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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1905)
- TII3 OREQO II ; DAILY v JOUUAL, TZZTLAZTD.i Y W .. ft W. OIlLOil'S OKIE tatwrfng Gama In Which Port land Exc!!d In Every De- . partmerttf th6porV.r:v. I VAN BUREN'S CATCH , .L FEATURE OF CONTEST Lon Legged Center-Fielder Makes Remarkable Catch of Dillon's Drive and Savee Two Score Mitchell's Home Run Stirs the Crowd. - Portland , Los Angeles . Batteries Essick and . McLean,. Orajr and Bpiea. ' B1U Easlck won his game yesterday, and. as the old man of the forest would ear. Bill was jthe "real . candy.-. , So long as "candy-. Isn't patented, the us of it when quoted. .la permitted In up-to-date and respectable Journals. The .tore waa so big that It IS hardly neces- 'sary to talk about It. Inasmuch aa the Angela garoardv nothing in' ttteir nine 'heroic ettsmpta' It was" a" gams fuU f feature,, and. tha honors of tha day most necessarily go to iww . Vaa Bursa for hla phenomenal catch of PUlon'a llnar elsth. Inning, iThta catch will linger la- thememorlsa of 'those who witnessed It a long, lung time, and It la doubtful If any- Saab play will ever be pulled off again at Recreation park,' Bernard and Smith war on sec ond and first. wHh Dillon up.- One man was dead and the outlook for a tally was bright Ths Angelle captain picked out ona of Easlck'a f pit balls and gave It a terriflo bang. Away went tha Spauldlng with, tha speed of light' to the center .field fence. It. looked good for a double at least. Slmtfltan usly wUh tha ball leaving tha bat, Vau started for th fence.- Hla long bean poles fairly skipped acroaa tha .outfield. Tha tll anneared to be going In the di rection of tha New York building. A vagrant sparrow that was on tha wing narrowly escaped a collision with the andine- SDhera. Bernard and Smith had already crossed the plats and were sitting on tha bench. Dillon was dig ging splka holes lnthe soil around third base, turning the corner for home. It meant a tie score. Tho crowd was In suspense. All that could be aeen In tha n t field waa Van Buren'a fleeting form. He wss after ths ball. After a long and exciting chase the ball began to descend. Van-waa atUt respectable dletaiwe- from the ball Juat AS It was .hnnt to hit the fence he leaped Into : th sir and. extending hla long left arm, ' managed to place bis fingers on M, and , to tha surprise ar ntmasic ana iw me ..uhMmi of alL the ball stuck,- Tha Los Angelea players had nearly forgotten about tho Incident until they ' saw -Van return' tna nan to avona " rmr,-""S ""bla Play. yne reausa-i tlon thn cam upon tham thai a great ' play had bean accomplished, and "Daddy ' Longlegs" got great ovation. Van smiled Ilka a farmers boy who had Just received his first glance rrom a giri. ... ,.rf coarse, br thht time tha gam was 1 won.. Esstck was real devilish with tha tlt bsll and played all aerta o pre whs with tha chosen ones, in int "" Innlns an unusual thing happened. Two men were on bases, and McLean doubled, Schlafly scoring. - McLean ran House holder down on third - and - a - seesaw - commenced en Bddla between third and horn. Solas threw to Smith and Smith threw to Splea, and Dolly Gray covered I tne piate. i nere waa immj and Eddla rushed for home and Spies threw ta Dolly to catch him. Instead of Gray holding tha ball, ha let it go through hla hands to the grandstand, . and both man scored.' Braahear called Davis names and Mr. '"Brass Ear" was fined antf-tfjected from tha sport, r Cap tain Dillon said that "Slats" looked llks a beer wagon, and "Slats" resented ths . Impropriety by fining tha Loo Loo cap tain and relegating htm to benchdotr..