bulls, tti&t nor lb: cows. 4i5t per ibt mnttoa. avaatv4t per Ibt lamb witu pelta, 6H4(e psr ll veal, extra. 7 He; ordl, atry. "H4j7e per lb; poor. 80 psr 18. . HAU8. BACON. ITTC. Portland Back f local! tame.- 10 ta 14 lbs. 18 Hs per Ibt 14 to M lbs. l&He nsr lb! 18 to SO lbs. ISHe per Ibt eortaie. it per, lb; break faaa, bacon. 14H4J1 par lb; picnic. Be tier lb: regular slmrt clears, an uokad. 10Ha psr lb! smoked. 11 t por Ibt clear kacka, anaotoked, 10c psr Ibt emoted, 10.HSt per lb: Oalod butts. 10 to 18 lbs. oBaunnksd,' as psr lb; smoked We per lb; clear bellies, sn smoksd. lis psr lb: , smoked. Us par lb; sboui- teoCAL UABrjirjettle leaf.' 10s, 10 t' bet lb; 6a. 10e per lb o-lb tlna, . W per lb; aaxa rsaasrsa xwa, .,s per ia; aa, s CAN1VBD BALblOV Colombia Mvsr. l ib talk $1.86;- S-lb talla. 82.60;- fancy, 1-lb flata. 82.00; H-lb fancy (lata. IJ: raacy l-m ovsis, B2.T0; Altsks tails, pink, seews; red. $140; nominal . tau. ax.uu. . - . tlHlt .Riwa east. e nav Ibt flounders, 8s ner lb 1 halibut. So per lb; crabs, $1.60 bar due; atrlped bass, lBHt ner ibt Cat f tab.' tt per Ibt salmon, Chinook, BttSUe lb: ttsslbeads. twe per lb; aockeye, at per lb; nerrlug. Bo psr lb vol ex. as pet Ibt sunmps. lot per ibt perch, IL, not lb; shssV ts per Ibt ros snsd. 6c see 11 f ahad roe, BOe per Ibl buck end, tc per lb: stiver smelt, to psr mi soseiers, sc; xrvas mscssrsi. 8s per Ibt-crawfish. BSe pot dot; floeadsra, at psr Ibl sturteos. ts psr lb. - . 0Y8TEHS Shoalwater .bap. pat gal. $a.M: nsr ssck, $.TB. v CLAMS Herd ahen,' pet boz. ' $2.00! Jrssex tUms. $2.00 sac box. ... , HOGS : QUOTED FIRM VITH i;o:i;ialarrivjii$ , f -r I , sBnBanwap-mkamama ' . - d . LPrlCw pf X2ood Cuttle Are Well Held Fancy Sheep Are . . : Not: Neglected. , ' !".- Portland talon Btockytrdt. . Aar. 10e-Ltvs- tock receipts; - ' - . : . -Bogt Cattle Sheen Today T..V.,,V,'....Tr. . . 24" ..." 22 Week ago... ......,...,., $0 , 80 - $.10 Previous srack.... ............ 48 .... .. '617 Month ago.... to- 101 Bit Conditions in tbs local livestock: market are vary goad. ' Tbs demand ruling fur hogs Is very good wiib bat nomlssl receipts. Mo cattle arrived, bat tbs best ars quoted firm. Beet sheen srs very firm, bat none atneke are fllghtly neglected. , , , Hogs Best eastern Oregon. TSfV Mockers ; and China fata, . $3.73; ttockest and feeders. $4.60. e Cattle Beat ' eaatera Oregoa steers, 1.0r)r 1.28; light and medium eteera, $Z$0i8.0U; beet nowa . aad belfera.. $2.2ril2.S0; aid and light cowa. $1. SOU 2.00: atuckera and fe.A.r. $2.2ftl.tA: bulla. fl.rA . Sheen Beat fancy sheep, $.1.0O4)a.3$! ewes. $2.7nia.00t spring lsmhs. 44H'. . CsWes Uood veal. 160 to 2U0 pounds, StBH; rough and bssvy. itiVe. TT XABTUB BOOB BTtAUT. Cblcaso, Aaa. 10, Llveatock rscelnta; .',' nogs taltls anieSn nileago ., .... v.. lH.ono a.imo luiain Ksnaas CUy. .i .... t 8.O110 rVlxx) . 4.0W0 Omaha ......w. ., t.OuO 2.6HO ...... - Hogs opened stesdr with R,8fl0 loft' over. Receipts s rear stn were 87.000, Prli ea? 111, e.VSlieill.20: send snd besvy, H.fXWr in, toagk nod heavy, 8.46.wn Hght, $.80..0.: rT 1 mwm nivawy vv null, 1f- ' ' Bsw YsfB Ossk Coffee.' " !SW Tork. A at. 10.Vah 'coffee:' Na. I Bis, 8mti Ns, A Bantns, nu.. . .'