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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1905)
this orsgon Sunday-, journal. ror.TLANP.- simDAV 'ir ".z::X: aucut e, 1:::. ')-k I s CALIFORNIA. CITIES MAKE. MERRY CSS : 11 W C3 Market Street, San Jou, California, Showing Sacramento H(Taif Juao . .one the present and the other a paat capital of California came to tha exposition yea. tarda? and took part jointly In a cele bration which eclipsed tha effort . of citlee twice their els. . " ... Out on the lawn to the weatward of the California building seats - ware ipiacod for about 10 people, and all .'were occupied. J. A. Fllcher. tha state's executive commissioner, presided, and first introduced Colonel M. EL Doach, who delivered an - address of welcome. 'In which ha Included some Interesting reminiscence of California, and Oregon aa tha pioneer round - tnose states. Mayor W. J. Hassett of Sacramento, in response referred eloquently to tha EA T MM SDH TO OE KEPT OPEfJ Property Owners Will Not ' Sit Tidty byand See Roadway ' ' Barricaded. ? TEMPORARY REPAIRS UNTIL FILL CAN BE COMPLETED City Hall, Poitoffice, St Joseph's Church and the Electric Tower benefits which tha entire Paolflo coast would derive from tha 1 wis and Clark" ezDosltlon. ? ;..,, Lloyd Child, in the sbsenc of kfayor George 8. Worawick of San Jose, rer ponded for the Santa Clara valley, ani J. O. Ing, secretary of t tha Sacramento chamber of commerce, grew eloquent on the beauties of the capital city, Music waa furnished by De Caprio' Administration band. - ' At the reception which followed more than ' 1,000 bg ' of prune and fresh fruit were distributed free by the cities interested to the celebration. .The building was crowded with- sightseers for two hour and California, was well advertised "by the" event Mayor JwYJ.Hctt. Is Busiest Highway on the East Side and Engineer's Threat to Close It : , Moved Interested Firms to Imme ' diate Activity . Tbe east side errlee the store ef Mrs, r. ef The Joarsal Is la East Morrison - street will not be " closed by tha city engineer, ezoept it may be for temporary repair which win De speedily completed. and which will be so arranged that one side of tb -thoroughfare will be open, to traffic. . When announcement waa made to tb ,. executive board by tha elty engineer that wouia immediately close tha street frdta tha: approach of the bridge to urana avenue unless mi property own er" took steps to put the roaVtwajr jn , repair, ma property owner at onoa ) determined that- something should be cone. -v -4 General Manager EL M. Brannlck of the - Studebaker company, which, ha large . lntereets - on the street, took charge, of the situation and yesterday stated that the street would not be . Closed. ' , ; -'.:'';, ' '"There is. of course, no use In putting " down a permanent road before tha Oil la ''made," said Mr. Brannlck. "but such re pair as are needed to make the street cure until -the fill la completed will . be made at one by the property own ers, who will not allow the street to be Shut up." .. This dec decision waa tha mora easily reached aa there are only a few prop erty owne're Interested, and moat pf tha butting lota are owned by half a dosen ealatea or corporation, the manager of which quickly cam together when the need arose. , 1 . j .... . ' The work of filling the street wa puwm v nave oeen commenced aa soon aa tboeontraet on East Washington , street was completed, but for some rea son thi wss not done, and with tha exception of a few train of dirt the fill hat not been increased. Tha atreet la already filled In "several place to tha bottom of tha elevated roadway and tha ron tract will be much smaller than wsa the Washington street Bll, which was completed first because the street was . tieeded to allow the flrebnat hoae truck free access to the crowded warehouse ..distrioi," - " . . , . r East Morrison street sine the com- ; pletion . of the nrldgs .- and the - rapid building up of business interests on Grand avehu ha become the most Im portant thoroughfare and . the busiest ;m tba east aide, and dosing it would hamper tha entire east side and cost business firms of the district adjacent to it thousands of dollar a day. V TREASURY'FATTENING. Ocwm, Morses, Bog and Chicken a . Soar ef Beveaae to MX. aohaa. No longer is the exchequer of St John empty, and tha aching emptiness that f ore time worried the officials be- vgln to hurt a little less. Current ex pense may be met should the increase , in Income continue. . At the June elec tion the people decided that, cowa, horses, chickens and dogs should not run at large; doge with tag were ex cepted. - Last week a' steady stream of cows, horse, calves, colts and. dogs - flowed Into tha pound. Sixty dog 11 rensee have been requested, more than t dosen cow have been- removed from the pound after payment - of costs, and horse with leaser beast have added te . the revenue. The only difficulty ao far experienced ha com from the enforce ment of the g law, the canine be Ing, exempt from violence until properly -'advertised. - - TZ -PEACE -AT-ARLETA.- be needed. At a recant meeting past strife was forgotten, the dissension as to whether or not the district should bond itself for funds to build a good school was not raised, and after a vote of confidence in the boardlt was agreed to leave In its hands tbe work of secur- ug nEai'sha ilia umidtm' uf aiiuiiiei temporary structure of at least eight rooms to meet the demand which .the opening of the echool year will -bring. W..T. Kearn. Charles Kadderly. and Dr. D. 8. Urigga form tha board, and will eecure a loan sufficient to erect, a building to house all the pupil of th district, who are increasing very rapid ly. Nothing but temporary structure rjn.fdhedlitict but when the, increased v valuation of the property becomes taxable and the die trlct can draw tha state school allow a nee there . will be .money enough to erect at least one good "building, and other will be added yearly until , th classes are In modern quarters. . DAUGHTERS CARRY OUT" ; 7 MR. FAILING'S WISHES The three daughters of the' lata Henry Failing have donated" 110,000 to tb per- manent. endowment 'fund of Pacific Unl- veralty In accord with the wishes of their father, who' was connected with the management of tha institution and gave considerable aum to it aupport Th donor are Misses Henrietta and Mary Falling and Mrs. H. C CabUL Tb . money . .was pot given to ; Support any especial chair, the donor preferring to leave tha expenditure to President W. N. Ferrin. i u ".v ' . -" . Round Trip 25c to Oregon City. Sunday." think of U,, a Ss-mUe river trip made In three hour for 6c Ask your friends; they will tell you it Is the frioer ffelif ntf ui short river exeursTsiTTn Oregon. ' Boats leave Taylor atreet 8:10, :S0, 11:10 a. m., 1:I0,-J:I0. S p. m. Laat trip baok 8:30 and (:I0 p. m. . SEEK FIRE PROTECTION. teaaet Director Are CHvea' Fewer te BaQd Tempore? traetoM, " The director of the ' Arlrta school dlMrlrf will secure money at once to build aucb temporary structures a nay Mount Tabor Object tiom Btir Olti v ; sans- to . BeeideC Frotest. - The object lesson that Mount Tabor had Friday night because there waa not water ' enough to Oil . the bucket haa started anew the discussion aa to ways and means of securing relief In th sub urb. The district is In th city limits. but It will be months at the best before a fire company can be established, and probably .as' long before adequate water service can be secured, lue destroyed residence carried no Insurance and even the furniture and bedding waa not rea cued. Many of the' valuable houses in tha district do not -carry Inauranoe be cause of the high, rate, and even, the moat insignificant blase may result in great damage, as there would be no way of checking it. A amall chemical wagon to be manned by a volunteer company. while not - entirely satisfactory, would be gratefully accepted by th district. which will soon be paying city taxes for city services, and at tbe next meeting of . tha Mount Tabor - Puah club ac tlon will be considered looking to tha aecurlng of aucb. an - engine from the ( city department. The S 11 wood - volun teer 'company haa considerable appa ratus furnished by the. city, and tha danger . from flrea there Is much less a there la generally adequate water pressure.',,,; ;. V:.; . EAST, SIDE. NOTES... "If the boy snd. girls -who bath In the reservoir every- warm ' day would first wash at home the flavor 'of the water would, be, improved.". This I the wall from the St. Johns Review, .but It I merely the expression of aaveral St John people who, living near tha reser voir. ' have come to regard with suspi cion the source bf the town's water sup ply. So far a possible the bathers are chased off the water company' prem ises, and it la asserted by th manage ment that the' bathers are not numerous enough to taint th water, anyhow; but nevertheless a. ' somewhat earnest re quest haa been mad by , some of 'the more sensitive of the place that the res ervoir be not overworked. . B. N. Hnmm says that Charles Wal lace Is a rascal to the extent of $19 and the east side constable .haa been trying for three days to find Wallace to get, his side of the story, but Wallace haa de parted. : In a complaint filed recently Wallace Is accused of getting 110 on a worthless check from Hamm, and when a warrant waa Issued for hi arrest It was discovered thst the placea that" had known him snd hi wife knew him no more. .Wallace worked as atjeet agent for a photographic studio that mad a specialty of enlarged picture, f , The steel shipbuilding plant at St. Johns - has been kept working . at Its capacity recently to fill order. : i At present It la manufacturing a dosen big oil tanks for the storage of fuel ell on tha Southern Paclflo lines. ' Th smaller factories and mills of the place are aa busy. - The shipyard la keeping a full force on the construction of a big barge-and. the r-eneer factory l- get 1 ting order faster then deliveries can be msde. i One day we ao hot slong 'Young's river that apples on the south side of trees were thoroughly cooked, accord ing to th veracious Astoria Budget - A man arrested In Albany for being arunk ana aieoraeriy ie properly named John Lueh. 'Should a man be punished for living up to a name he is not re- M - ' May be made to appear 'youthful. AO Usee, Xollow and Wrinkle fe stered la . Oae Tlsit by . Dr. Maaten's Immediate Process. . ' T 'J ; , 77".;. Deformities of the Face Whejtherusedbjraccldent7prl : . .' ; nature. Completely Corrected in One Visit With out the Use of Knife Nose that i are humped, ' ' crooked. dished, 'hooked or puggy; ear that lop overor, atand out from the head; lips that are tpo thick or Improperly shaped, can be made shape)' and aa Nature In tended them WITHOUT PAIN. .WITH OUT DANGER, WITHOUT SCARS OR DETENTION FROM DAltT DUTIES. 0r..Iasten SVTTa 17-eO, ntUVw-XXBIOaT : Tel. Mala Tog. Washington St . , West Fark aad Tenth, ' ". YOUR CHEDIT IS 6C3D niAG-yoiin own tm:& ; ' No doubt the phrases quoted above have at tome time ' attracted your-attention and you have become Interested. Perhaps you are one of many who have taken advantage of thia most liberal system of home-furnishing and been great ly Dcncmea oy naving'tne use ot tne goods wnu paying for them. : . : -. .. - jrcniapa yuu sis iw ui w veii enjfujr kui-ji. wiu uu oiujf vo uuna waart vauue you receive in exenenge for the money you pay in rent?. None whatever, except the use of the house. Your landlord does not credit you with each payment as part payment on'your house. .With us it it different You are at liberty to secure whatever house furnishings you want. iYoureally pay rent for them; but every payment goes -to your credit. . When your last payment it made you arethe owner ','' .0. t ..-Y'tV.-V .'l. '-'-: - : ' . y 71 VJ - SasBBaaBSSBBSSSSBsasSBBSasJSBSSMMBeBB . -- I -' JWW TT X WW :i;;;'VJ;vx.,f. -aCaY;vj I $ Vv Our line of Crock- J!8S! yy1 'i'V '-'.'l'. nardlVllP J i?' ery embraces all that: : ; ' ' Z- " V- r". YA is, needed'V in the; figT W&- Caking Utenails. (l furnishing of the : hk t) ' f JS'i m iron, tin and gran- ( y: home:': lable: ware I Wa ,iteve. Everything . . . 'auv &,'cl!LL' 1 i in-this class is se- VV ,s included, in this -Xjj !gf2!f&J - -lection of 1 the best V department. , ; " ' m sJl . " ' -possible grade. . . - SM itt ; tlAtt . Airtt' a entiA :k a mi ' at vm . Illjl Clnnifl Rcom, mmm UAKE YCU2 OWN 7 ;; ; ; You ; have , the . same " privv ;: leges and - advantages , in - all : fl V alike." Everything that is need- . - 7ed ' to - complete " the 1 home "; '"VI " " throughout we can fiU'your. ,- every need. We are justified in saying ' that you will receive the same i attention as though you were -' a cash customer. " You pay the . same as the cash customer, and ; ; above all, you are satisfied and .-benefited.' UTTLE Budt'S: Stoves and Rjmoes Free for 39 Days We will deliver and set ' up , in ; your ; kitchen ..a ; Buck's Stove" or Range. -You. can pay ; $5.00 at ther end of 30 days and $1.00 ' per week ' thereafter; ' Back's Have aa V Enviable - u Repntatlon of Over ;v'--57' Years.-:V. v Carpets and , " I" thi department we have a most .com- -plete stock from .' ' t which you can make '..ill your , selections . in v ; floor coverings. We I -are -sole agents .'for r . Hodges Sanitary A riDer . carpets r ana ' Rugs. ;. t-.v. "J ...i We Are . :- Now Showing Oar : rafl Line' cf CARPETS, v Runs Our Upholstery Department Furniture Coverings in all designs and colors, in silk, - wool and cotton. Our workshop is equipped to .turn , out nothing but first class work. - We are pleased at all times to furnish estimates. 6 Branery Deoarliiichl i in tf in hon rr-' I 1 1 ' : W ;,. V ; c '"' A complete department. Everyth l ,L- l-i " .'j j Z' s,r " -t - ings oi me iaicsi paiicrns ana aesigns., we can . r furnish Original designs and .'give estimates on rri v v 7 all work.' : .,' ..." ; i . ;;" " .-. Our -Department: 'I l Has' ! become most es-! sential as part of our com plete house-furnishing. A clean and moderate price stock all that is needed in the bedroom. - - u - i -tr. Jj.a-i--: Jj jr; iii'. ' t.ftf iTvg vVVy !V.t-ry- If J. !,r-i V" " ' It l Si wa. ee,n .