- . Toman and Eager auoceeded the belllg erenu and tha game prooeeded. There were other features, but Ufa Is too shoil to tell them all ta onsaltting. Mitchell drove out a noma ran In tha third Inning, and with two down, JSssick scored McLean and Hoffman on his dou ble. Hoffmam made good at third. Hs lisd four ebanoea, one of which waa a corking one-handed atop, got three bases on balls, made ona hit and scored a run. Ha la fast on the bases and made a- good impression. Flood caetght him '- napping at first on a oulck return from ' Spies. Tha contest waa thoroughly In. tereetlng. Braahear, Bernard nd Smith made seven out of tna aight hits cred- , lted to Lea Angelea.' Tna acora follows i PORTLAKD.- ;; T i.-. ; v- - - a r xr -tart a tf : Ata, as, ...,..,..... 4 S .van Buren, ct ....... S , : Fleming, If. ..4 MitcheU. lb. ........ 4 Hchlafly. lb.. 4 . Householder, Tf. i .... 4 Mclean, e. ........... 4 Hoffman, lb. 1 : t ii i i Touia uia . ........ih!4 fM LOS ANGELES. . . AB. R. H. PO, A. X. Bernard, cf. .j. .JIJfj, 4 0 J 1S "-nooan; ..t,....v, i e . j Wmlth. Ib. ..........4 0 10 1 Inllon, lb. .......... 1,1 Ml 1 Kngar. lb. ........... lis Bra shear, sa. ........ 1 01 1 4 I Toman, as. Cravath, rt.. ........ 4 v 0 " a ' 0 Roaa, If. ..t. ........ 10 0 10 tplea, e. 10 1,6 1 Gray, p. ...... 1 0 . 0 , 0 1 Totala .-!...., 11 1 14 14 "l : : ' SCORE BY INNINGS. ' i - P' ""i urn Los Angeles ,....0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 6 0 Hits 1 1110 110 01 Imtlnd ( , ....l I I II I 4 , Hits . ,....... 0 0 1 1 1 t I , , SUMMARY. Struck out By Grsy, ; by Raalck, 4." Bases on bans un ursy, ; on Kssirk. 1. - Two-base hits Kssirk. McLean. Home run Mitchell. Tjoo pi plays Van Bursa to Ats; Spies to Flood. , I .eft on bus Portland. Angeles. 4 Htolsn bases Hoffmen. Brashear. First lutaa on errors Portland, 1. Tims of iramv-On hour and 16 mlnutea. - Um " pi rs Da via. ' - - GOTHAM'S YACHTSMEN CELECHATE THIS WEEK ' , ) , ,. ' ' -'T;V (Jaarsal Special Berries.) New York. Aug. 10. Today uehered la the banner week wf tha year for tha . ' - Kaataaltyw Wsak CpotL Tkers era ears dsathe dlreetly dee 4e weak Inmn teas as sU euxw- Slxasta - emhMnM Thrr ant sum. nlr, ' weak anet-lke fcrwdlM ,lr, r4 Mwimintlna. Wkn the allcb.! reietMM at trauma 4S felt In tho fangs yne keaia the see at It. Rnereee' Oerawe err,' at eaee. It la siaee MfwKlli . ta .-... .. kw tK4 atrenatHes the htnc. threat ana l'" nl.l tutx. Uwma Krne , a a aeTer- """ nw-4y fne anwiiaiDtix. ' Trial ' ht i, .v. aw imle, ijc at aU arafglata. member of th famoue New fork Yacht club.,l ta .America,. what the Roval Yacht club la to Great Britain, It marked the opening of the annual squadron cruise and from all Indications th outing tbla yr will eciipe any thin In the Mat. - ' While the cruise proper will not be gin until tomorrow, when th float will set und ar war for a run acroaa th sound to the old whaling port of Naw Ixmdon. the gathering la the Initial and all important atop In to a cruise, a meet ing lateethls afternoon on .board the flagship being on of . the important events. The program for th bruise this year'day and 4 e-re plat with features of great Interest to the yacma. men. In addition to the squadron runa and social events the yachts will take part In the Astor cup racea off Newport and the Eastera Yacht club regatta at Marblehead. .;' ' PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. CLCBS. fteattla TT55 .Ml .&.V1 .0)10 .8TJ r t OH 1 Portland ....t........ 0 I Oaalaa Oj 4 Baa KraiKlsee SI Lue Aagelea a tt - f W ku Koala Injured.. (joarasi special oerrioe.i . Seattle, Wash, Aug. 19. Seat Ua Wba again yesterday,;' In. th. first Inning Kid Mohler waa bit tn the temple by ev batted ball and tha upper portion -'Of hla a waa broken. Parka W'llaon had two -of his flngera dislocated.. The score: r-t r--T H. E. Seattle . ,'...... t 1 1 10 1 Ban Francisco . .0 1 1 1 0 0 I 4 BatteriesWheeler. Henley and Wil son and Shaa; Roach and Blankonshin. umpire rerrino. , . 