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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1905)
"daily JOURNAL- PORTLAND. ' WEDNESDAY EVENING, .'AUGUST C. KCl .:0nr:fiJG FlI(ER STEALS FEW LAURELS KNIVES AND PEUS IE i r; THE "OREGON luriciiiiusEd's BIN) FOR SOLONS 'tj- - - -- President Cram of the Federation of Labor and Other Say the Matutinal Mossback Constantly Sacrifices Truth on ArW of Enfeebled Imagination' j - a - ' Oregvaiaal BmmI Fables. ' d '.' Mysterious disappearance of d City Detective IV C. Hartman. -.. , d . ' Notorious bunko men and other d . criminals flooding tha city. d Lass of a fold brick worth 40 br A. P. McQueen. d - Interview with C. 1L Oram on d J"ortJad.. Consolidated railway. . e Presiding tSptri Judge Fraier : 4 - accused of being, a gambler and d racetrack patron, 1 ' - C. H. Oram, president Of th Fsders. tlon of Labor, daciares that ha was falaely quoted by a morning paper In Portland laat Tueaday and represented as making an attack on the Portland I Consolidated Street Railway., company for the alleged, practice of compelling , Its employes to sign agreements not to ' join unions, and expressing without au thority of Mr. Oram a threat of prose- cutlon under the state law. Mr. Oram states without 'equivocation that be was not seea. by any reporter of that . paper. and thla assertion- finds -complete verification by Johnstone Me Culley, who, then a reporter on the morn Ins; paper, says that he waa In structed to write a fake" interview with Mr. Oram and to "put It strong-." ' Mr. MeCuUey also states that, because he attempted to avoid responsibility for outer "laaes--. printed rn tnat paper, be has been discharged. One of the "fake" atorlea was to the effect that the city waa overrun by "bunko Hearer," and 'gava ths tuunes of several men who "were held) up as terrors of peace .officers, al though thy are merely, racetrack touts.' " "I was called Into tha office of the 'city editor, where ' tha sort of story wanted waa outlined in a general' way," aid-Mr. MeCullay.. . "I was specifically Instructed to writ- what would appear to be an Interview with President Oram and to "make It strong. I did-nothing' but obey; orders when I faked' the Interview.- My. discharge 'from, the-paper .waa owing to. my efforts to shew that I waa not tha person who wrote ths ab surd story about bunko men filling the city. - My Immediate superior did ; not have , tha - effrontery- to - discharge me personally because . ths fake, was . writ ten at his dictation, but took a vacation tot escape tha awkward predicament in which he was placed and left word that 1 was .discharged." . When Mr. Oram saw the fake-Interview be was thoroughly " incensed and took Immediate steps to have the matter rectified. 1 saw no reporter of the Oregonlan and waa not communicated with by tele phone or otherwise," said he.' "I was BR ATTAIN : LATE FOR H. A. Brattaln of Lake aunty has been enjoying a visit to tha Lewie and Clark fair at the expense of the govern ment. - Drawn as a Juror In the second trial of Congreaaman Williamson, hs did not reach Portland until the trial was over, but received his mileage and fees Just tha same, and " ' his ' check amounted to $117. '-- i - ' Notice was mailed to Brattaln July II that be had been' drawn for Jury service in the United States court and directing him to appear July 11. ' But' letters travel slowly In going to take county, and this one did not arrive until July H. Brattaln. who Is In tha Stock busi ness, happened-to be -out on ths range when tha letter cams and did not return PRESIDENT JO ATTEND ? , TOTAL ABSTINENCE UNION (Joaraal BeeeUi terries.) ;. " WUkeabarra, Pa, Aug. I. The Catho lic Total Abstinence union . of . Pennsyl vania today began what, will -undoubtedly prove the most' notable convention in Its history. Delegates from -every part of the stated filled the- armory at the forma? -opening of the oonvantton this morning. Ths business sessions . ' 1: ' Latest Portrait of President Roosevelt,' Painted, by Burrjijijh'j ' . ' . ' ' - - , - as saying that union men were about to take steps to offset an alleged evil con dltlon and that prosecutions of the street railway .might follow. . ; 'Going to the Oregonlan office I made complaint, and I used. 'language that could not be misunderstood, too. They laid the fault on the reporter and said ths error would be corrected. - ... . .. I I . .1 I! I. I I -ThU Is the second time I have been mlarepreaented In printitheJIrst time I wss quoted without authority In tha Telegram. - Laat month- when the governor called for bida . for . contract labor at flaiem I took 11 petitions which had been circulated and signed Jn.the country and-lt In the city snd went, to the state capital . to protest. I was quoted In ths Telegram as saying things I m rt . J U RY WORK : to Lakevlew until July I L when ths be lated summons fsll Into his hands. Ths order wss Imperative,. and on the principle of better late than never Brat taln started at once for Portland. He arrived last Saturday, the day after the Williamson Jury was discharged, and when the government no longer bad QC- caalon for hip services as a Juror. Brat taln presented himself at the offloe of united States Marshal Re a, who handed him a check for $1J7, and told him he might go home again. - "It wasn't very convenient for me to leave home at this tlms, but I guess I haven't any kick," said Brattaln today, philosophically. - Tve seen the fair at Uncle Sam's expense."- .. . .. were preceded by the celebration of pop- tlftcal mass In St Mary's church. Bishop Hoban of 8c ran ton being the celebrant. Tomorrow will be the big day of the convention, when It Is expected that both President Roosevelt and Cardinal Gib bons will address ths gathering. The addresses of ths distinguished speakers will be' delivered from a stand erected on the- river front where tboussnds of people will be enabled to hear them. The -convention will continue through the remainder of ths week. . f7 v Jim 'ns I . ' HUI. .17 I illlfs f.F I f fc . '.7. jtr&L - "t r VS. a'-", -"rT'' v-; r i -,"' -1 (. V.V-''iV'';" Photograph of James G. Jones, the ; soldier infatuated with Alice Roose elt, and the picture he kept in hit cell in the military prison at Gov- ernor'a island." Since the discovery that ' Jdnea had written to - Miss Roosevelt and her mother heis said to have been shamming in sanity. ; " -' '. CIRCASSIAN ROBBER QUEEN GETS HER REVENGE Beautiful Woman Leads Band of Rriganda Who TcrroriaO the Caucasus. '" 1 ,,.7 (Joaraal IpeeUV Servlce.lL ' Vienna, Aug. t. Advices from Vladl- Ing the past wsek that place has again been terrorised by a' band "of armed brigands under the leaderahlp of a beau tiful Circassian woman only II years of ager Ssvsral - policemen ' have : been killed, many shopkeepers ha ve been robbed, and a trader named Morosof f who. about a year ago, waa Inatrumental In captur ing several members of the band, has "once again been robbed of all hts Bav ins; a. and has had his only child lorn from her bed and carried away to the mountains. Ths ."queen of. the brigands'" was well aware of Morosof fs .affection - for hi little- daughter, for a letter, received from her sfter the raid, stated that ahe at length Jndeed felt satisfied wlta her revenge. The Incident which caused this pas sion for. revenge occurred .lata one night about a year ago, when four