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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1905)
TII3 OnZCOM 1 DAILY JOUniJAL, POaTLAIID. WEDNESDAY rEVZriKsO. ATJCU..T 0, 1 .1 15 ' JKCE 11111 OIF A ffMfiWR v:"--'-'''Five thousand four hundred miles by land and sea. .This is what The Journal pro-, it" poises to give eight young ladies this coming ;-FebniiyVf v ' '-"This tour will include' everything": worth seeing in'"' 1' v.v;;v-7-: 'C r'.:.? ,' ". ;'--V : " TThe ''youni'ladeswul'beW'' 'guests "of The' Journal ' from ''the day they leave -, . 'until they retunu .They will be entertained only at the best hotels; will travel only on . the best appointed steamship lines and will have an opportunity to enjoy every pleasure 'f efca hU mso-mrWnt trio affords. !' -V''-'- -C-' r; - .. --V- .',,;:'.VVi.';'' . WB, Bg - . -t ' , t , . '.From the north, from the south, from the east "and. from the, west come tales -of C great interest people are taking in the enrollment . . f 1 v-- - . ; The enthusiasm of the youngs people bursts upon us like a pleasant summer breeze. As each day goes by it brings bigger results, eachsucceeding dayis mightier than the( one Detore. ,; r, : ; J . ; . .' " t' .. .. Vliy Kot De One ol Them?-Do It CcsSiUcas cl The Jourid's Honolulu Tour Contest: TXBaW Any young lady bvr II yr Of age - may b nominated at any tlm n blank provided ' by the Journal, wjth tha endorsement of two waU known cltlsen of tha district In which aha resides. noon Thro Judge agreeable to tha dif ferent candidate ehallb selected to officially announca tha wlnnar In each dletrlct. ona young lady to a chosen from each dlatrlct. ' r-TKXMB Aa In othea (lection, each dlatrlct hall vot ' separately. Th vot in ona eannot affect tha other- Mattera properly concerning tha dlatrict will be Battled by tn wlahea of tha majority. Tha winner fthall hart tha right to ; name a proxy If unable to attend heraelf. - OPTM -Voting ' will commence Thursday, -August I. 1905, and cloee Saturday,- December 10, at S O'clock p. m, 1005. Coupon a muat be voted ' within aeren day after laaue.. Coupona cut from tTba Dally Journal muat be neatly trimmed. All coupona. whether alngle or apecial, muat bear tha Jiame of tha candidate to M TOteJ 1 or- V ' -v v' '. vv- v : '" r' ' Ccspcas re Given ts Follows: ; 7. fUT Single coupona, cut - from .the-4ally; paper,- are good for ona vote. Subaciiptlon to toe Evening and 'Sunday Morning Journal, three - month. I1.M, epeelal coupon of J 40 votea (paid In advance). - Bubecrlptlon to Evening and Sun.. ;- 4?v Morning Journal alx montha, '11.75, a apecial - o-JVon of 250 votea pald In advance). Subacrlp tlon to Tha Evening and'Sunday Morning Journal. It montha. $7.6, a apecial coupon of 700 yotea pl ajdvaeiaaii iMimtAih 4a tlia FvMitnv and lundiv Morn. tng Journal, three montha by mall. $1(0. A ape' clal coupon of ISO votea (paid la advance). Sub crlptlon to' The Evening and Sunday Morning Journal, by - mall alx montha. 11.75. a apecial, coupon of 1J0 votea (paid la advance). Subecrlp. , tlon to The Evening and Sunday Morning Journal -by mall 1 montha, 17.00, a apecial coupon of 700 -votea (paid In advance). Semi-Weekly Journal. 11.50 a year, apecial coupon of 100 votea (paid In advance), - . - -r .. . ' aUXTI-Coupona ahould be voted at the head, quartera neareat you or mailed to the coupon de partment of The Journal, or at any point named . below. Votea will , be counted Tueedaya, Thura. : daya and Saturday and tb total announced In that day's paper. -, - - , ; , ' T Any candidate withdrawing from-the conteat, cannot have her vote counted .for another. -, ' t . - -' Ceadqsxrters z& Vofiaj Pisces ' Tlrat: Dlatrlct Multnomah and'. Clackama counUea. Voting Place, Coupon Department of The, Journal Office. - . v; . ' - gecead BlatfrtcWUnlon, TTmatin and Wallow. counties. ' . v" Third PUtrtot Waaeo, Sherman, ailllam, Mor- - row, Wheeler and Crook countiea. . ' - y Voasth Piatt lot - Baker, Orant ' Hrney,? igd Malheur countiea. ,",',:.. - Vtftk Platelet Columbia and Clataop countiea, Oregon;- Klickitat. Cowllta, Clarke, Pacific, Wah kiakum and Skamania countiea,, Washington, ; . K Sixth OlstrloV Marlon, Linn and Lane counties. -SevwatkPItetoMhln Tam- Blarhtk Surtrlct Douglas, Coo. Curry,. Joseph. , in, Jackson,' Klamath