4 - asssai Oaama-Xov Bnata. San rranclsoo. Aug. It. Taooma won tha gams ysaterday by tha poor deliv ery of three pitchers and tha game waa aa axhibluon of sand-lot base ball. (The score: . . . :'. 1.. Taroma,;.;;...lf 0Ii-l 15 I Oakland . S O S 1 1 711 11 Batteriea Brown and- riogan: rtogan. Pieroe. Schmidt and Stanley. Umplree-r- Mcuonald ana uray. ' , . . ..... - ' : f ? t- a V NATIONAL LEAGUE. v - : ' 'V"'V ' ; '-V '.-;:': Won. . Lost, New York . .......... 70 ' tt Pittsburg ; . l ST..' Philadelphia..'. M '41 Chicago .v ....... ( 41. Cincinnati . . . ...v... 4 St. -Louis , ....... , ..v. 1 6 Boston . , ...,11 10 ; 1 Brooklyn.. 10 1 . P.C. .707 .424 . .671 .620 .176 .120 .aot :r-:;-t At snttakmqr RJJLJE. Pittsburg .............1 7 , S Boston.. .,...6 0 4 Batteries Hlldebrand and Cariaoh; Toung and weeanam. umpire mem. Hntterles wickt ' sna ugeii; Ame, Mcuinmiy ana oresnaaan. i-nPre .... a ClaelaaatL . R. H.E. Cincinnati . ...... ,....1 II PhlladelDhia ...! T Batteries Chech and ScMei; Duggle pyand Abbott. uuipiiw'E.iu ': At a, lamia. ' R. H. St. Louis .- . . ..-. .'4 4 la Brooklyn 11 Batteries Mcrarland. Taylor and Orady; Bcanlon and Bergen, umplr Bauawlne. " AMERICAN LEAGUE. . " ' : Won. ' Lost. PC, Philadelphia ; i ... 64 11. I .617 Chicago", . 61 " II f; .671 Cieveland., .k..M...4 41 , .641 New York . . 4t 41 .62 .61 Boston . . ........,. .4 .' ' 41 v Detroit ,4 4S V; 4 Washinston 17 61 -.470 .41 8t Loula ,..,....... '11 40 . .166 .... R. H.K. Washington 4 t St. Louis . 11 11 -Batteries Hughes and Kittradge petty and KOtn. ' - J1MMY BRITT MUST , a - DECIDE TOMORROW Tomorrow Is the- last 'day left for Jimmy Brltt to decide whether or not he will accept tha offer made by James Cof froth to fight Battling". Kelson at Colma.. California. , - The failure of tha supervisors to award - a permit for -September plained. Cof froth, as led m to reopen my offer for a 60-round fight at Coloma. offer B"ltt and Nelson a purse of 120.000. with (10,000 added for tbe mov ing-picture privilege. It they.wlah to make totbor arrangements regarding the moving pictures, that can be arranged. If they wish to accept a percentage of tha recflnta lnatead of the purse, that raa also be arranged. , r will leave this offer open until Friday." My reason for not lesvlrg It open after tnat is mat i would havs to hold ths battls on Ad mission day.- Sptember-r-and-tf the match should be mde any later than Friday, I would not hav time to build tha open-air arena, i i s ... . ... . - AMATEUR OARSMEM TO .HOLD ANNUAL REGATTA '! 1 (Joamal gpadal ervlea.l 4 Baltimore. M4, Aug 10 -.-Prnmlnant oaramen f rom many points In the eastern atatea and Canada are hers to take part in the lid annual regatta or tna na tional Association 6f Amateur Oaramen. The races wUl be rowed tomorrow and Saturday upon the , watera of spring Gardens, a branch of tha Patapsco river, ths course, which -has been laid off by one of ths cfty s snrveyors, giv Ing a practically straight mils ana a. half and what is said to be tha beat , course in the country-for ths longer, racea. Tha Spring Gardens have little tlds or current and high banke on both , aides give protection from wind and fin ventage ground -for spectators. All In dications points to ons of the most sue- cessful regalias ever held Under ths aus ploes of the Nat (anal association. . - HORSE OWNERS MAY f . HAVE MATINEE MEET, ' An effort is te he mad by th horU ,, men-of Irvlngton track to give a Satur, . 44aywalliif in an endeavor to raiw money to help pay their fead bills. II Is understood that, tha Multnomah Fait association will ; donate t;4. Art,.. planned, the horsemen will parade some of ths beat horses down, town to juice. tine the affair. Th first of tlwse will he on Friday noon and again, oa Ba tar da y morning. , . , , - . ' y rcorjTir.uESDuivn;G "J. (Jlsaraal Spsttal Serrlo.i ' Buffalo. N. Y- Aug. Although l Jured In a preceding rac by his horse kicking and . breaking tha suiay. m Oeer. an old-thm' driver, got In the gig and drove Tui ley t victory In the 1:11 trot.