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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1905)
I. j ; ; ;BAL ESTATE HVS.:. jj , jIM Mk baa witnessed flurry in , Business realty. - Several Important J transaction have taken place, and the Miylng fever haa aelaed aoma of tha . heaviest opart tors. After a ult haa ' ' baen made anothar deal for tha aaroa property at an advanced figure ia not unusual. - Tfata ia taken to Indicate mora than anything alaa could tba rapid p praclatlon of tba value of Portland buel- . -ness property. Capitalists aaam to hava 'Just awakened to tha 'fact that there ''." la one of tha best purchases here to be found on tha eoaat, And. tba roan for tha rest of tha aeason It la predicted will ',. , have greater proportlona than marked , the nrst half yasr, ,""! One of the strongest bull Influences that baa bean published was the pur . chase by M. A. Gunst of a half of the . Pf under Droriertv at a fla-ure nearlv aa :. large aa was paid for the entire quarter :4 oiws' ohjj a raw., weeae previously, ' ' ' There was no change In the property, no ' alteration of conditions affecting It . After the original owner aold. at' a figure ' be thought waa sufflolent profit for him. ' vest or thought be .was . getting his , money's worth by paying at tha rate of . nearly double that of the preceding sale. , -Mr, Gunst la- regarded as ens of the ' shrewdcat buyers of tha coast. He baa ' studied the realty situation of San Fran- " Cisco, Los Angeles, Status, Tacoma ana ', ' Spokane for yeare. When his attention ' ' waa directed to the pricea prevailing . . here, and he gay the future of the city " a, little attention, be concluded that this - -V waa 'One of the 'beat - Investment he . could secure on the coast. t The effect of such - buys aa thla la j' electrifying. Property-owners feet that , there la a big movement on. The for v get tbe. croak about quiet limes after the fair, of a lull for a year or two be- for Portland climbs again. They argue thai thai wonderful natural resources of . i this community, which hava never been . . ruuy appreciated, have peon merely . stirred by the fair movement, and that , 4 Instead of Portland falling back for a rVyear or two, tha city will be quickened f., to take its proper plaoe in.eoeat de velopmeat Local men do not 'doubt that thla place la the peer of all northwest - puMiuimies, ine one groat meirupuiua, i The fact that tha fair ha been made one of. the moat aueeeaaful events of the kind over riven Inaolrea additional ; the movement began,' by trying to get an attendance In a sparsely aettled ter -' rltory. Many of tha people of Portland CK felt the same. After tha work had been t-' commenced, to tha surprise of the mul i : tltude. tha work, want with a flourish . .' that growa In success every moment, - until the fair haa already been assured ' the moat successful issue" of any Ilk -vent. ','- . , . '; - Taking thla precedent a a guide for , what Portland and) thla country can do TELEPimilE READY ' FOR A mill J Boat Long (dlo Being Fitted for Active-Workii ExcMraipn.,,, Stealer. , MAY OPERATE WITH . r , TELEGRAPH TO ASTORIA Som BUv . CombLn Har Been 1 Formed Whereby TwoSwift Craft Mar Control Lower River Run bat Othera Deny Thia Theory. ' - V t Workmen were amnloyed all yester ' day afternoon placing equipment aboard the steamer Telerhone. Her engine were . kept in motion all day and every indl- . cation points to the fact tnai ana ia gohtg to be- placed- in aervlca early, this week.. :' , The beat informed steamboat men say the Telephone ia either going te be oper- ated aa an independent excursion boat . or aha ia going to run in connection with . the Telegraph on a- regular route. The ' i opinion prevails that Captain Bcott, the 'owner of the sound craft -which has l Just, been brought bere. haa completed - and his boat will go on the Astoria nd Tbe Dalles route, making stops at .' foruana on doio ne up una auwn . In thla manner It i ald th manage- f ment of tha line' would be In a'poeltlon ; to get a big portion of tha river, trad lor. th balance of th season.. . . It Is generally admitted that the Tele- ; graph la