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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1905)
.... -i . szcuon two : I rXi- r r, ri NN PA 13 to r. " PORTLAND. - OREGON," T SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST've,-ieCx.r: rWashmgtonr Fifth and Sixth Streets" 2 VV I" "The Different " Store" 7 0 ,. j-iri nijiriitiiiiilriiiiifiiin ' i I idhtpninri IT'S AD TICfB TO BS BXZOZO. Watrk the dally doln of . tkl ml tor tbta aurvaloaasupplr for all that's anM bf penoeel WHT or beostSbld DM. Watch and pay lese - tha ye Xpert to tor quality BMrcniadM to fill row dally seeds. We're the Store Basket and Causing the August Sales to Rise HigheFby the Throwing Overboard Summer Stocta! 7 We're ateerlng toward Autumn lousiness now the propeller la working beautifully and th ablp imder perfect "control, : "We're looking 'down' upon oompatlnf stores, a' city f ulV but we' aim to 'rise still higher, above th crowd and strengthen our claim to 'th tlUa of "l snTIUIT STOBB." So praaant atocka must go, be tha loaa now what, U may. Good muat not accumulate from season to saaon. Manufacturer and atorkeepr alike muat fol low' thlf rule; many a bualneaa craft haaatruck and foundered on tha rock of "OLD OQOBsV ' Not this old mercantile liner; wa'ra 'got that obstruction' plainly marked on our chart to avoid. "Qooda ' never get old here, they're not allowed to; we throw them over t board at middle age. , And Summer- merchandise la middle aged with ua now atMldsumraer time. 4 So wa'ra YBBOWTJTa YB3SK OTBBBOABS, and manufacturers , and Importers ' are doing the .' same at . greatly lesaened "prlcea aa theae columns bear witness : today.; UA9 OV MOBDATS BABOAXBA. ' bow ui .txm omunn miss a fbbb n vo rn oiti " at on imra, as tolo or a avotxbs cox.viar. n- ; ; a,u i v'v V-S.-'-'.'-u ' ' ''X- ' ' -4 CURXMtiS P'. ; ; . V ;.' Dropping Prices on Overstocks of j . , ;V Womens Summer Under Apparel Underrrraal In : Salona Second Floor Annex. ' , lAdiea S8.M aTalnMMk Oowma for Slat.' Jrdtea fine nalneook Klghtgowoa, in allpover etyle, with, either aquara or round neck and f- ajbow aleavaa. They are daintily Rimmed '-.. with' embroidery or laoo InaertionT beadlna and lRlnr-a jrofjBvaJu 1.10 " .'J .;"pgereic: f ':, ,': XrfUUaa $M SaUea rwHloaata' tot SSJS.'r"':'"';; " Xadlee" Sateen Pettlcoata. made of black or white atrlped mercVr- laed eateen. They are triada in many different atylea 6f flouncea, . Including the popular 21-Inch flounce. "Sunborat" and "Elite'.' . Pettlcoata.' with patent faatenlng In tha back; our regular M-09 valuea. Special at, each 93.39 Visit the School of Domestic Science V Tea- Room : '. ' - - 7:" : Second Floof..' f . .. . ''' '2; AUSMCis rOBTXAiro T.w.' a . i.' 4 .; MENU FpR MONDAY. AUGUST 7; 1905 Teal Cof f ee,',C3iocolate. i ' ? ' . ' Milk In BotUea ' ' jj.- - Cream of Celery Soup. v . , " " Fruit Salad. ... ; . Peachea and Cream. , ' . ' ; Ham Saadlohea. t Whole Wheat and. White Bread.' Cantaloupea on Ice. . Pineapple lea Cream. . t Homemade Nut Cake. : v . Iced Tea. . Price Drops in Baby-to . Miss Shop 2d Floor Children's i3ustef Brown' Dresses iv.:' Reduced . 4 ' Chlldran'a Fine White Plqu lti rnun tit ouw, Suntarr - atyle.- mad--with -or-without - large . oollara - and trimmed with embroidery- and fine pearl buttons; aome ore trimmed with fancy colored cuffs and belt. . ' , k v - Agea from 1 to 4 years , . Our regular M. SO value. Spe cial at. each f 2.8T Our regular t J.TI value. Spe clal at, each..,;.... .f 1.98 pmzoxs smomra haw wat TO SXBO OaT niTTT AST -, i .,.,.; - naoaa. . Hand Embroidered Cen ter Pieces for Half X tk Art F"t Inn aaonad ' ' ) . Floor. ;. Thla la ona of tha rare oppor tunity we offer to tha public but enca-or twlca a year. These centerptaoaa are of white or colored - linen and other art materials, embroidered beautifully by hand In white or colored floases. In floral, oriental or con ventional designs. One of .these centerplecea la a handsome addition to any room. Tomorrow you .may have your choice . of any one , of them at iur PBXoa, - r v , i , , WATCHES CLEANED yarns for TBo. Bow . BUUnavrlagra- ttm -T5o. AU otkar ra. palrtna; oa Vawetry ' at ;i p-oporttoBate Hoor, , lacra tor. , A; Safle Especially for the Ghildren! FEATURES AT OINCE- POSITIVELY UINIQUE TIN ITS CONCEPTION A1ND COIN. DUCTFREE TICICETO TO THE "O AKS : AND FARES PAID BOTH WAYS; BY ; , THIS STORE FOR ITS YOUiNO PATRONS By Buying your Shoes and Stockings Here This Week, Boys and Qirlst. You Qet a Free Trip to Portland's Splendid Summer Resort at Our Expense. Read How: Thla "OLD HOMESTEAD" STORE has tha child ever In mind.. It'e a part of US' business building policy; for the child of .today will be the' man. or" the 'woman of tomorrow,. fS. m f?11" d,fnd ,0J 'T MlBtwca. It haa ocourrad- to us that thousands of chUdren have been deprived thla year of the usual Tacatlon trip to the ahora or country..' thro' the detention at home of the parents by duties springing from the, Exposition. Short tripe then muat take the place of tha more extended ones. No. more attractive- apot lZT "Jyblo outing exlata In America today than our own beautiful and aoenlo "OA K 8" t and what's better' atlll no cleaner, healthier resort exist In tha worldU'We realise that the Indorsement of thla atora Is worth .something, and wa heartily Indorse the "OAKS" in every way. We do it after personal Investigation and without aollciUtton. IU attrae tlona are clean and down-to-date. Not on objectionable feature axlsU among them all. Ita management Is progresalva, high-toned and splendid. And wa feel we have selected the place of all places to offer our little friends In Which to spend a day, or any part of It. aa our guests. And now as to th method wa have selected In distributing tha tickets. Wa 5" PjnndJll ,. -. . :-, -: "v;.. ..,; .yi t- .. , - , .--.s--;r' :. v..i : '; ,;" Special Sale of Boys and QlrlsV Shoes and Stockings For This Week including soma wonderful valuea among th offerings. Wa have planned special accommodations for tha children during this sale, and engaged axtra salespeople with an ay to past poaalble service for the lads, and laaalea. Wa selected footwear a hoes and stockings aa the aalea vehicle by which wa would diatrlbuta theae outings, aa wa are a war that there's no boy orMrt but who wants shoes and stockings at all times, and especially during the vacation deye when romping wee re them out faater than at any other time; and they wot plentyof them and GOOD ONES. That'a where wa "shine." Oood Shoes, and Cloo Stoekbga. This week extra good bargain - So, with EVERT pair of Boya'. Olrle'. Youths', or It .! aV1??' 1 "! . , I f !? p .w,tB vT aala of Children's Stockings amounting to tl or over, we will give FREE a ticket antlUIng ita holder to ona ride to and from tha "OAKS and admission to the grounds, ticket good any time within 1 days. - We expect to aet three INFLUENCES' to workjight away with thla announcement' Tha INFLUENCE upon your mind direct. Impelling you to buy. on account of tha lessened prices: the INFLUENCE of your acquaintances who -may have bought before you. and being lmpreesed with JTf?'' t??""?" h.,m ty?u; n n "INFLUENCE of your own child, who hears of thla genaroua offer, and eaya: . "PLEASE BUT." Remember, SHOES or STOCKINGS. And MATCHLESS BAROAINS. Tickets good for any child of. It year a a under. Read a few of the prices that hold during tha aala or so long aa lota may last. .. - - - v . , . , gLTB hoes for fLlt. I Slsea 11H to t: our H.7I value. Special Theae are tha celebrated "Mag- I . Vacation Bala price, tha pair..S2.00 t - - SHOES; Men's Shoes 7-' BUssas Ufl Shoes for Sia. These are tha celebrated " "Magnolia" 8 hoe a, celebrated because they wear ao well, made of viol kid, with patent ttpa and aprlng heels, slses 11 to I, . t widths O, to double E; our 11.78 and 11-00 valuea Special , Vacation Sale - price, the pair ... Y ........... 19 1;,;' ' maaaw S1.T attoaa f or S1JM. ' VMlaaea' Tan Shoes of medium shade, laca - style,' spring heels,' good solid, ahoea ,. -throughout, sixes 11 to 3,.'widtha D to double ,E; - our value," .. Special , Vacation Sal. price,- tha pair. .f) J..24 ttAS Shoea for n, 'Misses' Vict kid Lac Shoes with inlaid '" rlT r" 'r ' - a pretty- dress shoe, slses UU to S, -widths CD and double E; our II.JJ . .. valua Special Vacation . Sale Prie, , th pair t..fl,69 ; ; atlases' SmM Saoea for SLM. . . Mlasea' vary fine Patent Colt Lao Shoes, dull matt tops, Ooodyear welt aole, low heels, slses 11H to I, widths C . X and E: our 11.10 value. - Special Va cation Sal price, the pair. .. -91.59 . nolla" Bhoea. - celebrated be cause they wear so well, made , of vlcl kid, with patent tlpa and aprlng heels, alses lift to . I, widths D and double B; our ...:-:;-1 1 . 7--vlu.-i Special-Vacation V '. ;' .' Bala price, tha pair. ..,91,19 ; ; Children's Shoes ! ; OhUd'a BLSS aTaoaa for St, Child's Vict Kid Laca Bhoea, with half aprlng heels, patent tips and turned soles, slses f to . width EE; our ' valua Special Vacation Sale price, , tha pair ............... ........ .89 Child's Viol Sid fcaoa Saoe with pat ant tlpa and full spring heels. Plngree make, and every ' pair - stamped "Pin- on tha aole : , . ' - ' 91.24 91.89 Shoes for Boys and Youths Slsea f to I; our II. SO value. 'Special at, tha pair........ Slses H t 11; our 11.00 value. ' Special at. the pair. . Sizes UK to 1: our 111! .value.' Special at. .tha pair. . . ... . . '.,.91.08 . '. Child's Tan or Black Laca Bhoea, with Inserted laca . pieces . Tha tan ahoea have ttpa of tha asm leather aa - th rest of th shoe;, tha black, kid. have patent ttpet-' :v ',7.- . . '-'.r :.v , These shoes War, made by -tha well- fcnnwn hn.m.k.rl. "Malnnev Bint" nf I : pn. nf nnr W atvl.a !. iiocnesiar, n.ii(. wno mass nne snoes Only - . Sixes S to I, widths D to E our regular - tl II value, i ' Special ' Vacation Sal . " price,- the pair .'. .90f , ChnoTe ' "yiagraa" ' Haa ' Ooi Zad ! Shoea, with dull matt calf tops, spring heols y . ., - -. Slsea to 11; our 11.11 value. - Special . Vacation Bale price, tha pair. .91.89 ' .-, Child's 1AS Saoea for tao. Chlld'a Extra Fine Viol Kid Lac Shoes, with patent kid heel foxing, a very pretty ahoe and well made through--Ltout;our IL16 - value. Special Vaea tlon Bale price, tha palr........,89a Mlssae' aad OhlldreWa tLTS, tAOO aaA . S3.BO Saoea for fUi aa4 SxllS. I. . Wa hav made up a big lot of Misses' and Children's Shoes which will be dis played an tables for convenience ln sell ing. They comprise all of our discon tinued lines In lac and button atylea. No cheap ahoea among them, but .all made of-good honeat leather. . Our 11.71, 11.00 and 11.10 valuea Mlases sixes. 11 to 1. Special at, tha palr-,......,..... 81.34 Chlld'a sixes, to 11. Special' at, .' ; tha pair ....91.15 "Uttt Oaata' " Sg-OO Shoes for SLIt. These Shoes ara her In patent colt-lace style, sixes to II Ht our 11.00 value. Special Vacation Bala price, tha ; pir ...,.91.9 ', "Un CNnW $AA6 Saoea for SIM. Theae Shoea are of box .calf, Goodyear aewed, laca style, good solid shoes and - Tontaa' SJ Shoes for SLS. Toutha1 Vlcl Kid and Box . Calf Laca Shoea, with. beat of oak tanned soles, "very pair guaranteed, alses lift to ' I; our 1 100 value. Special Vacation Bale price, th pair ...A 91.59 Tonchs' Tan Bluohar Oat Xao Shnia All solid new goods, made to order thla Slses 11 to I; our 11.00 value. Special at, the pair. ........ .91.49 Slses. i to IV; our 11.71 value. Special at. tha pair,, .91.89 ' .. Tontha' SS40 Shoes for fLSt. ' Toutha' Lambo Calf Lac Shoes, quilted soles, honest goods throughout, slses , 11 to 1; our 11.00 value. Special Va ' cation Sals price, tha pair. ... .91.39 V 9orW f&SO Bhoea for BUS. . . Boya'- Velour- Calf Laca Bhoee. with good, plump soles, London lasts, slsea Itt to I; our 11.10 value. Special Va , cation Sale price, th palr....,9159 ' Boys' Cum Shoes f or BSAt. . Boya Patent Colt Laca Shoea, Ooodyear, welt soles, made on straight last, very dressy shoea; our 11.00 value. Special " Vacation Sal price, th pair. ,92.29 Boya 8.TB Shoes for SS.M. ' . Beys' Viol Kid and BowCatf Lac Shoes, -mada by th Lehigh Valley Shoe com- panyj and every pair guaranteed, all sixes from H to I.- and all widths. . Special Vacation Sal price, the . Pi' '..2.15 - Boya' $a Shoes for SLSf. Boya' Velour Calf Bala Shoea. London ' . tie, good atyla - and serviceable, alt alses from Itt to I, all widths; our , I1.1S value. 8peetal Vacation Sale price th pair 91.69 ' ' Boys' 3J0 Shoes far BSAt. - Boya Patent ' Colt Shoea, Engliah Blucher atyle,' Pota last, correct in ' atyle and detail; our II.S0 value. ' Special Vacation Sale price, th pair .........7-92.69 The Children's Hosiery Bargains Boys' rldths D. B and EE; our 11.10 value. , ' Special Vacation Sala price, tha . pair .81.89 ' ' TUtU Oaarta SAX)0 Shtte for fl.4. " Theae Shoea are here In velour calf, lac . Ooodyear welt Thla atock takes a . beautiful polish- and will look well aa , : long as It lasts, alses to II H; pur - 11.00 value. Special 7 Vacation Sala : price, th pair .91,49 Olrla' Black os aso. Boys' "No M'end" . Black Cotton Hose. finished foot, linen spliced knee,, heel and toe. - Special at, pair... ,,.254 Black Oottoa low sso. rla'. "No Mend" Black Cotton - Hose. , fin ribbed, finished foot, linen spliced , 1 knee, heel, ana toe, all sixes, special at, pair ...,......25g T- ' Boys' Xeavywalglit Bos SSo. .. Boys Heavyweight Iron Clad Hose, seamless, extra strong, sixes to 10. Special at, th pair. ....... ... . . ,25 Boys Boater Brown Bos aoe. Boya Buatar Brown Black Cotton Hose, sixes I to 10. Special at, palr.,Z04 Buster Brow SiaWa Xosa 0a.","r,: Fine-Ribbed Seamleaa Hoae for Buater Brown's Sister, slses to 10. : 7 Special at, pair .. .20V ' Infaats' SB Ho lSo.:.:!, Infanta' blackv white, pink and blue Lace Lisle Hose, regular value lie, Baielsli pall 1 1 1 : .' : ...t.lfjf Misses' Black Lac Lisle Hose In as sorted patterns, regular valuea 'lie. 10c and 16c Special, pair. ....19 - T Bflaaaa' SB Xom IT. Misses Fln Ribbed Black Cotton Hoae, finished - root, double kneev heel and toe, regular value lac Special. pm......,........'.,.irV Slimmer Siiiils smii Walste Go EyiM Ml The Suit Salons a Scene o! Slanghtcr This Week f.i.:.:;Jy-t b c o n d - p to q r- - -V i " The immense garment sections on second floor, ara . rich as a ripened harvest field with golden oppprtunitiea for money savings. You'll find there th most desirable sorts of well made, stylish things to wesr, far below maker a regular. prlcea. We make brief mention only , of Suits In tailored atylea and tha pretty; cool frocks for hot weather wear,-and of hand some s;lk walata. . It'a merely a sample taste of the. good thlnga In a monatar bargain spread. But, besides these her, there,, avery where ara odd aulta, skirts, coats, etc, awaiting ' bright eyes to discover them they' may ba just what you want. In Juet your slse. If so, you'll get a prise. - . '. ,. . ... The Important thing la BE HERE! on tha apot! ' of all tha year to aava. .' 7 f, - V .. Search find! The sr the golden days - A Lot of 200 Women's at Half Price An Immenaa purchase by our buysra now In New York of aplandid Suits, in tailored street . styles, made in splendid workmanship and in this season'a latest and most popular models, all wanted .fabrica and-colors. Plain tailored and trimmed effects; Just tha auit you want for now and for fall wear. Materials are suited for year 'round wear,, except perhaps on vary warm days. But Just ths Ideal suits for fall and for the cooler daya and evenings ao frequent In August and September. Valuea up to 111.00. -- For three days only, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, at , . .. wtiALF PRICE Y SAXB OP, KzaB-OBASB, OVABABTBX9 WBXHaBBB. y . , ' Wringera ' with Iron frorae, special tprlng; warranted- for two' year. -- With 10-Inch roller. KlTCHtH . f URHSrM CONE i TO SMASH I Pick up the pieces of prices left1 on . pretty Chins ' and Summer Houaeneeds in the bic special sale of Decorated ; . China Dinner ets and Kitchen -Fittings - : V '; .Third ; Floor. ; . I a : :.-; OXBVBB SBTS FOB M. ' Austrian China Pinner Sets, with small flower bor. der and stippled ' gold knobs and. , ' handles. 100 pieces In set; our 111 value. Spe cial at, the set . .916.25 $90.00 ibb-bb"sbts fob tn-oo. ' 7 AuatrtaA China Dinner Sets, decorated with , dainty flowers and run goia un; ouno. are In neat shapes and cups are thin and i light, 100-pleca aete, our $20.00 value; special at, tha aet . .917.00 . 121.00 rDZBBBB SXTS FOB l-00. - Austrian China Dinner Sets, decdrated with. dslnty pink riowers, raimiMra raiw, " traced. 100-plec sets, our 111.00 value; special at, tha aet v...-.;. .. ... . .918.O0' aea.aa BtimB SETS FOB tOAAO. ' ti.'iint r-hlna Dinner Sets.'dscornted with .. . .. , 1 J k . Jl 1 V. t pretty flowers sna suppi"" eiu lind knobs.:100-pleca Jtetsour, 121.50 I value; special at th set -. a..,. ixt.ov. ' " g374o DzinraB bbts fob $ - HavHand China Dinner. Sets, with decora tion of pink riowers ana iuii goia jiin.. 100-pleca set., our I1T.00. value: special, at. the aet ; .4 .r..931.60 We have a chofca and complete., showing of beautiful Souvenir cnina priceo si. -n, from v 10 to 91.50 8iecial at. each . . ...92.TO With 11-inch roller. Special at, ' each , .... 93.00 Wringera wtth wood , frame, spiral spring and adiuatabls - clamps, warranted for 1 : years; ape- " clal at, each . 93.25 Window' Sereeaa with hardwood frames Slsa llxll Inchest special at each . , . . 20 Six 10x27 Inches; special at, each.....32 Sis 17x41 Inches; special at, each. .'. ,.40 Aaeestoa Stove aCatts, 1 Inches In diam eter; apeclal at, each;,,......,. 3g Goal otl Store, 1 burner; special at, .each ...... 35 Coal Oil Stove. I burners; special at, " each TO Oaaelia Stovea, 1 burners; apeclal at, each .., ....52.T5 Bin Flam OoalOU JTrtoveav burners; ape- clal at, each 94.50 Twe-Bole Oamp Stoves special at, ' each .;..v-... 91.1ft Qnles Meal Oaa Baaget Special at : each ...... ............. . .916.00 Twa-Bmrnar Oa Flatei apeclal at. , each ......91.75 Quick Meal Steel Baagey with,- high closet. K-lnch oven,, quick baker, , our I1R.0J ' -alue; special at, each ........ . .528.60 WMEN'SiLINEN SUITS, Worth $18.50, ioc a netttM a Cool and pretty, very , fetching atylea In blues, tans, greens and white, also bluea with neat red pipings. A grand opportunity to secure lust the suit needed for th outing or homo or street wear these sultry - - "dog daya at a price ao ridiculously low that it'a cheaper to buy them than to be - nn , without Valuea up to, for tha next three daya at- . 7eVO Handsome $8.50 Siik; Waists foe $3.29 Just the waist avery. woman 'wants for Summer wear or for donning at home of an afternoon or evening. In all tha pretty colors and attractive plaids. 'Plain white, greens., reds, browns, blues, etc. With a pedestrian skirt It gives an extra suit to tha wardrobe. Values to 18. SO. For three . T - "f V days only, Monday, Tueaday and Wednesday, at a choice for . ......... . 3)JjZ? . . .. . ' . ;.' - 1 " ' : .. .... J .. , Hats That Herald Autumn "',BUs Salofca," Mllllaery AaaesSeooad Floor. '.r - New creations that have "dropped In" tha past week from the eastern atyl centera will . receive first showings tomorrow. ' Among tha distinguished arrive la ara several very smart shapes with patent leather crowns snd champagne colored brims. Also felt Sailors In Jaunty styles sure to meet th favor of swell dressers. ,. A lot of '. ., . - - these new bata at a Special Price for Monday only, at. , ., New and popular Polna, fashionable Turbans In Saxa blue, ollvs green and browns. - New "El mo res" Just from London, all tha rage with smart eastern dressers. Th Colonlala.and Eallora wtth ,aoft, rolling -L brlmsr-Engliah Feodoraa In mauve, pearl, navy brown-and whlt stunningly trimmed lth-Ottoman silks and oxidised -metal aermees buckles -and bound -with welveta . 4J tf 41C nn " and groa train sllka TheaAt prlcea that all may afford , ))UU lO 4)lOeUU asvj v all aal Tfi J !$2.49 A new fall 1lnof tha popular Fdson Keith Hats In tha feVther turban and "fish scale" Jetted polos; alao lirthe new patent leathers thst have "caught on" with ao strong a hold already to favor with the beat '-dressers ht eastern fashion resorts. 1 A particularly fetching creation seen In th advance fall sxposi tlon here Is a medium large hat that tlpa slightly over tha. face and haa trimmings of white Wings' and a large Mouaseline de aola bow with streamers at back reaching : f( i.. Cfs to center of waietf : A very stunning effect TJieeet .i i faj)0,UU IU aPlXeOvf Catch These Bargains as They Fdl Taey-u s I 1 Fine Vei 1 white F wa WOMENS FURNISHINGS Tnaym Make a Tending Tomorrow ba tk Woxaaa'a Fan .