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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1905)
a .... J J' V',..VJ ,. .."Carmaa" of Awrk'l' ...VaorTlll ...Vaudlli .VawMvU - I -r ric , , taa4 .. l-r hir ... "A baua-biar "I TOW SOXM A WAT I ef Th JmmiI Mk M ' week ar luaaae aar saae . Um papae stoatwd at thaw naldanoae , aa umt ta ur addreae by null at ",rr;ulr "laa. an eulianlea will W 07 realar carrier arter rctara Saealda, .bare lb JowaaT kaa rf . alar , carrier aVliw,. altwrt Olaea of ll. Wa.hlau.n. ae eaarre at ' i Jouraal M Luu Bear aad Lwta 4-e.ef feaakle kiM rhart ot TWe , 'vaal aa Heaaloe ar ClaUoo naee. - '"w; will aa atd at tiwaa twa : C'lata at rvfula eebacrlptlua rat.. ! jour rta.oa-a of aMma to tea . earner ar Ptoaa Mala aoo aoa praai mnwrniMm wiu a fives all , Hr. inn Mri. a Lm Pa ret will n v tertaln. Tuesday mnlnf at their borne, Minnesota avenue and Jeaaup street. In honor or the Multnomah Prohibition 1U . ahce. Profeasor a. U. Poaai baa bean . asked , to tak chare of the program. , and ha a -arranged .: one that embodies many matters of interest to numbers of the. Prohibition party. The eUte .chairman will glv. Information relating to the temperance congress to be held In, connection with the exposition, Bep .' tembcr IS to .11.., An attractive reatur ''will be a sulo by alias Anna Dltchburn; , The regular monthly meeting of th al liance will be held that evening. . .- The last will and testament of Charles . K. OUey was filed foir probate in the I county -court yesterday and bequeathed f 2u to the Kaelne cemetery of Racine. : Wisconsin, to erect a monument bfer the grave . of Olley father and mother. - To Henrietta Jenka of Portland. $S,0 1 .left, and the remainder of the estate J -wlU be divided equally among his ,. brothers and slaters, if living, or their . heirs, should they not be alive, .ma .T brothers and sisters all reside at or near : Racine, and are Thomas. George and rnn Ip pllev, Mary Kllnkhammer and Ol- .' . 8. Joseph, a trusty at tho county Jail, escaped during the noon hour yeaterday and-at a lata hour Ust night naa not .ibeen captured. He had 40 days of a days aentenca to nerve for larceny. Jo- .'. oepb was not well and the officers tblnk- "lna- that a. little exercise would an lira good put him to work" cleaning- up the . courthouse .yard. He worked tor - " abort time in the morning, but when the officers -returned from lunch tho pris oner wai missing. . " v ' J : Trolley trips on O. W. P. today to Ore- , iron City, Canemah Park and Greeham, S centa: Eaale Creek. ISstacadA and the ''tipper Clackamas river. 'SO cnts round ' trip. Dinner at Hotel, 'i -' ecu. Cars" leave First and Alder streets for Orea-on City on the odd hour aid every 4 minutes; Eaucada. T:I.'iI0, 11:J a. m.i 1:10. :40, (:4, 7:11 p. m. 1 Five employoav-of tho city engineering . department took the examlnationa yea ' terday before the municipal civil aervic : acommiaaion- for promotion -to the poal - tlon - of chief - clerk In ' tho engineer's Vfofacev lx- candidates for' th poaiUon f of , Inspector In .the. water department ip weroalao examined. v .s-.,"i'-::e.F T&a3geaEiriT'r eaby (c r to!nTW"pnsTf-an , Cengregatlonal Sunday school lay have .. been .'sent to ministers of the respective .denominations for Ulatrlbutlon among ' the' members of their classes; tQry an - title tho holder to a reduced rata of ad . mleslon to tho exposition on . their re "apectlva days. i,. t '' -- Mlaa' Kurta Strong, aoprtno. and Her- , . hert Tlmberougb, pianist, gave a recital ' in the auditorium at the exposition last ''night " before ' a .. large - and appreciative ' audience. The . program consisted of 'classical selections, which were well ex ecuted. ... .:r..;.. J: Frank M. prlgga, superintendent, of -the Utah state school for the deaf, dumb and blind, arrived at tho twla and ' Clark exposition yesterday with six deaf ihutea..' who will give exhibitions in the 'dock and front 1:10 to 1 o'clock, t - See-lh Sea at Seaside A delightful - trip to old ocean, only four .looi rid - from Portland. Tak a dip in th briny , deep." Trains leave , th union' depot .dally it ll m.