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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1905)
V ' '- . : - ' ' t Jcurnbl Circu!;:. GOOD EVEIIIHG . .'V, ; J" ' . . , ' ; V Fair, tonight and ' Tuesday; ' con- " tinucd warm; . northerly wind. ', . .:t'- , 6? 1 V VOL. IV; NO 1S2 , V y .w - v W" . , PUKT.LAlNeU, UKtUUN, MUIMUAX . .YninUi auuuoa iouu. ruuttAx jtavm. -V; v v ;'4 A WW ttAXDC ITT cki. ,;f-.-..-. - ..' i ' a - !-- f'-' re rr 111 i i . - TRIEDTO CUT out Timnnn 7. .' UU IUWIUI i;jMrCiSpJllman iTakes Butcher Knlf, And With Weak Hand v . But Strong Will Oper-: .,' iV-viates.on Hemelf,;- 'ir PIES MISERABLY WITH v ; 7 "NO ONE TO GIVE HER AID .v Doctor Had Refuted to Attempt to ,v .jKernov xn wea nn - Poor and - Friendlcaa . Old :Woman i ; Had Long Determined to ; Find ReUef From Pain in Dea'th.-:. -y CrmaWI wlth- auffcrinc. and , refusal a iprUoa by MTral urgon who ' Inform d fcr thatch tumor rowln on 'hr aid wouldwMon kUl hr. Kathartna Arna flplURian. ed 14 yaara. . with out known rUUT In -Portland, took (arc butchar knlfa and atUmpud to cut from har body tha thin-- that -had aoomadr-fcar. Today bar body In tha eoronar'a oflioa and tomorrow aha r." will ba burtad la Lona rr oamatary ba- alda bar rlrat huaband, Harman uorana. Alona la har roera at 181 Broadway, whin aha llrad with lira, Maria Zalt- fuoha, auffarlnB bayond tha limit of hu- man anduranoa, anowtnf jnat ina tumor waa aatlnr lta way Into the vital or- Sana and that It' waa only ft matta of a fan Waaka at moat -whaa It , would kHI 4.kaa. aa aoftly -atola v into., tha l-ltohani.Totinatha-waapOn andtnanj with hand trambiint wita. tna waaa- , naad -ot mora than tbraa. aoora. yaara . and- tan, daaparttaiy lacarataa nr- quiT ' arlna body In. an effort to ba rid of tha ' natal) thln.- ir: i ' -vf.i? -.;';.: , Mjfa. Zeltfuchvlata laat nlcht haartl aounda ' tn Mr a. ' BplUman'a room' that hoad'tba Door old woman waa auffer- 7 Inv.jtook aadatlraa to har and, aa aba aupvoaaa, leu nar 10 unp. i -' 8UH later tha nalehbora beard groan from tha auffarar knd .awakanadiMra. Zeltfueha.; .They want to- iha need woman's ''room and found har lylnu on tha bad, etaaplnc In har hand tha bloody knira Tand har . Inteaflnea -protrudlnt frorrr.har alda. 'v -i .. -v. Bureeoha wara called and aha waa re moved to tha North Pnclfle sanatorium where aha died early this moraine r -- In tha past waeka; aa tha attacks of tha tumor . rw more malignant. If rsr SpiUraan 'declared that- unlesa tha aur seona would operate aha would throw - haraelf Into tha Willamette river or da aomo other act of ylolenea. Her suf ' ferine baa been Increasing day by day and aha has conaalted number of sur geona and Implored them to try to give ber relief.' Each rafuaed, saying that ' tha operation would ba useless, that it t would not -save her life,, but that in stead It prooauy "would eauaa instant death. - She wu alone In the world, had no relatives la this country none , thla ' ; side of her- natlra land, flwltserland. - ana nsa ima ior many years in fori land and waa married twice! ; PRETENDING HE IS A GETS nONEY r.iUSi : Old .Trick Played on Woman, -.Wife) of a Sick Barber, Who Gives While Hundreds Look 6r.-f 'The paying taller says he mads a mistake la counting your , money, ' madam,", aaid a smooth, clerical-looking young man to Mrs. Loulaa Wert,- ' North Tenth street' aa she emersed from '' the Merchants' National bank this morn ing with MOO In crisp, new bills rn her 4pockstbook. He did not wear a hat or coat and a pen waa oenina nis ear. ; . "No, I'm sure he made no mlatake," she replied. "I bad $40 In the bank, and that's Juat what ha gave roe." : "He ssys he did, and I must oount it the clerical-looking young man replied, aa he seised the pocketbook from' bar band and want around the corner. ; . i. Mre. Wert failed for tha moment to '. realise'- that aha had been . made -the 4tim of one of tha moat dartna crimes I-' that haa been committed In Portland In - months. . However.