The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 09, 1905, Image 11

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- - . . , til
i'4.WelaeelJi4L'U U I
HajjInY, Watercress ' FilSy, , VVa
ttrf lower, Turna Out to Ce a
, ; Crack on English Turf.:
, Cortmnjent Will . (inly Allow 1. the
j Ftrto Mutuelv Which- It Monop.
V ?. . . .
luea-rTim Sullivan ' Brings , Good
Luck to Hia Majesty' Horse.
' '.(Joaml Jpaetsl arta.V
if London, Aug. ; . J.-.Bv Haggln, tha
graat Amatican breeder , Of thorough-!
brad a, baa furnlahad to tha Engllab turf
; ana of tha beat of tha eeaeon'e young atera
in tha aplendld Watarcraaa filly, watar-
flowar,' ownad by J. 'b. oI. Bha baa
bean winning eonalatantly in flrat-claaa
ompany and ia counted ona of tba flnda
of tha aeaaon. . She Ja a flna-looklng
animal and baa atamlna and courage aa
wall aa apaad. Mr. Joel bought liar and
eala at oomparatively small ooat. ' He
Hkea the Wauroress blood and Intended
i the Watercress blood and Intended
ne yoyngsters ror tne stua mure man
J , racing, but .WaUrflower - will probably
bava a long and brilliant career at the
--Hracea -before-she - is sent -to 'Mnr Joel's
, Place at Sledmere. '? , '
American racing men will be gratified
to know that tha breakdown of Major
Kuataos Sodar'a .great (mareJ. Pretty
- rviij win not n permanmii. . j.n vviain
, .ana aunerea is yieiumg xo-. treatment
and she aoon will be all riant basin.
' The action ot the French government
In abollahlng all betting on the races ex
cept In tba mutuala. which ara monop-
1 fruitful toplo of eonaideration among
horsemen here and th Knarllah contln-
gent who go to the French races. So far
as tha French are concerned, they seem
'- to be pretty -well eatlafted with , that
form of gambling and It Js only the
The "maiff objection, they bava la that
. ' when , a man playa. tn tha mutuala be
r never knows what odda be la getting:
tnai suture netting la impoaarsie; mat
"'It la naeeaaary to put' up cash in ad-
Vance In order to bet; and that owners
and trarnera who bava a goo thing to
put over will have to keep
It to them -
, aeixa Instead of lattlna tbeir. friends in.
,as-very ticket -sold on- a-horae-trnder
..' k ,11.1 I,!.- .M -I I.. M U W. h.P
, vvm ia vh lug vuveiuu uw yvuu
, Tha - diaouaalon - and complaints - are
tfft largely aoademlo, aa the French govern-
ment has the power and ahow' no dla-
A . 1 -W- J 1 I 1 - ,1.. 1
K-pomiiuni w rerrais xrom using il ine
foreign element talk of forming private
i ciune xv engoia xiiem co ao doob oeitiag
. In the old way, but it is probable If any
t thing of this sort. i attempted the
French prototypes of Mr. Jerome will
shew, they know -hew-to use the ax.
4. The French police are vested wth Jarge
discretion 1b dealing with auch matUrs..
VU'.Wt 'BkaTortex mesuraa. !.
trainers In England, who baa won in
(F purses. f6r his employers, the Dukes of
Jiw eatm.lnster and PortlanLthe .enorr
mourmra or and baa develop
some. St the finest horses an the English
turf, has resigned. H Intends t give
.xjWiost of -bis attantloa in the future tp
' Which be Jiaa a large interest.' i It la b
lleved Mornlngton Cannon, the noted
' jockey,' will train for tha two dukes.
fi Congressman Timothy D. Sullivan oil
4. New.-York, . brought good luck to the
piking, .it waa when the American M. C
visited- Newmarket that hla -malastv'a
colors oh Mesd showed In front at the
4 finish for tne first time tn a long while.
- The, recfir ladled nn1( HtetAh It m
i 1. ,h waa 9ti. an uiuiliallflAil t, -mm
4'- .i. .. , , .
Linu iiiQuiu .iia uunn. BcromuainiBai ui
the crown nrlnreas of Ronmanlm. tha
V Duke and Ducheaa of floarta and other
"l uwtwwiva wvia Hinciu, ifc l, UHluif yivv
u able .that polo matchea w'th lady , eon-
i teatanta will become popular. The fact
f that the contestants used side saddlea
ii hampered action, and tba work la alow
. .It la underatood- that Henry'- Vardon, '
' J. H. Taylor, Jamea Braid and Jack
Whtta, foar of the very beat golfers" in
t Great Britain, will go to America In
Xhe falLi,It la their Intention to take
' part, w the tourney at Mexico: City in
i December and. January, and then make
4 a tour of the atatea. Whether they will
visit the atatea before or arte the Maft-
lcsn tourney haa not yet ween definitely
decided. ., i - ' .. , . I
i : trsallar.' ISlaar- amd
OyeUng, Motorlaa' aad Skootlxvg.