bri gands, masked and armed to the teeth with Berdan rifles, rode into Vladikav kaz and robbed Moroaoff of 1,000 roubles. Morosoff headed a band of armed met, who pursued the bandits and ultimately captured three of their number. These, on their masks being torn away, proved to be young Circassian women. The leader of the band, also a woman, com municated to Moroaoff that before a twelvemonth had paaaed ahe would, be amply revenged. It Is Just a year since this fetter was received, and the robber queen has kept hsr word. -CLATSOP BEACH CHARMS"! And Delights Thousands of Tourists ; ; , " Daily. , k Season tickets li. . 'On sale every day. . I2.J0 Two-day tickets 11.10, On sals Saturday only. Through train leavea Union depot -I a. m. daily and every Saturday at 1:10 p. m. No delaya, no tranafera. no dust See C A. Stewart agent 141 Alder street about rickets, official Informs' tlon, time cards, etc., and ask for Clat- sob Beach Souvenir, containing so beau tiful halftone Illustrations. Tickets sold at Union depots, J Ths Wonderful Tosemite Yalley. ' . Lewis and Clark visitors, on your way through California be sure to put this wonder valley ef the world on your Itin erary. . A grand aggregation, of domea, peaka, spires snd waterfall. Miss tula and you mlna California. Purchase your tickets snd make all stage and Pullman reservations before ' leaving Portland. Call or see C. W: Stinger, city ticket sgent. Southern Pacific company, or B. L. Bnell. agent Yonemlte Stage at Turn pike company, - at city tVloet office Southern Pacific company, comer Third god Washington streets, Portland, Ore gon. ' ' ' ' " . ' ' - TBToiN MISSISSIPPI . "WITH THE RIO GRANDE (Jeorail Special Serrlea.) -Victoria, Texss, Aug. I. At a state convention here made up of rep resentatives of ths commercial organ isations of Texas steps were tsken to organise an Intercoaatal canal league. The aim of ths league Is to Interest the federal government In the construction of a canal for light draft vessels ex tending from ths Bio Orande rlver-be-low Point Isabel to tha city of Donald- aonvllle on ths Mississippi river In Lou isiana. The promoters of ths project claim that tha proposed waterway would throw open a large sectloa otrlch enun try snd afford-cheap and direct com munfoation with deep water ports., f- t ... - tfiti-'VN i I r'.fi. II Nevy Variety of Petty Craft Practiced in Connecticut;, Legislature.-;! K - lnwwtal SnM-iai Sarvtce.! r Hartford. Conn.. Aug. . It has Just ben- made public -that- Ti founUIn pens. S.50 Jack knives, which cost the stats 115,000, were suppiiea 10 bers of ths Connecticut general assem bly which has Just closed. There were IS senators and i!65 representatives. - This makes mora, than three fountatn pena and nine knives for each legislator, If lha extra. -supply-were -evenly distrib uted, but It Is claimed there wss no such equal distribution.. Nearly 1,000 knives and 700 fountain pena were- purchased for the house alone. . ' - - It, Is alleged that oris third of ths members got .neither sn extra pen nor nn extra knife, and half of the reat re ceived only one pen . and one knife apiece. Eighty-five favored represent atives mus have received (It fountain pens and 1.000 pocket knives at the state's expense.. : These fountain pens 'cost from $2.fc0 to II apiece, the costlier ones having gold trimming. The knives cost 11.26 to 14 apiece. . It Is alleged that the 11.21 knives could be bought at retail -for 71 cents, and soma of the 14 knives for 11.60. - '. , '.-.'.; r- USE WATERS OF RIO GRANDE - FOR TWO NATIONS Coverhment Plans Completed -for Largest Irrigation Sys tem in America. (Journal Special Serrlea.) Washington. D. C Aug. t.- Plans for the largeat single Irrigation plant yet undertaken by the federal government have been completed by tha bureau of rarfrT-1''- t -' ' It is what Is known as the El Peso system, whlchNiss been the subject of agitation In Texas for a quarter of a century. Last winter congress by a special act made this project one for the , bureau to - take up at once. : Its cost li to be 17.100.000, the greatest of any work of the kind ever taken up In the United Statea. - - . The plan la to construct a dam near Engle, New Mexico, 100 miles north of El Paso, on tha Rio Orande, by which water enough will be saved to irrigate 180,000 acres of tha richest land In the west lying In New Mexico and Texas, and also 70,000 aeres in Mexico. The Bio Orande. -being, an interna tional stream, -it will require the com pletlon of a pending, treaty between the United Statea and Mexico , before ths work can be begun. Mexico has com plained for many years that the farm- era on this slds of the boundary are using up tha water of the river, which for 400 years tha Pueblo Indians used to Irrigate their fields. ..They' raised mag nificent crops of corn and cereals up to wunin a quarter or a century, since wnen me wnue rarmera have uaed tha water for their own advantage! MRS. WU ENABLED TO WALK :;Tl Wifeof Former Chinese Minister Sets Fashion in Getting Feet Undone. J. l. (Journal gnerlal avttM ' Philadelphia, Aug. Mrs. Wn Ting rang, wire or tne rormer Chinese min ister, la anlnvlnar ti aKIIi.w a -iir easily, despite the fact that until she came 10 me uniiea mates ner reet were tightly bound, nccordlna- to the nutnm of China. This news is brought by Dr. Elliabeth Relfanydar-who connected wim in. noapitai m onangnaL Dr. Belfsnyder Is well - acquainted With- AY-ftflntMt: Vll Tin. . Mrs. Wa snd has been greatly interested in a remaraaDie aurgical , operation which Mrs. Wu had performed upon her reel oerore sne returned to .her native land. ' The operation apDeara to have been thoroughly successful, and Mr Wu's feet hsve- been restored to their normal state. It Is bell-ved In tlms thst thousands of hlgh-csste - Chinese will spply to Amerlcsn hospitala to sat their feat nn. done. - Tha nower of natura tt nt. i. great that the muscles snd bones, fe leused - f rom artlflrl.l . natm.t. . soon assisted back to their right posi tions. ' r , STRUGGLING MEN SHOT - WITH THE SAME PISTOL (Sptetal Dlrsatcfe te Tee Jesisall Butte, Mont., Aug. . As a result of ' long atandlng neighborhood feud, James McQoVern, firemen in tha Never sweat mine. ' was ahot and inatantly killed by Peter B. Kean last nigh: after a desperate struggls for the possession of the revolver. Kean was shot In ths side and. Is now In a hospital. He re fuses to talk. - McOovern's little srtn -precipitated tho tragedy by telling his father thai Kean YatnKjtler csvj yMwVwwVwVwVwwVwWMMr4MwNl III Crca II Jnoy and Clad ; dep Clseases In Every Fcrtn Many Pocplo Ilavo rtldnoy Troufclo end Do rJot Inow It. -: HOW TO FIND OUT. lt the function of the kidneys to filter an4 purify the blood which it constantly passing through them.' , . When the kidneys are out of order the other organs are affected Immediately and you may have symptona of heart trouble, stomach and liver trouble, end ther ailments, which are all owing to the kidneys being weak and out of order. . If you are sick Foley's Kidney Cure will strengthen and build up the worn out tissues of the kidneys so they ill act properly andlhe symptona of weakness, heart, stomach and liver trouble will disappear and yon will be restored to perfect health. ; H0W TO FIND OUT. Yon can easily determine If your kid neys are out of order by setting aside for 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sed iment or small particles float about in it, your kidneys are diseased and Foley's Kidney Cure should be taken at once. Foley's Kidney Cure is pleasant to take and acta directly upon the parts affected and yon begin to feel better at once. ' " " . - -; V"- . 1 'v. It corrects slight disorders in a few days and it had cured many obstinate eases after other treatment bad failed. Darters Ial4 He Wools' Not Live. PeierFrey, of Woodruff, Pa., writes: After doctorinar for two vears with the best physicians in Waynesburg, and still rnting worse, tne doctor aavisea me u had any business to attend to I had, fed tor attend to it at once, as I could not possibly live another month, as there was no cure for me. Foley Kidney Cure was recommended to me by a friend, and I immediately seat my eon to the store TO! It and after Uklug tiiiee buttles 1 te 1 gan to get better and continued to im prove until I was entirely well." Twe Slsee, BSe mmttiM. fcaae TMvf Piaar eneipeny teal Wi V -, " , i- .: IstatUased MT0. ' . ; , . OUR PATIEIITS OUD CCST ADYOdTCS - . . .' Tbaa..Dds Is Pnrtlasd and all ever the enr res teitlfy to oar great aod as exaaipled eaeeeaa. ; GONORRHCEA Mar be attended with the sraveat esmoltra- tlona It aegleeted or Improperly treated m a.Te a pejnnc ireaimenc wnica fwn snlckly, safely oe palalewly. SYPHILIS l aanther aeqatre( 41mm, -tbe ravages at whlrb when folly developed ae pea eaa daerrlbe. Whea It abowa by akla eraprtoa. er br anre la axmta or tbm.t Ita borrera are already begua. W. and thor oagbly rare Tee aad ae aataerai pekioBa are implored. - . VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE ; We treat and cure. st br tbe old sarsieai prseedare, but br s nalaleas BMXaed soMf eur ewa. Vie llkewie will eere yoe and Hrt yea tne enrrering aeaoeiateo wita Kamaa DablUty, Li ataabel, Istseteaey, Spenaatunhna, Xaetaraal Kmiaaloa., Fre. mature Seeliae, Isa ef Mwa.iy, Xaersy aad AaiklUea la tbe brlefeet time It eaa be done sad we lasers yoa a aafe aad poaltlva ears. Ooiwnlt.tloB and elimination free. Write for aymptoaV Blank and book If yoa eaaaot can. - orAet Benra: da, 10 te IS. . .'. to p. bj. ana- ST. LOUIS Medical and Surgical . DISPENSARY Car, M aad TamkUl sta.! ortlaa4, Ot. was "raising a rumpus" at their, hou.e. Kean wss working at ths time and ths men came together as soon as M cOovern reached his house. - Appsrsntly the re volver, which belonged to Keen, was once in the grasp of Mcuovern, as Kean was hit br the first bullet, but later he managed to wrest Ihe weapon from his adversary; shooting him dead. Both men have large families. Ordinary household accidents have no terrors when there's a bottls of - Dr. Thomas' Eclsctrlo. Oil In the medicine cheat. . Heala burn", cuts, bruises, sprains. Instant relief. ., r-i..' . Slsouse Araaaoaa Bates. (Joaraal Ipeclll service.) New Tork, Aug. t. Prominent New Tork officials of ths Royal Arcanum believe that - tha . forthcoming epeclat session : of. the supreme council will be-unproductive of results. In 'their oplnloft the council - will reaffirm the new rates, against which such vigorous pro teat has been made by the member ship pf ths order throughout tha coun try. ' , , , k., nl... wtHhA tAtaldfred tint none of those advanced. ' by .the mal- I contents has Impressed ths . members of the supreme body., A vote of twn Thirds 'of the supreme counrtt will be I required to ehsnge the new rates, W-r5 y . (LiqUID) ' Will help your dyspepsia, just ' . '' ' 4. Dubole Street, Newburgh. N.Y, May 1, iooJ. . ,' ; Whea I know anything ia worthy of reeoenmendation I consider it my duty to let my nisnde know H. I was very eick with dyspepsia. Ia two weeks I loot 16 