- For Information apply to Mr. C. A. Stewart, agent, 141 Alder street Phone Main to. . . ' At th Whit Tempi today. Preach : ihg by Dr. 9. W. Van Osdel of Spokane, . 'Washington. - Morning, "Mountains ot . Gold." Night, "From Missouri WhoT : Special music. ;".'si":,:,V'. .' -" v' ' ! 100 mile trolley trip for 11.00. a W. ' P. excuralon, car leaves First and Alder ' atreeta dally, except Sunday, 0:40 a. th. return 4:00 p. m.f two hours stop nt Estacada for lunch at th hotl. ,' 'The members of th Horn Training association ar nrged to be present at a : special meeting Monday at 1 o'clock at th rooms or tne toung women unris ?' tlan association, Sixth and Oak streets. '' Rev. Charles M. Sheldon, D. D., speak " In. First Congregational church Sunday evening at 7:46 o'clock. Dr. ' House -pr-che in th morning.- '-r- . : v W are atlll selling cVr 11.10 eye . glass for tl, Consultafton free, and " every pair guaranteed." Metsger ft Co Ill, Sixth pjrwtv ',.-.-, .-..v. ' .. ,i , 1 Mr. and Mrs. Char leg EMoody of Snn Franclaco ar guest of Mr. and Mrs. " Charles ;B. Brown. 151 ' Washington '' street. . .r -.. . " Concert and danc every 8unday after noon and evening at . Columbia River beach' and park. Tak Vancouver' cats." V : ' Judge H. A. MandelL i a prominent jurist of Detroit. Michigan, Is In Port- . land1 for, a-few dajra.- . '",'.,' ' Under- the -northv stairway of .. the Washington building at the Lewis' and Clark exposition Is a splendid reproduc tion of the beautiful Spokane fall of Washington. Great volumes of water ..THE PLACE TO BUT ' ; r Pictu res: and Furniture ,. ,:. ia XT THE- V' Oly Plctsre & FEix'.re Sisre ' - . - IIIH FOURTH STRKEt -J r Vl" carry th largest and finest atork of" Minting, etching, engravings, pas tels, photographure and other ptctureej In the city. w-. A An Introduction w will sell any of aurh Stock at a discount of 10 per cent from regular list nrtce. We also carry a nice stock of furniture, burnt hMlher work and other nice things, as we'l as eouven'-. lira ar J . ve v a On th Bridge oC Ngtiong at tht Lewis . and Clark xpodtion-PhotocTaph tumble over lagged rocks and find their way through a tunnel in tho hillside to the waters of Guild's lake. Many elec tric lights enhance this aeon Of beauty and give It a charming affect. Th city of Spokane erected these miniature falls at great expense, v-.v ;,v ;;- j '-j,v ... Garey has aued Alice Johnson-for divorce, alleging desertion. H- aayt they werd married on November 14, ltuZ, and that hla wife deserted; hint. stem time after without cause. . Thomas F. Callahan, a prominent at torney and politician of Kansas City, la a rort land visitor.. Moffolt Hot Spring, f 1.10 day; tl ana it week; baths. Zee, ? Tak Ragula- -. Tenta.t Noon Bag Co., 1st and Couch A. . '."a ''''-'-' 1 ' ? .-- V. ' :. . FriU'a tamalea are the beaC ' r. : 1- V. V 1V08LD S FAf.TOUS CATTLE TO BE SHOlViI HERE Prominent Breeders ' and Prlxe ; StocirWill -Uave for Fair 1; J Early Next Montrj.; M. O. Wisdom, chief of th livestock Show of the Iewls and Clark exposition, has received word from W. . Skinner, manager of the International Livestock association of Chicago, that a train of 10 coacbe will leave the Illinois metrop olis on September T for Portland - with somo of th moat prominent breeders f blooded cattle in the world on board. leave Chicago on September bound for th exposition. Among th entries made, none 1 more Important than that .of ft W. Brown of Delphi. ' Missouri, with hi famous Fair Queen, the champion shorthorn cow of America. Thtavanimal haa been ex hibited at many of the important fair In this country, 'and ha never been de feated. -..-..'.,-.'! c Local exhibitor will also be promi nently represented. Charle E. Ladd. of Portland will show h la noted -herd of shorthorns, which won th first priie at St. Louia. Choice oooda.' th famous shorthorn bull owned by th Tebo Land company of Clinton. Missouri, which has never been defeated, will also, be on ex hibition. '.-;". '.'. .' Rupert and Cicely, th latter bred by th lat . Quean Victoria, will be among th renowned cow on' display. - Four herds of Galloway cattle will be shown. The cattle ar but , tittle known. in thla country, and attract eon slderabte attention from alt breeder. Five - hundred head of famous cattle have been entered, and many more are expected. - Fifteen of the most, expert Judge in th country will decide on th best points of th cattle exhibited at th. exposition livestock show.' SENSATION CREATED ' V BY DISGHARGE ORDER -'r. -" i (Special mtpeteh to Tae JoaraaL) ''Walla Walla. Wash.. Aug. i-Warden Keea of the stat penitentiary today re ceived a letter from Governor Mead de manding the . discharge of the eight guards at the penitentiary recently ar rested on charges of perjury in register ing for th laat city election. Th ac tion of the governor in demanding the discharge of th men ba caused a sen atton In th dominant faction -of th Republican party. Th warden haa an nounced that he will follow out th gov ernor 1 instructions although he feel that- a- great Injustice la being done to th .men. '... ,-.". -V.- WHERE TO DINE. All the delicaclea of th aeaaonl oft. vat apartment ror ladle and fa mil lea. Utrouae Keataurant, 22 Waahlngton. sranaea- urui, at ios sixth, near Stark, ha secured th finest chef In the city. . uiv him a trial. ..: ' Lewis and Clark " Obsarvatory cafe. 1,00 feet abov th city. Fin service. . "i - jiiii i - - - - t - - - - - v ' Woodmen .of the World. " Do not leav our beautiful clty.nntll you have taken a trip on the Willamette river. Th Oregon City Tranaportatlon company ha three fin boat running batween mi -city, and uregon City. Boata leaving foot of Taylor street at and -11:10 a. m. and 1:10 p.'m, ' Re turning leav Oregon City at 10 a. m. 1:10 and 0:10 p. in. Thrt solid boor' rid for cent round trip. v . , Tavern's Sunday Dinner. - ; the better th day th better th deed. Make thla a good day by taking your Buftday dinner at th , Tavern, Portland' wonderful grill and caf. Orand concert this avanttig. , On Sixth street, opposite Oregon Ian building. Ladle annex at 100 Alder street... j , When in Seattle. Go to th ' ruthkltr a lilgh-cla place to t.' Sea fooda, stern meats, large orcheatra dally. Milwaukie Country Club. rlrn and Seattle roe. Tak Sell. - 1 Oregon City car at Flrat and mm did hot HAVE A PRICE Judge W.:H. Hunt ! Played Inv ; portant . Part in Montana Great Senatorial Contest. V- SENATOR CLARK'S FRIENDS APPROACHED THE JURIST Tired, , Poor, Sick, , Suprema ; Judgf Was Offered Two Hundred Thou sand Dollars to Take a Trip, , but Ha Suycd at Home." "J .. .' "f Colonel r Emmet . Callahan, - th Baker City aUorney. , who -la her attending legal bualnesa, ha known., for many year . 'Judge. W. H. Hunt, who "will finish - th - land fraud caeca. Th - at torney pay a warm tribute to the Mon tana jurist lot personal integrity ana in qualities that mak a great man on. the bench. .. An -Interesting story la recalled of 'the day when money in Montana politic followed lavishly, and r multi millionaires paved with gold tn ; way t th goal of their ambition.,. . ' , Judge Hunt was on th . auprem bench of the stat at th Urn disbar ment - proceeding ., were commenced againat George B. Welcome, . manager of Senator Clark' senatorial cam pa I ga la 4e legislature .f.a,'l,,ald Colonol Callahan yeaterdar. -4- 'It waa at that aeaalon of lh legl latur that Senator Whltehouse aroae In th aenata. ralaed ft 11,000 bill aloft and said they had been tendered him for hi vote. ' Th Investigation following caused th attorney of Anaconda t commence. ;. disbarment ' ' . proceedings aialnat Mr. Welcome.- At the time was on of Marcu Daly' attorney. and was connected with th matter. ' '::. -' Ofxr ssoooo.... . -.'.' .. "The caa went befor the auprem bench in regular manner. .- Th friend of Mr. Welcome and Senator Clark were banding vry effort to prevent th dla- oarmeni or tne iormer. may xeit tney were aar it tney coma win juatre itunt w n i te tn aiaoarmant prooeaaing were pending and about th tim that a de cision waa to be rendered, a prominent physician who waa a do personal friend of Jndg Hunt', drove up' to hi plac on afternoon -and called aim to the gat for a' talk. - . " 'You ar a sick man. Judge. said ha Tou muat tak a trip- to Italy or aotn other country. ... -. Tak a trlpr aald th Judge. 1 hiven't money enough to tak a trip to Portland or th ooaau That houa l not paid for, and I hav a mean tor a trip anywher.' , .,. The doctor thea aald 1X00.000 would b given him If b would tak th trip and femaln out of th atat for some time. . Judg Hunt looked at mm ror a moment, and aid with deep feeling of pity: - 'I thought you war a friend' of mine; I thought you knew me better than that." ...? t . . ,. 'Mr. Welcome waa disbarred Immedi ately - following that,- and h remain disbarred until tht day. although. I be lieve that every attorney who prosecuted him exoept .myself haa signed a petition to nave nia oercincai reaiorea. - rot lbly I would hav signed It bad I i mabied la Montana. . - , - - , ' ' Oororao of Forto aUoo. "Th fact , regarding Judg Hunt war brought out at the hearing of' th enat- committee on privilege and elec tion. The occasion was dramatic In th eXtrem. I - remember - gsslng' at th trong, clear features of tho Judg aa h testified, and related thla Incident In hi testimony.- Th ffct.wa never to b forgotten. Th capacious room was crowded with distinguished men, and a th wltneas proceeded ther was an un broken qulat .that told th, intens feel ing of every on present. ? c . - "As a result of the -testimony jflvan, nd th Impreaaloq, made of a man's keen sense of honor. Judg Hunt waa later honored with th appointment of governor of Porto Rico. He wa a lck man, badly overworked and ; worn out IDE ESTACADA 0 LOT Of 0. W. T. ILICTEIO t ni sxast or ra rnrxs o ' m ClAOKAatAS SITXB. ESTACADJlv 0-tfCCH A VOPVLAJI EXAtTR AD KXOSXATIOg .... .. ,.. aiaoai. . Moantala eltraMnc, trnet fl.hlna. aft-aere pine fir park, laraa aaiHln pan Ilea. aorl pnvlead wit elty watw aa elaetrle llhta, floe , hatha, tetppbeiw dlrset to l-nrlland. TboeuiMl f arm ef fir foreat aarTOuad the roan elty of Katarada. at atltlg rSOK 0TtAW.- Itatea par day....... ... J 100 Ratae pre war. ..,. .tla.OO Bpaetal tlrtr.t, Inclodla , reu4 trip ' fare an dluaer. ........... j 1.T8 BrxN-lal tlrkpt. tnrlnctla rnand trip . t.ra. eae olfht'a lodclog aad three - aiaala ..J......0 atO ticket orncs riaat aso its. L. B. MARTINEZ. Manager V utacaoa, oaxooii. , . by Kiaer Photographic Company. by his arduous, duties. Whan be was offered 1100,400 for a vote In favor of keeping Mr. Welcome on th list of at torney he was in. poor health, as he stated. Th act v for,' which, he was offered a fortune was not to Influence a Judicial decialon.. The Judge of th supreme court had it within their abso lute discretion to disbar Mn Welcome, or permit him to -remain. -Thar would have been no especial criticism attach ing to a decialon one way -or the other. A and certainly It could not hav been re garded a more than an individual' viw of a case. . ' ' .. "Whll he waa serving a governor of Porto Rtco, th district federal Judge ship of Montana waa made vacant by retirement and Judge UanTTwh chosen to fltl th office which h now holds. He Is a great student, on of th bright est men, on the bench., democratic and easy to reach, but firm aa adamant In the performance of his duty. H will meet any on In th moat 00 r dial man ner, but It 1 an error to aaaum that thla acquaintance will . bring. - favor when the genial man take up his Judi cial duties.' - -.'-. ( , Colonel Callahan is a' Candida ta' for th offic of federal Judge In thla state, his petition having been filed, '.with the Indorsements of his friends. Ha" ha seen -practicing law tn Oregon for sev eral -year. - with office' at Baker City, and 1 a. frequent visitor to Portland while' : appealing -. before the federal court .here- y -' ; - ',." TO KEEP FRUIT TREES IN THE BEST OF HEALTH JjuneAJlaJleld. PortlanJL-Bid Ffuit Inspector,- Haa Powerr4 ."to Enforce Laws. Wilbur. K. Newell., treasurer of th tat board -' of hortloulturo, and com mlasloner of th flrat district, pay this tribut to th nw fruit Inspector: . ' "Mr. Jam H. Raid haa recently been appointed by th county court aa county fruit Inspector of Multnomah county, ia Jarhes H. Reld. pursuance of th provisions of th amendment to ' th horticultural law passedat th last alon o th Jels latur. . Th object of tht law I to suppress th sale of diseased and In fected fruit and to, compel the apraylng r - -- lr.. Tfa. rfntv nf Ika In. spector 1 to watch th market and t that only decently clean, ound fruit I offered for sale, and to. Inspect the tree a. rardens and shrubbery of ' all resident of th county and see that they ar kept In a proper condition of cleanliness, as regard .Injurious . In sect and diseases. All trees, shrubs or ' bushes found inrected will b or dered sprayed or. destroyed within a reasonable time. - If " th 'Instructions ar not compiled with It will be th Inspector's duty to hav th work don and tn charga will become a lien upon th property., 1 - f, . "Diseased fruit offered ' for sale will b confiscated and sent to th crema tory.' Th public will b benefited by receiving only clean fruit and th fruit grower wlll.b protected scalnat unfair competition from fruit that I unfit for sal. Portland haa been In th . past a dumping ground for all th Inferior fruit for th ntlr -northwest,- aa all th other cities hav had. rigid Inspec tion law for several years." k STARR PLACED UNDER . - - 7 BOND AS WITNESS ' Ernest Starr, -Congressman William son's ""nephew."" Baa" been blcd under bond of 1600 to Insure hi appearance aa a witness when th third trial of Williamson. Oesner and' Bigg takes plac on August 18. In th federal court. Th bond wa algned by Leo Fried of thla city and Will Wursweller of Prlne- vllle. Starr I tn witness wno disap peared during the second trial of the Williamson case aad took to th moun tains In order to avoid testifying against When you do ctt a little ; money together, put it in the ' Savings Dank. : Dcn't put it w into any scheme. - Security, even - of the most modest kind, is worth more than any speculative gain. Be one of - those who have something to . fall back on. . WE PAY 4 PER CENT INTEREST. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Booklet "Banking By Mail" now ready. A postal will bring it to you. Write for it. - Oregon Savings Bank - 321 Morrison Street : U O. RAUBTON, President. - - W, COOPER MORRIS, Cashier, ? HATS. Asst. Cashier. Telephone Main 16 1 LOST -FOR HIS HONOR A BLONDE 1 Sergeant Lefler, U. S. A.,1; Fair ,(.-. Guard,' Haa Nemesis on ' r-.i His Trail. ' CAPTAIf, SAYS HE HAS V -jll TAKEN COMPANY FUNDS Appeared to Be Exemplary Man With Sick Siater. but It la Said Ha Wat Addicted to Lat' Hours and In ebriating Cup. . - r. .;-'.-'; ' On hundred copies of th photograph on th pass of Sergeant Joaeph A. Lef ler. an exposition guard, war sent from polic headquartera - at tho fair last night In an effort to capture th alleged absconder, . who disappearance - laat Wednesday .night waa of mora moment than waa at first supposed. - . - Th federal authorities - ar on hi tracV ' ;, : ' ,,. ... j; ': Lefler waa a aergeant of company K. Tenth United 8tatea Infantry. . which la detailed at th exposition to guard th government' possession. H had th full confidence of hi captain, R. K. Ingram, and when tho boy put their which tKe government doe not provide. th captain mad Lefler treasurer. Ther wa a check for II and-fto'ln cash, all of -which th company owed to local merchanta. : On Wednesday afternoon Captain - Ingram aay he turned over th money to Lefler, with Instruction' to go Into town nd py the bills. The day following he wa mlsalng and the bill war unpaid. Th laat word ot him waa to the effect that ho- had passed through Balem. Sine th soldier disappeared Captain Ingram ha mad a rigid Investigation a to th character of the man in whom he bad placed such fslth, and th find ing hav startled him. Lefler, it la aid, haa led a double llf ever sine th company arrived- her at th open ing ot th fair.. - A woman I aald tq be In th case. She I described as a blond of average height and consid erable beauty. It la aald they spent many bllarloua night atlRlchard car on Alder street, whll In camp It waa re corded that Leflr wa at th alck bed of a lster.'.-' . Sh lso ha dlaanpeared but It ' U known that Lefler spent all of th com pany's money, or practically all, befor leaving th city and ta heavily In debt. It waa supposed from th first that Lefler had gone south, and th photo graph sent out last night will reach th office of chiefs of polic In practically all cities on the Paclflo ot and a far oast a Denver. , , FAIR JUST RIGHT, SAYS ' EX'GuVERNOR GIBBS John I. Glbba, ex-governor of Min nesota, haa returned to hi pome at Owatonaa - favorably Impressed with Portland and th Paclflo northwest. He devoted a month to seeing th fair, th city and country and waa a participant In th exercises of Masonio day. Talk ing to on of hi-horn newspapers b had thla to aar: - t The-Lewis and-; Clark exptmitloa lust th right !. and a moat com- pleta exposition. - On can thoroughly enjoy taking In th exhibit, for ther I not that sameness ther was at Chi cago and St. Louis expositions. Every exhibit - Is th cream of exhibits and on wa not compelled to travel mile to get gllmpae of th moat Interesting features of a modern exposition." , H said th Trail show impressed him a being nearly all of a good clean character, and doing a good