one of tho fastest boate that -'ever cam up the Columbia river, and some say the Telephone la equally as . awl ft. However, -the latter has never . been nnea ana an urn bdobi ner capa klllttf tt Keln ahle to snaka mnaA ttma is merely conjectural.. . But aha waa " built en th same line aa her namesake, '" ' which enjoyed th reputation of being ,, able to maintain th lead .or any boat which was in aervlca in her day. Should these steamers be operated under one . . management 'It is , universally agreea among river men tnai iney wouia max . a strong team. . The Teiegrapn is out on the ways at tha Portland shipyards '. undergoing a few minor alterations; aha will be . ready u go 'Into service in a . few days at about tha time tha Tele phone's eonlnment la all on" board. " ' ' Some contend that th Telephone la ,,v going to vs nm a an excursion dobi .'. during the remain,der of the season' and her owner will hot form an alliance .with any other Una, According to thla view 01 tne maiier sne win carry ex ,T curslonlsts to any point on tha Willam ette or Columbia-river they deslr ta ' visit. By catering to this olasa of trade 'it I claimed that the owners can keep ; her busy and realise substantial profits . -,; .off the craft ! t . . ',.'., . . - , . . tfihAarinv rrnni Hirmnn in, v rniin ' would prov a profitable venture. Here tofore they have only been run during .the summer months, but It. Is said that excursions would prov popular at all season of th year If a company would '""devote all of its time to the project - An experiment of thla ort nay be made 1 4Wlth th; Telephon. ,; ,- j - maamw-m winilfi lirftl ' ' -' ' ' ' ;.'.' .;", - : ' Seeks to Slsank Parsmers by Covering' a' : v -Baake ef Sne XMka a rru Biddy.: y Over th Washington, street - dock l hm la MmmiMinn nous Where ' coop . of poultry and - other farm " tirodiicta aTo kept. "Frequently some of 1 the 1 foWla eat-ane - from their - wooden ' prison and wander down to th dock In 'search of angle worms, grain, ' potatoee and other food to which they were ao rnstomed when rosmlng about the green ; fields In their native heath. At such times lb steamboat .employes while frhen It assert itself, local property owners . believe . that real development la Just beginning. The Influx of Imral- grants to the adjacent country; heavier export and import work, and develop ment of local factories. Insures them an Immense population, which they believe will be realised mora rapidly than Port land baa aver known In the past. They are entering into tne spirit of advertls ing their country, ef standing together for a greet city, and preparing for the daattny Datura guarantees when men ac cept what is offered them. ,. , The purchase of a quarter ' block on Park and Burnslde for the large central sUtlon of the Homo Telephone com pany, at ISO.OOO, with tba announce ment of the company that plana and specifications would be completed Soon for a 170,000 building, la th point of th wedge business is driving into that residence section.,. .There la a considera ble area -from Seventh street westward which haa been given over to residences almost exclusively, , . Sixth street ' la sharing Its traffic with 8eventh, since the. latter was paved, and now business is hungrily reaching farther west. With tha sightly, artlsuo . structure of the Home Telephone company at .Park 'and Burnalde, the nucleus will have been formed for a business community. , The beautiful custom bouaa farther down the Park row la another link which will soon, -be closely -connected, and all -of thla portion of tba city will be a teem ing section of tha business center. ; " . '' In choosing their temple site the Masonic order haa illustrated tha ten dency of bodies that hold publlo veea slons to get away at least -one block from' a streetcar line,' Tha corner at West Park and Yamhill, . where the grand lodge A. P. A. M.-wlll build, I on block from Morrison and two block from tho Eleventh street Una. The pur chas price paid for thla property, which cover quarter block, seemed large to aoma of the Masons whsn th -contract waa entered Into, but alnce the order ob ligated Itself to pay $14,000 only a very brief time past, there ha been . a ru mored offer of ISO.OOO for th same block. Alder and Yamhill streets, which bav no streetcar lines, and are yet cen trally situated, are assured popularity aa locations for fraternal order build ing and ball In Which it la th desire to bold publlo meeting, - r i .' j R" M. Thompson, in tha office of the collector of. customs. . leave today for liia farm in the Clackamaa basin, where he haa l.tO prune treea in full bearing. , Thla ia one of tba suburban properties bought gome time ago near . Portland, and which haa been greatly enhanced In value by improvement elnoe. Only away a few Joyful moments trying to effect the capture of th bird. When they succeed and return tha fugitltves to th owner they are usually rewarded by being - presented with one of the biggest watermelon , of 'which Front street can boaat. . Breaking through tha bars of his coop . yeaterday afternoon a young rooster. . which waa Juat beginning to learn tha art of crowing well, flew, down to 'the dock and . began scratching for worms. In a twinkling he waa observed by a number of deckhands, who decided bim and t'a big, imc watermelon In return for their labors. With foghorn shrieks which frightened everything in that vicinity they averted toward their prey at breakneck a peed. The bird beard thm and dashed to the other and of the dock. . . - - ' ' -The crowd followed at it best pace, but 'th: young cock dodged and led a merry chase in - th - direction from which - H had oome. When one of the leaders waa about to grasp him by the tall feather the rooster aoared in' the air and went back to one of th nook of th building. Again ha -was routed out of his hiding place and tha chase continued. When all! handa were almost winded from their exertion the-rooeter pled a basket of eggs. He ran to the basket, perched himself on th eggs and there h eat aa though he waa intent on hatching them. Th crowd watched blm In-wonderment for a few minutes and then one of tha pursuers walked tip to the basket and picked up tn Dira, it offering n resistance. , ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tomorrow th steamer Alliance ia due td arrive from Eureka and way porta. She la bringing 10 ear of redwood dooo and shingle in addition to a large ship ment of general freight It is announced that theateamer Noma City will probably be sent from Ban Francisco to Portland to carry either a lumber or grain cargo south. Shippers say that a large number of ooastera will soon be aent here to carry grain to Cal ifornia port. - -" - . On Tuesday tha steamer Joseph Kel logg will again resume service aa an ex curslon boat between Portland and Mult nomah Falls. 'On account of breaking a shaft ah baa been off the run for eight days. ... ... - ;. .. - v In a day or two the barge iWebfoot, oeiongmg 10 tne uregon itouna . num ber company, will be placed en tha dry dock In order that a close examination may be mad of th bottom ef her hull. Yeaterday afternoon the British berk Crumcralg moved from the Banflleld dock to tha Inman-POulaen mill, where sh will receive a lumber-cargo for the orient The vessel la under charter to tha- Pacific Export Lumber company. - British steamship Ilford haa moved to tha Victoria dolphina, - where ah will complete her lumber cargo for : Taku Bar, China, tomorrow.1 She will have on board In the neighborhood of 1.100.000 feet of. Oregon, nr. The Ilford haa been In port just at fortnight and haa been given good dispatch. , MARINE NOTES. ,f, .... Astoria Aug. 8 Arrived down at 1:10 and sailed at m., ateamer Columbia, for San Francisco. Arrived at t:lf a. tn.. steamer Elmore. from Tillamook. Arrived down at 11 a, m., barge Santa Paula. , -:'."- ..- .1 1 , Arrived at noon, bark entlne Tarn O'Shanter ' and schooner . Novelty, from San Franolaco. t . , ?.,. Condition of ' the - bar at ( B. m.. smooth) wind northwest;-weather clear. San Francisco, Aug. I. Hailed at 11:10 a. m., steamer Bt. Paul, for Portland. . - Arrived at 11:10 a. m., steamer-Cas- cade, from Portland. . ., ' ,!):, , , OapUla atssome Oook. . Had it not been for the presence of mind, of Captain Bplvay of -tha British ship Pythomane the steward of the Plnmore would have, been drowned the other day. -While leaning over th rail- Ing ef his vessel the steward lost his balance and fell Into tha : river. The Plnmore and Pythomane were 'lying close together at the North Paolflc mill and the cook fell between them. Cap tain Bptvey realised hta dangeroua pre dicament Lowering a small boat from Ui Pythomene th skipper hastened to 11.100 vas paid for the property Ave year ago, bat' recently an offer, of 1 4.000 for It waa- made. ' A part of the Increase in value la due to the fact that th Kstacada ' railway . Hn has 1 since been .constructed near. Thla la a type of -what much land adjacent to Portland Is experiencing, owing . tO the rapid growth- of population hare and tha de mands for i richly productive property near. 1 -, '-r- ;. .;':,"' .: ' f'''V i. ' Joseph. M. Healy of the Healy In vestment company, .after completing purchase of tha Captain J. W., Kern tract.- arranged at once for putting th property" on the market' for residences. Envelopment of thla tract haa been alow, aa Captain Kern Inclined toward hold ing 1' it in the form Of a" large estate, but. under- the new management assur ance Is given that the homebuiUJer will be encouraged to erect residence. The familiar old home will be held with Ave acrea of land, and aold aa a mansion property,'' The price of ' 10,000,-which the investment company paid for the 137-aor tract, i regarded a fortunate buy,, a east aide residence reaityha been' going up In th general advance mad of late 'throughout tha city. North" central ' Portland i to bav another warehouee immediately. ' Tb sal of tha I. Gerlinger block on Four teenth, Fifteenth. Raleigh and Quimby, by J. Goldsmith to Julius Hellbrun, pre cedes the commencement of work on a wool warehouee in a short time. .The structure will be brlok. and ubUntlal for that type of building.."- tv.. . Plata in tha lower residence dlstrlot sr becoming more popular, aa 1 at tested by the sale thla week of th dou ble flat property at Thirteenth and Tay lor - streets for' s,- Mrs.- ine Hlbbard dlapoaed ef ' th ' property, t drouth F. O. Northrup -' Co., to B. A. Henslee. The comment is often made that Portland-la not much of city for flate. probably due to th fact that, elegant auburban' property I o chean. but tha Investing public ooe noi take thla view of the altuatlon. A ear tain proportion of a city a population nrarer to live In flats cloae to tha oen tr and tha larger a place growa. tha mere pyorounced te thle ouatom.- Pott. land la assured aoma oz in largest, ana moat artistic flate ever seen her in the near future, as they hava been found excellent ' property from tb earning viewpoint.;,,, ,' '.'.' :' ' ..iiZ r iarciia Murray aold the paat week for 131.000 tl acrea of land between East Twentieth. Hawthorn avnn and tha Section Una road. Th American Trust company waa tha purchaser, and intend to put th property on w""1-' WILL TEST TICKET RULE Passenger Who Misted Froo Ex JtiJi!ftjMjan Against 07 W. P. Co. . 8AYTHEY WERE MADE - TO PURCHASE TICKETS H. C Couch and Lester L. Neal Say ': They Were Beaten and Abused When Attcmptinf to Pasa Out to Cars Without Plrat Paying Fare. " Two suits for tioiooo damages each war filed against. the Oregon Water Power it Railway company by Harry C. Couch and Lester L. Neal, who. allege that the company forced them by means of special ' police offloera to purchase streetcar , tickets bef or . leaving the grounda - t; The ' nlalntlffs allege that June 14 they were spending th evening at th Oaks and were leaving tha grounds to return home. Thy attempted to pasa out through a certala gat to. board a car. but war informed that they muat purchase their' tickets. Notwithstand ing th alleged duty of th defendant company to carry tha plaintiffs ta tha city, the complainants state they were seised by the special officers of th company and "maliciously and for tha purpose of disgracing and belittling the plaintiffs, arrested them whHe on tha ear. bear them over th-fcedWltH " a hillv. handcuffed them and placed them in Jail for an hour, in th presesno of 100 people. 