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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1905)
6 . w k e A ' If your "want ad'' is. art tl:;c3. pages it will notbs long before "things are coming your. v; ee- ' t . Ae-e ittami cxarcea. r f r i . -. . . . .4 . i, . XQUK OPPORTUNITY TO MAKB A row.. ' ' ..' ' A eoneerratlre Investment when every dollar -.r p14 tor stock will boob be returned la annuel -' dlTldenda. If the aaar people who bar '! . " : - .- . a V. . ' I wa ill Refinery A ftp Lift mo., aiorft us orgauiwiion a svw v " -. 1 fullr milml . tbm riroplloaal adTtaucra (ir a auaMrrallra aud at lh tmm tlnw prenublj Inmlmnit THtKS WOUt-D THOl HANlii f ' 'Of MtW STO'KHOLIKRtl IlAt'H WBEK ' KTCAD Or HI NUIttilMi. Tala canvaar aaa ; alreadf mat with aiar'laa umm. . Bflnf -.. L Ik lancat Imtrpeadrat rtflnlnc mtapaa la tba ; ' ihi, It otttr- to taa aubllc tba adraatagM irblrt tw olh aalarorlM aa tt'a- Tba ouoh ., j, paay to bulldlaa a .0U0-barrI eapairita i. ' flnary at Kra, Kaaaaa. - Haa ha Mom alta. ; raurfiaa aaa naiurai pa i-x-"" w w- aaj-wbara. Two lara aa walla tba, tUM . iupalr lb ataat aud owa a ad aaatrol 16 oil - la, produflnf CO barrala par day. arttb bun. x 1 , drada ( arfa of proa eU tfrrltory. Balld- i Inga, atarblnorr and laaaa (aluf NI - TBI 4OM PAHY CAN EAIIIlY B MADE TO r. . PAY FROM 100 PUB CENT TO 160 PER CKSf OS PRKJtBNT PRICK OP STOCK, 10 tXNTB . - ' PER ftHARB, WHICH I THE MIWPRX PRIOR tTOCiL ,HAB EV1R BERN ,0KKBRKI. . lt ma adTlaa aar paraoa tbat taada thla adrarttaaiBant to wrlta mm t aaca for praa- , ..iu. Af thU" mMmit. Tbla la bcyonA auwa lion pna ot tba boat lf net tba bat propaat tKna aw offered to lBrastora a tba PacUlo -roat. Battw and far aafr than mlalnf. murtNba uoat tbatoufb laraatlaatloti. Addraaa , all roaaraalcatloaa. auka all rbarka parabto to . W. P. rtfa, PraaldaBt. Bos W, I'orUaad. Of.. - ' nttM yilUama ara. , , : ; CIGAR, eoafaettoaarr asd ka.eraaaai WM ' t caoaia. (laaaa. VJO ml; auwllaot loratton. akoae to latoa dapoti ajoa-af , (of MmrhfiAw aaUMl . Cauatrj atora. rkh balldlac. to aoontT aaat: , rent 35t dolaa a bis bualnoaal 5-000. , i' Coanlrr atora, on sosd tradlne a4S.-r dola aaainoai a amr.a.wiwu : . haaao for ood faim. ' , Aa of thaaa 1U ataad tM ekaaat tsToaUca- y ! r . . r, rUCHfl. 1SH rirat at. . ' . 'tMWM' 1 ' A I . I M If aoaonlr tWl aonfartloaary. on. Morrk y , aon, MM; aaotbra ono an Morrlaoa. ; k 1J room MMiaiBV-aouao awar imorri-ww fuU of rootnera, 0uo; IS-reoai lodaiBf-boaoa ' on Morrlaoa. fall of rootaera.' ontr 1.00o. Ail inrao arc nnap. J w ' Rbarwood. ZUSV Murtlaoa at., loaaa . ', VI bar t goad botrla la goaA and tbrlrln iA good bckvrf, Uhwr croecrr, two good omnitiT tore tod good ho ator fat- a, Mwtfl.AA a. f , Poor or fir rood roomltif-booaaa lnf . ' good boalnooa. aad two roataairanta la tbla city .. . KUNDY-URLRATH CO.. . .. M5fc Morrlaoa it.. Booca H. I OR llLb.ll aatabUabaA tlHWFk baxt- .' aaaa la a (rowloa bow a of astral Oraaoa; ; will Mat tba arcaaot hwlldlna aad oalarca to : aulL Han la aititnrraaltv (a toll T mi to MtobUab klmaolf la a raoldl gruw. .; log tow a wbara Moeaaa la aaaara A laalra ; or wrlta W.. H. tM at Joaraal onot. partlcalara. .", .. - s lit. niiniH r -j.i.rtillT traatodt - ; ! dttcbargaa poaltlralr curod la from to , d.ra: eoaaaltatloa fraa aad atrtctly aoo 6otlr; nd for oar axa-ptoia blaak. X ' ' . Radian Madlral lost I rata. AUakr bWg., Third aao Morrlaoa ata.. portiaaov . 30 BCYB a aalla t.000 bwababj whaat r K . ;'' abaraa railroad V" b" troto 10, ' ' 0)0 to liLnn mml -foarchaadtaa atora, f tod towa. Tba tlaxk Orara Commlaatoo Co.. R0S McKay bldg, poruaaa. NIROMIla-HOVfl fa Woodbnra.'or.: V rooaaa, nUthH 1rAUtmt to ra aad 8 x taraa la- icDga Tor rortuaa pro par ij. w Box nr. Woodbnra, Or. it','. ' ' CIOAft aad enarfagtlrnar atora la boart of HualfMoa. Matw . clrvf flna wldo froat - prraty work for two: apaaka 'for Itaalf : oobm .aaa It; onlr t00. ' Tbeaaaaoa m Maacboatar, '-'- tltl L1KM tM ORaHMK. rXRTILB aolL Bar water, aallghttal UaMtot laad of alfalfa, applaa aad clow. Far fall T Inforaattoa addraaa tba Ootaajbta Boatbara Irrlgatloa Caw, Uf Waraaator bltu, rantaaa. FARMS, wbaot aad tli abar laada. wsraaca, alty d boaiMUad locatloaai , proprrtri tlaibot and ' baalaiaa rbanroa aad Inaaranao. Tnwviffwn uitn rr.f. A rYV raoaa aiaia iw BAR0A!N-4.Tba bmrt atockad rlgar, fralt aod ronrrrtkowrrr atora 1b tba elty; rant 2o; I llTlngooma; ataat ba aold at oaro. Call aad aiaba attar., n. La lot, an im aw rURNITURB la T-fooa aaaaa, raat 30. prieo llTOt faraltara oa d-rooai fUt. raat !. prlf jauo. U ft Wlotarn. lj Wrat at. aA nan vttk Inn halt old aatab. Itabrd boalaaaa; aaoaap aaeorod; tuaraataod ctoar taa waakly aaprtaaaa aaaoeaaaary, ; Call 0Vk Morrlaoa at., room 1. - n fruit and cigar atora. In roua try 'town. data( Km awaiavwo, prion fitiw. wm . . 40, Pandtatoa, Or. . , - WANTED Partaar la tatabltabad ptwyatant baalnaaa; prafer maa actiualntad wltb tba binharlnc warm of tba aortbwoa. . Aaawar V oa, cara aioaraai. .A RAROAIN t-t.lOO will bar a bnrlaiaa eoraar . lot acxiua tbat will nar 10 ar cant a bora i all taxaa and iBMiraaca, i. L.' Walla Oa., Oraid in, . FOR RALB Old totabllaaod grocory Brack t Boat b i aold at onca; oanaa alcknaaa; prlca . 11.000. ar will larolca.' Addraaa ownor, aw . - ' Harrlaoa at.. .-.. . . ' . : 1100 PBR nvnatb arralght aalary to nun wltb ' rrom ta,000 to ft,0u0; knraataMat aacarod 1 -by raat ratatai aptoadM. opanlng. ' Addraaa FOB BALK Bast aarkat to city, srlea fl.aoa; brat locatloa, brat dlaplay: It will eloar 1X0 'i par BMotbi Boat aali. Addraaa OU, aara F0K -BALE Rmall aiarbraa aad blackamltb i . abop1 wltb dwalllBt-boana rary ebaap; bat ..Incatbm. Addraaa V. Mykol, Roatb Baad. .Waab. 4. V FAYIN'O amall hotel, bottling, towa, aarr Port . laad; oar-rear lea, rant MS; beat located; I . cheap; aaoat tall. . Addraaa U T4, cara ioaraal. -AtWAWTRD To trad an tatereet la a good par- - atg ooaineaa ror a rooming nonaa. vou or W addraaa ROTH Third at., Portland, Oregon. A LOON and R fnrnlahrd noma la good lor. , Uon, In (nod ranning order, tauat ba aold aalok.for AtOO. . Alpta. 1U Flrat at. ' OR I A LI Hotel , doing , a food boataaaai Bunt ba aold at once; prlne, IS. 000; part caah. W. O. Back, PUT Falllaf Udf. - 11.180 CORNER aalooa, aaat aMei Al location, awall fliiuree: IA0 raah reglatar, AM0 etack; . - lnag leaaai 2S trade, till Ptna at. ' WANTED A8 axpevtoBeed BMrbat aaa -to bnjr a. half latareat In beat paying market la elty; ' Inreetlgat. T at, aara Joarnal. FOR RALE Bakery aod grocery with bakarg oren) (not boaltieaa, cheap rant, wltb loaee; - toOO caah. Addraaa B T, JouraaL : , riKHIBR to raataaraat. ladr ar canti - tiara AM, arrarlty flftO; aalary lit a week. Phono Mala SMI. V aa, Jeuraal. .. FOR aala or exrhanga for atnck of BaercbarHlle. I;, !mproTBinta and stock on choice aoBMetead. , Addraaa Excbanga, Box, Or. . . . an.ono WILL boy on half Internet In a bntnee .. tlr III net ITtLUX. nor rear. Call ar aridiva-i ' that will I SOTtA Third at., mom II. FOR BALE Ploarlahlnt. legitimate boilaeaa; either aaxt hear atrhMeet laraatlfatloa. -Aa v ao, cara joarnai.'. CORFErrnONERY a fork and ftxrnree for aala " rheap. Jam Connlnghbaa, Arleta No. t. Ore . (oa; take Mt. acott car. v I : WHEN looking for a biratlna. cither elty ot v country, call aa tba Northwaat Laad 0ew BH ' tlnrrlana at., room til. fll'PKRB hwatlna la thla rlty for art her druga, I hardware, drrgnoda at ahoe atora, ' Fartlca lara M W tt, mom otaecxx.- company of tll. . FOB RAM A anap, R-rooai rootalat-hoaaat net j loceae tM per year; price pOO. tee owner, H.H.U. Bk. . ... ., ; FOB SALE Roorolng-botiM, 14 rooma, full of , wruHiil roueura. UM; moat .aau. . tot riftk at.' i CANOT. fralt. eta t toner and ehrar atora cheant ainet aali, laarlag ajtyi make of far, tU Plna at. ...-,;. GROCERY, eataallehad eoraar, flratlaea la trary roapact, 12,600. Addraaa T 61, Jearoal. FOR BAT E -A aoed, well carabUahad roomlug . hoaao of M rooma. Apply 2Sa X. Sixth at. FOB BALE Foe furalabad rooBlng-aowaa, at a bargala; alaara AHUO aaeatb, t?M BlxU at. CLEAN tittle Buetneee for aala: aalUbla tor tody ar teat. Rgt Third at. FOB RALB Torn Halle harbor abop, Apply Owoer. 17IH Fourth at. ' - WHO IB M. O. MORGAN g CO.t B ' FOX; BAIJAXIIB. .44 eraa aaar'Oregoa City:....... SOD ' 4 acrea near TrontdaVa, etearod.... ' - 0 acrea aoar Taaeoarer, Waab...,. ' 4 10 acrea aeer Baarertoa. ..... ...... I.OuO 1A4 acrea Bear Baarertoa. ........... 4.RU0 , u acrea, 10-room boaaa, acrea la . orchard..., t00 " IH acrea oa ear lino l.ano : lf acrea allc north ot Vaacoarer.. .250 lit acrea aaar Oreahaa.. fa T; 90 acre la Linn county, all aood.aoll !." , ' tot acrea la Morrow eoaaty. all la croa 12.J BWt acrea la Laarel Taller.... ,. tB.OoO , BAO acrea ta aroa aaar Baker CUT . . 14.000 , tM arraa. 80 acrea bdpe..... T.W0 Largo aad aaall faraa la all parte of Waehlngton and Oregon; toras aad pr to ault porcbaaer. W hare boom - fin tracta of timber la - Oregon and Waahtnatoa. . - ' Boa aa for bargalna hi aoaatoa and Iota. l aooaan) aaa mra oa aontBrr payaaaiar ,. -' ., . . , H0BAN A TAuilABT, . . lot Blxth at. ... . 7 - CLARK R COUNTY BARGAIKR. : v A BACRIFICR BO acrea. H toral opoR hot- wjea, a m m so lm ijentor, oaiiy Boat, nca . ani, nniDer, oaiy BT.aa par acre. T, 000.000, aaar ft. B. . Ex. 000. - 1(0 aoree. rood ana ImL to acrea all "cleared. AO acrea timber, eome gwato. areeh. a piiea rroa auageaaMt ax.uuu, terma. Hoaieatead ' rellnanlahment abA . amooth land, axeallaat aolL it acre Cleared. T Bart la Uy eleared, alaahlag, remainder aaa- lly alaahed; logging-camp, bonding; will ecu tor H ralue of UaproTaata. 100 aeree, rolliaar. excellent soil: SO creek bottom, la crop, t acrea elaehad. chard, good trooa boaaa, tort bara. ether balldlaga, aehoolhoaae oa place. 1,000.000 feet Br timber; t ml lea fraa rallraad.aBt boat; enir a,aau. otaer bargalna. . . JAMEB I. O'KEANB, S " ' Yancoarar, Waaa. FARMR1 FARMR11 FABMR! !! 40-ACXB fara In Yamhill county, good noaea aaa Bara, a- aeaaa a nope, a In hay; hope will pay for tba fi faraa to a tew yea re; fi.ono, half caah. 190 acrea near Reel Oeeh P. O. bone, larre bara aad oatballdlBga. 'a tone arroaro; tela la a good fara, wall watered . aaa aroaacnra: .... . t0 acre la Clarke eoaaty. Waahlagtoa. rated, all level. Rood new S-room hnuee. larg "era. ailltoeeee and ether hwlMmga; fla yoong orchard; ts.000. - The are lost a aaapla of tba faraa oa ar I tot; wa bara thea la WeahlntTteo. alult aoaaa, Ctockaaaa aad Lane aouatkee of all aaaa aao pneea. - . i . orLndy-melrath co , 9MH Montana 81. Bona ll ' ' FOB BALE. - 1.B00-ACRB FARM IN CROOK COUNTY. hear .PrlneTllle. Or. too cnltlratloo, IO0 acrea yellow pine timber; anllmttcd amount of oat range;. Thla fara caa ba bought cheap . wa poou icrma.- - , - Wa bars bargala la fara laaaa, elty prop, erty aad acreage tract. W now bar aa exceptionally good bargala la a 40-acr tract wlthla SO minute' ride of eeater of city) streetcar line right to the property.. . THB BOXORTH CO.. .. .! j . zSl Alder M, Portia ad. . FOR BALE An or aaa half of about 7 or aa tin land aa there to la the Willamette Taiiey; 81 ml tea rrom porttoad. alto froa railroad etattoa, .1 mllee froa eonaty aeet, I Ml altoa froa high achool, - ace demy and college; Otagna Tract loa ooapany'a atoetrlc nnu now oouaing rroaaea taa bouib nounoary line ot place; It will make a beaatlfnl home ar I a good boy for apeenlattoa. - For full deaenptJoa writ B. A. J., Lock Box, Hllle- horo. Or. ..'. , ; , $8.000 tto-ACBB fara acar Yaaooarer, Wah. Map. , - - fl.ttav-40 acre fa Claekaaa county, 10 mnee rrom rortlaed, it acrea la tlnrethyi llrlng water. flTral toot farna la Hood Rlrer valley cheap. .., f --- r- BABP eV -CO-,,-- ,-- Xoea 40, Hamilton Bldg. ONE of tba finest farme la OaatlUa county I ion acrea rirer bottom land, too acrea taa wheat lead, t 'too dwelling, barn, etc.) creek and largo prlage, ItO head milch eowa, 40 half era, 14 brad borer receipt tSO per day. Price 132.000;. $10,000 ceah, balance o tlm at per cant, or will take ana property la trad. . T. Wlthyoomha, room I Hamilton bib.. Pertlaad. Oregou. ' RAORirtf'Bi aara WMoar wtar to aell her weU Improved 40-acr arm. w am .ironi runrer or rortiaad. aa food. road with all the etork aad taptomenta, for $1,600; $1,000 caah. balance per cent. If yoa want a good (arm at a bargala arte aea my agent. - F. FL'CHR. I4tU First at. . BAROAfNB lav acre. ml lea froa railroad! a acre eieara; aouaa aad bara; good laad: price $400. r - ... i " ...I. 1 v, inanir so acre V coltlratod: fin orchard; good building; flat win . uarirw eis per ecre. -i .- W. 0, Waddel, Wnrrtooa at. - . TEN aero aa Pewell'a Valley read, t alias eat, tor lerVI, good laad aad May to clear, eery nan, iH,uvr, b isruv wiuaape, - only enon dlataaca to O. W. P. electric line; price goo.00 per acre, oa eery ay terms. - Other laeA Bamiaing asiiiBg at flow ta $J .urn acta. Addreaa. T bo, ear Journal. wa V ImI .i.,Mt ten . tracta. It la one of the best pieces at lend la Maltaomah county! ll milea east of fort laad aad toe tbaa t alto froa 0. W. P. , rnc ia ana per acre, aa rery easy terma, i ia. ear ov eov car of journaL FOB RALE Oa Columbia near, TO-ecre fanai vrrnara. new noose, is acres IB eras. In Air Ella Fo or, Itaraaooa, Waafe, - ; FOX lAXK-yARhlB. FOR sale or exchange, fMO acrea of choice land la tba ferllle Hrd Rlrer ealley, Richland county. North Dakota: good ImpreTeaienta, , complete auulpmeut tor farming samel will sell ar exchange for wrntsra laud or Ura aWa. - Northwealara Inrcstmaat Co., Bole. ..Idaho. i . , tSO ACRES 0 meadow. 40 plow land, t orch ard, choice fralt, amall fruits of all kinds, tne , ImprOTsmente, wall watered, unlimited out raugn. Price $6,000) teruie. Reo or addrcea .' T. Wltbycoube, room I. Hamilton blk., Pert. : land. . ' - ' " ' ' .'' FOR RALE 24-acre form; aome bottom; good orchard, Italian pruaea, anrlng water. gad bania. suan aulee, supplies. . Eagla Creek autlon. Inoulr t'harlra Wagner, tb& Lake iU FHEE LAND IN OREGON under the 0rey li-rl.. rl... Aaa. TUmA Airmm Ba Mil. , w; rite today. Booklet aad aaa free. X X LO., RSI Alder at,. Partlaal Or. ACRKR and nice new boaaa, good well sad outbuildings, 400 feet from o. W. P. elo. - trie Ilea, good toad and easily elrai Cleared. jeu. a. no. aara jouraat. FOR RALE 4AV acrea good boo load. BopncM: s Cleared, oaianco eaany; email bouse; 30 altoa froa Portland; $2,600. drees U Tl, car Journal. Ad- 40 ACRES, il miles froa city, SO seres Bnder cnltlTationi gwd houea, bars and 8 chicken bousea, all la first -clsaa repair; a snap. .. 269 i Morrlaoa at, room 111. , - El ACRES, sll under ealHratloa. ton barns. Improvements, achool hi mile; prliw - roaeonahle; t miles aouth of Portland. In quire Sua Falling bldg. . . 100-ACR8 fara for rent. 10 miles froa elty! crop of bay, potato, pears and applea aad ' aome fara tools for MtoVbeap. Addraaa T 40, ear Journal. ALL fara machinery, all stock. T5 acrea beary crop. Farm for aala eaay terms, or for rant. Extra good fara, rery etoe to elty. , 17T . Bberaaa. - ,. - ' FOR aato or exebeng. s small Krbraaka stock ranch, with or without stock. Addraaa Box 14. Dayton, Or. 1 ,".. ,. FOR soatbera Oregoa real estate, large or aaall - tracta.- Dlllerd A Claytoa, hloeehurg. Or. - FABM to rent wltb aprloa of buying. Bandatona, Bbrrwood, Oregea. a ii i . ' i 1 i i a " ii C O. FOX TJ XltCELLAXlO TfX MRX-HOWB'X BUtJ.RTIN Oood storewood. cJaa and dry, ready to cord, at $2.M par cord; oak and fx at cut rata; brick for aala . cheap; expraaa for hire: boaaa -for raat. Phone L'bIob ITS or luf Eaat Mrlaloa at. BILLIARD AND POOL table tot raat at tat , Bale on oasy paytnenta. . ; THE BBUN8W1CK BALKB COLLENDEX CO. 40 Third at., Porttoad. FOX BALE S suits, soma worn by traveling man, I feet 1 Inchea. weight 190. 011 between bourn at t and 10 a. a. today at M4 Everett at.-' - BULL, dog for sal, to; female, one year aid, aolld red. aa bad habits. Taks Sellwood ear, get off at crematory, go tar blocks north to tent. ' WB print your aame oa $0 calling caraa, pro pet ataa and atria. XSe. tM bualoaa cards, $L ' Brown A.ichaato, t2t First, Porttoad, Or. WOVEN-WIRB aad spools tend eats, aaap -atovea, bamaoeha and camp furniture. Pa - cite Teat A Awalnf Co., 21 North Flrat. LAUNCH for aala. length tt foot, 40 H. P. ae gin, large eerrjUig aapaclty: pries vary - cheatl. Address H at, cara Jodraal. FOB BALtWRefreahment awning, 18x14; coffee ara, tea anr. frankfurter broiler, tea ereaa fiweaar. Loudea's bakery, Iraahoa. CHEAP Lath tor wood taming, toot power; . good condition.. Call erenlmta ' 104 . Eaat Twenty-eighth at.. North. - : FOX BALE Beat aaonrtiuont af leather card i taws in eli.r. ta g otae islalLiu eaiy - cheap. 836 Waahlngtoa at. CUKAP 16-ft. launch Fay and Bnathauas al , foot of RUrk St., or call Xtey, Holtoday ava. rnooe Eaat sohx. . - -. YOUNO Ensllah Better dng. wall broke, alee . fine hammer lee shotgun,, cheap. '. lno,ulrs IWI Veurtk at. ,, . . FOR SALE or trade Motor cyd ia good eoa. dltlooi Bna hlllellmhart baraaln. Anolr H ST. eare Journal. FOR SALE Pointer pupa, S months ' aid. Cbsries want, aaa or ssoataviiia ear una TELEPHONE Brackets aad pine. Ptoaeer Weed - Mfg.. Co., X Savaatk. Pboi one East 21 Oa. FOR SALE Saltb Premier typewriter, a I ex r, reasonable. , Addraaa A 48, Jouraal. FOR SALE SqaaB.breedmg homing pigeons. 124T Will tame ava. Phone Bcoit 131. CANARY birds: alas t Navajo blankets. $30 E. Uncola at. aeiiwood car. . Bast nasi. . COUNTERS, shelving, old doors and aash for aaie, cheap. Iaquirs sua roartb at. - CYCLOPEDIA Brltsanlcs, $1 vols., $30, at the Old boob atora. jkbj xamaiu at. DIAMOND A beautiful 1 -carat stud, cheap; fioo. Adores a i, ear journal. A YOUNG Jersey cow, good Bilker, tor Ml. Apply Booerx itopsirx. uty rsra. - THB H. C AI.BER CO. Wacoud-hand machinery, aawmiiia, etc. aea wrana ava. FOR ALB Rntlth Premier typewriter, $30. I. Mwaruav ISO rirat at. FOR BALE Ticket to Bt. Loula; aula. Ad' drees T 84, car Journal. NEW houseboat. 12x24, Blotly furalahed. Apply xeus, loos or uiu ax. , . . FOR SALE Chokw Scotch collie puppies, cheap, jewpnoB union snuo. FOR SALE Flna parlor organ, cheap. , Apply 130 Kaac iota. - I YEARLINGS aad good milch eowa. 122S Raat aaa at. 0AOLINE launch for sale, Pbort Unloa 1281. FXXSOXAlj, LADIRR, ATTRNTION. , ..i . - Ladles requiring eonfkleatlal aad hlxk etosa medical attandanca will aerv their beet Inter ests by coneulinc the old rellshto and well knows X-Radlnm Medical Iastltute; Bo charge foe opinion: correspondence solicited. X-Radium Medical Inalltute, Allaky bldg. Third and Morrlaoa, eta., Portland, Or. THE CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS Cor. Btb and Washington eta., opp. Perkins hotel. Full at teeth, pink gums. ........... ....BB.OO 22 K gold crowaa ,. A 06 Fillings 66 We give a 10-year gnaraetee. Before yoa hare your teeth made aad fixed get oar prleaa. VIBRATION, saw its ctrcalatloa, breaks dawn and electa waate tteeoe, rebuilds aew aad healthy cells: free demonstration. Offlc and treating rooma, Vlbratrlam, suit 3t-2w, Lewie bldg., cor. Psrk sad Morrtooa. . . IF aeeklng-a congenial Ufa companion. Mi our society aud meet or correspond wltb re putable . persons; . the August register. 10 rente, lost out. ' Interstsla Introdoclng to ploty, it Ruaeell bldg. ' - , MANLY Vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Narva uioouiea. uae mesis a treatment. Ill a swathe. $n : eeat secarely sealed ar malL Ages. W eodardi Clark A Co.. Portlaad. Or. BOOKSI Her they ere: "Decamecoa." "Hea. re meru Hrwea A Hot Timale." rann Hill" tr Teers a Faker." "ftortvlddea FrulL" BOe each) llste tree. A. Bra aula, $28 tint at, LOST new era restored br the great Dr. Liorona a Arrvo ionic Tanierst xje Bar ant. boxes tor tl.tS. Writs or cell st Byssell's Pharmacy, $27 Morrlaoa, bet la sod td. LADIES. 'Attentl -Any tody suffering female weakaees. Irregular snnpneeaed men. pare era atraatlna, caa find quick and permanent relief by calling at erne on ttooaneuga aMg. -L. SPECIALIST oa di aea see af hair had ecalp; aattaeptia ehsmnono; tne only aair epeciailet la the dir. Office Boo Dehnm bldg. , Cpn sulutloa ino. Pbeaa Hood BUT. WIDOW, t. buatneaa . womaa, want to meet mlrhitokged buelneea' aaa. A newer - X 46, J otsrsa 1. THB Oregoa Detectlv kerrlr) efflre $14-418 wombma aiax, sa masBfiva. axaiA a is, UXB0VA1. TIM. ViaoB, V1TAUTV Da Poat at Cle'S Kola Tablets. Nature') great tonic for either aex. So by. aaall.. Albert Bcrol, atooaaA aad Washlugtou, agest, Portlaad. Or. .' . CONFIDENTIAL "iNyESTIOATIONB Reports Bade on any INDIVIDUAL, buelneea ar prop, arty; hooka exported; beet city reference. Lock Box $74. Pertlaad. Or. ... . - ENOLI8HMAN, vary aid English family, tall, educated, del tree ta cor respond with slncor Christian tody of mean, -rtow matrimony. Box 2S6, Victoria, B. C. - LADIES Yoa appear M yeant ' youagar. re. aweo all wrlnktoa, hare ahla Uha velvet by aalng Oregoa Orsp thla Food. Fhoa Eaat 1S6T. i BINO CHOONO. Importer of Chlneas root Bodl elnes; aalla Chlneaa tea tbat la certain cur for all disease. U1 tecoad hA Yamhlal and Taylor. ELDERLY lady wishes tb ear of on or tw amall chlldrea; baa ale yard, and the beat : ef cara glrsa; terma reasonable, tot N. 18th. REPINED lady, roeaatly from eaat. alone, would Ilk eequemtane of genltomaa of Boaaa, middle -a red or more. Y M, cere of Journal. SPECTACLES by Ball; pay when yoa receive lasses; wrlta for teat chart aad prloaa. ha Loffert-Cherry Co.. $14 Allsky bldg. LADY, stranger, would Ilka to meet Protestant - Chrlatlaa gentleman.- paat 40; object matri mony. Adureea U TT. ear Journal, - WOMAN 8 FBI END Why worry aayloagert roueultaOon T"-fF1rrnfUI. ! " . ' Portlaad, Or. DR. ATWOOD It Ruaael bldg.. cor 4th X Mor rison. Dlaeases of womea. Consults ttoa fraa. TURKISH BATHS, too Oragonlaa bldg., gesto sll sight) todies all day. Mala 188$. v TO FJtOXAXOX. VERY fin T-reoa modern house with S tots. 180x210, corner, paaadeoA, CaL, for elty ar. fara. Also 8-rooa fine modern bona la Portland - with t Jots, "corner, for farm. , PIBOIS A BHBRWOOD, ' -r. ..... jpg klorrlaoB. Room tV-'"" r ". FOR -KXCHANGR Tba furalture Of t-ronm flat, located Bear Hotel Portland: furnltttfw nearly aew and coat $600; will consider anything near the value In Seattle. Addraaa Owner, V BO. car Journal. 44-CALIBER Winchester repeater, 44 - ariby .. Colts, wltb Ideal reloading took), for shot- - gun, 1$ or 16 gauge puma preferred; will - buy 16uge pump gua If cheap. Address ' T 4S. ear Journal. . WANTED Ta exchange bad Manga (aevar beea . peed) for second-hand tent, 12x16 or mora. ' Address S 44.. care Jouraei. TO EXCHANGE Several good elty for amall faraa. til i houses la the AUeky bldg. . TO EXCHANGE Real estate or mining stock for diamond. Address T 44, ear Journal. art raraxiuit. PROF. RICHARD MAX MEYER Portrait and landscape artist; tsetruettoa la all psjntlac, ' water color, etc., and drawing; art gallery connected with atudlo; nlctares tor aala and framing to a. dor. $4t Alder t, Phooe- lAatt. rxnoxxxn. 0BEO0N LAW COLLECTION CO. 61T Fu toa block. Collect lose Bad throughout tb Ualted ttatoa; bankruptcy matter a spectarty) tad tenants elected) rents collected aad gaa ' oral law baalneaat notary pebllc. BATXS Mttt ABB. THE Patoe Maaaaga Parlors I taa only place i to get a Blca Invigorating bath or maaaaga; . i , i. , k I recently from New York. Stark it. between fasThlrur anS TtKUlh.1 TkTOmaTrofiml 23. MISS ENGLISH, healer, gives medicated hatha with electric maueejre aad naxmetie treatment) boat treatment In city; rail and ba convinced 146V Sixth, room S4 aod 29. - I MANICURING, chiropody, scalp treatment, etoa trie steam Be tne sag me as age. awom a, bur Aider Bt, MIUS HELEN PETERSON 10TU 4th. Scientific aaaaage, Swdlah movement. Baths. BICTOXX DXALXXX, COLUMBIA, 'TRIBUNB AND CRBSCSNT. PORTING 000 Pt. EXPERT REPAIRING . F. P. KEEN AN. 206 THIRD BT. ' BXXDS. ' MRS. R. M. FRITE. SO Orsnd ava., beautiful ImnnrteaVranary blrda, raaaonabto; all good -singer, ana ealliTacimu gusranteea. BOTTLIJfO WOXXX. O. M. BOTTLING CO.. bottlerh of ftne car. Bona ted -Hevaragee; family wine aad nqaora B ancclalty. IB Unloa a re. pboa Baat INS. OAKFXSTTXXB AND XTJILBXXX eu . suj.avne, mmmm mm rwvw. , . . ni.nnn. . mm m uiuin . and bolldarai re pairing and Jobbing; store , sad afflr txturea built, loop But Columbia. Mala un. I CALL JOHN A MELTON for office, store. Phoaa Mala 178T. flxturee or carpenter work. Sbop 266 GHaaa. exxxrr CXTXACTOXX CHAX H. CARTER CO., cemeut atatraetara, . B46 Eaat Twentieth at. PbeaS Eaat I67X All work guaranteed, v COAL AND WOOD. CHUROHLBX BROS, bare Deris et to 42 Kearney St.. aaar llthl Is . a-w -the largest woodyard la tba elty, carry. , sag Ml aiada of weoa aaa esaj. . aula au. X. UNDERWOOD CO., dealer to wood and coal at low eat price; eatlefactloa guana teed. Irving bet. Tenth aod . Btoveata Phoaa Mala 48TB. ALBINA FUEL CO. Denton la .'dwaod. aeal and trees snd dry slabwood. X. X. and AV bins ava.. S blocks east af tarry. Eaat (TA STEEL BRIDOB FUEL CO. deatora la aoah cord wood ana try aiaoi OREGON FUEL CO.. sll kinds af anal had wood. tot Aider. Phoaa Mala aa. KIRK HOOVER, tit Water at wood aad asai. riem am e- t - FOR SALE t.OOO aorda fir wood, tnTt. , Pbuo Bast CARXIAOB AND HACX COXPAiriXX THE UNITED CARRIAGE CO. Carriage, tally-ho riga sad Carry -ells, log Eteveata at, cor. Morrlaoa. Phoar Mala 222. BLAXX 90X KAXITFACTu'XXXX, BOWtVDAVlS tt KILHAM. lot-Ill teooad et filank book maanractureret agents tor Jooee m proved Loose-Leaf ledger; so tba aew Eureka toaf. tb baat ea tb Bears et r ' fJLArXVOTABT ATD FAI TBT. 4- CORTtAND, . f - '. " T?tAIRVOYANT. trtlV, W sating ton St., cor Btb. -' He will ten your full aaaa, whoa sod when you will merry aad what yoa eeltod for wlthoat asking a sjaestloa. Hoe re, p to S dally and Suadaya. Special readings, gna. 0 Bos BOe BOe BOa BOe . $0 MADAM PABLO ' Calls your fnll name, tells who and when yoa wlll marry, reunltea the eepareted In T day. IBB Mnrriaoa et. 7 :r: 4m1 ERNORTA, -t- Qoeea of clairvoyants. She gaanataea to read every larldeat of year Ufa, peat present and future. Kooa I2S Alleky hlg-. tut or. Third. MADAME JOHNSTON Clalrvoyaat palelat, card reader; I sirs facta reliable- aad Im portant oa an affair of reel life. Read) eg toe. 66 Seventh at. Bear Oak. . MADAME LUCY, medium snd healer; raadinga daily aad avsalaga. Pat tors 1-t, 23$ First, OOaTJtTBIIOX atXX'OsaAsTtB,''; OAVBNPORT BROa. nersl oommlesloa ehanta; fruit god proa no 1 ooaoienroeBt . Udtedi prompt returee. UO Fsoat ex. IF yoa -waat to gat. good returns far yoar produce, ship ta uel pay hi beet ' price toi agga f. o. b. P-v-MUtor . Co. RVERDINO A ritltU. neaguee aad sloa aerchaata. 140 Froat at., Fortlaad. Or. Phone Mala ITt. . : CXOCXXIT AXS OLAMWAXX WHOLESALE' rrochay sad (Uaewsre. Praai, Hegeto A Oa.. 100 to lot Fifth, car. Stars el CLEAN 1X0 AJTD BTXTJIuV PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING X DYBINO Worha; ara ct leal hatter to aoanoetloat featbot aaaa and Blumee cleaned sad eurled by aa ex pert, zii roarta. Chaos Clay T04. VIENNA Steam Cleaning Dr Work Boat equipped plent In tb elty; chemical work a specialty. Call up pbotva Mala 1M. Okavst eleaaed fee. . S36 Third St. ... v . CURTAIN cleaaln. ar turned la ono day; fancy work a apeelelty; prices right.. 484 Ollaaa. at.. Phoaa Mala 6406. CLOTHES eleaaed aad praased $1 aaa aseuta, Usioue Tailoring Cw 84T Waahlagtoa at. B. W. TURNER, amfaestoeel dyer and cieaaer. BOB Jefferson at Phana Mala SB1S. OAXPrr-cxxAxrjro.' HAVE year walk) eleaaed; we cleea papeawd and palated walla; satlafastloa gua mn teed 1 . prices reasonable; relsrencea. Bad BMA CARPETS eleaaed an tba Beor) wa raise aa dust. Phoaa Clay $11, fraa demeaetrstlo. f. HUNTER Steam aarpat - aad else ner. BBO Jeffenon. Pboa Mala $14. CAFES. EBICKSON'B RE8TAURANT Merchant's 11 a. a. to It p. a. seder aew maaigsmsat, 0. X. Bvaaa, prep. Imad aad Xarsauda. THB OFTICB-tM Wsshlsgtea at. , TTI. Sawnal Vlgaeaax. t - Fboaa Mala CISAXS AND TOBAOOO. ESRERO-OUNBT CO. fitotolbatara f FIMX CI4AXB. '-.-- . Portlaad, Oregoa. BSB CJXTXOFODIBTB. IF yoar fact ara out of ardor, ga to Dr. Werlay Ranjaxaln, teventh aad Stark, ta fast ap eta 1 tot Phoaa Blaak Six PlXTUTe. KEY CHURCHMAN, eaattot. I Marquaa Mala IT60. bldg., Slvtb and Morrxaoa. SOB AJTD XOXXS SOBfTZAX. DR. C. R.BROWN. D.Y.S..D.C.M. Dog, I pitaLSST Buraslde.Phoaeei Mala40M XXXVTXIOAX WBXXX, NORTHWEST ELBOTXIOAL ENGINBERINO Coapaay, to surk St., rorttoad. O. K. everything ta the atoetrtcal Xaa. Mala 18SS. FACtFTO Electric Co. Bngineeee, sw tractor, repalrara. electric wiring, enppUaa. 84 Flrat, ' ear. ttsrk. Mala ata. X. B. Tata. mgr. WESTEBN ELECTRICAL WORKS 61 BUth at. Phono Mala 1686. FTIXB1T11XX TAOTOXXXI. ORBOOM FutbI tar Manafactsrlng Coaxpaay Maaafactarara al laraltara tar ..tba trade. Portlaad. Or. I .... ... i FUBN1TURR BMnafaetaring aad tpaelal is. atavoauy-g rare l rare rsctery. eiu BxxttMAxnia. 'V SHIRTWAISTS, wool ae wash silk. Bade Sl.SBi shirtwaist suits, A60. 40$ East Mar i ket Pboa East $21. CP-TO-DATX draasasklag. Udtos tallortag eueis a jipoaaiiy. svona air , sy sing DBESSMAKin throogh gull seaaoa $B pea aalt aat uaioa ara., aaar xtawtneena ava. DRESSMAKING Strictly Bf deelgna. 4S6 Clay et ' to aatai , totaet FTXXAOXX BO YNTON . wara-ahr fnrBasa aav foeL J. 0. Bayer Faraaca Co., $04 teeaad. Mala 461. XOCXXX WADHAMS A CO.. whotoaala grocara. fecrra lad somsileeloB aerchaata. Fourth aaa Oak Bto. ALLEN X LEWIS, onmmleeiou sad audata a ehanta. Front sod Dsvts sts.. PortlanA Or. XOTXUe. THB Llajell hotel, Market bet ween Third sad Fourth, Portland; entirely aew. Eoropiaa aaa a mericea piaa, aua to as par any. HOTEL Feadlataa, PaodleBos. W. A. Brews, I HOTEL Pertlaad, ASMrleaa plaal $1. $t per day, HOTEL Bt waarge, Peadlekenl laadtog hotel. BELVBDERB; Baroaoea ptoa)4tb sad Alder ata. XOTXX, XXSTAVXAX. AXO OAMF XAJftXX HOTEL, XESTAUXANT AND CAMP BANGES ReCrlbbea -Sex tea A Co., Bevaateentb aad upanar era., urges t stock aotei, roetaaraav camp nag, gasolla to Tea aad nfrlgar. 'ton la the elty. XAXff. AXD SOALF SPXCtAI IT. t. J. BORO, aaaafaetarer af homaa beh? rolla. ate. 4 Eaat Mlalh. Pboaa Baat X 1. X RlrWAXX. Pertlaad Hardware Co. aolld ta evpertaalty to quote pnees. 1st let St. ear Alder, Mala is. XXIVXAXOI. LAMBERT. WHITMEB CO. Fir toe ere nee aaa real estate, eur ones ore ta Artnar wiatos A r t , - , int.ina s i.e bldg.. Mala 100S: eaat alio BepW Eaat AMer tuuBsaa- aaaa , saai ewi. - ISA AO tV WtflTa Bra $00 Dakaa JAR. MeL WOOD, emntovera HsMUty aad to niTioaai aeejowai an rely seaaa ax bh Pboa 4T. tot McKay bldg. II. F. IllTPlI onveiKT rtre a Bner-oca eirjg. uiogosj raeoe vaxy osuw LOOXtXlTBL REYNOLDS geaerat repair lb? ebon; expert i K molly filled: i Waab. Mai mechln- i. iocs ami ; croon Miller heylaae lack. agents Msla to. RBOWMR'I 15 TOWN Expert tockaalU aad Btcyew repairiBg. mm start, pay Clay 822) Bight phnai. Mala Ben. KEY tt ting, east -Iron prastnf. J. B. Richard. aa, aua roarta t Fboa Hooa lis. MTftlOAL. BCOND-HAND Bnslcal IneU amenta of aE xklndn at loweet prices, caah or las tall meal. Flake Made Co., 14 Third at LESSONS BOe; ptoa. guitar, bealo. masaolla, vtolla. Mix, Pint et, ear. Mala. Mr. Martto. VIOUN. - BMBA-.H),- gsltsr, ate .earafaUy taught Coaaervalnry hall, izta et, my. PIANO tuning. C. W. Jhn FTBUO AOOOtrXTAXT. X H X MULDtX sxnert eeeouaUat, roe a 441 Sherlock Mdg.l books epenea. sajuatea nooaa epenea. earaatea aaa a edited : hooka keot fa amall enaeeraa: tabs aBATf Brat-giast rafariSfis, Mala iewl, MCXXT SO LOAB. ratt STAR AM ' fY. Anr Mtortod empluyewage earn, aaa get ea tla auto, without mortgage Monta. ft Bloats, rreea. P0.00 Reaar to aa tikat aa I AO ifl 00 Repay to na 8 6.00 or fAtS ,16.00 al pay to aa I 4.00 or $i-00 . Bl McKay bldg. , ar $i-0 FI VB pr eent meney; wa build yea r loaa yoa aacnay 04 yoar property! pameata; lareatlgsu; apen Saturday Ingar Xooaa la-Tl Labbe bldg., tJIkl loauly area. Waaa. MONEY to loaa. salaried people, tee metare, et.. a, .. toxgeat r. wiumi eocuriLy ) eaay payaoBte -bualnea In principal eltlee. Ti sa Ablngtoa bldg. Phone Mala 64BT. MONEY TO LOAN aa real paraoaal aad col lateral security; special attenUoo. to chattel Bortgagea; Botn ,bought 0. W, Faitot, S04-B Fsatoa bldg., B4 Sixth at , . -. HIGHLY aanta i peetabto . place where ladiea Borrow money ea eiamonoe aad i Jewelry. Collateral Loaa Bank, IMS lngtoa at Pboa Blaak U. . Wash- IB LOANS Bad spwxrd oa aU kinds ef eecwrVty ar to Batortol 'people ad their psto; lowest . rates- bo publicity, no delay. Sit A blag tea bldg. raoBS aea naa. CHATTEL kaas lv aasoaats raaglag fraa $28 . to $8,000; rooming-houses a specialty. Maw ' Era Loaa Truat Oa., tot Ablngloa bldg. WB auk aU kin da ot toane aa good aeeurity at loweat rates; special attaatloa glvaa to chattel loaaa. ltt Morrtooa at LOANS st lowest rates ea foraltura, ptsac sny aeeurity aotas purchase a. Eaalara Loaa ' afieea, 440 aaarloak bldg. MONEY TO LOAN to Urge or email aaoaata S5-C :eod sscurltyt low eat rataa, WUUaa la. am gauuig Biog. . LOANS ea rurnlture, pUnoa, ether aecarittoa, towaat rate. S. W. King, raoa 4B Wash ington bldg. Pboaa Mala 6100. ' THB CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY' loaaa, froa three to aU Bon the; til Oragosuaa. MONEY TO LOAN oa Ctockaaaa eoaaty laada. X F. aad F. X. XUey, tot Chamber ef Coa- FOBTLA NO REAL ESTATE LOANS. AND S per eeat Wa. Deahola. 22$ Falling bldg. TO LOAN 6800 to $5,000 fey Char lee BketeL pajH Third ef., raoas X . KMRTXO. B ALDIB. MRS. U H. HART treat all dleeaaea, atoaaek 1 trouble, ait mm aeee snd funotlooal week a.m. - eoaaaltatloa free. ttOV Park. ear. Jeff, , OSTXOFATXX. DBS. OTIS MABEL. AKIN, 406-6 Mactoay bldg. Phoaa Clay TTX Coaaaltatloa free. OVERALLS. BOSS OF TBB ROAD OVERALLS aad ' ehaalas' elo iking; aaloa mad. Hi ' Brae.. Beaeractarera. Port Is ad. Or. 'FLu BXXX DONNEBBBEO A BADEMACHEB, 'Waltaff piamnera. aa gearta at jwia plumbet Oregoa Mala snd tslmoa. Phono Ma ha tOOL FAIXTS, OIL AXB BULBS. F. X BEACH CO. The Ptoawrr Paint Oa.) wtodow-glaea aad gtostog. US Flat at Pbaae 1U4. - - BABMU88BN A CO Jobbers, aalats. ell. ttoaa, aaah aad door. Secood sad Taytoe. , FxnrriXB. BUBOONG A CO Front sad Stark ata- arise. log, iitaognpaing, aiaax boobs ana eiaee suppltee; work don a aa time: meat eoi 1 prtotlBg sfftos la the west- Mala 104, V,aw RSON A OUNIWAX COMPAH X, printing T Btawrapblag.. blaak hoaka. pbeaa Mate if. I BOS Ai'w at i VT,xnir. THE OBEOOM PLATlSV WKKS. 481 Week, lngtoa st Psoas SBK a Jveblag. plating una laeqneriag. xorx. PORTLAND COBDAOB CO. aad Nortbrep ate.. Pertlaad, Or. XUBXXX fTAMFX e, mm v,Aei a.. . 'Mala 710: rubber stampe aaala, atoaeAa, bag ' gags, trad check) aead tec catalogue. loorao. TIN ROOFING, guttering, reuebrlag aad Jobbing. I. Loetll. Sll Jeffersoa at nVOOXAFXXX. ' FUBUO BTENOOBAPHEX Stoaogrspble werk f all kind at short aettee. Bif Chamhac of Commerce. Pboaa Mela 74. SAFXX DIEBOLD Maaganaaa- aafaa; ftra tad burglar- ark) XU aad-claoa work; locBouta repaln. J. B. Devto. At Third st t-UTVAUST. SPIRITUAL MEDIUM Mrs. C P. Beer la lo cated at 1TB Eleventh st Just returned. STOXAOE, TXArXX ' AXD XACXl-0. SAFES. Btaj Btaaaa sad faraitun aoved, aaeked ready to aklpplag sad aali ppedl Wick. an work gaerenteed; large, 8-etor; rr. atonfe. Offlcs 11 First st a M. Otoea. Phoaa Mala B4T. C. O. PICK. efSca BS First st, betweea Stark aad Oak ata.. nbone 806: nlenoe aad furniture mured aad packed for thlpplng; oommodloae brick wsreboass, Froat and nd Clay eta. OREGON TRANSFER 0 1S4 North Sixth. Pboaa Mala 40. Heavy hauling and storage. POtT SPECIAL, DELIVERY No. $00)4 Waab. lngtoa at. Phone Main B6S. BTXXXT FAV-fO. WARREN Coaatractloa Co., street pavlag, Md walk aaa araaswslka. ' Tie uregooiaa aMg. THE Trinidad Asphalt Paving Oa. et PsrtlaaA tirnco- bob werceetor bib. , - xtavF Anrnxx BOLD RIONX wtBdow lettering, cloth banner. eeonammi eiectrio ign asa Bigns e( an kinds aud quickly. Foster A Kiel see. Fifth and BTvererT. mono axenang aa. OB-VXXIXX THB MORGAN CO ' . US SevooA et,. third Baat. lot ta . Varmfacturer snd LEWIS AND CLARK . jobban ot ROUVENIRX Booth tad street stand ,S tied aaii aoaptota. xowcAsxs xn F-rnrxTx SHOWCASES ot every teaerlpttoai beak, ba and etar txtuna Bad t order, the Lathi Manafartarlng Cc, Portland. towtt mtrtt. W CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, bra, aaaa. B1 per aaatb. Lawrence Bros.' Tewei Supply Os.. Fourth aad CowrW pbow . vioLnrx J. A. WESCO. vtnna-meke aad resalrart wort Bret claee. SB Bueaell bn., 4th and Montoia tf Mo . t .,-! FoBXth,at i XTBAXCIAX. URITXB BTWTc. NAT-'Ol'AL F X - Of FORTXA h O. Ar RORTXWXST OR. IAIAD Aad OAT f a General Bunk teg Xuau ,m Dlim Hun an AvaUable ta AU CI tiee t tb tTattot t aaA Europa, Honghooj and AUalla. . . COLLXCTIONt MADE OX FAVORABLE TT ET-;"'' .J. C A1NSW0 Vlc-Praeident. B. A Vlco-PrealiX . w TBI Bat Ceehier., .'.-... ...X. W. SCf - Aaetotaat Caahlar...,..,,,,,.A. hf. Wh Aaatotant Caahlar W. A. au. POXXIBS tXVST OOMPAXT OF 0RXK. ' IT- . NO lot THIRD BT. Taa fndeet Truat Com pa ay to BEHOUBCES OVER 81.00ao. Oeaaral Basking Buetasea Coadaetod. Bavlnsa Deaoalu Rinelved. Tlra car tl lie tea taawad, atoo oerttAcetee ipeatt peyebto apoa 10 days' nil, ta dsyV 11 or 80 dare' caU with In tercet at t$w lot aad 4 par eaat par snssm. resseeTtl ralv. or sand tor book af Uluatntlnna. BENJ, X. COH E N ,,,, .u ,...Fml aaat H. PITTOCK.. M..Vtoa-Prema-it X LSB PAUBT.. ........ J. O. GOLTRA.. .AseUteat Baantkry FIXST XATIONAX BAITS ' , OF FORTLARD. OXESOV. 2 Dealgnated Depoaltory aad FlnancUl Ageat at v ' te UKttad fates. . , . President .A, t, VS Cashier .........J. W. NSWh i ( Aaletaat Caabtor .....W. a. ALVO I BecoBd Aaatotant Ceehier... ....B. F. BTEVAnf Lattqc et Credit toanad) Anilaate ,a .wanpo snd tba Eastera tutee. Sight Exchange aad TatoeTapbtd Tnaafee Bold oa New York, Boats. Chicago, At Loula. St PaaL Omaha, Baa Franetoea aad toe principal point la tb Northwaat Bignt ana tuns mils enwt ewmw so own ea -jeodou. Porta, Berlla, Ffak(ort-la-e. Mela. Hoaakooa. Xakohaaa. Oopaaaa a. Chrlatfanla. Stochhelm, St Petareo f. sow, xurlca, Uonolula. coiiaetioaa sfsae ea ravanni y- LADD X TIL TO B". BAVXXXX ' (XeUMlshed ta 1BBX Tree a sts "Callactlon aad at all noln lata eu favorafeta terme. Letter of eredlt laaaad anltobi la Europe snd all point la the Ualted Bcaeaa. Sight Exchange sad Telesisahle Tnaa, -w aold oa New York, Waahlngtoa. Chicago, . Louis, Dearer. Oman a. Fan Fraaatose BaA Montana snd British Celambia. Excbanga Bold ea London. Parle. Bert1 a. Frankfort. Heagkopg, Xokohaaa, Mao l a Boaolala. - '. . SIOUXiTY SAVTNOS TRUST OObTPABT. V BM Karriaoa Bt, Fortlaad. Or. , - TranaantB a Oaaaral Baabtng Baatoaea. I AVDftM SXPARTMEBT. la tenet Allowed ea Tim and tavtaga Oepeatto. Acta aa Truat foe Estate. Drafta aad Lettere af Credit Available ta Alt Parta af the Warld. . 0. F. ADAMS. .....PraaMeot L, A. LEWIS. .Flret Vlca-Preej . A. , MII.LB ...leeond Viae Preeinept . W. IVIUI'Mltl 0E0. F. RUSSELL. ""V. Aaatotast Bsata.y MEXOXAVTS VATIOHAL BAxTK. , .'. ' FORTLAXDl, OXXwOV. . v J. FRANK WATSON reread. tU ulbh am. .......... ,..,.,Tlea-rreeai W. HOYT Ceec-w GEORGB W. HOYT AsatataBt Osaauag TraMaots a ttaasal Baa attog anaxaaaa, Drafta aad Letten ef Credit lean -Avalhlbls to AU Parta at the World, ' - Oeltoettoaa a Bpeetolty. . MOXXIB BROS. tTKXIBTEXSXar. '' ' ., . , UBVh Flrat Bt, Fartlaad., Oa. - Oftas Ont-Edga laveatamt ta Municipal 'aaa Railroad Boada. Wrlta ar CelL ' MORTQAOB LOANO, Oa Porttoad Xeal Xetato at Loweet Xal , Tltlea Insured. Abstraeta Fraieh4 Tl TLX U AXtJU ITAA TBOBT OWt . g E..W.O The Great Chioese Occt:; v Foraeriy loaa ted xot Third. Have Moved To th Urge hnlldlna at X B. ef Flrat aad Mmisia 62J4 Ffcrtt StFXtrt to walk, raowa aad femoua throughout tba V. S. hecaot hla woederful aad BMurvotoaa aav ban beea i. heralded broedcaat throagbaat t- length aad . .dtk ef this aaaatry. He tr' say aad ally, with newerfal Chlneew root, herb. addK barka and v table t-t an entirely ankaow to Jlcl acleaee la tn esaatTy, and throaty the see of these barmbe reaedle he gaanntoea to cure catarrh, aathaea, bug troubles, rheums tlia, nweeaaaBB. atoaacu. liver, kidney, feanle h,"eabtoa aad all prtnto dleeaee. . ' .. This, ramoas doctor cu.'S wiraoai taa aa ef the knife, without ualmr Pol) eg are. Hand reds of testimonials en Cm st Bis eraia Call aad see him. Charge mnlBvf. cobetltahobt itlxx. ;. Patleara t of tha ettF writ for bla-k sad circular. lack 4e etamo, Addrsae ; 0. wee We Cklaeee Medic in 0 ItaA eat eer. Mauls ea. Pertlaad, Or. Please aeattoa tbla paaar. '. . Fook Sang & Co. RXTT-T-wv awa-K-. ' JAT . TU CHONQ. Mgr. Para. fieautlfulv- Jal Jewelry, Gold Braelete and Signet Klnga of All deaoiiptlona mad to or der. Ataerloaoj namoa en gray e , n Chin ebaractart tn pure gold rmfs, or goua-luck rlnge angraved with. tne tnrec carainai vdui charaetora. vlxi Glory. Prosperity and Longevity. Charges raaaonabla and ordera of any daalgn promptly executed and aent pre paio to any part oi to unitaa etAtaay, . . v sua klaa nlM Telle a etbee, $ a UVl Pan auhetTMeleue -?''" "I aU Brasglew. Vhleki aubeaew. , MaMien B. NO MORE. BATHING IN CREAM COLORED SUITS - ., , , . r":-'- - Jooraal Special Servww.) AtUatlo City, Aug. I. Mayor itory hat leaned an edict forbidding tha falp aex to appear upon tha beach In eraam colored bathing eulta. A tha younger aoclaty laadarg of Phil' phla and Baltlmora. who ara both t and shapely, appeared an tba boewih tha kind t eoatumoa tAbooart bv mayor. No. and of confosfon for tmnadlatalr. A Orawd of aire. aaa aathareil on tba board wai . Dial mad tha eults were pretloA parent. Owing t protaata r svral ladtoa whd did not v tha aurf, tha mayor waa an edir-t ta tha ftent tbt l inar aults a ".owe 4 oa f - ba Uit f t tnni Va sax t ' IC.--II1I 'V-