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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1905)
r r:: 1 r r- r .nOUGGElOLD TuIw'GS in v f V ff t ,1 1 ' 1 , -..1 . SM V I AJ :v-; . ; f ...1.,' " - ' 5 ' ,1 i "erl'i f?A Dainty Drtiwri, In golden ) aa $14.5(1 ovZ 'nd 535.00 .cnsrjA v :We have ' pretty" ind useful : patterns in china - and glassware ; for; the ;dining-room, kitchen and bedrooms. All these roods have been carefully! bought and in consequence are" marked at prices that a saving to the housekeeper.' Let us fill your china needs. T" .IV -'Jy : HMKJ CEDS DG TABLES -, l)ov. Round top and .aquar taper ira. Top V6. Mft Whlta and Gold Iron Bed. , with bru top rf),at haad1 and foot. Exactly Ilka cut abova. ' ii Inchaa, with alx-foot aztenalon. - flfl ;, Ragular J7.. . .4,,vw Vo, tST Waatharad Oak IMninr Tabla. aaina aa cut. -t Sltf ViftJ 3 - S12.50 0 ; P. wlth'ai.foot atanaton. v , , ? , tlO 5ft r Vo. T4.Lanrir.'t1nk and AM Tmn ttul. with . . . . . . . . Mayy tobln, and high hP rA h.a ' "fT1 v J7?,r -$11.50 - u'VaVuC'00: "r tnTefi 1 SmKlSST I $21.50 . ' v-lnch top. with alht-foot astaa. 7Q 7C . .,, naniar 110.00. 4 v , , , ReKuUr 7 ...i,..,. 0 Va. M5 Blua and Oold Iron Bad: aeroll . imu t.. n.v tm.i.. T.ku . - aultabla lor nur.ery. ' Bolld and eubv, . AA ' wUh roua psdeaUl and Oraclan baaa. All uar . tantteL Recular 17.H....,s.....M.f ly.vW - : . ter-aawad and hand-poliahad; 41-lncb top and , , Sa. boto-Ibih. mil Tmn Rl iiht ' ' S-foot azUnaton. RavuUr . , : - . CA : . ful pattfrn. Whlta chllla ltcoratfl 7 7 g ' . Ml.QO. . .............................. Yt,'JYl yU gold. Ragular f li.00 .'.I w, - o. tTH Round-Top Dining Tabla, with Franch -.! .,. t,. v. v.. ' . ! claw feat. Beautifully jtollahad top. All Roaatu chlll.a with gold decoratlona. . pa , ia 'TT' ' 501.UU iuf m.o6, ....:..w.5U : " . Va. U Whlta and Oold Iron. Bad, .with hoop daalgn top and turned nega. and-pollahad throughout, y" . In bead and foot. Haa heavy ehllla, de ja . ' rortr-flva-lnch top. with -foot ax- : . CMC AA With gold decoration. Regular l.M..... a?J.I V- ; 1 tenalon. - Reaular tll.10.. ...i...;.,i';;.WVV -kit ' - 1 ILr V $16.00 "ifunTrX $50.00 CARPETS Good -carpets weil laid always give satis ' faction; r Carpet quality and neat workman ship go . with .every" floor .covering .we ' lay- "without' a' wrinkle'' is our motto we live up tqr it,' too.,: Our carpet department; is on Ithe 'second floor remember, we're always glad to pull down or out to show them to you-. You're, as welcome to look is to buy,,. . - .'. f V ; These ar& the-lays. oLrebrgan-ji izatton'of house-furnishing stocks. 1 The early sumrrier buying is over ; and many folks are away for the Vsummer. August y particularly is " apt to be quiet in business circles r. So, then',- we've" arranged so there will be no quiet August for. this store Listen : ' ". ' ' In " order that our volume of business for as great 2s ihe average for other! months-r in order that our working force .may" be just ( as busy as during other months, we will during Au ' gust make most unusual price in ducements. We won't cut bur profit out entirely, but will share it with you ; and you can rest'as sured that prices will be just as low as conservative merchandise ihg will permit v ri i Of course, lines will be broken ia short order in a trade" move- like this, so we suggest that. you" call early while choosing is good. We can only detail a few bar gains. JHundreds of others equal-' ly attractive.". !: V; :- .' ": Concerning Credit Always remember that your 'credit is good .with us. J, We're glad to trust you and our terms! are : made- to suit your convenience.