- Oeer received an. ovation." Ka- sults: . . V ?, T-. r , ' I:0 trot, purse ll.oo. three hats-r Snyder McGregor won firat and third ht. in i-oh and ':0U. Norman won second heat In 1:05. Direct "View was third. Topsey and Lana also started. I:4 pace, purse $1,600, three heata Looanda won first and aeeond heata In 1:01 and S:05. Anldroals won third heat tit l.llti. .. Nervolo waa third. Bell M., Hasel Patch, King Direct and Nathan Strauss alNO started. - - ' 8:11 trot.svurse 11,000. three" heats Turley wonwsecond nd third heats In l:MM and S:0. Joe Caldwell won first heat in 1:09. Robert Me third. Lady Oall Hamilton, Major Qreer, Nora Mo Kinney ' and 'Millard Saunders also sUrted. . t:lT pace, purte 11000 Bollvkr won second heat in J :0 H. - -Charlie Patch won third heat In 2:01. Hal T. won first hest In z:0H. Captain Derby. F. J. Park, Black Patchen. Bonnie Wilkes.. Albula and Red Nightingale also started.. Saratoga.' N. Y; Aug. 10. Results of yesterday's racing: J . , ' 'Five and ana half . furlongs A vlson won, Blvouao second, Ruth tnirdt time. Steeplechase, gentlemea .riders. ..short courseJim Newmsn won. Preagrava second. Punctual third; time, ;t uraud union Hotal stakes, six fur longs Battls Axe won. Bandy D. second, Jerry Wernberger third t une,4 :!. una mile and three sixteenths Wire Ten won, Bragg second. Oarsman third; time,-,!:!. 1-k. .' ; . r i Ona tnlleLoretta M. won. Ascot Bell second. Our Sister third; time, 1:41. , 'Seven furlonaa Pat Ruls-er. ' Wnn Oraalallo ' aeeond. Councilman third: time. i:it. t-i Actlng President W. H. McCredla has Issued the following call for a- msatlng of ths . dlreetora of the .paclfio -Coast league to held :n this city cn ths twenty-fourth day of this month: "By request Of several members of ths board, a meeting of the directors fit inoi racirio tjoaat Baseball league is hereby called for Thursday at 10 aTnu August 14, t06, at Portland, . Oregon, at We office - of Attorney George S. Shepherd, 110 - Marauam building, to tranasct any business pertaining to the first season of 101 Just closed br the second season-Just Inaugurated, and. to consider the question of a renewal of tha agreement for tha continuance of the present league, and to transact any and all business of tha league that may be brought beforflt,, J JruziMlptTte bers will "find .It convenient to be pres ent at the .meeting, and assuring you that Portland will be pleased wtth your attendance,.! remain. ,y ,y .i i'. v Jlmmle St Vraln, who waa a rattling good bltcher a few years ago. and who was with the Portland team at ths first nf 1M ir-f tn( nas tx been." He haa a position with the electric - light company of Mexico, Missouri, as electrician and will pitch for ths. amateur team of that town. With yesterday's lineup there Is net a atrfiDetteauu,lu ibe ilfJsW!t leasue than Portland.-. From aaw oa ary team that beata Portland will have 19 play . remarkable balLH Vaa Buren's catch ' of Dillon's liner wss tha most difficult phty aocom, pllshed on, ths home grounds Jn many moons, i Its' 4 i v S it Mike v Mitchell'! selected a choice one and lifted ft over -right field fenca for a horns run. Mika got yia glad band, e . e J Dllloc . Insisted tbatf Schlafly Inter fered with Gray at the plate In the eighth Inning. For not agreeing with the decision "Slats" ordered him to ths woods.' . ' ' . ' : ' ; '" ' f e e . ,, - Everybody would forgive Van Butea now if he -would Bend hla trousers te the laundry. . Van is ons of the tidiest men On the team and soiled pantalettes do not add to his general maaeup. FOOTBALL RULES WILL SUFFER SLIGHT CHANGE There -will be . practically no changes of Importance In the football rules for tha coming aeaaoav Ths official rules, which have been published, show that tha changes In' tha language of tha commutes for tha most part bear upon tha ' more strict interpretation rather than anything that will affect the de tail of ths play itself.