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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1905)
', - vTHE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 9. 1S05 If T EaBSred St tBS posioracw ox i v ... j ft. . nwmtloB tArougk the malla aa Postage ur alalia copies' Tor aa 8, 10 at 12 fJtTifv. 1 cent; U to $0 pages, t ceBla; 0 , to 44 rea, osnta. ; '""-' " " tilipkoexs. ' ? ' ' , Editorial Bopms ' SlSES I Of0.aa..a.a'aa W .w.ntltvtA'CTYS. i i Vreelaad-Beejemln Special Advertlelug Agency, I XV S.asueat. sw Xorhi TrlbuBe Build. hjaaj, oucia. :tt'"- H v 8UBSCBIPTI0N KATES. ; Tumi by Oairiar. - ' '" I Ths Pally Joornal. with Sunday. 1 yeeg...$7 W ,' Ths Daily Journal, 1 year......... ? Tan Dally JoarnaL with Sunday. 8 ansntbs. I T Tba iany loom". e . .. , M t Taa Dally Journal, with Hanaay, moBths. 1-B0 I Tba Pally Journal. S months.. .,';I,a 1 Tha Dally Journal, with Hunday. 1 nnth.. .88 t The Dally, far weak. slellvered. Bond ay In- ' ! ta. Dally, par ;wk. delivered, Sunday e- . V- e t w.ll. '' . Tha Patly Journal, with Saaday, 1 ytar...T M Tha Dally Journal, 1 yr. ....... Tha Dally Journal, with Sunday, 6 montbe. 8.78 Tha Dally Joaraal. motitha... f-ia Tha Dally Journal, with Sunday, twmtha. W Tha Dally Journal, S months. Tha Dally Joaraal, with Monday. 1 moatb.. - in xaxiir jowm. oraow. -wav eon ' Tba Sunday Joaraal, 1 yaar too Tha Boaday Joaraal, months -w , Taa Wl-Wnekly JearaaL take Semi-weekly, to IB payja - f each laeno, lllastrated. lull market M r ItUueee'ehou'ld baSnada'bV"dVaVu'iuatal fnotae, express awdere and amatl amoaata ara aoowUbla 1a I and. 3wnt poatara ataaipa. IT TBI JOWMAJ- . "P. i Boa 1. Portland. Oroa. rxxxx thi joTmmix kay bb TotrirD. Tba Joaraal caa ba foon4 am aato at tbt jlCAOO Poatofoea Kawa eanpanyt lt Daar- DKNVIB. COLOW. BU(. BlitaaaMi and Cor. tl atracta. ... KASHA CITY Taa Moy Kra MlNNKAPOUS-r-M. 1. KaYaaaufb, ftO aooth Third atraat. - . " NEW YOKK CITY Braotaao a, Tnloa aqnara. OMAHA Millard Hotel Nwa ataod; atoaaatb t Htatloaary ennaay. Jwai tnraup ""!" . ' Salt LA KB CITY Kanyon Hotel Kawa atand: Barrow Broa.. 41 Weat Batond atreet, aoulh. . ST. i-OCIB Philip Boeder. 1 Laaoat atraat; B. T. Jett, 01la atreet. 1AX P BAN' CISCO W. B. Ardlnf, Palaea Hotjl i New. atand and inr Market atreet; Oold 1 amltb Broa. 230 Butter alreat and Baliit 3 Fraarla hotel: Fotr A Oroar. Perry bulltT ; 1n; N. Wbeatley. aameable aawa ataad. auf nor Market and Kearney ntreete. BEATTLX Balnler Grand Kawa ataad; W. k Hhaoka. Hotel Beattle Kewa ataad. ! SPOKAKB, WABHlhOTOM Job Wv Orabaai ilAo5!A.'V"AIHIK3TOK-Btraj Kawa Cow pa dt; Hotel Teoma Kawa ataad. tTICTOBIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA YletorU Book BUtloaery eompaay. WXATXXB BEPOBT. Pah? and -war at weather eontlneee la tba north ParlSe atatea. .tibowera aad thunder etorasa ara reported ta Arlaona and New Mralea and la scattered places east af tba Mia alsslpnl rleer. . ft is warmer this moraine la eastern rayon aad aoatheaetrra Idaho and cooler In Nevada, onthweatern Oregon and In tba Inter lor at California. The lnllrtlnni are fre fair weather In- thla dlarrlH tonlyht aad Tbarsday, with sswar temperatnrra Umlfht aaat of tba Cascade momv Jalna. - ' -ntABBIAOB UOEVBIS. Kalnb B. Lone. XL and Mabel lAlea. IB. sasaiap Mi Basniss, af I ann, Tl. anfl Ilia ft n.MMrru4t an. - C. L. Larae of Waahlnctoa county, 49, and Edna 1.. Hlrka. 19. - Weddlaa Cards. W. O. flajlth A Co.. Waahr Inyton bldy., enr. Ponrth aad Washteatoa ata. BTBTBJ. ' KITTI.ESEN Aoraat t to Mr. and Mra. Klttelaen. 139 Meade atreet, a daughter. -KKIifMlN Anna - 1, - ta Mr. -and Mra. A lea NelaonBOT Orerton atreet, a son. FIKHKB Auaaat . to Mr. aad Mra. Edward rlsher. Third ana Mill atreeta. a asuanisr. BBBBTB July 3S. to Mr. aad Mra. Oust In A Rnirfe. 1)10 Mlaaourl aeeaue. a aon. Hl'iillES July 18. to Mr. aad Mra. Prank Hnahee. 307 East Coach atreet, a daayhtsr, 0OBTAAI0VB BtSKABXS. BLB'BLL Angnat T, Vera ElweU. P7S East Ktara atreet, era net rerar. BXATSS. BCUIECK Aagaat a.-Barrett r. Brbleck, agsd .. 4 rears, at Hotel Browa; eanee. eerenrai aav rnllam. Rurlal at BleerTlew cemetery. ZIHl.l Aus-oat T, Hsrold C Elnall. aged B months, 7 in Ntrniai atreet: eaaaa, eonrnaiioaa. Burtal at bene Fir eaeaatery. , BTKFFENHON Aagoat ft. S. Fred Steffenaon, areH 30 yeara. la Willamette -rlTer; csuee. drowalng laceldanUlr. Burial at BlTerrlew rriCKSOrt Aagnat , Madeline A. T. Stef- fenson, aged Id years, la WlUswtta Mrer; csuee, drown tea- (accidental). Burial at Hr- errtew cemetery. BAVIHD Angnet t. Floyd Haetrd. Nigad IT years, la Willamette riser near aipoeltloa . gronnds: eaase, drownlnf (accidental). Barlal at Knanpa. Oreaoa. 8PILLMAN Aagnat T, Bataerlne Agnee Spill- aaan. aged 74 yeara. North I'arlfte aanttarlum; eaaae, henasrrbage. Barlal at Lone Fir cam ' etery. , fBEMCOTT Angost T, diaries H. Prescott. aged M years. W1 Has cork at rest; causa, i apoplexy, Cremator Hi ca. BITZB TO CEXETEXT. 81B(ia grseea 10, Family lota TS ta fl.OUO. lbs only eematery la Portlaad which perpetually maintains and earea for lota. Fot full Information apply to W. B. atarkeuate, forces tee bloclt. city. W. Id. Ladd. preatdenC The Edward Rolmaa L'ndertaklng eompaay, raaeral directors aud ambalmara. 22w iblrd atreet. phase SOT. J. P. Ftaley Son, fnneeal dlreetora aad "wmhalmere, corner Third aad Madlaon atreeta. - Ofnca of eooaty eoroaer. TaUpboaa Mala B. Funeral wreaths and eat flowers a specialty , at Boss City Greeaboaae. Twenty ssiead aad taet Morrison, opp. ee met err. BEAL ESTATE TBABIFEBS. G. W. Brew a t M. Maann, lota 25 and . block B, Laorelwiiod a fna t. . Hoggs ta K. MrllolUud. lets IB, . 