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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1905)
l .:lv jauzirAL. rcr.TLA::D, vzd:.T2d.v cvi:::n;a, A "august-. i::x ' ; r 'i Ui t 7? J 1 I with every Dollar's vvcrthofhuciren'G Stockings sold we give :;a ticket Absolutely fREE A Simile Willi a DiviTerence As he was riding up to Wellesley college one Sunday morning in the late spring when he was due to preach there,' Biahop Lawrence espied a small boy trotting along with fishing rod and tackle in hit hand. - Telling the driver to'stop he leaned out of his carriage and called: "Little boy t Little boy!" "Yes, sir?" the urchin an swered. "Do you know where little boys go who go fishing on Sunday?" .Yes, air.? They go up the Charles here about a mile, near the Cheney place." If you should ask some of Portland's youngsters where boys and girls go who buy their Shoes and Stockings at OLDS, WORTMAN & KING'S, they would quick ly tell you that they go up to the "OAKS," with all expenses paid by this progressive house outfitters to Young America and all mankind. If you doubt this statement--ask some youngster.. The elders are reminded that new bargains are cropping out every day , during the great' August sales, just run.ypur eye thro the store announcements dally, if you don't see a mention of what you have in mind just run down to the store yourself and ask for it. ; You'll besurprised at how little you'll be asked to pay for what you need. We haven't room 'on this pageto mention 4 hundredth part of the really amaxing values that await a meeting ithyoainTersonr A hint of what you may expect to read on the price tickets scat tered thro the store is listed below; Ready Thursday morning. Black and Summer Silfrs BETTER THAN GOOD VALUES, r THESE . SPLENDID ; - STAPLE DRESS GOODS UNDBRPRICED. , The. Fabric Salesrooms" Fifth Street Annex First Floor. There's more Or less missing from the usual prices of these black silks as well as from the more "seasonable" stuffs.-This is jrery out-of-the-ordjnary news whenever we can tell it, fqr black silks are staple fabrics, good the year 'round ; and prices seldom vary. One buys a dress pattern (when there's-iess than usual to pay) to lay aside if not needed at present, for a'Black Silk is a safe invest ment a good one, that is.- These today are thesstandard quali ties and makes that we sell year in and year out The summery silks and the dress goods are equally wanted and parallel values. fcAQK TAFFETAS. .: ' ; . - -Warrante4fndpe once v-; -- r 5--w. .;..-:....," 21 inches wide ; our $1.00 value. Special at; the yard. . . . . 23 inches wide; our $1.10 value. "Special at, the yard:'.'... 2? inches wide ; our $1.25 valuer Special at, the yardmir 86 inches wide ; our $1.50 value. Special at, the yard . . . . . 36inehes wide; our $1.60 value. Special at-the yard. , Sff inches wide ; our $I.7ouTe".": Special V1 WHITE PONGEE AND JAPANESE SILKS. i--.'v-i '-27 and 36 inches- wide.- ' n- 60e 89 11.10 (1.29 Store Cpssa fit 8 A.: M; Closes 6 P.M. e!l thio wcor;, entitling t6tli3up; ,W0KTMW&KING THE DIFFERENT ST0SE" T fifth, Sixth: end .'.. Washington Visitors Cordially Welcome To snare' with our patrons every privilege of this great store. Its FREE phones, rest room, Writing tables fully supplied with sta tionery, . etc., drinking fountains with the best cold running water to be found in Amer ica, lavatories and toilet rooms, lunch room for those who bring-their "snag and 'nip" with them, postal facilities, free cooking school; information ''bureau arid directories. Parcels-checked free and, if you wish to shop, the coolesf store in town to roam thro'. And warranted one year for 75c. New Mainsprings for 75c. AH other repairing on jewelry : at proportionate prices First , 1 , 1 Flocrrneariargrelvators7T ' Embroidery Lessons FREE Given by an - expert teacher, of , stitchery , ' , Art Shop Second Floor, Annex. .1 , ; - SCHOOLOr DOMESTIC SCIENCE ' tea .. Room ;v: 1 : SECOND FLOOR. i Auspices Portland Y. W. C'A. MENU FOR THURSDAY, AUGUST 107 Tea , Coffee Chocolate .y Milk in Bottles ' :!y , Chicken Consomme ' ' Lettuce and,. .Cucumber. Salad Fruit Salad .'