- aha ruabed back to the bank and up to the tauera window. She naked him breathlessly ir he kad sent a clerk to correct aa error In the money be had given her. Of course he bad not. he sid.v - - ' ' ; . "Pollest pohce!" shs screamed,' as she ' ran through tha door trying to overtake the hatleaa and teoatless young man who iwes speeding down Second strset A ' crowd of men was on the street end tha lobby wss aiso crowded with patrons of tha bank. No one. hewever. made an ffnrt to atop tha robber. ! . . . , ; The woman ran to police headquarters., "where aha told the story of her loss with tears and aoba. v ',,-, ' V. "He waa such a nice looking young . man,',' she said. "Ha. didn't have en a bat and be looked Just Uka a bank elerk Mr. Taggart Would Not Let ' Sons Enter Service Because ' of Temptation tgEx- v V t ' i cesslve Drinking- OFFICER DENIES THAT-: : -X: LADIES USE CIGARETTES Major Taggkrt Accustomed. tolTake : the Ordinary Pregcriptlonj Which Ig .Whiskey ' StraightConfined in the Hoapital on' a Charge, of ' Al- coholiam.: '":.; t: (Joaraal BpeeUl aerriea-t "Wooster, Aug. 7. "1 would never consent to have my boye enter, the ser vice, " said Mrs. Taggart today, -"There's too much drinking la th4 army ' I have had no. plans for my boys when grown. It 'Is not a Question of drink In mod oration, but In the servtca tha tempta tion to drink to exoeaa la too great - "It la for the sake of my little boys that I. am making a fight In this ease, which involvea not only my honor, but the reputation of nr children and to vindicate ; myself :, against " the falsa chargea.". i .v.v i '. . f. , The reading of ; the '. deposition .-rbf Major Morton ., eontinued. Tha teatl many was to tba effeet that Taggart ahowad no alga of Intoxication tha weak ba wa -ha- the- hospital at .Leavenworth rfat hattma ba-allss nil WTfe Bad. -trf oonapiracyhad him oonfinaa there on a falsa cbarge-of -aleoholtam. Th4 cigarette question-came up, Mort ton stating that It waa not the ouatom of ladtea in army clrclea to amoka them after dinner, and he did not remember aver, seeing Mrs. Taggart bmoka. -: . - "In- tha army," said the " witness, "many Offlcers drink socially, aa do men In civil life,' but tha habit of becoming Intoxicated ' la discountenanced. Tag gart'a iraatment of bla wife ahould ba a modal for ovary man In tha world." ' . The' principal reason given In post gossip - for Captain Taggart'e , conflna ment - was that the ' post . commander wanted to keep- him where he couldn't talk. : '.,.'; . ,i , Since leaving West Point. Taggart had bean In the tablt-of taking the "ordi nary prescription," which was whiskey straight It was most unuaual to lock a commissioned offlcar la the hoanltaL Ha knew but one other caae whan tha patient-bad tremena . - .; - ' ,, TWO LOSE LIVES IN W , . DALLAS, 'TEXAS, BLAZE i - - - v- ., Uearaal apeelal. eervlea.) --'. "V.: ' thla morning at the Hopklna boarding- nimav mHiira in ins own or Mrs. Tay lor, aged 60,. and her grand-daughter, aaed IS. Mrs. Honklna waa in, ki burned.. . . ,-.,- ,, ' .-, BANK CLtERK, L1AN AVERT HAS .i.? i a U M tha oashlar had mad a mlatake and wanted ma to returm at Anna . i . . anythlnr . wronf, and told., htm , that -1 Vxil Tw lT na not iMn made. Htt aaia th caret heart anA t a . a. a.- . , -"-va-s saI1Va- g, IIlUlv1 Dfi niuri my .very ayea Then, ha walked around the corner and fkiinHU .hh !?' ,oln,t ,nto the bank through , the side entrance. hurried up to the payingteller an naked him If be sent for ma - Ha said no. and then I realised that I had i been robbed. I screamed for the police and there were lota of man atandlng around, but na ona offered to atop the young man. A . "I went out at once and saw him rushing down the street and tuny the eornar Into Stark. Nobody tried to stop aim.-: He-went into the mtddis of the atreet without a Jiat and I waa scream- Ing. but none of the crowd of mn made any attempt to atop him or get bock my money, v r - . - .. v-. ... "Ha was s, nlea looking -young man. smooth-shaven, with light red hair and dark clothing. The officers tell me he must have, hsd some one welting for him who carried the bat ' "It waa all the money, we bad In the world. - My : husband - U a barber - and has been very- 111 for some weeks. I hsd some bills 1 wanted .to pay and t wanted to. give my eisterVsome- money, for shs whs robbed of all shj had Isst week.. . tor. these reasons I drew oat all we had la the bank. And to tblnk " (Continued on Page Twal. -t ' - i ' .. -Baron'.'-lComura'; 'indC-V-''';vVilT-':-' aw- r: Minister Takahara -'-"X ifN. : -."'-A:'- ' ' K!' are ahown at the W5 -iUV if 11 hj&iUXi v- and Baron Roaen-at J 11 1 r ?' ' .- v the bottom. .'The re- ; I V fllkCvN . I ! I i ception-room on the- I ' & Mayflower J ia aUo' I Ks-ft&j-aI I '' represented. r y.'2 h XjS-V I 'mm 4 . . . ' : ." 1 ' .- - ,"g , v,,. , ,m7, . . . nil. DrJ. M. White of Marine Hospf- ;l j a. '' "'S a tai - Assumes - ADsotuxe -Control. ARCHBISHOP CHXPPELLE i ' C. IS: REPORTED lYERY! ILL Military. Power to Be Exercised in Controllinf Yellow Fever Situation , -First Negro , Victim Reported - No Cases' in Texae. . :,.f:''-1'J . (losrsal'Spsl Sfrvlas.! ; ' New Orleana. Aug. 7. Dr. J. M. White of the marina hoapital service assumed absolute control of the health situa tion today, with military 'power. He has divided the . city into , wards, ssch . of which is Disced In charge of an experi enced - surgeon, of. ..the. marina .hospital service, who baa absolute control . of the locality. All of them are offlcera who have had experience dealing with yellow fever epidemic ; The cltlaana or new urieana navs plsdged themselves to put up $350,000 to defray the coat of labor and material needed by. the marine hospital service outalde of He own stated expenditures. Captain E.-C Charter of the revenue cektter-Winona ' bss ' received Instruo-. Uons from . Secretary Shaw commending his actions in enforcing the quarantine end promlalng additional authority. , Archbishop Chsppelle is very sick. The first negro victim ,W reported to day. --V-- A suspicious eaaa of fever la reported north of Fort Worth. Texas. The victim Is an Armour representative : from Monroe, Louisiana. The man la care fully acreened and guarded, A rigid Shotgun quarantine ta In force at Jeffer son. Health Officer Tabor thla morning Lemphatlcsjly ststed that there wss not (, CSSS OS yeiiww inw in imb a . GOES TO SAGAMORE. V . . " A ' .-' ; . ,' Secretary to Talk rover Sltaatloa Ova r ; .;. ;. WU Beeeevetl. ' ' " (Joaraal Special SwtIm. I V . Ovater' Bay. Aug. T. Secretary Shaw arrived unexpectedly thla forenoon and went to Sagamore in a hired rig to inks up ona or two departmental matters with the president. It la understood that lb - eecretsry- will -talk-over-the yellow fever situation at New Orleana. Ruraeon-General Wyman wired tha presi dent this morning of the action of the cltlssnsl -committee tn New: Orlesns in furnlehtns funds' and ordered a larse additional force of commissioned forces with experience In epldemio work. ; : ' T " " ' "e,"esBs--aei naaisis , ? , . ft Oomas Xe Setalaed, Quarantine,- ttr Aug. t. the Mor aan . imer Comua arrived from :,New Orleana thla morning with all wall. She will be detained until . theflvs , days lapse. -; - a- Hi j i 1 a i Jin ima i ii' " ' Ordered Beperted. ' Olympla, Wash., AOg. 7.Pan Hawk and Chlng Foot two Chinaman. were ordered deported Saturday. by .. the United Statee commissioner. , -. f 1 -; - - Wyyi , s-Ti.