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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1905)
it' CIIISI1IK011V-II CIS SUCCESS : ,.- Wolvsrinss Gather at ; Fair and ; : Do Honor to Their;, ' t '., - j W. R. WCARRY TELLS OF, HER PLACE IN NATION 'ft Iattmting Literary Exercises, Fin Musical Program and a ' Pleasant Reception t f Auditorium Among : Feature -f a -Delightful Reunion, . l,'':x:' :; .-, ' W ' ': ',.' Old reeldenta of Vlcbigan, and young 0 natives who never had a chance te watch ,. ' lahpemlng grow, gathered In ths Aadt-j--2torlum at. the-Lewis and' Clark exposl tlon groanda at l:e o'clock thle after-' '.; noon and haard mora about that glort oai atata - than they had avar learn ad - v before, it waa Michigan's day. :,t The building was mora ths half '.filled hen President Arthur Langguth 4 of tha Michigan, society of Oregon algnalad te Caprlo'a band to play .its - llvaliast air. Ha delivered a rousing d . dress on a subject dear to' avary man. i woman and child . in tha building After another raaWilon-rby tha bead; ; Freaident Qooda ot tha exposition spoke W. R. McGarry. ' a few- words of welcome. Tha oration ; of tha day waa -delivered by W. R. Mo Garry, once a conaplcuous figure In the wolverine atata He said, the aourae .. of hla address;. ,. Tnasleas SUene of Toagnelase VaaV i i nave been commiaeioneo, in txaiaif of tha state-of Michigan To explain to . you the meaning of this celebration. J an authorised to draw on my tmaglna t' tlon - for the facta and . to-handle those facta In such a manner ss to convince i, the -world that, without the eooperatlon "at Mlchlaaa ibis Illw would Sana i gone down to the tuneless' silence ot .the tongueleaa paat without . a van a 0 , ' ripple on the surf are ot progress to . V. mark Ita untimely end, " . , .. '. i . t : "Now, aa exposition Is sort of erripll- . lUd . vroepactaa . , undergoing - aoaotaat ; ,' elaboration at tha handa of tha very po , pie whose eotMslbutloaa ta promotive ; effort .Its existence la Intended to In - , duce. It la for this reason Ihat Mlchl-i ' ' van Joins today in a pilgrimage to tha ' ehrlne of progreas, and comae rates her ' cltlaenshlp - to , tha .spirit of American t' aaterprlse. ' -'-.- 'I '. ' - Vrophaolaa Asa eellaed. ' 'Mere Wa are. reminded how-wall the . theories -of Jaffaraoo have - harmonised ..with the. attrthutea of American Ufa .'"'Today' tha prophetic vision of the - 'great ex panel onlaf la reallaett In- the 4a- ' carnation of aa courageoua and as enter ' 1 prising a clUsanshtBiag aver thrilled . nation wlffi tha pride of achievement -or y aiectiined a people with glimpses of Im . perlal power. I What Lewis and Clark ; began In HOC was completed by'Qridley . "Today ..tha.. commercial-spirit has vltallsad humanity and "the pursuit of , happlneaa Is ? only ' reiitsed In tha ra- warde of.lnduatry and af peaoa. It Is 'this spirit which has attracted to Oregon . - the handicraft of universal manhood aad eonaolldatad hla fugitive efforts Into , a j ap lay or industrial perfection to an- thrall our senses and stimulate to higher i'eiion tna awaxenea 'energies ox the :V- In many reapeeU im Michigan fully ' We personally did not make the change in the style of coats this season, ' but the change was made and the result is no matter how good your last sea son's coat may be everybody sees It's a "back number," be cause it's so short. Our Summer Xoats are all the new length. ; This week's specials: --:- New Summer Suits,-the latest xut , and J. newest- materials; $18 and $20 values, r . 'Special $14.00 All those In the SIS and $14 rrades. Special ....$8.65 White Duck Trousers . .