The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 06, 1905, SECTION TWO, Image 20

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    t: cr.zcoN cuiiday jcuhiial, rcr,TL..::D. . cu:..
- .,. all
' at poetoc of Portias.
b-a-oortauoB tar Im mlv aa
. oet. for Bind cord: Fur sb . 10 or 18-
...-. 1 mi: Id la W Pa. S MU; 41
ke4 page. 3 mm. ,. .-,...
rouxu Asmrniii urutnrTATiTX.
Vreabtad-BeBjamta Special ATerttlog Agency,
i. haeeaa urat .New lurk; Triuuae Bull
.; . cwMfc k :. . -.
" 4 ,-L niHimMl MAT.-
Term ap Cantor,,
Ta Daily Journal, wltk Bandar, Jsar.
r Dally JwmI yr. ....... .......
a. M Ually Journal, wltk Sunday. moats-
. 8.00
. 8.T6
im tmuy eoaraai. w
Tee txllf W with Sunday, 8 moat.
Tkt JoBraal. 8 mtkt... lZZ
r iii Jaaraal. wltk Sunday. 1 aaonta . .
,i dlmU. fcinlll Lift
.hated " ...4.'. "M
- rv-.i. ,i ,h J.lli.rl ftnadar X
3 , - a
a Dally ioarnaL with Bunds. 1
,' a Daily JooraaL 1 auonth.......
' a Sunday Journal 1 yaar. ..............
Saaday Journal Bmeth... .........
Tka Saml-Whly Jaarl.
A-he Seml-Weehly Journal 8 to It pegne
- . . , 1 I ( Cull - .r ..t M.
aba ka
(iLM' akaVid aaBtede' breraVtsT postal
;tkaa, r..aa orders aa4 wU smoeata ara
' Maaatakk) ta.l aaa S-cant BaaUca ataj
p. 0. ftac 1. rartUal. Oraaaa. '
! Joaraal
aaa ka fcaaa aa Ml 'at tha
tOal ?!. Mo-
' ,vAK)-fatetea Hw aoapaayi tT Daar-
"?Tc3L0.-ir. Stack. BitonU aa4 Cat-
.APOUa M. t.lUwmh. ,, ioatk
, 4a aUlbva Boaal Naaa ataadl aKvaatk
.aT aa.aBy. 0
i ..f LJ.k C1TI Baayoa """"
a., 41 waat aacnno
CT. lOCIa klMa Boaaar,
aia imwi uw.
B. T. att, OIHa atraat. ..
kikH kaN
Maara ata
Pilar Botat
a uj'iajiii war aa armiur.
...1 .aa IMi Market atraat; OoM-
mmJ Balnt
T aarfrk Bjaa. M aattar'
f aacla kotal: Paatar Oraar,
tarry kail?
I fc-; N. WkaaOay.BMwaato
't: i TTi al Balnrw Grand Kawa ataa4
. t .aka. Betai rVattl. nawa aiaao.
btoAAKB, ; WAaHUiQTOM Jaka W. Orakaat
WAJHWOTOW-Oantral Xw Camv
m taoaaary anaqaiar. -
Ka rati kaa fmllaa la tka Partfle atmtaa
nac tka laat U koura. aad tba tasaarataraa
Laa rlaaa traal t 10 dacraaa. -
1a tadtratloaa ara for rak aad erjatlaaad
a... araatkar ta That dlatrlrt Saaday.
aaa. aa.-ataxla.aai taaapara-
r "ra,
a.ailaraai aaBtpararara. a
aa at 11 a. m.. . feat;
a. -a aa kaara. OJI faat: total prarlpt-
It- m. a- a. ta a- aa, aoaa; total praclpt.
Ivataai akna ftaptaajbar 1. 1SHH. M lart;
-ral raettatloa alnea Haotanbar L. 10M.
L.d laaaaa; datleantry, 1X25 tackaa; total
Aaaaat 4. 100a. 10:00: aaaatbl aaa-
k-aai Aaaaat a. laot. 14:40:
i aaa anal) at a- at.,
Maa Oaraa.
aidf.. aar.
W. O. Smith Ca.. Waak.
Paarta aad Waaklastaa. ata.
urn tbvcxkxxut.
PhW jMa flO. ratally et
t i 1 .!1a aalJl outatarj. JMliit
niaiiy avauuaioa aaa cara
4 t
ttty. W,
ta W,
WL Martaaata,
kledt, city.
Tka Edward Bobaaa CadertakbM
SM Xklra
Baa. faaeral dlreetora aad
Third aad afadlaoa BtnaaV
aatepaaa aula a.
aad cat Ooweea a aperlalty
rear Ibbbhiiib aad abatracta ta
ta freaa th Title Oaaraata Treat
bBargains in
, "We baye for sale .some 5-acre
tracts at $65 per acre, $25 down,
'balance small monthly payments.
V Th
cts are well located,
ntix O. We P. electric line.
Urnbert Mmtx & Co.
:$?1:tv. Phone East 491.vr r -104
East Alder St.' and 107408
yH-Mt- Sherlock Bldg. - '
TblrUamU mmm AOdac , ; .
- - Apply to'
e-OatBT BAIaT, BS4 Stark
lRI aooerelraed will reeerr ata led bid for a
tack of gcBOTdl 'artliandla lore ted at Bond
Ww, Oregoa. aaaramUag ta about tao.000.
lacladtac More flitarea. ap ta htoaday at 12
, clock aoaa. Auguat 14, IM0 a caak depoelt
, ef 10 par cent ef the amount ef bid waat
' acenaapaay each after, toe right be lag re
t ered to reject aey and aU hid. Th
pMparty Bier b kieprcted at Bod Brrer,
. d aa taeoatary ay be aom at aiy of flea,
i d Pwrtlaad. Oregon, thla Mth day f Jnly,
1 , B. L. BABIN. Pront aad Aakaay ata.
1 rtCK .Wkaraaa air wife. Praaca D. BarL
. , a left air bed and beard wirhoat lay eanaa
or preeocalkem waateeerer, aareoy aotiry
. al roe tract ao- OeM with her ar
atd any credit to her aa aay account, aa
i anil aot Da reapoaathl for aay dbt credited
t k. tfaM ika 1 aaeof Jalv. lfltrl..
T. . MM
' BrTU.fN?irif
lost av rotnrs.
L r rroa dth aad tdorrlaoa ta. a -BHath
a aku. kail tarrlee Da nor : ear key tape
a -eed l1" ta bold la poaitloa wber lately
t d. b-tara ta New fork DeaUata aad
e reward, uvea auaaara tin a p. m.
kl ear Una Bataraar eening.
k. eaaateled, grape leerra aad baark
f pearl. JUwi
ard If rata reed 11
w. . '
I a a.etel aura, by A. Pardy, MM
t .. k,aealar. Owaar caa har eaaM
et ef keep) aad adrertielag. .
br Dearl.
reearded a ealllBC U MoT-
' .Tama r SUiL '
ma Pally JoaraL with Susday, 3 .. .T.OO
Dally Iwul, 1 rear.... ........ "
n Daily Journal erlth Sunday. arnetbs. 8.T8
. n.n; InraL I Baontha S.T6
Dally Journal, wltk Sunday. 1 ssootks. 1.00
' .a ImIIt JouraaL nronthe....,
ORIOON OlKCUt Ma. 171. W. 0. W.,
Moadar alaktla laaea' kail, caraar V.
