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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1905)
.1, : jr;-.'r J; .11:. ir . THE OREGON SUNDAY- JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY ZZSZUlllQ, AUGUST 6 1SC3. SeeiETWSRES-DMG OFF TO PACK FOE. T1-J2 L.L taS5 IHB dull summer aeaaon ha bean a long time In , arriving, but with tha kdnnt nf Itivuft it . m ha ulit lit tta hara In rami ".earnest It -wilt however, ba a short .. one. ami will give to tb tired hostesses v who are forced Jy thejr dutlea .1 wain Ju tawn w welcome rest : -The pset . week haa bean tha quietest alnca tha ' onenlns f tha fair., Nothing or atari. ,lng Interaat haa baen on tha espoaltlon ,ii calendar, and. llttla of nota In town. A few guests atUl remain, but moat of f Ibelr hoataaaaa have spinteo inem sway to tha seashore. - ' Weddlnea ara a rarity ' theae day .V I though tha announcamanta ara beginning : 2 ta coma In for tha aartr ran weaaings. ' ' end aeveral of great aoolal Intereat are J . j - n tha w rvnuno i u tiiniMnv.t.-... ? marriage of Mlaa rraneea, Thomae of . Aatorla to i Dr. William Wale -Bell ; ; received with Intereat. Mr Ball baa led In tha younger aat of As - tor la whan aha haa been at home, but , ' aha haa paaaad tha greater part of the laat fair years In travel. Just before : ,. aha wia queen of the regatta, year be , ' fere laat, aha had returned from two v yaere In Europe and alnca that time haa ' ', epent moat of bar time in California and tha aaat.-, , , . ;. :- M ' SOCIETY AT THE EX- posmoNr- T .;' Tha- naval battle on the Uk at the i exposition Wedneaday evening waa tha ' eoeaaion of a number of partlaa at tha - Inn and tha fair eafea. One of tha moat ' delightful waa a dinner at the New York ' ' building given by Mra. Frank Brown of V 1 Oakland The Ubla waa laid for eight . - , on the veranda overlooking .tha water. . ;.ijim and white roaea were arranged on the cloth In profusion, Ths guests of ; 1 .- tha evening were Mlaa Katharine Brown. .-, ' the hoateea' daushter. Mlaa Suale Btott. ! Mr. and Mra. C. K. Cheney, Mr. and Mra. J ( Eatarbrooir of Philadelphia, Mr. Eater brook. Jr., Mr. Wall of Oakland and - r"' -IAnalng BtouU. ..-:, v.-.- , - ' "Vfra. M. X. Kurta of -Nampa, and Mlaa ' Alice M. Clark of Shoehone ar rived laat week to take up their du ,': tlea aa hoataaaaa t tha Idaho build ing for thla month., 4 Mra. 31. W.. Bchll . ling of Minidoka and Mra. 8. P. Pair- - ' weather of Wallace will arrive nest f i week. They " plan to cooperate with Mra. Bcott. tha official hoateaa. In aome '' : aoclal affaire aoon. The departure of : .Mlaa Carrie Mobley. a. hoateaa of laat month, and bar friend Mlaa Beraloe - ; Ewlng wf ' Bolae. waa regretted by the ' Idaho family with whom they Jhave . become vary popular.. v;.--.,..' ': ' ' Skagit county- owned' tha - Waahlng ' ton building laat week when Mra. K. M. ' Houaer of Mount Vernon waa ehlef hoat ' eas. Her aaalatanta were Mrs. A. O. i tiewla. Mra.. I. E. Schrauger, Mra. I Thorn aa Tnttll,MT.-Drnea7 UiiTbJ J. Rodene, Mra. Hanaon, Mra. Oaohea - and i Mra. Carrier. The glrla gaalattng V were Mlaa Hilda Oachaa, '-Mlaa Evelyn : Oaberg, Mlaa Madge Jennlpga and Mlaa "Winifred Lewis. Friday afternoon n r Informal reception waa given wltb ' large attendance and Saturday a must '.rale attracted manyfrlerrfa. '' ' , KtW- s: ' hrrsngements for an Informal program ' of music in their parlors from to 4 t clock . on Tuesdays and Thursdays. : The new order c. waa begun: Uat week " . and met with much ". favor. -Commla- aloner Falrbank expressed great satis faction In the largo attendance of Mae ' .' aachusetts people. ' The" total registry ; baa passed the MO mark, and from It to register each day. - ,. ' ,- ; - . : , The coming of the governor of New . .York aext week will ba tha oecaalon of '. much , gaiety in .' aoclaty. , . Elaborate , plana ara being mad for hla enter- t talnment W. and Mra. Samuel B. Ward of the New Tork comailaslon -will retnrn from, their Alaakan trip In . time to asalat In' their reception. Mr. . . and Mrs. Cbarlea R. Huntley of Buffalo, , ; alao of the commlaalon, al-e expected ' mom tlm thla week. ' -. ' -U, . r....'.'::.... Lt, 4 - One of tha pleasant Informal affairs c Waa tha dance given last night at 'T'all ; ; fornla" by Mias Wiggins for tha Olym ' file Athletic olub of San Francisco. Miss riloher assisted the hostess and Mrs. Wiggins and Mrs. Fllcher patronised the avenlng. , The gueata included a num. bar of the younger aet of the city. - fj.i . - ", v ;.' ' TeaUrday waa Santa',' Clara County . .'' day' at the fair and 'a reception was given st the California building In honor of the Sacramento vlaltora. A FIRST ASGEHT OF 1 SNOWY RANGES , 1; Initial Climb of Cascades Made by Party From The Dalles -Sixty Years Ago. if... t H. B. BREWER REACHED .. ;:--'" "'.TOP OF MOUNT ADAMS : MiMlonary Witnessed Eruption of Mount St. Heleni in 'Forty-Three ---Hood and Jefferson Not Scaled ' . Until Fifty-Four. , . . i.-. From The Dellea Chronicle. ' Am thla la tha A - - v. bhuw moun tain -climbing,- a- few- lrrddenta con oerning the early aacents of the anew, -capped aentlnela of the Cascade range may not be amiss at this tlma Mra C J. Crandall tells this story: . . The Srst ascent of any snow' moun tains of the. Cascades made by white men Vaa by a party from The Dallea in 1141. H. B. Brewer, on of th ml alonarlea at tb Mthodit mlaalon at Tha Dalles, accompanied by a young Indian guide, made the ascent of Mount Adams on th llth day Of September of that year. Mr. - BYe war's Josrnal sf tha secant Is prsasrved la llttla book for a Sun "ley -school story of mission work 1n Oregon, and so far as known is the only record Of this early ascent From The Del lew- Mr. Brewer -waa v accom lanled by let Indian boys. Thsy swam their horses across tb Colum bia river, ,t bey them salves being fer ried across in a canoe by Indiana- They fallowed the Indian trail along th aide of mountain across streams and ilarga number of people called and were received' by Mra. Wlgglna and Mra. micherr The Mormon choir rom Ogdan, Utah, Including tor people will .be. In attend ance at the National . Irrigation con gress.- They will arrive Auf uat It to re main sis daya. Judge Bhurtllff of Og den was here Thursday making final arrangements. ; . V : r - ; - ' n .The -Oakland board of -trade -party, compoaed mostly of women, wtll arrive at tha American Inn nest Wedneaday, Among them- are Mlaa M. O. More, Mrs. O. R Smith. Mlaa Alice Harlow and Mrs. Rollln P. Base. . f . The-la wy era' banquet next Thuraday evening at the Inn. will be one of the large events of the week. Many promi nent, vlaltora are expected from all of tha coaet statea. ' ..-.; Mr. and Mrs. Francla and their four aena of St.. Uoula will ba among the distinguished , gueata next Week. ' Mr. rrancia waa president or tna Louiaiana Purchaae expoaltlon laat : year. Mr K. Klrby and her' daughter, Mlaa Batelle Bennett, dlstlngulahed aoclaty people of Loulaville, Ky.. ara guests st the American Inn, having arrived Fri day for a ahort atay. '. The arrival of Rev. Charlea MV Shel don of Topeka, Kanaaa. tha renowned preacher and 'writer, laat Thuraday waa an event Of Interaat. 'V , 1 EVENTS OF THE WEEK. A., leading event waa the opening of the Morrla houseboat, which haa Juat been completed ' and la aald to. be the handsomest on the river. The Invita tions sent out were cleverly, worded a followa: i ' - : If - you v- ear to com to'-" the opening of my houseboat, Thuraday evantng.Aosust t, this 7ar, "with your family or friend, yoa will And a launch at Kellogg boathousa. foot of Salmon street, that evening from I until 18 o'clock.' Uo horn when you get ready. Don-t reply. F. 8. MORRIS." And every one seemed to care to go', for tha place waa fairly overrun.- The Clay Lombards took a party out in their private launch. - The place waa prettily decorated with cut flowers, and a huge vaae of pink tiger lillea attracted es pecial attention. Tha boat la beautiful ly furnished throughout with mission furniture and th upper deck la entirely of hard wood for dancing. Tha Morris family, with the Jamea Morris family of Philadelphia, who are their gueata, have gona up river on a fishing cruise. Thero will be rnsny lively times on board this seaaon. . v .A.,.-. -'-1t -f "TMrs. H. M. Cake andJUra. W. it. Cake gsva a delightful afternoon of military whlat Friday, at tha former'e home. 424 Clay otrest. In. honor of two lalttng frlenda from Troy. New Tork. Nine tablea for cards wan on the lawn, each underneath a huge Japaneaa umbrella. Decoration among tha treea were car ried out in the Lewis and Clark colors and ha aefcjaaiwana fair animanlr halt pin and bat pins, . Prlsewlnners .were Mrs. W. Wynn Johnson, Mrs. Wlnslow Bradford. Mrs. Bdwsrd Jaeger and Mrs. F. S. Sklft Llttl Helen, Cake and Jo sephine Rlchnrdson assisted the hoateaa In serving refreshmsnts.- .-, t '. , .. lt Bunds a reunion of the Suther land family was held at tha realdenca of Mr. and Mra T. V. Hoimea at Mid way. Those present were Mr. snd Mra A, J. Sutherland and family, Dunsmulr, California; Mra Eastsr snd daughter, Mrs.. H. I Tlbbsls and daughter. Port Townaend, Washington; Mr. and Mra H. Moras and family, Woodstock; Mr. and Mra C O. Sutherland and family, Wavarly; Mr., and Mra T. P. Hoimea Mldwav A . table waa soread on the lawn and ST children and grandchildren were rented. After an hour at tha table. all Joined . in ' alnglng "America," and voted to meet again in a year. A boating party of II young people waa chaperoned laat week by Mr. and Mra. !. Floyd Paly. Tha company went to Oawego and enjoyed aupper on the river bank. - Among the party were Mlaa Laura Pope, Mlaa C. Barclay Pratt, Mlaa Marjorle CauOald,', Mlaa-. Antoinette Waldron. Mlaa Martha Draper, Mlaa Vera Tull, Mlaa May McBride, Frank Newton, Ernest Rand, J. Oemund, L Stlpp and Frederick Nelson. . , Miss Harriet Wheeler entertained 'a few frlenda with a plcnlo aupper on the lawn of bar aaat Bids home Isst Wednes- through -almost Impassable -timber, -to th "Indian berry ground," near Mount Adams, when they made1 a camp. On tb llth. at early day, Mr. Brewer, with two Indian gutdea, one a young man, the other an old Klickitat Indian, started for the mountain, which loomed Just before them, but seemed only a short distance away. They were until 11 o'clock traveling It miles, and wer then only at the foot of tbe mountain, from , which to th snow line wss a heavy growth ot timber fir and spruce. At th snow Uns thsy left their horses snd climbed afoot,' tha old Klickitat leading. . , .-. ; When well up the mountain the old man gave out, aid giving aome direc tion he returned to tb horses, leaving Mr. Brewster and the young Indian to 4 th and Winston Sti. 1 . - , : . ' ',. .' -. Presents .' -' notable assembly of-. LADIES GARMENTS The materials are of . surpassing texture, ; and the designs are '. 7; of a character pledg- .ing - to the wearer- a -- treasured . .exclusive . ness.; ,- - - t r Litt Mrs. Bell. Who Waa Mias day evening. The cloth waa spread un der ths treea and trailing vlnea orna mented It The evening waa spent in hammocks with strlngsd music and alng lng. Her guests were Miss Jean Burney, Miss Margaret Welby. Misses Mary and Edith farter, Mlaa Dorothy Pinker, Mias Delia Wilson, Miss Anna. Board man, Jamea Carter, Maurice super, Wilson Drake, John Morris, . William Bruce, Edgar Simpson, Hugh McAllen and Merle Wllllama. - - , 1; , , .- ;. :v-r.-i'..-3. Mrs. Hicks Fen ton entertained laat wetfc m honor of bar siatei -iii-iaw.- Mrs." Charlea Fen ton- of Spokane. Seven tablea were arranged - for - the game ' of , five bundred, and - th first priss. a handsome pleoe of brass, waa awarded Mrs. Wlnslow Bradford, and the second, a china plate, to Mra Thompson. Among tha guests were Mre. W. c: Bristol, Mrs. J. D. Iyeonard, Mra George Schalk, Mra. W. H. EOeter, Mra. Campbell, Mra "Paine. Mra Brad ford, Mra. Spencer, Mrs. J. D. Penton, Mra Marshall, Mrs. Frank Dooley, Mra Kollock and Mrs. ChurchllL . ... ..- - if . - Mr. 'and Mre. Robert Haydon enter tained a few young people laat (Tuesday evening in honor of their guest. Mias Ruby Worceater, Of Seattle. High-five waa played on the veranda, and high aoorea were mads by Miss Worcester and Horace Wlthera Refreshments were aerved under the treea and tha re mainder of th evening was given over to muale, : : '- Monday evening a few young people formed a boating party up tha river-under the chaperonage of Mra. J. Erneat Laldlaw. Supper, waa apread on Ross Island and the evening waa spent around tha eampflre. Dr. John R. Barber waa hoat . - ' . . . ' ', . Mra. Ralph Wilbur entertained' very Informally with nn afternoon tea Fri day for Mlaa Alice Robblna Cole of Boston. Pretty cut flowers decked the rooms and th tea table was charming pick -their--way-along tba rocky ridges alone. The moaa flower, waa in full bloom and tracka of deer and elk fre auently crossed . their path. When within a thouaand feet of the aummlt Mr Brewster could go no farther, as hs was exhausted, and tha sun waa going down. Ths hills of the WUlamette, 150 miles away, and the Columbia river at Fort Vancouver. 101 miles away, were visible to ths nsked eye. The .lateness, of ths hour and "the chilliness of -evening wsrned them thst they commence ths descent without further delsy. They arrived at th snow lino where they left their horaes at 10 p. m., too lata td proceed.' farther, and there they apent tha night with no protection from the alemente and ; hard ground .than the clothing they had on. The next day they returned to - tha "berry ground. bavin's fnsted, -with th exception pf a few berrlea, for 20 hours The old Klickitat Indian told Mr. Brewer that he was tha. first whit man to climb Mount Adama ' " ' - ' .' Mr. Brewster also speaks of an erup tion of Mount St Helens during Novem ber, of 1141. A dark cloud shrouded the sky, snd something like, sand descended gently to the earth, covering everything In color like ashes, Its odor Ilka-sulphur. To Invsattgate the source of this strange phenomena they crossed the Klickitat river and aacended one of the Klickitat hills, where they could see Mount St Helena throwing out a dark cloud of rfmoke from what seemed to be smoth ered Area The Oregonlan ' sent ' th first party up Mount Hood In August,. 1154, when Mr. Dryer, founder of- that paper, with Major Haller of - the Fourth United States Infantry, then stationed at Fori Dalles, snd Nathan Olney, a prominent cltlsen of old Wasco, made the ascent, probably from this side of the moun tain. Mr. -Dryer had ascended Mount St Helens th summer previous" and as certained the fact that Mount Hood and Mount Bt- Helens were expiring volca noes .and atill emitted smoke and aahee from rents near the summits. -Evidently one of tha gentlemen 'who climbed MounL-Hnod this season found ons of thee rents, as he waa almost ssphyxl- ated by the poisonous gaaes emitted. (The first ascent or Mount jerrereon waa msde by prospector In July, 1154. General Has&rd Stevens, son of Waeh. ,-,V, ,;::' j-i:-:.1 S; V-- - "y "x-i ; If . Frances Thomas, of Astoria. In delicate pale colors Th hostess wsa assisted In pouring tea and serving Ices by Mrs. W. C Alvord, Mra Werner of Los Angeles, Mra Becket and Mra. Henrietta Eliot. An Informal reception ' was . given Thursday evening at First Presbyterian church In honor of Rev. and Mra Charlea. A. Klllie, mlsalonarlee to China, an7 Rev. and Mra, Herbert M. Andrews, juat returned from China. . A large number of people attended and enjoyed the In formal talka mad by the missionaries . Miss- Charlotte Whalley gave an In formal bridge party Wednesday, after noon for the Misses Florence and Re tells Flower at her home. Its West Park,' Tha young friends of ths honor guests mads up six tsbles for ths gsms snd prises were swsrded Mrs. Hall and Mlaa Patsy Bryan. ', . ' The Misses Dosch sre giving a break fast this morning st their country home, Hinsdale, to. 12 gueata Ths women of th company are:. Mrs. Roy E. Norton, Miss Alics Sansbury, Mlaa Herrlck and Mlaa Elisabeth Mills of San Francisco. .- - , i 1 . - -" A few friends were entertslned Fri day evening- by Miss Mae McCarthy of 147 'Victoria street, whose birthday It waa Some it guests wers present and music wss enjoyed. , "1 MUSICAL NOTES. An excellent song recital program by the southern vocalist, Mra Kate Bride well Anderson, messo soprano, haa been arranged - for next Friday evening at Mlspah Presbyterian church. East Thirteenth and Powell streets , Mra Anderson wlll .be ssslatett by a number of jmuaiMans well known in Portland: , Mlaa Cornelia Barker, vio linist; Mlaa Daisy Sutton, contralto; I V THE WOMAN'S PROGRESSIVE DRESS CLUB PRESENTS JANE BREIVSTER neivyom . In a Serial of Dally Talks st THT PORTLAND. Parlor 330-3:30 P. M. Ington territory's Brat governor. I. 1. Steven, who climbs Mount Rainier thla week, claims ths honor of making the first ascent In August, 1170. In com pany with P. B. Van Trump h climbed the mountain and was compelled to re main all ntght on the peak wlttt no other protection from the Intenae oold of the night than the Jete of ateara-amMling from one of the craters. TheIndlan nnme of Mount Hood Is Wlyeast's that of Mount St Helens, -Ivoo-wlt-jet-kla": of Mount Adama Klickitat ; of Mount, jiainier, ."Takho ma. ' , 1 . 1 Clatsop Beach Charm - . ' - And delights 'thousands of tourists dally. , Season tickets, 14 1 two-day tlck eta, lto. - Through train leaves Union Charles ' Gloe, 1 tenon Mr. Hutohlna, basso; Mr. Rudd, violluleti ETbel Baeka dah. pianist Tha aoompanlete will be Mlaa Lena. Devi a and Mra junan re terson. Following 1 th program) Piano aolo . . : .... . -r - uthel Baeksdah. - Aeiadu ' Paea "Lea Hucuenote" J . . . ....... . Meyerbeer - Mrs. Anderson. Violin aolo. Selected Mlaa Barker. Vocal solo, from "II Trovator",.,, Verdi ' - Mr. Oloa ' (a) "Carmen Walts",, v.... Wilson (b) "Sorlne-tlda" ...... . . .Oenne Mra Anderson. a Violin solo. . . ... i ..,..-..,'. . .Selected .. - Mr. Rudd, - I, . :, ' r ' , Piano aolo. '''.:'.: i - , Ethl Baekadan. - " Keciiauon . .......,...... Quartet ."llllnola" ...... ,!.,". Tha mualo at Festival Hall on Cath olic day at tha expoaltlon was ex cellent and reflected great credit on Rev. Father Domlnlo of Mount Angel, who had charge of the program.' Father Domlnlo gsva the s "Gloria" from Oounod'a '-Mease Solennelle" with full chorua of tha combined Catholic choirs at tha city, also a "Haeo. Dlea" of hla own masterful compoaltlon. Mra Wal ter Reed sang "Abide With Me .Lid- die), bar full contralto completely-fill ing the- large auditorium end winning her many congratulatlona Rev. Father Placldua of Mount Angel proved himself a most accomplished musician, by hla splendid accompaniments on tb organ and th' piano. . ..' i ''-'' J- .' .. T'" 7-. ''- There la a probability ' that Harold Bauer, who net with auoh favor In hla concert here In March Of laat year, will appear in Portland thla coming seaaon. Madam Qadakl, who la juat completing- her European tour, will return lata in October to America and begin her aac ond American- tour. Both "will be under the management of Loudon Q. Charlton and Portland may expect their names on th lift of next seaaon' attractioni. . vo '-',- Miss Kathleen Lawler, soprano of the Cathedral choir,- la teaching through the aummer month at Gray's River, Wash ington, and has a large claaa . - , STRAY BITS. Miss Stella Love, who ' .epent . , the greater part of tha winter with friends her and baa . been much entertained, wtll return to Honolulu In about; a fort night Her mother, Mra. F. Love, and brother Jamea ' who arrived mors re-' cently, will latum with her and Mias Julia Coman will accompany ' them to be tbekwguest for soma three months. Mlaa Loye Tetumed Thuraday from a 10 day visit In Victoria. ' -.. , '- -y--..;.; Announcement haa been received from Mr. and Mra William Oscar Wilkinson of the marriage of their niece, Mlaa Francaa Alice Thomaa -to Dr. William Liale BelL Thuraday." July 10, at Grace church in San Francisco. , Tha bride waa- recently o,ueen of the Astoria re' gatta, and la 'prominent in tha aoclal aet of that city. - She haa spent much of. bee y.m In- Portland an4haa hosts o friends bera Mrs. William Mathewa. her daughter. Miss Nell Wallace : Mathews, nd her granddaughter, Rebecca Hallon, of-Des Melnea, Iowa, ara gussta at St Helen's Hall, where - another daughter. Miss Elisabeth. Is head of th, kindergarten department--Their visit will ax tend through August ' Mra. Mathewa - and her daughter formerly lived In ' Port land.- '- - , -' ' - - The I. N. Flelschnsr cottage 'is. one of the most popular homes at 'Beaslds and tha charming hoateaa la continu ally dispensing hospitality to' f rlsnda Last week Mra George Davie, Mr. Flelschnsr' sister, and her three little daughtera of San Francisco, and J. Flelsohner. father of L N. Flelschnsr, wer guests thsra , . ' . , '' "'vv,' ;; Rev. Dr. snd Mrs. N. Mosessohn win reeclvs next Sunday afternoon at their residence, 147 Third street in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dsvld N. Mosessohn, who were recently married In California, and who have Just returned from their honeymoon, which we, spent in the Ssnta Crus mountslna - . . - s V-:-'' , Last week Mrs. Edmund Bowden, wh- Is to be the hoetess during ths Seattle festivities at ths fair, entertained at luncheon at her summer home, "Cold) Spring," on the ahor of ' Lake Wash Ington. r Her guests were the member . . - ' . t . i Ths art of proper corseting ahould give to the wearer figure, styls, carriage, comfort snd health. That these con be obtained with the Laoed Front r- Corset la being dentomrtrated wioat . coavlacpgly .. V with th. .;,, , v- '';'' -t- -i 1. I IRRESISTIBLE snd the :S'"y. GOSSARD CORSETS v- . ,i -. - ...-.-'.,.,.....,.; 1 - ..., they being the highest and moat advanced type of the French Model Corset. , -- - , -! ' Many wdmen appahr stylish, others may he . Called atrlklng, but an elegant presence Is mora to be desired than anything else, because It not only mi plies knowledgs of. correct style, but it shows , culture, an ease born only of th best conditions of mind and body. ' ' No woman ran present this appearance unless' tha ' groundwork of each costume tha Co r aet la what it should be. The above-named taced Front Coraets result in an appearance obtainable ; with no other corset yet produced"" ' , '. ', 1 Ynu are cordially Invited to meet Mlaa Brewster. . Perhaps fchejnsy be of much service to you. Call or wrtl The Portland. . , depot I a. m. dally and e very Saturday at 1:10 p. m- No delay a no transfers, no duat Sea C .A. Stewart, agent' S4I Alder atreet. about tickets, official In formation, time cards, stc, and ask for Clatsop Beach Souvenir, containing 10 beautiful halftone Illustration , Ticket eold at V'nlon depot t - -7 DAYLIGHT DOWN COLUMBIA 0nJ"cT. J. Potter," Queen of River ' Boau Dqn't Mtai It". ". . "T. J. 181' salla-for Astoria and North Beach as Yollows: Aug. I. a. m.; Aug. I. 1:40 a. m l Aug. ... 10:41 a. m.; Aug. Jl, 11:10 a. ra.j Aug. It, 1:11 of the executive committee who will assist bar In ber duties here. , ' Dr. John Muaaer, bla two daughtera and son, snd Mr. Danlap, all of. Phila delphia, were in -a party that jefurned from Alaska, last week. They were en tertaJned a few daya at -the beautiful home of Dr. and Mra E. DeWltt Catm nell on Klng'a Heights. Dr. Musser1 was tnsir guest a few weeks sgo wnua at- tending the medical convention. - -- Mr. , and Mra Wood DT Paalsy wers In Portland last week on their , way to tha aound cltlea They were married laat Wedneaday at the brlde'a home In Eugene and will live In Pendleton. Th bride .waa Mlaa Marte J- Thorapaon. - Plana are-being made by parti ea of Portlandere to attend the Aatorla re gatta, Auguat 2V to II. Invltatlona bava been laaued for a number of house par ties jn ana aoout Astoria. - . .'- Mra Selkirk and Mra J. B. Parasette returned Friday from a month's atay In Seattle. Mra Selkirk will remain with her daughter, Mra Boy B. Norton,, and Mra. Parasette, ber other daughter, will return to her home in San Bernar dino,' -w- ' , ' f , -Jl : '.".'- u- .:' .""-.'-; :.;-. ' Mra Bpencer Brown and her daughter. Miss Dorothy, who-are to' ba. gueata of Mr.-and Mra Goode, are on their way west and will arrive ssrly in the week. There will he aome elaborate entertain. ing In their "honor. : , Mlaa Mary Mead, from Bedford City. Virginia, la viaiting Mra c. S. Jackson, IT Flanders street Mra A. R. Moees of Enoch, Virginia, Mr. Jackson's sister, IS also a guest at that home,., ,. I ?! ENGAGEMENTS. Th San Francisco capers contain an informal announcement of tha engage ment of- Mlaa Mabel. Linden Reed of that city to Harry Lane of Lpa Angeles and report that the formal - announcement will not be made till her return from Portland lata thla month.' Mlaa Read haa been ths gueat of frlenda ber for soma time. :. ; .- ' ;. . . ... Mra and Mra.' J. Ashet' announce ths engagement of their daughter Eathsr to unnriee u. uoldsralth of Eugene. Mr. Goldsmith la brother of Samuel 8. Gold- smith or this city. . . r Mr. and Mra F. F. Taylor have Is sued Invltatlona for 'the marrlaea vif their Slaughter, Mlaa Pearl B. Taylor to nererora uratiam ' Fitch of Oakland, California, next ; Thuraday evening. Mr. and Mra William E. Clark an nounce ' the engagement of their niece, Laura Frances Todd, to Phelps Ander son Qllmore of Phoenix, Ariaona. The- wedding wilt take place Auguat J I. - - . -. ,,- ..... . . Mra' A. Sweet haa announced tha an- gagement of her daughter. Bertha, to B. M. Joseph of San Francisco. . - MINCrLEVENT8r-4 1 " I -I - - - - -li -in -. in m x. ii I- X An excellent program baa been ar ranged for Oregon Grape day, next Tteslayra4 the talc, grouoda under, the auaplcea of th State Federation of WOmen'a Ctuba The exercises begin wt I o'clock and a reception will be bend afterward. Refreahmenta will be aerved and souvenir badges given .out to mem bars of federated cluba - . ' ' .' tV---"''-' ' ' Ths PorUsia club Is making arranga menta for Its annual moonlight excur sion, Thuraday avenlng. August it Ths members and their frlenda will leave Burnsids dock at I o'clock in th aven lng on the . ateamer Glenola and the barge Klickitat There will ba dancing on deck. --. , . , Eureka council, 104, K. and L. of SH will hold a ahort a octal assslon tomor row evening after . tha regular lodge meeting In Auditorium hall. - PERSONAL Mr. and Mra Samuel Schmidt were in the city a few daya laat week. . They will establish their horns in Aatorla in the near future. - "- Mr. and Mr. Charles E. Kelley or Lbs Angeles ars visiting Miw. Ida G. Kelley, 110 Chapman street ; . Miss Floy Luckey has' returned from ' V i -. the oregon daily journal will send - above ; pat tern; postpaid upon Receipt:; 01 ' .PRICE. -'--Vr p. m. - Don't 'fall to see' th low Co lumbia from decka of this magntflcent host. Particular and O. B, VN. sum- '' tssM mlmhm a month's jrislf with relstiyes In Eu gene. ; ,- .;'., , . . Miss Ella M, Carlisle Jeft Tueaday for a, three weeks' stsy In Ban Fran cisco. Mra E. J. Oliver of 117 Tntb strt left Tueaday for New York to spend ths month with frlenda: , - .'. The Mlaaea Violet and Helen Stevens of Spokane were last week tha guest of Mra Frank A. Bpencer of 111 Lovejoy street They are guests at Elton Court. ' Mra. Homer Sawyer of Boston. Mass achusetts, and Miss Williams of Detroit. Michigan, are the guests of Mra & H. O ruber, 701 Overton street Mra Saw yer Is a prominent . contralto of ber elty. '.- -v w -.... -., i -,- Mias Margaret Mann la, the guest of Mra Charles Hall of Astoria.. 'Later sha wilt visit Seaside .friends for , , Xort night.. ' (. ' , -. . Frank L Barnes, his mother and slater of St. Paul. Kanaaa are. hare to visit the exposition, and will go to the seaslds resorts. . ; J - -,'. ' t j Hon. and Mra H. R. Klncatd of Eu gene and .their son Webater are In tha olty for a ahort atay. - . . . Mlaa Bel ma Newqulat was among tn arrlvala from Pendleton laat week. 1 Dr. Charles Frledel of the department of phyalca In th University of Oregon, area last week the gueat of Mra. Frledel'a mother, Mra J. H. MoClung, in Irving ton. .' . i- ' : ' . , . 1 . . - Miss Stella Baker la the' guest of her later, Mra. Oacar Balrd. Mlaa Myrtle Walker of Pendleton, was In tha city laat week. . v- -. Mr., and Mra. L 3.' Johnaon of Lou laiana are vlaltora at tha exposition. '. - Mra. Robert R. Tatee of San Franolseo Is visiting ber parents. Mr. and Mra. E. B. Coman, J II North Eighteenth street - Mrs. C B. WiUoughby and Mra. L. N. Roney, prominent In Eugene' aoolety, were guests her laat week. - ' - . ' Mrs. J." W." Anderson, , wife Of any of ficial of the postofflce at Washington, District of Columbia. Is vlsltlmx ber brother Jn-law, H. M. Barrett Mra. An derson visits aU the world's fairs and . calls Portlsnd's tha prettleat Mlaa Edna Pearl Luckey la a member f a house party of a week's duration at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. Tallant near Astoria. Tbe company . aasembled Thuraday.-' ; i. : -. . -- Rev. Robe(t Abrahamson and daugh ters. Edith and Pearl, are enjoying an outing at Collins springs and will re " Miss Etta Stammer of Seattle la via- R Itlng Mrs. M. Klspper. .- - - Mra- H. Brumberg of San Franolseo ia visiting Tier husband's parenta, Mr. and Mra I. Brumberg. - ' id. Klapper and bla mother are back from an. extended trip through Califor nia. "r ' K Mra. Louis Rosenblatt Is at tha Breaaera. I . a Mra Hannah Blumauer left last week H for tha. Breaker,, to be gone the rest of tha aeason. . ' - . - ' - Mr. and Mrs. Chsrles C. Hill and daughter and Mr. and Mra ' KoaSl ' of RJchardton, North Dakota, have for tha paat two weeka been tha gueata of Mr. Hill's sister, Mrs. C. A. Berry of 111 Union avenue north. ; Mra. Lea S. Ball and llttla daughter. Leola. Mrs.W B. HaU and -Miss Zltta Lewla nave returned from Ocean park, where they7 formed an outing party, Dr. and Mrs.: R. Percy 8mlth and' Mrs. rtartruda nraham. who have. bean- vtaft- ing their brother and hia wife, Dr. anoTj Mra. -Alan -Welch 8mlth. returned, to Baltimore last week by way of Tellow stone park; . s Mra. James Wiley Collin snd dauah. tersrihe Misses Laura ond Mary, of Lo Angelas, are visiting tha fair. Mrs. May Van Tassell of . Enderby. British Columbia, ia tha gueat of Tier eoualfi, Mrs. J. C Hare, IJt Caruthera S avrvei. .- . , Mra Locks, wife of Captain Locke. and her daughtera of Victoria, British Columbia. - were - tha guests of Captain and Mra Andrew., Hoben of Larrabee jl Mra Eaatar of Seattle fa Visiting with bsr brother, C. O. Sutheriend. . Mra H. L Tlbbals and' daughter. Mlaa Lota, of Port Townaend ' ara guests Ot Mra T. P. Holmss st Midway. - Mlaa Fanchon - Bchoen of Seattle - la the gueat of Miss Josephlns Gumbert of III North- Sixteenth atreet . . Captain Andrew Hoben of this city left on tha steamer Ctty of Topeka for a ahort visit with hla daughter. Slater Marie Irene, of tha Dominican Order mlaalon at San Joae. . Th Mlaaea Lulu. Lillian and Carolina Hoimea have- gona to their .cottaae at Tioga, Long Beach, to remain. till Sep- tsmner. - , : ... . r Mra. Philip Schuyler, he daughter. Mra. w. u. Aivora. and Mlaa Alice Rob- bins Cols left Friday avenlng for a short stay at tha coast Miss Josephine Gumbert haa returned from a aevea weeka trip to tha aound. Ueiba' Stylish ? i Shirt-Valsf Sell Fred need by peerlim rArnam-i rValst N. S049 and Skirt No. 94MT. . .' That smart wiit' consist of a nQRarv shirt-waist and a box-plaited alsveo-frpred akir, The waist blouses all around and has a left breast pocket with lap," A yoke is applied to th back and extend Well for ward of the shoulder In true mannish fashion and th shirt sleeves are gathered to link cuff. ' v:. '. V '!;"':. -,'-. i Th waist pattern is No. 2640 in 8 Hies 33 to 40 inches bust measure, and cost 15 cents, and th skirt is No. 2647 In 7 aiaeo 20 to 32 inches waist, or 37 to U inehes hip measure and also costs 15 cents.' For 36 inches bust, th suit Eoedi 8 Tardf of good 30 inches wide , -'v ;.. '. ' ,f. , ".. DIRECTIONS FOR 0RDERIX1 . .. -,.-(. .. ' t These pattern will be sent to any ad dress pn receipt of. price. - Give numberr sad sizea and fufl yldreai, wrltiM rJaiohf. ' ' ..I ' ''' ' ; " :'-; No, S I a .... 4 ...... . ' ' '-v; .-' ' Nam....'. ..v. ... "- ' ' .',i' ;'-' "" ' : ",. .r.................v...i .......... Oty ''. . . :, t . . . 4 i. . , t. .I-.V. !-,.,. (;...,;. ,., , State ., . . 44-4r4it mr book by ssklng C. W. Stinger, elty ticket a rent Third and Washlnatou ktreats, rortland. "-' ' ' ) -: -;'. - lamrat-wwfaf'ii -rww, " '' ' " " iv; ,-.'.w...' ' :