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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1905)
"I ' ; ?y - i. s,.. . . li.-it,,. ,v$ 4.1- r . . 'v .fH . " ' V.''; . . tT 1 ' ' t I t t t Harney County Exhibit at tha By Cbartea Parrlab of Burn. Harney . .-':.". County.' Tha : moat - catchy display of -all the counties of Orgon in' Agricultural Hall aX tha Lawla and Clark axpoaltlon cornea from Harucy county, the great but conv paratWely unknown and - undeveloped portion of the auta. Although nearly 3 SO ratlea fromtheJCclfle.jPcean, thla county" among her beautiful display howa fa the white, pellean, the cormo rant, the grebe, the tern and the aea (rull. together with the arctic, or snow mesa, and the eaaa of manv of them. : a 11 gathered within her . broad borders 1 alnce February IS. , V . " ' ' . It is a pleasure to the sense when wandering through 'the exposition and i ecomlng satiated with the beautiful display of Oregon's luscious apples, her l -ars. her plums and prunes her golden Tains and . waving grasses, to stray into the southwest corner Of Agrt ultunil Hall and apend an hour among 'Harney county's wealth, of wild game ibtrds and to look into her jars and. see mountain- trout St inches in length and 'weighing over nine pounds... ., , ; Harney haa long been heard -of as a livestock county, from which come wools und fat steers enough to crowd the etockvarda of the nation, but never be f nr has she come to the front and shown the native wealth of thla great undeveloped .portion of our noble state. - Ma rata ad mot. : : - -' Tn thla exhibit are also shown the fruits and r rains of thst section in limited misnlltT but of flneet quality. The quantity Is not limited by reason of this nol being a county adapted to fruit or giain raising, but because It Is locality long dominated by the cattle .ui an n sings and haa been diligently .!! i by thera ss simply fit for snd because tne soutnern -a-r sod the O. R. ?. have had their n t i tut It and bave not seen fit to i k rc-er lines of transportation to . -Mole of that section, who caa not only the meats, but also the to ed an empire, are stm 1 te drag sll their supplies-10 ? some little, , messley railway ly means of' the "prairie f -1 tie freight wagon, and jf - j.. i-- .,-... ma- m . ' , . mm h w I HAlEY COUNTS TK2 -t - --r- -v- --t-t - ..' " '. ' . Lewis and Clark Exposition Photo thus .they are compelled to raise and produce . as their merchantable com modltlea cattle, horses snd sheep. In fact, only such commodities as caa "walk out' and find the markets of the world. :,'f - - : Hew Teree la the rieid. But the, western terminus of a power Is located within the city, .of Portland t hat-will -soon-forea-tha outhn- Pfc- i elflc and the O. R. 4 N. companies to extend their lines into the distant por tions of our state, or else cause the city of Portland to ioee the trade of the great central and southeastern part of the commonwealth. ' . - -' ,--r We are often asked If. Harney county Is a rough section to make a railroad through.. We can say to all that Harney haa the best natural roadways in the state, end can point with pride to the fact that In the late automobile race across the continent 'Old Scout," the winner, and "Old Steady traversed the width of thst county and paased through the enterprising city of Burns therein, i But we have strayed from our wild birds of Harney, for here we aleo flud the whistling swans and geese sailing in thousands upon her broad lakes, while a score of varieties of ducks haunt her waters,- and with the plover, the snipe, the toon, the coot snd other wild fowl, make both day and night strange and weird with their -"call of the wild." y y-":- matlroad Zs Promised, Ws can safely say that Harney county will soon have a transcontinental rail way line, and the O. R. A N. and South ern Pacific, with their slow, crawling feeders, will Ioee thla valuable country and ita trade will be diverted to thi eaaL . -v. . v Is Harney county's display we find curios of thst prehistoric rsce that oc cupied the Paclfio northwest and en graved Us history on the rocks long 'ere the red Indian drew his bow or shot his feathered shaft; and also fossils of the' prehistoric horse and ox, together with tba camal. i mastodon, ' rhinoceros and sloth, and of, the trlgonis, ammonite snd other tnolluaks, and the fossil leave of .many aerni-troplral planta and treee that existed In their Ufa forma on the gaologlo v island of "Bhoahone,'V away . . v.-.: OnGON DAILY ; J0UEI1AL. . . 't. . ... r s I by Kiser Photographic Co. back tn Urns not later than tha cretace ous and Jurasalo periods. Coming down to ths beginning of the nineteenth century I myself safely .have preserved the hatchet of John Day, one of the hunters In the overland branch of the Aetor -expedition of .1111. anl of later date, the ox yokea. axles and other parte of the wagons of the great Immigration -of-44a,. whe venteed-4o explore a new route into the Willam ette valley, now known' aa the "Me cut-off." or "Bluebucket trail." . ' They tell us that at old Camp Harney where, in the '60s, General George Crook first learned to fight the Indians, there now grow fields of waving wheat and other grains. ' We are assured by the representatives of the Harney exhibit . that the ' true sportsman will ever be welcomed by the people -of Harney while visiting - their delightful county, but that the "game hog," . plume hunter and nomadlo egg fiend, who gathers for sale and barter. will be met with the glacial eye and the ,V-v . "TV T stern, unrelenting. hand of the law, torfrtr the people of Harney , love their birds snd animals. ACCUSED OF FORGING NAME TO A MORTGAGE . (Bc-MlU Dispatch ie The JooraaU HUlsboro, Or., Aug. . Caspar Mexor, who resldss about seven miles from this city, was arraigned yesterday" before the lustlce . here - and todsy plesded . "not guilty" to ths ehsrge or forgery. It Is alleged that Mexor made an assignment of a mortgage of 1100 given by Mary - and Henry Becker to John Becker, and 'thereby ; forged the name of John- Becker. . - . . . The time for his preliminary bearing Is not yet set. ' ' .j A ', OKLAHOMA CITr WANTS HOO HOO CONVENTION "I'm howling for statehood for Ok I a homa and Indian territory, and for the 101 annual coavenUoa of. the Hoo Hoo,"4 PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY ... , la th announcmnt ud on a button homa a Oalaratloa to trv no hm con rentlon to b hld la PortUnd. 8ptm bar t. Waaton At wood, an Oklahoma City lumbarman. aooompanlad by hta wlfa, and Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Shaar r at the Iraparlal and will Mtar, aavaral wwaka. .- Tha Hoo Hoo ara com In ( to Portland faaaa lia at a ad annth la thraa ar eial train a. Ona will a tart from Bt. Paul, ona from Qalvaaton and, ona from Ban Franolaco," aald Mr. Atwood. -"Tha Oklahoma dalatratton will eoma on tha Qalvaaton spaclaL Thera will ba a larva rttimbar of thm, and thay want tha doubt that wa will hara It." Ha aaya Oklahoma City la growing rapidly, ' haa 11,000 paopla and ia now in tha alavator claaa,-haTlna; bulldlne four and flva atoriea high. Her broad, aapnalt-paTtd atraata -ara .tha wonder and ' admiration of vlaltora from, oldar oitiea. jr , .-. : ' '. SHORTAGE OF WATER IN - - WALLA WALLA VALLEY y r-'; '-"v y. - (Special' OUsateh te Tke ' loaraaLt . - Walla Walla, Wash.. Aug. I. Farmers in Walla Walla from Ul Athena country tell of an unprecedented shortage tn the supply of . water". Wells and springs that heretofore have given ah unfailing supply of water, even In the dryest or seasons, ara giving out and farmers are oompelled to haul their water for rarra and domestic purposes. As a result of tha shortage, many harvest hands are throwing up their positions and farmers are finding It difficult to obtain hands to fill thslr plaeea Harvesting In thst section has lust - nicely started ana ir conditions do not Improve soon many farmers will be usable to harvest their crops before fall .rains set in. : FOUND ILL WITH CRAMPS UNKNOWN DIES SUDDENLY '. ISoeeiat Pksatrfe to Tee Jw-xnalt1- Kelso, Waah., xVig. .Paddy Murphy, a rain who has been serving time in the city tail for drunkenness, and was re leased Saturday, was found yesterday about a mtls'frdm this placs in a fence corner nearly dead with cramp