Uaata ara. aad ftiuaalt at., at a'rloak.
mam I itituim Clark.
UANAOKB wanted, aU aacUoaa,
ta a tart
tfwu, faakvua 0m
I lawful
awrwkara; tula waat; take vlaca
at fornlddMi afot aaasklaaa; waeratad wlik
.. alckala; raawd ar aatd, aaay aayawata; 4X.DU0
la aaa; aanpla arot trra. Wrlta'at one
I parucuiara. Vaaadlaa Koavlty Work.
avaa aa, n luuaor, uutario, uaaaua.
ALBSkiaN la Oraana, ta aaU retail dMiara
air rroaa' aaatara aMnutactarara, cigars,
- arauBM, luka, aaaa aaalua and ' alaaile
aparuuun Bold ay erery trocar la tka wurid
uod nar ta tka rtrbt bii, Ma laaalrlaa
..awm anaf-ae acvuampaaiaa ny reriraca.
Addraaa ataauCacturer'a Amnt, Iba ralrawat.
e-ia rue a..( aeatlia, naaa.
T1A VILJNG aalnamea wba dealr ta dncraaaa
ianr ibcobm aawaia laeeaucata auix. urou
tloa U Baleamea. Oar llaa ta atanW. aad
alter reatarkabla laduoeawata to tka retail
aaerckaat. Wa kaea plaeea arartk aj.OOO er
rr " nra gooa bmb. ueparuaeul OUa,
wa iwwk caicaao.
aTATB maaaawa waated. by aa eatabllabad
corpora tloa. to kaadt araaaat baalaeaa aad
wraia aaw aceaclaa: aood ealary aad o
aolaiWoa paid; Una avportaalty for bmtb of
coararter and ability. Aadreaa ataaaaar, 148
ALL. DI8KASM ef aaaa aaacaaafallr traatad
dlaeaaraea aoaltleclT cared la Croat ta I
daya: aoaaaltatloa free aad strletly eoafMea-
tiali aead for oaf ayaatom blank. X eVadluta
Medical Inetitate. AUaky blOg., Valrd aaj
aterrkwa ata.. rartiaad.
ALBktBN ereral
flret -rlaaa, aiaeriaaced
aaet com Blikly ran
: Btea araa ara able to eara fruai
s.wai to tV,ooo a year; atapl Ua for retail
BMrcaaata. - Unoea aUl, 264 Heaaepla art..
auunpoiu, BilBa.
BOU8I to koaae caaeaasara waated erywher
ra tawaoa, weaalaa-taa, Idaka aad California
ta aaU Seotck Tbletk) CoaiDanlaa Hue a:
laraa profita ta llrelr a rente. Addreaa
Beatek Taletla Boaa Co. 1711 Herkeley at,
forUaad, Oraawa.
TAIXYMAN. M.60: trial
- 7-. -t
auii aiior. aa: earnaaa aaaa. aa
u mill aaa
yardakta, $3 ap; boa factory boya, 1.7S; 4
wklt plna kaaikar aradera, 17B; 28 wooda
nea. LaavbaraMa'a Labor areaa, SoOH ator-
ALKSMEM rira fbrcrfol. kaetllaf k lea bmb
aew, attractIT, aMrlUatata lawelry aewpoal
tloa; retail trade; bead aad. rafaraaaaa ra
aulred; 2,000 ta lo.OOO yearly. Aowrtcaa
eobMac Aaaoctatloa, Iowa City. Ia.
' aoearal food aereotf-kaBd aaclaaa, aultakla
far laaalBS'ar keratin; piu uuaiia, I b bad
ckaaa. tar tartBar laturmaatloa apply la
r. u. Kaanaar, Aetana, ur.
KZPBRIBNCFD traeellaff aalaaaaa wltk claaa
reeera aa nu eacaacy aaa. ja; aaraoiraoea
Cleralaad keaae; hick aaanailaaloBa; f week
ly, t. N. Clark Oo., ftM-U CuUd ara..
Dept. W, . CUralaad. O. f-'
look after krarln-M wltk feral
aaoata: aoalfloa paiataaaati tM
UaL aik-iaj ZTad
WANTCD Carpenter, a few firet-claaa flBlh-
to Be te walla wiia. ingair at toe
aalvedere kotal fraca I u I k a, I k I
a. aa waadar aad Maaday.
STATION MSN, rark work; food
wara. aMa af n. aaaa rata, au an
Oreaoa; free far. Partlcalar at Ba
taployaaeat Offtoa. to north Seeoad a
CAPABU aalaaaua ta cover Orcaoa wlU atapl
Ua; hlfh toaiamaiaaa. wltk iuu BMotaiy
adraare; piraianeat pod tloa to tlfht au,
Jeaa H. Sadth Co., Detroit. Hick. .
WANTBD hfea tatelete. pood pay. t die-
tnoata Clrcaiara, aoeertiaiaf aeanar, lacs
alias, ate. i aa caaraaalax. Aktloaal Adrta.
Buraaa, Chleapa.
BAST Sid Laaabar Ca.'a lath Bill, Sell wood,
aoy aooai it ta wara. lawura moumw, iore
aa Uth BrilL
BMBBOBTIO aTartlara aolldtor,
city: Mkeral
Sit Or.
pay. can is a. av ar p.
(oalaa bide. , v .
WABTBD MacklB an aad
U10 lUcaaaai
Cwecoa. rarBltar Mfg. Co.,
MAN waated la -work aa (arm weed to drlrlng
Big leenaa. . laaatra aaa AUBgaoa mag.
kaal tie and
Addraa Proctor
Orleat, Or.
OOD aollrltor aad
good ageat waatod. -12
Waahhigtoa at.
POBTBATT ageat waated. Call at MS Bemad.
t ajaka ararallB aad
ablrta; laatractloa rlaaa ta laexperteoeed.
Apply Heaetadaar Broa., Itasdard rectory
Ma. X ear. Beat Taylor aad thread ara.
WANTBD Toamg lady far clerical work;
pan tare aot aeceaaary; a tea ay poaiuoa
aaury; aaaat Bare fou caaa.
eara JaaraaL
WANTED Ooai patent gkrl ar woataa Apr bb
ral hoaaawork: four adalt la faaUly. Call
auralaga, TTT OUaaa at., bet. SM and 24tk.
WANTED A woamaa a Barcaar ta d
iaunorj aaa ataBBkf woraa: mue ar
toa at., cor. aareath, apatalra. Pbaaa Mala
rewale help waated.
for light ba
girt a boat 14
yeara aid
Apply 43
1 J la laaUly.
Goldeuilth at.
WANTBD OW ta take car of chlldree aad
help la atore. Bad ef leoaUetUa car llaa.
WANTED Ladlea chtthea
bvasni at Pacta
laaadry, rirat aad Arther ata.
WANTBD XJa7 people t teka a earoe I
ahorthaad er bookkeeping day or Bight; ear
radaate ar all employed; we pUeed T
. Duolla dnrlo atar; wa trill pi yoa whaa
eoatpefat. Bekoka-WaUer Baalaea eoUcg.
WANTBD At aace, krlfkt, energelie. ar.
eatable Ba a woraaa, a good talker, t
take ap aa attraetlre proaeattlaa. teaalr
f At Cbaaibar of Ceauaerae, a. Bk.
HELP wanted aad aappfled. aaal r feaaala,
K. O. DBAXB. SuSVk Waehirajtea aCCUy aaa.
WANTED Hop-pick ara. . Call at A", A. Ckarek
Ca.. sop Taylor at.
WANTED .paaltlaa by reUabl Burrtad aiaa:
will Uk any kind of bonnet work; held Bo
at I loa la Mtchlgaa far 17 year, but deelr t
local la Oregoa; can fernleh beet af refer-
seat 'l ea IB au
WANTED Poaitloa aa building raperlnteadeat
r eoaatractloa r ore ma a; bar bad so yea re
xperlmc la aU klnda ( banding la th
eaat. Addraa I&4 M7rtl at., dly. '
BITVATION waated ay aa erperleBCed Biaa
teangrapber; caa .fm-nlah flratlaa rfcr
Aarea T ou, car Journal.
Bt'BTNEM aiaa ef eiperleoce and tntegrlfy
wlabee mployuwat: beak and caaiBktrelal ret-
Addraaa V be, Journal.
ITVAT10N hi wboleaale warehou. work) tknr-
nag ipanear ana good rtlereece. . Ad"
41. car of Journal, i
IS 7k,
Oei umb.
wait work r any
Cara Journal.
BBGIBTEBED pbarttaelat,
Al refereace. Addreaa
10 yeara
T 07. J
BERPBOTABLB lulodla-ared weaua (Aaieri
raa, na family, refined and capable ef
aaeumlasf fall charge, deolrea poaitloa aa
working booaekeeper for widower, elderly
roupl ar Inralld; elty or eoaatry. Mra.
Parker. M WIlllaaM) ar. Pbob Scott IU
MinDLB AOED lady
keuaekeepar. we)ld
rat-claaa kona tar
like th care ef a flrat-plaaa
T 41
AIBIavaaL Hka Haka
C,U t BaO Hood t.
AOENTS WANTBD T aell ear Mpartet ktgk
R-ade aweery a tack aew aad eaaiptet eel.
I farnlaked treat aah Week It; writ
ey for choice ef territory. Capital Cat
fcaxaary Ce.,
SBataki Oregoa.
i v ? '
aUkMSBN'S BalPtiOTafBirT WPrlCB.
roa Mi.
M . Becoad at. . . Pfcoa Mala lata.
oral kelp free 1 aiployare. lia wornaoa.
WABTal atlBOIIiAJriOtra.
WANTS D Mora apraylBa' aad whltaaraahladi
the eal fauaa eomptaaaia air aprainf
eatdt aa tha eat. U. u. htoma Ca, 07
VlllwaukU at, Pboa Bast MIT.
healthy baby. - ful about 1 yeara aid, of
healthy pareataje. by r flood family. . Ad
dreea U 7a, cara JoaraaL - . . -
WANTBD T kay a boraa about l.MO weight.
to. work aa a farm. K. undeii, l mil aat
frora Sell wood P. O. Milwaukla OoaU No. i.
light dellrary wagoa
hit. Hood Clean.
for car daMna
Co., M7 Aakray at.
Mala &B08... - .
riFTT card hardwand ea Aatorla railroad.
Laraa Beward. 401 Prcacott at., i'ortland. Or.
WANTBD T bay around -hand tent about
mitt.- Addreaa U T3. rare Journal. .
SCHOOL BOOB8 bwght, an Id and exchanged.
Joaee Book tor. l Alder at.
r. I. BTDEB, arlntr. Becoad and WaakiBgton
eta. renal aiaia eooo.
WAjrrxs to axn.
OWBKRa AND AOBNT8 will find H do their
ad.anuca to llat tbalr Tare at bouaa aad
flat -with aar Pre Rental department. . Oar
tiMU kaa. fllrate ha. Wn. a .
Blaed laatltatloa la Portland, hundrede ef
teaaata being weekly placed la aultable
Quartera. wit Bake - no ebarg wbaMeer
aad ewoera boutd take adeaaug of thla
Barrier by . calling at our rental department
and filling la aa 'Information Blank." ' If
yea bar a vacant bouse, paoue tb par'
tlralara aad lea re tb reet ty u a.wTm't 1
7 -allTW 1t to tamalii 1onrf idTe.
, ..Tree Rental Drpartmeat. . -188
to 101 rirat Bt.
WANTED Te net nicely located boaie Bear
Portia ad. with fire ar tea acre, . aultable
for poultry reach; aear car llae preferred:
tat caab root. Addreaa T 46, car Journal.
XOUNO bmb ' want boaeekeeplaf reeja with
Bee ef batk; aaaat b cloaa 1b and reaaoaabat
raat Addreaa T M. car JoaraaL '
WANTBD To reat Cottage at beach. Call at
1M Ptrst C, er pbona 'Mala 102.' J. T.
Wlkwa. - ' .
'' : ,"t WABTTD Bfdl, 'XSTATS.' '
Ob atock ranch.
,s On piece erarral dmtmb property.
Three weat aide dwalllajra.
VI oat k good VBlaaa. Ownera oaly.
... .,' S FallllMI bldg. . ''.!,
WANTBD Ta glv fM equity la 4 fin Vita
la St. John, ae block to car, ta eirkange
for or 0 reoei BMdera koaa la Portland
already built, or to aoaa one wk will build
w and pay th dltfcreac am auouthly par.
, P. DabolB. J06H WorrleoB.'' Room S.' i
LOT waated; araat
lor. tloa and price.
la city;' ata te
L 44, ioarnaL
tSOO IMMBDIATELT aa Id Improred Iota- la
Cloeafdalai will . pay S per cant, , S M,
- Journal. ' -
roa EjOT-aooatxxxTiEw aooiis.
.k.i S. a, m. .i.,,. a.,i
POB BENT Puralabed bouaekeeplag-rooai la
., beat brick block ea eaat aide; gaa range.
oath, etc. J a rraaaienta; price BMOeret.
Logaa Dir.., luwsa unioa are- oor.
Alder. Pboa Unioa 20l.
S OB I fnrntahed rnoaw for light honaekreplng
la fine location; new furniture, hot and cold
water, use of phon. 401 Pint at., esraer
Harrlaoa. Corner roome. . .
1 FEB WEEK farnlaked roe ma. beueekeep
lag prlrllrgea. ' 0. H. Plgfott, : iawyaf,
raon rjooo auv. .a aaaiaey oaog.
POB BENT Paralahed kaoaakeeplag roome, Ba
of bath; brick bonding. MVa Buaaall at.,
. Beer: Mlaalaalppl are. car llaa,
POB RENT Flrat floor furnlebed
- keening; bath' aad g. -Alao i
laqulr M North Ninth t.