-l. ft aT agaW aT "w 'I i STATE POLICE TO QUELL RIOTS Pennsylvania. Organizes . a Spe cial Force of Mounted Troops . for Strike : Duty. USE OF NATIONAL GUARD v PROVES TOO EXPENSIVE Present Coal and Iron Constabulary ' 80 Unpopular aa to Be Ineffective -. Armed But .Untrained ' Deputies ' Fotfnd of Little Service. ; s . ; . iJosrsal gpectal aerrtee4 New York. Aug. 7. The lawleee con dltlone of industrial centers' in Pennsyl vania hss led the legislature to authorise the creation of a mounted atate con stsbulary like 'that - of. ths . Texss Rangera. The, new law 'carrlea an im. mediate appropriation1 . of 1411.000 and provides . for' the once n I sat Ion and equipment of four troops of 'mounted men. esch '.comprising a - captain, . lieutenant-6 sergeants and SO privates, or a total.' Including attachea of tha euper Intendent of the state police,- lie men. Carts In John C rooms, for . years con nected with the Philadelphia city, troop, haa been appointed, chief of the mounted police. .- ''..' -' ' ' " The 'Use of the National Ousrd in the numerous outbreaks la Pennsylvania haa proved very expensive. The present ape elal body of coal and Iron police la ao unpopular among Pennsylvania mlnara aa to bo ineffective, and a large force of armed, but untrained..-Irresponsible deputy sheriffs, sworn, In hastily In an emergency, la found of little service. -.lHs bopedthaLthe new . mounted police may prove as successful as slml lsr bodies, such aa the Canadian mounted police, the civil guard of Bpaln and the rural constabulary of Italy,, .. , ; tO CROSS GRAND CANYON - BY SUSPENDED CABLE . ....-. ,. ' . ' - - - ( Joanrat flpedit Servteej - . : a.i. i.kal'tali. Ana 1 Tha Oranil Canyon Transportation company la plan ning 10 carry prain.i ,-cyir s.eoO'feet In the sir across the grsnd ..iiniir nf tha -fnlnrartn.- Tourists ' will be taken from the Bright Angel trail on i the Bent, re rm iron a mcrose tnn Buckskin plateau. The wire rope will k. .iiAhnMj aiatthea elria of (ha tnPM IM m vai w ill iwi n. m w,i,u.' . WHAT; JAPAN .ASKS. AND V WHAT SHE WILL ACCEPT t : 5 ' ' . Accordinc to latest reoorts' $1,000,000,000 indernnity,,Vladivostok, the ownership of Korea, Port Arthur, Russia 6 abandonment o Mancnuna enterprises, the evacua tion of Manchuria and-. the. continued reduction of Russia's naval establishment in Chinese waters. -; ; She will probably, modify these' demands" to an indemnity of $1,000,000 a day since the war begany the neutralization of Vladivo stok,: suzerainty over . Korearort Arthur, ' all railways and con quered territory' and possession of all waTShips" now interned and cession of the island of Sakhalin. . " . V i " f 'Ci'''- I v Russia will probably be willing to-concede an indemnity," Sak halin and Korea.vbut the 'hitch will come 6ver.; Manchuria. . , :..Oneof the .points ta be most voys is that Russia shall transfer necting1 Port Arthur and Harbin, but the branch which runs between trans-Baikalia and the Ussuri province. In other words, every mile of Russian railroad in Manchuria Is to pass into the hands of their enemies leaving , Vladivostok , tut off from ' Europe by rail, The object is- to; makeoJ? impossible ;for years, to come for. the czar's gOVCrnmcill iy iwutc 113 ui cams I 1UUIUIS IS tfTTnrrnivfrnnrttvnvfviMn ....... . .. t ll V i SCANDAL IS OF FAR-REACHING EXTENT Startling; Information Shows Other Companies Besides ; Equitable Involved. ' : - (Joaraal Special Servlee. ' Kew York, .Aug. T. Sufficient evi dence haa already, come to the Arm strong leg dilative . Insurance - Inveatl gating committee to make clear to lta members that conditions existing In the Equitable hare been more than dupli cated In Soma seapecta in several -other big insurance companies, two of them being In this city and two othera out side. , . ;, . , ,''" ,-. . . ' - . Startling Information nsa corns to the members of the leglalstlve committee that sines the'broad misuse of director ate power In the Equitable society hss become public,'' books and other docu ments have been doctored in certain Ufa Inaurance organlsatlnna so far ss possi ble In order rhat a fairly clean-bill of health may -be shown after the legis lative probe, haa been Inserted into their affaire. : --' ... - .