colic. He was removed to a nearby barn, where he died within a .few hours. Nothing Is known of his people. '' He will be burled today by the county and publlo subscription. . v v , KELS0-CATLIN BRIDGE' OPEJVEDILTBAFFJC a"'' (special Plaeatck te Tae Jonrnal.) ' Kelso, Wash.. Aug. . The KaUo. Cat I In bridge la to be opened to travel this week. This bridge will be a greet Improvement for these towns, as here tofore In winter It has very often hap pened that the river Is too rough for the ferry to be operated. The bridge la one of the best In this part of Wash ington, being built at a coat of nearly lie.ooe. .. .,. . v.. f . . i. . YOUNG PATRICIDE GIVEN : WRil OF HABEAS CORPUS (pedal DlapalrS to Tke JoeraaL) ' Tacoms, .Wash., Aug. . The federal court has' granted the writ of habeas corpus asked for by the attorneys of Tom Brown, the boy petrlcide of Lewis county who has been held In prison for insanity. According to the decision young Brown' will now be given either his liberty or placed on trial at once in proceedings to be brought to dt. termine his sanity. i" ,. wronse Season Opeaa. , 1 ' (Special DUpetca . te Jha Jearaal.) Pendleton. Or., Aug. I. Sportsmen are beginning to. make plans for the grouse seaaon. which will open. August II, and during the past few dsys several hunter's licenses have been issued. I'p to dste there have been 1 permits Is. sued to hunters. .. Storm BavsaTao Wlseoasla. - , '. (Jeeraal Sptclat SerTlra. ) . ' Portage, wis.. Aug. I. -Heavy winds snd cloudbursts .caused great damage throughout thls.aertlon last night. Trees were vblown down, bridges carried out and several buildings wrecked. EVSHIKO. AUCU2? ' 0. I I FINED FOR VIOLATING " SUNDAY-vCLOSINGLAW ,. (IpecUl IHipatek te The ioarnat) '. Pendleton, .Or., Aug. . . Carney : dt Kennedy and.C. Xk Bowers, liverymen. were fined $i for violating the Sunday .closing law, each firm paying tha One yJL&2tOTiMn that both stablee transacted a - large business on Sunday. ''.' v ADMITTED WAS HIRED - TO COMMIT PERJURY i W..-Mk.a ral . Atssv l-.T thai 1st la d aves xexas' araaaaja w. fraud trial of O. W. Brace, accused of u t. jiwiWiha tiaa tiimad state's evidence and admitted on the witness stand that ha -was empioyea to swrn falsely en many locations. Ola MtUford also admitted that he had been hired to locateupon a claim. . - ''. Strlvlair fox Opem Town. ' ' "(SpecUl Otasateh te Tao laersaH ? Baker City. Ol1., Aug. . 4t la reported that an attempt will be made soon to open gambling In this city.- Already ir aeveral saloons gambling has been going on behind close coors, open only to the Initiated. - Whether the sheriff and city anthorltlea will take any ..Immediate so tibn toward stopping it Is not known positively, though they ara cognisant of what Is taking place. -. '. V r - i M """i Z- ' Connoopia BioWr staid. ;. (Special DUpatek te The Joe-aeM " 'Baker City, -Or., Aug. .-Valentine Lubenhelmer.' one of the men engaged In the Cornucopia . shooting affray, waived preliminary examination in Jus tice of the. Peace Curreys court, ti.d was bound over to the circuit court In the sum t 11.000. '; . i . . :(. - ..'''". : . Baker Otty rbra, . . . (Special Dlspstck-to The JfleraaLt Bsker City, Aug. . A defective flue caused a -amalt blase yesterday at the residence of Mrs. Blglow on Eighteenth snelOrurcb-streetr.- The loss is 100. smn TonjunEQ Thoasaads jof wretched paopla are miser able driven almost mad by the- ternbla itchlnf and burning; sensation of Eczema, and other skin diseases : many in axles tbsr srs suffering from bad blood, whan as a matter of fact tha blood has nothing to do with it. These awful tortures are caused by bttle germs that attack-the skin exter-J nauy, wmcn caa pa rooiea oat in n Dairy, leaving tha skia. dear, soft and healthy. Such misery now cleared away as surely as ths sun shines above. Not merely attempt sd, sot a matter tt improvement merely, not a temporary relief but a clearing of if all away absolutely and pennaaently- - - . ':KS."rJ;THC''V:;'''''-': pnEscniPTiflrj a specinc lonnnia, pat op in sealed Dottles with authentio label, has proven to bo tha oniy cenaia car tor these diseases. . its record of cores is astonishing, amaxing, a most miraculous. - it is a liqaia, nsea ss tsrnaUy, noa-greaey. -' . -' Citansfjd within cat cttstH; - ' Tor a anmber of years my knubaad haa bean saflenng with- a terrible eaee of eesema. He bed doctored with the beat skin specialists la theeltr. but theyeould not even stop the Itch ing. I was told by e friend of the D. O. D. treaa. stent and betraa taslngitatooee: the Brat few applleatlona eased the Itchier, aad In a month's tints hi flesh was as clear ss sould be. ' ' ' i ' . Yours trsly. ' - uus. S. 3. BKATH. Kotland, Vt. Oet. If. IOOb.'. 8I D. D. D. eoota but K.OO bottlo, and la cuarantawd to eure sr monay rofuntiad, r 1 Write the Medical repartnient, TV D. f. Company, t'hlcago, for free consulta tion and sdvire. . I :. JrVOOUAJIXVCXJUUUC k'po, ' , ; .. .v C' w . -.'.v-a . 1 J. MIL WAUKIE PARK at MILWAU1C1X HEIGHTS This choice trti the cheapest and best located This tract U on the Oregon City car line and river and all lots, are 50x100 feet with 60-foot streets; level and sightly, and one price to all, whether you buy one lot or fifty the price for each ' fol -is $50. '; The'TiUepeflect, a complete ablffact of title of "Milwaukie Park , can be seen by calling at the Hibernia Rav ines Bank, owners of the tract,' and-free tickets to and from : Muwaukie-Park-l-gladly-be-given-to-ali-intemling p chasers by calling'at Room 305. McKay Bmldmg; Corner Third ind Stark Streets; :' Come and inspect these lots facing car line r ' for $50. 'Acre tracts for $150 each..?: .Z-'' TT Oood farm of 120 acres, 30 acres in cul tivation; 40 acres light clearing; I acre orchard; -room house, large barn, run ning water, one. mile to creamery, school and postofllce. r ;-.. . : .j -ft Umbert, Vhitmer i Co. Booms 10T-S herloek Bldg, Third and ., . oaa aiiseess. - $4000 $3000 $1250 T-room modern houee and Tot Clay, bet. IStb .and lltb sta; rent 140. , Cottage Snd lot on Hoyt, bet, 21st and 22d sts. ' House and lot .In Woodlawn, Dekum avenue. tlA fYVI Quarter block, i houses; rents, V-WU t9i monthly. F. V. ANDREWS & CO, ) '."'"'''. SCENTS r". . .- Semlltos Bldg; 131 Third Si. : ' ; pOob.cioV PhAaa.atAww a-4sap - Kit 11f f l sV MM I'll pmr cnt on !nrtJtraw.t. ;, r - LambertrWhltmcrfr Co.- i '- ' 404 2s. AXdDBB ST. Boonts 10T-S Sherlock Bid., Third and - Oak Streets. Beautiful Cottages ' If yon would like tq see some of the most beautiful homes in the vicinity f Portland call and have a talk with us. We will be glad to show them to you. They range In price from (700 to tl. OOP -lift per month is our plan, - . srBAtruB, '. t- ' IS, dhraad Ave. ' Boom la. " ' Two to five-acre tracts on the O. W. P. car line, one mile and a half eaat from the golf links; prtpe from 1110 to 2260 per acre. . Inquire ot-John H. Gib eon, OWNER, at Stanley. CITY- ad dress, room lOl.Shsriock bldg. -r ' - CHKAP LOT , - Lot 4xl00, on Eaat Ankehy et. Price Only 1540, on easy monthly, payments. MALL Q VON COSCSTEL l2 Kaet Burneldo Btv WASHINGTON STREET -. HAVE THREK PIECES FOR SALB. ; B. J. DALY, 222 Failing BuilJinj , MONXY TO LOAN i Money at per cent on good East or Wast Klde residence property. MALL 0, VCN COH.S1XL 4l East fiumalda St," of any suburb around Portland. You Can't Aifqrd to ' Rent a Home , ... -.. '- . . .... -r.' - ' r.'i.'v.i-. - jL This fact will be so persistent ly" hammered, into the. minds tt ranters from this tlms on that homo renting,' except of a tran alent nature, shall cease.. - .-' Is a select tract In the heart of 'the district that has set the pace In annihilating ths rent idea and the appreciation Is such that this district Is ... outstripping . L every Other Portland suburb in growth. Come Out arid See for yo . tta 1120, payable 2 down,. t month."-,.,";; .'', '. " . . Every convenience. Houaea built to your, liking and aold at rant rates. Take Mount Scott car to rirland. - u '-'V ."' -:- Geo. W. Drown V - aos TArttsTo avxtoxaro. .1., fhoae Mala SUS. ,, CTTT OfllCI oirBaT STUriaTwS ir a; mica tt , -V''' 1 ' Fwlmi HOtXADAY PARK See the lots we are selling in Kbtln rfny Psrk- Inside lots, ; corner lots, tl.AKO. MALL O VON COTL V- x llviJ BuxnsWs. et, . . ,. r ... - - i