The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 06, 1905, Image 3

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    -- Hie Followinj Cckli I;r. I londay and Tuesday :
600 yards of Japanese Crepe' in medium light "amTdark
colors, in a. full; assortment of pretty Oriental patterns,
suitable for draperies, . kimonos or house dresses, never
before sold for less than 20c: An extraordinary '
bargain at' a. 7. ... . . . . . . . . .......... .f .. 12
150 pieces of New Bannockburn Suitings big,, complete
assortment of stripes, dots and figured effects, all colors,
usual 10c quality. On special sale at.. ...... .,.,....7
Full bleached' all linen Napkins, 18x18 inches, re jtilar .
$1 grade. y Extra special at, per. dozen i.....CZp
: Bleached Ncpldna Olio Dorca'
Bleached Napkins, extra heavy quality, allpure linen.
23x23 inches, best $1.75 grade. Special, per dozen. . 91.40
p' Bod Crc TTcriix COo at 75c '
Full size heavy quality ; White 'Bedspreads, hemmed
ready for use, excellent values at 90c each. Tomorrow. 75
-wi""-'"v ; -"wNvij
I . "NEVER COMPROMISE WITH QUALITY," is a good maxim for the progressive store to follow. The temptation' to' quote an extremely low price should be strenuously resisted if the goods themselves, cannot be hon
estly recommended. The memory of a trashy .purchase will linger long after the recollection ofttie low price, has faded, for the disappointment, on discovering; that which seemed a bargain is in reality a dear expenditure, makes!
a lasting impression derogatory to the store that made the sale. There can be only one correct way to truly successful merchandising standard quality and low prices. ' In selecting our stocks we put ourselves in the position
of. the customers hence the satisfaction that ensues. OUR REPUTATION FOR GREAT VALUE-GlVlNG WILL BE PROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ; . : i '.i W'vvi'V.'tV. 1 v
Imtepdbtiiis, Qfferingo in Otis
Suit Section
dur Suit Room is bright with bargains. Our , prices ' are always low, but
we can positively state that customers never at any similar time of year had such
Rvalues presented them as we quote today. v c;;,,;VJ;'i!:.-'-;;,i,-: r;
-New arrivals in Women's -Walking Skirts.madtTof Panama cloth; serge and mo-"
hair, in colors black,' blue, brown, gray and green. Styles are; all inv the vnewest
pjaiteo: ettects, trimmed in various ways with stitching, straps, and
vuuons. exceptional vaiues at, eacn
. .
Silli Coato Greatly Reduced
Will .close" out bur entire line of .Women's SiHc Wraps, in" short length, thre'e.quar
ter length and full length coats. Every garment this season's style. : Fit 'guar
anteed. Excellent quality silk. Warranted to wear. , We cannot urge you too strong-'
ly to examine ,hese coats. They, will surprise you both as , to ' quality and price.
Handsome garments that bespeak stylish elegance in" every line. Coats made
in the latest styles. Full pleated effects with leg-o'-mutton sleeves attractively
trimmed and finished with cuffs Coats trimmed with stitched i frt A AA
straps. ; Prices range from $4.75 to. , . . . ,V. . . , , ... .1.,... . i ... ...4) 1 4UU
'A great variety to sselect from, Whit e Lawn Waists with tucked fronts, and
. A. ; T - 1 M 1T . V y a
v inmming 01 emDroiaery or lace. xsew sieeves, , tnmmea 1 couars. in nnisn and
style it would be . hard to equal these waists at the small price ; J J
Great 1 Sale of Waioto
LlLTiasMsan'i Waists at Sffr nn thr Dollar .
50 YOUR CHOICE OF WAISTS WORTH $1, $125, $1.50
'"hese VVaists are from pur regular stock, but owing to only
having a dozen or two left of each style we will close out .1
the lot at the small price of ... ....!. . .50
In . the lot are Waists7of- Lawn,' Sateen, Percale, Oxfords,
Linens and other fabrics. 1 . t v 1
Come Early for Best v dpiJJA.!,
Women's and Children's
A WORD ' ABOUT STOCKINGS Women's Stockings.