. - I . ... ' ,- . .. I. . IlLI;::CE011IL01:tEP0TI0V Promise , of Heavy Corn ' CTop . Sends the Price Six and . ' Three-Eightha Up.,, v r BULL F0RC23 HAVE FULL ; ; CONTROL OF SITUATION Almoat Entire; Market, Riai . Today St. Paul'' Very Active Feature With Qain, of Two fend an Eighth . Points,--' .t.-v-:-;C; r ADVANCES. Atrbiena Bmelter, Katy, pd. Norfolk . Car a Foundry . . Car A Foundry, p. 7 H N." Y. Central $ unt, at west ...... 1 nrooaiyn Haiti mora , Bt. Paal . Pennsylvania People's Uaa Preaaed Steal Car.. V. ti. ,W ... Keadlnc ..' 1 Cbesapeaks Canadian . Colo, south keedln. 1st nfd.... B Kurk Inland W Honthers Paclio P sV - 7 Union Paclflc... ,.. , H Colo. Bonth lat tlreat Westsra ..e Hi steel, pfd H Dels. A Hudaon(..167kBoutbsrn By., pfd. 1H Illinois Central ... STenn. Usal ....... itral ... as Tenn. uoal ....... t Leather .J4 a ...... Wis., Cent tit istrtl . ValWhi. Cent., pfd ... f IxNilevllla .. Metrmwlttaa Mexican Uaatral DBCLINKH. Amalgam ted I Atchison, nfd .. ... 'TB sngar 1...... flenvnr rivr.'.TiV.-,' Mlaaourl PsclBe ,' Rep. Hteel , Bsp, Steel, pfd ... , 1 folo. Fuel 1 - , Brie; 2d pfd ; ..,.- I North American ... rlhettber, pfd ...... 1 , (rurolsbed by Ovsrbsck, Starr - Coakt Co.) . Wall Btnet. Maw York Ana. 10. Caret b) aad especially eora played aa lmporUnt rale" la tbs stock market today, eaaslng asme very tsaaatlonal sdraaces. Tba wader sf tbs market today wat llflaola Central, which waa fairly wild with 'excitement. It spsosd . slightly a and waa bullish from tba start. It closed 8 points ktfber. Another sensational feature wss at. Paul, which oa activity -advances s ntilnta. rtilMn A flreat U'aSterB waa mora active than recent aesaloot and scored a good rise. Wleconeiu ventral wss strong, ins com not rlilng IV. . pointa and tbs preferred 1H points. Tbs entire market waa vary strong, be bull forces having affairs their ewa wty. Today's ofBolxl stock msrket ir r,: DISCBIPTI0N. Anaoonds alining Co... Amal. Copper Co. ...... TTf TU S4 B8H BA 88 Atchison, com.. 4...... do preferred.,....... Am. Car A Foundry, t ' do preferred. .'.... . Am. Sugar, com 103li 103 H 8T Wa BfiH 04 143 H 142 H Am. Smelt., cona...... do preferred...'....:. Baltimore Ohio,' com. ia 123 12HU 122H Uotg lit do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Trtntlt.l 80 lyn eK Canadian Pacific, cooi..t1M 166. Chicago - at - M noa, - pro . . 0. A O. W., com.:....., Chi. Mil. A at. p...... C. A N. W., com...'..,. Bl aosx Bl 1H2K lMOH iCilH 1220V, Cblcaso Terminal Sv... Cbeespesks Ohio 1 84 64 46 uom, r-nei iron, com. I nv, 48V Cylo. Southern, com. . , . J 2b H 38H 28V. MU "SiV 'AiS1 Delaware A Hudson,. V. s a. O., com do preferred.......... Brie. com... J,. do second preferred. . . do ftrat ore f erred. . .. B4la Illinois Central........ 1T4H Louisville Jtsshvills.. Met. St. Br... ....... 144 127 Manhattan By..... Mexican Central By.... Minn.,-St. P. Ste. M. Mlasourl Pacific........ M. It. A com flO DrefsSlTatd .seeaaettaa wat IB I2NS4 1UU 6H new 1 ore "jtrafrmi. InBH Sarthtn Pacific... 