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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1905)
4 ; . i:K:in A-snrr-jtiM-it, , , ,; iKuoa. , . . . ....... '. ..'Hi Bklndloat."! b ."Tbe UncWu.rie." Belaaee. ....... "Lady Kuuatlfnl" I Te t...,.........,..,,,,,,,,,."Lurll" I - vaudeville -rn ......,.,,,.,,..,,...,.,,. vaodllle Teakei .......... .VaitdeTlltt ' AB YOV.eOIXe AWATl' ' , - ! tntWribers of The Jearail ' wbe" Swey for m or kniu smt he ' sepee stopped at roeidrBea -rod eant to any addreaa br nil at . the rf alar ratea. aad eoUeetloa will be -mad by regular carrier attar rat urn Jo tba cMr. eaaeot at Loos Baach and . Soande. where Ike Jourael kaa a .- oler carrier delivery. Otto Eire of Ilwaoo. Waahlngtoo. ha charge at Tb Joareal ea Loaf Beach aa fU Ca. l Saaalda have rhargo al Tna : Joaruel aa Seealde or Clilxp beaea. ' -.. Delivery will ba sude at tbaaa twa , aotou at , regale eubeertptlaa ratea. wive your caaege of ad Iran to 7 oar : carrier or Pboo Mala auO ao4 prompt , alteatloa wtu ba tni all criers, . -'-,- Investigation I being -made ty. the t Jsenger trafflo department of the' Ore gon Railroad ft Navigation, company to aeoertaln If paopia of Pendleton. Baker City. La Grand and' other point are warranted in asking for another regular train between- Portland and. Hunting-ton, I to arrive tn Portland in the morning and - leave at a late hour f night. PendJe ' ton people eay a train which would al " low then to remain. In Portland -for th .". evanlnr would) be a great convenience, - and that aa tralna run they muat leave thla city at or. :l o,olock in the ' evening. They say, in a petition Bent to J General llanagar O'Brien, that an addl " tlonal train la needed to take care of the --. .local business, and ask-that it be put en with a schedule that will bring them into Portland In Ins morning and fake them out late at night .t-j-,: 4,.,; vv -, fTt'ls -reported from Chicago that-the : rallroada are combining to reform the pasa evlt The North western and the v Milwaukee are the-latest recruits to the ' plan reeommended by the ..Western and , Transcontinental- associations, and it ia said that the few 'other roads remaining outside will not deter those who have : signed the agreement from making a - success ef It If all adhere to -its pro rvlslons, It haaJpeea charged that soma roads Issue- free . transportation India-" , erlminately to secure parties of tourists i find large shipments cf freight, . - Tba draw on the Madison street bridge was closed to railway and team travel ' from 1 until o'clock this morning In '. order .-to permit: the employes- to make Soma nebesaary repairs. - Cars of -te Oregon Water Power AV Railway com , pany landed their passengers tbls saArn- - Ing on-the first span east of the draw and the passengers walked aeross the - bridge. The draw will probably be .X closed . during the aame houra for the ' ' ext two or Ure'''mornIngs. ; ' Ifs Preservers Purchasd.--The Fa vorite Boating company ' has . carried thousands upon thousands 01 passeogvrt to The Oak and return without aa accl. JSnt, still we bare equipped our launches with life preservers. - We Tisre, -therefore,' taken every precaution tot -the , safety of our patrons. 'Dock upper side bridge, foot tf Morrison street. ' Tele phone Main tiQt. Lunchee for charter. ? 4 Frank Leeds and William Mllllimn recovered the body of Erio H. Blglow yesteraay axternoon wnue eatoning nun ur tlw ti'uamiti hJSlt taa lalt Blglow wn drowned 1n Mock- slough Sunday tn waa- swimming;'' ; w.ltn Oeorge Brown. Deputy Coroner .A. t ' Flnley teok charge of the body, which will b burled In the potter's Beld. . ,( -r-. i John P3Holland,.'JohalX,Brooks. arid . Xf Delphue short, all of Delaware, are guests of Mr, Short's brother, . Dr. P. Burgette Short, if this . city. Mr. Hoi . . land led the delegation to- th national convention that nominated' t Bryan th last time, and Mr. ' Brooks is .superin tendent of Ahe publlo schools 4"Dla War, V . ; ; ..