You've probably had much cause for dissatisfaction with stock
ings. We can remember when such was the case with us. Dur
ing the past two years we have scoured the best mills of the
world in an endeavor to secure a stocking that , would make
friends and steady customers for us. And today, bur friends tell
us, and we believe It, we have the best-wearing hose 'that was
. Its Name is 'Indesotible'
Its Price Is 25o a Pa , .
. We are Portland's Sole Agents. We are authorized by the
manufacturer to refund the price of every pair not giving excel
lent service. "Ever buy stockings under these conditions before?"
During the last six months we have sold over ten thousand pairs:
of these stockines with a satisfaction-or-money-back guarantee,
and up to date we have yeto hear the first complaint. Stock-
ings are made of hne; sea .island yarn, tuu lasmoned leg, nnr
ished foot, high spliced heels and double soles. Our
price'. ... . i i . . , . . . v. . ? w . V. .- OV
- Great lace Sale
A noted importer, had too mariyi laces on hand. We pur
chased 5,000 yards onthe 50 per. cent bSsis and here are.
goods foryou 'at a like, saving. ' Beautiful .new Notting
ham and Chantilly All-.Ovef , Laces, 18' inches wide, J A
75c values at . . : . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . .... ... .
' .. y -.: " ' 11 . '. ,
.Li Ne7 Ribboii3 Just Opened -
: A handsome collection of rare and beautiful patterns,
has been gathered for your choosing, never" w large a Rib
bon showing here before. They're pricfcd'on a saving basis:
6- inch Messaline Taffeta Ribbon, 40c values. . . I'.1. ... .19
S-inch-'QnibreAin. all colors, new shades, 35o values .-. 23-
7- iiich "Ombre' shading from ligh to dark, 50c values 35
r... 1 -;y : -, ,;, ,.7 .: . . -i.--r-
New Gloves, the Right Kind '
Selling under value Silk Gloves. ', The Kayser make with
I . 1 C lt . . , 1 f 1 . mma u
A Great Purchase of 17,000 Golf Shirts at Less Than
' ,-.V.4--'". . ' Actual Cost.
, ' L 1 ' ' .... tk
' Here a sale of , importance that should attract every
double, tip fingers, all sizes, iri a complete line ofrot A r fan interested in the subject of high class qualities if 'C
ors, 75c yalues.
Special, pair.
: Li vWfelM
sJ1 -v,; .. Sale .
Hyj?- didn't sell the most fah-
ionable Neckwear we wouldn't feel
justified in inviting your trade. If
we didn't sell Neckwear at less than
ordinary prices we wouldn't sell so
much. ,; " 5; ' '' v ; ''
Here are Three Specials
i i y ,tav Monday;;-: . J
ashlEmbrmdereiLCollara fnVrarh y 5
Embroidered Turnovers, with peat "tab,-20c values, for. 10
Lace Collars handsome patterns, 35c values for, each. .ZJf
Tastily fashioned garments, made of Percales,' in' all colors;
in the very newesr and most approved styles, ine new.
and comfortable shirtwaist style with three wide tucks
on each side of front pleat, full sleeves. All d CA
sizes. ' t For. Monday's selling, each; . . ; . . . . V.V. H1 UU
Our PopulaIja'D Y7g
. .,r . r ,. . ..
' The price attraction together with our attractive showing of style is making
this busy department of ours more popular every day, . These extraordinary bar
gains for. Monday and Tuesday. ? j .:v: : ; - .:
Hen'o Golif Shiito:
Beal 01.00, 01.25 and 01.50 Values
69 Cento
worthful qualities', newest and best styles', great varieties
and decided underpnees are factors that appeal to you.
:cA':'S':i ; opportunity. ; :.;7rr
-.'See Display in Our Morrison Street .Window. ' .