24, Arleta Park :.. 1,0M A. r. Wheeler aad. wife 4a U. Steugsr, aoutb l lot 1. blork W, city B.250 H. Quiet, administrator, to E. Qnlet, Us 1 aad 2. block II, Oarrlson's aub- ' dlrlsloa. Bast Portland 1,100 Bhrrlff to A. Bobert. blork 90. Ste phen's addlttoa, and other proper! r. f B2, Ml r. 11. Marlsy to C. K. Bordea. lot g, block 14. Central Alblna , 1 T, A. Pit mar and wife to C. E." t'aroen- ter, hH 2. bUirk 12. Highland Park... POO B. B. N''le et al. to Mrs, M. B. llt- ' mar. aanat 100 iv. IH-ydea and wire to w. 1. Zlmwer- . -v ana a. part b T. Hawaaiac Traet - Clly to E. M. Barton. Iota 411-44. la- eln.lre. block 12. Pealaanlar addlttoa.' 13 A U,rfH- mn wife to J. II. HnraariL block . ritrphen'a addition ST.OOO J. H. Bnrgard aad wife to r. ei. Morris. pert hlek SU, Stepbea'a addltloa I IWlland Trost Cowipany of Oregon la . 1. Kleenao. letta 1 and S. black 1S4. - - 'mr s sodltiee .10 A- Motiert and wife to' w. B. Tbaensa. triia l re. parcel land beginning at Inter-, aecttoai or aoaith line of Coach aad eaat . line Seeenteeutk i. ' - ...- W. I , , aiwril le r . t. w w r-rmrj , w a, . aorta in fuet lot 2, block It. Moant ' ' Teher Villa B.OOB k. U Beerdlng to C. W. Weir, lota i' " ssd 4. blork S. Saaset Park Ko. f.. . I : Dae TUJe Uaaraotoe A Trust eompaay . l Probeaut- lot. . block 4i. . , , KiiMi.raida i. ,Vn I. H. Ullea ta W. r. Sandeeeoa, lot IS, " b-h la, lJneoin Park , BOO f. tills ta w. H. Belaler. lot 4. black 2. . Ilewr't Addition BOB e-J'HH aad wife ta E. F. Pay, block , J. Jaaaa- first , addition ta M. J'Ana ;.. , , , C. J. aveat aad wife ta B. A. Baldwin, ' ' b-t I block na, Pertkaad ...... 10 V ull M tl. J. Weal eeme 1 . aaaee MAI, Betawea, part ktta , B aad P, aabdiTialoa lot 4, bock a,' Portlaad HoaMwtead I Braake aad wife to 0. L. Smith, fetal 1. a. block aa, Coocb'a addlttoa 0. W. Brown to tba Taylor IareataieBt eompany, ktaJ aad t, blork 11. Laurel. U O, cinrkn ind'Vlto J."'jVtta"et al., beflnalnc oo north aide line Wah Inyton Kaj teat aaat frotn east aide Una Twentieth 11000 0t ' rear Inn rant?) aqd Abstract t rl ti Troflt ih tiii uratM a imi pa nr. Cbambae at Cobbm XL balldlaa. Bimonrc pibmttb. DAVIS Aniuat B. L. SI. DaTti. -dwelllnc. Malt aoraab beiweea Bant Twentieth aad Kaat Twrntyeeood atreeta: coat, $2,430. HTAM8 Auiuat S. Mra. Tlnle Hyana. dwell- tn. Wasro betweea Bant Tweaty-flrnt aat nnnt iweatyacono- atreeta; eon, KA1MEB Aaauat . Buaalle Kabwr. dwell , Inc. Krerett between Twenty-necoa4 aail "Twenly-tblrd atreeta; eoat, ao.OUO. BKt'K Auauat S. J. C. Berk, reralra ta atora. I'nlon aeenna netweaa ) BuaatU and Knott atreetm met. t3U0. 8TEEI.B Aaauat 8. rbarlea Steala. repair to aweiiina-, soi wuiiama aTanue: eoat. sxno. COrPBY Aanat S. D. U. Coffey. dwelilaa, t'oataiaroMi Between, uaaeb . and rreiuonl atreeta: eoar. eZ.ta. MKY KB Auauat 8. John Merer, cot Uce. Cor. f- netr atraat seat llamlltoa aTaaua; eoel,. PlIli.LIPS Aacuet S. M. PhlUlpa. barn. x East Eleeentk between Laiuwtoa aad , Bldwell ' atreeta: eoat, (las. YAM DOBN Auiruat S. C. B. Tan Darn, abed. uarneM -atreet' near ink srenue; coat, 170. U tona forarer, bat If deposited 'with "THE OLDEST TBT7BT 'OOMPABY IX - :.:.... i-'-- - - -,' 0KE00B" . - ,-v;-- Would ylM yon a edmpatancy f or year aid age. Let na eiplala to yon . tha advantage! af a Barings, Aeeaont. ' ' IBTEKEST PXB CEJfT, Oar Special CartlOcata of Deposit, . ' ' -v'. - - nrrsBisT pxb cebt. Or oar Special CerUftcata of eDpoalt, - IBT1BBBT Ii4 TO PZB OXXT. Yoararlll and It well to read oar book to! I r 'ItlVBTBAIIOBI,- -" Which la yoara lor the asking. , ' . " ! f CALL, PHOKE OX WXJTX FOX PABTICVLAKS. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON ' Resources Over j)i,ooo,ooo 10 Third Street. - ' Pnona Mala 4SS. BEX J. I. COHEN. ............. .,....Prealdent H. U PITTOCK...... Vice-President B. LEE PAGET......... ....Secretary J. 0. OOLTRA......r.'.,AsslsUat Secretary Bargains in Acre ; We have' for sale some 6-acre tracts at $65 per acre, $25 down, balance small monthly payments. Thesir tracts are well located; near 0 W. P. electriclme. " ; Lambert. Whitmcr & Co. ' Phone East 491. ' 404- East Alder St. and 107-108 - Sherlock Bldg. FOR. SALE ThlrUMtk Aid ar. -Apply to on BAXBT, SS Hark . BT0TI0B. VNITED Btatea Marshal's Botlee. .Admiralty , Selanrs. Citation. United States of America, IXatrlrt of Oregon, as. Whereas a libel baa bean Bled la tha district court af tba United ' Btatea Tor tba dlatrlrt of Oregon on tbe twenty-fourth day of July. 1000, by WlUlama, Wood A Unthlcnm, proctors on behalf of tba Charles r. Bee be company, aa llbellaata. In a caass of eon tract, rlrll and maritime. ..-IU-, IU. vinweuil, IVirOQ, BT Ml. . IC, apparel and furniture, and praying tha nsoal process and aeooltton of tba eoart, that all per anna Interested In aald ateamehlp, her tackle, apparel, machinery and furniture, aaay be cited ta appear and answer tbe premises aad all due preeeedlnga being bad, that tba aald ateamablp may ba ireed to ba aold aad tba proceeda thereof distributed . according to law. There fore, In pursue ere of aald monition nder tba seal of tba said eoart, to me di rected and delleered oa tha twanta-fourth day of July, 100b. I da hereby glee notice, gen erally, an re an persons Baring or preteaaing to bars any right, tit Is or Interest In tha aald ateemehto called the Toledo, her taenia. apparel, uucblnery and furniture, to appear before tba aald eoart. In tha city of Port laud, la aald district, oa tba fourth day af neptemoer, IBno, next (If It be a court day or else on next court day thereafter! at 10 o'clock In tba forenoon of aald day, then and there to e newer tbe aald Ubel and to make known their allegations la that behalf. Dated at Portlaad, In Bald dlatrlrt. tbla tweaty-alath day of July. A. D. 1nS. rniRLM 2. RRKD. felted Btatea Marshal for tha District of Oregon. WILLIAMS, WOOO LrNTHICX'M, Proctors for tba Charlea F. Beebe Com. paer, Ubellaatav NOTICE M hereby gtrea that I. L. H, Tarpley, atmlntetrator of tha estate of Mathilda Jutilta. deceeeed. will In arcordance with aa order of .tba county court of Multnomsh connly heretofore msde on tbe 1st day 'of August, IHua. sell at private sale the following de scribed real property, belonging to said es tate, altoated, lying and being In Multnomsh county, stale of Oregon, to-wlt: Tha west erne-half Ism -of lot three (SV ro Mock numbered alxty-two 112) tn Coocb'a addition to tba city of Portland. Tba terms of aald aato ta ba ceab m hand at tba data of aale. That aald aale cannot ba made antll after tha nth day of September. 11106. aad notice la heteby given tbat after aald data a here named, to-wlt, September 6. IIIOS, I will aell tbe shoes described real property . at private sale for cash. f H. TABPLET. Administrator of tha Batata of Mathilda Jubtta, Ieceased. Office 121 Chamber of Commerce hnlldlng. First publication. An met i. 1005. ,. ' . M pnhllestlon. Auguat SO. 10nn. THB anderalgned will recelre sealed hlda for a atock of general merebandlao mealed at Hona Bleer. Oreann, amounting to shoot $20,000. Including atora fli tares, up to Monday at 12 o'clock noon. Aagnat 14, 100(1: a caah deposit of 10 per rent of tha amount of bid must aeeomneey ' esch offer, tea right being re served to retect inr and all blda. Tba L- properly may ba Inspected at Bond Bter. mam rnvenrory may pa seen at my orn.w. Dated Portland. Oregon, tbla 2Oj day of July, 1WXI. B. L. SABIN. Front and Ankeny ata. NOTICE of Stockholders' Meeting Tba annual meeting f the atockbnldera of the Sulllvaa F.atrasloa Mining eompany, for the eleetloa a, board of dlreetora tor tbe ensuing year, and for tha transaction of each ether business "mar regulsrly come before them, will be held at tha office of the company, rooms 501 t" 5 'hambee of Commerce building. Port- . land. Oregon, on Angnet 0, 190S. at O'clock p. m. GEORGE F..HOLMAN. - Secretary Balllean Estenslon Mining Conpaay. Portland, Oregon, July 2S. IBno. 4 :ttib , . etTT.t.FNNITJM IS COM I NO SOO!f. TVmAL VOTICX. Sf rTlBCK Tba fnneral aervlcea of Barrett Fall ing ncnierk will las ei4 at rtnter a ebspel st I0;i i m.. Thursdsr, Augaet 10, ' Inter- ment at surer! is w rssnexery. Money Thrown Away TheWaldort if v XOTIOZ. PBOPOSALB FOB BOOFINO Sealed proaoaab) - mI.i.mI 7rPMMuk.jM ...UeMnflne" will h rerelred by tbe auperlnundent of tha Oregua state penitentiary for rerouting tba foundry balldlnga at the penitentiary (constating apt proximately or mil square) nnui Aiigu' lutio, at x riora p. m. at til peniieqtisr, anil tKen miltllclv oDened. k. Hpeclncatlona csa be eeea at the eMce of tha superintendent of tbe penitentiary and Pua-h II Legg, sx.ltects. Sslem. Oregon. Hlds must be suhmltted on forms obtained frotn tba superintendent. ' " Tbe board hereby reserrea tba right to re ject any and all bids. C. W, JAMES, 'Superintendent. Sslcro, Oregon, August 8, lUOo. ' 0IT ABO POTTED. 8TBAYBD from nastnrsae on Columbia sloagh bay norae, weignt i.iino pounds, rronr aoui brokaa. Information rewarded by notifying Inntaa. , rouiaon aVeAW. - LOST Augoat R. 1906. gold medal. Inscribed "lwbater a Medal, awanied to w.- it. sump, 1B03. 0. H. L. 8." Finder lea Ta same at 184 4 East Twentieth. Howard. LOST 5 reward will ba paid for delivery ta tbla ofnea of meaium-sieea goia watca. open face, monogram ' . ; M. Jl." on outaiau of caae. . LOST A gold watch, 'Sunday afternoon, at . the oaks; iioerai reward ti returnea to oie Maruuatn niag. ... K VII ..I A I - 1 uM 1 J 'J irKlv.1 war aiaT.. - - LOST Columbia bicycle. last year's model. Hetnrn to 412 Morrison at. Kewara. BXLP WABTETt MALE. dlschargea nosltlrsly cared ta from B to 8 days) consultation rrea and atncuy contiaen tlal: aend for our symptom blsnk. X Badlum Medical Inatltute. Allaky bklg.. Third anj Morrison ata.. Portland. - l. . WANTETV-MIII bUrksraltb. (2.T6: adger-msa. 3: trimmer. man. g2.0U: csrrlsae-man. S2.2fi: S sugar-pine lumbar gradera, f2.7r; 2 sash and door machine-men, $2.&0 and $3: 29 mil) and yardmen, 12 up; bore, el To; nthera, ' - Ll MBKKMKfCS LA BOH BCBEAU, 2o6in Morrison at. . ... - TALLYMAN. tS.oO: trlumerman. 22.80 no mill oiler, 12; carriage man, 82: 0 mill aad yardmen. $2 up: box factory boys. $1.76; 4 white pine lumber gradera, $2.78; 28 woode men. Lumbermen's Labor Bureau, 2UB alt-. LOGGERS AKD CONTBACTOBS. Several good second-band engines, suitable for logging or aotating purposes, to oa Daa cheap. For further Infortnatloa apply to F. D. Basttner, Astoria, Or. TOVNQ man desiring thorough preparatloa for civil service, examinations; gooa aaianee; ' chance for promotion, tall Katurnay even lug : to 7: an. Edgar B. Buah, Sid Chamber of commerce. STATION MEN. rock work: good prices, new work, lots of It. aide cute, all winter, eastern Oregon; free fare. Particulars at Hansen's Employment Office, so north sooond at. TWO huatlere for tba ''co-operative' department of American Free Transit Co., 1R21 Norlli Sixth at. Kalurday morning. Nothing bnt euainese genera ueea apply. A FIBXT-CLASil business getter In reel estate department. Apply Katoraay monrlug lu2!s Kunh nixtn at., American rrea iranait Co. EITHEB aex. solicitors, salary 11.80 ta 82.80 per day; aalary and expenses to travel and appoint ageoia. nuom i-a iim at.. TWO good live solicitors; good commie I ana aad aalary to ngnt parties, i. tx. Johnston, tailor, 804 Washington at. WANTED Al ronli for loggtng-ramp: woman . and danghter prererreo. Apply zi Htark at.. Chamber of Commerce. . , BABBETT'S Detective School Lsst class fot this term; reduced rates. 