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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1905)
' .... 'TIIS OnfcOIl DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY , EVENING, AUGUST 9. 1S01 The Greatest Clotliin Hovse in the NortlitreSi. SALE : ill I I I Snapshot of M. De Witte, the Csar'a ', ptact envoy,. In an auto In New ; ' ' - York City, and surrounded by Rua ' . ajana eager to ahake handa - with ' f him. "t-". '..'.'.'.'.''. 'V ' MAYLEAVE FAIR 1 TO ITS "FATE ; .Committer on Congresses Dis- , ;h cussing Preaching Thgre Whils : Trail Opens- Sundays. 1 Hi'mf'tJUiti 9 PROMINENT CLERGYMAN f TAIKS OF BROKEN FAITH 1 ' M I Responsibility of the Exposition Cot 'f porgtion . for Court's ", Action In 4 Issuing Injunction Will B Settled at thl Meeting Today.' : ; ' Whether of not other- prominent clergymen wilt follow the utnplt of - Rev. Dr. C M. Sheldon of Topeka, Kan sas, and rafuH to preach at the exposi tion because. the Trail is open on 8un- ' dare will be' determined thla afternoon. - The committee on congresses met at 3 .e'eleck and la now in session. '' 1: . '.i It la understood that the committee will dispose of the theory that the ex position corporation which l 'the , ac tive management -of . the fair, did not - exert 1 itself to defeat the Trail -con-cessldnalrea' effort to procure a 'court . decision that would enable them to open Sundays. It Is not denied that . the corporation -was ; committed to -Sunday "closing under ' written pledge given . to the ' committee on congresses, and , 'there Is a disposition' on the part of v some of the members to insist that the .. appearance In court by Dan J. Malarkey -.aa counsel far the corporation was per . f unctory and that it Was really the de sire of the corporation to lose the case. T.XON'S C Being in index to soma ol the Talues in. Women's I Oxfords which are to be I found only .at FnUam'tJ $4.00 TANS $3.15 $3.50 TANS $2.85 $3.00 TANS $2.45 $2.50 JANS $1.75 $2 BLACKS $1.50 . a c-'"t i, ' .' -" "' "... Itrery Shoe is a New Shoe 1 Tollam sells no old ones J , i... v- '. . .- On Trie. Main l. 'we will jrhr away, aeeolutely -1 ree. asy pair of Se i ladles' ibM is tke boum ts tke sin is wko e Ike aeareat mnki ef-wwrde we will m btaid thla border darta tke swath ef Aagua. Costa satkiag to gaeee. FULXAH 233-C5n6lfC0IIBT GREAT EEBUG . ...'. This Is cited by the opponents of Sun day closing of the Trail as bad faith on the pari of the corporation. -' - "The people who favored the closing, of -the exposition,"- said one-prominent clergyman, "gladly fell In wUh the plan for the reasonable observance of Sun day by closing (he Trail -and -keeping open the grounds and exhibit buildings and having music and preaching services 1n the- afternoon. , We thought that this was a fortunate ending of what might have ' been an - unpleasant, controversy and accepted It aa final. ' "We feel now that the attitude of the corporation - was not In keepftig with the pledges made at that time, but that It had secretly aided the Trail con cessionaires in -winning the suit which threw the Trail open., I believe that the corporation will not persist In Its denial of Che assertion that It expressed pleas ure at the decision of the court and that It all along hoped . the concessionaires would win. If this be keeping faith, then our conceptions of good faith are all wrong." , , Not all the members of the commit tee coincide with these views, but some counsel continuing the program of Sun day afternoon preaching as It baa been laid out. ... ... , . -,. . i WALLA WALLA RAISES t - RAILROAD ASSESSMENTS .' ; . ., . ; 1. ...'if.. . . - -. " " - (SpeeUt Ihspatck te Tke JoareiL) : ' " Walls, Walla, Wash..' Aug. t. The O. R. "N. assessment of 17,500 a mile was raised to 