2 Bobby Walthour, tba American-oham-'Tplnn
cyollat. Is. doing some fin riding
behind- pace on the continent He la
v meeting and besting tbe . European
cracka with great regularity, .', r ,
- It la learned with pleasure that E. R,
2 Thomas Is to. enter -a motor boat- la
the race for the - Harms worth cup thla
',yeer.. The,cup la held ia. Franc now
4 and there would, be little objection to
seeing it tranaferred to America despite
the recent Angio-rreach entente. Mr,
r j nomas ooat win nave to oe wary and
beyond anything the French hav. 1".
irace, however, .In order to get- the oup,
according to the. Kngiian-
' for the opinion Is current her that onr
.frlende acroaa th channel are careful to
orelgn sportsmen jipna the beat of
It in li
International contests.
Tha fine Shooting of Mrs. BL J.
years Cav-
erad wits
. sa4roa7
' like a is
aaa.. Have
aatktiS tea
tfara aad have
ae daadraC oa aar
pert ac mj amp.
soaca aealthler
. venlele. IIS
te)atflvwlr waa eves dastdrasT, steps
kalr 1 alllna. brlocs keck rontbfnl color te srar
ssir. A Mas by HJinri.iA mr,iH
toys tteblag, preamtes Sae heir grawtk. Larg
me. kottlaa. drnrslots'. TUie notblag without
raua auy ixxau tore, tjut eat saa aiga tasv
-f .C"e4 fey isc. Cakt
Take enr ef oTlewin' Smaslrts ted set
fna. eettle fUlrtiealtb aad S( eake Tjarllaa
So. a. both tor sua., er nt fee Fblla Bar
Ov. jlevark. K. J.. prvptld. for one. aad thla
lot. rase snap aot gi.ea inifim win-
i CMa satire dr. aad SOa. fee alalraeaHa.
Saaaa, ......, rtWtw ...,,......
lA4nas ..I............................
' s.'.rt-ti
t. J
t 9
j x .
""!et P'-y i much c'erited o"-'
, V i tou,.;i., , mj not
I only la aba alioe-ahot .s-she flemoiv
strated by her scores in competition.
wth tomi of tha beat men In the oun
try, but la an accomplished horsewomen
ana whip,-'. . . i - -'
.The painting of tba portrait of King
Edward's ' white-haired tarriar Caaaar
haa -been quit aoclety event. 'Mia
Maud Earl, who wki tba artist to whom
waa Intrueted tha momentous task,
- 1 the finished portrait at her
i bl uiiiii inn nunv no a inn wnm
who ara interested tn dose viewed it
Hla majesty axpraaaad himself as blf hlf
pleased with tha portrait. , , . -
;; tNKt MA PUHSl
it nilfTl A. , W I Y . iiiff i Th Vmn
aUka purU ofN$tO.W wa. won ,e.ter
J y at Kanllworth track by Sadie Mao la
I threa atralaht heats. It waa tha mxa-
I ing day of tha grand circuit meeting and
an immense tuning N praaant.
reauua:- - -n-,
1:0 paeo.-'puraa ,e00, three-heat plan
Allereon won In threa atralght heats;
time. :0i.. J:0SH, :. Directum
Miller aecond. Parana third. ; Irish.
Joaey, Lady Bella Brooke and Stain also
etarted. ,. , , V!-
: 1:10 trot Empire SUta puree, 110.600,
three-heat plan Sadie Mao won .in three
atralghti heats; time. ' t:0H,
t:0(H;. Zephyr aecond. Miss Gay third.
Hilton,. Bonnie. 'Russell. Grey Gem,
nsmie m., aiaroaco, Grace Bond also
started. .'.t r,- v - ;-
' i-foa. purse ti.ouu. three-neat plan
Mary Aldoua won aecond and third heata
i"1' f;JHl Madsan Direct won first
I ' " ) w siansrs. . . . trot, pure tt.000. three-heat planlson between McCredles proteges jind
-Hardwood won, three straight heata:
time. J;14. J:10H. 1:12; Slater. Collette
aeeondr Get-Away-thlrd.'-firile Isle. Lord
Roberta, M inter and Brilliant Girl also
started. -. ... - -f K-
At ajKofaV
.f-.. WJa.AVaVlc Besults ot
Six, forlongs-rMsmoriea won. Line of
Life- second,, Nannie Jaodgs third; -time,
l:ll -.-. - , ; , . . .1
un mu oeaguin won. oonoma Bene i
aecond. Sir Lynnewood third; time. 1:41.1
viva . ana one hair for lours Belle
Snicker , won. Adonis second. Raldmoors
tniro; time, i:0. J r.
One mile Molly Brant' won. Dollle
Spanker aecond. Cairngorm' third; time,
1:31 t-t. ' -' , :.-v . ' . '
F1ye and one half furlongs Hooray
won. Hermitage aecond,' Lord of the
Forest third: time. 1:J; ' ;
Ona mile Glowatar won,' Suffice eeo
ohd. Gambler third; time, 1:41.
1 , ......-. 1 " "
,k .. ..V."T:,,,,r,.,T wr': today, compared. with, the aport a In
' , ... . ' " Iterpreted at Bllverton and Vancouver In
San Francisco Is to have another I the days terrlflo battlna waa the order
glimpse of. heavyweights In tha flstle
arena. Of late the meetlnca of the
Hercules of tha profession have not pro
vided ' entertainment -of f a 'pJeoe' .! with
their also. The prospects of the coming
match, however, between Gus Ruhlln,
the Akron giant, and Sim 1 McCormlck.
John U's candidate for. world honors.
are more favorable.. : - i
In a -six-round mla-up with Marvin
I Hart, the pretender, to the -abaiideoned
title.. RuhUn
waa awarded - tha decl-
been training - sedu
lously- at Sheehan's for- tha peat two
m ..... . . . ...
weeks, under the anxious. surveillance
of John L. Previous to thla he haa
d ths MvxHtttgs "of the'
pion'a . active , tutalaga aIoi hla boylng
tours throughont the country, -. T ,i
Ruhlln has been training at "Golden
Gate. within a atone' a throw of ..the
raoetrack.. Hia dally pleasure and toll
has been to go out on tha course with
gallopershow seasoning for tha winter
campaign. He haa proved hlmaelf fleeter
than some of the steeds tha public bet
on during tha winter. V .
,-7 -
ti .
I XI. ' .'' -'
I Pltteburg C ...... .
I i . w . v . n . ........
n 97
I Philadelphia
tt '. V 41
Chlpago ... ......... M
Cincinnati .. ,...... St
Bt. Loula . ......,.....
Boaton ..,-...,.. tt
Brooklyn . .......... If
Chioags . .........I 10
New York . .......
Batteries Welmer and Kltng; Taylor,
Matthewsoa and Bresnahaiv L'mplre-
O'Day. ; , . J
' ': ' V; At Otaetaaatt. ' '
. R. H.B.
Cincinnati ., ,....,. .M 4 1
Philadelphia , . ................I I
Batterlee 'Walker and Street; Plttln-
r " Abbott Ump.r-Em.ll
First gams -v, -. :
R. H. B.
St. Loula . -. 6 1 1
Brooklyn 14 1
Batteries Brown and Leahy; Strlck-
lett and Bergen. . - - v
Second gam . . " K. H. E.
St"dula . tfi.WoiiAn.M 1
Brooklyn t (
Batteriea fegan ana uraay; jaitoneu
and Rltter. Umpire Bauawlne.
At Plttsbarg.
''r;--" --r-"i r -v.
4-' ! !
R. H. K.
ooKun .'..,..,...... . a
Batteries Leever, Lynch and Gib
i its
son r wiibeim and- weedhanv
Loot P.d
41 . .441
41 --.
' 4S ..HT
. 4 .47
Philadelphia '.' . V;..'. 44 -Chlcaao
. . .-.. a. 81 rf.
Cleveland ' 4 v '
New York . .....i..,. 44 i .
1 Boston a... ........... 44''
Detroit.............. 4(1-
Waahlngton . ....... 7
St Louis. .,...,.'.. SI
;.--At jfo J ., :'
Cleveland . . v. ....... ...... 1
Philadelphia V . 4 1
Batteries Rhoadesv Bernhard rand
BueloW; 1'laok and Powera.
At WaaaJasrtoa..
Washington i x .-i . : r. . . . . ,
St.- LiOUlS . .v..a.a...i,.,.l 7 1
-' Batteries'- patten: and Klttrada-a-
Glade and Spencer, s - - ' -.. . i
i. ...'. aa kin..' ' u '- -
Boston ."'TVnTa.,.T.,v."'.;V.S' I
Detroit v--- . v - - - - -
Batteries Dlneen . and CHrer:.rch
ana vnamer i r .-
(Jesraal pedal aerviee.1 -
Seattle, Wash, Aug. .Both-' Roy
m it. ana aimmy nnsiis were given
their bump by the . 81 waehea- yestea,
day. " Seattle won the gam by superior
sticking. The aoora: , v , - -. ... j,.
S..UU. h kith Si
San Franclaco -. 1 I ( (
Ratter) rharle Hall and BliAtkm.
ship;. Hitt, whalan and .WUsoav . Um-
xire i-arrme. r -
l..jli ii-jLiil hit
Portland'aT. Eattins Rally -in the
I .. , -
Eighth Contributes to the
Downfall of Saints.
M'l -' ' -' ' . ' , , - - '
- - " Crowd-Enjoy to Inttregtlng
1 Gmmo 'lit' Which tha Prowess of
Portland PrevailedMcLean Batted
1 ,
a .Thousand. ; - :i -:
Portland 4, Lot Angeles I. -
. Batteries-Jones and McLean;
and Spies. ;.' .-
' Los Angelas was downed ' yaaterday
afternoon by tha locale in an intereatlng
eonteat, tha acore being 4 to 1. - Not
withstanding tha fact that Mitchell and
Schlafly were atlll atlff from their old
Injuries, these nlmrara . tint in and
I played a rlp-anortina same, and demon-
atrated that' when. In form they cannot
oe peaien,
I It was a jolly old crowd that hied to
Recreation park yeatarday . afternoon to
toDserve tne opening eonteat of tha new
Mlke Morley'a angelic sons...-- It waa
typical baaeball day.' hot enough for the
meet -enthualaatte player and aufftclently
cholerlo-for the moat blaae fan. Gentle
breeaea swept through the Interrogated
Interstices -6f an old man'a whlskera,
who at In the . rear ' - portion of the
i . .
1 day With the eontesu of yore, end who
took sufftclent time between plays . to
Intimate that - "Slats" Dayla, .waa
"marred" ."official' and 'didn't know any
more about the game than Reuben Levy,
who at one .time -fisted the Indicator u
this placid and God-fearing community.
The ground waa dry and dusty wlthsL
At intervals of Bve" minutes the wind
from the west would make friendly con
ceaaions - with ' the light , duat of tha
diamond and whirl Jt around tn eddying
style, jading seat to the apart, mlrtb to
the occasion and dirt To' the 'eyes.. . The
grandstaad-and bexea were graced with
time-honored fane, who- appreciated tha
sport Juat as much yesterday as they
admired It a decade ago. Homer Daven
port waa there, occupying a -box next
to- Judge McCredle. and both, followers
of the national game exchanged views
aur,n tbe-matinee on-how the gam of
of the course. Local backera of teams
that in the past failed to 'make cood
J sat, looked and listened." The daye-of
rSammr Vlgneux. ' ot Conr Harlow, -
Huiaeman a netting in one . game -ad
Jay ' Andrews', throwing - In - another,
flashed acroaa their ' mlnde and they
wondered. .'"' ..... .''. ... j
Tbe occasion waa Joyf ul ona and the
Angels fell. Bert. Jones was on ths
bill for Portland and to hla credit It
must be said that be pitcneda aplendld
game of . ball, r Hla control waa nigh
perfect, bat one -' bene -on -balls going
"Jn"t.Jl,ra " ' onl'' b'n
I ma ii a ftt nisi aialivskr-v Hlsi In -nan. rnwtw
made off hla delivery. Hia lone error
aa-tnade tin a 'hard of a bunt
good Sorm. ..but .the looala touched htm
along when hit a were a neceaalty. The
gamer was highly Intereatlng from 'the
start until the last Angel died In th
nmtn. ' -t . .
' ' Portland started tha fireworks tn th
tnira, wnen Ats.siammea out a beauty;
scoring RunklaX-In the fifth the Angels
tied up tha score on two aafe hlta. - In
the seventh ,-Ross' triple scored another
run for -the "Visitors; Ross tried i te
stretch his hit. Into a home run, but the
fleet left fielder waa nipped at tba plate
by a country block, -while things looked
a trifle dark at this time for the locale,
a email batting atreaki with nous
holder at' the bualneaa end of it with
double, changed tha complexion of thinga
and nut Portland on velvet. Rddla'a
double scored Schlafly and Mitchell, and
a. minute later Braahear a error gave life
to Runkle and a run to Houeeholder.
Thla ' ended the ' acorfng. . The Angels
did their best: IB the ninth." but their
wings had been clipped and they could
not aosr. The fielding Of Ata, Cravatb
and Bernard, and the ' batting of Mc
Lean, Houeeholder, Ata and Schlafly
were the ' featurea of th -game. The
score follows: -
1 1 -
AB, RHm A. E.