-t-.'' . -.t.j ' I ' '.'Opticians' take notice Notice is here ' ,y given to all opticians who desire to ' continue In the practice of optometry In ' the State of Oregon that the time limit of registration, expires August 17. 10. " t midnight. . . Oregon Btate Boartf ef Examiners - in Optometry, Herman W. y . Barr. Boretary. , . , ;", The Oregon state board of examiners tn optometry met Monday. Dr. C. W. " .Lowe presiding, and decided to hold an examination at aa early date. About -J S practicing opticians have sent In - ' applications which have been passed on ' by the board. 3,' ''.-;', "7 -' , .. The funeral services of Mlln Dayton . were held at' 1 o'clock this afternoon at Holman's ondytnklng chapel. - Dr. A. A. Morrison officiated. -. The pallbearers were four members of th Beta chspter -of ri Delta Kappa of the High school. .Super lor;Me6hanica: equipment man tied t by, specialists; enables this H o use to p r o d u ce (t he h ighest cl ass of pri nt in at t N ex t i mxfnQed printings - bissiQNEfeS ' PR.NTER5 .BINDERS First and Oak: Phbiie Main 165 . - . ISO" 1 ' O - 11 .t V-W .j) ; .' , XHt rCa a woiU-wld -: .dls torn tat that; BX I.,-, CJ -"Ui TCOaV - OVOX 'WCXXstAJWaTJ ; . ,-Sai. Biasuaaaiia . . VsUOBS.'- . '-'t .'';'-.'. '' . W mti fc lMnra Oti. I - '- - sbmi ' Zntrorters - em to '- - figta OOaMTl. ' of which Dayton waa a member, and two from the Gamma chapter of th acad emy. They were Claude MoOolloch. Kl mer. Young. Joe Fearey and Frank How ell of Beta chapter, and Henry We singer and Todd Hasan of . the Oamma chapter, ; interment was at Blvervlew cemetery Short funeral services wsre held yesterday at Seaside '.where the lad was drowned.-', . ; ... . ' i . ', As the -representatlv of the Oregon Water Power Jr. Railway company, 8. H. Frtedlander this mornldg extended an invitation tthwtf leers of ths Juvenile court to bring all their charges out to the Oaks tomorrow afternoon to sesull the, attractions "free of charge. The boys will . be - allowed . to shoot th chutes, bump th bumps and do every thing elae that a boy likes to do.1 Th Invitation was' accepted t by Probation Officer Johnson .and Hawley, . who ex pect to take from SO to T boys out te th Oaks. Th-party will leave th county eourthous at 1:10 . o'clock ' In th- afternoon,-t -.-' .-," ,;" ''" The tftah"lulldlng offer" a' unique feattir of the exposition sine th ar rival yesterday .of six deaf mutes from th Utahschool for the deaf , dumb and blind,' who demonstrate their skill ef featlvaly twice each day, from 11 o'clock till noon, and from I to 4 o'clock. Ths class Is th same that won the gold medal at tit. -Louis In the' same Jin of exhibition and ia under th direction of Miss Eddy of Ogden. a teacher of th Institute. - Th - three girls and- three boys perform wonderful feats in spite of their affliction and are attracting a good deal of attention. ,. - . , ; - Practically 'all the Baptlat in Port land and a large number from neighbor ing points attended th exposition today aa escorts of some thousand, of Bun day school-children." Th .usual, con' cession were mad and children who wore. badges were admitted for. 10 cents. . J. N. Dolph, who la rapidly ac quiring a mammoth religious acquaint ance, was at his post aa usual, dlatrlbut- ing cards. . NO special exerolsea ware held. . , Tomorrow win be a special day for th Congregational Sabbath schools. I Among' tKii' knterested'vlsltors" at Ihe exposition - aTe- Mr. ' and ' - Mra. W. C Dewey of th Dewey hotel at Nam pa, Ida, built by th late tnultl-mllllonalr. Mr. Dewey la a son of the colonel and suc ceeded nla. father In th management of th vast estate.-. In th-same party are Frank Lovejoy and Peter Donnelly. They are-all delighted With Portland and the exposition and will remain prob ably for a week.' - .- - ' " - - -' - Judge Edward Whltson,- who was re cently appointed Judge for ' th newly created ' federal ' district of . eastern Washington, was in ths city this morn ing and paid a visit to th federal court O. A.' Long having, returned tOv Port land, has now ppened the L. A M. Deliv ery, company, til Waahlngton street Main- I04. - Furniture,1 pianos and .ex pressing attended to.., ' ' t ' t - ,.'.. '" "i ' Portland Walters' club- dance Is post poned to Saturday, September It, ow ing to th painting and repairing of Fred T. Merrill's hair. Seventh and Oak, sAny 'watches - cleaned, 11.00; , main spring, 11.00; all work guaranteed on year. Metxger-aV Oo., Ill- Qlxth street - Presiding Judge Fraxar of . th atate circuit court left for Ocean Park- this morning, : to remain until Sunday. Try a meal without meat at the Vege tarian cafe. 1 Sixth street- r Awnings. Noon Bag Ov lt Couch. - Dr. E. C. Brown-, Eye-Ear. -Marquam. FTits'a tamales art th eist'-";" - .' Mother' loa - their, dread -for "that terrible second summer' when, they have- Dr. Fowler's Extract of WUd Strawberry tn the house. Nature's spe cific for summer complaints of every sort . o;;lv ciJiiDGr Th Exposition Manesement An- nouncet Great Event, Baby i ,-ContMt at the Fair; , NO SEX, COLOR, ACE OR ; . .-;SIZE WILL BE BARRED Prise for All, and Dan McAllen, 5 Father of the ; Event, :,Wfll' Give .Valuable Present to Wortt-Behavcd . Youngeter. , .; ;f rf-x?-y,; . The management of . th Lewis and Clark exposition announced toaay tnat 11 will pressnt to each of the first 1.000 babies, not over i years of age, entering- the competition for Baby day a handsome medal, pendant from an expo sition ribbon, whloh . will bear on Us face the official emblem of I-wla and Clark leading Columbia to th land of the setting sun. Th modals ara being mad by a, local firm, and will be ready for distribution at an early date. Baby day wiU be- September . It. and Dan McAllen is working hard to make the event a success. . : . ' All 1 babies r .. welcome to : enter, whether white, black or yellow. - A feature of th day will be a parade of th Infants lit decorated carriages, ar ranged in counties, districts of port land and as to' raoes. Oregon, Idaho, Washington, California Japan, China, Africa and Alaska ar expected to be represented." Mr. MoAUeri is assisted by Mrs; B. a Pagua,. Miss Aphla jDlmlck. Miss Mc Keown and 14 other well-known women of Portland. " , ''.;;'' ' , Awards - will ' be made - for - th best county display of babies, for ths beat Portland district display, for best na tionality, largest smallest, finest blue eyed, black-eyed, gray-eyed, and brown eyed baby, most beautiful, most per fectly formed, brightest heaviest tight est, best natured, most active and the youngest,' while Mr. McAllen r hlmselt offers a special award to tba worst be haved child In th lot '- " ' ' ' Th exposition and th' merchants of Portland will give the prises. Bablee should b listed with Miss MoKeown, In car of MoAUen V McDonald, Third and Washington streets, Portland, and all communications should be sent to her. STOLE THE IXEY SAVED MO PAY I.10STGAGE - Mra. Wert Lost Last Dollar. But Generous People Subscribe to . Fund for Her. ; "l notice you have started a subscrip tion for Mrs. Louis Wrt, who was robbed at th doors of th Merchants National bank . Monday morning by a confidence man who took lov from her. IXjranjLto. .JjidorMe movement and here la S& to swell th total. ... .,. .. r... . VR. - XACBT.' This Utter crime to Th Journal today and the IS .was added to th 111 that had been . subscribed, s Sympathy has been expressed by th people gens rally for th unfortunate woman who, when th oonfldenoa man took her 1400, lost all th money shs had and which she was about to pay-on' the mortgage on .her home and to discharge other debt Diligent - search has been - made - by the detective for the robber, but so far no cluss hav been found that promise to lead to- his- capture. - Th suggestion has been mad that 400 man contribute 1 each and thus make up to Mrs. Wert th entire sum sh lost Several persons will endeavor to procure such a result and hop to b abl soon to announce that th money has., been . contributed, in . this . msnner, Th following , additional - contribution were made today: W. H. Lh, - fl; Mrs. I L. Hawthorn, SI. .. . T) INTERESTING EVENTS , , AT FAIR THURSDAY ' Th ' Cohgregatlonal, Sunday, "'achook children and th lawyers will hav their day at th exposition tomorrow. The legal lights - will hold tbslr convention down town, but will spend th evening on th Trait Thursday has also been named in honor of Eureka, Bedding, 'Red Bluffs. Slsson. Dunsmutr, Colusa, Wood land and Yreka, California,, Th order of vents , will be as . follow;,-. ; . a. m. Exhibit buildings, govern ment exhibit and .Trail open. t s. m. to ri m. Conostt by D Cap- tlo's Administration band. Transporta tion DUliaing Danasiana. -1:10 n. ra. Grand concert,- Dierke's band, bandstand. Gray boulevard. 1 1:10 to :S0 p. m. concert - By D Caprio's Administration band. Transpor tation building bandstand. ' 1:10 to 1:80 p. m. Organ recital. Pro fessor F. W. Ooodrlch, Forestry build ing. -' ' -.-'-: 1:S0 p. m. -United -states lire-saving exhibition on lake, - , ' t p. m. Bpeedy's high dU-e, on Trail. : 1:30 p. m.- Government exhibit close. p. m. Exhibit-buildings loee.v :S0 p. m. Grand operatic concert by Klralfy's "Carnival of Venice" company, on rustle--steps. ' ' " -:'.. s. m. Grand concert Dierk e band. bandstand. Gray boulevard.' - I p. m. Grasd electrical illumination. p. m. flpeedy's high dive, on Trail. : 11 p. m. Gates close. . -' Muslo at th expoeltion tomorrow will include th following -, concerts. , By Dierke's band: - -, ' .. . Afternoon Feat - overture Lan): Vals Lenti," from ''Monteauma" (Stewart); "Second RhVpsodle" (I.last): "Babes In Toyland" (Herbert); "Ballet Russs" (Lulglnl) "Cavalry Charge" (IAider); "Grand Potpour,7 rrom "Old Heidelberg" (Tobanl); "Vhder th Red Cross" (Kretschrosr). ' . - TEvenlng March, ' from "Montexuma" (Stewart) r "Bhte-Danaba'ViStraus)! "Walkure" (Wagner) ; ..."Prlnc. of . Pll sen" (Luders);-"Robin Hood?' (D Ko vn)t "Th Palms." baritone solo, Mr. B. Bern (Faur); Sextet from "Lusla'" (Donlsettl)i "Triumph of Ameslca." (Von der Mehden). .. , .'., .. , . ifc Mllwaukle Country Club. . ''Eastern and Seattle race. Take Sen. wood and Oregon City cam at First and Alder. . -'' f -v r. - -.' f - ' 1 1 . 1 .. ! '.: : When . In Seattle Z ...1 ,." ' Oe to th Ratbakeller, a hlgh-elau plao. to eat - Sea foods, eastern meats, larg orchestra daily. , .-.- ' - - Have yc j not ncUcei that, . in every ' community, some .men ; are . alwy gtttinjfv ahead, and some are getting. . poorer? You will never GET V a start, until you MAKE it. , Don't wait our sayings ' bank offers you the oppor- , .tunity.- ; -j 4r';' : - WE PAY a: Jnterest: r'sf:S ;:;V-T i : GENERAL; -' ' t BANKINO BUSINESS y TRANSACTED. ' Booklet "Banking By Mailt now ready. A postal will bring it to you. Write for it, - ; Oregon" Savings? Bank . 321 Morrison Street U Q. RAUITOft. President ' - ' - - W. COOPER MORRIS. Cashier, : S. 1 HATS, Aest Cashier. Telephone Main 1 6 v . LAWYERS VILL HAVE A DAY . AT THE EXPOSlTIOIf Northwest ; Attorneys to - Meet Here and Form Pacific Coast ' ' : Association. , I Final arrangements hav been made for th convention of the Paclflo coast bar In this city on Thursday and Fri day, . ' ; , ' M -',.., , , , On Thursday at 10 o'clock, visiting and local lawyers will meet at Htbernle hall, southwest "oorner of Sixth and Washington - streets. ' At t - o'clock at th same place ."Hampton It. Caraon, attorney general- of Pennsylvania, will address - the convention. The con vention will . then organise the Paclflo Coast Bar assoclstion. This movement ha the unanimous- Indorsement of th bar ot Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Mon tana, Utah, California, Nevada and Ari sen. '. . - At th' American Inn In the evening a banfluet will be served, and th speakers selected for that occasion will be soms of the strongest and wittiest men In the several ooaat cities, -f