- Waking1 Snope riret Floor. . , . Teals aad St. aal Band a Balf Frio, i - enlae and St Gaul Bands and Applique in cream. and ecru, regular valuea to 11.00; apeclal at, SaUT Taleaotenae Bdge at Balf Frlc. Odds and ends of Valenciennes Edges from I to 10 Inches wide, only A small lot Regular 11.00 valuea; apeclal at yard '..504 Regular Too valuea; apeclal at yard ...r. ........3TH Regular I0e valuea: apeclal at, yard ..................25 - Regular too valuea; apeclal at yard '.. .......... .................,..12H . WobmbI Bmbroidery Braa Fattsraa. . i ' Entire Una of Women'a Embroidery-Dresa Patterns greatly reduced. ' Our regular $16.00 value In colored batiste; special, each 910700. Our regulsr 111.00 value in linen; special at each ................... .1 116.50' Our regular 140.00 value In linen; special at each 1 126.00 Our regular 141.10 value In linen; special at each 1 129.00 Our regular 110.00 value In linen; apeclal at each. ...... . .... ..V. ... .1)33.00 7 y - Bibboaa at IT Tar. Special. ; 7' - , ' .' A Una of Ribbons In fancy polka dots, plain taffeta, satin, plaids and fancy 7 stripes, i and t Inches wide; special to close out, yard unu.u.uu4iT '. v Woman' SIM Zdal Thread CHares, TS. X Una of women'a I pearl clasp Llale Thread Gloves, in black and colors, reajular value $1.00; apeclal for I-daya only, Monday, Tueaday and Wednesday at pair ..,.... V........ ..T3e Women'a SSo and Mo Turaover Oollars ta. Pretty Turnover? Collara, In blue, white, green, red. brown, pink and black: heavy . embroidered, regular vsluea 15o and lie; special, each. ........... .,i..,fg) Summer Stock of, Draperies and ON -THE FOURTH FLOOR .TAKE A LONG PRICE DROP o maae way iur ui carioaos or new ran gooas on in . Away and much already her such ' aa grand assortments Ui Dftnrr ?f - nd handsome lines or Carpets from all th Reading mllla is ii m gsr . w at tha lowest prloea on tha coast for equal valuea.' New Tapestry Portieres at 54.00 BB.OO SA.Kfk fi,sv fs.ou to aii,au par. ' Telomr Fortlsraa, Beautiful Velour Portieres, plain oa on aid with floral or oriental designs ett reverse, from, pair .....i...- 940 to 950 . Tha lateat fall atylea in Couch Covers and Drapery materials. . ' .... Olds, Wortmaa a) Blag sawtef arsnhlaes 1 Ballbearing, automatlo lift high arm, golden oak oablnst, equal 4o ageney'e ICt.OO machine; our price ................................. ,...,,923.00 ... Guaranteed for 10 years. s 4 Same aa above With hand lift ach.;.., .,924.00 Original Feadlaton ZaAlan Boa, shawls, St - Indian Robes, valuea from, eaoh. 92.T5 to 95.50 Syaelal t Badia SbawIs. s . . . ' ' Regular $1.00 value; apeclal at each ...... ,v .......-.f 8.T5 Regular $100 value; special at aach .......................5.50. Baby Qo-Carts Keep Oolng Out at Reduced Prices . , All Week Adjustable Reclining no-Carts, alao a complete Una af Adjustable Folding Qo-Carts, with . autaaaobll gear, antifriction wheel fasteners, eomplet with cushion-and parasol, ; $1100 value; apeclal, aach 9 8.50 $1 ISO value; apeclal. aach. '. .. .9 0.50 $11.10 value; speclsl, each... ,.210.25 $14.00 value; apeclal. each 210.65 $11.10 value; apeclal. each.'.... 212.05 117 10 value; special, each S13.75 $11.10 vslue; special, each, ... .914.50 111 SO value; speclsl, each.... . 215.50 $30.00 value; apeclal, each 915.85 ,1." 111.10 valuaj apeclal, aach. v ,.91T.ffr II 4.04 value-, apeclal, each,.. .,915.1 " 111.00 value apeclal. aach. ... .910.: $11.00 valuer apeclal. aach.... $2 3.C 111.00 value; special. each...,.f" I .' 111.00 value; apeclal, teach f 117.10 value; special, sack ( $40.00 value; apeclal, each.....f.