801 Allaky bldg. WANTED Experienced ladj4nvassers: 'also deaaoustrstors. Apply 602 Msclcsy bldg.' WANTED 10 teams to haul tlea and lumber. Address Proctor A Burr. Orient, Or. SiXF WABTZD JXMALB. WANTED Experienced saleslady for suit and walat department fa- one af leading bonaea on Puget Bound. "Apply at once office Dr. 8. Loeb. p0 Columbia bldg Park aad Wash ington, bet, 12 aud 2. t , t. WANTED ISO girls to make overs I Is and eblrte; Inatrnetlona. given to inexperienced. Apply Nsastadter Broa., Standard Factory No. 2, cor. Beat Taylor aad Uraad are. BANSBN'B LADIES AOENOT. 84314 Washing ton at., cor. neventn, upstairs, ruona Mala Female help wanted. WASTED Olrls to work tn cracker factory. Apply Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., Twelfth and Davla ats. WANTED A girl (white or colored) for gen eral aoneewora; can oeiore.noon btu stain st. WANTED Lsdles' clntbea Ironera at Paelfle laaadry, rirai ami Artnur ata. WABTIH MALE ABO FEB ALB BXLP. WANTED Bookkeepers and stenographers; we . lared 207 DU tills la lucrstlve tmeltlnns rfnrlne past year; cell r send fur catalogna; dsy or Bight; it win itay 700.. BKIINKC-WALKER B18INES8 COIXEOB. CAPABLE lsdles and gentlemen for positions or trust. I'orrinna sun eieewnere. veil or ' address Sentinels, $18 AUsky bldg.. Third aad Btornsaa. , WANTED At oaoa, a 'bright, anergelie, pre aentsbie man or worse a, a. good talker, ta 1.1, "r " ..w. p., - .awfiire TS2 Chamber af Commerce, 0 a. m. WANTED Mora hop-plckera; best yard; easy to earn money. Apply anurrw Aan a.uo., a? HELP wanted gnd eapplled. male or fsawle. ax. u. uitAA a, Baa wssoinaron ex. tar sao. WABTZB-AOEBTB. - AOENTS WANTED Ta aell auaerlor high f grade attnery stork I aew and complete oat tit farnbihed frve; es.h weekly 1 write t day - for choice of territory- Capital 0ty Buraary Ca Balssa, OrssxV Free With Want Ads By -special arrangement with Wadhams & Kerr Bros. THE JOURNAL has secured a large quantity of their ' FAMOUS ECONOMY FRUIT JARS One of which, together with a Booklet of Recipes, will be given with each 15-6ent cash want ad. inserted , in either :The Daily or ThV Sunday Journal.' . ' ; Overwhelming testimony proves the Economy Jar to be the ideal jar for domestic canning. So high an 1 authority as Mrs. S. R. Foster of Salem, Oregon, who was awarded all the first prizes , at the Oregon State Fair for her fruit in Economy Jars, says : "They are a "SURE SEAL, EASY. TO OPEN, and I prefer them to any jar I have ever used." ; , ! : ; JOURNAL' WANT ADS Are "Economy" in Renting Rooms, Selling Property, Finding Lost Articles; etc. the rate is 5 cents per linej each' insertion. ' V ,; ; . BRING IN A 15 WANT AD. AND GET AN . "ECONOMY" FRUIT JAR. - BITTATIOBB WABTED MALE. B ELI ABLE man wishes -night work of soma kind; good city references. Phono Scott 63WU. Inquire for E. T. S. POSITION by young maa aa bookkeeper or saleamaa. Address T 80, care Journal. SITUATIONS WABTED FEMALE, BEFINED lady from tha aaat, peat middle -. Ilka tn, accomtianv nartf to tbe araslde or Alaska; ara practical ta all lines and can give good tvrorencea; win go ior ex penses and small compensation. Address W 44, rare Journal. SITUATION wanted as honaekeeper, raOned mldille-aged woman, wldowar's family, country .. preferred. 2X0 Yamhill. Phone Mala MIS. 8IT!'ATI0N wanted by reliable yoang lady for private exchange, office work or fair grounds; good references. Address V 48. care Journal. WANTED Position by an experienced woman ss chambermaid In rooming-house. Phone Msln JH. - . XMPLOTMXNT AQXBOEB. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFF1CB. I - FOB MEN. ' t B. Second at. Phona Mala -1MB. PIONEEB EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor eon tree. tors: help free ta emplovera. , 216 Morrleos. WABTED BIAL XSTATX. LOT wantrd: must ba close In cltyj state hicrtlon and price. Addreas L. 49. Journal. ' WANTED TO BEST. OWNERS AND AOENTS will find It to their' flits w "lb oufreeHenTsr oVpstnai4C1Ut" n. k.nb Alrectorv has become a recoB- nixed Institution la Portland, hundreds of tenanta being sreeaiy piaceo is .um..m. n,..rre. We make na charge whatever and owners ebonld take advantage of this service by calling at one rental department and filling In aa "Infmrmatlon Blank' If you -hare a vacant house, phona -the par ticulars and leave the rest to oa. We won't allow It to remain long Idle. - H. E. EDWARDS, HOI 8KFCBNI8BEB, Free Bental Department. . 188 to 101 First St. WANTED Two or three furolahed housekeeping-rooms by msn and wife., where there are " no children: respectnble locality: reasonshle ,. rent; .permanent If sultsd. Address J. M., cara Ooornal. "' ' WANTED To rent nicely located homo near I-ortland, with five or ten acres, anltable v for poultry ranch! near car line preferred; atate caah rent. Addreaa T 48, cam Joornal. SEEK good farm for rant. Addreaa I 6S, rare Joarnsl. " . WABTZS-IJrCaXAnouS. , PA1NT1NO. aprsytng and whltewsshtng trees, baeemeala. barns, docks, etc., done; Isrgrst gssollna aptaylng-ontflt oa tbe coaat. M. O. ' Morgan A Co., 670 Mllwaukle at. Phona Eaat M17. WANTED A horse for light delivery wagon for care aunng wiuter. en. nw v""'a Co.. 887 Ankeny at. Mala 8808. SCHOOL BOOBS hourtit, sold and exchanged. Jonea' Book more. ! Alaer at. P. J. BTDEB, printer. Seoond and Washing ton ats. Phone Msln 633d. FOB BENT HOUSES. H. B. EDWABDS. ; Housefnrnlsher. BENTAL DEPARTMENT. " Dwellings of sll kinds and In all parts of the city are Hated with na. We have the most cotnplote directory of vscsnt booses la tows, aud If yon contemplate moving It wllppsy you to visit our renlsl department. Wa are sura to bare a place for you. , .Following is a. partial list; ..,.....,: - . WEST SIDK. - . 2' rooms ...rem .....I 800 S rooms - 800 8 moms lo.on S ronma - J" 0 8 rooms, bath , 12-00 4-ronin cottages, Mscsdam st 1.1.00 4 room rottsgea, bath, gss .m 1.1.(10 8-roorn cottages, good condition '. 14.IST 4 rooms J J0" i-room cottsge, bstb. ges Ift.tto -room cottsxe, bstk. nice yard I6.00 a. room flat. Fourth St 18.00 e-cewo. cottage. 'bath, gss. 8th at ...... 28.00 7- room house, strlotiy roooeror eii.tu 8 flats, modern every war ............. 42.60 EAST SIDE. 4- room cottage, Moutavllla 8.00 6-room cottage 8.00 room bonae; bath -..i...... IO.11O 8- room cottage, Oantenbeln ave lo.oo 5- rooro cottage, good beaement a.eoom honse. nesrlr new. Montavllla.. 1260 K.raom cottage, bath , 1S.60 groom flat, close In lt.oo a -room flat. Larrahee at IA.110 S-room flat, njiwlern fl-roora flat, modern, good location ..... 100 8 riom bmiae. new, modern 22 00 7 room honse, good location 28.00 nm howie, new bath, gaa, electricity. 88.00 0 room brtnae, hath, gaa, electricity .... 40.00 ytr.Nn In forma 1 Ion regarding these houses esn be given orcr phone. , II, E. DWAIUM .v. Himae furniaher IMA to 101 Flrat st FOR BENT 7 -room new modern honse, cbesp; Kast Tenth and cararners sis. ore owner, 214 Fourth at., cor. Salmon. I -room modern cottage with bath and- closet; fy0 Powell st. . ' lirwroR BENT New S-room modern aottaga, 01 East Nekton at. rnona in. varuag. - - FOB RENT Famished 8 room cottage, modera convenlenraa. i'bona Mam sow. FOB BENT A new modern 4-room pottage with hath. Phona East 2A7S. 4-ROOM eottere for rent. . ClU 831 Everett sL, near Blxleenlh. J FOR RENT S-mofl . bonee, ap-to-date. 248 Stanton at. BOUSES FOB BENT FUBB1TUBE FOB BALE, FOB beat rasalta oa f . , , ' FIjBNITI'RB. TThsUiee tn boy or sell, ring on Mala $831. ' PORTLAND AI CTION BOOMS, ... . ... sn rirst at, . " FOB BEBT KOUSXUEIBB BOOMS. FOB . BENT furnished bxmeekeeplng-roome la best brick block on seat aide) gaa ranges, bath, etc.; no transients; prleea nwdersta. Logaa blk., 108A Lnkin are., ciBaat Alder. Phona Uuloa $288. ' TWO floe large front rooms with alcove, water In rooms, 2 fine large closets, gas, bath, use of gss range; fine for light housekeeping; walking distance from tow a. MM) Mill St., near Sixteenth. - .. $1 PEU WEEK Furnished rooms, hones keep ing privileges. C. H. . Plggott. lawyer, owner. , Phona Hood 080. d Mulkey bldg. LA BOB front room, light boosekeeprrar or aleeping, other rooms, cbsap. 827 Third at., bet. Way aad Market. . BOl'SEKEEPINO ' epsrtments. furnished, un furnished; 'quiet location. Dickson, University Park. Phono Scott 1208. . ' S Kl'RMSHKD honse keeping -rooms. Jqat va cated, close . In, rent 214 per month. 800 Haarisnn st. -' XII K LINDA VISTA. Blcely fornhihed beoaokeeo. Ing and slag Is rooms reaaoaable. 847 H Fifth. . TO BENT rUBBISHED BOOMS. -, Ft'BNISHED BOOMS Make money out of yoor own friends. The Uowlsnd. flrst-claas rooming-house. Twentieth end Washington, caa accommodate a few mora guests; bring . yenr frlenda and receive 20 per rant of their bill; rates BOe, 76a and 11; frse baths, free 'bus from depot. . .. THB BOTCBE8T. 178 Twelfth at., Yamhill Juet opened;, exclusive rooming ao aommodatlnna; houaa and furnishings entirely new; elegant suites, with hot and cold water, , floe beds; -also single rooms; will rent a limited number of rooms now to parmaaent . people j transienta solid tea. iStoltl.t f ursiebed hMiusaksepiisy-raomsi wood ana iigni rurnisnea, in per moatn; turn lan ed rooma for tranalonta 60c per night; nice pri vate home; breakfast 25c. ... Woodlawn car. get off at Msnssnlta St., one block aaat to ats. .mono .onion eisa.. . - , . COMMBBCIAL HOTEL New. bonding, every thlng raodsra throughout, beaatlfully for- alabed; rooma Bght. sunny; plenty of freak . sir; aacaiioa convenient for aitner noaineea ' fair! prices reaaoaable. 488 Washington. THE HAMANN. 188 N, 18th.. enr Hoy Newly fnrnlahed rooma. $1.80 nn: eoneenlent Vnretloa. IB minutes' walk to fair grounds: Morrison car at anion depot. a 1 reel to souse. Phone 8470, MARQI1AM HOITSB. 14B4 Bth Booms sn salts w single; noaseBeeping rooms: gss sioven. oau. siecrrio ugntsi transleaa soucltra. HOTEL NOKTHEBN. Twelfth aad Marshall Nicely fnrniabed hoaaekeeplng-roonia from $10 per anonin ana up; xree pnona ana nata. FOB BENT 8 furnb-hed housekeenlna-moms bsth, hot and cold water; reaaonable .to right pari, ena sjiBx v aanuigxoa ax. THB AIJJBB 488 Alder, nicely famished moms; convenient location; Darn, rree phona. renaonanio raiea. FURNISHED rooms. 60a, TTVc aad $1 op. Twea- Ticxn ami wasningxoa. uov sna ooia oa taa. .las uewiano. -' FBONT parlor far gentleman at refinement whs wisnee rata near tba renter city. Ml averexx at. ..... THE OLADSTONB 812H Ssvter at., Inralehed rooms; Bauer aew management; pricea rsa sonsnis. . Fl'RNISHF.D bousekeenlnc-ronms. nice Iocs Hon; gaa, bath, phone; . no children. 488 Clay at. T0CB18TS' Booming Bureau; rooma In best parts el city. 401 Xsnth St. Phona Main BWUJ. LA BOB furnished honeekeeolna rooma. 872 U Kast Morrison, cor. Loloo ava. Phona East OBAND Rooming-Boa se. 48 H North Third ruTBisnea rooms; grntlemen; $1.80 week Bp. CHEAPEST and best located rooms In Portland, $1 week and up. Oilman, First and Aldat ata. FOR . BENT Nicely furatateed rooma, new nonae; rent reaaonanie. -aa ronrtoeath at. CLEAN,, newly furnished rooms. 80a to TBa per day. ' 100 North Seventeenth at. THE CASTLF 872 Washington at-1 furalahed rooma. rnona Main ihto. HOrSEREEPINO noma, gag aad bath.. 284 ronrteentb et. SUMMEB BISOBTB. ' FOR RENT I room cot tare, comoletelv fur. nisneo. sx eresn t'srx. rraan., ror neptem ber. $20. H. A. KlUam, cara of Marahail- , wans, narnware Co. FOB BEBT-CAMPB. 8K YLAND, Portland Heights Tba beat located camp gronnds la tha city) 800 feet above a river; in minutes- walk, car m Blocks; $8 ap. Main 6008. Tot BINT FIATS. L'NPI'RNIHHED nnner flat. 8 mama, tieth. aai. Bitnrra, fuel stub In kitchen; newly reno- vated. over ton ax. usrringtoa, ov ft First, nrsr Osk. , , NEW modern Broom fists, including steel and fas rsnges; Hslaey and La rr a bee, oast Bide, mjnlre 288 Lsrraboa. . FLAT FOB RENT Broom flat, bath, water si4a eblblreo. 825 Mill St.. $16.80. - - BOOMS ABS BOABJX FIRST-CLAM rooma and board for permanent people, $22 80 end $28 psr month: table " hoard $4 per week. Astor houaa, 7th and Madison sts. Tel. Mala 281. - THE Llndell New family hotel. Market, be. twees Third end Fourth, steam heat, electrle light, porcelain balbs, exceedingly low ratea. THB IBTINO Blegaat aceommodatlona, as axorbltaat . charges 1 dining-room la eon Beet Ion 1 prices right, (or. 18th and Irving. BOOMS with board for permanent tenanta, , ressnoahls; Brat-class home . -eook I ng. 231 Sixth St. BOOM for more; (M DO per week; gncaj table. 602 Clay, Bear Fifteenth. I'bona Ualg609, BUBtBXU OMBBfTia. BU8IMKWX CHlkl 'Drug atora. well located In Portland, doing -a good baslnaaa;- will - exchange for tax- proved property. . ' " , fW-room hotel, all furnished complete and making money, lu a gwu south sen Oregon town; will eicbsage for a rooming -houaa or good property la Pert land." $d.J. . 8IU.UUU a lock of general, merchandlaa, with n Sue trade; might take auuie good property ka part . pay, ff.ixjO Nice, new, well selected atock of .- etoiblng and genta' furnlahliaj goude. In a splendid, growlug town; w ill -exchange Into a atock of hardware or groceries In Portlaad or some good vslley town. . Stock of groceries, laroloe sboat $1,400; good location In Portland. . Hardware business; s monev-maker. $0,000 Stock of geatral merchandlaa; Bice, elesn stock, In good vslley town. Stock of general merchandise at good eoun try point, prosperous community; fnvestment . about $2,000: baalnasa -can ba enlarged; will aell at aacrlflce, as owner meat quit oa ac count of health. ..... .- Booming house, all first-class condition, elearlria $2no per month; will trade for farm or atock raneb. Nice atock of dry goods and notions; good ateady trade, choice location. In epleudld growing town; will invoice about $8,800. , Drugatora, doing a profitable Dullness In . a growing town In tha valley; might trade for a farm or -other good property '- - uood furniture bualucss In a growing town. all la nice, order and making money) will tale Boms good Portlaad property. .. HENKLB BAKEK, SIT AMngton bldg., IoS laird it.', . v IrtUnd, Or. 8AIOON, Blcely located, at a bargain 1 sickness canes ot selling. . ' , . Splendid rooming-house, good trade, clear Ing Jloti per month; a aoap; cheap rent; In- vesugsxu- Woodyard, aplendld trade, doing a large Business; will go at a nsrgain; 100a n ap. Limited amount of i'ellow Jewel stock a ' "' H. W. MILLER. 10Bb Sixth St., Buota 1. FOB SALE Aa established well paylug boas. pees m n growing xown ox central urexuai v will rent tba present building and enlarge to sun. uerv u vyyrvi ,hu, . . hwmh. . busb to establish himself In a r.tnldly grow, lite sown where auccsss la aaaured. Inquire ar write W. H. J., at Juurual ofSce, aor particulars. ALL DISEASES of men auceeeafullr -treated dlachargea positively cured In from S to 8 asys; . oonauitscion trse ana sxricxxj owuo - dentlal; send for our symptom blank. X ' Bsdlnm Medical Institute, AUsky bldg.. Third and Morrlaoa sis., porusoa. .. SOMETIIINO good In tba timber Use; soma good bargains In vslley 1st ma; nine rair property that la hard to beat; some wheat land, aaatern Oregon; some good-trs dag to offer. lotiuire North West Land .Co., 204 Morrlaoa at), room 211. - BOOMI.NO-HOCSB of 18 expensively furnlahed rooma and well equipped restaurant la base ment; choice location, lease, rent $28; must be aold at ones, Reduced from $1,800 to $060. Manchester, 78 Sixth st. mil LANDS IN OREGON. - FERTILB (oil, pure water, delightful til mate; tana or a 11 aire, apples ana cioerr. vox luformatloa addrsss tha Oolambla Southern Irritation Co., 680 Wureeater bU., roruaaa. FOB BALB Stock of dry (sods, clothing, boots ana enoee, wui inroice ibuhi w,. -- -thriving town with beet of proepeeu; boat reason for selling, for par tics la ra addrsss isordoy, 108 HbertocB Mag. - FOB SALE CI gal and confectionery atora, lea m a.. a- a . L . t atia A SBW TSX nllax jura par tor in rr i"iu .-- dms; will Bell at Involc if trow: FABHS, wbtwt awl tlBbtf U1, crr-.ity . . . . b a. kMaa tl nBa f pro parry) iimoer u iintsifi.,Bwv-a-e-.f BWgjftSjBBl CDBUCei mmfM idbui-inb. 10 Altter U ' v kVboDa Mailt Wl THB tat gncirf proprMltloa In elty; InTtwt iTJrTm V 1. astmKliahabfl TVT WmW AA X UfA lUWm a UUiUi t s-bji- we - tins location, good lesaa, with flat In con xuscllon. Aauress e we, vmrw ,wi m-.. HOTEL MEN, INVESTIGATE First -clssa k,..i 00 eomnetitlon. dulng a apleuoid li n.l 11 1 for rent or- aale. Pi 1 Ftli'.HB, Isalas -FUal 8ti 1 1 . RR 1 Vr, UnMlun IXMnW BoaSS. , trtcetyH-- furnlshsd, wslklng dUUnce. etosrlns 884 monthly; gash or wlU sacbanga Coc prop- arty. - Mala eooo.. , $800 BUYS reauarsnt, seau TO people, recclpta .A - I al I . HAeuu.tlaxaS Araa . J ah that tlABataTh . aailir. finj, IW1 s,an.rxjstvovaa ne. e caah handles U. J,. Ve Crelghton Co., 166 14 Third at- ' A BARGAIN $4,200 will boa-a boalnesa comer . lot 60x100 that will pay '10 per root above all taxea and lnaaranaa. 1. L. Wslla Co.. 04 Grand ava. . FOR ' BALB Old aatabllabed grocery atock . most ba aold at ones; cause sU-kaeesi price $1,000. or will lavolca. ddreea owner, $u llarrlaoa at. $180 BUYS H old establUhed business; guana teed and aecured to clear purchaser $100 .l . ,i c.ll 1 . U.u-Im. .1 Niiia w.iku . ve.t V7B -- CORNER aalooo building, lot 84x70: half In- rereat In saloon stock gtaai; . sicaaess xns csuee; $2,800. Address X an, care journal. FOR BALE Hotel doing a good business; .most bs sold st ones; pries. $3,000; pari caah. W. O. Beck, BUT Falling bldg. SMALL-SIZED good-paying restaurant and dell, catessea for ssle; good reasons for selling. Iuqulre oa preniisea, 8KB Morrison. LOCAL corporation now ' organising offers ground floor opportunity to right parry wun capital. Call 204 Stark, room 8. FOB BALB Bakery aad grocery with aakera ovea; good ouklneaa, cneap rear, witn eseee; $800 cssh. Addreaa B 47, Journal. SAWMILL for sale. 16.000 feet capscitr; plenty of timber and ordere; n Baa proposition.. AU drssa V 42. cara Journal. CONFECTTONEBT stork and fixtures for sale cheap. James Cunningham, Arleta Bo. , Ore gon; take Bit. acott car. WHEN looking for a location, either city or country, cell on the or lowest uim Co, au Morrlaoa st, room 211. FOR SALB Booming -houaa of IS rooma. all full; net income viuu; a bargain; no agenia. - 284ft Morrison at. SUPERB location In thta dry for either drugs, hsrdwsre, drygoods or shoe stbra.' Partlco Isrs 688 Cola st. , ' FOB SALE A snap, S-room rooming-house; net income $420 per year; price gzuv. aes owner, 8O0. Harrison at, - . - . WANTED To buy an Improved cblcken-rsneh .with stock. Addreaa, glviag psrllculsrs, w 40. cara Joornal. FOB BALB Rooming-bonne. 14 rooms, full of v. permanent . roomers, . 86101 mast stll, 203 Fifth st. FOR BALB Brick hotel, 88 moms, good fttrnl. ttirs. splendid leaas; la Portland. V 48, Journal. FOB SALB Fne furnished rooming. booss, at a Bargain; eieara gzuo montn. Bivh aixta at. FOR SALE Bakery. . Impilra or addreaa Box Z4i. junction city, or. - . , FOR 8AIJE Turn Halle barber-shop. Apply 10 owbct, u in rourtn. - WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO. t TO XXCHABOB, ACBEAOB ImprrnTad. In sou them Oreevln and Willamette vslley. ror residence property Im proved or good business property. .Good tnt at Woodlawn stag Alnawortk ava., for typewriter. . .. , Stork of goods for acreagg or vacant Krtl on aaat aide, north. , ( ' Splendid stock farm nesr Knsebnrg for 8 good business; vshie $8,000; look tbla up. , f - ' H. W; MILLER, ' lOBVs Sixth at., room 1. TO EXCHANGE $20 acred Walla Walla wheat land. 800 a rrea under enltlvatlmi will el change for atock ef general merrhsndlee In rood town. C. B. Mink, S East Soveuth at., Portlaad, Or. ... . , , . BB ACBES . nesr CoWrmk', Bldorsdo county. xaiirorniai anew,' orcnarn.. limner, spriiay, ahondsnce of water, ged neighbors, heslthy location. $ 2,0oa . Addrsss V 47, J oars si. , A SAttON doing a $.1V bnalneee per day; ex cellent location, very cheap rent) price $2,000, V 48, Journal. I R'eOX - brmae and 49x118 In exchange for roommg souse, i, J crelghioa Co., 1851, Third at. , . t - O JpuraaV;- Branch; Offices . , 'ADTXBTIIIMEBTB Will .ba reoeWad.. at. seaulae -axalaofaoa rstea. Following Is a Hat ot antboriard agents, who will forward your advertise. Bient la time for publication la taa heat Issue; .-. .... v v .. .. .. ij" '- .''' 0TK SIDE. ) '' i"' f,0 wUulTwanty-thlrs) and Tharmka atreeta. . Nob Hill Pharmacy, 880 Qltssa street,. ..vf; ""v paarmaclst. Sixteenth aad Marsha II atreeta; H. B. Jack a, cmfWtlorierr, 800 Waahlnc toa atreet, oorner ailnateenth. . ' : 1 . . SOVTS SISX. . B. F. Jonea Co., drugflaU, Front aad Olhha atreeta. - Cottel Drag compsny. First aad Orant treeta. '. ..... ... Fabian Byerley. duggUt, 400 Jeffersoa atreet, corner Tenth. . Bettmas e Pharmacy, corner Sixth, isd Harrtaon streets. .'":.. ., bast sidx. ' . ' W, B. Long, druggist, eorne Oaad aveaoa and East Hurnslde atreet. ... -. Tuttle s Phsrmacy, 86$ AHaskislppI avanaa, corner Sharer. Nlrhola A Thompson, 12S Russell atraat, corner Altrlun avenue. Janrke Drug company, corner Hawfhorna and Orand a Tenure. - J. A. Dick, tobacco, 224 Crosby, Bear steel bridge, .. ' ..... . ... '; BJSBXJURyr ' .; : ' F. J. Clark. : druggist, 100 North Tjalos avenue. , ' SVjrSTSIOK.. J. E. Worth, pharmacist, 000 flmmt Street. --.;': BBOOXXTW. - ' Brooklyn. Pharmacy company. Powsll and Mllwaukla atreeta. , . FOB SALE FABMS. ' WASHINGTON CODNTT FABMB. . 106 ACKU)o acres In cultlvstloa, 80) a ere a tilled,, mostly In timothy and oats. -fair house, burn and all other necessary -' bnlldlnga, 8 scree In " potatoea. place well 4 feared and erosafenced, good water tha whole - year 'round, on a good county road. B. F, - , . D. null; all tha saock, team, cows, bogs, ----- cblekena. etc., also all tha farming Implel ' menu; IS ml lea from the city.. -Prlca $8,8003. tertns if wanted. . 1 ' , 24 ACBES pirat -class land. B acres deary ' . 4 seres njora clear with , a few atampa, A ' ' acre different varletlee of berrlea, 8 acre In garden and potatoea, onions and clover, Sood large 8-routn bouse, dosrnstslra, no I .: niahed una ta Irs, good barn, cblrksn-bonse. smokahouae, wood house and abed, 2 mils eaat of Hearer ton. B miles from Portland; also 1 good wagon, 1 plow, 1 cultivator, and .other things too numeroua to mention; Be Jr. D. maH. Price $4,800; terms.. It ACRES B acres in cultivation, S acree amall fruit, strawberries, blackberries and r a ap berrlea. 