-; It is easy to furnish your home when you buy ; from. iis.v We carry most of the burden, , F03 tde nrrcnEW v ... .',..- ...-. ., ' "'' . i . .... . - , ' r-',.-",,,. :..j:i:: We have everything for the kitchen from spoons to bread-mixers. AU sorts of pots and pans in metal and tinted graniteware's. ! All the little contrivances that make cooking a pistime instead of a drudge. We'll supply your laundry needs. Watch our kitchen spe cial sales.' ? - -, -f . ' '" r -- -aa ' y CI A CA w,w Pttarna for man and ap A' BMGMS SlGii) AT RANBOr.1 PARlOa SETS :' . Pretty Thr.e-Plece Parlor Set, with fine ma , - hogany flnlah. Spring aeata, npholatered In fine -. ' Verona valour. Regular s ; ' O CA 'ISf.0O....,..,.,.t...,sk.,,., i,VlvUv . y STc. 14S1 Two-Pleoe Parlor Set of pollened mahog , any, upholatarad In Importad paana velret. Hand--. rubbed and pollened. Regular , CA pHoa $4l.e. auO.OU Thrae-Plece Parlor Bat. In French daalgn. , with with -pretty . - en Verona ralour. Regular prloa . ; BTa. T48T rrench Daalgn Three-piece Parlor Bat of pollened maaogany. spring aeata, eorered with fine two-tone green yeloura. A beauty (iA AA COUCHES Vo. 4 Handeome Bteel Construction Couch, with , . tufted top and bead built on oak frame. Covered : In two-tone green ralour.. ?) CA . Regular, 117.50 .VOJ V I amboaaad yelour. - $21 50 for the price. Regular lei.lft... i BTa. faaV Medium-priced thraa-plaoa aet of aeml Coloelal dealgn, npholatered In two-tone French T.loura. Regular - (It: CA -i. price 111.00 ; .. i ...... ..... U . i, $a;0U BTo. 1M1 Two-piece aet. with graceful eur-ed-alat baoka and curved arrae. Spring aeata. covered : In two-tonad green. Regular ' $50 - STo. Roll-Edge Head Couch, with oak frame . and ateel construction Smooth top. covered In pretty two-toned green velvet. , 7i CA - ' Regular l.0....,..-......i....V......aiU)U ' V. Sns-JOak Frame Coueh, with atralght edge. ' . . xuned top and Head, with ateel eonatrucuon. Cov- . . arad in two-toned amboaaed valour. r Regular $.7 0. 'Ha. Ttt V.lour Couch, with poliahed ash frame. - smooth top and rolled and buttoned edge. Covered In pretty floral pattern valoura. ejli CA Regular IJO.00..... ,I1-OU- BTa. 48 Oak Frame Couch, with hard edge; aubstan tlsl construction and nonbreakabt apiinga. Up- , holetered In fine fancy veloure. , CIA CA Regular 14.0,... 4... ... IUm)U ITo. 4T Valour Couoh, with tufted head and' top; . deep frlhga all around baaa. A great. -. - CO 7c valua for the money. Regular I to.lO. ..,, 0fO DRAPEniES New. draperies nevef come amiss. There's always a place where you can hang fresh cur tains of. bright new portieresrrNothing helps more to 'freshen up" the home. -We'd like you to see the dainty lace curtains we're show ing; the prices will please you . immensely. . . .FEIST j end . TAYLOIt STS. ml 0 CQCsS ijCBfii? LrOVikrjcSv.yn 1) FDST Clad . TAYL03 STS. r.:o.Tius cnins r. '. $9,50 V -V'" ;v."Y Oolden oak, weathered oak and mahogany. - - ' S40.C0 41ILT0IIUSK16I00 nilPII I'MTCD itlUUll WiULll ; I: ,i , --.., J " ' Stttiertoh Uttl Walla Walla v Bring Sulf Against City and , ; Irrigation Concerns. i : i WOUtbr SETTLE RTGHTS ' t 'I'l'l-'TO USE.OF THE RIVER Five Companies tnd. Four Hundred t ;i Rancher Alio Made Defendants '; '& Want , State to Make 1 an ; Official Survey Under New Law.,-;-: J. . (IimcIsI DlsiMteh ta The laarsttl . . ' Wslla Walla. Waah., Aug. I. The lit tle Walla. Walla River Irrigation union. '- a - private - corporation nf Milton,'. Ora gon, representing 40 aettlfra near the atata Una below Milton, on the Little ''Walla Walla river, illed a suit todsy In the circuit court of Umatilla county ' at Pendleton against tba city of Milton, ' five private Irrigation corporations and ' about 40A people above them, on the Wslla Walla river and tributaries, for ' the purpose of settling all water rights . of every person on. the strearh. ' , - rTna plaintiff a have reteln4 aa eoun - ael,- Will R. King- of ; Onurlo. Oregon, and Carey J. Rader of . thla city.- The papers In this case -were prepared In Walla Walla and were taken to Pndle ' ton by Attorney King thla morning and llled. The- ault is Intended to Include .very parson' and 'corporation 'claiming . any Interest in the Walla, Walla stream system. The atata of Oregon 4a also made a -party defendant in order to bring the ' suit' within the provlelons of an aet passed by the Orsgon legisla ture la 1908. :; ; ; .y.-- .1 "; . ; , Slato to Kake a Sarray. , '. ' ' : ' tTnder the . provisions of ' thla act, when the state la made a party it be come the duty of the atata Irrigation engineer to make a hydrographlo sur vey of the entire atreara ayatem for the purpose of determining all the rlghte of all parties on. the stream. ; This .Is the first ault brought tinder tha new act and When considering the- number-of persona and Intricate questions Ivolved and tha data necessary to .collect for a' full ad judication of all on" tha stream, it Is practically tha largest water ault of the kind ever brought' In tha United Stale. i Othera similar In. nature have bean brought In the. a ta tee "of Colorado and Idaho although not ao complicated or so many i Intricate legal - questlone . to be settled.' j, . - . - a ..'..'. Up to within tha last few years, the Walla Walla river .baa. furnished aa abundance of water . to meet ' all de mands, but aa tha country aettled up In tha vicinity of the streams, companies were formed, taking water and carrying It to landa not before Irrigated, to such distances sway from the, atream that large quantltlee are alleged to be con sumed by evaporation and Irrigation. Tba plaintiffs av.r that thla haa- been carried on to such an extent. that little of the water returns ,for the use of set Hera below,. - ' :;..,. : . Tha c(ty of Milton as It haa grown larger ha alko increased Its consump tion and all the new consumers takan together aa -welt as old consumers who have Increased their appropriation In re cent yeara . have - thereby reduoed the supply to auch an axtent that aettlera on the' lower stream considered them-etves- forced-to-brinr tha ault for the protection of their rights.'- f T""" --r - ; ;;4jaiTele Ovvt Water. -?-r, 'Thesa Conditions had Inoraased up te the taat year until tha Peacock Milling company, operating two mill In Milton, deemed It necessary to bring a similar ault.. against the city of Milton and about tOO ethere for, the preservation of Its wtter power for milling purposes. which) was filed last March. DM ring tha present Irrigation season, many diaputea have arisen over water between settlers below the Peacock mllla and above tha plaintiffa bringing the preeent ault, which la tha direct causa of the suit being instituted. But under the. new Oregon law It waa deemed advisable to make every one parties claiming water In tha atream and Battle tha lights of all In one proceeding. By ao doing endleas litigation would be don away with. . One advantage, expected to ba gained by Including tha state ia te receive the benefits of a hydrographlo aurvey. In cluding -the taeaeuremeirtaof -water on the atream an-a great amount