business. H thought th fair could be thoroughly seen In from six to eight days, and that Portland peopl were doing everything In their power to mak visiter welcome Ha Characterised Portland a "a beau tiful city th ideal Upot In the west. teaming with western push and energy." mdod Bate to Saaata Spring. , Th Southern Paclflo company ha placed on al at It Portland office round trip ticket to Shasta Spring t rat of 110.' Beautiful. Illustrated pamphlet deacriptlv of this resort can b Secured ' from any -Southern Paolfl agent. . ,. ' Yliom tefl plotnty mt nvtit MA ... -- V anaa. llaaa.B Siaxaaaafj iva mmm sss mmn xpoaltio. bat th beet ta yet to J ana. OTer r aaasie aaotua X- Ob -notd voeaUaa Frofeeaor J. T I A. atnJtmaa, wb. It 1 aald, ha Z f I ojojem Hvwvg vi mmym af no. Mr. Xnltman U aaalstd by bis on, FanL known aU var tke sat for hi - saoaioal . 'talaat. The mnaieiaa wiu giv a oaw art at the Swedish Mlsvloa Oharcht'-Swrsntaeata aad Uean treat. Friday evealag, th lltk, at a e-oloeli. Tea bonld aot sat thla araaaft taaat. It The Journane Cpbndid Offer of Excursions to Honolulu Arbuses Interest. ' PORTLAND NOMINATES SIXTEEN CANDIDATES Eight of the Most Popular of the Fair Sex In Oregon Will Ba This ; Paper's Guests to Hawaii and Return, ' v: .- ' la Portland atone 10 candidate hav bean nominated already to receive vote In th contest arranged by Th Journal to glv lght of th most popular young women of Oregon a trip to Hawaii In th coming winter. In addition to thea 10 from th city there ar nomination from Oregon City, and th other dis trict. . ,. ; , . ' ;; ;. Yesterday, afternoon a letter waa re ceived from" Eugene making Inquiry about th contest, announcing that there would be vral candidate from that section, and that a plan waa on foot to have only one candidate ifrom Lane county, which comprise part ot th sixth voting district, and In thla way endeavor to land the ptis for Lane over Marlon and Linn. , While several of the candidates will hav an organised support, such a will be given by the fire department, to It choice and th hotel to their choice and th telephone to It nominee, ther will be aar era 1 Independent candidate who 111 hav remarkably strong support. On of. these wa nominated yesterday afternoon.-. Sho 1 a young worn a widely known among bualnesa men. a sh la a . trnographr who nJoy a large clientele. ., That ah ha .strong support I evident from th fact, that sh wa nominated by four different people. - On of these represented a land ing banking Institution of the city, and another to plac her nam In nomination waa a representative of th largest real estate Arm of Portland t Several Candida tea hav been Informed that they wero to take part In th con teat, and on th request of th coupon department they caled at Th Journal of tie to recolv their ofuolal notifica tion. . Whan .their namea ar announced. which wilt be early next week, they will attract Interest, for. In very caa th nominee ar well known, popular and hav large circle of frlenda and ao- qualntano, who will, n doubt work diligently - to capture for ' them th prise of fared by Th Journal.-- - Kvery traveler . wno baa been to Hawaii com away filled with enthusi asm and with wonderful storle of what ia to ra seen. - xnereror i no wonaer that thla contest, which I th greateat ever organised by a Paclflo coast news PPraJhould b attracting eo'tnueh at tention and arousing such groat inter eat AJ1. points of Interest will be free to Journal tourist. On plac In par ticular that will o vlalted will bo th Nuuanu pall. "Pair 1 Hawaiian for precipice. At th vry ataet of th short journey from Honolulu ta th pall th pleasure begin, yet th climax at th no contrast. 1 Th luad-'-froin HonoTuti tdf th pall ha TecentJy been macada mixed. which makea It on of th Sneat car riage and automobile roada In th world. , On ftur along thl road la th government foreatry - nuraery. Curious Jungle, of wild growth appear by the way. and beyond , can be seen broad valley and luxuriant paatur land reaching up on tho aldea ot th moun tain, which lin th road. Thl road 1 surrounded ay legend. mythology and fact. At th top I th ateep precipice r where waa waged th greateat battl In Hawaiian history. which la stilt sung of by .th native. It wa over thl road and through I hi rat ley that Kamehameha." , th conqueror, puraued th army of th king ot Oahu and the two mat In dealy hand-to-hand conflict at th very height of th pall. and her . Kamehameha won ala great victory by hurling : over tho precipice thousand of th warrior of Oahu. who In their fall dragged down with them several thousand of their victor. Claremont Tavern. . i On th - Willamette launph leaves foot Morrison St.. Merrill's boat houa. to Claremont. 10. It a. m t. 4 0:10. 1:1 p. m. Returning from Clare mont. 11 a.- m.; 1. t. f, T:t0, 11:10 p. m. The Voman .ho Knows AND THE MAN WHO KNOWS WHERE The M. J. Valsh Co. t located should mak It a point to call and feast their eye on all the latest creation In lighting fixture. Th Arm carries all th latent and Improved lighting methods for residence or ho tels, clubs, restaurant, show window. store and factorlca .. rrntwVrtirtTr7frftf Triir "V- "-" V'. r Fixtures There I And you will b pleased with ptic ana quality. SALESROOMS. , 343 Washington Street Cor. 8vnth ll.oo hats for .'..;...,.., 11.10 8HIRT8 for........ ...T5 14.00 and 15.00 PANTS for,.., ...,.92. SO and BS.OO : 111.00 and 110.00 HEN'S Sl'ITS for.... ..$10.00 and S12.50 Big line of TRUNKS and SUIT CASES cut to on half price.. Regular tl.SO and 11.00 Ladlea' SHOES aad OXrORDS for....,...f Las and I.T5 ' It I to your Interest to investi gate thl Clearanc Bala, a It mean money saved to your pocket. .-'.,. JOnn.DELlAC Aatnpilai.f. ro' Sfrmi LUC Orpin's tears Wenld likely have llltle JTact thrift leas father who had not e . vlaton for ta support after Summoned him to "Thai hour- -whence no traveler returns." I -simply he com Id hav paved th It car, comfort and education: , Inauranco oertlflcal In the Ord' Waahlngton, at on half th eoat r' Lin (nsurnnr. would hav provide hi dependent until st-honled to for themselves. A monthly bene' . from I2& to 060 I paid to beneflcw. of deceased, member. Our rate ar low, but great w t mak our contract absolutely mia J. L. MITCHELL . Supreme Secretary and Manager, MMMQ.VAM anrtUZaTw, ,-. . Portland. Oregon. i - VATCE-2EO . Befor you buy a watch you must. In Jiistlc to yourself, mt our line. We hav all make and cases nd sail thera at prices you'll not fail to save money en. . Elgin, watchea a apectalty. Elgin worka put In any caae ladle' or gentlemen's. . ;. A. N.Wr.g.T!: THE IOWA JEWELER - 293 Morrison St. " Chinese and Japanese Curios Visitors to the exposition are ' : cordially , invited to examine our magnificent oriental curios, consisting of fine Silver Cloisonne, Bronte Satsumai: IxoryCaryinfc. Beautiful Decorated t Porce lain Tea Sets, Silk and Satin Embroideries, Ebony Carved Furniture. . ;, rv- Andrew Kan & Co. 87 Morrison St' a i k. - a a i 0 l iiii: ROSERTCVOSE '' ' ,' 320 Boylatoa Street ' v(; : ; bojbton. mass. i ;' '!"'-'Wsaitf PAIWTIfJGS Hilt Military Acy HILL - - ' - V . W. MIUTARV . rtoeal. 1 A rlT r ' la.r,Hi. ;r -ai-'-Jl - l". V . ftratM rmtror-4 mt Bnf n'3 e ate ancir . - j