1 - : v :' It I further alleged in tha complaint that tha officer applied vile namea and remarked that "hereafter they would be good dog and purchase tlcketa," and maliciously maltreated and alandered the plaintiff without causa - Th trouble- aroae over tha euatotn adonted by th management of th re sort and the railway-company in- hand ling tha great crowd of people . wno visit th Oaka - Ticket for ride to th city are sold within th ground bef or th guetot ar allowed to go through certain xlt to board tb car. Thla la dona to make the work of the ticket collectors possible being a short run to th city. It Is also claimed that tha plan la much more satlafactory to nassenaera. as It does away with mak ing change on the cars. It la th method followed- in other cine in in east . ' People at th Oak ar not forced .to purcbaae ticket before they leave the grounds, for there ar certain gatea where they can go out and return to their homes la any manner they desire. The ulalntlffs In the aulta filed yeater day attempted to pasa out through th gate leading ' to the lncloaur where the car atop and wait for passengers. Thomaa O Day is attorney lor the piain- the cooka assistance H succeeded in setting sufficiently near to the half drowned man to hand him an oar. With that ha waa pulled into tne ooat , , . .' pythomea fcaavaa Wedaeeday,- Owing to a delay In getting tha right arade of lumber th work or loading tha British ship Pythomena will not be completed until tomorrow. A crew haa been engaged and the- vessel W1U leave down, bound for South Africa. -on Wednesday.- Sh win nave - on ooara something like- l.TOO.000 feet of Oregon Ar. Tbe Pythomene, captain Bptvev, has been tn port since February Zf and dur ing that time he haa made many warm friends wbo are loth to see him depart A party was given In honor last night on board the ship, at which, -more than SO people were present. Muslo and games OAKS L-.wJ . rvji '' l-ie)L h r:;:in uitm Clean, Orient! Amusements Of fered the Ficple, Vho Enjdy . V Them' Very Much, : It haa been established that the peo ple of Portland and vicinity will pay freely for fun that is olean and honest That la why tha Oaka ia breaking the record In attendance of amusement enterprises. Fred B. Morris . and WU- rllam H. Hurlburt of the Oregon Water Power Railway company ar offering at the Oaks the best that money can secure to . entertain th . crowd that dally visit th popular reaort ' 1 In addition to' the new featurea that the publlo ta familiar with tha Ferris wheel Is now in operation., and la a few days ths magnificent giant whirl flying machine, aa well aa th latest novelty, the mid-air alide, will be open. No objectionable features are per mitted on the grounds of th Oak, and there ia a Urge fore of paid officers constantly In attendance td car for th safety and comfort -of people, c. ..-':.':.-, In the morning hundreds of mothers with their children take) advantage of the beaatlful lawna and cosy summer house, and luncheon parties have be 00m a fad. On of th favorite alt t th Oaka ' la th veranda and roof gardens of th tavern. . It la tha only place .of. the sort in America built out n the water.- , . ' ' . . Manager Frtedlander ia planning a great children's festival to take plac shortly, and -'many- novel tie will be Introduced that will delight th boy and girls. .' - ,-.' . ,; '.Pain's great w pyrotechnic spectacle. "The Last Day of Pompeii," will, bow ever, be th great aensation of th year. Nothing approaching thee magnificent midsummer night carnivals and fire works display haa ever-been conceived by the modern spectacular genius, and until th preeent aiasea th opportunity of, witnessing th big Pain exhibition has bean confined to comparatively few of the largest cities on account of th enormous expense involved In ita pro duction. , t :., .' Th date for th opening is August II BY J. T. WILSON Auction Sales Monday,' 'August 7, 10 a. at 'i Auction Room, 180 First St. Conslsijng of tipholatered Parlor Chairs, 8 olden oak Rockers, Center Tables. Hall lass. Combination' Bookcase, Buffet. Sideboards, Extension Tables, set Flem ish oak Dining Chairs, large oak Hall Tree, Steel Folding Couches, large black walnut Bedroom Suite, golden oak Bed room Set Mantel and Twice - Folding Beds, Wool and Floaa Mattresses, Springs, Feather Pillows, Lace Curtains, oak and maple Dressers, Iron Beds, Toi let Sets, Brussels . and - Wool Carpets, two Steel Ranges, one Cook Stova, Kitchen Safea and Treasure, etc. , ' Sal 10 a. m. No reserve. . ; . J. T. WILSON, Auction Auction Sales Wednesday and Friday. 10 a. m. "182 Fit--Aull4irrfr-Fori;inT . iahinga, Carpets, StoVes, Bed- ding;, etc ' : . r' VV: r2 " Com early, as our auction room. Is ..11 m . 1 . W 1 Jt 1UU v pwuv iiwi in u . w mil. i I. T. WILSON, Auctionrr ' We buy1 and sell all kindi of Fur : niture, Merchandise, etc Tel ephone Main 1626 or call at ; Auction Room, 180 First St ; x , J. T, WILSON. ; PortlandAoctionRoocis 5 811FIRST ST.- .. j 1 . . , .. . ' " ' Auction Sales .. .. - ,rVERT,.. ',',.. Monday it 2 p. Wednesday at I p. mn Friday at S p. tn. It's wonderful where all thla fine fur niture cornea from. But every day we have many calls from private dwellings, from various rati sea, to sell their FUR NITURE, WITHOUT RESERVE, AT PUBLIC AUCTION, end many beauti ful plecea of FURNITURE are aold at our sale. It is impossible for ua to enumerate the items at each sale, aa frequently th ' goods arrlv at our salesrooms only a few hour previous to sal. Thla Is on instance where a l-cent car far or a few minutes' time may aave you many dollars. . We also buy furniture and all kinds of house hold good a for spot cash. Stocks of merchandise handled on commission at th Portland Auction Room. c Lb ford. Auctioneer. A. SCHUBACH. Proprietor. aaaaaaaAaAfiAAAAAAaaaaiaaa $450" Bull . Run water, street grsded, ; sidewalks,' lot 60x170 feet. : : T 351 Stark St. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrfTrrrfrrrrrr For Sale New Home 00m. a. sots a. arramaTV m Owner oa Prsmlaea, . , . , i Cottage L 4 Rooms ShermanDwBrown Some of the Real Estate today tfill Lots SOxlCD Feet '3 lCc a Day 'High. pur air,' water' piped to every lot: fast car vry 1 min utes; tt minute from th city -fa far; no traaafera School, churches, "phones; atores, lots. . of nelghbore, ' many new house being built Out-. r growing all other Portland suburbs. " Choice lots. $110; payable It down and M a month. . Her I where , you buy bomea with rent money. It yon ar still paying bouse rant. . com out and a Flrland. lee bow . thinking peopl ar actually enjoy- ; ing th . economy that ' will . soon . mean , homes: of . their awn. , Th. -building aeUvttyieen tare now will open your ye. W spok ef it - laat week. Come out and see If we ' . dclvd -you. ; ; . ;''.,.'',' t Take Koaat toatt Oa. ' t ' ; . Oity Oo Open avealB-a. Geo. W. Brown SOS PaUla ldr. t Pboae Hala Site. Sk A. TATXOB At rZB&AJTO. ; Hot Numbers, You Bet aoOOO--Verv stvllsh. un-to-data. T-room cottage, wun large 101, Deauii ful lawn and rosea; doe In, on Flandera street. . SSSOO Excellent- 10-acr place, with , - nice -room reeiaence, atouni , Tabor; It's worth only about ' 110.000. . . - S000 For a grand, river-front,- 140- acre piece; gooo ounaings; se . acrea of beaverdam. worth the ' price of the whole farm; situ ated I mile, from Woodland, 'Washington. anaoa-Quarter block, grand ' Colonial s-roora resiaence; an taeai cor ner and a charming bom. - full lot; an ideal home. B. 7th. . near Clinton. , . , ... gloOO-l lare lot, very beautiful I . room residence, blocks Wood- lawn station. S TsO Cosy l-room cottage, t full lota, 14 fruit trees, all kind of ber ries, roses, nruDoory. eta; 4 block electric car a. . Woodlawn. 'Mor than a full lot, with new and cosy cot tag;, best locality in wooaiawn, . , eOQ Corner lot, with small cottage, . ;.: t , one diock ' wnirw . - cre, vm ,. Orova.' ':.' '-,' For barAins In farms, city buslnaaa and residence property, river front acre age, cosy suburban homes, apply to LAWRENCE CO. 1491, First Street "-7 University Park la the boa-ton residence portion of the whole peninsula. It is eminently respectable to have a home at Uni versity Park. ' It has th Columbia University, Bull Ron Water, Portland public schools, electric ' streetcars, electric street lights, employment for all fat tha- nearby mills, factories and docks; alleys back of all lots, wide streets, in short everything to ineef the heart's desire. Prices $80 to $325 per lot.. Terms one tenth cash, bal ance $5 monthly on each lot-without interest if paid when due. Five per cent discount for all cash. Prices will be advanced August 1. Don't forget the . date. Francis. I. McKenoa, room 60S Commercial Block 9 to 12 ev nv University Sta tion I to 6 p. m. . . Pays about 14 per cent net Full lot,' west "-side, well improved, y always , rented, will increase in value; very seldom such a bargain is of fered for sale. , - ' s 100 Abington Bldg. Phone Red 2866. $1250 10x100 feet, with I Stephens Addition; Choloe lot. cottage, in cheap. . . . room vry Can you - asasnanejn . " r v Coinpton & Gibson J. W.Opilbco . BOOK 11, X4'i i 1 BT. double in value in a y pick winners S J m (I-INVESTMENT. COX vfx X Examine our large list of have some of the best properties that are for sale, and a great ' ' number from which to make selection. As a rule we can sell lands cheaper than, the purchasers can possibly get them I direct from owners, besides ottering suggestions as to lo calities and lands best adapted to the particular use required . of them. , . .. .j-j::';-;'? '-v'i: - . : Ask any Portland bank as to our standing and methods. ' "i: Call or write for our list of farms. The 5haw-Fear ; Cp; V'V;- '' 343 Stark Street "'V?- ' MILWAUtUH PARK it MXWAUIOX HXICHTS U filing fa the cheapest and best located of any suburb around Portland. This tract Is on the Oregon City car line and river and all lots are 50x100 feet with 60-foot streets; level and sightly, and one rice to all, whether you buy one lot or fifty the price for each ot is $50. The title is perfect, a complete abstract of title of Milwaukee Park can be seen by calling at the Hibernia Sav ings Bank, owners of the tract, and free tickets to and from Milwaukee Park will gladly be given to all intending pui chasers by calling at Room 305, McKay Building, Corner Third end Stark Streets. Come and inspect these lots facing car line for $50. Acre tracte for $150 each.. vr. r "Nashvilldditloh: Jl the place to buy a home. ' Any else, already completed and ready to move in. Four to 8 rooms each, strictly mod ern; full basements; bathtubs and toilets, hot and cold wa ter; picket fence; shade trees. If you prefer will sell you a -lot and build to suit. Will rent or sell for $12.50 per month. See JOE NASH, in the big white house at Nashville Su ction on the Mount Scott car line."-'. - . ' ' -r-t - Cash down and $10 monthly for one of those sightly, lots in Waverly on j ' -.: s.' East 27th Street Lots 52x100 feet each. 4 'J . .$200 and. upward Joseph M. Healy f Owner Beautiful Cottages it vnu would Ilk to see some of the most beautiful homes in the vicinity ot Portland call and hav- talk With tie. We will be glad to ahow them to you. ' They range In price from 70 to $1,000 $1 per month Is our plan. . t. axravawvai, ' . Hay, Oraad Ave. Boom IS. . ao.u.c:::3 ' DE8T0!BR AND . v . BuiiAiaa. , aoa -eth st. S Borsea bcilt ON lASTALLMKNTS. oar rBicaa. 1 Ut-tef C " Corner '..StS.koe V f"'-"-- Corner ..S e,000 AlCSf Sirtt Conr,--1001M .Sis,eoe Neb r.::i ;olc. ttiltM f MM DALY, advei farms before purchasing. We v frrtm hm tact that jthsLjfltn Willamette! "" 1 Oe Oat aad See WOlaaiette. ' Wtllanette fa em of tbe awrt heMM teea. tines for reeMrwes Is tse rttr e rmrtlaa t en aeraunt et Ita klfb anltade tae aeallhlrtt -ef Portland's aeaorb i . ,t. WllUn-lu lit ou a Mnff ererlnelihig th elty et l-nrtlaad and Wlllaswtt rler, aad la MrmvndVd lr boali-varda. . All Me loxiuo IMt; inside fS". ca,,f lata $2&o " ' Term. 10 eaah and fS ft sum I. , . . ' (", f.t,i. Snt tare, aad aUastee' rlae from keart ef dtr. . . . Tike St. Xobds ear V' aeeaed sad Aide Vapv t. Aawwaa V-S 'V,. las hulldln. or C. A. gjrsowakl. llltie Hlatloa, ee tbe property. At'ft a la read every Suadara,. ' 4Uy, hMluiHn- $4003 T-room modern house arid 1 Clay, bet 13th and 13th tie siyvnA pottage and lt oa IKoyt, Wwv (1st and S3d at a, t1f"i House and lot In Wnc" lAW ium avenue. etl f "1 O'larter fclnok, how' flv,lvJ ,; saoathly. ! 1 - , A,