and Lake counties, . Coupon Free Hawaiian Trip Honolulu, Hawallaa laUndg . t vot. for. 4 " Thls coupoa muat be voted on or before August 16, 105. Any information re gardlng condition of the Honolulu tour should be. addresaed to tha man-" . agar of the" Contest De partment of The Journal. If Counting will be done on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and the standing of the candidates announced to the public ... rs'.. - - - ; ; W The most unpopular man In Mount Tabor todax""ls the ' manager of the local water company, who sTiut off tb water at 1 o'clock yesterday and kept It turned off until this morning. In thla dry period the 11.600 residence of C W. Davis at East- Anheny and West avenue F12!IT F03 ESTATE LEFT TO . ; - AH : ADOPTED SON . JMrs. Dora B. Davis' Thousand- Dollar Insurance Policy Is i . Bone of Contention. . ,.',Tb. duty of an administrator I first to gat, possession of all tha property of the estate and next to pay the Just bill, after which hs should render sn account ing to tb court. . When this has been don his . duty as administrator has ended." ' .r. v Bach was the decision of County Judge Webeter after hearing the argument ef the petition for a dissolution of adoption proceedings in the matter of the guar dianship of Tercy W. Kerf. a minor. Dora. B. Davis had no near relatives and waa residing with Mrs. - L. M. Parriah, who was caring for the little Kerr boy of the Boys' and Girls' Aid society. Mrs. Davis took a liking ' to . the boy and adopted him. Soon after she became HI and died, but not before she had her friend. 1 Mrs. Parriah,; - appointed . "-t-e guardian of the boy. ' ,- Hssel Brannon. Winnlfred and Lenore Pain, cousins, and L. Butler, an uncle We May Live ;tef:yvp In the heart of aur friends and those depending upon u for support, by a membership In the ORDER OK WA8H INGTON. The cost Is about one half that of the ordinary. Inaurapc com pa -ntee, and w plac Juat as much In our benefit fund as these companies ; do; lient-e our insurance Is Just as strong. Hut not s rnt Of ours goes Slo graft WK PROTECT OCR INSURED AT TfiE ' ALTfJIL COST OF -PROTECTION. Write for particulars o . . , ; . .. t. S. lOTOXSU' aprem SeCy, ' ' ' . ..... ' Ciur cf yGs!:yc3 -. V,' ., i, PertUad, Oregva. , of Mrs. Davis, filed a petition In the I couniy court 10 nave n. n, unnr mv pointed admmlstrator, and alleged that Mrs. Davis left an estate of 14.000 or more. A life Insurance policy -for 11,000, willed to her adopted aoa, to provide for his education. was,all she owned. ; -The aiatinf relative filed a petition through ths sdmlnlstrator to have tha sdoptlon proceeding set ' aalde. but Judae Webster ruled against them. Mrs. Parriah Is deeply grieved over the I notoriety she haa received rrom tne caae. Mra. Davla went to "her 111 and friend leas, she cared for her for montha and her only remuneration waa a little old fashioned furniture. The relative of Mr. Davla accused her of Influencing the sick woman to adopt tha. Kerr boy, but she denies having had anything to do with It. r - .. OREGOli VILl BEKEFtT BY ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN y- M- ; .. . V Southern Pacific to Spend Hun dred Thousand Dollars In Tell-: ''- ing of Scenes of Route. Southern Oregon, -and In particular ths Rogue River -valley, will receive benefit XronTthe expenditure of tlOO.000 that I to be spent by the Southern Pacific company lor exploitation of th cenlc beauties of the line between Portland and Los Angeles. ' Tb com pany will begin, an -advertising cam paign In the eastern magaslnes nsxt November. ,;.- :;'. y r : ' It Is said th Southern Pacific, follow ing tb exempt of more progressive eastern railroad lines that have much lesa attractions to advertise, will adopt a policy Invading the eaat with adver tisements concerning the many great blessings with which nature haa en dowed th Pacific' coast The railroads have proved th efficacy of newspsper knd "maanslne-advertising, They - are convinced of the truth., of .th maxim that "It pay to advertise a good thing." The Southern Pacific has a good thing In scenery all the way from Los An geles to Portland. It traverses a coun try that Is the most beautiful on the globe. Its beautiful and fertile val leys, and. the combination of fruitful Vales and snow-capped peaks are th most magnificent picture that ths hand of nature has given te ths world. . ', ' ' ..' : . Sarly aad Often. ' ', ;"' . Guess early snd often while Jou are netting the Mellln's Pood sshlbtt In the Agriculture building at the Lewis and Cltrk eiposltlon. There Is an- charge fnr gueaHlng and U Is a rather Interest ing problem. 1100 will be given to the one making th best guess. . . . s V ' WHAT IT HEAHS TO BE BIG Over Three Million People Ar- rived at Union Station , ' . : Here In June. ; ' ' " K ' .The advantages of being a great rail road terminal Is ahown by the records ef tha-passenger, businea of Portland for th loat fiscal year ending June SO. It 1 estimated that during th year :,050,I10 coach passengers and 160.000 Pullman passengers were hauled into Portland. In th light of the figure It I easier for. people to -understand why Portland heeds mora - first-class hotel accommodations. . . .: A total of 127.614 cars were hauled Into th union station, of which 71.51 1 wer in passenger, trajjis and 160,T0 were In freight trains. Allowing 10,000 for express cars, and another 10.000 for Pullman, there remained 50,515 coaches. Th grand, total of passengers arriving at the union station approximate t 106,510. Calculating th freight t 45.. 000 pound to th car. th freight brought, to Portland by rail during th year amountea to ii,zii tons. - TEMPERANCE CONGRESS : NEXT MONTH AT FAIR Beginning September ' IS, four .days will be 'devoted to a temperance con gress at the fair. In which the Intercol legist Association- of the Pacific coast, the Antl-Baloon league, th W. C. T. U., tn Kpworm Lieague, ana kindred or ganl sat Ions wll - tske part. An an nouncement to thla affect was made last night by L II. Amos st the publlo recep tion given the Moltnomsh. County Pro hibition alliance by Mr. and Mrs. B. Lee Pa set. North Alblna. . 'Speech will be delivered by Clinton N. Ijpward, the platform speaker., and Johh St Johns may be In attendance On the opening day an effort will be mad to have , 2,000 chool children In lin. i - ' - "Some organisation have already se lected the daya to b devoted to them," aid Mr. Amos. . "Th congress will b a great f eatur,f th exposition aaro Bturaio and Betara (07.50. 1 On August 14 and II th Great North ern railway will- eiv.sxcurslpn tlckete to Buffalo and return at rat of 511.50 fer th round trip," ticket good vis Q rest Northern railway, returning aame or any direct route, atopover allawad on return trips limits sy eaat of tua mi Strange Disappearance of Promi . . nent Russellville , Citlxen ' . l;rf .Excites Anxiety. ; ; : SEIZING" BUTCHERVKNIFE r. LEAVES HOME IN -ANGER Rancher Seems to Have Vaniahcd U the . Denae . Undergrowth in the Vicinity of His Farm JVithout Com ing to the City. ; " - ' .,. (--.i- . , Nf .' i h : , ; f. The tut aide erfles at The Jearsat la Is the tore of Mrs, T. W. McK laser. WO Keel Uarrleoa atreet. Telepbooe Baet .87. , , . Th disappearance of J. P. Welbes," a rancher Wvlng near Russellville, 'has so alarmed his relatives and frlsnds that searching parties will be organised to scour the dense undergrowth between hi horn and Montavllla. .- -' On the the morning of July 11 welbes quarreled with hi wife over hi young oat son, and left the houae in a rag. Later he , returned,' got 55 from hi, wife, and taking a butoher-knlf from th kitchen table aa he passed out. started without a word of explanation In the direction of Montavlllaryr that time nothing ha been heard ' of him, though a moat thorough aearch ha been made In the lodgtng-houaea of Port land and generally oy tne pone. Th peculiar thing about the rase I that th neareat neighbor to Welbes did not see him going toward Monta vllla' on. th morning he disappeared. Several who were, working a boat their homee assert 'positively that ha did not pass oath main road to th villa, which Is also tha only direct way. to th city. Th feeling . I growing nmbng th neighbor that trace ofJilm; will - be found much nearer home thirn In the Portland lodgtng-houaea, mtd several have made a search on .their own ac count - '.'.. 