GOLF SHIRTS, all this season's styles, in' the newest patterns and colorings,'
such as,fancy blues, grays and tans; custom made, of the best quality madras
jcloth:jniarantecdto be pertect y last colors J laundered cutr ; and neck ' bands,
with nrparatr niftier nintrh ; all niTfT frntn"1l In 17 Not ft gh.irt - in the- lot
.4 t . .
made to sell for less 'than $l,.most of them splendid values at $L25 an
pi.KU.- .11 t vv IVC, JUUI vnuivc. .................... t
? New -Fall Neokwear
Men's All-Silk WideTour-in-Hand Ties,
a complete'. 'assortment t cf the ' Jf A
newest fall weaves' and patterns. Ollv
. Xlen's ancy Sooka
Men's Fine Imported Fancy- Cotton
Socks, in a large variety, of pat- J?
terns ... . . . . .... . . . . ... ;Xut
: IIens Underwear :
Men's Fine French Balbriggan Under
wear,, in cream, pink and blue; all sizes
shirts -and drawers. Special ' CA
quality at . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . ...... OUC
The 44Churoliill
The hat'of quaHtyan'd style; new fall'
blocks now. showing. Roberts Bros.,
i-Sole Agents.. - , ;
A ZIonday Oale of
i Boys "PuritanM: "
' Best 25c Stockings , Cr
made. . One sale, at: . IUl
. 500 , dozen, just received for; a
Monday offering-. Ve place
them on sale at, this price. It
is the first and will be the last
time we offer, them at a sav
ing of IOC pair, - . ' ; V
Silk and Wool Cash--'
mere Otooldngti ; r
80 dozen Silk and Cashmere
Mixed Stockings for '.Infants.
.The prettiest hose you ; have
ever seeii at' double' tlie-price",
made to retail . at 50c . a ' pair,
Bllpoes9 Spartan
Lace Onf or ds at
While we have discontinued our basemient Shoe Department we have by no means dis
continued our wonderful bargain shoe sale.r We have transferred operations to the main floor
shoe' department and donated to the shoe department from other, departments space suffi
cient to continue the success of the past two weeks in order to make the coming week one of
the pronounced successes of our career, we place on sale 3,700 pairs of Misses' Tan Russia
Calf, Black Vid Kid and Chocolate Kid Lace Oxfords, all 'from out tecent eastern purchase
and worth f 1.75, $2.00 and $2.25. r .- - - ' -v '. -::- Z- : '.' " ' ; .
THE SIZES Iri DOLLAR OXFORDS are many, but not all. They are'sufficient to repay
you many times over for endeavoring to get jf pair Monday as heretofore-ONE DOLLAR
;;.V;:v; ;. 'v-, Vs"' V Main Floor, Shoe Department. r V.V-1'Y;. v;V '!:'
Iri Vid, lace and button, hand-turned. ; .V. 4 .'. i. V i'.: .. and.60;
Special OfTerinso Dieiss Gboda, Sillis
50-inch pin check all wool Suitings, just the
smart thing -for shirtwaist suits, brown and
white, black and white,, green and white, tan
and white, regular $1.50 quality. Special
for Monday, and Tuesday ; . , , i . . ... , .07
46-inch EnglishliNIohairs, invisible stripes, and
silk polka dot effects, fast colors, in black
only, worth 85c, and $1. Monday ' . '
special C . . .......................... .50
A new line of check Mohairs, and wool check-,
ed Suitings, 40 inches wide, colors black and'
white, blue and' white, brown and white,' ; ,
green and white, 65c values. Special at. . 50
Monday only at this price.we offer 300 yards
of best quality; Flannel Taffeta Silk, 15 pat
terns,' in neat pin checks' and Stripe, 'colors
.blue andwhte and? black: and-white,., every.,
yard warranted to wash and wear; usual
85c and $1 quality. One day only at. ...50
42-fnch Crepe de Cygne, soft wool fabrics, -for
dress and street wear, full range of colors,
also black Jind cream, worth $1 a yard..
Monday , special ... .
38-inch black and cream Mohairs, highlv fin-
all sizes. v . -? r fZgm ished, stylish smrtwaist suitings, worm .