THREB furntahed boueekeeplng- irooma, wltk
bath, gaa and phone; price, fit. Ill IJaloa
' ar.. Burner Fremont. . .... ,
M4 BRTENTH, Bear Madlaoa Parnlehod light
bnueefceeping .rooma for . three; . gaa. bath.
Pbona Paclfl lOd. - -
THREB fnrnlahed boneekeer.lrfg rooma. bath; 10
Bilnote' walk f rani baalaea center.- . 134
i N. Grand .
d TWO connected light hoaaekoaplag room,
new, BHKlera and prlrat . home. M4 Kat
Waahlngtoa at. . .-
TUB LINDA TI8TA. nicely farnwhed hosaekeea.
lag aad alagle rooma aeaanaahla. . S47 W lfth.
TWO hooa. keeping room, furnlahrd, S1A per
BMath. Call today, 1(H Mill at. -
roa axiTT ornrBwniB.
OrrtrB of hair and acalp apeclallet, T year
eatakliebed: patient and renwdla g wltk
' aale. PO. Bo 07.
THREB eounecllng office for rent, aew fur.
altar for aale. P. O. Boa T.
nmrannolf for rant
- aoagb bldg. - Apply lee tec.
BBNT d-ranaj cartag. complete y far.
Bt Oceaa rark. Win ,' ror aeptem.
her, tan. H. A. KUUaa, car at Harakaii
Walla, Hardware Oo.
. daa aak aroe.
BoM Blear. Orageat
good taofckj epnog waiar.
taaaia, boating aad laklng
By special ajTnjement with Wtihams 4 Kerr Broi.
: THE JOURNAL hs secured a lare quantity of their
One of which, together with a BooUei of Recipes,
will be given with each 15-cent cash want ad, inserted .
in either The Daily or The Sunday. Journal V
: " Overwhelming testimony proves the Economy Jar '
to be the ideal jar for domestic canning. So high an
authority as Mrs: S. R. Foster of Salem, Oregon, who
was awarded all the first prizes at the Oregon State '
Fair for her fruit in Economy Jars, says: "They are a t
"SURE SEAL, EASY TO OPEN, and I prefer them
to any jar I. have ever': used.-,.' r, j- -r? V- -k5:
Are "Economy" in Renting Rooms, Selling Property, '
Finding Lost Articles, etc. the rate is 5 cents per line '
each insertion. . 7 '
tXLM -room boaaav Bkodera conrenleocaa, sad.
. baa Rafael at. . . - 1 '.
$1 Beautiful gronad flear flat, not" fad cold
water, patent toilet, gaa; No. 4 I-a loa are,
.walking diet aace bualnee center. . .
l7 room kouee, 104 Beat Iwentx eeTentn.
aear Belaaoat at.; ale yard, .lota of fralt aad
auruboery. - , - - ' ,
1B dwell o-rooai cottage, BKxlera eoaTeateocea,
$11 Beautiful' ft-reoae cot tag. We, 181T Eaat
Nlatb at., Woodlawa. - ' . '
16 Nicely furulalieil '6-rooai cottage, i Eaat
, Forty fifth, aear Stark at. - .. -w -
. Apply lPa rirat t. '
rOR RENT 5-ruom furnlebed coltage, S Bleep
ing rooma. cloa to fair, rent low, poaaeaalua
'; eerythlng furalahed. Ineludiiui
Haea bedding, dtabes, etc.; It a a bargain;
ecu pant Waring city. 70S Barter at, ,
BOU8B of loom and -batk. apatalra furnrtar
for aale. with balla and atalr carpet aluoat
, bcw ; price aue; centrally located, real
cheap. V 00. eara ef Journal. ,
POR RENT S-rnom' amdera cottage, tlS-RO per
month. Hee Jo Naeb ia tb whit haua at
Naabrill at a tloa aa tb Mt. Scott car lln.
FOR RENT 7-room new aMtdera kooee,
Eaat Tenth aad Ca rather ata. See
114 Fourth at., cut
FOB RENT Modem T-room kooee, cor. Corbet t
aad Lane ata. Take a car ouU; key Beat
door. Pboa Mala 1180. . . .
rna n,VT B-coom fnrnlahed kona a
keeping rooma. , Call at Id Orartoa . Then
; Mala eo76. - '
SECOND atory of . 4
water; real $10.
Becoad aad Arthurs
Inquire del Second et.
-ROOM fnrnlahed cottage for rent; bath, gka,
aew furniture: 37.0O. Pbona k(.ln S182.
FOR . RtNT 8 room bone, yard, water,
per BMath. Pnoae Monday. Main 0u87.
16 rOR KENT Kw S-rooa aaodera aot tags.
OWJaatlana at. Pbona Dr. Darllng.
POR RENT 0-rnom kooa. Bnnnrald. lnquir
-.Buaday. S t 4, 1111 Eaat Morrnwa at.-
PCRNI8HED d-twooi realdenc,' 10;
garde, blanch rater, 73 Sixth (t, -
with bath. Thaae
modern 4 room ' cot tare
Bast 2S7b.
4-BOOM eotttg for, not.
aear Sliteentk. . '
Call Ml Erarctt at.,
POR RENT fl-foea
- Buatoa at.
koaai Bp-todat. 1U
POB BENT -rea cotug. 17.60.. Jtal-
jory. tu... . r.. .. .... '
COTTAGE1 for reat , at Scaald. Phon Mala
. 4101.
t-BOOM booae, furntahed. laqulr OM KcYby at
bovsxs roa arrr innuriTinu roa saxx
FOB beet reealta ea J
Wkcther te bar or aell, ring Mat M8.
ai HmI a. .
til rirat at.
UOl'ME ef 11 noma far reat aad furniture for
eel er exchange for city or auburbaa prop.
. erty; full of good-paying roomera and flrat
rlae Inratkm: ar changed hiad. (25
' lath. Mala 1111. :....'.'
HorRB of 10 ronm for rent, furniture for aale;
price ef fnraltur S00, rent of kouee 4:
' good location, alee aclghbarbood; leaTlng
atate, 496 Moatgotaery at. - . , ... ..
FURNITURE ef S-rooa fcoaa for aale; central
location, cheap rent; price MOO; will pay
"te Inreatlgata. M North Park. ear. Darla.
1701 lOTH NBA8,MORRIRON Parnltar d
.' room flat (or aale; room all fuU. beat prkaa;
cheap for caab, . . 0
CNFU RNIBHBD upper flat, rooma, bath, gaa,
fixture, fuel, tub la kitchen: newly re no-rated.
' Orertoa at. HarrlneTtoo. 60M Flrat.' Bear Oak.
NEW keoderw ft room flit, 1ncm1lng tee1 and
- g,a rangea:' Halaey and Larrabce, eaat aloe.
Inqulr kM Larrabe. ... ,.ai , y , -
FLAT FOB RENT -rom flat,' bath. Water
paid; ae chlldre. ft 28 Mill U. tlft.BO.
k-ROOM flat,
Benoad floor. , 1T0 Sheraaa et
Phon Main 4o2.
