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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1905)
' "gC'' ' ' ' 1 . lancsJ T;v3CrjC;"; ilUGUSV icoociiio; OsT eOXASCSXTAT'S AOStnOX TWBsTTT-TOTal A 173 C Widow of Chicago Hotsl-Katpsr f Charmed With England and ;'x Will UvaThtrt. WPLaiit urn. 1 'aT 'e rsTa-": V MRS. POTTER REFUCra ' TO SEE HER FRIENDS Actress Badly Shaken by Her Flama cUI Reverses :nd Lookinf 111 Lord tad LadjiBateman to Visit America in the Near Future, yi.9r Peel fc Oesyrigat Bom m service, by Um4 . . ,-. , wm . to it joumu ' London, Aug. I.Mrs. Pottsr FaJmer SO-dellghted with the social success f her first real Mion la London that tans pas determined to look for perms bent home. here. 8h cannot of course, .'secure Hampden Houee, which aha has , occupied (or tha Uat (aw months, aa tha ituke of Aberoorn will not lot" It for a , Mong Period, but aha will dtoIuMt aat. !tla dowa laUr on In Groavenor Souare. . Meanwhile. Urn.. Palmar, -who navar !doeeyUlng -by-halves wttneoe war lease, of tha Sneet Riverside house. XMWtt FlaAa. Wnw hr Amjm maai haa J.V-rtakaa iXgypt houaa (or tha Cowaa regatta. k. 1 I J . . 1aA - mw uv mil MK17 vnifmr a, im ui . Mtra furnttura and luxuries to ba sent .serosa to tha lala of Wight Eypt houaa, although not very large, ' la. recognised aa tha social eantar of Cowaa during regatta week, after, of eeuree, tha royal yacht squadron, .whoaa sacred portals Mra. Palmar lntanda to ,; storm. In tha paat faw years, Conauelo, ; Inichese of Manchester, haa entertained . at Egypt houaa. banc it name aa a . social eantar, - .. -.'.- ; -' ; F Tha Countess Kllmorry and Countaaa Fabclcotti, both of whom bare worked - lndefatlgably for Mra, Palmer'a aoolal ' welfare, and who era reaping their re- - ware m many ways, will bo among Mra. falmar'a , gueata ' et Cowaa. sx - . V . Ibe, Bests I.nsHag XH, -Several of Mra, James Brown Potter's T7''.an inenae rrom wsw xora wno era . passing througK London have triad to aaa bar, but with tha exception of one or ' two aha baa refueed to eae them. ' Since . tha receiving order waa made agalnat ' bar In .the bankruptcy court Mre. Potter . .baa been closeted with her eollcltore . every day, 1ut to one of her friends ehe ' . ha poured out her troublea. v. . .v Whet baa hurt bar more than any thing la the harsh treatment aha baa .. received from ber creditors. Not only V V ,1,1 J Bial, W& ' IHIHIIKIl . UVS beautiful Rlverelde borne. Bray Lodge, ota - UTr- oar neaui, out . eren - tiiu . i pereottat aouvenlre which ehe - treeaured . j above aJ L- and her clothea and? trlnketa, V" . erere aold without any warning. ' t Her frlende aay that -Mra. Potter la - looking very 111 In eonaequenee of what ehe bee gone through. : She eeeme quite tinabla tq make end plana for the future. , -There eeeme to be no end to the ' etoriee afloat enent'the goodneae eed ' benevoleilce ; of Queen AlexandreCbut undoubtedly many of the kindly acta ehe doea never come to light et alt a 1 well known, Hm luajsetj la i ' tremely' considerate for those about her, end this wis e"xampllfld in typical : .manner et tha opera houaa ' the' ether evening.. The attendant who- recelvee iter majesty at tha rpyai entrance end escorta. her to her box haa been In. e " f very poor atate et health for some time, esd. looks e very whlteweahed wreok. , ,Her majesty noticed this, end be "learning from him that he. had been .ordered to go away to recruit but edutd . not afford It. called for pen end paper ; and wrote out .en the spot en order ' on e convalescent homo In which ehe la Interested, end geve It to the delighted ' ettendant.." " ; .-Lady Batsman, whe waa MreKnapp f New - York, told her. frlanda a few ,4aye ego that aha Intended to go over ' to America la September and apend e ' ,julet alx weeke alone with bar mother , tefore returning to her husband's coun- ry estate and the autumn end. winter ehootlng which rather bore her. Much :' te her astonlihrtent, however, bar hue fcand,' Lord Bateman, suddenly evinced m strong desire to see New Tork and to vlalt Newport - ' ' - ' . He told b la wife that he considered !no Bngllshman'e. education nowadays wan complete without e vlalt to tha United Statea." And eo Lord end Lady Jeteman have already booked paesage for New Tork for September L- About the aame time Mr. and Mrs, Anthony ; irexel will go over. ' n , , - f There waa great disappointment when It was known at Cewee thet Mr. Drexel wae hot "to put In en eppearance with - Mirwonderfut yaeht the - Margf larlta, nicknamed the "Royal Tachf owing to - the number of crowned heads who have - Voardnd- her, Mr., end Mra. Drexel are ,' Instead taking the cure et Alx-laa-Batne. ' CARNOT IS A CANDIDATE t . FOR FRENCH PRESIDENCY Z ' XT the Marqete a Ceeealleee. '"'' lOepyright, Beuet Kewe trtce, by . Leased - N ... . Wire' te Tae ; foonaL) . - -a : " Parte, Aug. I. Ae the time for the presidential election epproachaa new candidates appear on the political horh : ken. Thle week'e parUcularly new can dtdature haa begun to shine In republi can elrcle.ltje JhalfAdplj?haCfe4 rot. brother of the president of tne t . Aii ,i'-'f'.rfJV''' 'MPKw ' Centennial Ousrds, Lewis and GEiti.II SOWS n .ITilEilTED Hardly , a Day Paatet Without Complaint of Craefty Prac-W .tlcad by Officers. POOLSELUNO STOPPED V ; ON BERUN RACETRACK Health of Maxim , Gorki Improves Beyond Expectations end Physi cians Hsve Hope of Curing; Him Caar Now Novelist's Admirer. , y Meleolm Clarke. " (Oepyrlfbt, Hearst hewe Semea, ay teased ' Wirs te The (oaraal.) t 1 14 Berlin, Aug. L Por more than three years the kaiser haa been endeavoring or et leaat pretended to put? a atop to the maltreatment . of prtvatea In the Oermanarmy, but no Improvement haa Dean noticed. Hardly e day passee that complaints of erueltiee eaalnat privates re not heard.' ' , In, e Prussian- raalment of- infantry two . oorporala - have just been found guilty of torturing a defenseless soldier by hanging buri end cutting htm down only after he waa at the point of death. ror tnia tne guilty ones wore eentenoed te twb weeks' arreet in quarters on full pay. In another ease e sergeant. Pllege, who had beaten e soldier almost to death, because he. worn out from many hours' constant drill and sentry duty, fell ealeep In the military chapel, where be had been ordered to listen to a sermon, was sentenced to nine days' arrest. , ' '. Owelty Adaalttsd. ,J,: Before the courtmartlal tha counsel of the accused. Captain von . Sydow, - ad mitted that the sergeant had cruelly acquit beoauaa hie yiotlm Was a Social 1st. end ea euch deserved te be punished. "Tha Boe la lists," be said, "are .ruining the discipline of eur army; their teach ings spread like gangrene, end If a noa commissioned officer; whose work these people . try to make aa . unpleasant as possible, forgets himself end takes re venge. It la an offense which ought to be' forgiven."- ; . v -- The affair is to be taken up by the Soolallate In the relchstag. who. will In atst that the guilty officer toe expeyed from the ermy. . '- '. PeeleelUadr knlewped, . The new lew against batting on race tracks, which went into effect July tt baa effectually atopoed thle: form. of gambling. , . . -1 . Today there Is not a. bookmaker vrho daree to do business anywhere In Ger many. Several bookmakers who tried, hoping that' no attempt would be made to enforce the law and who tried to take beta, have beau arrested and will have te go "to jail. The .health of Maxim uorst aaa im proved beyond alL expectations ounng hie stay at Knokara. In Finland, and hia physicians declare t her f have hope of curing him. , 1 '.' The famous author haa now, nnianeo his work, the drama, . "The Children of the Sun," end It will soon appear simul taneously In English, French end Oer man, besides Russian. ' ' That he will be acquitted ea tne charge of high treason la now considered cer tain since the esar who. until snoruy, had never -read any of hie works. . has become hia ardent admirer. republic, who was murdered some yaare ego during hie presidency. What lends credence to thia report is tne instinc tive habit among the French, to create helrercblea. They must have their pres idential families. Just ae formerly they had their royal famlltee. - ' - The Carnot family possesses' all the elements of the democemtlo noblesse. For a century He members have been at the head of ell revolutions and et the present time Its most prominent repre sentative in the social end pouttoai world occupies one of the highest grades In that secret aoalety that ' surround and governs ua I 'mean Freemasonry, Ani with. WCst,eiw'WasM( Clark Exposition, on Drew Parade, : -:!""' ! -.. ;':.";i ' ; - 1, .?'.'''.'''' v! Three of the principals in the, settlement of the international Astor family : feud. , King Edward has induced John Jacob Astor and his. wife, whose pictures are shown alongside that, of -the king, to become reconciled ... . to their expatriated brother relative, William Waldorf Astor; :'' ''' 11HELL1 10 FIGHT COAL TRUST Carman Fuel Barona Forced to , Pay Decent Wages to Em r, :, ployea by the Emperor. ' - THREATENS TO REMOVE ' liiTARIFF-FROM PRODUCT Kaiser Interested to Company That "t Purchases an Immense Tract : of , Coal Land in New South Wales Mines Will Be Developed. . By sTaleolm Oarxa. (Ossyrifht, Heant Hews Servle, by Wire te Tbe Jonreetl--:,.- Berlin, Aug. B. It la all over with the Oerman coal trust. Not aatlafled with forcing tha eoal barons to treat their employes like human beings, the kaiser haa gone even . further. There le no doubt that he la ,behlnd'the pur chase by a Oerman syndicate of 1,009 acres of the finest coal lands In South Wales, which some two weeks ago caused auoh a stir in England. : Should the coal baroas again try to raise the price of eoal beyond e rea sonable limit they will Boon be forced to beg for mercy, es tbe duty will then ba Immediately taken off coal comlnx from the opposition syndicate's 'Wei in mines. But the purchase Is of even greater political than economlo Importance. Pro feaaor Krusch of the Royal Prussian Geological Institute of this city, who carefully examined the coal lands be fore they were bought, declaree that he-finest steam coal of the aame quality ae that - - KaMIWWW, jlLH g WWesaVWaWWa1 I v Major McDohell and Capuin Murphy used In the BrltlnRiIavymre contained In the S.OOO acres bought It la now aald to be the Intention of the gtvernment which stands behind tha syndicate, to mine this coal aa rapidly aa possible, and not only In this manner get all the coal necessary to run the royal Prussian railroads, but also to store enormous quantities of eoal for ithe German navy In plaoee where It will be easily accessible in eaae of war. How Important thia would be should Germany ever go to war with England la evident and the rage which the aale of . the eoal lande to a power which bae alweye been unfriendly 1 to Great Britain haa atlrred up- In that country le greatly enjoyed here. '- HUNGARIAN REV0LUTI0;i IS ENTERING KE17 STAGE ' ,' t " ' Salaries of Government Officials "T Punished by Government .:. 1 Paid by Patriots... t V (Oopyriiht Resrst Neys Servlee, kyUseed Wire te The Journal Budapest, ' Aug. . -It seema aa if the Hungarian revolution haa entered Into a new etage which la bound to lead tor some change. The threat of Prime Minister Baron Fejervary, to whom the whole country objects, that ho might atop ealarlea of government officials who do not pay tha full amount of taxes due-lnto tha gov ernment treasury haa loat He effect by the fact that Count Zlchy haa promised to pay the salaries of every official whe le thua punished by tha government up to an amount of 1100,009. . . . ' - r Another nobleman, Bsron Wessleneyt, has dohated 115.000 for the same pur nnea. ind several mora maenates have t promised their assistance aa soon as this money gives out , The prima minister's last hope of coercing the officials to collect the taxee due thue having failed. It la now thought that ha will Boon resign and that the empenir will St lasTglvo1h lo tha demands of tha Hungarian people. Y Commanding in tha Foreground, ALFOIISO III LOVE VJITM ACTRESS Spanish . King Badly Infatuated With French Variety Star llHe Met iivParl LOUBET TO VISIT SPAIN AS GUEST OF MONARCHY Crown Prince of Scnria a Wild and . Reckless Youth "and Believer in tha Strenuous LifeShah Uncomf ort eabla lii'Cay Pares- v; : : : By Feel TUUere. .."7 (Oepyrlght Beerst Mews Service, ky Lesetd Wire te Tae JnoraaL) Paris, Aug. . When President Loubet some weeka from now goes . to Madrid to return .the vlalt of King Alfonso, It will not be without fear and trepida tion. Queen Maria Christina, : the mother of Alfonso, la aald to have pre pared a strong curtain lecture for. him, because too much freedom waa allowed the young king la Parle, with the re sult that he came back to Madrid madly Infatuated with a French va riety actress, whose portrait tha queen mother found In her' son's trunks. If one may believe the etoriee told hare, the . queen le angry because the president of the French republlo ' neg lected to act aa dry nuree to hie royal vlaltor. v-w- . , . President toubet'a visit to Spain will probably be hie last offlctat one, and no one could' feel more happy on that ac count than the prealdent himself, who with delight looka forward to the day when he will once more become aplato eltlsen and retire to .the quiet of hie farm. The date of hie departure for Spain baa not yet bean fixed, but the program mapped out by tha Spanish government haabeen .submitted. JtphlaAlulsiWOe4ll with a sigh, ho -win ea received at tne depot by King. Alfonso end. carried off to the palace in a royal, carnage, .The first day-. he will have to be present et a great military review, fol lowed by a banquet and a gala perform ance at the royal opera. The next day a reception will be given by the mayor In the Hotel de Vine, then there. win be a hunting patty at Rio Frio and a banquet la the palaoa. . . .... . ' Vaeet te a Primes. "Rather than be the tutor of a prince again, I would earn my living ae a street eweeper," Major Levaaeseur, whe haa been the mentor of the crown prince of Sarvla, la quoted to have said the otner aay. ' - "That I return 10 France alive frontl that Ood-forsakan oountry Is a source of constant wonder to me. The young prince le e strong believer la the stren uous Ufa end did hot leave me a mo ment's peace, -.Once while we were out for what the prlnoe called a promenade en horseback, he led me at a mad pace across the country, front which I re turned with a bandaged bead and a broken arm. "Another time he dlsasrmed me at fencing, having tired me out eo that I wae sore for a. week, but when he wanted me to go riding in aa automobile with him X resigned," The young prince will become of ege thle month, end has eworn to celebrate the event In a manner to make hie future eubiecte gasp for breath. He hae . already stated that he la going te have a racing atabl and la going to try to break all records for eutomoblltng. That he has no money to buy either raoehoraea or automobiles doea not seem to cause him the leaat eoncern. ' ' He had hardly succeeded In getting his baggage which had been seised be cause of debts which he had forgotten to -pay since be wae hare last when the hot epell set In, which made hi apartmente In the Blyaee Palace hotel feel like a Turkish bath. Too Wans for the Saab. The ehah of Perala haa not enjoyed hia vlalt to France at all this time. All night the poor ahah aat on a balcony dressed In next te nothing, sighing for a breeae that never came, and during thedaytlme.when he dared not display hia personal charraa to a Parla mob, be rested on a couch ' surrounded by a corps- of attendants, who were fanning him Incessantly In the sweat of thalr brows. . . He has, however, not disappointed the Parle merchants who had, stocked . up In anticipation .or his coming. During the faw cool days we have had he bae visited all the large etorea end bought many carloads of the most variegated artlclee. Phonographs by the hundreds, and automobllee In halt dossn lots nave been sent to his palacs In Teheran, end hia only regret has been - that -he -could not - also" buy the chle Salesgirls who waited and smiled on htm end whom he would have liked to add te ble harem. '.; ' . '-r VALUABLE PAINTING v V- STOLEN AT THE HAGUE (Copyright Heeiet News Service, by . Wire te Tss Joarnel.1 -V " The" Hague." Aug.. s.Th. police of thle city have not yat been able to find the emalleet due to the Identity of the thief who the other day atole a valuable painting. "Portrait of a Cavalier," by Francis Hals from the National gallery In this city. It la thought that the thief tha mo ment he found himself alone In the room where the plcturea were exhibited picked It from the frame, ae thle could easily be done, It being painted on wood, sad thsa concealed It under his ct AU.TNK eSST gaas avaalWSvyn inweiawa i2rjrLV'."XrrAIUDI'T-i0- VM-f wxinaiT- biwivrruii. iiirwiiii.nniu a.' jCOMOUCTa D OH SOUND USIMgg WMCIStK v 4TMiT-. HEWTORKCITT. THE ONLY CKCUS EXDEniNG Hi mi YC1 i ' Oomlag Bare,' Jus, as ft Ia4deaed the sTattoa'e KstropeUev " ' Six Sublime, Surpassing, Superb, Sensational Scrpri::, REPRODUCTION OP TH BjQQRC Just as the Oread Ceremonial THE DIP OF DEATK A Lady Looping the Qap In an AUTOMOBILO A feaolaatlng, Paarral, ruttlag, Pagaeloas FroUe with Fate. The AbsoleU LUmlt to which Mortals saey tempt Death with Impaaity. . .,' ,, , . The Highest Priced A Jest thtak ef ttt A yeaaglaey reoeivtag saati ia aa AasomoDue. . f . VO LiGaTHEVO L1.TAINT FLYING THROUGH SPACE ON A BICYCLL 1 .. -J " .... ,- --l V full Herd bl Me,' J Herds Smallest Horse In the World, Jumping Horses, .Leaping " Pontes. Gymnastic Feat a. Acrobatic Acta, 100 Thrilling Acts, 100 Kxpert Performers, tha Walsh Qlant Troupe of Midget a, Scandinavian two Bxanxrrs baxxt, at a and s p. Aasaleetom to the Waole Show, wtth a seat tirKeta are numoerea ana nave pmiTATal BOX ASTS BagBBTXS mmim xm mmmmm wh cunwr omn SI nours or opening, aii naie rave Kvwera VI Hiriiw-.vui,iii UIWI Owing to the Stupendous Rise of the Grandest and .lost Costlv Show Ever cxhibitc MABB, but a Hign-ciass ana very expensive rrae mow W1U Be Olvea ea te Show Orouade one hour before the doors are open. - . - K f, Will exhibit la Salem.-Aug. St I while passing. the watchmen. It is con sidered very likely that he may try to dispose of the picture In America end tha following description la now being aant to the police ef all great cities In the world: "The painting la a bust picture, the evee of which look straight at you. Tha left arm la pressed against the side, while tha right arm la nearly concealed by tha body, 'and the handa are not visible. - The eevaller hae a large mue tacha turned upward et the ende a la kataer end wsare a , broad-brimmed alouch hat" . ., : , i. ... - WEALTHY i;OBLEJ.lAN STOLEN BY PEASANT LOVE Family Would Prvsnt Marriags . an4 Imprison Youth Who hr Rsscued by Swesthsart." (Oepyrifht Hesret Kews Servlee. by teased - . . wire teTke Jesraal.) - ht.Budaptat Aug. t.-A rather unusual romantic atory telling or the abduction of a wealthy nobleman by his fiance, e poor gtrl. le told here. The nobleman fell desperately In love with tha poor peaaant girl, but hia parents did every thing In their power to break off the engagement but In vain.' , In aplte of ell they could do the girt kept on making preparations for the wedding, but on day the young baron had mystsriously- disappeared. Aa a last resort hia father had eaked him to look after some repairs In one of the family eaetlca. and when hrart rived at the top of a winding etelrway In an eld lonesome tower he waa aelaed and thrown Into a prison prepared for him there. : ( After he had been confined there a few days he bribed one of the servanta who waited on him to forward e letter to his sweetheart ' who Immediately planned his eacape end one evening, surprising the guards surrounding the tower, ehe, her father end her brother broke Into tha prison where her lover waa kept and carried him off. , ICELAND DELIGHTED WITH WIRELESS SYSTEM (Copfrlfht, Rrarat Kewe Servfee, by Leased . wire to : The 'teuraet.) Copenhagen, Aug. S. The ' ceonle of Iceland are more than delighted with the new wireless telegraph service which has Just been opened between this cltv and Reykjavik, though they are still unable to understand how It la ooeeltrie that new of what Is happening In the mother country, hundreds of miles eway, can reacn tnem throuch the atr. Before-the service wss enened the ta namtanta or this Island received news from the outelde world only about once a month, and-many sensational hews stcrlea reached them long after they had been forgotten In the other countries. htch haa occasionally csused amusing thlnga to rrpen. Thus St ,e Jlmenf the eor of King Kdwer.f'seve al "" ti Ionian man-of-war ce.e-, 1 ... jf ' m 1 1 ' AMUSlMtaf lusAS. . muMnncu l3asamitiiMut.isseee.lmv S Bans see Hmsm.Psm7mn EOUS. DBLI1L DURSAH Pageant was Produced In India. . ttractlon Ever. Known' $100 eeah every eieek tick (or a losaef cltlepihts. 2 te cl (ci .Vocalists, Musicians and Dancers. . m. sooms oraar as mora BAmucra Seat BO eta. Okildrea made la Tears, J - r'. (l eta 'intra: sWoianranasifca: All reserved coupons eitaoneo. i Sbatb for sale et the alllg ft ort- iim i i-vn Lrwtv, ana on me grounds igDiiwiAii ncaeis sola at regular prices. T y - ' V -. , , Show STO STBBBT FAB ABB WTZX PT Albany; 14 Eugene, It; Med ford,. II. V 1- ' f have the most com- .. plete line of Tile in the city, glazed, un glased, enameled, - wall and floor' tile, Our stock is com plete and . you may see anything in that . line you will ask for. ' We wUl be pleased to show youZ - t -- - V I Jolm D: Sixth and Alder Streets I US' For medere dental were. W arid -re- . umtJ BDSclsltsta Lowest prices aenaieteat with flret-a" ,. - Oe te- the - ' new yosic orirrn rouBtv afb i:r-r j r Opes day a"4 r' 't f ' brat't end I We rem VINK 1 I M M m - i m bv TEETEi