'Welbes has been a' resident of the county for many year ' and wss wall known to - all th oldar resident of Montavlll and th valley. - He Is be tween 65 and 50 year of age, and of a melancholy disposition - that kspt him from mingling with his neighbors. . He Is th owner of a good fruit and berry ranch near Ruesellvllle and hi wlf and ona. J, P. Welbes, Jr., and Victor Wel bes, constituted hi family.'- V . -. . ANOTHER OBJECT LESSON. fcaok of Wstsr at jfout Tabor Oosta ; Suburb Xaadaom Beeldi took fir and burned to th ground and th cottag of C A. Thomaa wsa badly damaged by th flame and waa saved only thrdugh heroic work on the part of tne Beiiwood company. Had not a well and cistern been hsndy th Thomas cot tage and - five adjoining house would haXebeeneonsumedAan eveu me iiisumcient .supply ok waisr 1 that la given by the locaNeyetem th Davla residence' might bav been saved with but slight loss. r ' , Thl -fm- th eecond object lesson In th week aa to th need of fire protec tion in Mount Tabor, and when th Push club meets Monday night thsr will be a gathering . of determined . property- owner that will force om decided action on the club and make a fight In the eourta to compel the Mount Tabor water company to aupply water at all hours, or to get a chemical stationed in the suburb until water can be secured. - Th Mount Tabor Water company 1 th mum concern that sroused Monta vllla to th state of revolt because 'of an Insufficient supply, and th water for th two suburbs comss from th on small spring. , ' .. ' , - ; , ' OPPOSE INCORPORATION.' BaMiBii5 for Pormatloa ef Town of . MoatavWa Vet Tfasalmons. .' Th proposition to Incorporate Monta vlll will not com before the county court unopposed, and probably a con siderable number of the cltlsen of the suburb will fight ths petition from dn csus or another. Th petition for in corporation have been In circulation for sevsral daya and many signatures have been aecured, but considerable oppoal tlon ha also developed. One of the fac tion that will fight Incorporation la composed of those who desire annexa tion to Portland, and believe thl can be cured next year. Others object to th Increased expense the move would en tall on" the property-owner.'. The on thing that I bringing th cltlsen to gether Is th Isck of water and this ha to a great extent served a a gravs for all factional differences. It I known that an abundant water aupply can b secured by , digging , n the gravel bad near' town, ana investor, stand ready to Install, a water system when the town 1 Incorporated, ao that on -water com pany can be given a monopoly, provided It gives adequate aervice, and at pres ent. If the.Jndlvlduel cltlsen could pre sent franchlaes. they would agree to any sort of a monopoly for an Indefinite period providing only . that abundant water waa secured. . . . .,. LIGHT IN THE GLOOM. S. John Will. Save Plenty or Mosey w When Ts Skip Come la. , . " St John sees flnsnclal light ahead. and tn moat cneenui meeting tne eoun ell hss held for soms tires was thst of Monday night, when th new was given out that the eonntv tax assessor hsd discovered 51.250,000 of taxable prop. erty In the town, which would give an Incom of '511.500 next spring should th maximum levy of 10 mills be levied for local purposes. As . the town has been getting along with about 5400 year from the tax levy thl news cheered the council to the point where th mixed bond question waa forgotten.. Mean- hlle aome temporary relief must be found'to t1d-th town over until th new levy can be collected, and to" this end th occupation tax ordinance as proposed by the special committee was read knd discussed. The ordinance la practically tne earn a la tn on In force in Portland, but the virion claasea ar assessed .at a lower rate. It I th expectation of the council to pea th Ordinance In ' th Immediate future, despite local protests but It Is prom ised thst tns ordinance shall be effective only long as .th town 1 hard pressed for fund and shall be repealed 'wbtn th amp) levy of 1005 Is available.. .. .1 TWO OFFICERS QUALlEY. , ' V Ouster prooeedlag Against St. John Offlolala Ar Propped. Proceedings to oust Marshal Hanks . . - . - ' . ' .. , ...... V f ' . .. . f, .... . .,. ... r?..... .i. ... - - --w-.. - :.-.'--'-. v',- 1 ; r- -'- ': - . i .' :" great assortment of Wash Suits itv Buster Brown, 1; Sailor, ' Norfolk and alU the: lat ' i styles. Sizes Irxl 4 - ........ ........... ....' $I.QO $1.25 . m Vji)teeei ... ............ t i . $1.05 Stylish Shirts Of Madras, Chambray and other soft goods,' all Ihls season's patterns ; 75c and 50c values, f or , . ..... . iy y-'f;; For Men. : r' Cut,' fashioned and tailor ed the same as custom-' made clothes and costing, one fourth of the price ' latest fahrlra. $10 t 1 - 1 UnacFivcar Men's x Balbriggan. and isiue Jersey Ribbed Un derwear (regularly priced at 50c and 35c This week 4-V:". When You See It In Our Ad. It's So THIRDand Oak Streets TO MOUNT HOOD, f-V if':. '.(' ' ' r , 'de.-, ' 3 '-r -t. O VISITOR to Portland should fail to vislt: Mount Hood '. Cloud Cap Inn, unique and picturesque, stands on the ' X. ..- northeastern slope of the mountain at an elevation of :,'-'.',;VV,'.? 6,800 'feet. - Comfortably furnished, with pine'loes blar- -' ' f 'r. ing in the huge fireplaces and with atable supplied with - v' ; p -eeverythinghat a hungry visitor could wishr'the placeUa niost-in ., . riting. Speciar round trip excursion rate $15, good' for 30 .days ; ;.' '';.,' - f from Portland; includes rail and stage far'; lunch at Mount Hood- ; '. Hotel (Hood River) ; two nights' lodging and five meals at Cloud . . , ' ' Cap Inn, and returning lunch at Mount Hood Hotel Particulars V' - and . R. & N. Summer Book' telling all about the trip by asking . t :: at Thjrd and Washington btreets, Portland. - 'WMMVU OST 51X1 05TX.T AT O. B. S) sr. OXTT TZCn i y, OTTtOM. TSXK9 k WASansrOTOaT . ,. aTrmUTC FOBTTtAJTS. ." C. W. STTNCEIX City Tlektt Jtft O. H. ft. Co. and Treaaurer t-Vafenrtne df-SETohns hav beea dropped by the council and city attorney, and . th appointment of the marshal haa been reconfirmed. The charge against Mr. Valentine waa that he waa no longer a' property-owner in the town and ao could not hold office. At th time of making th complaint gainst th treasurer Councllmsn . Ed wards wss challenged by. the city at torney on the same grounds, and hi ease alone remain unsettled. Th other officers have again purchased propssty, but Mr. Edward haa not bought prop, erty and hss not found It agreeable to resign hi sa& In th council, even un der th heavy pressure that ha been brought to bear. The question will bs settled at a special aesslen of th coun cil Frtdsy evening. ' --. : c FOREIGN CITIES WANT. GIANT PANSY PLANTS - Early In th spring of thl year 1,000 giant pansy plants were set out In th sunken gardens of tha exposition. - At the time the entire country was mads awSrs of thl fact, and that th psnsles were grown by a local florist and that tney wer the, largest or tneir sort in th world, '..'- . -! . Sine than thoussnd of letters hav been received by the exploitation depart ment making Inquiries' concerning thee plant and asking for seeds. Today a letter wa received from W. John Rosa, chief of th Table Bay harbor board. Cap Town, South . Africa, asking for seeds, asd another from Captain August Ksller of Vienna. Austria. - - In almost every Instance th writers show remarkable Interest In things American and particularly In th Iwl and Clark exposition, and It la atated that In every civilised country oa earth NO RAIN NO PAIN INICI3 TEETH - Wo ar th fllacoverer and originat or of th only rellabl and cleatlfl ytm of Painless Dentlatry. W ex tract, orown, fill and eleaa or treat teeth absolutely without pain and guarantee all work for fifteen yesrs. Our work Is ths best, our prices the lowest eon, slstent with first-class work.. -EXAM INATION FREE.- Our plat gr unde tectable from - th natural teeth and ar guaranteed to flu . SfLUNOS 004 7B Mid OLD CROWNS..... 3.60 to BRIDGE WORK S3.00 to FULL SET NATURAL TEETH. Ova fo Ira sla ess aatil a vaalaga, .; Boston Painless Dentists 001H atorrlM mu Op. Katsw a HhI -mt rostoffloe. : HOURS 5:50 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sun day, 5:50 a. m. t 11:10 . m. ..... (. Bl.OO is.oo Is.oo is.oo 'elc th wonder of th exposition ar read about, in th paper and discussed by tb native. . . - A lasv liver make a 1ar man. Bur. dock Blood Bitter I the natural, never falling remedy for a iaiy nvr co?rcE,Tia DAmrjopcvDsni jc-jEJtTracra , POrtTLArO, OnXOONe IffQKOTllS --'.'.- ' 't':; '; tt' --' Chicago, 00 day west, ror additional Information call on or address H. Dick- '-' .-: ... ..,.. . ... .... - ; '' , . j,i - V ,-; . ; ' . ' , - '