Tomorrow only; ...... 50c and 65c. r Monday . special.......... 43
Special ; Sale on Iluolin
f - Good quality is'the basis on which our Muslin Underwear
sales are built, and good quality with us means excellent mate
rials, careful sewing, liberality, of size, neat trimmings. . Evi
dence of this best quality for the least money will be found in
every one of the following items: , v ,
4 Extra Good Values for Hon. and Tncs
5 Dozen Women's Short Skirts, made from Lons
dale cambric, with seven-inch ruffle, 65c -iQ
value for,..... ...v;...... ...4oC
4 Dozen Women's Muslin Gowns, made full
length, yoke nicely finished with tucks, 3CfV
50c value, for. .,.,.. . . ...... . . . . . ,yuw
15 Dozen , Women's Drawers, made' from '"best
Lonsdale cambric, flounce trimmed with extra
grade wide embroidery, also some trimmed with
wide torchon lace,. 65c and 75c value . .JO '
forA. ;.v;.4oC
8 Dozen Women Corset Covers, made from cam
,'bric; finished with four rows of torchon lace and
hemstitched ruffles, others finished with tucks,
fagoting and torchon, lace; regular 40c arid 70a
: 45c7alUes for... I i .. ..L7t
Corset Departnient .
R. & G. Corsets, in all styles, at 75, 31, 91.50, C2t 2.25.
...... UUl
IAIIA' JUlIljr l ................ .
Special for Monday and .Tuesday--20 dozen medium, and short
Corsets, in white, pink, blue and drab. These are steel boned
and nicely finished with lace and straps. Bargain
price.; . V. . . . . . ....
Splendid linen Bargains
We' have arranged the followine extra special lots of Table Linens for Mon
day and Tuesday's selling. .They are fine, dependable, qualities and the prices
are exceedingly low: v-'.V' -' V'" ; --V-v ' -:: : , ' . -i : ;vr -;v '
; xabie Aanen - tCi
v Worth 05o at DUC
Table linen
"Worth 7Bo at
62-inch unbleached strictly all Jinen
Table Damask, handsome patterns, :
well worth 75c. ; Special i t ...... . 58e
Table linen -ni yr-
T7orth 45o at OtiU
a lar assortment ot patterns, al
v . ... r rt um. , - M A.
.ways, sola at oc., special , . .
60-inch unbleached Table Damask, good
heavy quality, warranted to wear,
best, 65c quality. , Special at.....50f
; : . Table Linen q tt '
Worth 01 at OOC :
?2.nrti ' all ' 1i'nn full UllU.A TokU
58-nch unbleached-Table Damask', in. a. 1 Damask, handsome new. patterns .to. set.
lect from, best $1: jualityi - Spc- -
cial at ... . . . . v. . . . , . . ,85
10 dozen Children's Straw Hats
- 25c values, to close at(
'2d d6ien best grade, . Percale
.- Dressing ; Sacques, also several
dozen of Japanese Crepe, worth
regular $1.25 eachr alt sizes, 1 as
J. sorted colors. The. bargain : of
' . season . -'
August Clearance Sale of 7oxncn'o and Cnild-.
; ' r dren's Knit Underwear " v .
; A great summer clearing sale now on in full blast in the Knit Underwear De
partments A riddance of all hot weather merchandise is the great object in view.
To thi7end we have lost all trace of cost and former, selling prices and marked
the' prices way down. Head the following startling specials: .
7oiaen's Unit Bodices
' ( "Women's Long Sleeved -'
('. lisle ..Union Suits
. A silk trimmed ' lisle thread . Combjna-
, lion suit, long-or short, sleeves, knee
' - 1 . 1. r -it - - - -
! or anKic lengxn, price an season vls
$1 per suit. Clearance price. ,..U7v
-Women's - Imported Gleevo
lss Vests, White or Colored
A great assortment of the best 50c qual
ities,' hand trimmed jcrarments. - lAi
a On sale tomorrow;.. at. tJ . .;. .'.... yC
A . Sleeveless ,Vest, made without the
shoulder straps, a necessity where a low
cut gown .is worn, 25 dozen best 40c
"quality. On sale here tomorrow OCr
at ................... . . . ........ mu
-Boys'JJaibri-sran Ucrr
wear :"
All sizes, in plain or 'ribbed T '
gan' Shirts and Drawers, f r
bovs, best 35c grade. Tc: