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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1905)
MIL UL..U.S n . .inn -i .J-L-Fourth Unted SUte Cavalry Band, Which ! Furnishing Music at. the Expodon Photo by Kiaec Photographic Co. NEWS OF THE AUTOMOBILE WORLD Tha destruction of " the Twelve-Mils " bouse by fir has removed one of the plessure raaorta. of -the -.motorists of .. Portland.' - Tha' run to and - from this ,'" famoua roadhouaa haa boan th favorite ride alnce motoring became tha popular pastime In Ihla city. Whlla tha Br la too recent to say -whether or not tha "' place will be rebuilt. thomany ownara or automobiles nop that it will and that tha general place, will ba Improved. What la really daalrad la a modern road' 1 house, modeled and operated alone the line or similar piacea near urge cities in tha east, and which will be a pleas : lire and delight to visit. ' If auch a houae can be built and the road to t oiled ' end thua put Id food condition the place will prove very popular next summer. a tha Indlcationa are that the number .of. motorists In Portlsnd by that time srlll ba double the numberatpresoni Loe Angeles haa made one good move : In protecting the publle from poealble . aocldents and It would be a food thine; . sf tha Portland Automobile club will targe similar notion In this city. Tha - city attorney, -of Lob Angeles haa been .Instructed to prepare an-amendment to 'the hitching lew. and now that Portland snfdrclng IheItc niava'n.-vmendment atmllar to tha one , pt Los Angeles, which provides heavy One for the driver of any automobile i wno leave nia ear unattended wiuj .tne engine running. - Newsboys hay caused several aocldenta In the California city , by playing with the clutch lever of a . car whoae engine had not been stopped. and ' this waa poeaibly tha cauae of a recent accident In thla city. Another amendment In Los Angeles also prohibits any persona under 1 year -of age drlv- ' " ' '- ' :" .: -' Tha btg automobile ' car which haa been operated between Salem'-and Inde- j pendenca by the Oregon .Suburban Auto company waa - piaoea - o - noaroj tne steamer Pomona - this morning and Shipped to Portland. There . has been trouble In operating the mashine - ever since It was placed oji the run eeveral weeks ago on account of the rough roads Tin PoUt county, and for this reason tha car has neon witnarawn irom service between tha, two points. 'On-Thursday evening as the oar was approaching Balem. after Its run to Independence, the heavy rubber tire on one of the wheels waa wrenched loose and practically de- atroyed, putting the i machine ; out of commlaalon until, a new wheel can be ordered from tha ease- This will re- ' quire some tne, and as tha machine waa - being -.rapidly - anaaen -to pieces,, Mnaln MniHMit fl a m in tha avutn . and an unwarranted amount of dally re- . pairing, the owners decided to take, It off the run. Tne car waa wen patron laed and M. P. Baldwin, - the local manager, states Ihat the project "would be a paying proposition, were It not for tha rough road a - - : Mayor John P. Elton, secretary of the American Braaa company, was coouy Informed when he proteated that "this slag makes the beat nllln' for ruts in the road that ever was. r " " , The suburban eonatablea areworklng a new game on the unsuapectlng Fhlla delphla automobltlat. They travel ' In pal re and haunt any' ' one of several measured quarter or half-mile stretches. One man stands st the start, the otbef at the finish. When tha car crosses the starting Una the 1 "oop" dropa his hand kerehlef, the minion of the--Iaw. at the other end starting his watch at the same instant. ; As the course selected for the trap la usually downhill ' the auto- moblliat almost invariably covers ' the distance in leea than the time limit Then follows the holdup, the magtatrate a fi JThen nethoUefeainoTFT jectlve. Whan they get that tha victim is released. .i. . Automoblllats of southern France are planning a celebration In honor of the sixth -attnlvsrsary of ths first automo bile road race held In France the Bor- deaux-Blarrlts.. road . race which was In a three-horsepower Decauvllla voitu- rette. .- : . ' - : " r. Myron ft. Jackson of Muskegon. Mich igan, attributes his cure from tuberoulo sis to the use of -his automobile. In the brief period bf three montha . he haa changed ' from -; sallowness to rugged health and looks 10 yeere younger and feels Ilka a boy. It has been the auto mobile that haa worked the change. Becauae of the Increasing number' of high-speed automobiles In 8t Louis, the police- automobile aquad Is almost un able to catch and arreat , bf fender against , the speed ordinance, and the, city, authorities will probably replace the police department cars, with -ma chines of greater power and apeed as soon as an appropriation can ba made. The prison patrol Is among the latest and moat novel uses suggested for an automobile. The Massachusetts author ities contemplate the erection of a stste Prlaon on Neshewna Island In Buasard's bay, which has sn area of about three square miles. Chairman Pettlgrove of the legislative committee advocated the building of the prison without walla. and the purchase of automobiles for the use Of ths patrols whose duty It would ba to prevent tha escape of prisoners. between .Waterbury and Merlden,-Connecticut, have hit upon -a novel method of bothering "them pesky automobile fellers." ' They scoured a large supply bf vitrified cinders, mixed In a generous quantity of metal scrap and spread this "rough on ' autos' liberally along , tha road. .. It euts auto tires like. a. knife. Last year . New Tork state ; raised f 1,100,000 for-Its main highways, and only 100 -miles were built In favored countlea and In short stretches, connecting-e- part of -a county with 'an other. Under tha propoaed bond Issue the 150.000,000 would make ' complete ayatems In all counties within a perlil of 10 ' yea rev and -the entire highway mileage, bf the state. both main and lateral, would be brought to a system of perfection, and that without Increas ing the burden of tax upon cities of the rural districts beyond what they are now paying for roads. The bond lasue simply enables theatate to take aid van tage of Its credit and obtain roads .in tha lifetime of those now living,, and to handle . thjagr,eat Internal development Juat "as a private corporation Would do if It owned " the state of New Tork and were laying out a system of rall roads to bring- Ua produce to tha harbor of New .York.; u :-":,... v . k ;;' TRADE NOTES. v ; '-- Carl Jackson haa- purchased a -Model C Wlnton, which la another to ba added to the Wlnton equipment In Portland. W. IX. Wallace Is still In the south ern part of Oregon-giving demonatrv tlons with tha Reo, and . his ear" has proved very popular.' f ; ; O. C. Btubbs and George K OrOveo of this city and L. K. Crowe of The Dalles Ute by Ballou Wright; A sample bf the Gabriel horn, whlsh Is worked automatically by ualng the exhaust, haa . been received.' by Ballou Wright- ' ' . . A very handy-thing, for the automo- billst to keep In his tool boa la an as sortment of wire nails of various sixes. f hf,S4na'iIJnai oftenbe used to. re- piKc epii piaa ana tue um.m. If the motor refuses to start on a Itoount of a bad mixture, and you are not sura whether it is too rich or too wsak, It la much better to start with an ex tremely weak mixture and work up to tha right one than to start with too much gssollne, which must be worked out by , manual . labor , at tha starting crana. v : ,. i - . ..... LAW'S llflfID OUT FOR GOVERNOR George ; E. Chamberlain. ""Ore gon's Executive, Will Be Ar rested on Arrival Here. . "V FORCOT.TO PAY HlS rrr' i 1 OCCUPATION LICENSE Many of . City's Prominent Lawyer , Will Be Haled Before Judge Cam- ersriTWhs Fined Hkaealf for Ma fleeting to Satisfy Atsetsor. PROGRAMS OF MUSIC -AT THE FAIR SUNDAY ' The musical treats In store ' for." ex position visitors Sunday' will include the following coneerts: '.'i f By Dlerke s band, ; afternoon Over ture, "Merry Wives of Windsor," Nlco lal); "Oh the Beautiful Jthina," . (Keler- Beta)! Les Preludes," symphonle poem. (Llsst); .'Carmen March." (Blset): "Tannhauaer Fantasia," (Wagner) ; du etto, "Mlgnon" (Thomas), Mr. and Mrs, Be gut; . "Peer Oynt," suite, r (Grieg); "Southern Patrol." (Volther). Evening "Light . Cavalry.". (Sucre): "Remlnlaenaen Valaa," (Dlerke); "Ser enade -Eapagnole," xylophone (Metre), M. Hauser; proceaslon of the Knights of the Holy Grail, from -"Parsifal." (Wag ner); Test Overture,". (Lassen); pro. logua from "Psgliaccl" (Leoncavallo), B. Be rue; "Lohengrin." (Wagner); "Ex- poattion March," Stewart. . . The Klralfy company s program for the week beginning Sunday evening at 1:10 ' o'clock on ' the matte steps, re peated nlghtly,-wltl- be: t- . Overture, band; song, "Sweetest Story Ever Told," Miss P. Kramer; song. "Thy Sentinel Am I," Charles- Cutter; . song, "Fsrewell Forever," Mlsr Nelly Horn; duet, "I Live and Love Thee," Miss F. Kramer and M. Oalllsrd; ' song, "Elea's Dream,' Madame Marakoff; song.' "Mar ts," Antonio Bagetto; song, "Flower Song" from "Faust," Miss Mabel Mc Canef '"Toreador," M. Gatllard. 'with chorua; grand chorus, .- selection ' from Faust." ' J , '.'-'J'. r 1 1 I' r 4- " ' " M j tL E. .BJodgt and Kii Dog In His JSfaltham Orient Car. - ij A warrant- has ' been ' Issued ' from the police - court for: the arrest of Governor George' E. Chamberlain, who is charged by Deputy City Licenae Collector McEachern with falling to pay ning January i. . -. : v- A large number of. complaints were filed agalnat lawyers, the list Including ronce -judge Cameron. Before a war rant was Issued agalnat him. however. Judge Cameron paid his tax, aaaeaaed himself 11.60 costs, paid the fine, and again became a proper hereon to mount ine oencn ana take judicial cognisance or tne orienaes or othere. Bjt many -the Issuance of .the -com plaints Is looked on ss a huge Joke. but it Is no laughing matter to the attorneys for whom they have been , laaued. aa f costs is tacked on in every ease. Governor Chamberlain will be arrested as soon as he comes to Portland, and oaiea oexore tne ponce tribunes The Hat of -those for whom warrants were Issued Is . as '.- follows: 'Gov ernor Chamberlain, R. R. ( GUtner. J. F. soothe, D. J. MaUrkey. Dolnh. Mai lory, Simon aV Gearln, Bernstein eV Co hen, Carey Maya, J. H. Woodward, A, J. Vantlne. Claude v Strahan. V. K. Strode. ' Sanderson - Reed. 8. 'P. Klggen. H. K. Sargent. Mark O'Neill, Richard Nixon. H. B. Nichols, A. T. Mo Kee. W. W. Cotton. W. R. McOary, A. F. Flegel. Thomas O'Day, J. N. TeaL A. King WUsoa. A. Walter Wolf. Henry jb. sifuinn. u. r. . Jameson, K. Clt Attorney . Flegel paid - his tax and the costs and expreaaed indigna tion, ' claiming that he had not been notified by the license collector that he waa delinquent. He. waa Informed that his fste wss ths fste of many. ' ' Attorney McGinn failed to find the clerk In his off Ice." and aald he would return. Finding so many were on .the list with him, Mr. McGinn laughed and said hs could tske his medicine as grace fully ss any or the others. ' "This wss a horse on me. declared Judge Cameron. "I had to pay, because it Is doubtful If I could Issue a warrant for myself, snd without liquidating I could not - gracefully sit' in the other cases."- . ;, ' .. .,'.. Weather Continues Invitinj and . Cottages and Hotels Well v .: . , -Patronized. . - MANY PORTLANDERS AMONG VAST. CROWD Seaaon Haa Been ' Singularly Free From Accidentia the. Death - of Young Dayton. Being the Only . One to Mar the Pleasure. '- ' "l Portland Baoenlsea Merit. - "'iWhen Portland people once give their support to "any "etfterpriae - they ' leave nothing to be dealred. Thla .la. being more and more effectually dfm netrated with the Trail attractions of real merit. and Is especially noticeable In the cass of Darkness snd Dawn. - Each day . shows . sn. lncrcaie. In tha attendance st this production snd so fas cinating, thrilling and entertaining .Is the journey through : the Inferno end thence Into the charms and beautlea of Dawn that one la drawn back to vlalt the attraction which . really attracts again and again. . Dsrkneas snd Dawn Is a journey auch as Dsnto describes In his grand coles through ths worlds snd among the ecenee he describee ao eloquently aa faithfully reproduced .as ; painstaking care and ,r unatintea expenaiture can make them.- other doors can one- see. Issuing . so - many -.pleased and amlllng faces. - , All grewsomeness Is militated against by the constant pro- cenalon of amusing and entertaining In rtdents ons paseea through, first In Satan's workshop, then In the elevstor Illusion, then- In the caves and grottos of the Inferno, snd lastly by the beau ties of the finale when one passes on and Into Dawn. NS raiS- Itumre animi patronage more than thla and it Is really a pleaa- ura ta sea Portlsnders giving it its as serts. 1 .'" ' .. ' pedal Basmratoa Batea. Very low 10-day tickets seat offered by O. R. ex ft. August U, 21, September 10. IT. tha O. R. At w. sens -aay spe cial excursion tlckatsto. eaatern points! stopovers granted going and returning. Partlcuiara of C. W. Stinger, city ticket aerent O. R. A N Co., Third and Waah- lngton streets, Portland. , , - ., (flpeclal Dlepates to The JoaraaL) ' Seaside, Or., Aug. I. The weather con tlnuea beautiful and with ; the begin ning of Auguet the throng of visitors to the'dlSerent resorts shows a' gradual increase. Mr. 1. Flelachner of Pbrtland. Mrs. GeKge Dsvls and the Misses Davis of San Franclaoo are the guests of Mrs. Flelachner at bar cottage.' ' .. Mr., and . Mra. L... Thompson and sons are at the Moore. v. - Rev. W. T. Kerr, who has been making A la home at the Colonial, returned to Portland... . ' ' '.-.j.. ,-- v.. Miss. Jemile JJteele of Portland Is ths guest of Mrs. A Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. Coffin of Portland and Mlaa Agnea Bullnncb of -Weston have returned to their homes. .' .. . Mrs. John Metmgerand family are at their new cottage at Inglenook.. Miss Janla Roaa Is. her gueat. ' Mlae - Pearl- Llndaey -of - Greaham - la spending a few weeks st ths beach. ... . Dr. -Tucker- and Dr. Whiteaide are at the Besslds houae. ' f ' Mr. snd Mra. W, Cooklngham snd family of- Portland are expected at the Seaside bouse this week. v.. , - Trip to Oaaaoa Beaoh. . . .u 1 On Tueaday ths first party of 11 made a trip from Seaside to Cannon beaoh. Among the party were Emma Griffith of Portland, Mlsaea Ann and Mary Linden of Portland, Mrs. Owtngs and her daugh ter. Marguerite. V . judge Mines and bis family are now in their cottage. ' ' -'.;' - i Mrs.- Knowles and a -party spent two dsys at Cannon.- '-' .,. . -, Mrs. ; O. Anderson : and daughter. Blanche, are camped near the Colonial for the aummer. - ' Mr. and Mrs. P. Schmeeri are stay ing at their cottage on Stanley avenue. Mrs. I. Lowengart and her daughter. Ruth, are at the Moore. Mrs. Thomas Dobson entertained some friends on Wednesday night.. Thoee preaent were: Mra. Owlngs. Marguerite Owlngs. Mrs. Willlsms,. Linda WUllama. Mlas Emma Griffith, Mary Linden; Mabel Montag,' Mra. Dobson, Tbomss Dobson, Miss Ann Linden... : Mr. C. H. . Preacott. who haa been at the Moore for the -past 10 days for his Tifrn'. leliliimd tu PaHland Tueaday Mc and Mrs. P. D. Tull of Portland returned to Portland this week. 1 ' Mr. Rumlln of Portlsnd hss built a cottage on Rockefeller avenue. - ' Mr. Toung, a civil engineer or Colum bia river .fame. Is at the Moore this week.; '. -.,. : "' - ;. r r. John Metxger of Greaham Is build- Ing a icnttaga st Inglannok A merry, dinner party assembled at the Colonial last Tuesday' to celebrate the birthday of Mr.BenJamIn Toung of Astoria. . , Blaine R. Smith of Portland ' haa a summsr cottage under construction on the ocean front. ; 'v , t Mr. TJharlee Cleveland Is having a cot tage built between tha Breakera, and the Crest, , " .'