of other data necessary for the adjudication of nl.hed in any other way. , , The aaalstance of the state engineer Is expected to greatly aid the courts In de termining . the real facta; ' amount of water used; amount required for differ ent kinds tot land; carrying cafsclty of at reams, canals and dltche to such an extent aa la .seldom furnished In water litigation. ,: . . . ; . - -V Ol Moraa Sale. ! (IPMlel lM,pU te tba Joara.1.) Albany, Or, Aug. 6. WeUs. Fargo A Co. thla forenoon began the aala of "old horse" In this city, nearly 400 paok egee of -ware aent' by express to of fices In tha etatee of Oregon and Waah lngUpi and . not , called for by con signees, being pieced on sale. In the lot is a bicycle,. tba ftrat aver left on tha hande of tha company In the states' named.. , ,r .. ,.v. v ' .' ' atlMom PartUe Btvereed.'- ' , ' ' llseetal tMasatab ta TU Jeanui.l , ' Pendleton. - Or., - Aug. I A divorce waa yeaterday granted by Judge W n. Bill to Angelina Culley from Charlea R. Culley on the rrounda ofr cru.t and In human treatment. The principals have been residing In Milton. .- - I BONAPARTE AFTER llll SHARKS Vultures That Prsy Upon Navy Department Employes Given rr a Knockout 'Blow. 7--- - NAVY OFFICERS LOATj - f WHEN NEEDED AT SEA Benningtori Disaster Due to Placing Too ' Much Rctponiibtlity Upon Younf Officer Without Giving Rim - Any Aaaiitanct. . (W.ihlnftoa Boreia ef Th. Joara.1.) Washington, Aug. $. Secretary Bona parte Is taking a lively Interest In his work, and disciys an active Interest In the quality of thoroughness : In , the smallest details 'which coma under his charge. He has Issued an order fraught with good for the whole departmental aervice. If It la fdllowed, aa It should be, It will result In great good to hie department aa well aa tha' rest of tha public service. - . , Because of the regularity and essur snce of government salaries, there ia no city in the countr like itvsshlngton for thriving bualneaa among- loan eharka. The - government -clerk - gete Into .debt eaaily because ha thlnka ha can, easily get out again. The loan eharka have no risk to tun because the -waya of dun ning are made easy. through the regular recurrence of paydays. . , , Mr. Bonaparte decree that the 110 per centa are not to enter bl depart ment at any time' for tha transaction of bualneaa during th government busi ness hours. He doea not Intend to de fraud tbem of their pay; but he doea suggeet that those who are willing to be In, the tolle of . the 10-per-cent-per-month abarka are not the type he wante to carry on the bualneaa of hi depart ment. Therefor he strikes a body blow at auch borrowing and renting which le moat effective , agalnat house vulture which haunt Waahlngton under th guise of loan - eocletlea. If th other departments - would go ' and do likewise, the city will be purged of ite greatest evil. - , Offloar) la Soft Snap. The Bennington dlt.r h. hn a notable example of disregarding what haa long been advocated In Washington. namely, the taking of hundreda of offi cer from their soft snaps In the navy depetment, - where they are doing the work of Sl.00 clerks, snd aending them to sea, to discharge thoee duties for which th , government educate them. Th cry haa 1 been that there are. not enough offleera In the. navy td man It vessel.' . , j. . Here ' was . tba gunboat Bennington cruising about with Its complicated ma chinery and antiquated boilers undsr the supervision of ona young officer. En sign. Charles T. Wad., with not even a warrant officer "to relieve him of his responsibility during any of th 14 houre of the day or the seven days of the week. . . .y .. ..'.,'. : ... ' Washington I crowded with engineers snd line - officers of the navy, who should have been ordered to sea duty, tnatead of basking In the breesea of electric fana In tha atata. war and navy bulldlnga, Secretary Bonaparte can do telling work If ha will get hie nippers and cut ail those family and political Agonising Burn-. . ar instantly relieved, and perfectly healed, by Bucklen'a A mica Salve. C. Rlvenbark. Jr., of Norfolk, Va., wrlteo: "1 burnt my knee dreadfully; that It bliatered all - ever..- Bucklen'a Arnica, stopped th pain, and healed It without a car." Also heala all wounda and eoree. tie at Skidmore Drug Co., 161 Third St. , , wlree which now bind these desk heroes to their revolving chairs. William A. Day. aealstant to the United State attorney genera), haa re ceived a Yan." H leaves his very atrenuou occupation of fighting th trusts and tainted-money combine t Ions to accept the poet of controller of the Equitable Life Assurance company, ten dered him by Paul Morton. Thua he elite himself, with those force which he ba la th paat been prosecuting in hi governmental capacity. - t - We have yet to read any scathing de nouncement of Mr. Day for quitting hi Job in th very mldat of Important investigations, though of course he paddedhlpocketby ths change. The way thee effective servanla of unci Sam ara deserting blm in hi hour of strenuous need would warrant having that "mere lucre" testimonial mimeo graphed and presented to thos gentle men who ere being drawn - from the government service. TOURIST PAYS OUT HIS . MONEY BY THE YARD (Jeuraal BpeUl sjerrlea.) Colorsdo ' Springs. Aug. ' I.' . Ths Antlers hotel la taking in money by- tha yard, and It cornea In sheets of twenties, too. The bill are not even cut apart, and are Just ae clean and fresh a when they came from the engraver. It IS money that has - never been spent, A page of these valuable engravings waa turned, 'in , thia morning by . Adolph Jacob, who ia spending the summer at th hotel. v - Mr. Jacobs Is vlce-prealdent of the National Bank or Commerce at Natches, Mississippi, and .Is sojourning at Colo rado Bprlnga with bla wife and children. Tha new bills. Una and twenties. Issued by th bank, bur hi signature.. CRIPPLED C0ATHAKES : FORTY MIES AN HOUH (jAera.t Special tervlM.) Bridgeport. Conn.. Aug. Wib t ef her four cyllndsre out ef e T E E T I- no pain no pai;: I NICE TEETH r We are the discoverers and orlrln.U or of the only rallabl and. aci.otlfla system of Painless Dentistry. We ex- . tract, crown, fill and clean or treat teeth absolutely without pain and guarantee aU work for fifteen years. . Our work ; Is th bast, our price th lewe.t con sistent with fire&clas work. EXAM INATION FREJS. i Our piatea are undo, tectable from th natural teeth and ' ar guaranteed to St. FILLINGS 50r T54 rnd fl.O OOLD CROWNS..... 3.50 te f 1.4? BRIDQB) WORK 3.00 to I t.C FULL SET MATURAE TISTH.i S.C Oven fo knataeaa aata f -oo eveainga. .. Coston Sinless C:nt!: I1M atetrlaoa Stw Orh teM .... Toseufloa. ' HOURS : in.urt.a. Sua day. : a. aa, U a, . .1.1-- -n r ' 1 ' tha Herreshoff motor boat mad the r markable fast time of 0 mile an hr on her trial trip. Charles F. Herreshc Jr., Is th designer of the new b- ii- who . la amDloyed by ' American A prIUsh Manufacturer.' c panr. built the boat for John I' of New York, president of tha Co " urtn crrl.a a il-horeoow ollna enalne. The hull la v- y t Inner aide being of s".et t e. exterior mahotny. 11 ' ' Inrt, four f -t B"1 ' an. i c -e s. . ' brnt t r a l