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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1905)
-Cittirtj find Individual Average cf Coast U;ui. - Doxin2f and, Bowlln.'stsiI Eastern Baseball Results Coast Games. Co( Creaks World's Record fcr Chct Put tt -A. Ai-il-Cames Kerrjzajvc? M." A. A. C. , VVirs. ; Run-ins Hi;h i Jump -- L&tfnla Races 1 I I ' ... I" IHUDBTJiaS III s::.ipPYCorjTEST ;Crediers 1 Home - Run '.and "Corking Single Means Victory ". for- the Giants. ' ZLY CATES PITCHES 21 A BRILLIANT GAME Oakland Mada Deaperata Attempt to - ; Win in tha Ninth Inning but Op , portunity Waa Not Allowed by Cates Jim McDonald Officiates, (Special Dtapatca trUu4 Wirt to The taniQ 8n-Francio.u.6. Jim McDpnv aid mad hi first appearance at Recrea tion park thla afternoon, after a long pell of sickness. When the veteran handler f the Indicator took hta poel tloa he waa greeted with prolonged cheers. Everybody waa delighted toae him at the eld post. "Honeat Jims" work .waa aa satisfactory of yore, and not a murmur followed any of hi de ' claions... Bray aaatated, umpiring; at the bases. ' The Webfootera hit' the ball oppor tunely and hard. If not with frequency. Judge McCredl caught the ball with the awing that made him famous with the Oakland team two -year ago, and the ball aoared over the right field fence for a home run. "J : - I berg waa hit but Intermittently after that and managed to blank the Gtanta moat of the time. McCredle, however, booated but 'another long hit to light field In the fifth Inning, stole second and cam home on Houeeholder'a - Texas . laaguer' to center. Oakland played a snappy game and It. waa not for lack ' of ginger that the con teat went to their opponents. The acor: . . . . ; . ...... PORTLAND. -: . : .-, AB. R. H. PC A. IB. At. a. ............. 1-40 4 a HrCredle, rf. 4 J 1 4 Fleming. If.. . . . 4. . .0 Householder, cf. ..... 3 4 Van Buren, 2b.-lb. . 4 , 4 McLean, lb.-c 4 Kunkle, 4b. ......... 4 tea, p.-2b. '. ........ t 4 Conrad, e. . . .. ,v ... 4 4 Garvin, p. - . 4 "4 IS 4 " 4 4 Total oak: ' an numn, , ' Francks, s. ........ 4 minieavy, it. ... 8 Kruger, lb, ......... 1 K el ley, 2b. I ('roll, rf. I . Tevereaux, lb.' ...... ftanley, c. ... I loerg, p. ' I Orehem . ..... 1 . liogan . , . ....,,. 1 :.3 I i IT II 4 land. ' - HAR R. Hr PO. ArB: Passeed ball Conrad. Wild pitches lomrm. uarrin. lime or came unt hoar and 4 minutes. Umpires Mo Donald and Bray. . - : ; . - . . DOLLY-GRAY iVINS ' l : : ' HIS OWN CONTEST . - (Journal Special Bervlce.) ' Seattle. Wash., Aug. . It waa Dolly uray who checked, the winning streak of the locals. Though he. waa wild.- he waa very effective with men on bases Miller saved hia aide from a ahutout by rapping out a long double In the third, on which Prary scored from first. Loa Angeles played the better ball and de served to win, for they always sot a hit In a pinch. Dolly won his awn gam in the second inning. by rapping out a safety with two men on bases and two down, but th Angela continued to make runs occasionally afterward aa a meas ure of precaution. Th scora: y , seattlb. :, . -; : , ;. j v V-... AB.R.R POL A. Ei. Walters, rf. ......... 4 4 4 1 1 1 Kane, Sb I 4 Blankenahlp, ......... 4 a Hart, cf. . 1 a Houtt If. 4' 4 Frary, lb. 4 1 K. Hall. ss. I Miller, p. ,7;..7r. 4 Totals , ....... 4 1 f -J-0T4-4 I J7 11 "A 1 1. a i' t .:'. .i't' 11 '1 4 1 SI 1 v-1- LOS ANOELES. . .. , ' .' . AB. R. H. PO. A. K. Bernard, cf. ., ....... IIS 4 4 Flood. Sb. ..."....... t Smith, 8b. ....... t Dillon, lb 4 Brashes r. ss. 4 Ross, If. ........... ..t Cravath, rf. , 4 Spies, c . s j . 4 Gray, p. S -Total- . vr.'. ST 4 14 IT -It l v. . " SCORE BY INNINGS. . ; 1 SltCtTIt ; Seattle . . ...... .4 4 1 4 4 t t t 4 1 Hits ....... ...1 t I 1 1 I 1 I- I Los Angeles4..,4 114 114104 Hit 1 1 I t 1 I t I 414 T StTMMART.1-r Earned runs . Seattle, 1; Los Ange les, x. Two - bas nit suuer. Three-baa hit.. Dillon. Cravath Sacrifice hit R. . Hall. Stolen bases Smith. Brashear. Rosa. . Struck out By Miller, If by. Gray. t. Bases on balls OS , Miller, I; off Gray, 4 Double play Dlllen ' (unassisted)'. Pained ball BlankenshlD. Left on bases Seattle. -: Loa 'Angeles, 4. Time of game One hour and 14 minute. Um pire Davie. ( - , (, : y 0REM8 riORLD'S RECORD (Continued from Page One.) TIGERS WHITEWASH ; , ' THE 'FRISCO SEALS 8peelal Dtapatek to Tse learaaL) t Tacoma, WuIl, Aug. ' 8. Unable to hit Bobby Keefe, who waa In th beat of form, the Seal were ' whitewashed today;; Th 'Tiger 1 played errorless ball and displayed, their old-time vim. : 'Oraham hatted for Croll in ninth. IIHogsn batted for I berg in ninth. -. SCORE BT INNINGS. , " - 1 1 I I i I Ifi Portland . J.......1 4 4 4 1 4 V 4 43 Hits . . ....'