--.-. r ' At thaKoova, .'., Mrs.' J, O. Fox Portlsnd; Mrs. E. G. McQsnn. Portland; B- F. Allen and George, P.-Lent. Portland; Mra. M A. Maddaah. rortiana; jar. ana sirs. J. v. Alnsworth, Portlsnd; R. C, L Astburg, Portland; Otto . Mlekelaen "and P. B. Lovey. Astoria; ' Mrs.; James - Anderson, Portland; Frank Msley, Portland; Master Clymer' Noble; O. J. Rlgg, Miss Rlgg, Miss Psge, Mr. and Mrs. Bo Kendall. Miss Kendall. George E. Trumbull and wife. A. M. Price and wife, L. C Sorryus, B. Q. Jones, Mrs. B. U. J ones. Mlas Maud Jones, Miss Eva A. Jones. Mrs. W. A. Dempsey, Mlas Chsse, Portland; Frank Bteveneburg, R. W. WUllama and wife, Mra. N. E. Ayar, Margaret! Ayar. C. ' Schaefer, ' K. Beneflel, - Eva D. Stanchard. and son, Miss Janet Brune, J. W. Blckford and wife, Mrs. Olney B. Felnk. Mlaa Rosemary Baldvm, Flor ence Deschutes Hilton, J. Wealey Ladd snd wife, Mlaaes Blsckstone, L. W. Scott. W. J. Byrne and- wife, 8. P. Piatt. W. D. Church and wife, Charles Machln and wife, C Jackson snd wife, A. R. Dramin, Mrs. C A. McCsrgar. Mra O. W. Klelaer and son. W. B. Honey man. t. W. Reynolds, Thomss A. 'Jordan, Mr., and Economy ; :Ih its class leads s3 fcr ; Pcvcrp SpccJa.v IVetht, Dpxct!Uly, of ; Maihtehanco : The Cadillac is the perfect single cylinder car.' The motor, is absolutely, reliable. Compares in fineness of construction and finish with any of the high priced ts.2.1Zut' . The' CADILLAC prices are right. ' This price coupled with the iact" that the CADILLAC is the car to give satisfac tion has sold 8,000 single cylinder cars. ' - Vou should make an other of the vast army of CADILLAC enthusiasts. " '-'Z;. ',Z T,- .' CADILLAC. Runabouts $850, CADILLAC 'Touring Cars 91,050. ': ' rr -fiti ' K :: ,'"' ' ''; : --'' :': ' Coyey . & FIFTEENTH AND ALDER EQUIP YOUR GAR -,4 its JVITHTHE PrasS-n-Hc Gss Tail 4IUUelrW ' ' : ' . .-.'. t ' ' ' ' -"' ' A tank full of Acetylene Gas will keep your lamps sup- , plied for three months then exchange it for a full one.; Come In and get particulars. ' "SOLEmSTRlBDTORS- BALLOU 17RIGDT SIXTH STKEET ' ' Auto and Bicycle TSupply Dealers. 1 ; ' ; . Mrs:' H. E. Noble. Miss Noble, Jeanette Noble, Portland: Sly via Klrby, Tounga-. town, Ohio; Eugene and Mabel Page. ntt J Kramer. Mra'" Frank Rlgler, ui.. u.rth A Hnvt. Mra. Robert W. Lswls, Dr. C. N. Coglan. Mrs. C M. Cart ..., vt r 1 m. Ballev. C D. Baker. Mra. James Anderson and son, Charlea- Feldenhelmer, t-apiam n. . ir nm warn, v a fim(.r ana wife. Mra. J. P. Van Houien and son, C M. Cartwrlght, Port land. ' " : . '. .-'. ' Hoaairea Botal. William Ftnnla-an and wife. J. H. Loomla, Sterling Hill. B. C Porter, C. W. Llndqulst, John Wdt, . o. reeser, William Krlesel. Fred Brakebuah. John Zwlck. Ben Feeser. Scott J. - Strong. Charles Laughary, J. C Dillard, George Domeyr, N. Rumelar. W. F. Partela, Jen nie E. Munk, arsna stra Li j. uay, Portland. . . lookalsr BaH. . ' . Mra. H Tuthlll. Mlaa Helen Ttihlll. Master Clifford Wright. R. F. Jonea. Frank Sray, Buller Moore. Mildred Warren. Mias L.' Palmer, Leone McCsr try. Justin McCarthy, G. S Whiting. Mrs. O. 8. Whiting. Mr. Linsay. daugh ter and grandchild, Mr. and Mrs. F.. B. Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. M. Holland, Fred , Bender Emllie Bender, Llla Bender, PofTTandTE. - J. Metsler, La Grande; C. E. Rumelln, Mr. and Mrs. MoClelland, Mr. and Mra William Mc Lean. F. J. Rye, wife and son. H. T. King, PortUnd. t - ; Ohildrea's Asutenr Thaatrlnala A theatrical entertainment was glvett under the direction of Mlsa Irma and Master Harold Relnhart at the residence at. their narwnta. SKI Kmpmw a. . laat Sunday evening. The program eon slsted mainly "of original sketches. In which all the Relnhart children took part, assisted by Mlsa Marian Citron. Miss Elsie Relnhart received - special applause. .'- ,; v . ' v., :- a t , Wallowa county lands rapidly rising in price already. CLAIRVOYANT, TRANCE MEDIUM AND PSYCHIC Van Cortland, 303K Washington St Ordained to do what he does by some strange, unseen power. whoe potent Influence Is felt toy every creeture on the face of the earth, whoae power Is seen In the force of nature, thle wonderful and glfUd man demonstrates his power In your preeence, while you look,' listen snd wonder. Ths deeds of the -prophets snd the wlae men of old are outdona by this strange and mysterious eeer of modern limes. From whence comes this wonderful power T Fro feaaional men and women are awo etruok, the public in general la duin founded, speechless, Mad he been born In tlntea of superstition his work would be elsssed aa little )eae than miracles. 303 WASHINGTON STKEET : $5,000 Forfeit ! IF TMESB TBSTIJVIOINIALS . - ARC NOT OENUINB I never, publish names, but they ran be Been st my office. PORTLAND. Or.. April I, 1S. Professor Vsn Cortlsnd Deer Sir: I feel a great change for the better after two montha under your treat ment. I am Increasing In weight every day and weigh more than ever before in my lire, ana an tnis witn- i nave out medicine. powera to heal faith In your buatneaa, and eel very grateful to you for what you have done for me. Tours truly. - H. T, C. A R LI NGTON. Or. Prof eaaor Van Cortland Dear Sir: In anawer to your letter, will eav that I found the papera aa you aald I would, and let me thank you for the power you have In helping to cure my diseaae, which you are surely doing, aa I feel ao much better; In fact, I feel like a new man. Sincerely, L H. B. Dear Sir: I am nerfectlv aatlefleil with the work you have done for me. Prof eaaor Van Cortland Toil are more than wonderful, snd I will rec- ommena you to my mends, ss 1 know your powers ere genuine, ss the work you have done for me hae made me a different man. Your friend. - - HA. Vv Van Cortland haa YinnilraHa r anV-h lettera on file at hta oi.lce. HE WILL TELL TOTJ TOUR FULL AME. V AGE, OCCUPATION . AND WHOM . AND , WHEN i YOU WILL MARRT. ..- ..: WHT CONSULT AN INFERIOR Ur. DIUM WHEN PROF. VAN CORTLAND. THE ACKNOWLEDGED LEADER OF THEM ALL.' 18 HERB AND HIS FEE IS NO HIGHER THAN THOSE LESS COMPETENT, . - ' ' " .- - - E0TX3, t aa S T-"y aaS Cauda. I DO H1KIBX- KlLBIiaT ifilU Ann CCAKANTM, ts. make, yes so chart M t ran to eau yea- hy saste la fan. aaam at your .rdesea. enemies r Hvala. - I . sreauea te taU yos wbetber year kaebead, wlf aweatseart si tree er- falsa, .U yes sow ts gala, the lave ee tee eee yea m . tseesh miles awsri low w baslDesm. . apecalatloa, . lawsolta; surry. tha eae of year eMee; gala' yenth. haaltb . aad vlulity. Ssi Tll haaeae, ' tares drlas - aaMtl tresrares. earee aervsva dlaessea, - , How eaa I have goad lark I i ' How ess 1 eseeeed Is basuissst. How esa I aiake aiy m sspprf . Hew ess I eneeaer y eaeailssl. j v How aaa I awry the eae I enooasf . How eaa I Barry w:i? - ,' How eaa I easeaer mr Hvalt 1 Row eaa I auks ear aaa kx How asea will air lerer propose . How eaa I svt s wtterr How eaa I get s gooe soeltloBl ' How esa I rsiaove aad teftueacest , Hnwesa I esstrsl aay eaeT ' ' How auks Slstoal eaea tktnk Waal How eaa I fcSM aiy kasha ad Wt How eas I mr wlfs leesl - PRorrFsoa a am cobaxp t aad aer art eaetifc-s. BMt St r.T r prof, van com:::'' ;itc:j stuST,