-. ' A minority member of the leglalstlve committee .said, today -that he could prove.. and. probsbly would prove. . that 'certain men" connected with a . great banking house in Wall street had under taken to-euppreea-certain iscia. , . . Taoan will probably demand at first insisted -upon by- the. Japaneseen to Japan'not only the railroad con - u. vikiimi susui uuii auu - vuii- IS U H 1 ,A ma U la 11 AJ toiiiiiiLLieidEii Son of President of Great North V erri ' M ade. ' President of Orl j" j ental Steamer Lines. i ; COUNSEL OILMAN GIVEN --r POWERS OF EXECUTIVE Howard iames ' la Made Vice-President, and Will Be Resident Mana- i ger Office of Aasiatant to Preei dent Is Abolished. : '. , (Spedsl Disteh to The Joaraal.) . ' Seattle, Aug. T. To set at rest the msny rumors that have been flying about the city since- the) arrival of tha Hill special here early this morning, Louie W. Hill, first vice-president of the Great Northern railroad, at noonjjoday made the following announcement:"" "Louie W. Hill Will succeed J. D. Far rell aa prealdent of tha Great Northern Steamahip company. Howard . Jamea wilt ba made vice-president a new of fice In the 'company, and will ba realdent manager. The office of assistant to the prealdent of the Great Northern railway will be abolished, and L. C Oilman, local counsel for the road, will be made chief weatern eounael with tha aame executive powers aa ware exercised by Mr. Far rell aa assistant to the president. ' "The' Great-Northern rsllwaywlll at one begin . rha eon tructioa of brick warehousea and a concrete aea wall at Smith Cove. 1 .-.' - . "James J. Hilt, prealdent of the Great Northern, will arrive In Seattle In about two weeka on a tour of Inspection of the company's properties here. It la his first vlalt here tn a year and a half.' BODY IS FOUND IN . . , BAY AT MARSHFIELD ' is . ,' - . r :. (Special Ptapateh -as Tae Jnrnal.t Msrahfleld. Or, Aug. 7. The body of Charlea George, prominent lb mercantile and fraternal circles, waa found float ing In the bay opposite the town yee terdny afternoon. 'He had attended the Installation of .the uniform rank Knights of Pythias at North Bond Sat urday evening and left the room at re- cesa. It la supposed that he fell from the dock. He waa .unmarried and haa no relatives here, but a brother at Brem erton,. Waahlngton. . .The verdict of the coroner's jury wae accidental drowning, Interment will be tomorow under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias. PRESIDENT REFUSES TO . i SEE IOWA SPELLBINDER ' (Jmraal Special Service. ) . ' . I Oyster Bsy, Aug. t. The . prealdent received no vlaltore today. In the early part of the day, W. S. Kenworthy, aa Iowa - attorney - attempted to . visit . the executive without previous notice and waa turned bark bv tha detectives, H wss a spellbinder In the rampalsn sr.d aaid he merely wanted to pay a social I caU.. ., '.'..'' . ; ' ;.. ;. ' ' .-. . FARRELL'lv JOB GREAT BATTLE i in :-rn nil .- -V ' ; Unievitch Faces Half a Million ; Men Coiled About His Troops ; 1'. -Preparations Exceed 7 J' . ;'; . Mukden. . ; . ' PEACE ENVOYS REACH r. U PORTSMOUTH TUESDAY Foggy Weather Compels Delegates ' to Spend the Night at Nevrport, . Whence' They" Sailed Today for Portsmoutlw-Witte Leaves Party to Visit in Boston. . . , f ' .1 (Journal Special- Sarrtca.) '' "'N . Toklo,' Aug. T. (Bulletin.) The poei tlon of the Ruiilan. in vr.nv....i. spits General Llnlevitch s grandiose dts- iiai.-ua, is no snvisDia. This will soon be revealed in oraotlrai fnrm t. r. ansae enveloping movement will bo three; or four times greater than that at If uk- un. uutTiicoi rear guard ts threat ened, also his flank in ths direction of Vladivostok. : through tha coaat terrl-' tory, and from the mouth of the Amur river. .: y . ,.-' . - The Japanese have concentrated In Manchuria - In front of the Ruaslan armlee 41A.0OO v Infantry with M0f cannon. Thla Is 'exclusive, of the de tachment of General Haaagawa, com mander of the forcea In Korea. ', v. " ." " Tjou'ruaTMnh! 1 i Portsmouth, Aug. J.-The Mayflower amjyi Dolphin and their' convoy, the Tacoma. with tha Kiuulan an1 Jmwmm commissioners' , axceptlng , Wltte, sailed at t o'clock this morning from Newport for Portsmouth.; i Tha fog wss swept away from the coaat rlitWnv k. ik. by a strong breese end the day . la Ideal for a aea- voyage. The ahipa proceeded et a lelaurely pace and will. arrive at Portsmouth tonight. ,'r.. .: . ' v. , Disappointment Is expressed, over the failure of the peace arrive today. Preparations for their reception hsd been completed. ; According to word received this morning the Mayflower and Dolphin will not arrive until tonight or tomorrow morning. W'ltte is not ex pected till lata this afternoon er early thia evening- from Boston, and he will not be officially received until morning; The Ruasiana will be given precedence,' aa ranking Japan with an ambassador. , the Islanders being repreaented In this country by; a minister. ,' . I At Portsmouth ceremonies befitting the occasion wilt greet . the diplomats. At the navy yard landing they will be formally welcomed by , representatives of the stats of New vlarapahlre and es ' corted by a regiment of state mllltla to the courthouse where Governor McLane his council and staff, will receive them In the presence of represent tivea of tho army and navy. Tba guesta will then be escorted to the Hotel Wentworth where they will make their stay during tha. conference. They - will hen .visit the navy yard where they will be re ceived by Rear-Admiral Meade, the commandant, "and inspect tho building" in which they are to hold their meeting;. . Throughout Portsmouth and the vicin ity tho keenest Interest la displayed la the conference, and the people are taking much pride in the arrangements for. the entertainment of the commissioners and wwir. suites. Aireaay the plenipotentia ries have received more invitations 'for excursions-and entertainments than it will be poesible for them to accept At New. Castle the envoys will be enter. . tained by Aaalatant Hsrsr. - . at... end Mrs,Pelree- and they will slao be' lenaerea a a inner ny- Governor McLana These are tha only social functions aa' yet definitely decided upon. At the navy yard atore buUdlng everr-' thing hes been placed In readlneaa for' tha opening of the conference aeaalona. Meaaencera. , telesrsnh . ..a clerical help, all carefully-selected, are nana ana res ay to Degln work, J A force of marines hss been detailed for aneclal nollce dntv. mnA t a . to the plenipotentiaries in their Jour neys roiween ine notei- wentworth and mv navy yara, a a lata nee or about rive miles. - Everv niarautiAH la KaIm ira by the navy yard officials to insure the incwm secrecy iir regsra io everytning -pertaining to the negotlat'ona. . ... , , ' i 1 RIOTING IN RUSSIA. Workmen la Capital StaiytagwtrUe i ZaereaalBlr la Moscow, I Journal Special arlp.ii Bt... Petersburg. uav-X-Ae-a-raeult -of the suTvenlon of work st the Putt loff works on sccount of strike sglta Hon there Is great destitution among workmen and hundreds of esses of star vstlon have been reported. General Tre. poff has been spoiled to for relief. Rioting is reported irt , the Nephera dltrlrt where the strlks is spraadir rapidly.. sTroops hsvs bn orUrrel quell the dlsturbences. A bomb thrown yesteidar tn the offlee ef dlstrk-t troasurer of Riga sev wounUlnr h official and three tor. .The assassin was else wounded - j. . -.' At Moaoow the strike mov sprsadlng. A large number of i Idle. ' - '' ' ' (Continued on X - i - V " '. ::V: v.-: