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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1905)
..JC: .JZ D'.ll'V IZZllZX" TZTTLAITD, WEDNESDAY CVENIKOi AUGUST " 9, 1S53.L " r ,EU VUaon'( the Lyric Theatre V"d her dog Pf ops who is rt - r . welie.i,wlvwUwUUwe.Uw V sponsible for a dittretalnf ' seek & state m. ..". i nt tojho actress. ; , ,Vl . yiv. c-: 953 v, t ; fa ( d r : EUREKA :V i" HELP THE r E Suit of Stockholders on Grounds V joff" Misrepresentation De- , - '.. velops ReaJ Facts: ' ' EARLY WORK WAS BESET '! " ( WITH DIFFICULTIES Company Operatinf--fai-Wallowa - . . County Hal Loat Became of the Isolation of 1 the Camp, But Hat ' ' . Good Copper-Bearing Veins, . ttsitch to Tt JoursaL) : ' ', t Lewlaton, Idaho, Aux 9 AlCEoTIln , not until the process of litigation has . alowly unfolded,"- the present' troubles - of the Eureka "Mining ft Smelttna; com : . any are expected to brine about better ' conditions at the Orea-oa property owned by this company." The suit of number at ' shareholders to recover what they paid for atopk, en the ground that mls- rprsrfniiibBi" wpra'"iwta. "is1, ttavini1 the effect ot brlnslne to llaht the real . merits of the copper (roup. '' Ezamlna tlons madefy .competent experts are ' said to - show that . the ore veins are - strong, and when development is pros- eiuted aknc proptllneswUl remuner ate the owners. : 1 The ' Eureka ' company "has ' been ' en "deairoHne to make a property produce ' before It was developed' 'Boon - after ' the adits were started on the veins, ar rangements were made' for a reduction plant; which ws-of the calcining and lcaehlng -order. - After spending consld- '' - reble money on the ear,ly work of this i. ytant, work was suspended, and tne i'yit remains incomplete; it is binder .'od to - have been pronounced poorly adapted" to the Work contemplated. The power plant Installed was damaged by fire, and the management dM not think It worth while to make the necessary . .k repairs for a period, and much of the work done since has been by hand.. . - In addition to" these troubles, trsns . . portatlon has been a serious problem. . (The Eureka company was one of the fteavlest stockholders-in the oompany " which constructed the little sieamboat Imnaha and- lost when this craft went on the rocks at "Wild Goose rapids.- The - company also took stock in the work of building the -Mountain Oem, which "'is , " now on the river run, but after the ,. veasel was finished It was' found thst . . Infrequent trips only sre possible, and .'Eureka gets little relief from -this - source. The 10-mile .wagon .road built up the Imnaha td Wallowa valley was , also shared in by the mining eompany, - The early effort to haul machinery over- " land through Wallowa proved costly and " " practically futile. ,.' . ; ' With all the difficulties of extreme . Isolation besetting the company, it has ;.. been given poor opportunity for devel- oping its -mines, and the litigation ap ' . pears to have the effect of showing that the properties hsve merit,, while ' the ". early work has been very unaat!sfac i " tory. ' The government will' expend a ' good portion of the tit. 000 approprla , tlon for clearing the channel between Jewiaton and Eureka this summer, and ' it Is believed' that better communica tion will have been: established, with the outside world. ' CROSSCUT A BIG VEIN. Blaekjaek Twusel Attains Ieagth ". ox Twelve Xuadred Vest If ear Granite. , (BpaeUI The JoaraaL) ' Orenite, Orv Aug. 9. It has been Im possible to drift on the main vein cut last week ' In the Blackjack crosscut, owing to the heavy-flow of water. . The vein proper was 10 feet between walls, and It inches carried high values. -r The tunnel Intersected the vein - 1,210 feet from the portal, at a vertical depth of between S00 and 700 f eet - When the ground has drained for period it will be possible to continue drifting on the ore, which '-will be done at once, by Superintendent Sheedy. - The property is owned by the Blackjack Gold Mining company of Lincoln, Nebraska. ' : . READY TO BEGIN WORK. Biff Balaklala Satelte Will Be Brected Bear Xeaaett, OaUfonia, , -Spll PiffUa-U The Jorail ) I Kahnett. Cal, Aug. . Work will commence here soon, on the big smelt- I'TT I J ' " 1 1 1 1 1' ' n f hi Frlnltlali snmpinT The site chosen la within a quarter or a mile of the Mammoth smelter, which Is almost finished. The Balaklala com pany, which is understood to be under the guidance of W.. H. Brevoort. princi pal owner ' of the ' Greenback mine In Josephine county, purcbssed the equip ment. of the big White Knob plant,-at i.Hn will nrobab move-meat of it to the" CatlfornTa prop erty. Assurance' la given that tills will be the largeat smelter 'in California when Ittf completed.. ' . You soar to the skies on the Ferris Wheel, Glide swiftly down the Chutes, ; Like llshtnlnsr fly on the Miniature Train, : Slide gracefully down the Bumps. You laugh, y.ou yell In the Oallery of : Olass, --- ; Qet lost In theMystlc Maze, Whirl 'round wld de kids on the Merry 'Go-Round, ; r In the Pavilion dance till you're dazed At the Geisha's Palace take sips of tea,' ; , While D'Urbano thrills with his band, And you bathe and. swim In the pool so clear, ;' "' "mirinthe-Mld-Alr-SlIde-you-returnV s S) t e0 V 1 sTsoi & & And then you go down to the "Oaks Tavern" withcuisine . unsurpassed and fake a dinner that is "Fit for the Gods." sf You end up youf day's enjoyment by taking the O. W CS ;S P. Ry. Co. electric car back to Portland for only five cents. And remember, it costs but 10c to the grounds; children 5c ? IININCLNQTES i7 j., - (Special 'Dispatch to The Waal.) .Victoria, B. C Aug. . A large de posit of trlpoli or rotten stonef which has been located near Port Renfrew on the west cot of Vancouver island. Is to be worked by a company In this city for the manufacture . of a variety of metal polshes and inks. The headquar- tera or the company will ne in Victoria. Two factories will be built, one at Port Renfrew and the other at Seattle. Tne latter will be-utilised In" turning out the product which will be used In the united States, while the Canadian sup ply will be met from the output from the other works.' . - - - , R. A Marr. prominent ' In eastern Oregon mining circles, and with mining Interests covering a more extended por tion or the west, is at the Imperial. J. N. Qruhl.of Milwaukee, who la connected with the Standard Consoli dated Mining company, operating In Grant county, has come to Portland for a short stay,' and while 'here will have charge of the Standards big cobalt gold-copper exhibit at the fair. TB. H. Armstrong, In chsrge of the E. E. mine laboratory at Bourne, Ore gon, la visiting the fair and awaiting the arrival or hia parenta from the east. I : , , ; . low Bzoarsloa Bates Bast. -, . On August 14, IS and September If, If. the Great Northern railway will sell excursion tickets to Chicsgo and return for 71.t0: 8L Louis and return. t7.$0; St Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth and return. 0; tlcketa good for going pas sage for 10 days; final return limit, (0 days; good going via Great Northern railway, returning- same or any direct route, stopovers allowed going and re turning.- For' tickets and additional- In' formation call on or address H. Dickson, C P." and T. A., Great Northern Ry, irt Third street. Portland. . . T. Cert',;'?u, Who Is Said to B Near a Nervous Break-Down. OP ?M S. f -r- r j , . . i :-. r " -'"I. - ' ' ' ' ' - ,.,. .. , . ' -, , , "7 i i f r ' i m mi i hi f i i ii ii i ... i i4 ti -e t-t . . r - i n i . . ooprnn tt mm -mm- And Gorgeous: TworThousa Dollar Nightly Display of PaW Beacti Firework Five Acres of Scenery 400 Performers -100 Artists fjonster Amphitheatre to Seat 10,000 People ICO pfflcs by Trolley: for One Doflar Personalljr Conducted " Leave First and' Alder Streets J every day except Sunday at 9:40 ' tu. nx; return at 4:30 p. to, with ; two hours for lunch at the Esta- ' ' cada Hotel on the Clackamas ' River. - "' ' . v; X - wet 5?'; S?'.: ,, " . e i -s -- a i CHINESE BOYCOTT 18 III FORCE Native Merchant Sign Quaintly Written Agreement Not to ; "Handle"AmencaWt36od " , THOSE WHO DISOBEY ARE CALLED THE WICKEDS People Urf ed Not to Patronise Them, and Patriotic Mongols Will vNot Allow Them to Make Love to Al mond-Ejed Daughters. : The Jfeng Chlng, Chinese literary society, with headquarters at Shanghai, has openly espoused, the Chinese boy cott ' against American goods, and Is pushlngthe movement among ell classes. It Is directing a-campaign particularly against local Chinese mer chant who dear In or, Import Ameri can products. The people are urged not to patronise them In any manner, ' nor allow marriage of sons or daughters with their families. United etstes - Consul Oracey. sta tioned st Foochou. has sent to the etste department at Washington e copy ef a circular and resolutions adopted by the society, which Is spreading Its litera ture through the empire and organis ing gntlda to further the boycott. - Thie wae originated by the ruklen and Kwnf Tung-merchant guilds of Shanghai, at a meeting held May IS. ' The circular which has just resched this, country1 sets forth -their position, and what they regard as abuses prac ticed against .their countrymen ' under the American excluaion lawa. Consul Oracey" wrltee that all classes of Chinees are excited over the movement, - and many stories are told to Inflame the Chinese mind against everything Ameri can. One recently circulated rumor was to the effect tnat J00 Chinese laborers had been -beheaded- in America. He eays these and similar stories sre rspldly gslning ground.. The Chinese are In tensely In earnest In their opposition to American products and native mer chants snd consumers who continue to use them will be ostracised. Thsy Baaolva ta Xaveertlgata. The following resolutions have been adopted by the literary society: " "1. To Investigate all about Ameri can gooda In general . Imported Into China.' ' """I. To Investigate aalea of American kerosene oil In China. "I. To use efforts to secure support of impartial and reasonsble editors In the United Btetes. - ' -4. To establish a public room for exposition ef .American gcods. ' , "i. To Investigate American cloth sent to China. ". To use efforts wltt America! misslone which sre In fsvor of justice. - "7. To use efforts with local gov ernment for cancellation of ssld treaty. . To -Investigate American gooda which are sent to China by the most powerful laboring party. ' "a." To Investigate-what treaty ports of China at which American ships are usually anchored and through which American goods are landed. . "10. To advlae laboring classes et wharves to demand more wages when they are hired to dlschsrge American CASTOR I A ' . To Iafaata and Children. Th KhiYca KariAIis js l:z$ Bear the &l&beture oi "11. To find out Wicked native tradesmen' who may in the future se cretly deal In American goods. "11. To Investigate who have been dealing In American gooda and alo namea of such 'hongs.' -"11. - To persuade people not to mtVi acquaintance . with or to marry their children to those dealing In 'American goods. Ths proposer himself has de 'otded to cease friendly relations .with those who after their attention has been called to this resolution msy again be .daallng-Jn amarlrsn goods, and haaJaQ promises not to marry hia children ta the wlckeds. "It. To carry out ths above reaolu tlons whenever he can' seise an oppor tunlty." . " It was derided also to ask the aid ef literary1 persons in Chins, who would be ssked to write essays snd articles for the papers on the subject, "Whst Steps Xhould Be- Taken Agalnit the Extradl tlon Lawa of the United States?" The Boycott Agreement. Chlneae merchants are signing the fol lowing sgreementi . "1. To . UP consuming American goods- "" ' "8. To stop ordering American goods or withdraw orders for same. . "I. It American goods are stopped, native products will have a considerably Increased demand in the market. '-"a; Merchants and - commonrTpeople have perfect tights to msice aoove reso lution. This Is not a matter Dec ween two aovernments. . A resolution which forbids Chi nese to employ Americans may be tem porarily withdrawn lest it give rise to 4 These two words, Schilling's Best, are perfect assurance pi getting your money'a-worth. Aiseaigieear'it snsijlinV discussion ; between the two govern ments. "8. Native aervanta in employ ef Americana In China shall demand more wages. - "7. After-action being taken, we ex pect to withdraw the prlvllegee that have been blindly given to the He-Halng company for rallwarbull.(Jljpg. '. . The action to be taken may be what the whole world Is eagerly en gaged In -watching a center at which all Itnee shall meet. Thla greatly con cerns ths power of our nation, and we must therefore engage ouraeivea faith- ranynrfonrtegThfiinr tr&r. THOUGHT MARRIAGE LICENSE .. VMS VEDDIKG EKOUGH Oakland Couple Assumed Matri monial Relations Upon Get- ting Permit to Unite. (Special Dtipetcs to The Joernal.) ' Oakland, CaLv Aug. t. -After having lived together "as man and wife nearly a year and a half with nothing; but a marriage license to unite them, Erneat Schmidt and . Anna B. Meyer. learned to their dtamay that a marriage cere mony wae necessary for them to legally aaaume matrimonial relations. A new marriage license was accordingly ob- lalned and they will be united la mar riage today by Justice et the Peace R. B. Tappen. ' Thinking there waa nothing else to do In. the ws"y of formaJttlee efter the 11 cense waa' aecared.- the pair beaaa housekeeping end a child was born -to them. From the Alameda County Build ing snd Loan ssooclatlon they borrowed ij.ono ana nuuu-a home In East oak land.. Saturday C. C. Valberg. presi dent of the loan, association, asked to see the marriage certificate ef the pair. They showed him the license, but there v - 1 rt ctrtlneate. . They ssld lier t I a r -eTiony wss I -I t.te ' l , THE Canadian Banlt of Commerce xC-plialJrSjooo. Reserve $3,500,000 Portland. Branch. 144. Waahlngten. "tB. A. WTLD, Manager. kelerv letters &M: Available la all parts ef the world - Ill branches in Canada and the United States, Including: San Francisco, Seattle. Victoria, Van-; couver, Kaaalme, Naw Westmins ter, Dawsoa (Tukoo). . Drafts Issued on ; ; . . ...... - "anv Braacli V Transfers ef money Co or from any part of Canada by letter er . telegram. t- , A General Banking Business Trcnszct" HJ. a home s- t heoa" a f or . 2 . r