- Thla Is amply borne out by a perusal of tha rules cor rected to date.r. Yet It cannot be aald that no advance waa made. Many minor details have . been 'strengthened ' and oolnts made clearer for both ' players and officers of ths game. Probably the most important work of tha committee was the Incorporation of a notice in Rule 10, following clause C, which states that order to prevent the prevalent stealing of the ball the referee shall blow his' whistle immediately when the forward progress of the ball haa been atnnned." : - ,.-! This action waa"taken"bwlriir'to"ths Increasing tendency among players to struggls or the possession of the ball after the runner had been stopped, and if properly enforced by tha referee at big games will go far toward relieving the play of undesirable spectacles. It can be aa)d also that an equally rigid enforcement of other sections of the playing rules will do much toward re mining Ilia Just fsuas for a demand for ohangeav.4n. ths styls of play that ore vailed In 1104.r- Another change ..of conslderabls Im portance is that which legislates against players who mads it a point to be out GOING-1 Ketpiela VIU Save It. BerstsMe HI G-O N&WliliO'SilHER.PIGIDE. - ' Tk OBZwiarAX) i amity that "kills the SMadimaT mmrn." DIWTT KNOW IT WAS LOADED h 7,. Meet yeaag M1U-.t ksew tast rselr sealpa ar. W.14 Will. aileroMe attiwut emu ta. as kce waralafS f iln aad f.lllns ktr. asseran; ItcMnf sat tse dlsesTwy of tse onlruri grn re' lc!lae.h IEIPICniECO.,si..BetrH.MkV,far auaalt If , This Had Happaied in San Francisco In fisteid of ia Pcitlaai, -IIoreThanOneReaiF er Might DooM It. Tha average man fa' a doubter This ta not surprising ths public have been humbugged ao frequently they are scep tical. Proof like the following will stand inveatlgatlon. It cannot be dis puted. .' . George Rotter, -who ta employed with ia Orea-oa Railroad aVNavlgalloa Co., and restdea at 2l .Second street, says: I had mora or leas trouble with my kldnevs for a vear or more. Mv back bothered ma with aore, irritating pain. Doan'a Kidney Pills were recommended to ma and I got a dox. i commenced 10 uss them a directed and to my surprise whaa I had' taken about half the box the pain left my -back. Every kidney sufferer aliould know about Doan's Kid- For sals b'v all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foatar-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N.T.sole aajents for .tha United Btatas.- , i Remember tha name DO AN 8 and take no other. r . of bounds whan tha ball is put in play. Another 'bear feature - Is theTflaertlon of tha words ."other than the anapper. back," In rule 0, clauae D, - which now reads:") "If any' player of the aide ta possession of ths ball other than the snapper-back madea any deliberate at tempt, by , a,, false strt-or -otherwlaa, to draw the .opponents offside, ths ball. If then anapped.' shall, not be regarded as In play nor the scrimmage aa begun. . As -an said to a cleaner and faster game legislation haa been aimed at vio lations of tha rules regarding tha put. ting In of a, aubatttute - and coaching from tha aide lines. ' In tha case of the latter a team whose coach,' substltuts or others' Interested give instructions br suggeBtlons from tha aids lines will be. penalised 10 yards Instead of the five yarda of last year. -' .';, ' .; Tha rule relating to ths substitution of ona 'player far another this season contains a note to tha effect that the Incoming player or substitute must re port to tha refers before lining up with his team. ' In. order to make definite what a cap. tain might request In tha way of the giving of time, a not haa' been ap pended tV th rule which atatee that the llneamaa ahall notify the captain . of tha time remaining to play not more va-aalnutea for th end of each, half, to the affect that there la no objection to, th llneaH man giving, th approximate time to the captain who- asks for k any time during th gam. " He may not, however,' be asked for this time more than, three I times within th last five minutes of ths half. ' - ' ' '.. SMITH WILL EDUCATE WHITMAN PIGSKINNERS fgaaalal Blasstah to Ta JsetaaH ' Walla Walla. Waahw Aug. 10. Ev- eeett J. Smith, at graduate of thwUnrver slty of Indiana, and forth past year physical instructor In th Culver Mili tary academy at Culver, Indiana, . has beea engaged aa phyalcaX director and coach at Whitman . collage for next year. .. . , ,, - - CLATSOP BEACH CHARMS Ant Delights Thonaandg of Tourists ....... Dail. 14 Season tickets $4 On sal every day. r 11.60 Two-day tickets 1 1.1 0. " ' On sale Saturday only.1 " "" '-" Through train leavea Union depot a. m. dally and every Saturday at 1:10 p. m. No delays, no transfers, no dust. See C. A. -Stewart, agent 141 Alder street, about tickets, official lnforma tlojn, tims cards, etc., and ask for Clat sob Beech Sduvenlr, containing 10 beau tiful halftone Illustrations. Tickets sold at Valon depot. , . . .. Low Excursion Ratea to the East. On aafs August 14, II. 14 and 15 also September 10 and IT, th Rock Island railway wilt- sell "round trip tlcketrto eastera points at greatly re duced rates. For lull particulars call en or addreaa A. H. McDonald, general agent, 140 Third street. Portland, Ore gon. ' SECURING RIGHT OF WAY?7 xF0R COOS BAY RAILROAD ' iSperUI DlMMteS ts Tke leeraaLI Drain, Or.,' Aug.-10. The surveyors who are making th permanent urvy for the Drain and coast line hav about finished th work in town and are now running ' the line west snd hav com pleted about two miles' of ". th work. Right of Way Agent Mler la hers snd haa eommenoed the- work of securing the right of. way for th road. There la great rejoicing among th people on -the rout of - th new -Una Real eetate la advancing In pries and numerous sales reported. ' It Is confi dently expected that grading will com mence here In leas than 00 days. $ STsn-aiilrt aa WeiMTIsana i f" (Special Dispatch te Tbe Joaraai.) Pendleton, Or.,' Aug. 10. A number of casea of Jtypnold fever ar now re ported in this city and M-1 underatood. that there are several esses at tu noa pltal. Within th past few days several harvest hands have become ill with typhod and hav been brought to the city. , iMG. it gone: in. gave It, Tea bu far KsrelaUt. 1,1 ..1. 4tM.a tit AmmArnti Ml falllns ksle ftad aentoets ta eralp as.inat ernslsa. Jl Stnp. Itrkl'ng Inatanltr. - Its laiaMas. aov. II Urltr srM Ita cnndiMea. fare xent baat " wane -ftrn asra ta save. iUaeiUUaoli La.o.aiJu POKJTED OUT Walla Walla Chirrs Cow Strt May result in Removing FACTORY T0 PCrrTLAN 2 'Y .'; ' ."r M Spokan Enabled to Ship to Interior Points at Lower Rates Than Local Merchants tiy Merchants .Recep tion to Members. . . . -4 .to - , (Bpealal Dlapeteh to las JoaraaL) Walla Walla. Wash.. Aug. . 10. Tw specif to Instancsg of unjust freight rates that Walla Walla dealers, ar compelled to pay wersv. pointed out to th state railway commission, which met " with Walla Walla merchants and shipper yeaterday. B. C Holt.' manager bf the Walla Walla branch of ths Hoi V-Manufacturing company of Stockton. Call fornla, submitted figures showing that his eompany could ship parts and extras from its factory to 'Spqkane. cheaper than 'it could ship from Stockton to Walla ' Walla and then reahip to Spo kane or any part-of the upper coun try. ' Mr. Holt" stated that ' If more .equal ratea could not be aecured through the ' efforts jpt tha atat railway commlasloa his eompany was contemplating tna re moval of Its "sundry and part" business from Stockton to Portland. '. Harry B. Strong, manager of tha G. H. -Sutherland 'eompany, plumbers and contractors, : submitted figures showing that Walla Walla was unjustly treated in th matter of freight ratea on pip. Th rat par 100 pounds in carload lots from eastern point la 11.11. while ths local rat to points within a radlua of 60 miles Of Walla Walla la 11 cents per 100 pounds, making a total rats of 11.47. Spokane pays the same eastern rats of 11.11, but gets a local rats out of that city of 11 cents per 100, which make It unposarbl for ths Sutherland com pany to cdmpet with Spokane plumber for business In th affected territory. While yesterday's conference was Only an t Informal meeting of ths shippers and dealers of Walla Walla with th naw railway-commission, a great many mat ters pertaining to railroad matters were brought up and discussed. Two -mem- bers of th commission. Chairman Fair child and J. & McMillan, war present They were accompanied by Secretary If".. A th. Wall. Walla eliilt last night a public .reception was ten dered the party and waa largely at tended by-promlnent business men and shippers th city. . agTju Bngaat sad Bstain, SST.SO. On August 14 and 16 the Great North ern railway will aell excursion ticket tt Bsffnlii aart return at rata,nf 117 60 Ifor th round trip, tickets good, via Ureal norxnern railway, raiurning same or any - direct rout, stopovers allowed on return trip; limit' to days saat of Chicago, 00 day west.. For. additional Information call on or fddress VL Dick- DTGRaNOE ELKS CODING' MiTOTAKW EXPOSITION jr IBpsrlal Mapatck t Tse leeraaL) La Orande, Or.. - Aug. 10. Elks' day at the t Lwts and. f Clark fair will be well rpreantd from tat O rands. By persistent efforts a rat -of It for th round trip -from her, good' for seven days has been secured over th O. B, aV N. Those In charge of -the excursion now predict that there will be at least three ear loaded' with 'people from I. Orande. Great lntereat is being showa and very one Is looking 'forward to a folly good time August 14. IHotlH SIG. SICHELQ CO. St nird BTarses, ' SIsMVatscs ' ON SALS KVZRTWHEftaL ' hi a tlinute, Please Do you raalls th vast importanc of a thorough commercial training? If so, why do you delay In sending yogr son or daughter to our up-to-date buslnsss col lege 7 we one Bookkeeping and We offer complete course In stenography, Beh tike- Walker Business College Sixth and Korrlaou Sts Fortlaad, Or, "Open all the year, day and night can or seno ror cataiogua Hilt Military Academy HILL - Military SB. 1. H - ' . Frlnclpal. A Privat " ' aal HearaiDg Sebool to Bora. M.mal Traio Inc. . Military Mart- aline. Col leas Fres- aratloa. Iars.t an4 kiftleat asiMtlene of voeth ea ennrssed .and aevetepeeV Beja at any as admin at any UM, Fan Term Oyeaa Bept. at, ' -an. for tllostrated eatalncae, ennulalnc . rail latocaMUoB, tenia, ete. Aedreei , Hlli MMtmiy Academy POBTLAKn. OREOO. Every IVcnn alhasseatad sad saeaM kaew - MAbTVTL'w klrtaTlgray Tke . VatM )!. . anaM Aaffina. Ileal Saf. OSV- nH Ii rise enssliA a. a. If be flannolsaretv the oihr. but ami Hum llluatniled bnnamM. ft t"e fall partlnlan and ,ltrertmi,a l. Tl,i.h4l"l,llr. Bf tVl. f 9., a. ess sr.. iiw iii-a. f I fTtt Havana Cisaiis, A J ft a.v. 1 PfJWlre)oH. VX-' roa iui ux wooda, clasju a 00, 3 a- UJ.L , I ' '. '' ' cr '. ; 3 ? - . r . ..:...,." e j' jj'i : u:"V ROBiNSON to GO. MOTCL, PCRKIfNO OU1L.OIISQ'. . T- . . Go rag Listen: v When you reach Ojden you can f 6 aboard a through Standard or Tourist Pullman, running via Rock Island System Jy Way of the Scenic ' Route through Colorado, thence to Kansas City, St, Louis or Chicago. Rock ' Island Tourist sleepers seem "lifce home" in their completely comfortable and rest ful atmosphere. They are aa neat atwax, are manned by Pullman conductors and porters and. in addition to. this, they arti la charge of a Rock Island excursion manager , r ' The Rock Island haa three Eastern gatewaya ChicagbKansaa City and St. Louis. Direct connection In Union Stations at all three, for all Y. important points In Eastern and Southern states. laad fag out folder "Acroaa the CtmtJnant fat a Toartet Bjpins; Car and aak aU the quaatioaa jrou like. : .. ' ' . - i ftri.r rrrr7w-sr t rrz r-r- - i i,,-. i xt 1 1. r r. 1 1 ' j -J jb . aw ii ii 11 t. nm ., I ' .aSsr-Vasssr- m 1 a m . -sas. - a vga earn ar . WWW- P A eta af Acorn Vagae) and latpbaant faf sfcoaki be aa baporiaBt pert of ts aqaipraaM la erary enable, Mates waetai antf topttamaia aplct- r''.'AB aamtlara eesort.' .T-t. r --..,'; tttaSasrwWriWMiai'riaaaM.aa.-v A!" ' " " ,tk' ,;..' Ammjrna.ljfcik3ftrWJ ,..:,..., .... .-,. '.. - r.."- - 4..--M :. ' For Sale oy New Era Faint 208-210 Front St xomi Ajrs masoBva. in ujpsaua stb Ovpoatt arsta-XatraBoe to Jw1a and . Cuack autpoaitioa. , , . Only ' absolutely fireproof ' hotel ad iolnlng grounds, equipped with elecrte ielephonlo and special telephonlo com munications for patrons. Uniformed porters and bellboys at all hours at guasta aervlee, -. .c x -, . .,"' .,..('.' .:. -" ;. 1130 JEleofit Ropasl. Open fpf Guests ? BAtXS 9UM A BAT AJRt W. .' A , W. H. XATTIK. Osnsral Maaagssv , PALACE MOTEL I n n xl 3 Whether he goesfcr land of sea. the traveler will And It a delightful trip to San Franclaco. wber he should atop at tbe, world-famed Palace Ilctel A. and enjoy It many attrac tive feat urea For fuller information write to th Palace, or see ; ; . a irassx" at th Portland ' Informs. tlon and Booking Ageaoy, Motel Portland. .., . . - najLoi-i asvnvd I a Handsomely furnished, o;ulppd with every modern convenience, n direct rear line t exposition and depots; Ave minute' walk to shopping snd business districts; : sll outside rooms, light and airy. F.lertrle and.gaa llghtad, hatha Ratea 11 to tile per day, for two persons, including batha . T ; 309 JcMcrtcn Street Near City Hall. Phone Black 1111. -; - '.jr.-n- st -isjai ,wifr. 0 ssCVasV-v ; when youf Straw Hat 13 dingy and a docs not tit'. in-vviwi-yvuiync .gcc rig". 1 A : 1 ' In all proper'shapes and colors r here In rafSc!?nt variety to- harmonire with 'every face. ) 75p y5, $3 . - ' - ' rr.A. h. Mcdonald,-:-. 1 Oeoeral Afent, Rock Island Srstsin, " tfs W 14a Third Street, PorUasd, Ore. -T ement Paint i'3. t'l lt ,.. .. ,,; f -; taa vtrcisn to. SOTJU An msaoBTaV, Clatsop Beach, Seaside, Or. ''. ' Flneat summer resort In Oregon. Tk3 only Tiolel on the beach overlooking th ocean. Sea foods a specialty. Tha hotel haa , been rebuilt and newly furnished. Hot salt baths. Fin surf bathing dl-. rectly in front of th botet Strlotly flrat-claaa , American plan. For terms and rrvattona . addreaa DAM . J. MOORB. proprietor. . ' :";, ... Hotel Eaton . Ooraec KanUas sad West arh Btasata. ... ' ftaameOMly faralabed, elegaatlr aaelpsii. reproof, lea Btnataa walk fresi eaart ef abopping ssd boslaasa dlahiet, all lanra, airy, eatsMe raeaaa, steasi ksatad. elattrW llfiita, t.leaaeee la eaeh apart anat eta, Lars efseca, toanainf. satokia. wrMa ladles vcsptlo parlora Bneaia isil ial hp axil er t.l.peoa,, . Private sauilVaa aMata toalss aad Roomi $I.OO to fS.OO a Day paelal Sates to Commercial Mav ". Kir HAS XATOaT. ' V" rrarSMrtf ; e Betel fteepata.. pakaaa.j HOTEL SALTAIR Oemsrtrtll,MortTt da. Commands fins view of tha ocean. -Ckol Ashing. Excellent watrv .Home eooking. - l. lah s.rvad dally. k , ) , r Sot paftleulara address L ' ... ....... . . .. 1gl jvinn . liOng Beach. P. .O.t Washington. . Hotel Hldore teavea Oregon City dally, except Sun". . day, at 0:10 a, ni. Far If. 60. Oregon ' City offlr next door te Oregoa Water. Power Cow'a depot, . . ',- .-: ;- . i t .T aiansaa, ' ... '.'' .(,.,