$1.00 $3.80 and $4jOO Outing I'an ts ... I ......... ". e?Z.35 IflOMCLOTinKjQ CusCnfm-Pto Everything for Men and Coys. owioaj intra at., naar jnarruoa rr jjj rapreeeatad ln this axposltloa.' . If there la anything for which this sxposltlon is celebrated It Is the eplendor of Its elec trical display.. And who doee not know that It was In Michigan that Professor Morse perfected his electrical telegraph and that Edison caught the first glow of Inoandeecence that haa turned midnight lntOj day! - -. ,t , . , . L- Taa'.'nian Ttvm, SUahlgaa.1 "Aad there Aa .Bldwell. the father t alectrlo locomotion, and 'Pullman, the artist or peripatetic luxury.'- And there Is the Iron and the copper and the furnl tura by which Michigan reveals Herself to every person In the land.- Everything from th poetio symmetry of a 1 (-foot aawlog to tha- delicate - and aensuous beauty of a silken cord bears upon It the label of Michigan and talks In the language of dollars and cents. . "All this Is but symptomatle of that creative energy that spells 'commercial progress ta the attrlbutea of man. la hla oompoalte makeup there 'would seem to be no vacant place for the play of social light. And In a superficial scene thle may seem largely true. -- 'Oregon has been enriched by Michi gan's contribution . to - the instinctive grace, of social entertainment end .by those' higher and nobler attributes of doroeatlo virtue on . which the funda mental principles of national vitality -de pend, r ' ' ' ' ' J "Ana yet, this exposition would oe deetltute of meaning to'thoae who-participate In this day's ceremonies if the oecaeloa failed to revive la you aa. at tachment to' those principles of cl vie virtue whtch have never failed 4o In' vlgorate tha efforts of Industrial ac tlvlty- wherever they have been applied.' , A musical event of ths progrsra wss the string -quartet, oonslstlng .of Miss English and the Misses i-lnanan, ? . A reception followed, with Mra W. H. Taft, Mrs. O. J. Cameron. Mrs.. F. Mc Manamy. Mrs. C C Hood, Miss Ballin, Mrs. Frank 'Wlgainir Mrs. tv H. Homang and Mrs. Hyde as hosteeses. ; CITY DOCTORS BAD ACTORS (Continued front Page Ons) Intent, but little in your buatneea meth ods and attention to details. ' , . "Again, under your eppolatment as a lawfully organised body you have one of your moat Important employes, one upon whom your very vitality or Use fulness ta the eMy depends, cut off from tha payroll by the city council for the alleged reasod.of nonattentioa to duties, and so far as I can see the city council has not been unjuat-ln lta.act!on. , , Stofuaed, to. Btosigv. ' . In closing I - wish to say that you were given an opportunity to go out ef office of your own volition and I i speetfully stated to you that such a course on your part would be apprecU ated by ma This yon refused to do and thus forced me -to remove you aa is my right under the orgtihlo' law 6f the city. In au candor I wish ta say- ta you further, that there Is. nothing' personal In my action toward you but inasmuch as I am responsible to the people of this city for ths msnagement of such of its affslrs as come under my Supervision, as this does, I must ss I bars the right, and is my duty, decline to assume such responsibility in regard to tha manage ment ef the health department, if its baalness affairs- are to be conducted In the wanner which haa been, the custom In the psaL Very respectfully -youj-s. . ' . : ' HA 11 it T tANcv mayor., '-Tor Foil ties. Says in. Oardwell. The deposed members of the city board of health are Veaentful at their dismissal from the city's service. f.Dr. Mae H-. Cardwell declaree that .lt was nothing . more nor .leas" 'than politics sjjiluh was at ths seat of tha nutter Whan .Dr.. Lane asked us to reelgn I -told Mntthat If he would - bring charges against n.s which could be sub stantiated I would Teelgn, but i if be asked for tha restgnatlona for political reasons I would refuse to leave the board." said Dr. CardweU ' today. know -that the removal or the neaua board waa for political reeeona ?-, I am nleased to say that the work of the health board has been such that mere IS no oiner iaun or criticism be passed on it, except that offered by the mayoi". which. In my mind, waa none at all. It was not the duty of the health: board -to tsaus reaulsltlona, and tha members could only learn of bills run without requisitions when they were preeented for payment When such bills were presented the board always iected them and referred them for in vestigation." If .they were found to be Just they were allowed; If not they were rejected. - r - - r. .. . ; wotaiag so e wiia tareaon. Tha charcas brought by ths city douncll against the health officer1 were not charges which came frttMn ; the Jurisdiction of ths health boa ML . pr. Bleradorf haa been represented in his of floe during business hours by a clerk. The council wants an educated pbyalclaa to act as health officer at ttO a month and spend all' his time la the office. There Is no physlclsn In town who Is not making mora than ttO a month, and none could afford to lose his practice and 'devote his-time to. each office for the-salary offered. .v , . 1 am aengntea mat vr; foni naa been pieced on the now board,-weloa believe la an excellent gone. l also nope that Dr.' Lne will have a most sue. sessfal admlnistratloa'' .. - 4 Bell WBi TsU Xlm So. "I think Dr. Lane treated u discourteously," said Dr. Jameg F. Bell. 'I do not like the method he employed to .get us1 out of office and I - would be willing to tell him ao as soon as! 1 see-blm."- -' !. . VA ' V Dr Jones said he did not cars to make any criticism of the action of the mayor but desired to give an explanation tf how -the bill against the city accumu lated without requlaltlona 'We saw that the garbage crematory had to be prepared, and employed Rob ert Robinson, Sr.," he said, "who. had originally built ths plant fcnd bad paired It once before, to do tha work. We bad confidence In his ability, "In order to carry out tha wort we ave blm authority -to purchase mate rials. Ha bad an understahdlag- with the city auditor regarding the requlei- tlons. - It waa not possible for him to know of every .little fixture or. piece of work needed until the time arrived to use it. Instead of keeping the maeons waiting for him to' go to the city hall and get a requisition he would send -dl ths shop and have ths goods delivered. DAHO DAY AT FAIR--: -ii- IS NAMED BY GOVERNOR (Journal Special Btrrli.) . ' Bolae, Ida., Aug. . Oorernor Okiodlsg has lasued a proclamation designating tteptemDer 7 as Idaho day at the Lewie and Clark exposition. - The sute will be represented-by a band of SO pieces, made up from musicians from every county. Eaoh county in tha state will furnish a separate feature of the day's exerclaea. Bdward Bevlews Fleets. . v ' (Jouraal gpeelal Sarvlca.) . 1 Portsmouth. .-Aug. King E4 witA or ngiana 'reviewed the French and English fleets comprising-' 19 ships to day, the anniversary of his coronation. The weather le gloomy. - Enormoua crowds ashore and great numbers of ex-curalonlsts- wltneased tha event, which lgtSd.M.lourVi v carJ.-; 7r;. '"Oregon - oaiL journal, mm For preserving; ; purliyiig; j iand' beautifying the skinH scaip, nair, ana nanas, ior irritations of the; skin, heat rashes, tan, sunburn, bites arid stings of insects, lame ness and soreness inciden tal to summer ; sports, for sanative antiseptic cleans ing, arid for all the purposes of the toilet and bath Cuti cura Soap, assisted by Cuti cura Ointment, is priceless. - Tnhnhm at eat rrt aaaulr, a MSMmI tut Til Im, for Ita. four Oral a Cka. Cory Sola ria. . as-MalU J-rM, i Mi tor . PEACE MEET IS OPENED i 7 (Continued ' From " Page One.)' Batoum and' Kovoroaalak have been cloaed and business - Is stagnated througbOut the entire relon,.;J, . ' ' Trust