....1 4 4 1 1 4 4 4 0 II Oakland Hits , ...10444444 ..1...1 4 3 4 1 4 1 1 1 T SUM MART. Home run McCredle. Two-base hit Francks. ' Sacrifice hits Dunleavy, I'atno, Pevereaux. Btolen bases Mo- vt'redle. Householder, Francks, Kruger 3. .'Hits Off Cates. T. First baa on error . Portland, I. Base on balls Oft Cates, : l : off Jberr. .'. Left on aases port ! land. 7: Oakland, 4. Struck out By atea. 3: by Garvin; li by Iberr.J. Hit i by pitcher Stanley. Double play Ktm to Ats to Mcbtun. HalK fates. Wilson' njen .worked hard all th time, but could: not bunch their-three hits, while Tacoma. made two earned runs, proBtlng also by Bheaw wild throw and a wild pitch. It . waa a fast gam all th way, - Sbeehan' work waa senaa tlonaL. .He robbed Irwin and Waldron 6t hit by " making catches which brought ths crowd 1 to its feet. The 1 ' f IT- tiTUeis slsu faadthw a three-baa hit by planting on Inald first base Just after Nealon had stepped away from the spot Gochnauer. Wal dron, Hlldebrand and -Irwin carried off th Seal a' fielding honors. In th first Inning Sheehan hit for tw sacks, took third oa a wild pitch. scoring' on Nordyke out.. Nordyk singled in th fourth, took second on Ka Iran's - sacrifice ' and scored when Shea's throw to second went to deep center. Doyle registered' the'lhlrd run oa his single. . The score: , : v.'-,.-, "JTACOMA. . ' tommon ?- Sense Theory A study of all the methods of economy would not make- you any the wiser if ypu did " , not crystallUe your thoughts '. into . action. The way . to f study ' economy is to com . pare quality . with quality, price with price and buy that . which ' common sense and 'good judgment tells you v it the best value ; for your money. Our aim is to offer the best. Hats and Furnish ings for the least money.- Robinson Co. Hotel Perkins Eld, AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Doyle, rf. ........... 4. 1 3 4 4 4 Bheehan, - lb. ........ 4 '114 Nordyke. lb. .,..,. 1.1 11 Ragan, ss .....34,1 3 McLaughlin, If. t 4 13 4 Lynch, cf. .......... 3 4 4' 3 Casey. Sb. 3 111 Graham, c ......... 3 4 1 4 Keefe, p. 3 4.0-4 ToUU '. '.. ....It 4 'I IT II "I SAN FRANCISCO. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Spencer, rf. 4 Waldron. cf. I Mohler, 2b. ......... I Hlldebrand. If. I Irwin, th. I Nealon. lb. I Shea, c. t Gochnauer,' aa, ...... I' Henley, p, .......... 3 William . ToUU . ...........21 t 3 ,24 IS 1 Batted for Henley in the ninth. ' ' T 1 SCORE BT INNINGS. i . i a a c c t a a San Francisco ...t t t t t t 4-4 00 Hits . . ,. 1 T 4 1 43 Tacoma . . ....... 1 0 0 10 110 4 Hit i i i a j I - SUMMART.V Struck out By Keefe, 4; by Henley, Wild pitch Henley. Stolen bases- Doyle t. . Hacrince hit Ragan. Two base hits Hhsehan, Eagan. Irwin. Hll debrand. Three-base hit Graham. Double nlflVe-neniev to nnea: Lvncb to Sheehan to Casey. ' Left on bases 1 Tacoma, z; nan VTancisco, i. Time or game One hour and It minutes. Um- pl Perrlne. v .ji . yesterday' aala. At Washington Washington t, Chi- cago i. At New Tork New ' Tork 3-4 St Loul 1-t. t ' . At .Fbladelphla Philadelphia t, De troit X. , . ,., . .-,.. AMERICAN LEAGUE. " ' : -.A Won.- lst. Chicago .jujiuJI If Philadelphia . 44, , 37 Cleveland . ......... New York . .......... 4f Boston . . ............ 44 Detroit . . ........... 