210 Norfolk eV WNtsrft, om BBV 86 , ao pa-vsr-rrexi . ...... North A nerlcan W V iwt AV afaa 100 100 v . al s, VUl, SSa VT rnxs ,,., 6.1 64X. Pennsylvania By. ..;.,'.)u.1 1144HI142S I142T P. O.. Ia A C. Co 100 lima.uontt Preaaed Steel Car, com. 48 an preierres.. ...... Beading, com., 107 108 V. 108 ao tfcl preferred ....... do lat nref erred..... BepJ Iron A stssl, tam ore f erred ......... Bock Island, com do preferred. ..,.2. Bubber floods. do referred . . - Southern By., com.,,, do aveferred....... si Southern Purine....... St. U A S. P.. lat pfd 6H 84 H rexas at t-ecine.-. Tensames Cost A Iron. T.i St. L A W.,- com.. do .nreferred.. ......... I'nWm Pacific, com....' ii I3H 1(13 H 1.T2H 1 1(14 V. 8. Leather. -com..... ao preferred. .-..,.. U. S Bubber, - com MH 110 . 81 HO . anu nreferred... U. S. Steel Co., com... ri, nreferred . 10R Wlaconeln Central,' com. visa n vjtv-i e xi , . f a a e Westers Itnton. Tele. Wsbsab, com iH 4)H do prererred Total a. If for day. T53.300 shares'. . . Call money, 1U2 per cent. ji . i LAWSON MAKES AN 1: ATTACK ON COPPER f (special u ia pa ten is tbs ioarnax.) . "Beaton. Mass.. Aot.i 10. Tom Lawani nut nn $3,000,000 yesterdsy, aad that, togetber with IIM pro si las of set Ion by the securities eon ai It tee, averted senaatlonal developments tn bbs stork market. An sttempt wss made to prevent the transfer of a treat block of stock of the Copper Range company. II waa asserted that If the attempt succeeded the situation would he ajmoat unparalleled In delicacy snd would hsvs created n sensation on stats street.. It hi claimed' by' some Hist about $7,500,000 am Involved and nearly seven eights of tba boners In- Stats street. Lswsnn promisee to unwind the mystery sf Copper Bangs. In boom snar led It Is smarted that the tawson Interests tried to put the big block of Cooper Ranee on lbs msrket, bat the trsnsfer off Ueweald not accept It, as It was claimed that there waa some Illegality la the former transfer. I This Incident canard lbs recent heavy fhsctaatlons In Copper Bangs. . -. , jrrw- toe corns auixrrv Kew York. Aug. ' 10. Coffee luthrea 'closed anchenged to 8 pijnta lower. y 'iousy s oinciai eoiiee auarasxr - Bid. Ask.l . , Bid. Aak. an nary .,..$d.MI $l.4.l7nlf "...'..$6,711 list Pehrusry ... aoi o wi augnsr ; . ,-. e are T.on MSCB .-... o.w" nepiemoer, . T.tai T.lltl April 8.80 (I sal October .... T.IO T.I5 May ....... B.lW ' 8. M November .. J W T.SB Jane ...... 8.88 .70i r,ic-v.ow t ,os . , f CONDITION OF CROPS S: OF UNITED STATES ah, 4 -f WanhlriBton, t. C. Au. 10. s OoTernment crop raportr - -4 ' v ' , - . . PaPCent. Wheat cOTi11tlor v . t ...... .i.t 4 , Corn ondltlmv ... w . ....9 Oata-e-conditmn wrcvrrrr.rt-.rr.i e .' ' " '!' LAST IKAR.,-. ,' 4 Wheatcondition .tl.t 4 Corn condltldn . .K ,li.t 4 Oata condition .......... , .$.! , baV4Vwwe4e 4 d d I I sma m 71 .... 1 I .....HI D. li h;::e(1 Civin" pf Condition . of Eighty Nine and , .Two-eTenths to ' ' J Wheat Sends Marlcet Offa ) SEPTEMBER OPTION DROPS ' ' ONE CENT IN CHICAGO December snd May Each Loae Seven Elghtha Bearish Report of Eighty .' Nine' Per Cent Sent Out on Corn : Condition, -.-'ti- ' 'Jj : i , THTJHSDAT'S wHBAT MiftKBT, U ' Cloas . Close 'Loan -Cloes' ' Thar. . Wed. Tbur. Tesr Age Sept.. ...,.$ .h3 JJ" leo. ......... '.MU . JUH Msy Jh!i '-V JM $ 11 . $1.02 SI'S V .wis AW . 