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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1905)
w :q .1.'- Eiltsd, ty CSS. E A RAH ' A. EVANS. ' ; A Chicago, Critic V: On Our Art Exhibit ' ' , ' Abut of other arouses doubt of th speaaer health and mental balance; - In art. we believe, criticism helna moat --.whn" constructive, not destructive, la ' Mr- Marian White; in thi article, maaea atatementa which. If true, form aw arraignment of the art department; : ; If untrue, they ehould be anown f also, ' because, read by people not In poeaeeslon . of the facta, thesej atatementa do poaltlve 1 Have, the western artlata. aa aha I t claims, ground for bitter complaint a of me treatment accorded them. On may think that to have given them greater , prominence might change the charac. ' ter exhibition from the historical, unl- venal and .highly significant to aome thing locaKand provincial. Mra. White claims that, "not a. painter west of the - Atlantic seaboard has any sort of decent representation.' The catalogue affords a sufficient . answer to this. ' From the eouth com Cur ran, Redf leld, . Breckenrldge, ; Pain gerf leld Anachuta. Jones, Parish and Bruer; Ohio sends ns flow. Yates, Henri, Cox, Potthaet. Har "' vav. Nlihim inil n.rhsr' Mieauitirt la the horn of : Beckwith, Mr. Robert Vonnoh, Cornoyer aid Queriu; , Hubbeil i. comes from 'Kansas; De Haven, Chasi, tJeeaar, from Indiana; Conae, Foot and . Krleake' from Michigan; Illinois . sends ;' Clark. Marsh, Field and Mrs. MacNetl; . Arlsona has a representative In Brown, Utah- In Borglum. California in Keith, Watrous and Mrs. Kenyon Co. while : Mr. Du, Mond and Jullua Joseph are - .turn -uriianoj. v r ' - t - . ' ! All thes non-eaaterri artists by birth , are adequately represented, aome by a. Dumber of paintings, and among the re not a few crowned with medal at the laat great exposition. ? ' .1 Our artist wander, from their home, . seeking training and culture, and tbi i , .... necessary, wholly to their credit. and In aocordanc with the growth of art la new country. American artists have 'arrived," have already an' Important : history, are well represented In , Euro- - pean galleries, and their work is sought . by collectors. Never was there a better - time than now to make good. Invest- ment In American art many picture that today may be bought for hundred " will aurely advanc en price to thou aand of dollar. rwr. In five of the seven large galleries th - greater part of the exhibit I American and of high excellence. , The' superiority Is. due "to a number of reasons, but chiefly because it la a loan collection, .The cost of . transportation, ' Insurance. : safety, the possibility of sal, were con , slderatlona of a buslneas character that the exposition had to meet, but these do . not at all disturb the visitors. H , . enter th building and freely enjoys all the rich display, the utmost drain on hi v pocket being, the purchase of a cat lou or th ervlce' of a guide.' - Thi larr collection is truly. reprd entatlv of American achievement Jn : th past and th xcilne of th present a school; It Is valuabl for study and In uo . i sen of "a chestnutty flavor. 1 " Where could so large a collection be . forthcoming but from publlo and pri vate galleries, art dealer and- artist? H'.MM.. .a4,.m . M m. mI wnu .v, .lav vuw.av w. .uaw . I artist must live and seek result from ; their work. - who that ha followed th ' " career of our beat men. Wlnslow Homer. . I, ' Hlnt. V n euvw 11 11. jwmim v. .wii 1 j It is only just to th director, Mr. Du Mond, to mention mat ue nan out a raw months In which to find the collection and, from hi standpoint In old art ten- . ters of Philadelphia. Boston and New '' York offered th best typical' examples. western men are nere, out tnis i not a . gallery of western art,, and th publlo gain thereby. Other opportunities await the younger painters, and I cannot be lieve that Mra. Whit, la any true sense , represent their feeling, toward UN x- position. roaaioiy tneir mr iu ao ue grander, more beautiful than th -"effete east" ever dreamed -of, but. that wni these western men hav been helped by - th school and art, associations, of Eu rone and th despised ast. . How silly uck talk seems, how fool- - ish th attempt to aggrandise on sec tlon of our great country at the expense 1 - of another! W are quick to recognise genius wherever found and th final test of work, according to Lowell. I that It carries inrani cvaviuiura vt tmh without long consideration, although may mkka It more precious. Let . u give Mr; jju Mono nearty tnanaa zor n task well: done; and aay that In soma ' respects this latest exposition excel all xtrevioua one. ; lie ceriainiy am not taxe coals to newcasiie wnen n sec urea the unique collection In gallery A. Vial' tors have here' finer, examples of im". presslonlsm and pletnalrlsm In leaders and follower', than "hav ' ver been shown In any exhibition In our land. Mrs. White says the director mad "th f mletak of ' supposing h w going among people who were little better . . , 1 t. . m.i. ' - writing-, on might-hav expected 80 year ago. -.-v. '.::..-' .. ; Mra Whit find our exhibit "Ilk on rlw.n In n with thm VrdinrK rt I at ... " " - - . left" out Th lnjutic her become . annarentin.the. aallerlee where -out of . VAA tmnnlM BII hilt -140 am bv Amar. - lean. : : Mr. Whit seems a self-con- ; atlt,uted champion of a neglected class VI ' ww vmiwt 11 mi 1 1 i-un. fin juw iij seen the exhibit for what h so graph- . Icaliy describes I her "th mountain scenery,, the- nobly flowing river, th - silvery waterfalls, th long flowing line ' of urf, th grand forest growth, the superb atmospheric conditions, trie vast ; plain, with th Indian, tb w,lld animal In thlr haunta." , f - ' ELIZABETH H. DENIO, Ph. IX . ' Tn universny or nocouitr, rt. x. Xiecturer on Art In th Art Building, , Lewi and Clark Exposition. Arrangementt tompietea for y Ctrmtrnn Oraoa Dav at Eznoaition. ' ' Th clubwomen all ove th fat are taklpg an actlv Interest In - Oregon SImma H. ' Aiinst f . Which la th Anttr timv given specially, by th Air man - a cement to th club organisation. . Th affair-will be under th auspice -of th tat federation, nd the management of th state exposition committee, com posed of Mra O. M. Gllnes, Mra C n. Jackson, of Portland; Mrs. H. C Guern sey of . Pendleton, Mrs. E. R. Cox of ' Athena, Mra "8am Whit of Baker City and Mra. CV P. Bishop of Salem. These ' ladle hav nearly all been In th city nd their presence ha assisted the chairman, Mra Ollne. greatly. Bh ha enlarged 'her eommltte for thla oo caalon by Inviting th president of th local club to take part In th arrange ments, thus securing a good and en thusiasts working foro. From Trout dal and Veral adjacent towna 1 the clubwoman will send In large quantities A . V" M II 1 I I III : . 1 I 111 -I: 1 l l - ill 1111 i : Mrs. Julia P. Churchill, Leading W. C T. U. Worker Photo by Aun7 of Oregon grape, which' will b used for decorations, and arrangamant hav been made to have the guard distribute It to vial tore In every part of th expo sition grounds. . - , A delightful program will b given on th beautiful veranda "of -the Oregon building, after which th officer of the federation, the president of club and th exposition committee wiu r cety visitor, and a number of young women will aerve punch. : ..'') Badges, emblamatlo of th day and th organisation, will be given to all club women who register, it l th request of th committee that all clubwomen, whether from - Portland or lswher. wear-their club eolora ' The program will begin promptly -at I o clock. . , Eminent Authorities Diiiei oil liigiief . iLuucaiiuik Mra Sarah Piatt Decker d Mr. Eva Parry Moor, president and first vice president of th General Federation- of Women' Clubs, appear to. differ 'on tb subject of ' what th higher education of women should consist of. ,. At the American Institute of Instruction, which recently met at Portland, Main, Mra Decker contributed a paper inuwhlch. ah questioned whether women hav tint for afour years"-college course. ' Sh spoke particularly of the need to teach- girl to be contented at home, aaylng I hav in -mind many mother who hav found to their sorrow and heart ache that th long-talked-of and much-to-b-dalred college advantage have only reaulted In the dissatisfaction of th daughtera with th ordinary Ufa and condition of th household, and that home-making and home happlneaa 'hav been left entirely out of th college cur rlculum." .'.v. -. s Mra Decker urged th tabllahmnt of a chair to teach th "profession of life," . In which she Includes courtesy. gentleness, contentment and the pleas ure to o ODtainea - irom every aay happenings, th dlvln art of happln nd th diviner art of common sense. Mra Moore, who la president of th National Association of Collegiate Alumnae, .replied to Mra Decker, aaylng that th real object In a college educu tlon was not to fit men and women for any special function, but to fit them aa nearly 'as poaalbl for tb broadest cit izenship. Ther wis no place except th home where women could learn the art of home-making, - Ther waa no place narrower than th - wld world where men and women could leaVn th art of living. .Th proper time for apaclal training was after the liberal training of the college'equrse had provided a bail to hillM UMln. . A lay. sister- ventures to differ with thes eminent authorities by saying that In her opinion neither Is tb correct measurement, ..for-If th Instinct of homo-making, courtesy, gentleness and all th. other homely virtue are not Im planted by mother training In th girl before h i ready for her four year college course, th - basis - she receive rthere will, be a very uncertain founda tion on which to build a happy home. A thi question of higher education for women is on that will not down, it will De interesting to see th two high est officer In the national organisa tion pitted against each other In It dis cussion,, for they speak with authority, and each I well worth listening to. A Righteous Prayer r: v Which Will Much 'Avail. Th ' friend,' at -T Woman auffraira everywhere wUl rejoice In the1 fact that It ha been commended to - college women by Bishop ; McVlckar of Rhode Island, In bl baccalaureaU aermon at Bryn Mawr college, Blahop McVlckar In eirnest and forcible term expressed hi belief that the ' American woman hould be given the . right to vote, at least wherever ther la a moral question Involved and what phase of politics does not Involv a moral question T - i aop ana. pray, aaid manoD Mc Vlckar, -i "that we may e thi com to pas oon. ' In thla fuller civilisation ther 1 no chance that woman would unsex herself. 'I believe fthat tha path that aha would -walk In, Would not only De orignteneai Dy tier preienc. out that they would bo atralghtened.'V , Th day atar la appearing when the bishop of a. great-tatr-fiotd-for It narrow conservatism, could addreaa and preach auch doctrine to th student of on of the wealthiest women' college In the' United State. A few . year Ago- th Management of Bryh Mawr would" hav received a protest from its patron If it had - per mitted such ; doctrln preached, and Blahop McVlckar ; would . hardly ; hav .dared to return to hi diocese. . - St S( g . -. The W. C. T. U. Hold;:;;::;;;;; Executive Board Meeting. . -The state executive committee of th W. C." T. U.' met laat Saturday. -Th work thi year at Chautauqua waa re ported as having been especially satis factory. : The.nne new tent mad com modious headquarter, which proved to be an acceptable social center.- A vot of thank waa : tendered - Mesdamea Brown, Shane, Dalaielstt and Matheno, th committee In charge. An invitation to hold th annual convention at The Dalle wa . accepted " and October ' 1-7 was th data act. . A medal contest is to be held on venlng. TlTiS T ance congress ,ha been set for Satur day, September ZS; the morning will be given over to the children's demonstra tion; an up-to-dat program Jn th aft ernoon will b In charge of -th general officer. Tire evening meeting -will not be held, under th auspice of tb W, C " Dr. , William, -formerly of Michigan. waa- reported to Be In Oregon In th tn- tereat of the w. C. T. U. and her work wa cordially indorsed by tb xecutlve board.: The following resolution waa unanimously passed: . . - "Whereas, The Saturday half holl day la universally observed In eastern eltlea and id a custom long established In other lands and Is a movement In the right direction; therefor; b it "Resolved, That w, th Women' Christian Temperance Union, urge all employer of labor. In and about -Port land to establish tnl half holiday, and tbu materially aid In solving th de bated queatlon of Sunday . opening at the Lwla and Clark fair. Th ' work at th fair a succesaful. Th Flower, mission su perintendent - dealre mor flower for the atat headquarter at 'Fifth- and Tamhill street, and at th booth In th Oriental building on th fair ground a In every respect tb W. C. T. U. 1 having a decidedly successfulyear. Mis Agnes Brookmlllcr, state evan gelist of Iowa W. C, T. Is visiting in roruana. A Colored Settlement oonUintJ Ki ' valuable library and uaKl, freely ty th colored student. There la a crying need for money in the settlement, - for as the work un folds, its poaslsbllitle loom up ao temptingly thct th desire alwaya 1 to Increase the eulciency and acope of tha work; but Mra. Matthew has managed with a careful hand, and th money now needed most is for a capable house keeper, who Is able to teach -domestla science ' and lift some of the ' burden front Mra Matthews, whoa health ha been much Impaired by th heavy traln sh ha been under. '..', - It ' H. A Little Material , ' For the Antis to Smoke. , 7 It ' should at leaat furnlab food for reflection to those . who, consider- the woman auf f rag . movement to be. -the enemy of th homely virtu of , good housekeeping to learn that: the two auf f rage state of Idaho and - Colorado hav domestic economy in their re spective state universities, and that the head of. th Colorado department Is president of the Woman Suffrage-as soclatlon of her own atata . It may be pleasant also to learn that the Instructor in tha Idaho university In domestic science Is an Oregon girl, and the chair of domeatio economy waa created largely, through th Influence of Mra Levi Young, formerly a prominent Portland , resident and an ex-president of tb Woman club, v -. at ' K ' St . Four .Good Women On Chicago School Board, ! ' ' Chicago - la fortunate, a .hav .on It board of education four women, three of whom ' are well known - In , other cltlea Ml Jan Addam. Dr. Cornelia D Bey, Mra. Emmon Blaine and Mrs, Keough are the women member. ' All hav very liberal view, and -ar open partisan of th much-talked-of teachers' federation. In which Mias Margaret Haley and Mia Catherine Ooggln ar leading sptrita . .. St St St Missouri Appreciative , rt tt f f t? rt a-- . Th. compulsory education law, for which . th -clubwomen of Missouri worked so bard, ha at laat gon Into ffact in the atate.- It la, pleasant to record that tb newspapers, aa well a tb general public, glv full credit to th club for their ahar In' th good work. . It la quit th reverse with the work' of th clubwomen of ' Oregon, where, a a rul, thos benefited: 'try a rapidly a -possible to forget , 7 . , CHURCH SERVICES The White Rose Home. . Sid by side with Booker T, 'Wash ington should stand Mra Matthew, th founder and' auperintendent of th "Whit Rose Home,"-which 1 th only exclusively colored' ettlement-hous in New York. .At first sh wa refused house in which to carry on har settle ment work. ' At present between oOO and TOO person attend th classes weekly. On th payment of tl a year any colored girl may become a member Of th Whit Roa Xnduatrlal association, which ntl tie her to full privilege of th so cial life of th bom. Thu social priv ilege mean much to th colored servant girl of th city, who, may bring their men friend to the parlor for conver sation, a gam of whist or other amuse ments that ar provided. If any mem ber desire to entertain friend ah can hav th privilege of th kitchen In which to prepare refreshmenta , All the settlement activities ar kept up. Th services of Mra . Matthews and most of her coworkers ar voluntary. Th modest sum of $1.26 a week, I charged for a comfortable room, and th privi lege of th kitchen 1 allowed thos who wish to cook their own meal. ' On of the most interesting claaaea 1 mad up -of th mora Intelligent young men and women who study "Race History." To facilitate this study Mra Matthews has collected a fin library. Bealdesth work of Booker Washing ton, ' Charle Chestrtutt and ' Paul Law- rence Dunbar, ther ar many book by comparatively unknown colored men of genius, and many rar work ar In th collection. A second edition, pub lished In London In 1T7I of th poems of Phylll Whatly, "negro servant to John Wheatley of Boston,' New Eng land," la included. This negro woman wrot classic vara after.-th manner of Pop and Dryden, celebrating th x- cellenc nf Terence, an sAfrlran, andf of George Washington, a model American. Another rar book la a bound voluro of Anglo-African Magaalna, published In New York In 1S6I. and containing a de tailed account of th rising at Harper Ferry and th trial and execution - of John Brown. A first edition, dated 1J. of I.ydla Maria Child' "Appeal in Favor of That Clas of American Called Afri can," 1 another of th many thing , - . HEiBrrxxLur. First Cor Mr Twelfth and Alder streets ,Drj t. P.-Hill, rector. .Bwvleea at 10: SO s. m. and f :80 p. m. I tb amid Usrold V, Mllllfaa will glre a abort erfaa reelUL ' Mirsball Street Coroer aUnaall and North Seventeenth streets; Rar. C. W, Ilsys. pastor. 10 a. BL, Sunday school; 11 s.-ja.. presdilng by Rev. Horace Bunnell, P. D., ef Conconlla, Ksnsess S p. m., by th pastor, en "Uolns StII by fraar"! T:15 . m.. Y. P.- 8. O. BMwtin. uimneruna East Tweirta sa Tyr streets; Rev. K. Nelson Allan, asator. 10:80 s. m.. preaching by . Dr. w, 8. Holt; -13 m.. 'Sunday scnool; t:t0. p.. at.,' Csriaitlaa Bndcavor, ta tuwuwrn park. I'ledmoot- Corner Cleveland arenae and Isr. rett etreet; Rev. L. slyron Booser, psator. 11 ' sn, "Three Elements -ot Dlaelpleahlp") 10 n.. Sabbath school ; ao -evenln service. Bell wood Corner Seventeenth street and 800 kane aveaoe; . Rev. D. A. - Thompson, pastor. 10 a .as.. Bandar aekooL W. B. Moore, saner-' tntendent; 11 e. ., "Kalth"; T p. n., Cbrte tiaa Kadoarar; evenln service at 8 e'eioek Portland Y. M. C A- a union service of aU Wl.nvv., r.lKCTin, - Xlon Kat Twentr-et(btll street. Bear OUaaa ireei; a. wx tieinnara, pastor. - iu a. m., preaching by-the paator: 8 o. 01. ' Mr. Ktllle, nlaaionary from China, will deliver aa Illus trated lectnre ea mlaalonary work. Cslvsrr Oirner Klerenth andla atraebll nev. wuiiam a Ollbert, paator. J Rev. William I. Stewart of I blcaro Mlanab Baat Thirteenth and Powell- atreeU; Ollbert, pa it or. will preach. 13 m., class ateetloc ; : (tie; S p. m., , "lbs Rule t Rev. Jerome R,-Meilade, D. D-, paator. 1:0 a. m., or request, tna paator win preacs sgaia tbe sermon oa the topic. "Breed Upon the Waters"; 8 p. m., "The Bleasedneas ef Taose Who Hav Spiritual Hunger and Tblrst." Fourta Clrat aad Olbbs streeU; Rev. M. D. Clellaad. paator. 10:80 s. m.. "The Way") 13 m., Sunday aebool. K. C. Brooauah. snner- Intendent; fA5 p. m., C. . prayer sisetliig; i:wo p. aa., ia simple Lire.'- . : - ' ' MsTHOSIST. 'I ' :'.:--7J'f'l Tarlor-8treet--Dr. Presets - Bnraette Short paator,, :30 a. m., claaeas: 10:80 a. m., "Tbe Mlmkm ot Jeeue": 13:lfi a. m.. Sundav achaol :SU p. m., Xpworth lea ana; T.4S p. a.; sermoa or Ker. w. 0. noinnganeaa Trinity Bast Twentieth aad Grant streets; ttev. uarold ueers, paator. 10:4 a. a "Never Weary": T:4B . m.. "Tbe Par 8treak": 10 a. m.r Sunday scboel;. T Epworth aeaauv. . Oraee Clarence True Wilson, D. D., paator. 10:80 a m., "Tbe Power of Selb-Harvtflce: T:4B p. m.. "What AdvanUse la Prayer." Mra. Edward Drake will nreelde at tbe ore-an; lira. J. 8. Hamilton , will conduct the singing tot tae month. Hpedal sololata. I Ml alt, .-fe U tl ft W -1 . ' . . Preacblnc st 11 s. m. br Dr. W. K. klarahall of Mlnneapolla, silnneeota; T:4IV p. m., by tbe paaior, iu a. ., aunoay scnooi; a p. m., junior league; t p. m., Intermediate; f p. m., Senior leisue. - rree corner or saat Ninth and Mill streets; Rev. John Olen, paaior. Preacbln at 11 a. m. Klinnv.tH f-'aftt Vemklll 4 katMM 'Thl-T. rutn and Thirty hoi th streets; T. B. rurd, paaior. 10 a. m., Sunday school; 11 s. m., "Tna nuie or vaiia j i p. w.r- Bpworth a Xpworth Corner Twenty-thlrrl and Irvine atresia; nenrr j. aiainaon, paator. IV a. m., Sunday school; 11 i, a., "The Rules of Our Church"; : p. . at., Epworth league; T;6 p. as., "A Beam la tbe Wrong Place. ' , zrisoorAL. . r..-'I St. Xoba's Memorial Bellwood : Rev. W. R. Powell In charge. ' At 10:46 a. .. aerviee and sermon; IS m., Sunday school. uooa BhepMra Heiiwooa street snd Vi neon rer s venue, Alblna; Rev. John Dawson, rector. At 10 a. m.. Sunday school; 11 a. n.. aelr eom- mnnloa- Tbe Rev, J. B, Barbour, e former rector, will preach. , 1 -. St. Stephen's Thirteenth snd Clay streeta; Rev, H. M. Ramsey In charge. At 7:40 a. -, solv eommnnlon; :4oa. m.. Sunday school: serrlree at 11 a. m. and T:80 p. m. . A arena to a Portland kelahla: Hev. H. If. Ramaar in pbarae. . At 8 P. m.. Sunday erbool: evening serrlce oa Wedneadars at e'rlock. St. Mark's Corner Nineteenth snd Oulmhy rreeta: Rev. l.i B. H. Simmon, rector, reaat ot tbe trananguratton; 8 e. m., holy eommeskin; 11 s. a., holy communion snd aermon: p. m., evening prirer and aermon. t No Ssmiay school during Anguat. v. at. uarid s xaat - TWeirta and Belmont streets; Rev. George . Van Waters, D. D., rector. At It a. jn,, Boly eeaaanloai S:4B a. ..Honda scbooL ' Trinity Nineteenth near Waahlnstoa a tree t: Dr. A. A. Morrkvw, rector. At 8 a. m hily eemmonloni services st It a. a. and 8 p. a. All Saints' Twenty-aecond aad Reed streets: Kevr " Robert Hope, rector. Serrtree at 11 a, aad 8 .-m.; BuBday school at 10 a av , 1 - VaTTZS XTAHaktlOAX. V , Pint Corner' Past Tent and Sheraaa streets ; A. A. Winter, pastor, 10 s. ., Snaday school,, C. Aj 8'arer, superintendent; servlcee'at II I. hi. aad 8 p. a.; 7 p. a.. K, U ef C. K. meeting. Rev.W. M. TarWir, D. P.. nf Brno Springe, Nebraaka. 1s esoected to occupy tna paiuit at see oi tne servtree. erooo oorner rarge ana aerny streets Rev. What to the K Bowereox. ' oaator. It s. Preach" t . m.. "Okfirrlng God"; 10 a. a., Sunday school; 8 s. a., Junior Kndearor; 7:18 p. m., K. L. of 0. B. Ockley Green 3:S0 bj., Sandsy seheol; 1:30 p. a., preaching by Rev. A. A. Winter. St. Joha's Corner of Jeka aad Ivanao streeta; B. B. McVlcker. paator.. 11 a. . as.. Keachln by tb paator; 8 p. m.. Rev, C. I', ller will apeak: 111 ar .." Sunday " school: a:oo p. m., aanifw r . a ei v, a.i i Sealer LkdO. t. -. - S- ,. BAPTIST. Whit Temple Twelfth and Taylor streets; Rev. I. Whlteomb Breather. t. D., paator. At 10:18 a. B., "One Accord" prayer meeting; JO:.! s. m sermon hy Rev. Oliver W. Van Oed-I. D. t.. of Spokane, Wsahtngtna. en "Moantaina of Wold";, 13:10 p. m., Blhle aehonlg :A0 p. m.. roeng people's reeeptloa to strangers snd prefer aervlre, leader, Mlaa Msble MillUI T:48 p. ., .;'. 1 .'(, :. '. ' V - " ' j :;:;A',:;iLi "7 a v -.. i, ota o? .. .-.":.vir I ....'. rt ..,.-,,'.. -- .- ... , . ....f.-. -r .L- ,'KV, To Moke the Honolulu Trip? 6t The Journal Honolulu contest has started. Join now. You may be the fa . ', vored one. I Perhaps , your friends are stronger than you imagine. - Perhaps you have more of them than you ever dreamed. There is no such thing as a- corner on oppor tunities. You are on an equal footing with all. Some of the most sensational spurts f for the honor of heading a list have been made by those 'who started early in a contest.' yYOU MAY, head the list. '" ' -W'-:.' . , " , So' well has the plan of the contest been arranged that it is impossible for wealth, ' to influence votes.:.;'v .'',t'r-'-'-;H"'';'-;'-":! .;;''a-: ' , ( " ' ' . All information on the. contest can be obtained by mail or by a personal call on The Journal's Contest .Manager,- The contesUnts are divided1 into districts so that ladies in their home towns compete against their, neighbors, v Why not be one of the eight young' . ladies .who will enjoy the hospitality, of The Journal's Honolulu Tour? ' v T ''7iT. ' ' Hundreds of books and thousands of newspaper articles have been, written about this great country. You can see all this vast country and have an opinion of your own -without reading through thousands of t pages of printed matter. It is a world in itself. . "All to be given but for the asking. DO IT NOW. The splendor thrown around it - will confer the highest of honors on thos who,win. -e - , " ; ; - Will You Be One of Them? Conditions of Thcloarnal's Ilonoluln Tost Contest: ' TUiST Any yotins lady over IS year of as S serlptlaa to Th Evenln; snd Sunday Blornlnc ' may be nominated at any tlm n blank pTtyrld-fl-Jettrmie-fcy-t malt- fin menthe, tt.Ttt-airectaJ oy tn journal, witn tne endorsement oi tw wmi- known citlsen of th district In which h reside. ' . nOOaTB Three Jud;e -reable to the dlf- , ferent candidate hall be selected to officially announce th winner In each' -district, on yotiBB Udy to be choserr from each dlatiict. --- ?-?r---t TaTimj-As In other election, each diatrlct ' hall vot parately. Th vot in on cannot affect tb other? - Matter properly concerning the district will b settled by the wish of th majority. The winner ahall hav the rlfht to nam s proxy If unabl to attend herself.' . rOTTBTX Votlnc -will commence Thursday,' - August I, 1906, nd close Baturday,' December SO. . at S o'clock p. m., 1905. Coupon must be voted within seven daya after lasu. Coupon cut from Th Dally Journal must b neatly trimmed. All ejoupona, whether alngla or special, must bear tha nam of th candidate to b voted for. - s Conpons sre Given as Follows: nTTst 81nt coupon, cut from th daily paper, ar arood for on vot. . Subscription to th .. Evenln and ? Sunday Mornlnf Journal, three months, $1.5, a special coupon of 160 vote (paid - In advance). Subscription 'to Evenln and Bun- ,. day Morntns Journal lx mootha. 11.76,, a special, tlon to Th Evenln and Sunday Morninx Journal, It months, 17.60, peoial coupon of 709 vote (paid in Bdvit).'V. .'.,- w !.. '.-' -: : Subscription to Th Evenln and Sunday Morn-' - In Journal,-, three-months by mall, $1.90. A pe dal coupon of J 60 vote (pld In advance). 8ub- spedal ' coupon of 110 votea (paid In advance). Subacrlnw ' tlon to Th Evenln and Sunday Mornln Journal ' by mall IS months, 17.00, a apeolal' coupon -of TO votea - (paid in advanc)., Berni-Weekly Journal. ' , tl.60 a yr, special coupon of 100 vot (paid la advancsX. . .; ,, .::..'.':.. :izL) - nZTsf Coupons should b voted st th had quartera nearest you or mailed to th coupon de- -partment of Th Journal, or at any point named below.. Vote will be counted Tuesday. Thurs day a and Saturday and th total announced in ' that day's paper. .. , y ri. , 'Any candidate ' withdrawing from th eontt " cannot hav har votes counted for another. - , ' 1 ' Ccadqnarlers sj Vc!i3 Pisces VlraS Surkrlct Multnomah , and? - Clackamas eountl. Votln Plac, Coupon Department of Th Journal Offie- - . . - -. - Beoosfe lrleUnlorv Umatilla- and Wllew- counties. -, '-,.; '..'-. f. Third X lrtrlct Waaoo. Sharman, anilam. Mor row, Wheeler and Crook countiea. -; roarlh Diatrlot Baker. Grant. Harney and Malheur countlea . . v v ; ',.,...; -' ..'''.j.. IMftb, Blatrlot Columbia and Clatsop counties.' Oreront .Klickitat, Cowl It. Clarke, Pacific, Wah- 'hlnt0rf : '. Sixth piatrict-Marlon. Linn and Lane counU. - Sereath ltrlee Waehinton. Tillamook. Tam hill. Benton, Polk and Lincoln oounti. auBw ifiairwi uouriia, -uooa.. jurry joaapn. 4 me, rfacxaon, -juamatn ana utx countle. Coupon Free Hawaiian Trip rloaolulii, Hawaiian Islands I rot for.....'.; This coupon must b voted on or before Auut IS, ltOL . Any ' Information , r rardin condition of th Honolulu tour should b , addred ta th man-. er ot th Contest Da- ' partment of Th Journal. ' - First publication of eontestanta will appear Tueaday vnlng, Auut S, 1S06. ' , , - Dr. Van Osdel ea "rrma Mlaeonrl Wbe" 1, with benedictory service, "Who la Jesus" T Ceatral Bast Twentieth and Ksst Aekeny StreeU) William B. Randall, ailnUter. - At 10:S0 a. at., riayin mta r ate ; im- m., oiu. school; T:B p. ., "The Maa With the Hoe." . Seeoao Kast Seventh and ' Bast Aakeny StreeU; Bev. Stantoa U, Laphasi. paator. At 10:10 a. si., - The Soa at Humanity"; T:48 p. aa. the paator will Breach ea "The Crime ef Bein a Rich Man,'7 and will dlsrnss the qeeatkmsr "The Blraeat Load the Bapttet I)a nonilnatloa Has to Carry,-" "Js str. Rorkefeller the Most Danseroos Maa la the United States One or rneon 'T "fl liars or ins inureo Are Kotf the Oppresaora er the People in urefoa ") 18 as.. Bible echool: 8:40 . m., Youa Fes- ple s anion, i, r. Bamfora. orianiet. , Thrr. Alhlna Hev.' Ullmsa rarser er aia Beds, California, forsasrly of Portland, will reach st 10:0 a. at. oa "Tb Sims or the lmes" T:80 p. sa., "Tbe Middle Mas." eoxaazoATiovAL. rirst Madison snd Psrk streeU: Bev. n 1. . .n 1 . a Bad Uood Man" I 7:40 m. m.. preach In; 13:18 p. aa., Sunday school, C. O. Mlkle, aoperla undent; 0:45 p. m., X. P. S. C. ., Miss Mary a, Morse, soiout. Mtsalaalpnt.Aveane Oorner Mlaalsalpet aveane and rremoat street. At 10 s. sunoay school; . it a.., m., eeecblD hy Bev, C L, 1 laps. ' ' . , Bnnaralde K'ornee Bsat Tsrlor - snd Kaat Thlrtjr-foortb streets; B. J. 1. Stseb, pea tor. at 11 a. m.. snniveraary serviee witn sermoa on "Our Thirteenth Milestone"; IO a. m., sna day erbool, 8. C. Iter, superintendent; 8 p. m.. Junior Endeavor, Mlaa - Kditn Koe, auperin tendent; :45 p. m., Henlor Baden vor. (Intra ratty ' Psrk Artlsa temple. Porta- Biouth; Bar. D. B.I Graf, paator. At .11 a. What We Believe About Infant and the Arfsmant ef Scripture aad Beaaoa ta Fa tot of It": 10 a. Bl,. Sander aehnol. - HI (bland Service at It a. m. aad T:43, m. ey m.t. u. . BLuiio . Sanaa r sroool st lo- s; ai.- Haaealo-Street -T:s0 D. si.. Welsh serviee will be held, to which all the Welsh are Invited. St. Jamea' Knsllab Corner Wast Park and Jetfersoa streeta; J. A. Ieae. paator, eerrlfe at 11 s. m. 1 lu a., a., Sunday a-nooi. Mrs. Lund of Borh lataad, flllnola, will Bin ''Tbe Publican." by Van PeWater. Norweelan Srnod TVireee Kaat. Tenth aad Arant streeU 1 O. Ha (ore, paator. . Service at 11 . m. sad 8 p. Be. Bethanls Dsnlah-Oiraer Union avesa snd Morrta streeU: (Jndmund drill. Beater. Serv- Irea 11 s. M. and 8 p. ak) 12:18 p. aa., Sunday aebool. Norwegian 48 North Fourteenth streets Bev. ai. Nervlc, paator. Servtree at 11 s. m. and Bev. t, J. -Bell ef I. . m.. eoadueted Cslssms, lewe. rirat 1T1 Seeend street, rereatera hall; . B. Mnarre. Baa tor. 11 1.' a., "!)oe the Bihl and Sclenoe Agree Ooeeeraln Creation?"! p. as., prearhlns; IO a. Bunder echool; 18:30 p. bk. sfwclal seeatoa of euerlerly soa- . J . si., apworis lessee. . . .. , . CHBIST1AB. ,-' 'I '; Central -Ita.t Twentieth and Balmoa a rreeta: Rev. 1. T. tihormler. D. 0.. Da. lor. . Serrrcea st II a. at. asd 8 s. bli 10 a. an.. Snndar aebool; . p, ., Sealer ndaaruc. Special Bmsle: Mrs. WePhrrsoa bale, eborlsuri Miss Era Bran. . eraslat. rirat Coroer Park and Colnmbla streeU: B. 8. Murkley, pastor. At 1:0 s. St., "Uaiit- tn Chrtat"! 8 n. m.. "The Hlsher Dl ment": Jl:l p. aa.. Bible aebool; I p. aa., x. P. 8. 0. B. '.' - ' .,.'- Advent Herond street", ' between HsII and Lincoln atreete; Char lea . Haftendea, pastor. 10:80 a. m., Sunday school; servlees at 11:8 a. ai. and 7 :80 p. m. ; praise austln at I p. aa. v . '" trvrrxxsAUST. "-' ''.-' Plrat Beat Coneh anH .at Klehth afreeUl e. r. amau. paator. Bermoa at 11 a. at. bj B II-I... . l , 1 1 1 . ' wvhu 11., ur, in ..vie UIV., 1 1 IIW I T:4S a. m., sermoa by . Bev. Kate Hughes ef uirare, tiiineu; Bunday school at 10 a. a. ; - -v '-T.'K. 0. A. ; ''."' Men's Bveetln at 8:80 p. m. will be ad dressed by Charles. A. Klllle. wbe will lvs stereoptleoa views ef photoarspbs takes ot Peking, Including tbe Interior of tbe laiperlal palaces, during the siege of that city. . OXaiBTIAX SOIXXCX. ' :: ? '.' .' i Plrst BcoRUh Bite cathedral. Morrlso and Lownadale atreeta. Services .at H and p. m... subject of sermoat "Soul BuBdaj school st eloae ef awning serviee. ' itaxoxuoai. Assoaandv. - ' ' Plrst German Corner Tenth and Clay atreeUt Theodore evhauer. paator. :30 s. ai., Sunday school; servlcae at 10:48 a. at. aad 8 p. B a , '' ' ', IQSCXlXAaTXOTt, , , . , 'Oil re Branch Mlaakin 813 First street. Bear Clay atreet. Service at I p. m.; Sunday aebool at 1:80 p. as., A. Wells, superintendent. :- Holiness ramp meeting, ander anapicea - Pa rifle Holiness college. Salens, Urand avenne and Eaat Yamhill street, every afternoon at 8:10 o ewe so evening at T:at o'clock 1 Rev. U 14. Bynn, leader. Early mornlug praise service ss e e ciors. - ' A lectors 0 Theeannhy will be given Sea- esy evening st tae anasy Mlldlng. hall 80. rirst Hplrltusl Artlun balt.Abln ton building.. Jl . at., conference! 7:44 p, sx.. lecture by Bev. N. r. Berlin, pastor. Plrat Bible KDliitual SnetatvwA. n. IT. w hall, Selllng-Blrach building. S o'clock,- eotrtt teats by Mrs. rinrence K. White of New York. The People' Chrlatlaa linloa I free i-. v -i-i . 1 . 1 . . i .. e . - ' " nreei. ia vmty Ball; l B. Coulter, leader. 11 a. sa., "The Lone line, a ef the , Perfected Life") 1J:16 B. m stud clsas I "Ufa Problems''; 7:44 p. concert by t'nlast orcbeatra; 8:18 B. .. Be Kstnre Works." . Cbrlstlaa sad Mnalonarv Alll.m Main aireeTRi avr. 11. teiL- n. ..- at. - 10:80 a. m , preeehlnr: .11:18 a. aa.. Bunday school: T:1P1 p. a,, ouen-slr aaevlre la ri.e u...i. .. aooria an Madleoa streeU, ia ir raina tna service will K 1- . 1.. .pe. tH- aae siai streeta. - - ---Millennlsl I)awn O. A. . ball, aortheast corner aecona and Moeruna t. . e. e.ev p. rm. v The Church, of Jeans Christ ef Latter Day ?fln.!,A'ta'1' building, ball 400, Serelces at 11:M a. m. asd 7 p. aa. Church of Ood At the Chanel dsn B! avenue; . T. Neal, neatnr. ftervlcee t - 7:80 p. Bl.; Sunday srenot. 1 p. sa. Bln r ' - -y. Foster . , . ... , FAT FOLKS ....... - n y v t 180 Iba Wrinkle W Vs -26T lbs. MBS. B. WILLIAMS. EM wuiaoee a.. trort tn walgm. ,.mr ywamd IVoat ta bturt ................... rfrehe teoart In wala ................10 taehe tVoS tn hip BS ---laie-prrrnre prvee ye idea ef my appear, ance before and after my reduction hrUe Border. My health la Perfect. 1 Bever anJoye sees. wsy carry ye relief ts at aaadl Dr. Ssyder guarantees his treatment ts hV perfectly bartnleea ta every4 particular. Be aataeeiaa. Bo survtne no deteertM mh aees, ae wrtakles er dlaeomfbrts. Dr. Snrder baa been a spertsllst la the nceeeefal treat ment at obesity for the peat SS years, asd k.s the Boajnallaed endorsement ef the medical fra ternity. A booklet tellln all akoat It n-as. Write teday. j a W. F. SNYDER, M. 0. - ' Kit SCarqaaaa Bid, Sixth aad attfrfs treet, IorUaad, Oregeaw PHOTOGRAPHERS TO MEET IN ANNUAL CONVEfJTIOrr (Journal Spselal Service.) Boston, Mass., Au. . Tot h flrt tim In a decade nd'a Jlaif ,th Pho toraphere' AssocUtlon of America la to) hold It annual session In Best on) thi year. Mechanics' hulldln has been en cased for next week, and th tneetle , will be of unusual Interest to the -tographera for th reason that t will mark the soclatlon a quarter tennlal. On of the Intereatln features r convention Will b th bl e-' of th work of th pboto e th display mad ty maautc dealer In photorphlo m vice received hy th lor I t la char f arrangew-' f unusually - lar-e atle aent photofrs.Sr f section of tJ I ' ada," ' ' ' 1 ' ,