43 Washington .. ....... SS St Louis . ...13 St P.C. . .t3 , .ill .6J .604 ,47T ' .310 r .tit on ambition ha been to defeat Rose, the Hercules of th .Chicago , Athletic club. t' ; i' ., r: ' . .' Wins a Oonr la CoUsga. . r : Coe la a stocklly-bullt fellow,' owning tremendous shoulders, leg and arras. He Is of average height. Before he came hi father told blm. ' that if . he would defeat Rose he' would give him a four years' course at Stanford univer sity. The younger Cos -agreed to-the proposition and traveled to Portland with the avowed Intention of competing should Ross enter hi name , for any of the events. Coe waa glad to learn that Rose was here, and consequently went into active, training for the shot' put: - When the event waa announced yes terday the keenest Interest was manifest ed In the matcb.t and when It came to friend Rose appeared to be th favorite. After a few puts, those who were In position to see, knew at once that Rose waa facing a hard proposition. Coo be gan to extend himself and Rosa followed suit. Rose couldn t quit com nip to Coe' mark, and the former champion wai warrled. - He said that he had hot been well for several days, hut didn't think that .there .was any danger of being beaten. Boon Coe sent the Iron ball 4S feet M Inches. Thla was nearly five, (nobs better than Rose' record mad at St Lout In August last year. Rose carefully- looked -over the ground and made several efforts, but could not reach that of his opponent.-'On the next throw Co put th shot 44 ieet t Inches, smashing the world' record by eight Inches, Thla remarkable performance waa greeted with cheers, and Rose quick ly acknowledged hi defeat and compli mented hi conqueror.. , , -.. , , - .' ' Chicago Za Tlotorlous. -Ths Windy City athletes carried off th honors of the - day. Ligbtbody. Friend,-' Lyon, Verner- and Rose repre sented Chicago and won f Irats In the ISO yard run, lit yard hurdle, on mile run, two mile run,' five mile run, run ning broad jump end discus throw. The prettiest events of the day were th 104 yard dash, the 134 yard hurdle, the 330 yard run, the 3Z0 yard low hurdles And the running high Jump. In th 320 yard run Archie Hahn of Milwaukee ran in brilliant form and ahowed hia grit by meeting and passing Parsons and main taining a short lead to th finish. He touched th tape a fraction of a second In front of Taraons and both men re ceived an ovation. The 100 yard daab was a treat te behold, and la this Hahn had to take defeat from Parson In th fastsst time ever made on the Pacific coast. Parson won in th remarkable time of t 4-t aeoonda, with plenty, of room to spar. - This time 1 1-6 of a second under the record itlm held by Arthur F. Duffy of Georgetown, uni versity. ... - '. V , ... , Hmtaomak Is Thar. ' Herbert Kerrigan and Roy Heater up li Id lliw 'imputation " b ' 'Multnomah by winning the running high Jump and the pole vault ; Befor "-4he gamea Heater waa protested - for ', hs ring re ceived money from Paclflo university for athletio services rendered,, but h com peted under protest .; -. He won the pole vault for M7 A. A. C, but Referee Sullivan says that the rec ord will not-stand, ahould th preferred charge prove true. - j ' - s In the running high Jump Kerrigan had to ' compete against .Hail of th Olympio club, a clever Jumper, but man aged to make six feet on an on hair Inch. -. " !-', : ; Plaw of the Olympic club beat hia own record In the 14-pound hammer throw by hurling It 143 feet 4 inches. On of th moat interesting men at th compe tition was Jamea Mitchell of the New Tork Athletio club.-MlUhell 1 th old est competing amateur athlete la this country, and waa .warmly commended for th long trip he undertook In order to participate here. He won th 44 pound weight throw, sending it a dis tance of SS feet 1 Inches, defeating Plaw, who made bat IS feet Mitchell won the English championship when he years of age. He cam to this country In 1S8I and ha competed In every - national , evenu alnce. , He la now 41 year of age. and a splendid j specimen of manhood. -' The evente ware fairly well patron ised. President Goode and hia. assist ant, Theodora Hardee. 3. Wesley .Ladd, ' George McMillan, Ben Ely. Ensign Dodd of th Paul Jonea and a number of fol-' lowers or amateur sports, were present. 'Mail of Sport, Summary of events: 100-yard dash Won by Parson (Olympic). 'Hahn (Milwaukee), -second, Ol.l. J -l. 1 ... ... k , t. ' tlm. -S'AS A - K . j . . i . w.iiavBvp ,... .'-' - - l0-yard run Won- by Llahtbody (Chlcsgo), Rose (Chicago), aecond. Gar cla (Olvmolc) third: time. S:03-S-t. 130-yard - hurdle 'Won rby Friend (Cnlcago). Frlessel (Multnomah) ' aecond- Kerrigan (Multnomah) third;. time, 4:14 1-t. ' Oae-mlle ' run Woa by Ligbtbody (Chicago). Glarner (Olympic) ' second, Verner (Chicaso) tblrdrttme. 