101 . (JParnlshed by Over beck, Starr A Cooke Co.) Chicago, Aug. 10. Tbs report of tne govern ment, giving tba condition of the wheat crop St MO. 2 per cent, aa against 8T.S per cent last month and 7H.7 the ssuit Urns In -IftuS. gave the market a black eye aad there wss Balling pms turt til around tba rootn. Long Wheat eama oat la large quantities sa stop orders end there wss liquidation on all sides. The eeUlug uf rhs pit crowd waa extensive. Hits eeasmg mors weakness. The class of the market wss weak with September le, lower and December and Msy esrk 140 off. ' , ; "'' - Today's official markets; " ' . a " i . .- :' Anaat ttiwh. .- Im him.. nept..,..f- .8214 $ Pec...... .84 H Mrs $' J.1 .Kl - .av .mii . ,.B6. May,..., .80. ,7H Old Sept, , 3 Old. Dec .48 48 Va May..,.. 6Va .48 OATS. V - M . ,.46 i jt tnr'. Sept 1 J?vt J i , xt.18 i uec j,.-i.a'm ... . .JltlB'i i .27 May..... . '.2 . MESS PUBK. Sept..... 14.20 .14 25 14.10 Oct...... lt.22 14.26 v 14.10 ;-V'UW.', Sept.,... - T.TB t.73 , T.8T Oct - 70 ' T.8 ' T.TI, i- - BUUHT SUBS. Sept..,., . B 4S - , t.83 - v T BS . JT Oct...... $-76 - I 8.W $.40 8.46 - sflCHIOAB OBAJB .XTOXT, -, tantbia, kflch Aag. 10. Mlcblf ta grain re port: .-V. Wbsat "cilnetsen ' buthela per acre; ' laat month, IBi year ago, 8; total crap, 18.000.00U bushels, againat 8.000.000 boabsla laat rear. Quality fair. Cora Condition 78 per cent agxtnst Ti per cent a year ago. Oa to This year eve rage $8 bushela Ifalott B3 .busnsla laat year. , 'Jf;'v SAB rBAJfCIBCO OEAnr ataUXZT. Baa Francisco, Ana.. 10. Offtclal tkae, mora uf seealon: :'. . . ' - WHBAT. ' -- ; i Open.. High, tow. ' - Cloasr Deeetnbsr..,,..$l.8 BIJiti - $IJ18V4 $l.6iH . - .. BABL&Y. . .- - -.. . r Dsesmbor..... 1.00 l.MH.'lM 1.00V4 j CHI0A00 SBAOI CAB, tOTS, " :.':. .' ..Chicago, Aug. 10, Oraln car lota: - - Osts .....,...........bM 130 SIS 279 wriest ears today: Mlnnes polls 1U DuluUi $4,, Xsar agol ' Minneapolis 123, Dulstk 82. "","';.''"' 'CHICAOO CASH WJtIA.Tn--':!-;'.'; Chicago. Aag. 10. Cash wbest - ' ' - - . t.i-x - Bid.-. Ask. No B red ,.-'; .B.-ltA , B .s5 No. B red .82 - .84 U a:, o w..a , M.i - .821 .SO u v . aiara .... MlvtMtlfll' a S 8 av teo -S. slA a -SLS t s ,S1H ! '.ST .86 f .99 No. S spring .. .'J:. una pool obadt atAsxn. Ltverponl, Aag. 10 Close: Wheat, 8etten ner, oe B04 nncnangeo; uecember, at Td, Ud lower. Corn September, tt 0d, 4 higher; Decern- btr, 4S 5bd, Ud higher. . , , . , ,., , Kew Terk-Lenaon Sugar, . . New Tork, Ant. 10, Refined and raw rarer, firm and unchanged: London beat, stnadri Au. guar; 10s 3i; Beptember. 10s S44, COTTON CLOSE NINE r 7 TO TWELVE LOWER ' ; ' ' 1. ; (rumbined by Over heck, Btarr A Conkt Co.) New York. Ans. 10. Cnitnm roturaw el,,, B to If points lower. , , , xoony s oiiiciai cotton market: 1 . rinefi. h t.a. im. n-. " Jaaaary - . . . ihm ioo 1 1070 1071 a Tt reoraary ..,.1"7U ior 1074 lOTSfi; 7 March ,.108S, lObB 107B 1072m0 Apitl ...J,....... .... .... 1014 Mg May .....,....1W4 iost inss lueSatm Ausnat 1040 108 una KiniwM September a.......... ... 1048 ! 10X0041 October u......irwta ions HKSO KKia'dM November' ......... .1011 losl lor.l 10f,75 Ileeember , 1078 - 107S luol . 10O3iIn4 Uvarpesl Gotten tower. Llveronol. " Ana. Irl ..fVitlcai fii - 41 ta IB pojnta lower. "- " v -. toHOPAH atnrnte stoozs. i '' Sta rranclaoo. Aaa. 10-TsnonaB stoeka r. elsl close: . , - . . . Bid. ' J ' ' - Bid. " THxIs .13 Columbia Mt Montana ......$ $.06 Mlrtwav i.nn McNamara .... At' Itnnha, ' Vrt Belmont l.zaiiugmbo Kxbea,.,f ,14 North Star . ,6M Black Butte .24 ) Bracue .OT .18 .74 Stiver Pic Iloldtn Anchor.. Ray -O'Brien .... Ton. Ohio O. Bull m DlamondBeld ... Ixms Star ..... Hnmesfsks ,. Cash Hoy ...... Kendall ....... .10 ,0,1 - a - .81 ' .23 .as ,na . .1 ' .13 Oold Mountain.. Jim Butler .... "Bon. ievada Ton. Extaa .... B.n2 Bed Top ....... M noldfteld .....i .62 Sandatnrm .80 Ksndeturai ax or Adams .04 I Mohawk .......' .18 . us nivninn vnrtar. e-vvewa .: Stn rrtnebwo. Aug. 10. Official close, morn ing sessloa: ' . , SIM Ask. ST IDS e 71 W ..i Bnrmg Tslle Wster.,...'.'A...... S71A Centief Light . .4(4 Matnal Electric...,,....,...! 18 8. F. Oaa Electric RNI4 Ulaat Powder 71 u, Hawaiian Sugar....,..,.,...,...,. AA. Alaska Packers'... M4 ICsL Wine Aas'a, 2 art fit Const Borax. ....... a. .. .15214 ? ,-. WAIL STB1ET tOBBIP. . , V : Sew Toe k." Aug.' 10. The Wall Street Joumsl ssyst Americana ta ixmooa are rtrm. Busslan envos tbowt further now ere to negotiate. No statement la fever In, New Orleans. Government crop repiwt will so puuiianeu si noon, ntocks Srs plentiful In the loan crowd. ; Dividend expected on realty 'storks. The banks Inst to the sub-tressnry since lYIdsy $78.0l. J. J. expects larger report oa tbs wheat crop tliaa Ibst of Isat year, .Tne Bank, ef England rale ts unchanged. - OOBtSTOCX MIKUIQJTOCXB. ' .' -BM. '-,-;--,.- -, Ssvsgs $ ,si Potnsl ,,1..,,,, .08 t'nlon On . w. , .40 r Yellow Jacket i.i.-.ia - Eichenuer .61 Hale A Nosereaa. 1.T0 Henrplon , .18 Bslllna... $ ,T Bekber .18 Con. Cel. Vs... 1 25 Ophlr ....... B2Vi Cledonls ...... 441 Mexicsa ..,... Andes .18 .'POBTtABTJ BABK BTATXaTIBT. - Clesrlags m A ,'.. rrr ........ . i ,", $T 1 1 , 1 OJ M Balances 7, 104.7 1 Order of Events - Especially Ar ' ranged for Pleasure of Vis-." ; j ' . Itors at the Fair, ; Tmorruw Will DeTresbjttorlaii Bun. day School day at Um Lewis and Clark exposition, for which special exorcises huvs bean arranged. It hxa Vino been tletlg rmtad as . Opklsnd.. Alamtdtv anil Berkeley day am a large attendance rroa those cities la expcctctT. .-A special program that will b carried out In the California' building at 11 o'clock hat been arranged as follows:' ' . - ; ' . Music, Administration band; introduc tion. J. A. Fllsher; address of weJcorae, D. C. Freeman, secretary to the preal dent; responses, K. Staarna and ..W.'. H. H. raves of Oakland board of trade; mutlc, Admlnlttratlon band.' - ''-' There will be reception In the after" nooa front S to In tha California build ina. at which JdUa Winifred June Mor- aan, tha, noted .violinist. : will render a SOlo. i 'r '"'.u. -'-r'.- ; The. order of the day-foHows" it..''!- ' to 10:4( a. m. Concert. by Da Cap- rioa Administration band, Transporta tion bulldln: bandstand. ' - .' : - .. 11 a. re Oakland, Berkeley and Ala- med day exej-clsea, CaJIforala, bulldlna, Administration band In 'attendance. ' I to B p. m, -Receptton by cities ef Oakland. Berkeley and Alameda at Cali fornia building ohncert by pe Caprlo'a Administration nana. . - t p.- m.' Grand , concert, Diake'a Dana. Dtnasiana. urajr nouievara. , - t ..l;ia p m. UnUsd- Stntsa llfeaavins tervlctc'-tuhlbltlon on lake. .- ' , . ' . ' 1:311 to $:10 p. . m. Organ recital, Profeaatir ,; F, W, -Good rlehf-Forestry building. 8 p. m. Speedya "high dire., on Trail --Brio p. m.-Operat1o. ooncert by Klral- fjra .rmvalr..ve4iicaompan3t..on yuatio atepa. . ' , ' : . . p. mv Orand eoncert, Dlerke'a band, bandstand, Gray, boulevard,- i -' J rfc m.Speedyhlfh.dlVV.0n Trail. - ;" ; Xri, Tavern Booms. ' '1 '.No recent' improvement to the cltjr haa attracted so much favorable atten tion aa the Tavern, It ia recoanlsed by everybody aa a permanent addition to Portland at a good place to live in. The flneat arlll and cafe on the coaat. Oppo site the Oregonlan building. ) .- . ' .... V -BOlTOn! OOPPKB STOCKS, '"'r"!' Boston, Aag. lO.-rOfllclal topper ekse BI.1. :-, Adventure ..$ 6 25 Alloues .B4.26. At Untie 17.79 Bingham . ... .80.25-' Csl. Arts... 80.00 Calumet 870.00 Centennial l.. 84.29 Old Domlnloa..$ 87.60 -f Oeceola ...... 80.60 Parrot - 26.50 Pbnenla - 1.00-j Qulncy ....... 104.00 Shsnnon ...... 7.25 ' Tamarack .... 128.00.,- Trinity ...... 8.25 Copper Range. . TO. 28 paty west "14.00 tUnlted T.-.7B2. HM Eh B60 Victoria S.H7V4 tireene ...... Ilrsnby ...... Maaf ........ Michigan Mohawk .-.U 26.00 IWInonn 11.60 7.26, J Wolverine .... lltf.ou , 8.00 Utah 46.60 14.I2V4 IT. B. Mining.' 8.1.25- 64.26 I Royal 22.00 NO PAIN W NO PAIN ' NICE TEETH- We are the dlscovsrera and ortglnat era of the only reliable aad aclentlfle tyttem of Palnleaa penjiiatry. We ax tract, crown, nil and clean or treat teeth absolutely without pain and guarantee all work for fifteen yeare. Our work la the beat, eur prices the iowsrt con sistent with flral-claaa work. EXAM INATION FREE. ' Our platea are unde tectable from the natural ; teeth , aad are guaranteed to flt, ... rilXINOS ...... taOd T8d Mid atl.OO GOLD CROWNS S3.50 to S5.00 BRIDOS WORK SS.OO to fS.OO ruix set katxtraL teeth. is.oo Opaa foi, xmatasBB matU S e'oloek swBlaga. -,..'.. ' ., tv;,V Boston Painless Dentists BBlVi aaiTtaoa art, Opp. Halaa $1 rranB 'ajui roaiofsaa. - - v HOURS t:8B a. m. to B. m. Sun. Say, $:$0 a. aa, to 11:SS B, ta. , . Ettablitha im. 0U PAIIffiTS OL'2 CKT ADVOQTK ' Thoaasndt la PortUnd tad all ever the Borthweot can testify to eur great and ua. sianipled taeeaaa. ., , v...-. , ' . ,GONORRHCEA Msy be attended with tkt gravest compiles ttons If - neglected or Improperly treated. We hart a speetAs treatment which cures quickly, safely and painlessly. . . J3YPHILIS le Bother sssslrea dlaeaee, the ravages of which when fully developed na pen can describe. iWbea It snows by skla sruptlooa or Vf ww Hi aaouiB v. up mir tvi. srs slrsady begun. Wa aafelr nd tbor. oaghly cure you sad ao mineral poleeue are tmpluyed, .. ; I Varicocele and -HYDROCELE - vV's treat snd rare, not by the old surgical procedure, but by a painless method solely our own.- - We llhewlee will cure yon snd ssvs yen the as f faring esaoeiated with Bet sens Dettlity, Leet Manhood, Impotaney, Bpermatorrbeea, Beetumal Bmisslens, Vrs maturs Deolina, lest tf Memory. Esergy aad Ambition In tbs brlefeet time tt ran bs dons tad wa Invars yoa a safe and positive rare. Consult Moo and examination free. , Write for symptom blank sad book If yoa 'cannot esti. ' 1iar. noure; B t. -.M. kip. at-1 Bun- , .W .V i . 