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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1905)
THE ' OltGOJ! DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, . WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUGUST ,1S0S. . v.' .--..V.t.'- ri a TRICK FAILS BY ' f nninrriT TODAY'S 'MARKETS Heavy Purchaser of Oregon Flour in China Says That Boycott on American Product la Just Being Enforced May Affect Wheat CHINESE DOVGOn 6ETS SEVERE Extensive Handler of flour In 1 Flowery Kingdom Says the ; Situation Is Bad. ' . T ABSENCE OF DEMAND MAY f HURT THE WHEAT MARKET Banana Famine) in Sight First Ore--"If on Wattrmelona Arrive From Tha ' Dallet Thla MorningButter Situs- 4 tion la Very Ftan. :'v:.'v front Btreer," Int.. Th principal fture af llM Portland wheleeal merketa todaf ant . Santas fanlM la Id elfht. ', New valley wheat la la market. . ' faliieee bocolt gets vr. ' . Markal for praae at la (ood ahap. - - ' ' Oracoa applaa ara rathar ararc. , ,,. ' ' rirat Oreaon watermelon arrla. " .AaolaiHl Crawford paarba rrlvtn. .... Cautaloupaa ara dowai quality lnl liferent. . v Laml salmon erer then ever. , Sweet potato ara alow aallara. -.Butter market la gaining alrengtk. . IbNH flrmar but no alfhar. , , Ih-llneee In tha hop arket. ' Cebnege I tower with bvlr aopollaa. r"rit meate quoted at blvh mark. Poultry dull.' but aalla at pric. ; ; Est attil come la bad ahapa, . . I Cklnaia Treyoett Baaaaaaa Bvr. i According to a eblfrJa received frets I prnaoloant Chlnaaa (lour firm bp a local porte today, tha boycott oa American product. ai dally flour. bow .about to lit nfored. Oa account of tba general ending of tha prevlou aaaaoa anaw tlma ao ao action wa fkaa in retard ta flonr antll tha. now crop product waa raady for tha market. Now that thara la a tendency anonf tha Cnn flmta to bay flour fur futura delivery, adaorataa of tha bnycatt ara gttlsf la thahr deadly .work. . Tba Chlnaaa flour firm ay that from praam! Indication tha boycott la mora eerloua than waa fh-at antlHpatad. Tha mora mention of a boycott aaalnat Amarlcan prodncta la . auf- flclant to cauaa tha trada of that amptra to ovar-,1 Inst American flour wbaa making porenaee. Per thm reaaoe daalara thara do not cara to buy from .thla coartry autU tbay aaa what tha .outcoma will ha. ,'for fear of baying hevy mounr of floor thee- -th will there after ne Mania ta' arT..-' they "are 't "prudent making -ae otfere. Ttir av to be -aire, aoma offer coming from Hongkong fnc. local uaase, but oatalde of tbla thara la nothing doing today -In tba way of a -Cnm a-dawaad. Japaa- ta makhvf Imutrlct for bom amall iota, but .tha entire -offental' eltuattoa, ,aa far aa . flour al oncernad, J aery quiet. j - r . k aUy7oUlUy Affect Wheat Talnaa. Oracoa ehlne meat of tba fkmr aaed in tha mneea empire and a aeueral boycott oa our . flonr to eaualire mlllera to ye Uilnw la maklna parehaaea ef tba new crop wheat, with tha Chlneee demand aff for tha preeent one of our faraaal flabla ifna tbe aala ef tha paedaab takea away, That thle wlU ' likely hrr a eVpraaahif effect apoa tha wheat market la ant doubted' by (rata mea and mlllera, but to what aataat aly tha futura can tenu, The ftm new aallay wheat- baa bean received ia thle city by a . local mill. Tha quality la flrat alaaa. . Wo aaatorn Oregua wheat ka yet ar- Hi'tl") b nd ancbanfed. HVmaai Tba aurlral , nilint i ; -w ataaaaw TalnIM Dr .t ' ' A faatma la tba banana marbe la tnatobt Meraral cara ara an route ta thle city, aut neat that ao mora will 1e ordered antn lb nreeent ralhwad troublee ara oat of tha way . tfrecoa applea ara rather acaree todky anl anma fancy Uraeeeetelne from -California ara rteelllng aa klsh ae . Tbe flret Oretoa water me lona ef tba eeaeon were recelTed by Page Ron from H. Parma .at Te .DaUee. .Two era tea formed toe com. elrnaieat and tba.. price obtained waa 10U Cantaloupe are to larger eupply with quality lather tiKlrrferewt.- PHcee- lower.' - Peacbea are mora pwntwvl. Moma rrawfnrda from Aahland aoM a high aa fttlc aad ae Kier aa TSc, Beate from rUweburc. euld at fl(. Cellfurnla atnrka ara pleatlftiU Pweet potatoee are In liberal eappty with qaallty fair. . leand alow, 'Cabbage, ta eanre plenttfnl and' arwea range around anajToc per luO peunde. Local canll - - flower ta-aUght more plentiful at T.H a doaea Teatee-aato;--liberal -enpply -ataOOIOu. Frrat-claaa alocka are acarce. Hiima plum aMnatora from California found demaad Mile morning at Ae a crate. Poultry Iratt. But Bella at Prlee. . Tbe poultry market la dull.' Kecelpte are liberal and eome difficulty Is eooounter-! tu die poet Kg ef all arrleam. Mtorka. boweeer, re BMhm at tha decline q anted yeaterday. Tha egg market la la bad eft ape, -the, tone ' being weaker and quality sett hi woree. , iveaawry butler la very firm. ; atocke . ara light and demand good. One Promt street team baa adraared Ita aaetatlone to XT We, the aame aa etty creamery, but otbere atlll retain 'the forme' vahaea. Hewerer. tha market toak blgber." Ptore batter to firmer. " . rreak Meat Ciaetod at tg aUra. 1 ' -Tee freak meare, eapectally veal aad boaa. ahowlag a alight advanca with all aalee at the very, top. , I'tmil veel e qneted at IH fnt beet, while boga are at tba name agar, with raetlcallg aa arrival. . i --- lralt . taepectee, Betaa aaanaaa.. rralt I nape tor Reed auklng tklngn lively tor handlers and ehlppera of Infected frullo. To day he eanfmrnted BO beiea ef aieeaaed peacbea from Aahland which bad to. eom manner been, ererknoked by tbe inspector ef that county. A. P. Helm, a prominent grower af Aahland, t In tba city. He aaye that tha apple enm af Jackass county will not amount, to mora than SB per aaaH while tba production ef Jeeephtae will be a failure. The peer crop I aa average rssv but pecbeato,bJackaop, wlU not .amount to mora thaa a or poealbly 3 per coat ef the normal yield. Josephine will bav a good Crop. Watermelon are a failure la Josephine en account of. th ravage ef eome fungu, whtle ta Jecteoerlber crop will be email. Mr. Helena te ef the eotaioa that tha grower cf Aahland diatrVM" abeuld allow tha aaaecUUua to peck their fruits, which would men re a better - pack. Now everr grower parka hi awa. and mined It la aent h market. ' Today'a whokeeale aaotattoaa. aa ravleavl, are aa follow! wrala, Ttoar aad Paed. ' WHKAT eatrecta, laoo Rew alab asd red. : blueetem, auri valley. TSc BAR1.KX eed 123.0V; relied. a.M: fcrew. tsg. CO! WnoK WT 0O; cracked. t2&0 pet tea. BTH 1 per ewt - . t CATS N. t white. 30.00j gray. . ' PLOUkV aatara tireguu re teste a.SrJ d.M: atralshto. S.Ta; eiport. A JOtfJ-Mj valley. greoem. j.e. , aa-wj tua, ;.; tee e- le. M1UL0TI r a nreu,. fMw per ren. lo e dllnga. ;' aborts, aunatry. pixuusliy. HAT Timothy. Wtllaejette Veller. fancy. ail-BoaiS." nrdraary,. ll 0OU0i: ewre.-a rregoa, IHWHIW; mtied. Ill OOOlj oo; "efever. -lirtnoetit eo; frata, io.ooy Hoc; Cheat, fM.IMCIll.v9.' . s. s Butter, Zgg and IW';- airrra riTwMt. Mr: soar. Pee. ' m'TTIca t:it.r ere mery. beet, XT fee) aeroal grade, SAc; eutetoe rancy. 2Q2i ft, ertunary, 54 erore. lSctlac. EilOB Mo, 1 freak Oregon, eandlea, Stci eater. IIHniw, I HEBPB Neve Pall ereem. twin. 1C( 1) 14c Weein America. l.tISH; Cheddar.. 12X.C - POl'I.TRT Cblekefm. - mlaed. - 11H per- fb Bene. UdUHt per lb: neater, eld. lIHe lb; yeHog. 13 per lb: brollrr. tdr per Bt; fry er, ldr per lb; duck. I4tt.1 per lb: gieee. .seatnc par lb: tuekeea, lt)a Be P arte id. Zo21e per Iki equaka. $ per . : . Weal aad Hid. ' ' '- - Hop; Contract. 1 nri oregoa. rV ; Waah tagtna, DStU'l iPOd rop. lTjU. tu koto; UQlTe fw prime aa meaiam WOOL 1M ells, veller. aaarae to -S4Vk,ttU,i Baa. ifQVt; eeatara Orege, Mtiu Wiwatnat:' Bie.- ' ' F -; t r J WEDNESDAY PRICES'IW' THE WHEAT-MARKET e ' - ' 1 ' - ? . Sept. - Io. ' e Chloago ...... t I Liverpool (a IHd Td Bt. Loula..... j,aTH .tt Kansaa City, j , Milwaukee . Minneapolis' .. , Duluth ....... Bayt FraneUco. Naw Tork.,.r, '.TIB Matt- .aa .14 .114 HB, .i54B. M JHA aa .874B Old Baptembar. May. ' TALLOW Prim, par Ib dOSej M. sad raee. ICIKt, . , t , CHITTIH BARK a Wo per lb. HI DEB Dry bides. Na. 1. ! lb and Bp, IsainS per lb; dry kip. No. t, S to 15 lba, 14c; dry calf. M. 1, under B lba. 1801aei dry aelted btdaa, ateera, enund, 00 the or eer, ISkQ SHet 50 to BO lb. Vkci aader 60 lb and eowa, afldWe; ataga and bulla, aeuod, attfej kip, 15 to 80 lba. Be: aonnd. 10 to 14 lba. Hei calf, aoand, nnder 10 I he BStQllc; green (unealted), Je pt lb leaai ulla. le per lb leeei horeeblde, ail ted, each. ll.BJOl.7ll: dry, each, II.O0Q1.5O; aolt bide, each. SSOouel gnat akina. eommoo. each. 10f;10ei Augers. Ilk wool en. each, SSeeai. . . rralta aU Teawtabwa. ' - -. - POTATOES Oregon. -WtjSftcl car lota,- BOO Boo aarkt aweet, 44j4te. . ' ONIONS New Oreenn yellow Danvera. Bl-tn: Walla Walla. Il.00ut.10; garlic. &10a per lb. PHEKH rRI'IT APPlee, Oregon, at.Bn&l.Tftl fancy, B2.0n; orange, lata Talenrlaa, a.T5Q4.on; bananaa. Be lb; lemona, choice. BA.O0 bos; fancy, PS 00 per hoi: lima. Maaleas. BO per 100; pineapple. $150 per do:' peacbea, B04J Btic: nluma, 76CitUlc par crate; eantakoipe. il.T5Q2.0o per. crate; watarmalone, boctj 11.2.1 cwt: grapee. 1.40 per. hoi; iieara. Call oral. 2.0n2.25; Oregon. BI TS per boxj black' berrle. tl.BS; caaabaa. $3.0032.00 per do. VK0BTAB1.RS Turnip, new, 1 00 per eackt earrota. l.ooyi.ts par aark) beeta, ai,oJ IB aaeki Oregoa radlahe. lit peg -do cabbag, Oregon. OOfJITo par cwt; gre'i feppcra, BOe per'' hoi; local tomato, aotj 5r; paranlp. tl.00Ql.35; string beans, IQ4c cauliflower, T60 per doa; rhubarb, 2W per lb; horeeredlah. 19e Ih: artichoke. eOMAOa per doa; kothooae lettuce, oOQTnc: bead lettoce, 15 per doa; greea-onluna, loOUHe per do; eplaaeh. per lb;, green "corn, T5r per eackj peae, Br par lb; cocumbera. 2.1CJ&0 per bos; celery, BOe per do: eggplant, 10c. ,' DRIED PRUITB'-Apnl. raporatod. te per lb: aprlcota. BMatlDc per Ibt eacke, k ner lb lea: peach, arlia per lb: poar. per lb; eranea. Italian. Bvl4Ue nor Ibt Prencb, BHct4H per lb: fir. California black. Bt?U per lb 1 California white. .pee Ibt plum, pitted, par lb: date, gold. par lb: tarda. II. M ner ia-!b boa. OreearlM. JTuta. Xt. CO A R Back baala Cube. 13 05; powder,!. 15.50; fruit granulated. 53.40: dry graaulate.1. 15.40; Coof. A. 55.40; beet granulated. 5S l tra O. B4B0; goMea 0. B4.B0; 'V yellow. 54. TO; bbla. lo. H bblg BSC. box flOtradvaae oa ack baala, leae B5c per ewt for caaa. IB meple. I4M 18c oaf. lb...... 4, : .1!.;, HONEY 1 per erata. CWKCB Package brand, IM.BB. - ' 7 HALT riDB lea. Be. It. 4. b. 10. II. BO; table, -dairy. Boa. $11.00: 100a. 110.15: Ira ported Liverpool, boa. B1T.0O;, 1 00a, Bia.M; !U4e. 518 00; . eitra fin, hole. Be. Bs. 10. H.tOftS bO: pais. 320 11 Bd-OOtpSjOOi aacka. 50a. nnaiav. HALT Coares Half rround. 100. per ton. IT.OO: 60. r ton. B7.60; Liverpool tamo rock. Iia.50 per to t BO-lb rock. 17.00: KKawM.TB, ' (A hot price apply to sale t b-a-tba car lot. Car lota at mmmUI price aablect to floctnatlonai. . , ' 1 1 R?cVZ," Anrr v tUt: bew Or Waa bead, duel Ala. 4At Cre el. BU-, BBANB Small white, lf4Uei tarca vrnit. Bte: nlnk. BliaSWe: bayov. 4Hti Uma. sw9 Lm D TTM, 1 iimni NUT Peanut. TUi tnmboa. B4 aenS; rwr-Bllo nee Ih; enaated. I eeeoaaata. asrrPOc ner doa: walnota, Uerlfte.ner lb: ploe rheatnute. eaater. 15CUen Mr Ibt ra t ner ii niberte. lOfFiae per mi ibbcx Boraaa. liaiui (lmoad. 191 IB Br ia. raUta. Ceal OUa. Xte. nOPB Pure Manila, lac: atandard. t2H aieei. ivet- iiei hrenrt aUMi aite. COAL OIL t ear 1 or Aatral. Caeaa, He per tali water white. Ina bbie. . I Re par ai: wooden, lev pec (all aeadUaUU 170-4ea. aaaaa. BaUe ner e I. OABOL1NB aa-de. caae. BSe Per gall Iron bin, an per gal: atoy .-. BAH sac gal: Iron bblu. la ner gal. - nr.N7.INB 3-u. caaea. Z3e par gait Iron bb!e: KUr nar IlKfLtTlsr-lD eaae. Mc Bar call Mile. BV oar salt iron bbla. 80 ner gL WHITB MAn-Tn Inta Tu nee lbl BOO-lb lot". Tie per lb: lea lot. Be per t. WIKB n A I LB Presrat br at BB.TD, LINSEED AILPnr raw. In bbl. jBT ef gal; cam, TB per gait geaatne kettl boiled, reee. TO per gal: bbla. BBe per gal; groand cake, car lota. I20.M per tua; has tbaa car ota. BSO.oo p tea. . . ataate. Trnk aad PrevliMn. PRSB- MEAT front - tret Beet stsera. Bcttt per lbl park, block. TVk pt lb: sackm. sr Ibt bulla. 41.1 aor Ibt ibr eow. 4S per lb: muttoa. UftTue per lb: lamb wttu pelt. BH41 per lb; reel, extra. tfj7ci ordi nary. BtdtVa per lb; poor, B the per lb. UAMH, BACON. ETC PortUad Back (local) Kama. IB to 14 lb. IS per lb: 44 to IB lbs. 13 per lb: IB to BO Ihe. lBUc per lb: eottare. a per lb; break faat bacon. 14HQ1B per lb; picnic. Be par lb; remlar (hart clear, aa aauAad, 1014 per lb: amoked. 11 Me per tt; clear barka, anamokad, 10c per lb: amoked. 10H per lb: I'aloa butta, 10 to IB lb, uaamoked. in: ntoaea we per m; cirar aeiitae, nn- amoked. lie ner lb: amoked. IB pec lb; eboul dr. au per lb, . LOCAL LARD Kettl leaf. 10. 10 Pr lb; fM, 10t4e par lb; BO-lb tin. lH4e per lb; tm rewderad 10. per lb; Sa,- Bnj TanNKD SAUION Columbia rtvee. 1-lbtalK II. M: 2 lb tall. 52.50; fancy. Mb flata B2.00-. H-lb fancr flat, ft 29: fancy l-lr- 53 75: Ataak una. plnB. G0ci red. SI. SO; Bemlaal Be. tell. t2 00. - PI ll Rock cod. Tc per Ibt fheiwdcra. Be per lb; haUbut. Br per lb crab. 11.50 per doa; atrlnrd baaa. 12H ' par lb: cat flab. Te MC Ibt aalaioB. cbhtoek. Bet "He lb: eteelbead. Ike per lb; aorkeye, oc per lb; herring, B per lb; oiea. Be par tb: brtmte. top par lb; perch, 5 ner lb: hd. 4c per lb; roe ehad. 5e per lb; bad roe. BOe per lb: black cod. Tc per Tb: ellver melt, Te per lb: lobatrra, 15c: freak mackerel. Be per lb: erawflab, aft do; f man dare. 5a per Ibt tnrsoi. Te per Tb. OXBTEUa Wboalwate bay. Bar gal. BX2S; per aack. B3.TB. CLAMS Hard abell. pec bo. (XOB: raaor lama. 13.00 per boa.. . .. . SELLING AT QUOTED PRICE Hogs Are Few and Values Un- changed, While First-Class J Sheep Sell Well. . .. , 1 : Pertmnd ralea ateckyarda, A as. B. Lir tock receipt; ' Boar CattlABhe Tnday .........,..i.......ll 13J 1,011 vveea ago , , ... ,, tt 40 mvKHm ween... gn gjj jjg , Moath ago, bolldar. Demand for beat rattle la vary (and and price ar readily maintained. liana sea, riea, u surhgd veto, white the .heel aheep. ere "" , iusy , s Bone , r- a,. j OfflcUt Price fbP TJtoe r" H Rent eaetera Dreaoa. Ba.tfln.V: bkx-aera ano china fata. B1.T5; atorkers aad ree'iera. . t attle Heat MStera Oreana tr. B-1.0rM B 2d: Hbt and eae,ltm rtwn ai anei inrr beet eowa and bet fere, S1.2B4I2.SA: sM ami n ww, tor and feeder. B2 2n2.75: BuUs. B1.5A . . Sheen Beet fancy hap, an 00 2 5.23 r Me. a3.75'4S.00: prmg lamh. 4W. i - Calves Uma! veal. 1,10 to BOO , 4)A(t iwusa.naw awa,y, awaiaa. -- ' XABTiair oaa stxadt. - - rhlraea. Am. Bl LtveeliwB matmii H"g CetU8bep Chicago ................ lK.iKio au.nuH Mnaia I,I1J.U....,U,. o.l ll.ono Omaha - Bono B.50B Hoga epened eteedy .. f yeelenier rieetng prior, with 1 TOO .ft ser.. Becejpte a yee go were tr.AOO. prlrvw: Mlfed. As 7B4 2; good nd heavy. 4 .BKt 05: rsassj aad Lmr, i it. ht. $9 1)06.39. C e ''ee..y. - ; "' I - to rreuf. . V ItUHl S THE FACTORS Chicago Wheat Market a Half ' to Five-Eighths Higher at . the Close Today., 1 AUGUST AND MAY SHO'VV GREATEST CAIN OF. PIT Canadian Crop Said to Bo Even Greater Than Pjevioua : Year Opening of Market . Ia Generally HigherClosing Near the Top. WKDKXSDAT'S WUEAT MARKET. - Open Tcioee Ckm . Oaki ' Wd. Wd. Tue. Wed. Aug......;.!-. a ei4N I i7 2t dmwaj a wV "-la" a nw vj rpt.,.l. .MH , .M i..v,Btt. , Ic........;4'4 .B4t4 iaSf ' May........... .Soft' , -Sttti. .00 vf I Purnlabod bj Orartieclu Btarr a Omkaa.V. ' Chicago, Aug. P. liOgan Bryan ay: tow cut wheat markat report a better demand, tbe aouthweet being bout la big her. Our market atarted firm oa reported damages to the Rut elan crop, with th low price for th dy being mad at the opening. Except for a better each demand th general markat eondltkm aeem anchaogmL Aa usual oa tbe are of tbe government report th market ruled dull and within a- narrow rang. Tbla conUnoa to ha a fairly good trading market. The on file ting report received eoncerntng th- Ral- rop leave th trade mack at eea aa to actual eon ditlqoa thara. . - , . TaU to Bold Sue. ' ' Th corn faarkat atarted atrong, enboeuuonlly lng off. Corn wall held, etocka are not accumulating, aad eae decline to th pcultv market, aeema to tlmalat th cub inquiry. Th apeculative oate markat, ld from being firm to making a- fractional gain, nbuwa no change. The buying of tbe deferred future eeeme better than, th galling. ' . ' r ' Paokar Xav Wktp Has a. Tba provtcloa markat ruled strong and higher. Th general character ef tb market ah owe no change whatever. Pecker are atlll balding tb whip band. If la popularly believed they But only own the actual etuff In their cellar, but alao hare pecultlv markata la control. Today'a official marketa: WHEAT." One. High. Lew. Cine. Aug I B .?iM .ngvk - .eai Pec... Mt4 eV OM Bept. Old Dec.. Way.V.. Bept.... Pee , May .MA Sept 1410 Oct 14 JO Sept..1",,. "T.S Ot....y, 1.12 aTatal t.2J K SHORT RIBS. 8.S8 . B.40 BB a.4S ' B.4T B.42 Bept Oct , B.40 a-ea CHICAGO CABH WHtAtr Olilngn Au B, Ciak wkaali Btd. Ak. K. a nd. " ..................... .BS Na. B red. No. B hard. .........,... . .Mai Ka, B hard. 2$ No. 1 northern i... .83 soubt upr voTXstzirr. . ; Chicago. Aug. B. Primary receiptor - . -. ' Tbdy . Tear Ago , I, Rush. - Rnab. What 57I.OOO - pna.ono Corn SS.0OO 411.JO0 nngpaoants. Wheat T4B.nno . BOT.000 Corn TOS.OOO 243.000 - Cleernneoat Wheat, pn.ono bnahew; corn, 242.000 buekela; floor, 1,000 barrel; oat. - ' BAV TRaJfaBOO 0ZA1Y ILiRKXT. Baa mncJtoca. Aug. B. Official close, mora- tng Msaloa: Open. High. Vow. Close. jOs ai i.8i,ii. BARLEY. " DCBbeaf e a 9rfj elJaMtj W)4 W)4 CHICAGO ARAXR CAR. 10TS. Chicago, Aac. B- Grain car mrei - - (...Cara Orade Rat. 1BA4 Wheat ......UH . . M 1M J Cora ...BOB . BT , , 158' 105 0t ,'' 00 10 244 Wheat cars today: Minaoanoiie i. iniath IB. I ear Minns polls w, mntl la. MATT WHIAT TIXLDC 8peil Dknatch Ba Th JoaraaL) Peadletoa. Of., Ang. B. Reports front tha reaervetlaa ay mat nearly au tna wheat tbni baa been threabed there ee far baa yielded from 42 to B hnabrlg per acr. and that tt aa teeung from HUH pouno per puaaei. irrrRpooL smAiv ' xaixxt. Liverpool. Ang. B.-km; wheat. RTtmbr, 8a Bvd, td np: December. Ba THd. d np. Com September. 4 BVad, aacaaaged; Ds- embr, 4 Bd. ap. COTTON FUTURES ARE . -NlNEiOlNTS-DOWN - r" 1 1 i w ..i.Ke aa rtaarhaeb. Htarr A flenk f.i New York. Ang. B-Cottoa futures clo4 point lower. Today'a official cotton mark el: Onen. Hhrb. Low. CVwa y.eaar ...10V5 110a lOtli lOKiUICJ February .... 1oh4k Uarcb. ll4 HOB 101 IOJl April ...............I" 1110 1101 K2dM May r. rr-lllB - llllIlOBS - HVt.fiW a.anat lW lORB 104.1 104.1U4S September .....l"-d 10t 1051 . losifiii October 1078 1084 1085 iOftMxnu November .-. 10tw7o December 1088 ,1085 10TS 1075QT8 Liver-eel Cwttoa TXlghar. . Llvetrnoel. Ang. otto futneea clotod barely tdy-. 1 to Id point klglxr. ... a ii . , WIXX liOT COKTRACT WOOL. -(Special D!ptrh to Tb Jaaraal.) Pendlrroa. Ang. 8. Xo effort wilt p made a. aroalburera to contract any of the next yeer' wool. rurdlng to Chart H. Oreea, repreatttv of Koabland Broe.. who bt her t,m ika purpow of cblng kb) bnatnee for tbe ... Par aoBM time PH report bav bees .Waiaterf eviw th western atatee that barer ere already taking Tb BeM m endeemr to contract for the next Clip, nwnw, no rrnwi kiaA will be aadertakea la tbla eertloa. ,u. en air. Oreew. unieaa th aitnatbi should cBAflg Contracting for wool as far 4 advance to purely e gambling matter, la his eotntou, aa It Is Impoealhle at tbla time to crarttely rorecaei iae . .. ' BAR rRAXCIBCO LOCAL STOCU. i Be Pi ale. Aug. BOfflctal cioat. mora- Rll. Ak Caatra Coat a Wtter. . Sprtna tflleT Wter ('ntral Mabt ....... Mttl Rlecrric 8. P. 6a 41 Ktectrle Olnnt Powder Mutebtomna) Sugar.... Makawlt Bar Onenun Bnr. ...... Peaahas BusaC. . .. i ...... . 42 4a ........ BT B7S ........ - s 1S 14 ,. mst) ............. Tl ....... ' ,a. 14S BS elaaka Packer' 18 "4 Cellfomt Win 3i caaal. ptmMp. ....... v - o Pei-tfte States Tlehn ,.'... .11 l .HHIa ' - CORJt. ,S4 .54 ' J .471 .dSffr .45147 .4Wi ". OATH. . .B7 W .tt .27 V, .CTftn MW - MB sIIBS PORK. 14 M 14 10 14 .20 14.22 14.10 14.12 LARD.. . - -T.70 T.M . t.TO. T.TO . , T.TB aaT.TT SLIELTER STOCK LEADS GAIN Advanced Two Points on Active Trading In the New York . -' Stock Market. ALL STEEL ISSUES ARE : SHOWING BULLISH TONE Amalgamated Copper . Fi've-Eightha Higher Prof it-TakingReaulta in Losaes Late in the Day Market Closea Rather Mixed. ; ' ADVANCES. Anaconda ........ 4 Smelter, pfd .... maigamuo ..... !t. raui Atcbleon Ureat Weattra IxHilarlll ........, Wiecenaln Cent , ... Wisconsin Cant., p. IlllnoU Central ... 1 Steel, pfd........ Bmtlttr .......... 2 DECLIKea. ' Sngr i A1 Mtaamrrt ar1i Brooklyn Wlpreeaed Steel Car.. Baltimore Reading .. C. N. W -. 1 Rock leland Ch eea peak ....... Soutbvn Pacific Canadian Sll'nlon PaclBa .. EM arrunayivatiia ... r.rle. tat pro . : People ua . . Uanhattan VJtep, Btecl, pfd ... Uetropuuun ktoutorn vy naty Teoaaaaea Coal .... ttaty, jfd .J....I. Stw (Pnrnlabed' by Over beck. Starr Cook Co.) Wall Street. New York. Aug. B. Smelter (tock led the activity la th etock market today, American Smelter commn advancing B full..Bolnte. All Hteel laauaa eootlnu bulll.h. Ithoogh but alleht chance were ahowa today. Amaigamatea topper bad a lair tone, in eno of th aeaelon a bowing s gals of PutaL, Th mraet ctuaeo irreguier. Today' ofBclal stock markat: .. j DESCRIPTION. Anaconda Mining Co.... Amal. Copper Co TiT" lit TTivt 11 84U S4H SB 44 84 44 87 V 4 87 AtcoMon, eom do preferred , Am. Oar 41 round., com. S7. loa. 10.1 lOSlk 108 aTSk Ml W sovk PVW 8844 - aa preferred.......... INI 4. WW Am. Siurar. eom....... 144 7. inv 1B3H 115 14-1V, 12S7. 123 115Ve Ara. Bmek., com....... 1H do Dref erred. 123 Baltimore A Ohio, eom. d- preferred..,..,.... Brooklyn Rapid Trntt. Canadian Paclne. com... Chi. Alton, com...... il5s tat Tou 11544 set BU. tm OB vn 1144 15 lMIVa 155 1M - 48 SI BO 4a 81 4244 do Dref erred 81 T Sl Chi. a Ot. -Wt.. com. ChL. Mil. Bt.' Paul... Chi. tt North., com.... Cbl. Terminal Ry Cbeeapeak 4k Ohio...... Colo. I'uel Iron, eom. . Colo. South., com...,,. 2014 xo 1H1 itav 220 . isiVk 1X1 2iVi IS 55 IS 4n-a IN j ' MS 84 4A s m ovk 2S 25 la1 287 no za prererreo....... do let preferred...... D. H. &., cuta do preferred Erie, com 80 824 Bla ?Vt 81 k aati 4t4 T5 84 T, T 84 B4tk BVk 4Nt4 mv eu 1 " i rTTWt T, S3 1T4 ao- let prererrea . . . . llllnoi Central Louiavtlle 4k Naahvllle. 178 14T4 17k 174 ; 14T1 14T 147 IB. Hanoaitaa ny. ........ klMlraa Contra! Ry... 11.. St. P. Bt. At... do preferred Mlaaourl PaciBc ,. VI., k. T.. com... 171, 197 V. 1S744 10(1 22 2 as 1M 1IM 1101 101 vt BO 4 1004 S -8444 in SO x 85 preferred. OoTfc New York Central Northern Paclac Norfolk A W eater a, eom. do nrefrredj . , 14N44 148 V 1484 2114,1211 W4 SAVki SB 8.1 V4 BO 84 vo vo North Amerlcaa lot 101 63 V, loon 100 B2 143 a lt N. v.. Ont. Wast.... Panylvla Ry....... P. .. L. C. ie I'reeeed Steal Car, eom. do preferred PaciBc Mall Steam. Co.. Reading, com do 2d preferred.. do lat prefer.-ed..... . Ren. Iron A Steel, eom. - do preferred . . Rock I. land. com...... do nee f erred B3tfc J' 1434. KaJVk 143. iMB llWlt 1IM44 at B5M 47 Vk 88 40 80 4.14 86 4244 WT4j KIS HiTvi ior ws 8.1 28 . BT TT B54 M 5 VI T 83 83 22 Wi 83 - tl'i s 8S 2 2144 sn BlVl TT Southern Ry com...... do preferred. 85 84 88 8SV4 Td , aa l B4H svvk PNH Son I her ParlflevTVTi , . r. oo St. L. S. P.. lat pfd.. St. Lr a. W.. eo..,. do preferred Tare PaciBc...' Tenn. Coal 4k Iron T.. Bt. L. 4k W., torn. do preferred CnioB Parlfio. com do preferred C. . Leather, cam . .. . , do preferred V. 8. Rubber, com...... . do preferred.... ..'.'". V. B. Steel Co., cam. .. do preferred Wlaconaln Central, com, do preferred Weatern Caloa Tel.... Wabaab, eom do preferred j.. V 84 814 aim 804 oi 844. Bo B4 804 w B7 r7: 181. 1X2 H 131 181 8HV. IS 1IV 104 106 10444 Bl 10444 oa l os 1W44T11 01 liwi. 'a.l'W'n "4 ai44 103 Ii3 loathiioas 2&H US 'i44 40 ;4 htb 54 Vk 4044 84 8.1 IB 40 1844 Total aalee fnr dar. 823.100 skare. Call -, l4ttS per cent. r T0K0PAH sTUfOfO BTOCXB. Sea PiaBcleca, dal clnee: Montana Mtderar McNamara .... Belmont Nnrth Star...., Reecue Gold Mountain.. Jim Batter .... Af. 8 TonopaB stocka, ofn Bid. Btai 180 .40 1.17 .80 .or .T4 .14) B.75A .!W .B : . : .or .04 .18 . Bin. ,. .) . .IT Kendall - I'nlnifihta at. Jaaiho Jnrnt. Kiten. ... .14 .X4 .OB Blec Bntt .... Sllve Ptrfe OMea Anrhar..-,4 Kay O'Briea ... .116 Tun. Neadavr Ton. Eitea .... Retl Ton Golrtfleld Snietorai . . KaiKtetorm Ex. da aaa Mohawk ...... Ton. urn ...... .an O. Bnll Pros tl DtamondBeld . .. ,7 Ija. Ar.. ....... na ' Honeataks ..... !os Leak Boy ., 18 BOBTOJT .mn BT0CK8.4 Bnatoa, An. Otactal rpev-etiee: - md. t - mo- Advenrar Alloae . . a boo (nid raTrnioa..a rr.TS " M. icola M ao . 17.T9 IParrot Jn.on , SO.TS IP. -.nil ; B.taJ . tVnlacr 108.00 . B70.on txhanaoa T.BT Atlantic ..... BlnBhaaa .... (L Arls... C'a hi met ...... Centennial ... Cupper Raiuje. Paly Weat ... Ilia (Jreene tlraney ...... Maa ......... Mtrhliaa .... Mohawk ..... 89l iTrlnlte .TS 14 im.l'nlted ....tzm t.BO at 7 T 28 0 Victoria S.T Wlnon ll.ftn Vt'oirerine .... 118 rx 1'tah 45 M V. S. Mlnln. 81.28 Royal 21.SO - 14.00 84. TB 0OKBT0CK stmiB-O 8T0CXB. Baa rranelK. Ao. 8. OfBdal cIom Bnllloa ....!... .35 lvt B.l,hae .14 Poroal BleT.- . .41, IS .80 i 80 .11 1'ob. CI..V.... ISO llon Coa ..... Onhlr . leimw jacart... Calednala 4.t irirkeonar Meilca ..k.... 'I"aea 4) Norrree. .1 . iacrneoa II TORS WITH 1URXXT. - ftew Tark. Ao8 iCsffca fa rare closed 8 Tody' efflclal ewffee aiarket: " -' Bid. A I Bid. A.k March --.... T.T T TS Senf mber ,.a7.S IT.lO Mav TT T.T!i' ikctoher . ... I ju Jely ....... 8 BrWtoveinner .. T 28 fao Au8t .... 8 8 T U0 t-icaaaar ... ! U T.0 PORTLARO RARE BIA'nMUrr.. C1erlas Ba hence . ... . .......Ml .) B,0A.7a . . , . ;. I aaaeiaatr -Raav, 7 Kew Tort, 8 eHerlhjR rstaai Onatnd, Woman. Get Broker to Take Mortgage on Piano Without OwnerV Content. . MONEY READY1. FOR HER 1 ;f v BUT IS NOT DELIVERED Miaa Thomaa Learna With Surprise That Her Fine : Instrument Haa Been Used aa Security for Loan She Did Not Want ' Ul Pka.lMt. f Tlinmll. VehO livM .IK kaa MAthaa . t IBB r?nllimbla. trt. Is wondorlna wh a. woman salactM har as tha victim oi one or. na nmuumaa, bunko ftmei that ha ever been Bt- In thla eltV. Tt OnlT bT accident that she avoided bavins bar piano morts-aa"ed witnom ner nowu . Shortly after noon on Bionaay a wau draased youna woman called at the of. nc or a. money oroKar. m mo nnanwa a...ilaiJ mwA l.tMnia ftaraeie.'sa Miaa Charlotte C. Thomaa, BtemoBrapher for 8V IS. laaltin8 o. - pna onireu w raise aoms m tinny on her piano. i T 11... W1K w.w' HiMhip a 4BB Pn- lumbla treet," Bha said, "and don't want har to know anything aooux it. i am embarrsiscd financially Juat at praaent and want to ralso aorne money on my plana -' ... '. i "You pretend, that, you ar an lnsur- . n... mm, arf to ' iWv hnilsa. Incik OViT .ha tiiralhiM ara the numhor of tha piano and attend-to what other detail ara nacBsaary. Tell my motnor vns, you ara aolna to -writ an ineurance .nit., ik. Ci p., t.n .a and aha worT t think anything about It I will ba back at a o clock to set tna money. - Tk. kMk.p - aa umi na the VMttlf a.nM.n laC. c.l 1. nn the Hssoltlna company and learned that Miss Tnomas . . amnlnwa Ih.P.' and ItVatt at 4BB Columbia street. Ha accordingly sent a woman in nis ampiojr ,io uie noun iu examln tha piano. 8ha found tha raaidanea, as airactao, ha niimhir ef th nlsnO. On her return to tha office the naoeaaary papers ware mad out and tha $200 pre pared for delivery. . - . Th. kiuk..,, MmlmKlFM BB appointment down' town and csu4 VP Miaa Tnomas OJ laiepnejtea, - . 'Tha money is hr waltlnc op you . Wn., a.n aa 4. whan vnn Mlfll" ha aiiu f vu . . a " . . . . . . aid. "Or I will send it 4own, whlchavar you prrer. . . "What sra" voir talklna aboutt" da An animated conversation reauuaa id the broker's hurrylnj to the of flee of the Haaeltin company, where he found the, real Miaa Thomas. The loan .was Ldeclarad off. . . : , ; .'T ,n.'i bnA whA tha woman wa a ' said. Miaa Thomas today. "But she ..11 .a n h t.l.nhnn. thlnnnrnlna and told me Bite waa very sorry. Bhe aid she tied to -raise the . money and .1 1 J . i.n .nn. I. aa. If fiha aalrt if iiwu t ,iwn . " " w " t n.n,,inr ' nmaefiuta 1 h rm ae or do anrthlna- about It. she would never do anvthlns Ilka that BBtdlW .1 BBld. J wouldn L Detectlvea believe that the younAT woman watched the office of tha bro ker until aha saw him hurry down tha street Bhe followed him and saw htm enter the; office of the Haaeltlne com pany. Then she realised that hep scheme bad fall.ed and did not call at a o'clock. CAN FIND NO TRACE OF i NORTH POLE EXPLORERS ... (JoarnU Special Bervlc.) Baltimore.' Auc. . A Ulerram from Dr. FaaalR of the Zelcler rallef expedi tion, dated at Shannon Island on the coaat ef Greenland,-saya that no num ber of tha party were at Shannon la land on July 11. and the relief party la returning home. ... Temtbaram Synods te Vaita. , (Jparsel Bpartal aerrice.) -rort 'yne, Ind., Aur. . Represent ative lay and clerical member of the three American synoda of the Lutheran church are Catherine; In this city for the much discuaaed Intersyaedleal con ferenee of that denomination.-- The pur pose ef the conference Is to dlseuss plan of union on doctrinal matters which have hitherto divided tbe , .Lutheran synod. ' " .. .Sneet Metal Worker Meet, (Joana! 8 pedal Bertie.) Milwaukee. Wle.. Au-. Th Na- rforial -Master Sheet- Metal Workers as sociation beRan its annual convention In Milwaukee today with an attendance of members from .various parts of the country. The sessions will continue for several days, aseeeveral matters of Im portance to the craft are to be con stdered. . .. r rpedsj xxemrsloa Bates. " Very low 18-dny tickets east offered by O. R. A N. ' August St. IS. September II. IT, the O. R. 4V N. sells 10-dsy spe cial excursion tickets to eastern points; stopovers granted going and returning. Particulars ef C W. Stinger, city ticket agent O. R. 4t I Co.. Third and Wash ington . streets. Portland. ataeV8rla TAataat te Vewyett, Th Southern Paclflo company haa placed on sale st Bit Portland offlcss round trip tickets "to Newport at rat of t. Umltad to October 18. 1101. and for II Baturday te Ifonaajr tickets. Ample hotel accommodations at reason able rat are provided at thla popular resort. . X.aeas Is BeeleetedV ' . (SpecUl Dlacatck te Toe Joaraal ) ' Spokane. Aug. .-W. H. Lucas, formerly - preat.dent i of th Pacific Coaat league, lias been reelected presi dent of tbe Northwest league.. ; RIW YORK ROT SOOD - Prank IV- MIHeeve r ea !. 88 Suler -ef Oaenats. Maw York, le ki the rlty. Mr. Miller ta aaaklns a tear ef the knovaro of Ik Pacific rneat. Toanrht k - for Waahlnstoa I view tb ynnie ttiev. Maw Tock. Be eeye, look Ilk a erne, ef e5.000 kale, th earn ss Jaat year. Tnday k rctve ta form a tins frna tner that the Bcoaegt were not e food. Tb aiar ket M trakrt. Be . . pzacb crop bhort. ' rapetat Dtapatrk a Th ornl.) -Pea4W-rr4i. A. r Sennrf from the Wall Wall valley aay. that the. lat Crawford aad Albert Deacfera r acarce ra that dlatrtct, wla ta the kard daeins Ik winter. All tea early varieties kave kea qait 4ea ti ts 1, at tk era wlU k atwrt. Raw Tarh Caaa Off. New Tork. 'Asf. 8 Th ef fee! KB. 1 Kiev. 8i K Ba'"- Site., . . . . I Rew T ark-tea Bar, Kew Tore. Aa. 8. Beftnod nnd raw rutf firm nnrhaaaed; Laada kt rT( Aa Dfe We Norton: DavU ALL NERVOUS, BLOOD, SKIN AND PRIVATE DISEASES OF MEN ThrouRh our vast experience' Is speclallats we are able to make a full and early cure In these troublea In the majority ot lnatances where the ordinary practitioner falls to relieve. 1 . STOMACH, HEART. LIVER. KIDNEY, BLADDER, THROAT AND NERVE TROUBLES are very quickly relieved', and a permanent cure made in all curable casee. We frankly tall you If your caaa is Incurable. We will have no person's money except for Veneflta received.- . I Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. are an association of eminent physicians, eiperlenced BurceonB'Snd ex pert specialists, with abundant capital, established In 1SI. for the pur. pose of treatlnR -- " , . , AU (mRABLI lfJDIOAL AID BTjmOXCAX. SISBAaTXS OS MsT. . Thay will accept no caae for treatment except certain that they can ' affect a cure, nor will they make any charge In case of failure. - Dr. W. Norton Davis A Co. are undoubtedly the greatest authorities on ... DinAtaa op xm In the United States.- They are the founders of the only system of treat ment which will cure apermatorrhoea, Impotency and other forms of sex. ua! weakneaa, with any deirree of certainty. This Is a system of home treatment which locally stimulatea th proatate Bland. A similar method ha-skow employed by nearly every apeclallat of not In America. ' TBTRI X41I ABORT " T why "weak men" are frequently not cured Is because the trouble ts eom. 1 plicated with "dlaeaaes of the proatat gland." or with "urethral obstruct - tlon." Oup treatment euree where others fall. 1 .; . Wl UBR) X mads of medl'cated "cocoa butter." which dissolvee readily at the tempera. T e ture of the body. This easily passes ths amalleat obstruction without T ttain. It heals the Inflammation and remove the congestion and awall ' T Ina. The remedy reaches the weaBenaa -eeminai ouctb. neals them and stops "unnatural drains. In moat caaes Internal medicine la required also. The "crayon" Is only used In complicated caaea. Tbe patient places It without any trouble at night by means ef - . . .. t '. Ose.oaz sise. r' ' ' ' which la made of hard rubber and Is similar to m syringe. Thus, without 'any trouble whatever, the neaiinf proceaa-aoee on wnne you aieep. -This Is also the most suoceaaful method known of treating -.-1 ana p, nfii IT, a.nnn nr Man. "; . We prescribe for each Individual eas iisfng many different formulas . In crayons. If you have uaed a aimilar tratmnt, do not be discouraged before -yow nave eonauitea us. - - - - - A personal interview Is desirable, but If you cannot call write ua, ' arivlnar vrour avmntoma In full. . - Our home treatment la suecessful, even In complicated cases. Strict- x ' est confidence observed. Plain envelopes used In all Correspondenoa. In- T structlve book for men sent free, securely sealed. T vi avASAsTTaa a cvn zxr mrnx cash wj UsTSzoiTAxai oa X - - v 'i v T covstjx, TATZoxr nn. j , ' All oArraanondence Is sacredly confidential. ' OfBoe hours a. m. to t p. m. n . 4a 1 1 Tl 4 ' a. m. to 11 m. I DR. V. NORTON DAVIS & CO. I Offloea In Van Noy Hotel el V. IISM8M.WISI WATCfl Greatest Grocery GROW Twtnty years of complaints have helped to better our aerr ice. To perfect . our syitem, To bring to your homes the best goods the markets of the world afford. - ; ; 1 Our wagons stop at your door four times a day, leaving our store at 9:30, 11, 2:30 and 4:30 o'clock. ' Be sure and . send your order at least 20 minutes before departure of wagon. If you remember this you will ob tain perfect service help us to help you. i '.... F. Dresser & Co. TPortIands Greatest: CroceryT Seventh and .Vashlnrjlon Sis. - East 15th and Broadway. Seaside, Oregon. . ,. Grimes Grove, Clatsop Beach. FAIR ATTENDANCE FOR TODAY WILL BE HEAVY The attendance at the exposi tion tbla forenoon' waa S.8l, showing a decided-upward ten. dency ever other days of the praaent week. The Baptlat Sun day Schools contributed much to the result. The total admissions yesterday were ll.tK. - - One peed Is Aato auksh. '' (Joarnal Bparlal Sarvlaa.) . Houston, Texas. Aug. . Running 48 miles an hour an automobile .driven by James Dar rough, who was accompanied by Miss Bcttle White, struck a milk wagon- The automobile turned turtle. Dar rough's neck was broken and Atlas White was seriously Injured. O. M. Maaterson, driver of the wagon, suf fered a broken leg. ' . ,j Portland's OVERBECIC, OTARR C: CCC a a a n . BUBst TfmAm v a.w.-a. ii BAiir, rmovr-ior, rrrro. rm: ' 181 Third Streat. McKay BuUdrt". i r i r'r " ".' .tr a T ' - e 7 A CSATOsT One-Fourth Sis. Al'TealUATVIi and 7 to k Sundays and Holiday, W T Third SL, Corner Pine, Portland. Or. ' vIBIMtH MRraautHomA, oinx atnTDSeOOsOB, Aauoocw.a, Oaf stLARTsIOOS, starXTJstATZBaf, 1 ITRCRCA and SXXAT XZRraLASRTS. . W want ' every man arfllcted - with the above diseases to honestly ' Investigate! our special system of treatment. We in vite in particular all who have treatea elsewhere without success, all whose cases have been abandoned by family physician and ' so-callad "SnOXAXe XSTS," all .' whose troubles . have been aggravated and madtf worse by the of buts, ravBa SAacnms. troax, LXATBXRRTTS and BO-called SFsUUR- ZCS.' We will explain to yon why such treatment haa failed to cure -you. and will demonstrate to your entire satis faction that we can cure yon safely, quickly and permanently. Our counsel Will GVB( DV1I1UIR, a UU WW W .U WW fj J as we would wish yon to do by a If our cases were 'reversed. Write for our home treatment If you. cannot call. The DR. LIEBIG STAFF TAooms S aad T, WlBckaatar aad BtUDBStda) Ueef. Iwrt1and, Ox. . Batabllsaeal IBT a. C. OEE.WO The Great Chinese Dcctcr Torakerly Wcatag t zvs Aloar at., ear Ikird. . . i , Have Moved T" rka Hrr Brtet - betkrla lit I. eea-aa a, f rust aad Mm i ante ta. ..... r . f ..t arans tfanaaA W7a vw r, n. - w. ... - 1 yjnaear. la w'aU kawwa and tanon tsnosBewl tsV. B . win ...l.i rut aad aaervskoss ear Bar kae sershteel breaecaa tlyaieaj the kenftk and nrertB ef thte eeaatrr. Ue Waal ny aad au eieeae wiia 77Z. root, kern, hod., nark a4 veaacsbla Wet aa i a. nasu-taal aanaal nan M tniVw mrw arntirfjiy an rarrwrs w - onnrrv. nd Ihronfb tb e f 'r?T reaoenie ae naranian. a, nn tons tronbkw, roeew.tleaa. m ''" Hver. kldnsr. IrstB troabta two) ail Brteste dleee. . .... u xni ranoa,onrw r rr- iali: ef tke knit, wttkont Mtn Blo. Ha4rwa teUnola a V at Bis fs, Call n4 e him. Ckarse eJit. CORitrlTlTlOR JRtR. -,tter sat .f tk tty 8 ctrraltr. lock-. c at a a-. AjMrew 1 a) a see W Ckine MWicin Caw. 181 Be, ssr. starrlMa, rertlaaa. Or. pice tneatlrt tale per-e. powRTzirv. RroreUBrs m o, , (EatabUahed 1IA) ' wsTSA artp STotnc umoxzz- - BAeex 4, rwaa4 rtooa, . . rrsLABtXaTRk OA CO X awa. ttfiarrf al Tnrft 1 V fl X Af a Hawalla Sacar 85). 50 V 9e.aiV8i m ear a, -i 8na. Ita 7 V i t