As host of ths asBocIaflon ths ufegon '.' Baf alkoeiktlun' has designated ss president Judge Al fred JF. Bears, Jr., hs-presiding officer for th banquat -. - ' : : All local or visiting members of-the bar who deslr seats at the banquet but who ' hav not yet reserved the same should', do so on or. before Tueeday svening . by communicating with Wal lace MoCamaut. Concord building. OnTrlday ths lawyera will tt gueaia rtht)re6nBr aVsocIItlonon aiSTexT eurslon on the pper Columbia on ths steamer Joaeph Kellogg, leaving foot of Salmon street at :I0 o'clock and r turning about :I0 o'clock., ,. NO CARPENTERS WANTED ' , IN THE CITY OF ANGELS V: ' . ... "Stay away from southern California" Is th advice - given to 4he carpenters of ' th United , State by fnsi district council Of those artlsarm in los-Angeles. Th council has iaeued -a elroular let ter In which reasons ar given why It Is not wis - for Joiners to go . to that locality, and It closes with ths Injunc tion that tfnless abla (o withstand long periods .of Idleness all carpenters would better remain where they are and not seek the city of th angels or other cities of th southern part of th Golden atste. -. Th reasons for offering this advice are that the thousands of persons at tracted to southern California are divisible Into four classes those who ar sick of' hav sick members ' in their famtit,--thoe without any . trade . or money who are compelled to work for any wages (hey can get persons who go there merely for the winter months and who are satisfied with low wages wbll there and those who ars wealthy. In addition, builders In southern California usually deslr carpenters who- are ac customed .to the peculiar condition of th region, which acta aa a discrimina tion against- those-who go there from other states. ' i. .. '.--' '..: -", ! ' . . 1 - ' '.'':: CHRISTENSEN ON THE v ; WAY TO SOUTH AFRICA In the last few days a rumor ha been in circulation to th-affect that H. Ia Christsnssn. . a ' special deputy shsrlff who took part in the "resent raid on th Mllwaukle club, had dlsappesred. Th Inference drawn from th report was that be had been prevailed on to absent himself a a witness for-th prosecution. The troth of this rumor I denied by Mrs. Chrlstsnsen,' his mother Mr son bought- a ticket for south Africa several days prior to the raid," h said. - "All his personal streets had been shipped there. ' He could not have remained for In trial without personal Inconvenience and monetary to." A , ' WHERE TO DINE. - 1 j Lewis and Clark Observatory cafe, 1,000 feet above the city. Fine service. E ESTACADA OS LOTS Of 0. W. F..1XI0T1I0 ST., .. nr ru kxast or th ran ov . THS CLAOXAKAS BXVZB. - . H ESTACADA, 02ECC?r A POrDXaa BBAtTK AV0 SXOUATIOkT . arsoai. . . , . ' Vloantlta ellmhlng, treat fishing. 10-aere elae fir park, la'm aanelng paTllloa. bot.l prorlded with rhy wat.r aad elaetrl IlShta. flae batba. telepkoae direct to PurMaad. TbouMBda ef arrM of fir foreat rraead the roun eltf of Rataeads. , . m kilxs yaoic toartAiro. Kates yr say,-... , 15 Rat. see nk ........ $16.00 apectaf ticket. .Inclsdlag reand trip ' far sad dlasar :.i . . t.TI - Speelal ticket. laelmHn reend trip - fare, ess slgkf toaalog aad three 1 . sieals f la) TioKR emo nar an atoxa bts. L. 8. MARTINET, Manager . j , , , MTACABA, OSIOOaT ,, , cooeojssi:? THE COUillERS Votes by Hundreds for Girls Who ; , ; Want to See Havxaii With . ; . i The Journaf. TWO NEW CANDIDATES ONE. FROM WASHINGTON Misi Lucy Gould, Telephon Opera tor at. th Oregon , Hotel, Ld at .Last Count of Ballots, But Every -rMail Changes Order ol Contestants. ' Since th announcement yesterday of a humber of th candidates in the con test arranged by. The Journal to give a trip to Hawaii to eight of the moat popular young ladles - In . Oregon, - ths Coupon Department has been swamped with vote. When the standing of th various candidate la published tomor row some of them will be surprised at th wsy their friend have com for ward with vote'. Vote from all part of th state have been rolling . In and many persons called tnl j morning at Ths Journal office to deposit coupons. Tw. new candidates from district out of th city were nominated yesterday. On of the earn from Kslama, Cpw llts county, Waahlngton,, which 1 part of th fifth dtatrlot. This young Isdy had Ave sponaora. each Of - whom de clared h would endeavor to show that a young lady In Washington te as popu lar as those who will be chosen from Oregon. Each of them espreesed grati fication' over the fact, that The Journal had opened a way to include a part of the 'stats of Washington In the contest. The fifth district Is ons of ths largest in th contest, aa it includes Columbia and Clatsop counties of Oregon, Klicki tat, Cowllts, Clarke, Paclflo. Wahalaaum and Skamania counties, Washington. When the votea wer counted yester day morning MlaS TCurth of the Hotel Portland waa In the lead, but when the voting for the day ceaaed and the final count to -date waa made It was found that ' Miss - Lucy - Gould, ths ' telephone operator at the Oregon Hotel, was first, with Mlsa Ruth Lee. the candidate of one department not-, far behind. It must be remembered that each vote Is dated and will not be counted after a certain date,-so friends of each con testant should cut out the coupons and send them In at once. - It should slso be born In mlqd that- each new subscrip tion carries a aperial vote with .it, and a greater vote if the subscription is paid in advance. It you hav some friend for whom you desire tovoie send In your subscription and a special number of votes for her, but by sll meana cut out th couponln - tonlght'a paper and vote it. , t ' -' v- '., ' ., A new candidal with a very strong influeno back of her has entered the lite I. TIlC Women ul Waodnraft, tht strongest women's fraternal - organize tlon in the Paclflo northwest, ha a de cided upon a -candidate and it Is likely that an effort will be made to have all members of th order work for her. GREAT DISPLAY WILL BE GIVEN TO FAIR VISITORS : Th special feature of Manufacturer day next Saturday will be, the exhibit of home-made goods in the south - end of th Manufacturers building. . Kvery article in this exhibit will - be given away to the publlo at th exercises to be held under the auspices of the Man ufacturer' association at 4 o'clock 8at- rday.' - - ... '- .'.-.-' : Kvery mn, woman and child who ex amines the collection of handsome, use ful article finds many desirable things, for It Is' a comprehensive collection, ranging from a yeast oaks to an Inviting Davenport couch, A polished mahogany dresser attraota much notice, as do a comfortable adjustable lounge, a fine curled-hair mattress, two heating stoves, brilliant Indian blankets, canned fruits and vegetables, rocking chairs, woman's skirts and many other necessary and valuable article for home and Individ ual us. ' -V - -. 1 , ' " ' Th souvsnlr bom industry badge, which th Manufacturers' association will present" to every exposition visitor on Saturday. at the gates on entering, will be carried away by all recipients a a memento of the occasion. " , All manufacturing ostsbllshmsnts will close for at teast half the day on Satur day to enable employes to visit th x position.'- " . - . . '"J'.' tl Dr OF TONE TO EBB " - " -- ,AND FLOW AT, CIRCUS . eeaassBMsasssBsj .There , are hundreds living .In thli community who find an added pleasure In a visit to a circus In th roualo pro tided. - To auch music-lovers th an nouncement of th coming Barnum h Bailey's greatest ahow on earth will be a - matter of extreme gratification. Thla anticipatory pleasur will be great ly augmented by the knowledge of th fact that th magnificent military band of this greatest of all amusement In stitutions Is quite In keeping with the general euperexcellenoe of ; th exhibi tion. It is far and away th largest musical ; prganlsatlon - ever carried through th country, and will d rouno to be entirely complete, embracing In lta composition every known Instrument possible to use in a military band and each instrument In th hands of thor oughly accomplished ' musician. . The band is under tie most capable and effi cient leadership or Professor Carl Clair. Th data when this great tide of tone will ebb and flow In thia. community Is August tl and 21. , DRAIN 'NORMAL SCHOOL - WILL CERTAINLY OPEN , ''..... .. .. , - Drain Normal school has money In hand to continue work during th next school year. A statement was pub lished' that- Drain school had . aban doned nop nf opening. Thla ia entirely Incorrect. . Weston Normal school may not be opened, but Drain school Is sure to., open. , . , ' . .- '-t. ... Low Excursion Rates to the East. On Sal August 14. IS. J and 21; also September IS and IT, the Rock Island railway will sell round trip ticket to eastern points st greatly re duced rates. For full particulars call on or address A. H. McDonald, general agent.. 14 Third street. Portland, Ore gon., -i .'.,'.- ' i' .. -"-' '-'; ' 1 "Tsry Xw Bates Bast. . "' 1 Ol R. a N. announces cheap rate to Buffalo, August l and 1. Very low; rate. , long-time tickets to Buffalo, New Tork. account -supreme court ..session Foresters of America. Particulars of C W. Stinger, city ticket agent O. R. V N. Ca, Third ndv Washington streets, PortlandV - . y;,,. ?. VMM CC.LOBT OF AMZXIOAJT f rr-T ilultncninli Fc!I ; (tee raat) ajtd ma-rovs. . EVERY DAY Porf$.o6i o vast AJrr rami : ftj. aisaju Mim stba JOS. KELLOGG , :. - ' -'' -. ' ... .'. ; ' Passengers bit alt beneath that tumb ling river for an hour and a half. It's ths grandest ride in North America, and you have seen nil ths ecsnery on the - river its gorges and canyons, mountslns and waterfalls, monuments of rock, beautiful groves and splendid inndscape when you reach Multnomah Pnlls. No other steamer landa. at this most, fascine ting. pot , ,, . . Boat leaves- foot of Salmon street at 1:10 a. m. returns at i;J0 p. m. Round Trlpt 3UOO Meal Barred. VeL Main S3. or;.:o::de will give way to WILL Lllffi '."i New iLeacUng.Matlomlnj Belasco Theatre In the - ; w.'-ji'i" Near Future. f V " It Is announced from 'the San Fran Cisco offices of Belasco t Mayer that Will B, Walling baa been engaged a leading man of the Belasco Stock com pany - in - Portland.- to - succeed - Eugene Ormonde. " The change wilt be made with th production of "The Olrl and the Judge." one weeK from next juonaay night. "Audrey" will be the last bUl In which Mr. Ormonde will appear. The present leading man goes Immediately to New Tork to begin rehearsals With Blsnche Bates for her new production. Mr. Welling Is praotlcally new to the Pacific coast, but hae a large following In-the east.. H waa Imported by Be- Isscq A Msysr to appear In "The Heart of a Geisha," Mra. Belasco' s play, re cently produced st th Alcasar theatre in 'Frisco. ;; ... :.r:. .v.. f $3;and $1 Shoes FOR MM "ITTIO'Mtll'l HATS fui'i 00 d tt.OO and IS 00 PANTS " ' '" for..f 2.00 a.60 and $3.0O 112.10, $11.00 and 110.00 SUITS for..$T.60 flO.OO 913.50 $2.00 grade SHIRTS ' .'' ' ' ' for.,.....,w..TBe end $1.00 UWDERWEAR worth $t0 ,n " fuf'.'j 'Tiv.'i't vT1, dSS and ' SOe "TRUNKS, and SUIT CASES at HALF PRICE. ' , , - i v v .' Ws must maks room for our FALL, GOODS arriving dally" price no , object etore muat be cleaned out. This I th biggest anap ver offored,.: . ,'... I. ' i JOHN DELLAR ';'"- AT rWO STOSfllS 'V.; Cor. Ttird cad Davis ssd Cor. First and YsUl Sts. Great Auction ol Chinese arid Owing te being overstocked for th Fslr trad and - th very Jlmlted room In our store, we con-, eluded to force our, goods at auc tion sale. Th largest stock of thia kind in th city, consisting of beautiful silverware, clolssonne, satsuma, new brass war, ebony carved - furnitures,- embroidered silk kimonos and fin . decorated porcelain tea sets, etc. ' , Sal commence 1:19 and 7:10 p. ra. Continue retailing before or after auction; wholesale at ware house. '.,.-' ' Andrew Kan & Co. - S8Y Morrlsoa Street, lniiw .v'';Foayra aad Flftk. V,.'.J..V Too might lust as well be earning twenty or twenty-five dollar per week aa seven or ten. "-Our com mercial and shorthsnd course ensbles students to command such wages. We tench a limited number, giving them INDIVIDUAL, attention. . Tui tion rate one third lower than other schools. T Gregg Shorthand The Multnomah Business Institute - M. A. Albla, FriaeipeX Phone Main f 0S. , $ Sixth St Th acbnol emmiHlaea as eleainury Kkoal, graaiBiar araeea. ' th arlssary sad aa mrmnmr proper, watrs am Ww eaatara ana weirs euiirg-a. -A bearding hall. for flrla. OfAr aeura ot the prlnrlpate daring rke eammer, bum S a. m. to It at the acadesiy. Pr eatakiguer ailitreaa v rOHTtAM ACAPKMT. Tblrteeatk a Harrawa, rertlaed," , Orrfes. ;0ur3:: ' it- H i f , if ItlX . " . Is pretty good-so ths makers, .told' us. We can't begin to get. it . all , into the newspapers and we don't know how to - 1 make you think UV "the i "only stock on earth -.;- and that we give you $5 , worth for 60c, ' But . what's the use? You'd find out we were lying V andyou wou!dnt like 7 7 us half so well." .We will do what any other dealer will do, but not - quite all some of them. ; ( promise. PVEtLi -184-6 Flrst StrectJ. ' Gear , through .the,.';, ' -' ?'.-:"., :-i block. 7 '. ''.-'.. i'.-4, - -: :'. ; Atk Our Custom . '.S') rSrr Theatre Ptreeoes ' w. t. in n, ellla. St anises Street satsaea U sad TU..' TOINIQMT ContlDUlif Kvery Klght Thia Week. With Kpeetal-Priee Matinee Saturday. . ' The1, raaoy Oemaa Ooswdlaaa, , , , KOLB 2r DIU-U . Bia pptMs Wit" --' ," ' The New Musical Oonmdj-Barlmaia, . The SUndicate ' TneKiit&rta -As runny ae -I. O. V." fomear Prtty fllrla Catehy Maale. - rOFVtia raUOM, jWe. tt, pOe, 1U. Belasco y Theatre (TorBMrly Cohmibla Tbeatre 14th aad Wash, ':' TOSIOKT At 1:1a, , , . . el fuitaiue PiwIiHUea e- LADY 11th Week elaaee Steak Oe, BOUNTIFUL Armor W. Plaere'a Pewerful Plaj, lasgalaV - ATlSiCfnTirPBDlxK D SUltOA ?TDlf P5 Nlatt e t TSe. ! ' rMWCa MaUaees t SOe. NEXT WEEK AUDREY'!. 'v . : aiOKXATIOV PASS. - ;i 4- i Oaraar Vsagaa asd Tweaty-fesrUb.' . PORTLAND VS. LOS ANQEIX3 -y.:y . Anauioir. avs vst s, it, it, u,' u. :,yy-. OSAXDSTAKD, aSe. " CHILDBBK. Ue Box tickets sd HiUTri- seats ,es sale at bos efllre. 4- , 3IWDWO BOVSA. " ' - .' , r AT01f AXS HA VET. , ..;.v. . . atABaOMST AHBVlLBOg, '- .T ' BIOHAKD KUiaT MILLia. US. EOT aVBAAIJ(. -. THS StAAOBOOrZ. Oistral adatlaaloa IS eeata. ' Sandaya. eves hiaa and aeUdara, reeerred aeata oe lower Soar, , ao - eeata. Dally sitlneee, retire fewer Soar, 10 eeota; box eeata, as reals. , THE BAKER . " eSIAT SPECIAL BILL. . ' Theatre ahrara eeoL Keating A Flood, llgr. XAJTTXT a BOTO'S aUXSTXXLa. Baa Belay, Harry Beya, 9 i Mao ft Ce., teals jtaavey, eoaa wiwi, weaaa siaai in a ' tlaa Act, atevia Vlotaraa, Baker'a Orakeau. Parrenaafieea eatly at S:SO, T'.SO aa4 y. n. a advanced Drleea fur bis ahow all aeMta aelllag tor Tea Ceata, eieepting hoaea. - a RAND vrxxlx at Ol. .''. " : AHZBV ABO BA Al -B. " , ',' " M LIAH AVO '. .', -, .. , 0X8LOW A a . tT. ' XA. raip yvawTOJt.. aamtikotx. OaneraK adaataatoa lO eeata. ftasdaya, eves' ' iBgaksd kalldara, raeerve4 seatve fewer Soar, SO eeata. Uaily Batlaeee, eatlre lower Soef -UYRIC THEATRE - ' Kaatlng ft rioo. Mgre, " . j , Week Star tl o htoeday, Aagnel 1, 1 '" '' , "LUCILE" 'A story of the eoath saria the Civil til z.:?. i .. i ' to "os'r Acts.' ' '. - -t Adsriaatoa to aaj seat, K) easts. ' ' . - LEWIS AND CLARK OBSBRVJI , TORY AND CAPS , ' , S - WBTIAHB KBaHTB. . -';,..'. Taks Portlaad Hl(tiei ear aad get eft sj ; , Bawtbera Terraee, oae bfeek (Mas ear Baa. Me eUatblnf. aieetrl elevelor. f. Be aoaatlfol etfeet ef eewarfM aaarabWe frea to ef tower. . Toe eaa eat a selaty . vaUa viewlag the SMet augoltleaat awl la ABMrtca. Oyea It, a. a I a a Aeayav atea 1 east. -, ROBERT CVOSE 320 Boylston ttrt, BOSTON, MASS. 0 JOURMAL WA.'iT IZ " '' CRIf.u C .... . , AUM.ek Xswar Bet Brand. . V ' " ' ',"-'