3T. louis Mttlcat and Surgical "', DISPENSARY - Cor. B and Tarnkfll itt., Vtrtlaad. Or. Tir0wsriBO, bopvibts otx, ' r'- (KaUbllabed 1$S) , , . WBBAT A1TP StOCB BBOatBBS." -) ' , ' "' Boost 4, OroaaB rioosV - -J CBAMBBB OF. COaKBBOaV , -:. l( 11 WgQogW stase, cajicer, paralyala, tumors, rheumatism and ail dinorjsre of the ' atomach, liver and kidneya. He haa had great success In curing ton--sumption when the victim U not too much run down by the disease, and will atop hemorrhages in an incredibly short time. He prewa h e own medicines from Chinese roots, herbs, buds, - barks and vegetable teas, all of which are entirety harmless, and whose medicinal properttee . are unknown to American, doctors. He usee In hla practice over 50B lf. ' ferent Oriental remedlea. Hundreds of testimonials from grateful , tA tlenta. , - , . . - , . . . 4 . y; :;:--77rt' DR. . WIINCt LEE 'X , II ST0BTX TOTmTK STBXST. ' , 0T1VAVT1), OBBOOST. . We treat eueetttf ully all private ner- -voua and ehrcnlo dlteasea Of men: alte blood, stomseh. btnrt, liver, kidney and ' throat : troubles. We cure SYPHILIS f without mercury) to etay -cured for. , ever. We remove STRICTURE, -with out operation or pain, in IS days.' We stop drains, the reault or self abuse. Immediately. . We can restore the sexual vigor of any, man under BB by. . aaeaaa . of. local treatmentpecullar to- ouraeives. . ' -. -.. -Wc' Cure . Gonorrhoea Si' In .a Week. ' Tba doctors of this' Institute ire alt regular . graduates, have had many ' y ears' experience, have been known In Portland tor 1$ yearn, have a reputation. .to maintain, and will undertake no ease! unleta certain euro can be effected. - I We guarantoe a core In every eaae we undertake or charge no fee. Consults (Ion free. Lettera confidential Instruo tlve BOOK FOR MEN mailed iree . U la.lM aHiiMP. i .. . , . .' . .. We euro the worst easts of piles la two'sr three treatments, Without opera tion. Cure guaranteed. If you cannot tail at office, write tor queetlon blank, ' Bom treatment saew Office hoars. B to J and T to B. Sundays anA holiday. IB to It. , ' B B aUe ' - aXv I WI B B Bae- B B I BX a v v s A tVIVi V UiDNt in van r or cxoiei. esa x sir .t i.mvAu:a2 hsichts-- This choice tract is selling. fast the cheapest and best located of any suburb around Portland. This jtract is on the Oregon City car line and river and all lots are 80x100 feet with 66-foot streets; level snd siehtly,"and one 1 1 price to all. whether you buy lot is $00. The utie is pertect, Milwaukie Park can be Seen by calung at tne Hiberma sav ings Bank owners of the tract, and free tickets to and from, nsTi ti l- :it v. a-, .it iA:ev . . . illlWtluaC,.arat a. . wui tiaiui ,u chasers bv calliriz at Room 805, rT&a"St&ifk Streets.' ComeimairiB7nfcci8g-tots faxtftgiltinrt for $50. Acre tracts for $150 OVERBECK, ; STARR ti COOKE CO y-''i .tt- : '"-r, - Members Chicago Board of Trade. ; vJQwunr, itmoTzszoxs, ootto. stocks An bobtss. . ' . ' .' i ' ' , ' .101 Third Street, McKay Building, Portland. Or. - , ij. t , WB BO A STBICTXT COaTJQSSIOBT BVBSBTBSS. Continuous ataraata oy gnvate vvirav wum oen-vicn, nu niuniuain 1 i siao ts ... s Tilton. bankers, and 'United Stafa National Bank of Portland. . . VERKON BETVVKT SROIIKGv ;v.. - ;,.,.t ... ,. .,v j "' " ::" , . 