pounds.' A friend told me about Chase's DyapeOsla Cure. I procured a bottle and nsed it according to directions, aad aftenasing three bottles I was completely cured. It ii certainly magical ia effect. I would not be without it ia the bouse, ae It will cure any. slight dieorderoCiha. -stomach. I recommend It freely and heartily to all who are troubled wita dyepepela or heart burn. : . Yours ae ever, .....f --.. '' .... -CHARLES B. SHA W. Don't you think it's worth Are you willing to be helped and, cured ? Then go to ; any druggist and get a bottle of J ,',:. Chase's Dyspepsia Cure Take it according to directions for three days, and if it doesn't benefit you go to the druggist and get your y ' .. money1 back without question or argument . . , - -V; j 30c. -and $1 .00 Per Dottle C V; -THE - CHAS VC. CO., NZWBUR.GH, N. Y." I . 3 FOR SALE BY WOODARD, CLARKE A CO. ' U Japanese Metal Souvenir Trays Given Free ,: WITH EACH 3S PAJRCMASK . ' ; - We are closincr out all our Shirtwaists and Dress Skirts' at a great reduction in prfre Tneiai goods, special we ea tne Fellowingi (TWs wetl 0n!y.) White Lawn Embroidered Shirtwaists," regular $1.25 to $4i " Special .............63e to 92.95 Special . .w-. . ,.jp3.W to Japanese Silk Shirtwaist, regular $3.25 to $5. t - t Speeial . . . .. . . . .91.62 to 92.50 Cottpjn Crej Shirtwaist Pattern, oriental design, regu- f' w -. lar $-. ' Special ...... .... ... . ..f, 92.73 Mohair Skirts, all colors, regular $3 to $7. '. - - ' Special . V '. . . .'. ... . . . .... : , . . . ; . . . . . 91.50 to 93.50 , We carry the largest stock in the' city of Oriental goods.-' Come and inspect, bur line before buying elsewhere as we feel I sure you will save by so doing. Do not let the auction house deceive you our prices are the lowest. Best attention given ' all. who- call.' v.v v ;. V'-i--. ' -- '.- - Western Importing Co. 829 Washington Street. P A Week's Oriental Sale! .. Ores test Bargalaa Bret OCereS U Vortlaaa. . X Largest Stock Ever Displayed on North" Pacific Coast .VaTVAmAUaX.BB QyTOSTWin TO aUFFLT TSTS BOatS WITS A rUOl COTUUXTO THAT WtU 1VAST A XUsTSBKO TBABS. - Friends In Portland, strsngers In the city, do not fall to call and see . our new and magnificent display. For thla week only we will offer In ducements that will positively not be granted again this seaeon. Now Is ' your time and now your opportunity to secure the richest bargains ever' offered in this line of goods.- ATIYEH BROS., 4,1 IT DIDIN'T HURT .;.,'... .' A' BIT-- -v- la what tfcey mr ef ear stetbede ef dolaev eeatal wark. We ee work tor panels Croat eat ef the etty eulckly te avoid aay delay, RTerytklag ae te date. Opes eraaies aad aaadaya. Mala Sole.. WISE BROS., Dentists Tbe ralllag. ser. Tklrd aad waaslagtea. bs. t. r. wigs. CHicxteTCR'e gsjaueN iitiinitai itii a r CiajYlitlYilL nLLU --v sHe'i e.e wpiy eaiM a iHicuuriHN ft.nuui t. MIS nl fiU aattnl. mmm. wmi tiF jt.NC 4 Hk mm rlkM. t a. turn. !. . a..m.u... mm4 Im Memm. Umf f fr ftn.lil,w m4 4. la MM TtMtawUt M 'NaT jbr U.m'h umm. f m Mam i.mimmu. a-uae gauadU ra. m Shajtaaeaitw resd the following - trying? -',f order to make room fnr nur. Midsummer I WASHINGTON To Preserve I ron and Steel . In -ths construction of buildings from - rain, sun and wind - give the . metal a 1. good coat .of Fsrrubron paint of what ' ever color yeu prefer red Is most com . monly .Used, Trhape. Wo supply It In ' ' any quantity at a saving cost. Come In and sea our samples and get our , quotations any business day.. Or, ask . ' over 'phone about figures If you are , satisfied our goods are all right. FishcivThorsen&Co. '' rmoar abs mobbzsob.. ' ' OB. W. A. WI. CeionseM ajrp OlIIT v iTITsIAtTT OTWm 17 fi':jryri