to ' Oet akaalla.' ' . ,' '" ' i (Joeraal Special Sarvlca 1 1 8t'rPeteraburg, Aug. . The 'Novoe Vremya accused the Stands rd OH com pany of supplying Japan secretly with a large sum of money, receiving in:re- that a secret treaty with America gives Kamchatka and a portion of northern Siberia to America, " f-S. Flo to AsssselnaU Osan . - i Manchester, Aug. . - The Dlapatch says that special Russian police agents arrived- In.London last night to unearth a plot, to assassinate tha sar-and Busslsn grand 4uka ' v , ' r - PENITENTIARY GUARDS. ,v MAY HOLD THEIR JOBS (Special tnspsteh ta Tke ioarasl) Walla WaUa. Wash... Aug. I. Chair- man Klnoald of the state board of audit and control, sent to , WaUa Walla .by Governor Msad to make su thorough In- TostlgaAlan - of - the , charges brought against eight guards at the penitentiary, announced today that; the men would not be discharged, at once, and that it would probably be month before any action one wy',,9r the ojher la- taken.. The chairman aald that fha matur.'was not to whitewsabed , over, .but that after a juU,. Investigation had ' beoq made. If the ' governor'; was convinced "that lh men were honest in the matter when they attempted to register, he felt sure that - the executive would rescind bis order demanding the "dismissal ot the guards from the state service. SUES FOR INTEREST IN ; GOLDEN CHARIOT MINE 'c - tSpeelal Dlapatek te Tha 7oenut . '. Baker City. Or Aug. suit waa filed la the circuit' court yesterday in behalf of J. EL Reed, as receiver for Roy H. Miller, involuntary bankrupt, against L. V, Swlggett, ,for a one third Interest, in the Golden Chariot mine at Surapter. - . Judge Eakla has already held that Millar, Brock and - Wade Camo were each entitled to a third In tereefiA ;tbTs property.Tnls suit' If maintained meahs thkt a further reve nue will be provided for the Bank of Sumptaf. Jflebosltori.riT:-"" T, BAKER STOCKMEN FACE SHORT WATER SUPPLY ' (gpeelal Dlptc ta The toenail - Baker City, Or., Aug . Tha question of water for stock and Irrigation pur- poaeS Is likely to be a serious one. Springs ' especially In the - mountains. that hate .never been known .to dry up before, are completely dry, and the stockmen, whose herds range tha moon tains are looking. with anxiety toward the next few weeka In the Lower Powder river not more than 20 Inches of water remaina, and farmers have given up having a second crop of . hay. STOP WORK ON MARINE t., t HOSPITAL IN ALASKA . ' (Jos rail Special Strrtea) ' Washington, D. C, Aug. .Assistant Secretary of-the Treasury Taylor gfer a visit to' Nome haa recommended that the '. work on the marine . hospital, and quarantine station be dlacontlnuedand that the -offices and fittings, be turned over Jo'the -tlfesavlng service. The rea son stated la . the axceealve cost and small quantity of work. . , - i "i V . Bslagatas From Baker pitr.- Baker City, Or. Aug. . The county court has appointed' the following dele- gatee to-he National Irrigation oongress In Portland August-zi to Z: Jarae Oarrln, Thomas Profflt end Jamas York of Baker Cltyr and James Maxwell and O-Chrlstenaoa f Haines. . . , - , . r chtlai.-d. vzd::z:dAv :;7z::x:;a, au:. snMswBaaMCBaaMMSfca-aggaBBigw, , ' ,. . simiiisimm zz- , J . , , J : H x i" ))(! ) -i1 ".yX- lUi T of special sales.:; fto quote in buF the"win llANGE; IS ! THERE JUST .TiE SAME. $8.00 Ornamental Hall Seat, . upholstered . . in , sheepskin , -Thtirsdayiiir $5.00 $9.00 V'Icker"jChairs,i larger roomy, and comfortable.' S1.,..' $5.00 A A AAA sfc S SS S444 4 V BA WW-WT WWWT-W- -W--W W - W - WT w a- 1 I " K v.. ,,rrfravrrvTm . . sTtt jw"tt .rrr -i: gT.. mTrrxry vrr. ONE JIUNDRE1ITCHEN TREASURES .. a . -Rofjolaf. 03.75 Values for , onl3r.;.......J.......M. uus ; this . DON'T 173-1 75 First Street Dr. Alfred L. Anderson " Ths Celbratca - s " - Ras rrtoniee to tba dty from hi. .altera trip ana le now at 110V roortS atreet. aorner WaabiDgtoe. E. baa be equal la the tiatmit and care ef chronic, ner.oua and mental dlMaaM. Ba ancr.mullr -trMt. all ether dlaeawa ur, Anflmson u a graonaie ot svrarai aa.i era liwUtotkm, and le elae s papll ef the mlrhriud ' Ur. w.tenin-aaa oc BmraaoiiB. fwKUn. Omraltarlon frM.- ' Ofdce boami S m. te t. aa. aad T te g p. bl. iioya rosrts afreet. - - " . ' . ( . a '. v ' . . . . ..' Hf w eae ef bis aasas SnaaHaltas taatl. SHMUaia: . '- - -. . taCOVIA, WaaK. Kay If, 190. PortUad, Ortoa - r ;.' ' Dear Slr-I receive the anaoaneemMierttat foe ww about to, hicata la with a nraln. rea rrt, aa I bad a aelteh latamt In four r.m.lnlag ht Taeoma. I have aaffarvd e srMt attl with ect.tlc rheamatlam aad d rlrid greet bD.St from rnnr treatment, whli-b reaud aa the beet knows for thl. dunaae. Should. I be able te do earthing tor ron la retnro pleeae let to. know. Wl.hlng you' .11 .aoeeal In roar new loctloa, I an room treijr, - TTlOMAN MALOWf , fhtf of Police.- HUNDREDS OF JAPANESE DROWNED IN TYPHOON ' (Speelal Dlanatek ta The Jearaal.) Victoria. B. C. Aug. t. During a tr- phooa off Goto Island In July 10 ves sels belonging 4e-tae Jaaaneee pearUag IMeur Do not rely entirely on the: few specials Jwc arc enabled f adi bui OF PRICES IS NpTSO inG $8.00 "Weatfiered "0akxR6cV rsr like cut! C5 C AA, Thursday.... pJ)J -..$8.80.; : Parlor Oocks, imita tion marble,- - ' .Thursday, r; af VA 4V44rBwBw)wlwBwBBB4 s B 4 AA4l4sAA4aBS 441444 Ass4al4alal al SB ST AjA A A - WW - W - WW - WW -w -w -w -w -w -r ww -w -w t -w t w -w -w w-wwwwwwww-www-ww -ww -w v W'W'W-WTT'WWW WWWWW ) Saturday morning we will have wsu-auunH , auujau utiVHauj I at. iub njvw yiuua ... ..... $2.00. Nowhere in this city can $1.75 to yo if you hare need of statement inquire of any dealer in the city. He will tell . w f . sBiM VA V a ' - s ww -v A A Mm am tney cost nun a.w. dui no maner, we wui seu tne fO.D f Treasttre Mturday for only..... :'1 '' Gommendng' Tuesday, . :, ceptSunday, !ji .; ': ;,: v ' i I flestwm -IbstanoTniSi men . aboard drowned ' fifteen boats survived, and 109 men reached Mejlma Island... ' ' . OMh Van ra'bany Stabbea. iSpaeUI Dlaneteb le Tba enraaL Butte, -Moat tasv .rmua. Bod. ;'..;.;:.:v -v. --si"i M -vy : , ; ,; s- ';'.-.- i -. v. - u:.'v ' '-.m';l . .. . 'for: ' f:':-'- ... I " y"--- - - y t , ' ' ' 1 "J ,..",'-,, 't ' ' , , . 1 .d. :.0--aWaave.-B' i . A - -' .'.lrWT ''S-K;'Srtty; jl. - '.. .. --V -r- v --:7 37?- ' - $9.00 Ladles' Writing ; Desks, mahogany and gold en oak.' . f C AA Thursda'y.... ViVV '9.00 Center Tables, round and square tops, golden oak oa sale one hundred of this price be duplicated, and one. If you are inclined to VaVlajT MttlHIMlHHHMMltlHMIMHMHtlMaNHHttlMMHMIH T " TO SEE OUR WINDOWS 219-227 Yamhill Street Vdncouver Transportation Co. August 1st, 1905. will pake leaving Tayior Street Dock returning.; arrive 6 p. m. gers, an employe of the Parnum 4 Bal lay olreus, flirted -with a negress last night and was fatally stabbed br bar escort, a long blade being thrust throogU Rodgsrs1 stomach. . Rodgera egn eeveral blocks aad waa found dying by a po liceman. The negro .scan a. but three am.. .nAiiUtu kl 1,1, A. I. 1.11 rbuLauui - . i J- a - - - ' r ' ,. . $9.60 Standing LamDS. orna-. 2ThursdaS-,riJ 5Q9i Ji-.-..iHi' t, - JBJalafc .--aa!.asw - ' ttcrcd 'mU ptalnj w op d M t" V r nnrsns .'. t. this ."tip" will be worth -1 question you that '. aV '- ' mtchen the round trip daily, at.8:ib C nC '' , v "vV. "''.'T7":.' ' ' j sua bands tried ta mob 4he oegro after the stabbing, but tha police Interfered " In time ,to save hlnv He Was badly beaten. -? 1. x - u J . . ,. ! T I . t - Wlaard Burbank bag evolved a female potato with toneuea aa wall aa ma ii ojr it mm II fV ',!'i;;i ,'' ' A'1'V'.'!