1 -i ' " Vernon is the most beautiful buildinf; site in Portland. . -Your choice for $400; 5 per 'cent down, 3 per cent a " month, " will : payt f or lot. ' ;'. '."v'.;:',;..-;-:- 22,000. acres of wheat land in eastern Oregon at $15 to $20 an acre.-.'', Vh-:.'-lJ Investment X6. 1514 Sixth Street . Phone ; .' Main, X9C-'.t-' Beautiful Cottage If yon would like to see some of the most besutlful homes in the vicinity of Portland tall and have a talk with ua. We will be glad to show them to Jou. They range in price from $700 to 1,000 -tie per month ia our plan. - -... r ........ jg aTVBAOVB, ' r - -r' ' last. OranA Ave. Boosa IS. - mxz:n - DCBIOWItB'ASri ,; BUILLUCB. -1 aoa -4th St, Rrtrsra BntT ON IN'HTAXLatBNTS. On PBICXB. . J.BAAaaW A r MOORE r, m-.o -1 "j--aaW w :t:tu::. The Greet CWni: t O CJtTBDIN POR VIA A SINCE ISSO He it called great because ha Puree all dlseaasee without reaortlng to tha knite. Call and have a free examination. He will tell you the exact nature of your trouble. He treats successfully every form of fe male cotnolalnt. all orivate and blood dia W;BEIC: ...... .... p. . . --(.... s o t .1 s - VJ B B IS n B T-ni g-VC . B .B B ' nus-A a, v ntwr, vaew. ' W t exroox. uiruar run arorunxka, ur, V from the fact that the lots are one lot or fifty the price for each a complete ausitaui 01 uue oi h Div.u w mu iuvuuib r" McKay3uilding, Corner Third each. Painted SHIngrleo Advsntjces ; gained by . : using our machine. ' Shtnglea 'are painted all over when dry, thus forcing paint into all the pores, render ing them wa terproof. This prevents the nails- front rusting, or the shingle from warping, or rotting o f under the lap. They can be laid M to inch nearer to the weather tbao ether shlnglss and still give betiwr satisfaction. Tha paint uaed is man ufactured solely by us and is esoe clally adapted to protect roofs front moss and fire. It contains no oreo eote or other Ingredlente injurious to tin gutters. Our modern process enables ua to paint tem all over ae cheaply, as you - can paint s few Inches on the roof., We invite you to call at bur fac tory and see for yourself the mertta of our process, or 'phone your ad dreaa and our repreeentatrve will call and give you full particulars. . ' ; Black D!or.d PaSst Co. - Offlos and Factory, B. stn and Main. . .. . rkoae Baas S87. i-y. , FOR $1.00 Turkish liBathr and good, bed fop, the nighty all for V King V Baths Seventh and Wastv. tngtofl Sts. , FlneeB - and largest katk. ; ta the ally. '; - . oa. gu::.7g eioos tc:::3 a eilUT TO TAXJS-ST aTBABi WIA : AeUss ea Bit Bleed tot Snrvte It ftaJteag aj It J; ssiPltssse,0vsrwertrPlse4swB U V feet ss terea, f ssf fat), 1, t.weea WpmUnm 0aw. Tt Crt Serve ferce, Ts fsisreve f Se U Stop CXtlt tptllt. Ts Stat Html' nl ofU'tl'tlotmnt rael. Ts rfief flseasa, Tet.weeei Ts M$ " Clear. Ts Owes t AilieoeeeM see Ceoete iols sv Bsucflirrs. o bt r I OB PSICE, Tea. A I ' 1 SB. BOSAWKOCO. r $1.00 I V .v -v '- I."-. .,'iV'.''.';"