TEN-ROOM building atore, with t rooma; cen
. tral. near bualaaaa dlatrlcU Inquire tot
' Dart t. - ' ".. ' '
BEAUTIFUL ault nfnmlbed nam, all mod-era-eoarenlenc.
7 Irrlag at. I on block
10th at. car,
d fNFrRNIRMED rooma; rent rery rona
te right party cloa la ea eaat aid. Pat
' F.aat Mil. y i
FIRBT-CLAKS rooma and board for permanent
people, 622 60 and 620 pet month ; table
' board $ par week. A at or kouee, 7tk aad
Madlaoa at. Tel. Mala 0231. . ,
THB UnrVII Nw family hotel. Market, he
, tweea Third and Fourth, ateem heat, electric
light, porcelala bathe. xedlngly lew rate.
IHB IBTIN0 Blegaat
xorbttaat caargoi:
aaet loa prleea right,
aceommodatlona, aa
dining -roam ta ana.
Cor. lath aad trrtag.
BOOMS with beard tor parmaner teaaata,
reaaooabwi araKUaa kame oooklng. Al
Sixth at, .,....,,. ....
BOOM for aiori MM per week) gond table.
Hoi Olay. near Fifteenth. Phon Mate Hcwa,
SRTLAND, Portland Height Th beet located
camp groanda la Ua city; 800 feat abort
rirer; III BklnBta' walk, ear I block! ap.
Mala Bvaa.
FOB LEASE Upper ' Boor, TnxlOO, Morrlaoa
aear poet office; mndera. a legator, beat, Ad
. dreea 0 ad, car Journal
BBOT TlTajnaKXl)
THB ROYCRRST. ltd - Twelfth at., aori
Yamhill Juat opeaed; exrlualr roiHnlng ac
. coinidatloa; houae aad furalablnga eallrely
new; eiegaat autwa, with hot and cold wtr.
fine bede; alao alogle-rooma; will rent'
limited aomber. of ruoua) now to perauukelit
. uaoie; iraaateota oucita.
FURNISHED ROOMS Make money eat of
, your owe frleada. Th HowUnd. I rat-clam
roonung-kott. Twaatlath and Waahlngtoa,
. caa accommodate a few more fueeta; bring
' your frleada and race lea 20 per cent ef their
bill; rate 80c, 76 aad 1; fre bataa, fire
- .kaa (rem depot.' r ' '
COMMERCIAL 80TEL-New building.
' thing BMdera throughout, beaatlfully
.. BMbedi rooma light, uany pleat ef freak
' alrj locatlea eouTealeet for either bee 1 area ef
fale; price reaaoaable. 4M WaeMagtea.'
THE HAM ANN. 1 N. 18th anr HoTt Newly
. furnlaaed rooma. 11 JO Bp; eourenlent Vwatlsa.
16 minute' walk to fair groaad: klorrlan
car at unioa awpot direct la kouee.
Pbona M70.
TWO neatly furnlaked room, wltk bath, ault
' able for 4; prlrat family; 10. mlnutea' walk
. from, poatof he. SUM Market t., betweea
Sixth aad Bereath. . i . .. . -
aiaa aaaal: aluel
ketk. Pboa Mala 1M1. SOi Aide.
Bear Sixth,
ON E large farntWhed front- room, S boueeeerp
1 Ing rooma. turnlahed.or unfnrnlehed. tor reat,
Pboa Scott Mio.i or call 435 Florence at. -
KICKLY fnrnlahed mo ma; rg front . room,
aultable "fur on or twa gentlemen; batk;
aabla. - 171 17U t.. oeer Morrmoa. .
MARQUAM HOUSB. 11 dth Room ea autre
er (lagle; boaaekeeplag rooma; ga atare.
' bath, electric llghtai traaaleata aolldted. :
HOTEL NOBTHhRN. Twelftk and Marahall
Nicely feralabod keaaekeeplng-TKoma from 619
par aoath aad ap; free pboae aad bath.
FOR aeatlemea. - 'new hoaaa. modem
awara. near J car lima: prlrata family;
reaaoaable. 301 Eaat Tenth at. -
NICK newly fnralahed mam: electric light;
. In walking dlatanc; S month. 120 Kaat
Eighth at., corner - Alder. .-'
LAROE and email noma, reaaonabm, foe. fair
leltora. '1 blocka aouth Betel Portlaod. 241
Sixth at., cor. Mala. . .
CIIKAP, for ea or twa ladle, furalahed room.
with or without hreaktaat. Eaat Ninth
t., - aear. Caruther.
NEAR fain S larg froat room. 9 far 1 cr
. M for a. Oil MH t- bt. Twcaty-foarUi
aad TwMty-flfth.
FVRNI8HED front room, flrat floor, with fire
place, gaa and bath Included. ,13 E. 7 Ik at.
Pkoa Eaat 1020.
M t'A RGB froat room, an fa rn la bed. for houae
. keeping ; ground floor; newly papered. 1U2
North Twelfth t. :
ALDER 4S Aider, nicely furnlebed
coo een lent loeatloai bath, fret aboa.
reuaonable rat. - .
ONE large anfornlahed roam and kltrhea
, bouaekeeplng; aa chlldreB. 210 K. 12th
aear Lorejoy. t
FURNISHED raorna, SO. Tile aad Si ap. Twwa
, tleth 'aud Waahlngton. Hot nd Bold bataa.
The How la ad. .
FRONT parlor for grntlemaa a. refinement wb
wlahea room aear th ceatar . dty. 681
Brerett et.
THB GLADSTONE 611 Saetee at
, furalahed
prla ree-
I aaoer new aaaaagement J
TOURISTS' Rooming Nureaar rooma la beat
rta ef city. . 401 Tent aa, - Pkoa Mala
LA ROB furntahed bouaekeeplng roome. g72j
Eaat Morrlaoa. cor. Unioa are.- Pboa But
.:. 87 64. .......
BRAND Roaming-Hoe. 46H
Furnlabed room I geataraaaa;
North Third
41.00 Week Bp.
CHBAPEST and beat locered roome la Portia ad.
1 1 week aad up. Gllman. Flrat aad Aide ata.
CLEAN. Bwly ' fnrnlahed rooma, 60 t TM
per day. 106 'North aerenteeath at..
THB CASTLB 7t Waahlngtoa
at. furBlabed
Phone Mala 107a.
ONE large furntahed room, T per month. Call
today, IM Mill at. ,
Fenrteeotk et.
room, gaa and bath. SM
M ap. 640 William
ere., room d.
FURNISHED rooma. "04 North Slrtoenth at.
roa am stobbs.
FINB corner atore, Tweatleth aad Waahlng
i ton: large plate-glaea window, Bake So
locatto for drngglat, Donald 0. Wood
j ward, ltd Stark at. -
FOR RENT Star 20x00: a geeary.
Importing Co.. IM Fifth at.
roa bint r
FARM of 840 acrea, 8 mile 1 from Portland,
to leaee for term of yeara; etnrk and crop
: for aale: IS Bead of rattle. 40 tone of bay,
200 chicken and all other erno: alao mac win
ery ; price 61.300. Inwlre ewaer, 863 Kaal
Flrat at. North, Bear WeWler. I
I10-ACRB good paring farm. rork and machin
ery and 1X06 karreated crop for aale; ,rry
rwae to city. Owner. ITT- Sherman.
roa bau aoBixa and cabbiaois.
FOR- SALE A gentle Bound yoang horae, ault.
. able for dellrery or butcher wagon, weigna
, about 1,000 pounder rodnlr 120 North
, Tblrteea, er phone Main K7.
and harneaa. $80;
' gona milk. 60-
(rery gentle) with ;buggi
en cr
T eeiaer, a gar
Call 417 Ablngtoa
DMlg. .
A FINB top boggy
boree and barn, anat
f.12t, toy aale cheep, er trad for lot. A. B.
Hacker.- 240
SADDLE-HORSE for aale. or xehanr for
good drMng Aora. Apply Fester Ale leer
- at able. Fifth aad Errtt. . - -
FINB camping wa
Bt anectal price. Iaqulrr
Eaat Monclaonat.
of C. L. Boaa. A:
FOR SALE Black mar.
laqulr M North Tklrd.
wtlghl about 1,100.
1)1.200 PIKB farm. 1170 arTe. 10 la rnltira
tloa. balauea paatura; rood water power fur
. cuttlac feed aad ruaalnc dairy; ti eawa, b
' Boraee,. 15 boa. 80 abeen, 12 bead of jeumt
aattle, wltk ra completa dairy and farm
- outfit: rb ckaapaet I aria ia aortkweet; a0
ler acre. aar tarna. '
lla.000 riB dairy farm aar rab-rlaw, 140
4 arraa. 70 la eulttratleav balaac pa.tnre;
faie atraaai ruBBlna Ibrouitk iaea:-buiMim
nod; 40 cowa, ft boraaa. complete dairy outfit4
lao all kind farmlna rmplemeata, wltk -kay,
(raia aad feed; Uila place ba aa loroaM o(
Aiu par Btonlh; auMtaU a account of wlf'
health; part caab.
$3.Boo an -re near Lenta: fin aoll. do yrarel.
vary'elKBtly; caab, kalaac I, t and 1
' year ncr cent: alao ft acre Mm place,
7V), $00 caab. balaar ta ault.
N.OtlO Pla -ruoai aeadara bouaa. - BolUdajr'a
ddltloa. coraar Int. ana half caab.
13.750 good bouaaa. lota fiOilOO. well larated.
waat auie, vi.uuu dowa. baUnca aaay terme,
or will eU one wltu Miliar
W.eOO fin eottaa. Thtrty-flfth at.. Sanay-
l aaiei aiouara ia erery aay, itn iiuui, ax
Mil00: aay tarina ... - -
fl,7S0 Good 7-ruuur koaa aa Twrnty-thlrd
at.. amaU lot, bouaa atujera; $300 caab.' bal
ance 119 Bar aiufiik. ...
tl.oOO Houee ef 7 moot aear St. John, tm
car line: lut 100xl2S: part caak.
.0I0 IT acre. S ail lea frota Last: water
piped to aoaa and Hera; It acree In- raitira
tkm; lota of arnall fruit, eorne orefcard. fin
corn. 1 beifer. 1 calf, 1 hoc. I abaep, too
chirkaaa, it tom'et kay, (aicra la potato,
aom wheat and oata.
SI Allaky . blda. . Pboa Waat Ml.
J, ry" ,Bt BurnaW. , .'V . "2
Hare S acre Bear Ragle creek "ea '0'. W. P.
' car I In, aultable for hotel. Ilrary and aa
looa; a fla epportun(ty te nuke money.
40 acrea within S mile from steel brldg. suit
bw ta dirlde api all lmprTd. ,. , .
Talnabla boalneaa property, weat eld, ea
Fourth. -Waalilngtoa. YamhlU, Balalf k . and
.Burnalda: price reasonable. , . .. , . . .
10 cheap bt on Baat Tblrty-fourtk aad Sbe
aiaa. Beer Hawthorne. $300, t3ao. , .. . .
Half block between Twelftk tad, Tntrtemtk. M
But Burualde; great bargain. - ...
T-room houa. ' modem, oa ' half aerl fralt.
elc.i 1 block boa Board a.
-room boaae. raodera. ea Area arej eery eheea.
roam braa aew - anas. 61 .000, tarma. :
0-rnom bouaa. lota. 61.300. aay term. -2
fin acre aear reaerrolr, $000, easy tarma. 1 '
8 acree at Leaf la orchard, boaae, bare, well
fenced, etc.. 1 1.1 mm, term. ,
8 acre Bt Rannrald, with Jar BMdera hoaaa,
etc.. 67,600. terma. -. ,
TH acre aear Woodstock, bouse, bam. fralt,
etc.: rery fin bom. 6d N0. term.
8 fine aora on. Portland Height. 81.200.
We Bare tang llet .of creaa. koaaee. Iota
nd farma: It will MX te cone aad -took M
'"prr bafor "tmylng. . .
' ;' DUBOIS A SHERWOOD. ' .'. .
'. - 20AH Morrlaoa at,, room S.
fl.OnA RUTS new atndera 0-room bone tad lot
SO 1 1 0(V hi. Raat Portlaad Height. - only - 1
block from cart caa glr time oo part af
prlre.- . ' ' .
$3,000 T-room boaa. atrtrtly modera and
- nicely arranged, East Serenth at. Korth; very
aey term
$3.o a 8-mom new modern boaae, corner let,
Baat Madlaoa at.. g.Vl0 down.
tS. buy 6 acree. all fa hlrh tat of cultt
atlnn. lota of fralt aad berries and goml
. bulkllnga, near raaarrnlr at Ml.-Tabort- juat
th place to lire and own an antoeesbU.
Pbona . Red 2400. ,100 Ablngtoa bldg.
- FOR SALB. - -
t fin anueee. new and. raodera and wall located:
tbeee houar will be said rery cheap, aa awner
h tearing city. ,
fl.onO-'A an lend id timber claim, will cat 000..
000 feet: thla to not half price; better taree
tlrau thl at oae. . . -
82.01)030 acre, all to caltlrailna, good or.
, chard, all kind of fralt. hoaaa and barn:
11 H mtlea from tows oa railroad, 24 miles
from Portland. ' '. -
W bar a larae llat ef farm lands, aa wall aa
etty aad nbarba property.'. Coaa la aad ar
as; w will treat yea right, i , . .. --.
- sxXrTT ft WATTl :.. ' '
Boom 6T Waahlngton bldg. - Pboa Mate 478.
t Aj-iiriiVt
tljt&O OOxion. T-raua houar; aaodera; fdOO
. kl. ., .
Lo M l-axlioi T-room koaa; put eaah,
' rest monthly. - ; j -
l.suo luoxioo corBer, 8-rooa houae) part
ca.b, rent monthly. -"
61.500 100x100 corner, bearing fralt, tow
. room eottaeel Dart caah. raat Bnoathlr.
' dl.Aou luuxloo corner, d-roooa cotuga; half
"dwan. reat mommy. ... v, -
All half block from car lln. Tf yea waat
a Rood Boaa of aay ala at tka rlgkt prlc a
. C A.-Eygowakl. Wlllaaatta. -t . .
Take Mt. John car. . - .
1325 0x100, i small house, A
aiontniy. ........
11.400 oomlOO, Broom hoaaa, 8 20 caak, f U
monthly. . -
tl.ftoo oOxloo, T-raoa awdera boua. 1300 ab.
615 nxmtblyi -82.000
BOxXa. S-reea kouee, oeer looking W11-
Umctt rlrer, a beauty v $400 caak. 820
If yoa waat a good koaa et any ata aad' at
tba right prlc, eea '-,.. i
P. FUCHS. IdOta Fkwt . - '
4-ROOM. bethl 6a 0 cask, 610-aenothly. '
S 8-roma cotugea, batba, baeemeata ti
. each: 8800 caah, 6 JO par month each.
6-raom eotugo com plot ; $600 caah. balahc
te wait.
. room, t lot: $300 caak, $18 atoBthly.
All Of tbeee bat oa are aew.
Ahm a rery dee treble reaUtaac elgkt bracks
from ,teel brldBl S rooms, oooiplete; gronml
. 100 feet aqua re, well kept aad beautifully
' oraaaMBted.
. 346Vi MorrlaoB St. Boom 12. " '
' V-. r , u ACRES. ' "V ' '
AU - cleared, rick lend, 8 acres bearer daa
(oa loa laadl, aprlng water, wltbtn 800 tt
of Oregoa City car Una. S mile asatb ef
Milwaukla; could be nbdlrktod Into lota or
acre tract; prlc $8,000. May term; weald
Mil en half fo $1.000., .
pbB Mala MSB. . r . S22 Falling bids.
Six lota, commanding good rWw, $0nO
Six lot, commending baat rb, $1,000
f ? .
W be He re these are tb c he peat and
, lot oa th Height er in in cityr au
log aa car Ua; a,y term. ,
PboM Mla 6303. 822 Falling
v '' ; '' ':' ";.''.',.''. V ' :'.
I WILI offer at a Very low price for a few
day only tb beat large tract ea the lower
peninsula. Thla Is a great opportunity for
" large In eea tort or a eradicate te buy for
nieculatloB or for real eeta te men to bur
' and aubdlrld. Th N. Tf and O. R. ft K.
' har aurrey through thl tract; ever 8,000
feet of water froat: aplendld laratloB for
mill or factory of aoy kind. Be quick th
j prlc tempting. ...
- . McKeuna, aid Vommercial Blk. : . -.
lonxino. wltk T-roenr boas: beautiful sa
i bur ban bom Bear car line; $2,000.
New 6-room cottage ear 23d at., 62,060. '
. New 8-room kona 2d $4,000.
' Dewble cot tag on Hood at., rent $84, $2,TnO.
', 100,100 on E. Mtk t., Bear Asksay. $1,460.
tftiioo ea Kearney at., $T60.
- tor 100 OB , Flrat at., Al boalnesa git,
110,000. -112
Cemmerclal Block.' PbotM Milk 81.
8, S, 1, 8-room hoaaa kullt la order aad
. cold ea tb installment plan; prior from
81,000 to 63.000 alao qultle la until
bouaa for aale or will etching for recant
lota; alao recant lot .tor sale at Seartew,
Long Beach and Tioga toe houae for rant la
I Heiladay Park add! tie. WtlUaa O. Beck,
SOT. tka Falling. . . .
$ LOTS, far tb car line, sear Kaat Mlh at.,
new 6-rooia cottage, must aell, $1.2ud; terma.
Kw boas, lot 40x100, la Laurelweod, sear
Mt. .Scvtt car, $200.
t liVfc r earth at.. Room Ba. 1
62.700700 MI.-LTNOMAH. Holladar Park. Juat
. completed, 6 large mama, bath, cloaa ta, chlnal
. cupnoaro, eiegaa, piumomg, mnoe, penir,,
wood lift, full baaemeat, part eencret floor
Inalda cellarway. largo attic, could be med
Into rooma; ererythlng aeceaaary for a per
fect nnme; owner going away, R. F, He
ley, 836, Adama. fboae Eaat S34S. ,
, 1 0 e-e hind ea.t--d
and I'riiierliie. lyh g
a of Hi propoaed rail-
e i .
bw. aa. a i
road a t i
I. e ar
I c. a I, p. uia eaat H aeie
II j.u0 l-r acre:
iuv. lauuir iwaVa dtark
tloaa 1 17 a
auap If take at
at., aity.
FOR SALE .New 7-room bouae. porcelala bath,
aa. grate: corner Int. 3ui luO; eeeea: whtli
wHhout foruaure; k.aat Hurnalila and lnlr--tlaib;
11,1.(1 tua and I 1 -wuath. Alan 8'
fanna, 1 amktll roonir, cxaap, . I kon Beat
1U07. Ml hant fcurnal at.
,,Jt.S0S,CBt,rc""c, ta4 onrsctr. Home
built la all parta of toe cay and aoid ea
monthly parmeuta; plana and apaclAcallnna;
bulMlug euperlntaaded. koom B, Cast
bridge bldg.. Third aear Morrlaua.
AN elegant 7-room modern brand-new horn ba
. Baat Ankeuy carllne. pith concrete baaement
- and floor, gaa and electric, ea fine blab bt;
.a flna ho am; 6J.H.VI; terua. Dubol t Vhtr.,
wooo. auo y Murriaoa at
12.000 AaCRES wall Improved, all la 8na
I fruit, fair building,, 4 block from car.
'. llaa, caa b bought oa Try aay teraiai law '
wnw , puueeeeion ; win tasa part la real
vau ,u
lOTw Third, at.
FOB SALE Beautiful garden tract of acre,
wlthl quarter mile of city llinlta; do fralt
" tree aad richest aoll, aU c Wared; price ft3
. per acre for a few daya, .Owner, 210 McKay
bldg.. Third aad Stark.
HOMBS tiy th acre. $130. or lot 6S0. 2 aile
.. from city Umltai electric Una, atatloa oa th
t, proawrty; no gambling bouaa her; tenua of
eaia, write iw loam., ouuuroaa a ara lO.,
Milwaukla. Oregon.
4 . ACRES, cloa la ea good Mr lln; make
fine bom, 62.600. - 8 acrea. new bouse, 2
blocks car, 82,000. , 6 acres, 1 good bousee,-
$2,000. Alpine Real Eatat Co.. 162 Flrat at.
WB bar lea good bargains dn elty and arm
-property that w would Ilk to tell yea
. about If yoa are look lug tor a - location.
Northweat Land Co., 206 Morrlaoa. reoa 211.
BARUA1N Nw modern residence ef 7 rosais.
. aU oonrenleoces. plenty f lower aad berrlea.
ea L'atua are.; ,18 minute to heart ef elty.
Owner, 810 McKay bid.. Third and Stark at..
SUBURBAN TRACT 100x100, 8-raoa new
houae. 24 block Woodstock atatloa; uric
1,360; $200 caab, lie la nee $16 per moum.
. V. Cralgbtoa A Co.. ItUH Third at
SNAP Let and koaa. 10 rooma aad star, wltk
.metric light and city water la guud Iocs.
'tlon; prlc,-icaak 62.OH0. InatallUMnt. $2,luu -leOk
Center at., lacouia. Weak. ,
FOR SALB CHEAP -roea boas and lot; bath, -
hot and sold water; any one wanting a $ud. '
well-built house cheap would do wall Jo call
"on wner t MS- DlrtaloB at. - ... ,
IP yoa want lew aee th lot near lth Sod
Spring era., - Portland Hclghta: tb beat lot;
, oa tba helgbta; will aell oa good terma. Ad
dreaa B lo, ear eouraaL -
rOR SALB A 6-room
I Marque a Hill,
a earth: good
recr naaenable:
place for cklckea
owaar, La loa 1801.
Phoaa tb
FOR sal er exchange for bouae and lot. small
farm, IS acree, . all la cultrratloa, . $ mllcd
from Portlaad. Address SS Kaat First aU.
i Bear Weldler. : .. .
$076 POUR- ROOM houae, be ae most, batk aad
. psatry, piaatared sad Delated; fin lawn,,
7 a treat Improred. - Call fch Kaat 12tk at., K.
IDEAL koa. located la' Mt. Tabor ea car line;
. T rooms, hath, barn, lot 100x100. all kind
fruit; close to eckeol. Owner. u Third al.
SALB or leaaa. 10-roeia bldf., ground 60x100, ad
i jolalag bualara eectloa; rent brlnga big later,
eet ea auasy la rested amat aell. . bud Daela.
FOR SALE 'Neat 4 roam rottaga ta Laurel.
. wand, 20 mlnutea' ride; deal with owner,
gent's fees. Address T 42, car JouaaL
rOR $ALB2S scree, 6-cent fare; eh-taat
ait for home; water bandy. UelTln. Coat
amrclal bldg.. Becoad and Washlagtoa ata.
FOR BALK l-rooa rotug and 4 Iota: fruit
. aad kerrlee: fin place for poultry: cheap fur
caah. Inqulr ata Sprace Bt., MoatarllU,
A BARGAIN for cash, 2 S-rooa hoossq aul
lot. 61.W0I d-moa boos and 2 lota with
fla orchard. 8700. Phon Scott 8616.
FOB SALE Modern lobar baa eottag, elosa ,
. to ca Use, da location, groaad lOOxlWut
a P.. P. TowBstt Co., IM First St.
A' BABB rhsnc to get fm horn. T blocks
, from Huruald. hrldg.' at $2,000, wltk easy
parmeaU. p. Fucks. 140tt First St. , ,
60x100. T BOOM aoderpr houee; Kaat SUtj
at. North; prlc 6S.00O, .v , cut..
' Cralgbtoa ft Co.. lOSVk Third at, . . .
800 FARMS, email tracts aad kits: bargain ta
O. W. P. electric lln. O. R. Addltoa, Lsata.
Or.VTska.Mt. acott car, te.
FOR SALE 0-rootn koa, ale oorser lot, waat
Id; a hargalB If takes at oae. Call ewaer,
Eaat 2007. Mra. B. Downing. . ,
BY owner, amdera. new 6-room cottar, ruit
, lot, oa car line; km ths east; muat arlL
Address T M. JoaraaL ) , .
FOB - SALB r axebang. HVt sere lmprered.
1H Bile froa MouurUI OsrUa. . Laqulr
ewnar, 4J4 Belmont.
FOB SALE New roea Bodrra hoaaa sad art '
corner lot,- Bunaysld dlatrkl; easy tenua.
.PkaM Black 8074V'-.,, - '. --",".),
lataaa d-room sotuge sad lot, 401 Montgomery
at., aear fort land acadravyi trait
reaeonable tarma, ' - - - '
$1.S0 New $ roam cottage sad S large km
ea oor. Ore ad are. aad Boarer st. Sea ewaer.
$1, TOO BUYS k cnttsg. T rooms,' batk. sta
tionary tub, lot 60x100, large bars, loeuir
- TM C'erbatt at. ' j. --'"
8700 NBW 0-eooB houae, pleetared, painted.
brlrk bear meat, lot aoslOO, Woodlawa. Pbaaa
' Scott 1846. . :
FOB SALE 6 roam
ea - cat Ma. with
Ibaair kdl kaat
er trait trees, ale.
" Sixth st, . -' .
FOB SALB 1 and 6-erre tracts Bear carllne,
H fill Milwaukla poatofaca. , C. K. Ballard.
k-ROOM koaea. cbeaa for
inquire U B.
MuaUrllla ear.
- Bsmlagtoa. Bomoal ara.
COTTAOKS and realdenc lot for aal akaap.
Seward, owner. Phon Unto OS24. . - j
DESIBABLB realdencas and lota, waat .or east .
aide. Apply forenooaa 448 Third au
ATTBACTIYB hemes, $ aad 8 room; bats, gaa,
ale shrubbsry. 106$ Froat A.-, .
tH ACRES ea St. Johns lira, saltaba for pat
ting., owner, sou bob roe . ' " "'.. '..
CHOIcil tlaber-clslms aad aomaetead. . T0S
Chamber ef vommere.
Cw nrTrr-'F. Kliaj, io (
ck.aia. af faanaik .. .. i
CERTIFIED scrip. Immediate dell eery, 'Jpweat
. prleea; tlmber-laada bought sad eold. W. te.
HowU. 688 Chamber of Commerce.
TIMBER-LAND WANTBD 1,000 to 8.000 acre
dJat to Columbia rlrer er etkat suluba
stresa. B. B., ears JournaL
FOB SALE Twa homeetcad rrllaoulakawat
clatma; aseond growth; will 611 sheep, k.
p. Nlelaoo, Hotel BhelBpfsls. J '
100 ACRES --How rln and fir. thrs J""U"; ,
- feet ccseslbl. $1,200. -.' Bain, 828 HI;
Rafael at., fort la no.' wregom.
FOR home, tea da, timber -claim aad faral nS ... :
ms A. B. Mstbews A Co.. kalVk Morrlaoa sc. ,
, -1., I..., ru ... .
M ACRES Umber-la od. XambUl eoasty, 82JIO.
Apply TWO Mlaalaalppl ars. Phoaa Ualos
Oata. ,-. ! - ... , -k, .-..-.
8,600,000 FEET, ISO acrea, no. Nehelem rleer;
Bk eirer saa taaa i. e .w -------
FOR HOMESTEADS, timber elalBa gad scrip
spply to 806 Comamrclal blk. -
' . . roa sAii MTMTocaL '' '
COWS for sal. 1 bead: bora, wagon, Barnes
and mils reuiei win f ,
Bellwoed car. grt off st era aka lory, g tw
block north to tent. i ' ' ' .
THB J. H. Flak Aaaaylng office Oreealey ft
Crawford, analytical hmlat . aad BMlsei
' sarglats. 804S, Wsahlsgtoa St. '
,4 '
SAWMILLS deBlgned. and . built;, plan and '
eetlmatea lurai.Ben. - w. n- nawiitoa.
Maassnlla St., for Hand. Or.
Pkone Scott $IW.
i ..... ..... - - -