-.. . ' Ham Sandwiches ." " Whole Wheat and-White-Bread -Peaches and Cream - Cantaloupes on Ice 77 Ice,-Cream , . Cake mm. Smart NewWal!dnd Skirts AT HALF PRICE Our $1.00 value. . Special at, the yard.....;.. 74 86 ltovaue.f soeciai-ay, ne yarn , , , , . . . . i,ic ut $t7T.vatee.;..-SpeciaHvai2 yard. . . .ft. T. . . . .$1.42 JiV . - NOVELTY SUIT SILKS. -C1; ; n jmportedand domestic makes. , Many new styles and colorings to choose .from ."' "; '-J'-' Our $1.00 Value,1 Special at, the yard. . . . .V. .... , ...... . . .50 Our $1.25 value;V Special- at," the yard. , .; . f. ... . f. .62e QUr $1.50 value Special at, the yard. . . . .'. ............ . . v75t X Imported Cream English Sicilians, Brilliantines and Alpacas. Thse iierviceable. cool fabrics are i our own importation and are unequaled in value at our regular J rices ' : v . . 8-inch Imported Cream Mohair; regular 50c valuer Special, -7 v,ovit - -.----r;r 'r1!-; . . k . '. . . t . . . . . . . . . . .41c. 38-inch Imported Cream Mohair; regular 75c value. - sPcia, . -yard .....;..,.. vv 44-inch Imported Cream Mohair; regular $1.00 value.. . - -hr 5a I; var4 "1.... .....i.... I ............... ..,. BVC, 44-inch Imported Cream Mohair; regular $1.25 value. m' Special, yard ,4.f.ww 44-inch Imported Crea.m Mohair; regular $1.50 value. 45-inch Imported Cream Mohair; regular $1.75 value. - Special, yard i 45-inch Imported Cream Mohair; regular $2.00 value. . Special, yard . ; :i. ... . .; ...... ...... yl.67 ' , GRAND SALONS SECOND FL OR. Of one thing there can be no questioli : Every woman must needs have - at least one pedestrian skirt at air s easons of the-year. Vacat.otv tramps -call for several changes, and. with the rainy season just ahead when the . walking length skirt is indispensable for feminine wear, no offer .could, be more opportune than this of tomorrow. -.If .youUiave not decided as to fabric, style, color and price, you may surely reach a satisfactory conclusion-here among the grand aggregation composing Thursday s offering. - Regular'values- starting at $6.50 on the lowest rung and climb-. ing the .ladder gradually, step by step, until the tdp price is reached at -$28.50, each the best its price will buy in a regular way. - One of those ' : fortunate trade chances that come but seldom was met by our buyer of -women's garments, who iswwift New York.-As usual, he grasped the 1 opportunity. And sent. the '.'handful" home, Jo us and to . you . .AT HALF PRICE '"AH the wanted "materials; embracing, lusters, Panama cloths, cKeviots and serges, in a color line including plain blues, black, greens," black and white and smart mannish mixed-goods;" $5.50 to $28.50 - ' - ' , valnps at : , , . . . ONRHALFf RICE v V: V A STIRRING SALE OF $10 SILK PETTICOATSFjDRISfSS. "Another dainty bargain morsel. The4 hunters have brought in more game. -And right fair game it is. too.; -About 200 handsome Silk Petticoats from a maker of national' reputation -in the style world. A! grand oeauty snow in coiors. .icnianeias jn-z4-mcn accoraion plaited styles Womeits Summer Unsi Add Underp Zy : v : JUndermuslin Salons Second Floor Annex tr ' . , LADIES' $2 NAINSOOK GOWNS FOR $1.19. . Ladies'. fine Nainsook (Nightgowns, in'Slipover style.with either square or round neck and elbow sleeves. . They are daintily trimmed with embroidery or lace insertion, beading and 1 ' ' " edging; a good $2 value. Speciat sale priced each.'. , . i, .f 1.10 A LADIES $4 SATEEN PETTICOATS FOR $2.39. :.:V' Ladies' Sateen Petticoats, made of black or white jstriped mercer ised sateen. They are made in many different styles of flounces, including the popular 22-Inch flounce, "Sunburst and "Elite" Petticoats, with patent fastening in the back; our regu- lar $4 values. Special at, each. . ; , .". ....... .29 "witlr plain yokes ;;otntta tain -wn aeeoraren pranea uqunce-.-inues in iigULauu. UICsTiaggsT reds and blacks. Splendid vahlea'up to $10. Choice tomorrow for. ...... .v. ........ f 3.98 Thursday Bargains for Men Shoppers Splendid values Jn hot weather ' goods for busy,, men who've no -time to linger and "look 'round' we've done theshopping for' them, and selected just the goods men' need placed.? "pricesless thanmei,rafeTOsedrto paying except .they're habitual shoppers at our haberdashery. , It's so handy to shop here, too. Just inside the sixth street en trance, separate from the other departments. Just an exclusive man's store but without the "exclusivel'roan's store prices. .. , - - MEN'S $1 UNDERWEAR 69c ? ! x Men's white, lisle Underwear, neatly trim med and finished; our best. $ value.' " - Special, garment : ... ...... . ,rrCO MEN'S 50c UNDERWEAR 85cJ;v ; ' S i ; Four broken lota men's ribbed Undemear,' in summer,. balbrig gan, white, brown, blue, Oxford gray with pin stripe j regu- 4 -, lar value 50c. Special, to close put, garment. . .35 ' MEN'S $4.50 SUMMER VESTS $2.75.' " W-t Men's fancy Summer Vests, in pure linen, plain and mercerized effects, figured effects in Oxford grays,-' plaids, etc. ; - -: regular value $4.50. . Special, each . , . . . . . . , . . . .'. . ?2.75 '-T- MEN'S $2 GOLF SHIRTS $1.27. . Men's soft Pon gee Silk Golf Shirts, in cream and tan, with' plaited ffohts7s6frrcollariband ; regular value $2. Special, : , v each ; . . . . . . . . .... s .127 . s BOYS' $1 BATHING SUITS 69c. v ' v ' Boys 2-piece Bathing Suits, navy blue, with buttons and red'and white stripes on arms; regular value $1. Special, suit. t . .69e POSITIVELY' LAST GREAT SALE OF THE SEASON OFj Womeik Summer Shirtwaists A Sweeping Clean-Up .of the Season's : Waists at Tremendous Sacrifice. Pretty and Serviceable $1.50 Waists 39c - . MEN'S 50c WINDSOR TIES 85c. A new line of Men's Windsor Ties In all the latest colors, crepe, 1eaule soie and surah silk, some are extra lengths ; regu- ar value 50c. Special, each. ....... ..35 ; MEN'S 20c TENDERFOOT" HOSE 12c. ' fen's "Tenderfoot" Hose, for tender feet, entirely seamless, black' ftops with white soles, made of "Maco" yarn; regular . -'. value 20c. Special, pair. . . ..... . . . . . . v. . ,V. . ... . ....12e Pretty Summer Parasols in a WONDERFULLY- PRETTY ACCESSORIES TO .w Summer Gowning omen s At Bargain Prices Thursday in the Fancy -f Goods Stores- Here's a last opportunity to secure the Summer Shirt waist at less than cost of . actual making. We've re- solved- to effect a whirlwind clean-up of all remaining inmmr shirtwaists. There's . a lone wearine season ahead ' Va niA CV six weeks, at least, of sum- J?x l"!-') U l mer, and a long indoor re- fi D2f pHW xjP, treat, when shirtwaists are ; V"" vT It I Z Ot indispensable. In fact, such " T . waists as these, we ajiall offer tomorrow at the absurdly low price of 39 f each are needed the year 'round in every woman's wardrobe, and a-plenty of them. ... So better plan to select a year's supply; we don't believe you'll be offered an equal bargain in waists with this for at least a twelvemonth if ever for stores do not plan such losses, they only come in the clean-uos udvas-this-tomorrowTThe-waistsr , Lt .. . J a. a v . . 4 . a v a.. Diues, grays, reus, ians, neai stnpea enecis ana aoiiea aesigns; aiso piain ducks (no whites;. Splendid values up to $1.50, and you may choose all day, but THURSDAY ONLY, at . each . ... . . ............... .s. ................... ... . v .................. . 39 GRAND SALONS SECOND FLOOR. fl 11,11 l ivy 1 M 9 yjKti i tin. u- I .First Floor. ..: VENISE AND ST. GAUL BANDS AT HALF PRICE. ; Fine Venise and St. Gaul Bands and Appliques, in cream, white and ecru; regular vaiues io o. ppwm !. nnii v ' VALENCIENNES. EDGES AT HALF PRICE. - . Odds and ends of Valenciennes Edges, from 2 to 10. inches wide, onlya small lot : :: -i'y ,f ' Regular $1.00 values, -special at, yara. . . . . , -. . ...i.. -. ReguJar, 75c values. Special at, yard.'.: . .... ;..'. ...... Regular 50c values. Special at, yard....... ...... ......,,.25 Regular 25c values. - Special at, yard,.,.................12Je WOMEN'S EMBROIDERY DRESS PATTERNS. Entire line' of .Women's Embroidery Dress Patterns greatly re- Our regular $25.00 value, in colored batiste. Special, each 810.00 Our regular $25.00. value, in linen. Special at, each. ... .3 116.50 Our regular $f0.00 value, in linen, Special at,. each..... 826.00 ; r..- cio an vain tn 1inin. Snrrial at. each 1 . . . 3 S20.00 UUl lu' J"3 i , - ' : I " " Our regular $50.00, valuer in lmen.-Specul at, each..... 833.00 y ' v RIBBONS AT 17c YARD. SPECIAL; " A line of Ribbons, in fancy polka dots, plain taffeta, satin, plaids ano lancy oinpcs, m uku "'"v.. huos out, yard ..................... SALE HOf IN THE MILLINERY OFFERING ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. Who Wants a $1.50 Hat Shape to Trim Up,v for .We'll, put you in the way of filling your desire tomorrow if youll attend the sale of Straw Hat Shapes in the "Bijou" Mil linery Salons Hat stocks arr running pretty shoal nowadays, and we have to hunt for summer bargains. But those who seek, and seek earnestly; generally find as we have found something of interest to offer those who want a hat to finish ; out the summer with, or to wear away on an outing. Stylish , . straw hat shapes, in rough braids and smart styles that em brace sailors, large sun hats and turbans in all wanted color- mm in L - PRICES TURN "TOPSY-TURVY." LAST CALL v -TOMORROW. . .,- " ;v.. s; ..:.-.':,,..: First Floor. :'-:Z-''-y. Just a few of the beautiful parasols left in, our possession that ave excited the admiration, of thousands of Portland's "Smart Set." r Many have gone to new owners and we trust are happier in the change. We've a scattering minority still with us that we are anxious to be adopted, by someone, who will'be kind to them. Do you need a new parasol? ; Better buy it . tomorrow while we feel as we do now about the prices. , You've still full six weeks for their carrying. After this season is over just wrap your parasol in fine tissue paper and when it comes forth from its snujr little nest next summer you'll have one as rood as new. Old -SoHs--potrring--thealsof" his--wrath upon -thedevoted heads oi me ngnieous ana sinners auxe inese aays. rroiect tnyseil. Parasols to match the dainty summer gowns ; novelties in. stripes. plaids, dots and hand painted enects. lucked and plain styles. Now drastically reduced, inis way $3.50 Parasols now. , V.C2.S0 $2.25 and $2,50 Parasols now...... Cl.g3 $6 and $7 Parasols now , . . . , . . . 84.07 $00 and $5- Parasolaow-jiW ........ ; . C3.C3 aw . -v. oniivia) wiv omis uaij tativa utitiig ail tail TV t&ll LCVi .l ings. ' Theyvalues, start t. $l and include those shapes up to $1.50 in price." AH tomorrow at a cnoice-ior , 15 Correct Dress - Its Importance - THURSDAY BARGAINS IN Jewelry and Leather Goods ':. N .': . First Floor West AnnexV Y'y'y WOMEN'S 85c SHIRTWAIST SETS 10c. . . A lot of Shfrtwaist Sets, 3 pins to set; regular values to 35c. . Special, to close out. , . . 10i y. '"l5cISTSETS 5c.'v,-::V A lot of military Waist Sets; regular value 15c. Special, set. .5V beltbucklest;:;" A lot of Belt Buckles, in a variety of styles ; values to 35c. Spe-' ' cial, each, 10t; values to 65c. Special, each,.... ...... 29 "V ;- 75c SCARF PINS 49c :-V;:'-V: A line of pretty white stone and pearl Scarf Pins, in dainty designs; regular vaiue 75c. Special each . . l40f. LEATHER GOODS. iiOMEN'S $1 LISLE THREAD GLOVES 78c . ; tinTof Womejn's 2 pearl'ciasp Lisle Thread Gloves," in- black To woman the matter of dress is vitally important. Her standing and pres tige in society depend in a great degree upon her dress and personal appear- ance. In that same degree, also does the SHOE affect a woman's dress. No - gown, however handsome, can compensate for an untidy foot. A stylish, per- feet fitting shoe is essential to correct andrefineddress. That, want . i$fully ,' supplied by us in thes. j..;t;.'J; ,..,,,.... ,.;, . J;.,r.7TJ.;..,.: , . . WOMEN'S 25c AND 85c TURNOVER COLLARS 7c. Pretty Turnover Collars, in 61ue, white, green; red, brown, pink' t .. 4 t J J . 1 . I)!. .J ii. . c ana oiacK, neavy emDroiucreai r?:guiii o. uu uuw spe cial, each i .. .....' t ... tt " GLORIA" SHOE The most perfect woman's shoe in the world. Made in Detroit by the Pingree folk, sold in Portland by OLDS, WORTMAN & KING only. "Price7-83.50. :. : , y- ;,. -. f: MEN'S MONEY OR TOBACCO POUCHES 15c. A lot of buckskin Monev or Tobacco- Pjpuches, with draw- strings. Special for Monday only, each.......,.....V'l& WOMEN'S 75c LEATHER BELTS 23c. A line of women's soft leather Belts, in ereen, pink and blue, with gilt buckles; regular values ?5cT-Special, tatloseout. - WOMEN'S $1.25 AND $1.83 WHITE KIDXEATIir A lot of, women's Leather Belts, in white kid leather an - kid leather and rold cloth; regular values ana bpeclai. fVy