1 10.000 and the W. R. as sessment of $7,100 was reduced to 4 S. 800 a mile by the county board of equalisa tion yesterday afternoon! Both roads sensor ocrryman in coniormity witn last yoar'a .assessment. The- state board of equalisation last September .reduced the W. 4c C. R-, which Is a branch of the Northern Pacific to a third -class .road, with an assessment of IJ.69 a mile. . General Manager HcCabe of the W. C. R. yesterday' appeared before - the board and stated that his company was willing to stand an assessment of tS.SOO a - mile. . To- -conform somewhat with the Umatilla county, valuations the board decided -to raise the O. H. A N. and reduce the W.iCR, In Umatilla county the O. R. A N. Is aasessed at $11,000 a mile and the W. A C. R. at .S00..-...,:, ) ... '--- M; ' NEW TRUSTEES ELECTED AT. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY ' 8peeUI Dtopetce, to Tke JoerseLI - - -. ' Forest Grove.- Or.. Aug. S. The fol lowing new trustees for Pacific uni versity' have been, added to the board Of trustees: . .v . Judge- B. Wolverten. of the Oregon supreme court: - Hon. Bela S. Hunting ton of The Dallea; Principal J. R. Wil son, of Portland academy: Rev. W. C. Kantner, ef the Klrat Congregational church.. Salem, and Senator E. W. Hatnes of Forest Grove. ' - ' These new 'members Indicate an ac tual Increase of four In the number of trustees, 'raising It to . IS. ' Senator Haines fills the vacancy caused- by the death of Hon. Benton Kill In. . t - DAYLIGHT DOWN '. COLUMBIA ' - t . ,s-ssssasss-e. . 0 . . . : - C ' On "T." J. Potter,"' Queen of River V' BoatsT-bont Miaa It ... :' T. J. Potter"-sslls for Astoria and North Beach as follows: Aug.. S. t a, m.; Aug, S. :40 a. m.: Aug.'., 10:4( a. m.t Aug. 11, 11: a. m.; Aug. II. '1:11 p. m. Don't fall to see the lower Co lumbia from decks of thla magnificent boat Particulars s'nd O. R. A N. sum mer book by atklng C. W, Stinger, city ticket agent. Third and Washington streets, Portland. . ' ., s Itching piles? ' Never mind If every thing else failed ' to cure you. - Try Doan's Ointment. ' No fnllure there. 10 cents, at any drug atOr. GREAT GAINS SHOWN IN : WASHINGTON POPULATION " (Special THipatc-k to Tke loerselV Olympla. Wash... Aug. . The secre tary of state has made public estimate of population prepared from the school census. as follows: State of Washing ton. 174.110, an increase of IIS.43S dur ing the past five years. ; - Cities Jiavlng a population of 1.000 and over are the following: Seattle. 114. 70?: Tacema. 71.000; Spokane, 74.000: Belltngham. 14.000: Everett. , 15.000; Walla - Walla. . 17.000; Ballard. 11.000; Aberdeen,' M00; North YaktmaT 1.000: Olympla. 1.000; Port Townsend. 1,100; Hoqulam. , 100; Vancouver, S,000.; SUPREME COURT HOLDS -PICKETING UNLAWFUL ; V -JhimI Sperlel arlre.ji .... ' Olympla, Wsalw-Aug. . The supreme court hss decided.- In"-af firming a ICIng county decision enjoining the fooks and Walters' union, that picketing and similar means of enforcing a boycott is anlsw ful snd.'thst "men cannot lawfully Jointly congregate about the entrance- of another's place of business and there each by rrsuslonrcoerclen,er force prevent . bis . patrons snd the pnhlto at large from entering his place Of busl-tu-s'or dealing with hlm.": EFFECT OF ACCIDENT . iapeelal Dtonstch to Tke earaeL. '' , Heppner. Or.. Aug. . Thomas - C, Davidson, an old and 'well-known reel dent of Morrow county,, died yesterday morning from Injuries received the day before at Heppner Junction, where he was run over by the O. R. A N. east bound flyer. .-. 7 . Mr. Davidson was returning from a trip t6 Portland, where he had been visiting the fair. . On arriving at Heppner Junction he got off to take the Heppner branch train. As he stood on the depot platform No. S atarted to leave and Mr. Davidson, mistaking the main line train' Tor his. attempted to board It. As he grasped the railing he was thrown awsy from the cars. Still, however, not seeming to see the danger, he . made . another attempt - and - was thrown, striking with one leg under the wiueels; . it was cut off , between knee andankle. ... , The ' Injured.' man was put on the Heppner train, which was then ready to leave, and brought to the hoapital at this place, where he died yesterday. 1 DOINGS IN RABBITVILLE From the Irrlgon . Irrigator, Rabbltvllle, Morrow County, Or., Aug. S. "Notts Rabbltvllle git to the front." Our barber shop Is enjoying a season of kwleasentg, the doors' beln' locked and the curtlns down, while the barber la likewise where the doors Is. closed and the curtlns Is down, for he Is Jail In Portland. He went down to the fair and was pinched for trying to lick the polio force. He got 0. days. We hope they Will let him practise shavln'-the pris ners. for If they do we bet he'll git killed long before the SO days Is gone. The ladles aid society Is talkln' of git tin' up a spelllaLBee, but we bet t.ity don't. The- truth- Is our people. So a rule, are not highly sddlcated, we beln' the only one In town who has ever went to college. If they do give the Bee they say -they are going 4.0 bar us. They'd better.' . .The City - drug store Is now dispens ing over their perserlptlon counters lid ef whlsht'j.1 wliluli'tlikf let:' ommend ; It wJtlcMx. . We th rowed bus three-finger perserlptlon of it Into our Innards and to the best of our knowl edge snd . belief It is made from rusty nails, barbed wire, ackwlfortls assid, caroslne and turpentinew It Is a ekko nomiclo boose, -7 We was drank two days on that one drink. ' v 1 ' - Sim Dipp of Irrlgon ; was cavortln' around - In our midst laat Sunday aa usual. --We seen Lulu mskln'. eyes at him when be was estln' dinner at the Bunco' house, but Lulu Is one of, them dswters of avs who would make eyes at a graven Immage ' of stone If she couldn't find somethln' In pants to leer at. And then she'd go. Into court If she was called and sware on a stack' of Bibles as big as a meetln" house thst the stone Immsgs wunk his eye at her first. Sim had better remember'-what Major Falrplay got and look a little out or Lulu' will have him - up before the squire- for breakln her heart. " It has been broke a lot of times and Is. awful tender. ' - - . . '. The City drug store Is now prepared to mend boots snd shoos of all kinds and to clean and . press clothing for gents and ladles. . Call and see sam ples. -. i" ' ' i,..r.iri'ti1itriMrt. 'Rastua Splnoodle has got hlsself Into pretty bad scrape, .- He went. over to lone and called on a widder heknoa over there and took her out buggy rid In'. They was goln' along quiet like, Rsstus drlvln' with one hand and wld derin' wjth the other, when the hoes, not beln' uste to one-handed drlvln', up and runs away, and pretty soon they Waa both spilled out" That'was about S p. m. st nlte, and 'Ras and the wid der walked back Into . town about S a. m. next morning. And now there Is a warrant out for 'Ras the widder charg In him with akrlmonlous oskullstlon. "Notts Rabbltvllle git to. the front." AT THE THEATRES. New Burlesques Tonight. . ' Omsienelng toaiskt St S:M e'rlnrk, n1 ena tlnamg tke msiler of - the week, Kolb esd Dill es4 tbelr eeapeny ef 40 will preerat tiro SHMtcsl trerMtles. "The SkhHtleete" sad Kelt n Dlll'e -"KIsdertartM." Thee fimooa Oer mu eoBWdlens ksee woe hick fTor. ad Is these kerlesqnea oppertmlty will be glren tkea te further tlfhtea their srup n Portland tbeatfe-soers. Kolb, IMU sad DlUon, as the Oermeae. keve one eeeee that le s layfk rrms the time they come ea the stage until they leave 1t., -Thle. le where Dillon as-en larenrnr emteavere to make a contract wltk tke engela. Kolb ead QUI. to'plece oa the market a Bwcban leal soil hi rented by Brhnettael. Both cooedlea are tilled with life and nerrtment. Thee Hn&rfheBa mm, Many ofyonr neiffhbora have need MeUin's Food for their children. Ask them what they-think of it; look at their children and aee the result of . using a proper food. - Mellin's Food will five the eame food resulta If r you will use it with your baby. . Bend for a sample, wa will aend it tree 01 cnergs. ttI,.IN l FOOD CO, BOSTON. MSV 1 as tie gea sieeai - - Boys-, Youths, and Juvenile This department during bur GREAT CLEARANCE SALE is receiving' universal attention.!. THe variety f of I j styles for the little fellows are almost Emitless. Prices T matchless, -r - - . - - - v- - Wash Suits Every WASH SUIT must go. . They may ; be had at a saving of from one-third to one-half of regular price. .1 e ."'', e Misses! Suits The remainder of our MISSES', SUITS are offered . at remarkably low prices. merrr Oenaass bare one aim. to smnee. Mlae Edltk Maaoa and Thomas H. Perase will kave aa entire new lut ef eos. and no soabt their many admirers will be pleased to bear tbem m -Ike wew effertnfe. - M la Maaon'a readarlng ef "Ah, Dry Thoae Tears" la e deHsht to -the ear and has been one ef ker favorites. Mr. Feraae kaa two voral am pi hw a. "Uj Native Land" and "The low Baek Car." All tbeaa prlnelpals are euppoaed te be eckool eklldrea attending the kindergarten, with tke eirepttoa ot Mr. - Kolb, who has the part of Rporkr. the German embwomaa. Mr. Dill will be a blue-eyed little girl in abort dreaeee. Mr. Perm as the spoiled baby, ead Miaa Maaoa aa the star papU. have parts that fit them wen. Popular prices prevail, sad eeabi are bow riling (or tke entire week. Big Audiencea at Belaaco. Lady Boantlfal"" In attracting extraordinary aadteoree at tke Belaara theatre. Tke play bmt the guarantee of Prnero'e name end kaa been received wltk general entkneiaem by local play goers. The theatre Is kept cool by mammotfc electric tans, Tke aeit production will be 'Aadrey," s dramatlaatloa ef tke beautiful romance of that . Baker Always Coot Patrons kave found that the Baker le tlie coolest place in the city owing te the au per lor ayatem of vent Hat ton and electric fane. A m la at ret performance Is decidedly a eammer form t entertainment. Prank Morrell. Jean Wlla3a THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL WILL SEND ABOVE " PAT TERN - P O.S T PAID" UPON REQEIPT OR '' - - - - '"PRICE. ; ' . .. (JWTZW Clothing U'- and Lea Haarey are.- the - soMats. - Matinee dally at S tO o'clock; evealng performaaeee st T:SO sad S o'clock. . ... . -r-- The Show at -fhfrStar. . Derelo m bis rage 'of death la drawing 1lg crowds to the 8tar. Oa the perpendicular walla ef a gigantic case he rldee a bicycle at break, seek apeed, depending ea the amnentam of hie .wheel te keep from falling. The act la tke V sat tntereettnc of tke sort . ever aeea kcre. The remainder ef tke bill Is good. . Grand'a Great Magician. Albbil. tke foremoat magician ef the vaude ville atarnj la the keadllner and one of the Mat eerrie the Uraad kaa ever efferetl Re ckangee kla act every nlgbt. The rent ef the kill Is clerer. NelUe McOolre. Ahem and Baxter. McLaaa and Mae, one low ana uarnott and the llloat rated anng sad the pictures coat plete aa excellent bill. - ': "Lucile" at the Lyric "Ladle." la the dramatlaatloa, kaa tort none. of tta soed eoallttea. . The Lyrkr company baa Mnlabed way ef producing plays that the public appreciates, and tt b doubtful If any where fce the entire country can be found, at the same prices, aa complete s prod action as is te be found at the Lyric. referred atceok Oasis sa qssSa. Alles Lewis' Beat Brass. Snarl Shlrf-Vcisl-Scil for Llissos fredsoen By rkutlXU PATTCaM Waist Na. MSI aaci Skirt Ne, SMm. - 'itis trim anirt-wajst suit here portrayed is an excellent mode for developing all aorta of wash goods, aa well as ailk, challis, voile and eaahmera The waist is sug gestive of the Gibson mode, having tucks on the ahoulder, and is box-plaited at the closing The bishop sleeves are com pleted with cuffs The . eleven-gored .skirt is double box-plaited, v . The shirt-waist pattern ia NV 2021, In S sixes 13 to 17 years and costs 10 nU The skirt pattern ki Xo. 263S, te 5 aisefe 13 to 17 years and costs 10 cent. For a miss el 13 years the suit needs 5 jj yards of goods 44 tacheswidu 1 DIKECTIQRS FOR 0KDIRIX9 . - These patterns will be sent to any ad dress on receipt of price. Civs numbers and sixes and full address, writing-Tlalnly.- I .... : .... ,1 n ' .' . ' Ka . . . .. :.7t7Z.. le '.... Name - Address.. . City State The Greatest Clothing House in the Northwest ' ! mM A Handful of Handy Things Or a bis bill ef builders' hard ware, both are satlsfyable from this comprehensive stock of hard ware wantablea. There's sn agreeable pleasure In settling our bills, too, becsuse of their conservatism. From look we'll book your orders have It, please) AVERY & CO. WTslll) STSBBT- Betweea Slae and Aak. Well Known 7 When the name of any one of the - various makes Of HIGH GRADE Pianos we sell Is mentioned . the '.'listener does not hesitate and say: V "I never heard of thst make be- 'fore" or "That - must be ; some cheap, new make." but you al ways hear them aay: "Q yes, my neighbors have that ' make ' and they like it; would not trade, for . . any thine-" Our prices".ar much leas than the same pianos were . formerly soldefor. ' Dundore Piano. Co: . ' SteinwayDealert , 233 WASHINGTON STREET. Dr. B. E. WRIGHT The SCTJBarTXTXO DiiniT that relieves all peJa in doatal epora- tiemaj t-taiv. vaauiasrvaa St te. a.veata. Wiltcil S:rt-3 Cstel "c -: c:.--i Leaves O" day, at city o. Power 1. -t City c'lly. escept Sua. T i re I l.ou. Oreeon te Cra a V f - 1 1 . V, IOT1U AJTO BXSOBTS. DcIightM 77 : " : Mount Hood Trip EVERT VISITOR to the Lewla and Clark ezpeel- . tlon should take this the moat ," . cellfhtfu! of all mountain trips ' in America. Cloud Cap Ian. . unique and plctureawme. T.sea feet above .sea', level.", af- r ' . fords splsndld aceommodatlonai -" Summit of mountain easily . accessible from this point. Stssss leave Hood River ata Mlon dally at S:IS a. m. and 12:10 p. m.. maklns; connection . .. with O. R. aVN. trains. Round . , trip tickets, including coach ' Ins trip, on select Oi R. N. ticket office. Third and Waeh ' Inrton streets. Portland. Par. tlculars shout rates at Cloud Cap Inn by wrltlas , , u. zjuroxxjus; - Hood. Blvuw, Orearen. '. Send s cents .In etampa to A. L. Craig. G, P. A. Oregon Railroad aV Navigation oora " party. J Portland," for booklet telling about trip, . ... . uuici 1 uiiiiiyuiii Opposite Mai Sntramee to aewie aa4 . Clark XxposlUem. , ' Only ' absolutely fireproof hotel aoV Joining grounds, equipped with eleetrie telephonls and special, telephonic com munications for patrons. Uaiformed porters and bellboys at all aoura at guests' eervice. , tarn f-a r , -.- - uvr tiegani nuums " Open for Guests , &ATXS SMO A BAT AJTO V9. ' ' W.'H. X.ATTIN, Qsneral afanager. , ... ' Wq. king Handsprpely fumlshed, equipped with every modern- oonvenlenoe, on line to eipoeltlorj and depute; Ave minutes' wslk te shopping snd buslneee districts; all outside rooms, light and airy. Electric and ge lighted, bathe. Ratea II to IS.Sa per day. for two . persons. Including hatha 309 Jefferson Street Near City Hall. Phone Flack 1I1L Tor modern dental worn. TT n owned spectallet. Lewest prices eoneeni w . i ' NEW v: rr- ; i re ei ' 1