80 fruit trees, of which 60 are B years old, s pules, pears, cherries, plums and quinces, small house, well, 4 miles fro at city on Columbia slough, I miles from Wood -lawn. Price $3,780; $2,2uu can "stand 9 -" 1 years at 8 par rent. ' 80 ACRIB clover land, 20 to 28 seres tit-, high stats of rultlvatloa with a good crop. -. timber and pasture, creek serves back of tba' . piece, comfortable house and fair barn, goodj. spring at tbe bouse, all varieties of fruit -. full bearing, 800 8-year-old winter npplo . treee ready ta eat sat this, fall, place .well -fenced, on a good county road, telephone aad B. F.. li. mall by the place, good teem of . tnsree, 1 Bne colt, S Jersey cows. 1 2 year old helfera and 1 calf. 0 sheep, 160 cblckans and 8 geese, 1 aew wagon, 1 good hack, 1 ' new dlek plow, I new plow, 1. old plow, ft - .. - clder-mllL 1 harrow, 1 apart pomp aad lots ' of other things too-(numerous to ment loo , belonging to the -place: also 2S tone ot hay ' i In the .barn, T acres of potatoea, whest and -----oste; there will be 1,000. sseka of potatoes, T"rtee $3,000; would Uke boon city property . ; If first clssa, 76 ACRES adjoining tha above. ' C. aerea IB " ' ' cultivation, 18 acree slashed and burned, bale snce Ana yellow Br and cedar lead, lays Bne ' on county road, mils to school, placg fenced, Una neighborhood. Prlca 11,400; terms. Call oa or adilreaa - ''..""' W, FSPET. ' imon Kd.Drt. Waahlaztotl and Alder on Third et. '-'se CLARKE COLINTT BARGAINS. - A SACRIFICE 80 acres. A level opea bote . tom.1 mile to La Center, dally boat, rich ' aell. Timber, esly $7.40 per sere. . - 7.00o.OoQ.feet Br, near R. U. $X0O0, 1 , ' 180 acres, good Boll, level. SO acres almosf, cleared, SO acree timber, soma sw a Is, ereek. , S mllea from Bldgefleld; $2,000, terms. - Homestead - rsllmiulsbmsni a68 aeroA ' amooth land, excellent soil, 18 seres cleared. T partially cleared, slssulng, remslndsr see- ,, lly : alasbed; logging-camp, butldlogs; WUI Ball for H value of ImprovomoatB. r- 180 seres, ' rolling, sxcellent soil: 20 a area creek bottom, 4b crop, S acree alas had, or-,. charu, good 8-room hoose, Urge barn, other . buildings, schoolbooaa.oa place, 2,000.000 feat . Br timber; 8 mllea from railroad aad boat, only $1,280. ... . Numeroua other bargains. 1 James j. okeanb. - .- Vaaeonvar, - Waah. .. ' - " SNAPS IN FABMS 16 a rrea fine land. 8 mllea eat - .$1000 40 acres, 12H mllea oat, best aell, all clear, oa level road .$4,000 SO scree, good fsrm, tn Mlddletoo ......K.Orxy 61 acres la 8 her wood .......$1,783 LOO) acres, well Improved, Bear Mc- Mlnnvllle $28,000 All on easy payments. If yon want a farm of any else and at tha right price, see . - - F. Pl'CHfl, 140 First at. ONE of tha finest fsrms In Umatilla county J . loo scree river bottom lend, 000 acres floe, whest Isnd, S Bne dwellings, heme, ate, creek and large springs, 160 heed milch cows, 40 helfera, 14 head horses; receipts $80 per day. Price $86,000; $10,000 caah, balance on time at 8 per cent, or will tska soma property la trade. T. Wttbycombe, reuse ' S Hamilton blk., Portlaad, Oregon... FABMS . . 80 acrea, Multnomah canals, all cleared. B . miles from city hall; will sell oa rssy terms. 2X0 acres, Washington county, $5,400; easy terms. 480 ACRES adjoining town of LatoartUc 80 acree In prunes. . - L. J. GOLDSMITH, 200 AMngton bldg. WB hate tuat platted 180 ' aerea ta 6-acro treeta. it is one af tba beat pieces ot Unit In Multnomah county; 11 mllea eaat of Port, land and less than 1 mils from 0. W. P. . electric Una; there la bo rock or grsvsli tha price la $6 per acre, oa very oasy terms. II 18, care of Journal. ONE B aod"one lo-acro tract. S of a mil from o. w. p. electric lino and Cedar-file atstlea; very fne soil, leys level and very esey to clear, $23 down, balance very eaay terme. There la notblpg better oa tba mar ket. , V 48, cara Journal. . . $20 ACRES 80 meadow, 40 plow lsnd, S ores- ara, enoice trait, smsu rruits of all kinds, flee improvements, well watered, unlimited out rangn. Price $8,000; terms. Sea of addrrse T. Wltbyeombe, room 8, Hamilton blk., Port 'and. FOB SAIAS 24-aera fsrm; some bottom; good "o u,i m, naiian piuar., airing water, gexMI bsrns, ipsa males., supplies. Eagle Creek ststloo. Inqnlra Charlea Wagner, BAB Lake St. ACHES, right at flatea ststkei. on O. W. P. electric line, gio. one x-sera tract at $80 per acre; very easy terms. -If yon want k small tract don't mles this. - V- 44, goarsal. FREE LAND IN OBEOOB aader tha "Carey - in 1, . huh atcx. vwrnn aireci xrom state. -Write today. Booklet aad map free. B. S Cook A Co., B6I Alder St., Portlsad. Or. ALL farm machinery, all stork. T8 aerea heavy rrox. reran xoe ssre eway rerms. ov ror rant. Extra good farm, vary close to ally, ijf . Sherman. FOB SALB Oa Columbia river, 70-scre farm orensra. new aoaso, to aerea in prase. In. autre Ella Foster. Stevenson, Wssh. , 1 40 ACRES In Bone River valley very cheep. Address Box 17, woodviue, Jscksoa County, Or. FOB southern Oregon real estate, large ar snvalt - iracta, imiara ai t.iayxoa, axoaenarg, or, -1 FA BB -" waaaw Vrvsi ws nTnajragiajo a, ?4Ts. . Bantati, tShvTwotl, OrvfFa0s S AA tT-m araeaaa aaw4lB aattaaaax -m3 fuaaaBa.aa aft sen FOB BtBT 0FTICX-B00MB. OFFICE-ROOM for rent. Bough bldg. apply elevator, FOB BEBT BTOEXS. FOB BENT Atora SOxSOj no rrooery. Waatsra imparling vo iob una at. OBOCEtBT ABIT MASSIF ABB. WHOLF.SALB rrocksry end ytssswara. Hra-V. ajaweoi a, aw xw sua M .. .e. see;, ( 5,4 I ,