4:t 4-6. .-440-yard run Won - by Waller (MU waukee). Gromsn - (Chicago) second. Rose (Chicago)-third:-lime. 0:1 -Ju , 130-yard run Won-by -Hshnr (Mil waukee), 'Parsons (Olympic) second. Blair (Chicaso) third: time. -0:33 1-S. Two-mile - run Won- by. Lyon (Chi cago), - Garcia ' .(Olympic), second. No third. . Time. 11:11 4-t. . , ' 120-yard low hurdles Won by Waller (Milwaukee). .Livingston J Portland Y. M. C. A.) second. Frlessel (Multnomah) third; time, 0:3f 4-1. '.. v Five-mile- runWog''by Verner (Chl- rgo). 'Glarner (Olympic) 'also started but could not flnlah. Time, tt:IT l-l. - Running, high jump Won .by H. ,W. Kerrigan (Multnomah), t ,feet- 1H inches; Hall (Olympic), aecond, ' t - feet H .Inch; -Patterson (Chicago) , third, i feet 10 H Incbea. - . ' ' tr Running- broad Jump Won by Friend (Chicago). 33' feetlOH Inches; Kelly (Multnomah), second.. 23 feet.,7 4 Inches; Frlessel (Multnomah) third. 33 feet. Inches. . '. "', '' . Pole vault Won by Heater, Multno mah, 11 feet f Inches; Glover,-Chicago, second, 11 feet t Inches; Dole,' Olympic,' third. 11 feet .-. " Putting, ll-poand'- shot Won by Coe, unattached, 4t feet. 4 Inches; Rose, Chi cago, second, AY feet 4 H .Inches; Flaw. Olympic, third, 43 feet ' . - - a . Throwlnr. 14-pound 'hammer won -by Plaw, Olympic, Its feet.4 inches; Parry, Chicago., second I4t feet 4 Inches; Rose, Chicago, third." 143 feet 14 inches. , - Discus --throwi Won; by-' Rose, -Chi cago, 117 feet I inches; parry, umoago, socond, lot feet I inches; Jamea, Mult nomah,, third, 108 .feet, ... 1 Throwing' -pouno 'weignr won oy Mitchell.. New , York. Sli feet. H4 lnche; Plsw,' Olympic- second, 38 fee t inches; Parry, Chicago,; third.: IT feet 10 Inches, JEFFRIES'. BROTHER WILL ENTER THE RING (Special Dfsaatdi ts The 3aarasL . Los Angeles,, Aug. I. Jack Jeffries brother of James ' J.' Jeffries, -retired champion otJlh worJd,has announced hi Intention of taking hi. brothr'a place In the ring arid going after th beavy-welgbt championship. He say he I confident h can do up any of th big men In th field today and will go for Marvin Hart as a atarter. "Sine Jim retired from ths ring Hart has been looked upon as the champion." said Jack yesterday. -r i'l - hsve after htm to win the title and I f m going hard. I weigh SOS pounds at present but I can train down to 110 pounds' In a few weeks' time. have sparred with Jim for all hia blgbattlea and think I know the ropes.' ' - Jlm1s as enthnslastlo Avar hia brother entering th ring aa Jack is. He said yesterday; , - i- . , f." ..i..v .-. "Jack la a good man and hard to beat UTILITY PLIYER 13 ciiicK lira Brashear of ' Los Angeles Has Made Fine. Record, With ths ;;; Stick. in First Half.;. ,f S M'LEAN IS REALLY DEADER OF THE LEAGUE Portlahd't Backstop Hit Along at a Clip, Making an Even Hvindred r Hits Up Until Sunday Poor Bat hing of .Coast JLcaigua Men.' r . , . Th Coast league flrat hklf closed on Sunday last and the .following; averages will prove Interesting. - ' t " Jt is., a vary unusual thing In baseball for a utility player Aa- lead a league in hitting,, but that is Just what Brashear of Los 'Angeles has don during th first half of th season which ended last Sunday..'.; -'. 7: .', ' ) - ; , . i The newcomers on the Seattle and Portland lineup appear "to - be some pumpkins If figures talk. . Frlck has hit is j in it and Fleming .lit In 'an oven aosen. ..; ,-, - - .- - . -1 - McLean, leuda th. Portland regulars. Irwin 1 in advance of th other Seals, Blankenahlp heads the march In the Siwash -camp, Cravath Is on top of th Angel liat. Truck Kagan ha something on th other Champions, while House holder 1 the trump card In the Portland packL-JL, . : . m, -y-..r-,,,,; . Th following . will ahow th exact standing-of every player, who . has par ticipated Ja Coast league baseball dur ing the season, just closed. , Phrer - . '. Games An. R. Headwaoo.. aeattla..... a O rrlcli, Krttle. ft - 1 Hart. . Beattl..-...VtI'r: IT" SI a Mnninr. . K.. ......... 13 40 , 8 rkrailnc. Portias..'.'. ,. TI - St ' Raiekla teattie. ST ' 00 4 Brasbear. -U. A.. S3 McLean. Portlaad.,,.... 4 .S44 '40 Irwin.- 8. r. Blankenahlp, Seattt., Bmlth, L A. ,, Craram, L. A Hlldebraod, 8. F....... Cortwtt, 8. r.. ........ Hooaeoolder, Portlaad. Dllkm. u. A.......... Srhlanr. Portlaad...., At a, rortlaod.. Wheeler, 8. r. . Waldroa. 8. W. .118 - 4uu i4 . ai h . a .103 Mi ' M , w ns.aa .US 420 BT . H M A . 0T 844 ss .104 &Mi '4T .SS 814 44 ....... W O" 90 ....... M 878 84 At (MM 40 hard run for It -1 have sparred with Corbett and Fits when ' preparing for fights, but Jack Is th best of them all. I don't Jtnow when he and Hart will get tos-sther. but we will try to arranre to have the fight in Reno, Nevada, In D4 Barnes, 'Oakiaad'.l camber, Soma yeara ago Jack fought Jack Johnson. This was hi first appear ance and he was ao nervous he lost hi head - Bine that time he has greatly Improved and fight follower her look upon him. a a winner. - ? . . " . PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. CLUBS. Keattle ....... Oeklant Kaa Praaciseo. Taconw ..... Hortland .... Loe Aagelea Lmrt ..... 1 l si H3 si s 13 .TR0 .Mm .500 .4110 .260 ritsgarald to ICeet CXeefe.. - . ' . (JoaraU Bperlal Berries.) Grand Raplda. Mich., Aug. t. Jack O'Keefe of Chicago and Willi Flts gerald, the- Brooklyn lightweight, art alatad for a fight her tonight befor a local athletio organisation.. Th ar ticle call for a It-round go at 135 pounda. . A th two ar regarded as evenly matched a lively and' interesting bout Is expected to be th outcome of their meeting.' - :-?'. niKISTER IS RELUCTANT, BUT GOOD WITNESS Took Up and Sol? Claim to Mon- ' tana Man Now ; on - V-cv., Trial. . V-i : NATIONAL LEAGUE. New Tork Philadelphia . ...... Chicago . . .......... Cincinnati . , c v. uuuia Boston . Brooklyn Won. . as . ti - ta r. J t Loat - 3t t. dl ' ' i PC .T0t .191 - TesWraays stMalts. - At St Louis St. Loul I, Philadsl phla 4. " - , . Af Plttaburr PltUburg 4, New York 0. . Game forfeited; New Tork refused to abide by umpire's decisions.) At Cincinnati Cincinnati 14, Brook lyn t. .At Chicago Chicago 4-t. Boston t-t The New Wed ford vtneaar fantorv will produce tBO barrels af vlnegsr per df. tlpedal Dtopatch to Tke lesraaL) Helena, Mont,,' Aug. t. Th case of the United States against R. M. Cobban, charged with subornation of perjury In connection with th western. Montsna land frauds, was continued today untl Tuesday In th federal court. ' Th de fens called as a witness Rev. 8. T. Clark of Springfield, Illinois, a former resident of Missoula.' Montana, and h proved on of th best witnesses th government has had, h reluct, antly admitted that he received money from Cobban a claim he had taken up. and aaylng It. waa understood that Cobbsn "was In the bualness" ana he thought, he might aa well take up the claim. ' He made 1104 on th deal. . Other' witnesses testified to- th good character of Cobban and that while they had. sold him land there waa no prs arrangemant regarding U, , 1 Strlk Blek Or. -' - gpetUt Oiapatck to Ts JosraaL) - Eugene, Or Aug. t. J. A. Connon of Lok Angeles, one of the heavy stock holders 10 th Oreat Northern mine. Is Just down from that district with new of a very rich strike made on the' lower level of the Oreat Northern. , Foremen Anderson, who- slwsys make conserva tive estimates, aay or will assay I&4 to the ton. Stockholders her ar all sclted .over th new find, ,. . EUGQERS TO HOLD liEXT MEETING CI PORTLAND Annual Convention to Begin Ses sions In Fair. City August V ; ; Seventeenth. . (Special Dltpatrb te .Ike Jovaal.) 'Helena, MonU.Aug. 6. Th National Association of Stat Engineers, of which Stat Engineer John W. Wad of Helena la president, will hold Hs next annual 'convention at Portland, th data being August 17. It was decided at the last meeting of the association at Chey enne, Wyoming, that ths coming meetw ing should be held at Helena Immedi ately preceding th assembling of the National, Irrigation congress.. tha menv bera going from this meeting to .the congress at Portland. 'XI a . recent meeting . of th ' executive committee, however. It was decided to change the arrangements ana noia tne sessions at Portland.' Th engineers will thus com plots their work by th .time of the opening of. th Irrigation congress. It is th plan of th engineer to have their meeting In th cltlee chpaen for the. Irrigationcongress. Oreat Fall ts making a campaign to secure th con" gress. for next year, and should It be mrcceRsTut th next" meeting of the en gineers will also be held In thla'atat. : -V. ' Preferred the Oook. - - From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. " "We are having an awful time at our house. 'The cook . says sh feel Ilk leaving our employ every time sh catches sight of my wife.' "And whst ar you doing about Itf "I'm trying to get my wife to take a long-vacation. - , , . . Easan. Taeoma. ..10 408 65 Van Buren, Portlaad... M 8TT 40 Doyle. Xaeona 108 Htf 88 Nordrke. Taeoaia ;.10T 4 S8 Mroettte. rwtlasd.... as JIB . a. McHaie. 8eatU. ........ S3 814 85 Kane, Hrattl. .......... n 8:48 -'48 Iach.' Taeoma ....104 8T 81 Van HaltreB,. Oakland. .104 UM 45 Walters, Hostile. t,.... T SKT v 9S Frary,. Beattle. ......... T8 X79 2H I J. Taa.T...k... TO 848 85 Hhn.hllf, .Tannma BH. ' 8 ' . so ; 13 10 88 M 100 ,au- 84 1T 84 110 T 04- lot m 8 -ra mi w lai 103 T8 T 1 . 81 83 88 88 58 O'Coanell. Heattle. Hoata. Heattle. Graham,' Tacoma. . Beraard. I,. A...., Knicer.- Oakland. .. MeLaosblm, Tacoma. Bnm. L. A. 10 Hwa. OakUnd Easer. Lorn Anselea. B. U.n. BektUe R. Miller. Heatlle Paul, Hortla.d.... Hall. Jamea, Seattle 5 88 S3 45 88 .... 23 .... S, ..... . 84 848 SB" 8tH 88V 8WM 105 4 41 at 61 27 61 848 81 11 J Klood. Lo Aacelei..... 84 Keefe Tacoma 39 DanleaTT, Oakland...... 83 Mmklman, Oakland...... 88 llofan. Tacoma 28 D. Miller, Hmttle. ...... 84 Kemmer, Seattle ,.i 43 Eaalrk. Portland...,..,; 24 rraacka, Oakland ..108 Tnenaa, Loe Ansrlea.. ... At atlrkney, aeattle .10 nrad, Ixm Anselea.... 1 Clark, Portland J 5 Gray, Lo. Anselea...... 28 Krlley. OakUnd.... ....Ji Wllaoa, Bas yrandace.A 85 aptes, Ioa Anselea...... TT 8hra, Baa FriwUco. . . ... 43 Mobler, Has Franclsce... XT francs. Portmsd........ IT Kins, OakUnd. 14 fttrles, Oakland... 83 Spencer, Ban Francises. .Ill Kmeresa, Tacoma....... 8 Tuomaa, Tacoma ........ 38 T. Oorbett. IVxtUnd.... 31 Cates, Portland...... Bchmldt. Oakland.... uaaawoos, Seattle. ...... Z7 Ba.m. Uo Anselea... ... 38 O. Oraham. OakUnd.... 84 Hanley, Oakland 23 DeTervanx, OakUnd JOS Cook. OakUad .. IT, Wrlsnt, lot Auaeles... 11 Rnnkle. Portland . ...... 1I1U. Ran FrancUno 11 Oorhaaner, Han Fraa....ln8 Jonea, PnrtUnd. ........ 38 Garvin. Portland........ 31 Burn. Seattle. .. 44 Mltrhell, Portland 4T , Williams, 8. ....... 81 Lohmas, OakUnd. ...... 18 Feenej, Seattle 18 Beran, ' Heattle.- 8 . O'Brien, HeattU 8- Wbalen. Han Franclsce. ST W. Hall. Loa Anselea.. 18' Rosea, Heattle 20 ' Harper, Seattle.,, 8 Henley, Ban Fraaetac. . 38 Fltiserald, Tacoma..... 23. Rrown, Tacoma... ...... 21 Uondwln, loa Anselea... 18 " BwlndelU, Portland, .. - 8 McKane, Ban FraneUes. S tirMnrrar, OakUnd..... la Murphy. Portland. ...... 33. FltapaUick, BeattU..... 18 Ihers, Oakland... 148 84.1 TS 8 14 8 368 Wl s:is 114 IX 34 168 88 87T ITS . 36 . . 6 63 1 T4 888 2S4 2uA 184 ! 84 42 8T 448 . 18 T8 84 4 i.m 18 6 : at - 88 12)1 Shi . 81 84 ' a 31 . a . a a 4 . T T ST : 11 ll ST 18 a ' 81 a o . i .' ' 8 18 20 20 II 18 ' 4 ' 8 SiJ 84 O 14 16 1 8 81 - S4 HO T8 4T 18 8:1 TT 18 S 28 '18 18 Tl 34 8 43 '83 18 TT 86 T . 1 It 16 T4 60 60 28 18 -- 8 T 68 84 2 8 13 88 11 IT 18 23 12 ' 88 It 8 Pet. ,&oo .8:14 a AW ,8t8 ,8tT .378 .370 JBW .U A' I .S.'Vt .218 aa .24 .214 .344 .212 .2l .2-18 JO JO .218 .Z'U 'JH1 .11 ,2Si as 22 .228 .22 2-J4 Mi .223 .223 -ff .213 .213 .213 .21 f .2" .i8 . .2o4 ..4 i .200 ,I0 .200 .188 .188 .187 .186 .181 .100 .I0 ,1H8 .1H8 .1H8 .1H8 .1HT .181 .1M .1WI .188 .1H8 .ixa .182 ,1HI ,1M) ,180 irJTERESTir.'Q DOPE ' V :- FOnpURr.Al: FAr.S v Th.folUwln; offlclal figures will be of much Internal to th readers ' of The Journal., as they will" enable th fan to keep abreast of 'the work, being done by i the player. In the Paclflo - Coast league:.. r . '.1 -,,'.. '- "Th'hut-out games won by pltchel are ar-follows: Whalen, 11; Thomas, T; O. Grntiam and Keefe, lx eaqhi Ka altk.' Baumand v Roach. - four each; Oarvln, W. Hall. Gray, Toser, . Shlelda. Henley. 'Hm. Williams and Fltspatrick, three each; Cates, T. Corbett, Schmidt, MoskUhan. Jberg. C. Halt, k Miller, Fltaw gerald and Brown, two each: Wheeler, Goodwin. Jones, Hojran and Joe Corbett. one acn. --. .. - ..- -Individual long hitting: . Two-baa hit Nordyke, . 33; Householder. 37: Eagaa and Smith, 24 eavoh; MoLeaa, 24, Mctwaughlin and Nealon. 23 each; Dil lon. 23; Devereaux. 30: Schlafly. McHaie and tYavath, 14 each; Lynch, IS; Kelly and Sheehan, IT each; Houta. 10: Ats, Hlldebrand, Flood, Brashear and Dun leavy, li each. ' i - v-.-'- .; Threaabase hit Kan, 7; Cravath, I Householder and Van Haltren, each: Houta and Dunleavy, -4 each: -Schlafly, Van Buren, Spies, Eager. Hlldebrand ana Kruger, 3 eacn. Horn 'runs Kagan, S; Nordyke, 4; Flood, 3; Ats, Mitchell, Dillon, Smith and Dunleavy, t each; Schlafly, House holder, Corbett, - Hlldebrand, Brashear, Cravath, Bernard, Doyle, Caaey, Lynch, McHaie and Kruger. one each,.- - Sacrlflce hit Van Buren, 37; Shea- ban, 34; Flood, Gochnauer and Francka, IS each; Ross, 21; Nordyke, 20; Wheeler and-JdcLaughlln. 13 each; C Graham, 13; McCredle, 17: AU and Brashear. IS each. . - Stolen beses Hlldebrand, 41; Schlafly, SS; Kane, 31; Nordyke and McLaughlin, SS each; Smith, 28; Houta. 37; - Dun- lea vfr tt; Nealon, Bernard tend Flood, 23 each-. Sheehan, DdyTk and' Kruger, 24 each; .Waldron. and Dillon, 23 ' each; Snencer. Strelb and Van Haltren. ?! each; Ross, 21; Householder, Ata, Run- kle, McHal and Kelley, 30 each. ' Roy Hltt of Ban Franclaco was ' th sensational pltoher In th first half, with .800. Roy Is a "busher," having been found lo th aagebrush by Unci Hank. Garvin. .60, and Easlck, ,B00, of the Portlanda rank well up, and W. Hall, .739. of Loa Angelea. who atanda aecond in th Hat, seem to be th moat con sistent performer.- ' ..'.'.: - Portland scored 34 victorl at horn and tS abroad,' and auffered 20 defeats at bom and 34 abroad.,. TENNIS champion is ON HER WAY HOME (Special Dtopatch te The JewraaL) .' ' . ti Aug. S. MIs May But. ton, the Pasadena girl who recently won the English tennis champlonahlp by te feattng Mia Douglass of that country, left Liverpool yeaterday on on of - the Red Star Line steamers for Now Tork. Sh 1 expected to arrive .in thla coun try next Wednesday, and after passing a week in New Tork and Chicago will come a l rec-i to uaurorma. . A banquet will be tendered her' here at Since Mia - Sutton defeated Miss Douglass, no woman competent to. com pete with he,r ha appeared ' onr- th4 court of either this country or. England and at the tournament next season It la likely she wUl walk off with th title again. r ''.:'."''." ;'. ..'. ' Ross's first try with th l-pound hammer cadsed th spectator to pauae In horror for h threw ur heavy shot right over th fence near wherO there la usually a lot of people paaslng. , Sol diers on guard made a run for th spot. but luckily there waa no -on where th weight fell. Guards were stationed there during th balance of thla event." - RESULTS TIT SA:ATl2A LIO - '. - " . - -' - - -- , i ' - Hildebrand, on Rubsric, a Ten -to One- Shot, Captures Seven . Furlongs Race at Saratoga (Special DUpatch by Leased Wire te The Joornal) Saratogs, Aug. I. Result of yester- dsy'a races: : ...v. .. . ;, -..",.', -.. Seven furlongs Ruberlc, Hlldebrand, : -10 to 1, won; Goldsmith second Mad Mullah third - Time, 1:34 1-1. . ' Steeplechase, about two and one fifth mile Sandhurst, " 142, Roderick, -even, won; Jimmy Lane, aecond:... Collsnv third. ' Tim. :2S. -rr ; ' ; . "T Five and on half furlongs Mohawk : II. Red fern, 4 to 1, won; Voorhees, seo- ond; Tangls, third. " Time, 1:07. ' ' - ' - n on and a quarter rallea DandellorL. Shaw, S t 2, won; Merry Lark, ac , , ' ond; Qlen Echo, third. - Time, 3:03. - One and one' eighth . miles Uncle , Urich, Diggings, t to 3, moaf Green-' , crest, second; Palmare,; .third. ' Time, 1:43 3.4, rir-. . .. Mile Blandy. O'Nell, S to 1. won: Moav Beaucaire, secona; Prince Ham burg, third.-Time, .l:40.. .,- .L . ." -.'. .1 At XnMoaia. , i ' Cincinnati. .Aug. 0. Results at La. - tonla track: ' ; ... Six and one half furlongs fErla Lee.-- ' Koerner, 3 to 1, won; Eldonosb, second; Foreigner, third. Time, 1:31 1-S. : One mile Wiuowdene, Radtke. S-tO; 3, won; Orient, aeoond; la Lee, third.---Time. 1:41. -. v . r a., .; Five furlongs Zlenap, EL Morrison. -10 to I, won; Sister Francea, second:. Man dator third. Time, 1:01 3-5. . ,. 1 One mil and 100 yards Havtland. ' Radtke, S to 1, won; Coruscate, second; ' Branqaa, third. Time. 1:46 3-1. . 1 Five furlongs Anna Hill, E. Robinson, v ' 3 to L won; Galeta, pecondi. Gomathlrd, Time, 1:03 S-S. : ..- Mil and SO yard Ma Harriott. L. Williams. "10 to 1. won; Hortensla, aec ond; Uelgerson. third. Time, 1:114-0., "'. . .:.'' :' LOS ANGELES IS FULL - i ; . OF BOXING KNIGHTS (BpecUl DUpatch y Leased Wire te The Jooreal) - Los' Angelea, Cel., Aug. 4. There r more fights and fighter around Loa An- geles at the present time than there have been for several years. Tommy -Burn I her and 1 looking for' a flghtl" Hs haa deposited his check for 11.800 with ' Tom McCarey of the Paclflo Athletio club -for a go with Tommy Ryan and ; wants Ryan to get ready for' a fight In " Septembar-U I not thought Ryan will coniejLo tha .front as heJhss retired from the .ling a dosen times during the, past two yeara.' .. Twin"' Sullivan - of u-"San . Francisco wants to ., fight ' : Burna, but wanta th weight -made . 144 pounds. Burn Insists on IIS, tha middleweight limit. Jack Mooney of Boston haa writ ten McCarey on behalf of. Jo Wqloott, whoaa -hand, he says, la . now ta -goi shape. ' asking him to arrange a . tnatcttT for September between hia - man .and -lelWfir. Jljn .oJtJBOthrjoodfl ghjer.,. r I Aurella llerrera is .anottier .one. who la looking for work. He bad authorised Me Carey to challenge Jimmy Brltt pr Bat tllng Nelson ton his behalf for a B)d bet of tl.OOOl Of thla fSOO will' be at !" even money aad 3500 at prevailing odds. Th Mexican Was a ' roll of money to . back up hia statements. 1 Ha mentions ISO pounds, but Is not particular a to . weight. Every on In th fighting class i has been looking upon Herrera aa a I . Jok and kav not hesitated to glv , voice to their - sentiments. This has '.' made th Mexican sore and he baa .J big kick coming. . He want , to know why some of those who look upon blm , aa easy money don't 00m forward and - :' get soma of it H Is willing to light any good man.:- , -' -7-wr-,-. 1 eeeeeeee4o)eeeeeeeeeewi 84 JS T .174 818 14 M ,1T 166 280 81 : 84 81 - T 14 114 6T 68 . 8 T T8 48 63 iO 11 4.1 68 6 18 10 ,0 0 a ' Toaarnoa AnceleT Toren, Io Anseies... Raehr, fleattle....,;. Cnrtla. Heattle....... (lllpatrlrk. Heattle... f'araon, loa AnseUs. Pierce, Oakland.,.,. Hopklna, Oakland.... atrelta, Portia Dd lit. 84 S M 1 ; i twt 22 4 10 8 3 , 14 0" 1 0" -1 -'. 0 . s o is 0 ; 1S8 .183 .im .14U l.'.l .147 .148 .14: .144) .140 .1.14 .123 .118 .118 .114 .111 1 .100 1 J 4 .OAU a .oHi 4 .0HU 8 .onri 3 JKW1 .04,1 .000 .OK) ,uo .IKK) .At 10 .01 m .uuo SPORTING GOSSIP, w Jack Root, the Chicago boxer, who la at present In the city, says he would like to meet some good man In a lim ited number 'o( i round end have the battle held Hi Portland. . Tommy Tracey la talking the matter up. . - - ;.v 4 '' ) i ".'' i' ' 3 IT. Bnllfvan navretarv tit tha A A. "and Thomas F. Riley of the New England association, who acted aa judge of finish at the meet, left last nlgbt at 11:30 for Seattle, from which point they will leave for the east via tha Canadian Pacific. Saya Mr. Sulllvanj ... , ' . "This has been aa successful a- meet ing as on could desire.:, I am surprised at the accomplishment of th western boy and predict that they will bo heard from in future Meets.- I must consrat- ulate th Multnomah club on Its ath. lets and good fellows." - , , Mr. Riley wss greatly pleased with everything. - H Is a whole-souled aort of chap and waa in fine spirits over the meeting, which vh styles a "dandy." Both ho snd Mr. Sulllvkn hsve made many friends and It Was hoped their stay In the city might be prolonged. ... wmm HAVE TOLD US that our; Regular Prices on WSm. wwm are at least one-fpurth. lower than ariylother. Portland store. Consider then, the bona fide " clearance sale now going on, ', during " which we . offer any r Boy's t or Young Man's Suit In the houst at .'7'-.r .te-iFMIlF flllll " And you have an opportunity for 'V- : saving Imoney that you will : vainly '' - ? 'i T ..try to. equaL"'."- , 'f- i Boys' $2.59 Snifs, co ff . . , 1 .85: 1 '-. - ' J. y ? i ' t .!-'', aa, l-.YflufllIen'siS Sails, m . . $4.50 j : Higher Grades Reduced Accordingly CS C7H!rd St, tBctnoen JStarkm CaH fj '-.- 1 - . A:-