Ata, as,", ... :
van Durvn, ci, ,.,,
Flemlna. It. k. ......
Mitchell, lb, ,, 4
Rchbtfly. Sn,- ........ 4
Householder, rf. 4
Mclean, c ..,,....g
Runkle. lu.
Jones, p. v 4
. LOS .ANGELK&. . . . ',
Bernard, cf.;,,....-..: 4 t
Flood, lb. 4 1 I 1
amlth, Sh, .......... I .. 1 1
Dillon. - lb. .......... 4 .:
Braahear, sa, ..,.... 4 1.1 4 t
Cravat h. rf. 41110
Rona, If ....... a . St 1 ' t - 0
oni,. c ............ -- 1 "1
v "'l. ! I T' ' J
'ToUls . .. ..... ... .11 14 t
rL. i iiiiifii'
Los Angeles-;. , . 4 ---
- nits , ......... i v v a v m x v
Portland 0010041
Hit , .,...... tltlS 14
Struck out By Jonee,
! by Hall, 4
r9a.Fva un am-vii iiani a. i. auiiva, a.
Two-baa bits Mitchell.- Householder.
BIT Jonee, 1.
Cravatn. i nree-naae nita Houaenoitier,
Rosa. Double play McLean to Schlafly.
Left on baaea Portland. ; Loa Angeles,
4. Sacrifice hlta McLean, Runkle,
nples. Htoisn; Daaea ncniany, rtunkle.
Wild pitch Jonee, First base on er
rors. Portland, 1; Lea Angeles, 1. Time
of game One hour and J minutes.
Umpire Deris. - ..-..
PortUad .........
xerosis ..............
Sea rraarleee
Los Aogelea .......
(Joaraal Soeclil aWvieaT"";".'
San Franclaco, Aug. I. Danny Long
haa gone east to confer with Joe Can
til Una and Tip O'Neill about bringing
a, couple of all-atar aggregations to the
coast this winter. w It ha been decided
tn Invade ths roaat with- another bunch
ef big lea gu star right after th-alosa
r .r-a
. . of nL 4 K .TU
0 .. M e 0 4 ,B71
OS.. j O 1 4 A0
o o o .. g o n jhx
- -iz?z.:::x. rc :tl..::d. v;zd::z;day evening. -august o.mccj.
of the eastern season. 'and Long want
naca to dlacuaa details of tha trip with
lantuuon and CNellL who are promot
Ing the affair. .They have had experi
ence in this business, for It will bs re
called that thay were at the heed of the
Lajote combination which was here
few yeara ago.. .: .
"Everything haa been arranged at this
end. for-the visitors." said Danny be-
tore no took the train. "I have secured
Recreation Park and other grounda
along the coast. We are going to make
an effort to play at Spokane, Seattle,
Tacoma and Portland thla time, which
haa not been attempted before. , Other
combinations bave been afraid of . the
rainy weather, but ws will take a
chance, ' rf Jt ehould rain we ean drop
down to Skit Lake and Denver and clay,
Xt won't cost much. . ,. ,.
"I had a long talk with Henry Har
ris about the tour., and before ha would
let m have the grounda here he made
me promise that we would bring out
only stars, and we have aaaured him
that we will. We will try to get the
very beat talent then have in the big
eaguea. we want to get both Matthew
son and McGinnlty If we can. We will
offer Cy - Young ' chanoe to , make
tha -trip.., I suppose-Lajoke. will come,
and I think Hans Wagner will be with
us. Cantllliort .1 on friendly terms
with all the playera and I have no fear
about ilia not organising team a that
will 'be . big -drswfng cards. . AS -the
players made pretty good , money when
they were, here before 1 think there will
be a lot - ot, them -who will-want to
visit the coast. Of eouree. all playera
won't, play- winter, ball,1: for aome don'tj
like to tase cnimcea ot getting nurt; out
wtw wlH coma out atl'irUht. -., .
'. 1 wllmeet Cantllliort and O'Neill
at Chicago and. will sit down and ar
range all the details of the trip, which
Will- take some time. I wlll.alao vlatt
Pittsburg, New,, Tork and Cincinnati. I
think -1 -will- be gone -three-weeas.--
Ten trophy eups have been awarded
to successful " contestants in varloua
field and aquatic events held under the
direction of ths department of athletics
at ths exposition. "These trophies wr
in each case donated either by th ex
position or It directors. .... , c
Th trophies with their winners and
tbe events are as follows:
F. Dresser trophy, yscht - race Won
by Mischief, . R. W, , Foster, , skipper.
July 4, , . r,-v.
' Charlea E. Iaidd troohV. bentathlon
championship Won by -Los Angeles T.
M. C. A., July IS. . . ' - -
Lewis snd Clark centennial exposition
trophy, athletic gymnastlo ' champion
ship Won by J. McDonald, Seattle T.
M. C A., July 11... ' ..
L." ' A. Lewis . trophy," ' championship
track and Held eventavWoa by Loa An
geles Y. M. C A.. July II. i
Lewis and Clark centennial - exposi
tion trophy, open regatta, senior single
cutl Won by Alex ; Pape, Dolphin
Swimming and Boating club, Bm Fran
cisco, July I. . i - .:.:
Lewis and Clark centennial exposi
tion trophy, open regatta. Junior dou
blesWon by 13. B. Hswley snd George
Ludera. Portland Rowing club, July I.
Joaeph -Cloaset trophy, open regatta.
senior doubles-Won by Ed Gloss and
Paul Smld. . Portland Rowing,, J club.
JUly t. ' '"v: '' '
Lewis- and Clark eentennial exposi
tion trophy, open regatta, four-oar race
Won bvrPortland Rowing club, crew,
Preston Smith, Chsrles Duncan. T Zlm-
Ilenrv Uidd. . coroait trop
tournament. alnglea Won by . W.
McBurney, Spokane, Washington, July
17,. .. . ... ; 1
H. W. Goods trophy. Lewis and Clark
all-around individual championship
Won by Frank Frleeali, M. A, A,
Portland, Auguat 8. .,. i ;''-.-''.
.' conrad ran for Mhchell" yesterday
after Mik made hie two-bagger. Con-
raii stenned around like a reai live
sprinter, kicking up the dust aa though
be meant it w acorea on nounnmu'
ere double.-:. -.
- - e .
McLeaa la a terror to oppoatng pitch-
era After making two as re nits ana a
sacrifice. Hall deliberately waiaea mm
In order to prevent him from connecting
safely, and tne- cnancea ara tnat tae
would: hav made It t ;
' ' ,' .' e e
"Slats" Davis Is married that la. In
ao far aa ean ne rearneo. xeaieraey ne
took out a llcenaa to marry charming
Miss Lucy M. Travers of Portland. - It
Is supposed that by. thla time he baa
been tied up. "Slate" aa an umpire la
severe on tha baseball field, but for all
that there ara none among the playera
who do not wish . him all- the luck In
the world. It la to' be hoped that hla
decisions ss the head of a family will
be as consistent aa hla base awarda on
ths diamond..
. r : e
the autts that French took from the
clubhouse yesterday morning were re
turned to the management during tha
afternoon. French thought th suits be
longed to him.. . . , - t
.. ..... a- w ...
'Hoffman, Portland's new Inflelder. ar
rived- thla morning and went at once to
the ball park to engage tn practice. He
showed up In good styls, considering ths
fact that ha Juat got off the train after
a five-days" journey.
. ... --r-f-nr
Householder haa firmly endeared him-
aeir .to tne tana on account or nia con
alstent endeevvor -to. win." Eddie la gen.
erally . there with tha timely hit, and
when he fatla to drive It oat he shows
... . . . , . ....
his contempt for the bat by the way In
which he throws it on tha ground. Thla
la ths spirit that eounta.. " y J
... - e - e-'' ; v; .' . , ;
The ma'llcloue atory that was pub
lished In . th Bulletin snd afterwards
printed In the "caboose regarding Gar
vin misbehaving in San Francisco on the
laat trip haa been branded aa .untrue
by every member of the .team. Such
stories do not help baseball nor redound
to tha credit of th person responsible
for them, ...,:' . , ,,, ,(
Tim Flood Is playing a much better
gams thla year than last , Responsible
Ity affects th work of almost every
player. - Tlm'a work yesterday waa of
tne rva.i . apiuw-y uianu,
The general work of both teams yea-
teraay was apparent.- ins men backed
up every play and were full of ginger,
.... . ,: e e . .. ... i
Kaslck will do the twirling todav for
Portland. Hiu ia in great shape a
say that th gam la already won.
' e ,'e '. '
Barney Oldfield had another m Irani.
loua escape from death -yesterday, when
his car collided with ' that of Dan
Wurala at Detroit. Mlchlaan. dmii.m
and hla car went through th feWe Into
tha infleld and Barney had his acalp
badly lacerated, -. ..
, e e ... .
Alex Chalmers, th husky halfback of
tan ford - ualveralty,. wJio la now' it
Forest Qrovs, Oregon, haa decided-to
return to Stanford. This la good news
to the Stanford people, aa tney are very
short of good football material for thla
season, . , - ' - : .-. '-. i .
1 I
! j
Miss - Reid, Daughter of Whitelaw
Reid, Reported to Be Engaged to
Earl Warwick's Son,
New York Girl Pawns Fiancee's
, Presents to Help Her Sweet-7
V f heart Finish College... J,,'
- ' Ieoraal Special Barrlca. )
Nw - York, - Aug. - . An Interesting
romance will be unfolded In court
Thursday, Involving Ella Brill, aa east
aide girl, her fiancee, Ellas A. - Jailer,
and Samuel Kdelson, - her discomfited
admirer. Edelson saved-up a few hun
dred dollars, with which, he bought jew.
airy lor Miae Brill, to whom he wae
enaared. Miss Brill admits she sold
the jewelry, supplying cash toward the
education of Jailer, whose wife aha aaya
aha will be within a few montha. Edel-
naca. t .. .-v .-...xr t.
"I aold ths presents."... tl)e young
woman said today, v"and gave the caah
i receivea to jailor to neip mm tnrougn
the New York law school. - Jailer and I
are going to be married soon. I shall
ao tell th judge when I am brought
berore him. ,
-. Jailer admitted knowing all about ths
tranaactlona between Miss Brill end
Edelson and tha . pawnbroker to whom
the jewelry was transferred for caah.
Jailer worked his way to an education.
He graduated from the New York law
college laat June.' -''.
(SpaoUl XHspatch to The lotnraaiS
Eugene, Or., Aug. - . The' Oregon
state board of pharmacy held a special
meeting in Eugene yesterday, giving the
southern Oregon pharmacists an oppor
tunity of becoming registered.
A class of 14 applicants. 18 men and
I woman, waa examined. - -
Tha next meeting will be held at Pen
dleton on September 11, for. the benefit
or the eastern Oregon applicante for cer-tiflcatee.-
.. ' -' ; ,
Th full board, which consists lof ths
following, waa present at the meeting:
Clyde O. Huntley, Oregon City,- presi
dent; Zsdoo J. Riggs, Salem, secretary;
Kittle W. Harbord, Salem, treasurer; J.
M. A. Lane. Portland, and Georae C
Blakely. The Dallea. .. ..
The board ia making every effort to
apprehend any and all eaaee of viola
tion of tha law regulating the practice
of pharmacy by those who are not reg
istered and by hawksra and peddlers of
(SpeeUI tMspaM ta Tee lomaLI
Prinevllle, Or., 'Aug. .--The annual
school report compiled from all school
districts tn Crook county, shows the
totsl enumeration for - the" county is
1.014 children . of school age attending
school at present; 804 are males and
1,114 females,, an of 88 1-8 per
Cent over laat i year. A total Of 111,478
was paid In aalartea to ths county t each-
era during the laat year, an average, of
l&t to. male teachers and 845.84 to fe
male teachers, an Increase of several
dollars over the preceding year. Th
total amount of money received from
all sources amounted to 812,440.-
Vf I?0 Leads the Tleld.
' (Joaraal SMTlal Sarvlra I
Chicago, Aug. . George 8. Lyon.
Canadian- and Olympian -champion, ef
Toronto-, leada the field of 121 golf play
era. Hia nearest opponent is W. C
Fowles. champion of the Western Penn-
sytvsnla Golf . association. Lyon ta in
the lead with T4, while Fowles has a
mark of 78. National Ch.tmplon H.
Chandler Egan la tied with W. J. Travis
at. S3. r -"-
; .' ' ' "Z
r7 ". ategatts.' at Uowee. '
laemal Sueelal Barrio.) :- .''
Cowes, Isle ef Wight, Aug. . The re-gatta-of
the Royal Yacht squsrdon
opened yesterday , and the chief event
waa th race for the King Edward sup.
The race was won by th Earl of Dun
raven'a boat. Garlad. - ..' ,
ai i . n'
' Clark' Griffiths, manager of ths New
York American, team, narrowly mlsaed
loalng hla, life yesterday by ptomaine
polaonlng, Ha Is now nearly recovered.
There wss no game St San Francisco
yesterday on account of th delay tit She
arrival of the Taeoma-team.
. aUiea latwls Best Sra4 :
Nearly Half the Pupils in Public
r- Schools - Have Something
- the Matter With Them. :
Large Percentage of 111-Fed, Many
Deformed, and Others With De
. fective Sight or Hearing Monthly
Examinations Wanted.
' ' IJaarnal anaalal aarvla
New York. Aug. . Health authorf-
tiea have juat completed an Important
Investigation Into the health, of ecaool
children, of thla city, which shows ths
prevalence of disease exceeding expecta
tions. ; Figures compiled by medical in
spectors show that out of almost
children examined, more than 4,000, al
most one half, had something the mat
ter with them.
That thla proportion ehould exist, ac
cording to doctors, ahowa the necessity
of adopting a system by which every
child showing disease can be followed
by ' regular examlnatlone monthly.
The work .waa done by 100 Inspectors.
Four schools of prims ry grade were
taken. All "were "In" the" poorer quuriera,
but the worst quarters ware avoided
In order that results might be taken ss
a general average. The number ot 111-
fed children was 1,081. - i '
Among maladies with which the chil
dren were found afflicted 'were chorea.
cardiac disease, pulmonary disease, skin
disease, deformity of spine, deformity of
cbat. deformity of extremities, defect
ive1 vision and defective hearing. The
eyes of 8,110 pupils were found defect
v.w .- 1 '-. v '''-( "
- . (Special DisMtek te Tbe JoaraaL) , - '
i Eugene, Or., Aug. . N. A. Fisher, a
piano salesman for. the H. . E. Morria
mualo houae of thla city, waa given an
examination before Justice of the Peace
Wlntermeler yesteroay afternoon and
bound over to tbe circuit oourt in the
aum of 1100 on the charge of assault
wlttr-a dsngeroua weapon upon tha per
son of F. A. Rankin, proprietor of a
rival piano house. . ... ' . , ,
Bad blood has existed between the
two concerns for severs! years. Re
cently they have used their advertising
space In a local paper to deal in per
sonalities Fisher took exceptions to an
article written about him by Rankin,
and a rough and tumbla fight followed.
A phyalclah'a services wsre required to
sew up the gashes in Rankin a head.
made by Fisher's club. Fisher clalma
aelf defense. -,
(Journal Special BarrMO , ;
Boston, Mass., Aug. . Descendants
ot John Alden and Priscllla Mullens
gathered In Boston today from all parte
of the United Statea. Tha occasion of
euu nail, was tns jinn annual reunion
of tbe "Alden Kindred of America.' Tbe
principal oration waa delivered by "Hon.
George D. Alden of New York. ,
The society, formed. In 1100, haa a
present membership of several hundred.
and generally meeta at Duxbury, where
the ! blstorlo Alden homestead still
stands, occupied for th last 140 yeara
by some descendant of John Alden.
Weds Baughtes of QVenersl Palmar. .
(Joaraal Special 'Service.)
Albany, N. Y Aag. . A wedding of
note here todsy wss that of Miss Sara
Lola Palmer, daughter of the late Gen
eral. John Palmer, and Samuel Charlea
Harcourt. ' The ceremony waa performed
' .-x. .
''''.--. fci
and Avnrnr
: i;- Of a ?inal Smashing of
ALL.$2.50 AND $3.6(i GRADES, IMvlGllx trtf
:. ;;v : colored. ;soft hats , . -V;-.; z-.
-'-'V-f V ;, Jf3l75 ?''';vy,' -I'-r'-t
"..-, -'"??-:' i?Tr rr, . ,fv-.--? r .
"'jklSj $3.00 SWSINCLUDyNG '
' .. t f f ".1 i
.' ..;.";1.50':':
;f r "- ';j ct.cct:
! is
It' looks "like a roll of 1C.
bills (but it isn't). It is,
however, a practical )urse
a fine souvenir of the Lewu
and Clark fair; and just the
thing to send tojrour friends.
Jane: pnee ia . rcaucea irom
'23c to J-.;:. '.:;:;.'.;'.- ?--,v:
-TV, -
5- - See 'em in our window.' i
'Booksellers and -Sutiohers.
Crat Things at Little Prices
King's; Batb
Seventh and WaaSH
burton Bta.
and largaet
' ta th ettjr.
There has been aad win be
ao change tn th ' price f
Mineral Water, Soda Water. '
Siphons, ; Syrups. . ste.i - tha
earns prices will be maintained .
"art repuiis ta the mutiatf
Phoa ataia SSOS.
sa mat ev-
t tne noma oi tne- Drue s mother, ow
ing to the bride's family being in mourn-'
Ing.-only tha relatives and a few inti
mate frlenda of the contracting nertlea
were la attendarfce-r . ,
The , Southern Pacifier company bar
placed on sale at Ita Portland office.'
round trip tickets to Shaata Springs a
a rats of 810. Beautiful, Uluatratai
pamphlets descriptive of this resort e
bs secured from any Southern Pao
agent. ..', -,. ' : ., ....... . ; -
a- rr-
.' Me ;' '.
je izun ;.:.
".") ."
Prices AH Straw and
.-'1 J
"Vawew '" f.'
; .. ; .- v- .-: - .
'V. ' ,''' ' . " ''-."'