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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1905)
v.. r ... v - V ': ..l.v.:d. catuhday evening, aucu-t; e; i:t... r. nrinTTTT?. -tuva T Q-, whiATnnnn'T ll-wlly Wf&il I : UvUlXlUMilil r .Mi (BUI'S ...; V,V..V,;.. -A-.., ...... TRESIS , . TIE WdDMiEKI .(MF US WdWM) jfSiia t--j Q J wyyr-)j xo) GENUINELY HUMOROUS SPORTING EVENTS UNLIKE ANY YET SEEN IN PORTLAND SPECIAL FIREWORKS DISPLAY AND . TOMORROW All these to be seen f or-lOc ad mission to grounds. Children So D'Urbano's Royal Band of Arte Maze, jaumps,j-raugning uauery,jyierry-uo Dancing Pavilicin, Sunrise Tea House,Mid -Air Slide, Cozy Summer Houses, Children's r Swihgs7 the Geistia's Jinricksh "" THE EVENT OF ALL EVENTS 100 MILES BY TOMMY And the Beautiful Picturesque Strnlght to the Entrance oh the O. W."P & Ry. Co.'s Cars, 5c " r Personally conducted i leave First and Alder streets every day except Sunday at 9i4Q a m. i return tt 4i3Q p. jn. with : two Hours for lunch at the Cstacada Hotel on. the Clackamas River. IMM Two Weeks, Commencing Monday, Aug 44 The PainStupendous, Thrilling Spectacle . Days of Last Pompeii" And gorgeous $2,000 nightly display of Pain's Manhattan.Beach- Fireworks IS WHAT IS x CALLED NERVE E. B. Colwell Offers to Allow City to Make a . Fortune r for Him.V , WILL KINDLY TAKE CARE . !V- OF ALL THE GARBAGE PoliticianA.ka lor Franchise That 1 ; Would' Make Every Taxpayer in -v Portland . Hie Mumble,- if Dlao '. bedient. Servant for Years. J -A- proposition for a franchise which would saddle on the Uxpaycra of this - city for a quarter of a century or longer ; a grinding monopoly haa. been mad to the city council "by the Northweet Clvlo Improvement cnmpiny. ' If the effort of the promoters -are ucceeeful, every 7 householder, every ' restaurant and sa loon msn, every hotel keeper and merchant In Portland will be com pelled . to pay ' to the monopoly an exorbitant price for disposing of his gsrbage and waste matter and If any dtlsen i.hould violate . the ' stringent rules . laid down in the franchise he would bo subject to a fine and Imprison ment. - i '. .. ' .. . i The promoters desire an exclusive franchise for the privilege of collecting and reducing ell the garbage -In the cltyi for Zl years, or longer should the city not deem It advisable to take over the monopoly at the end of that time. ' The rates designated In the ordinance are much in excess of those charged by scavengers and would yield Immense re turns to the men In control of the busi ness. It Is estimated that the gross re ceipts would smount to not less than 1260,000 a year and perhaps more. Over t.000 cublo yards of garbage are consumed each month In the crematory, besides this a large amount is placed on the dumps. - There are at least 14,000 householders In the city,, and on a con- servstlvs estimation each would have to pay tl a month to the corporation. Great amounts - of gsrbage are taken from the bualness district of the cUy at the rate of 14 for one cubic yard each week. This would smount to an Im mense sum at the end of the yesr. mall Outlay, Big Fronts. , Although the gross receipts would be so large, the expenss- of the compsny would not be great. It has asked for the use of. the cUy crematory, and no additional expense for reduction works would be necessary for several years. It desires to force the people to come to Its office each month and pay the fee for collecting the garbage, and therefore there would be no necessity for col lector. - ' - 'For all these privileges the people have made the very extraordinary offer of 11,000 to the city to pay the salary of a man to be known as a deputy health officer, whose duty It would be to see that the terms of the franchise re en forced. - Besides this the company has made the, liberal offer of 1 per cent of "UP THE COLUMBIA RIVER" " ', To Cascade Locks and Return Is One of the Joys of Life If Made on the Palatial Steamer. V 1 M mm r Leaves" Sunday 9:00 a. m.. Week .Days '8:30 a, m. FROM ALDR STREET DOCK ROUND. TRIP o(D Remember, Alder Street Deck SO l - Tarouffc steam ers . f e The Dalles aaA way yolats 1 s a v Sally (ewMpt Vaaday) T a. m. rboaKslSitl4 the gross receipts of the company to the city, which would amount ta abdut 12,100 a year for an exclusive franchise. In which there Is a fortune. ' The proposition Is looked - on With much "suspicion by members of ths city council. Mayor Lane and by ths taxpay ere. , . B. Colwell, chairman of the Repub lican county central committee, who has much influence with the1 members of the city council on account of the assistance given them at the recent municipal election. Is behind the movement 'and because of this fact many believe It is simply a plan for. a political grab. A Masked Corporation. The others In the proposed deal are unknown; as no names are given In the petition. Nothing wws hesrd of the company until the petition for the fran chise wss filed. It is not known how much money. If any, " is back of the proposition. sly the terms of the pro posed .ordinance the compsny has to de posit bonds to the amount -of 120.000, but It would be an easy matter to secure this smount if thers wss sny likelihood of the company securing control of such a valuable franchise. .. The matter has been referred to tne police and health committee which will meet next Friday morning, at which time the matter will be discussed. A large number of householders and busi ness men will be on nana o proiesi against granting tne rrancmse. ELKS WILL PARADE IN GORGEOUS COLORS a feature of Elks day. August 1. st the exposition, will be a grand parade of Elks in vsrrous costumes aaopiea oj the local and visiting lodges. Portland nAmn will be represented In the parade by 400 or BOO Elks costumed In Japanese kimnnna and carrvins narasois inn Special trains will bs run from Spokane. Seattle and Tacoma, loaded with Elks, who will furnish variegated styles and colors to the procession. The aarade will leave the business district st 11 o'clock and proceed to the fair grounds, where the Elks will bs re ceived by Govern or Chamberlain -and President Ooode st the Auditorium and speeches will be made. The program will include a song by the Spoksne Elks' quartet, an overture by the Administra tion band, a solo by L A. Handy, a num ber by the Casino Comedy quartet, and Auld Lang Syne" by the assemblage. A-reception will be held from 2:80 to 5 o'clock at the Oregon building, . where the women of the fraternity, with Miss Tlllle Cornelius as hostess, will wel come the visitors. . A clambake will fol. low, served on Government island by the Trail concessionaires. The evening will bs devoted to seeing tba .Trail. . - , raasral of Adaaa molds. (Boeclsl Dispatch to Tae Jneraat.1 Grass Vsflay, Or.. Aug. I. The funeral of Adam Holder, an old Oregon pioneer. wss held here .yesterdsy from the First Methodist church.' Mr. Holder wss born in in and cams to Oregon with ths first tide of Immi gration, .settling at Corvallls, Benton county.- where he ened in .the black- smithing business. About is years sgo hs moved to this piece, where ho re sided until paralysis of the larynx and tongue. He lesves a widow, two sons nd a dsughter. . Oreea's Aagasi flower . Is theeaoet pnpnlar fax? ea tke sMe for tk ear ef ItavtrS. SIM". Iir. tmaDIr sn4 Bihitssl ooectlpatlnn. with their silwrable rrM. Wt sSTtrtlsM ea s tM la i.ssn sews taprra all errr tk ('nitre1 State for any eaaa arnare Ausoat riewvr waa nard that did ant f ire Mttafactlna. Oalr thrae rse of fallara la heaaanea at Uttr; two ef bm ware aasvr ef th atonal. Price 2S sad T6 rmts pat bet tie at all sreigisu. eel wees s Auaaaaca, . mm A bona fide sale of everything in that line in the store. . Positively no reserve, and this being the first Clearance Sale that ever took place in our establishment, we are bound to make it memorable In the history of our business. HOTELS, RESTAU RANTS AND PRIVATE FAMILIES OUGHT.TO AVAIL THEMSELVES OF THIS OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE' THIS MERCHANDISE AT LESS, IN MANY INSTANCES, THAN WHOLESALE VALUES. ' ci ? -A Dozen Tumblers for 10c, and Other Glassware Equally! as Ixw. Plates 25c Set : First and "Alder Sts. Odd, bellows Temple ' Phone Main 1382 (JJo iD. CiAODDDEDSDCr Up-to-Date Hardware and Tinware Mercbsst - Phone Main 13SJ I CUTTING MARBLE IN ALASKA Portland Company Has Its New . Equipment at Work Near V - . Ketchikan. PRODUCT IS ON EXHIBIT AT LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR Mar Reach Markets of World by Means of Steamahips Which Us ually Return Empty From Voyages to Northern Gold Fields, u ; The American Coral Marble company, operating .on Prince of Wales lalsnd, Alaska,' has Its new machinery cutting marble and expects to continue work steadily. Late reports from Ketchikan Indicate that the plant operates satis, factorlly, and that the crew will soon hays a large quantity of marble ready for- shipment, As- a. heavy percentage of the steamers running to the north re turn practically empty, the company will have the beet of transportation sccom modstlons. - It Is the eustom of some of the northern steamers to touch at Ketchikan on ths return voyage to pick up the Nlblack copper ores shipped to I'u ret sound smelters . and other ore products of ths district. The marble company is a Portland concern, with headquarters here. - It has s large Rhlblt of high-grade marble in the Alaska building at the exposition, which Is pronounced one of ths best oollectlons of this stone ever takea from an American quarry. The various grades of marble, with all shades from black to pink and green, are shown, and the management atatea that commercial quantities of the rare tlnte are available. Prince of Wales Island has been known for several years to have good marble, and ths government 'geological survey hss made a report on the fact. but since that time developments have disclosed a lsrger and more favorable deposit- Of f lclals of the American Coral . - h. . W , I L- law uiv cvmimiif urn.,, iimir uir wiii.i result In the product becoming famoifwj and the building up of a great Industry. MINING NOTES. Rossland, B. C. Aug. 5. Tbe Canadian bounty of 1H 'cents a gallon on crude oil produced In this dominion, which for the psst fiscal year aggregated' about 1340,000, Is snother evidence of the fos tering hand of the government Tho production of crude petroleum next year Is expected to be much greater, as the Kootenays are .being developed, with promise of being heavy producers. v Roseburg", Or., Aug. 8. James. Bell, who waa bleating la the river to Install a pump on a place which he recently bought, two miles south of here, found promising 'looking ere. This summer many mining claims are being staked for quarts In tho Myrtle and Cow creek districts, near Roaeburgi In both placer- Ing haa been proaecuted for many years, and It la the purpose of the prospectors to get the veins whence they believe the 3rraa4"xpoee4. A few counterfeiters have lately been making and trying to sell Imitations of Dr. King's New Discovery for Comump. tlon, Coughs and Colds, end other medi cines, thereby defrauding the publlo. This Is to warn you to beware of such Deoole. who seek to oroflt. through steal ing the reputation of remedies which have been aucceeafully curing, for over IS years. A sure protection, to you. Is our name on the wrapper. Look for It, on all Dr. King's, or Bucklen's remedies, as ell others are mere Imita tions. H. K. BITCKLEN CO.. Chicago. IW., and ' Windsor, Canada,. Bkldmors brae Co 11 Third street, placer gold came. Much of the Bohemia district Is In Douglas edunty, snd the discoveries made to ths southward Indi cate that this county will become an Important mining center when trans portation encourages development. Phoenix, B. C. Aug.' (. Orsnby will have Its entire smelting plant operating before the last of this month. On August 10 Superintendent' Hodges plans to- blow out the present-she- furnaces, connect the two big furnaces and blow In within a week or 10 days with the entire battery In commission, and handling dally 1.700 tons of ore, ; Butte,-Mont Aug, 8. There Is every prospect thst the famous Bimetallic of Phtlllpaburg, in thla state, has been closed permanently so fsr as the pres ent owners are concerned. Three days ago the rumor was circulated hero that the pumpa were being pulled, and now comes the confirmatory Information Why Don t you give your heart the same chance you do tne other organs? , . WbyT Because when sny other ors-an Is In trouble. It refuses to .work, snd you nasien 10 rvpair li , Ths heart, the ever faithful servant. never refuses as long ss It haa power to move, oui continues to ao ins oest it can. getting weaker and weaker, until It Is past repair, and then It stops, it Is lust as sick as the other organs, but oeraune it win worn you let 11. However, it's not too late for "change of hearC ao remember Dr. MHei Heart Core will give your heart strength and 'vital ity o overcome Dtxsineas. palpitation. Short Breath. Taint Bpelle, Pains In Heart and Side, and all. other Heart acnes ana aimcuities. -My neart would ache and palpitate terribly, and at times I rnuld hardly breaths. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure has re- etnrea ms to perfect health, and I am very grateful. MISS RMMA 3. BARTWl . No, 1 BUI St., Watertown, N. T. Ths first bottle Will benefit. If net. the druggist will return your money. 3 which- indicates that th great pro pert will bs abandoned. 61 nee ltll the BU metalllo and Granite .Mountain hava pro- duced more than 131.000.000. .. Baker City. Or., Aug. I. Engineer W. Elmer has Just returned from a trip to Cable Cove, where hs mads a survey ' of 'the property of ths Valley Queen. Manager Tom C. Gray returned with him. and sald . that development wss being pushed..- 8. C. Kershaw, one of ths men who discovered ths Belmont mine, on Vincent . creek, nesr Baker City, baa disposed of Ms Interest snd rone to Portland for tbs- summer. Ths consideration could .not . be learned. . It Is reported that the partnera had some difficult ss to ths management. Great activity Is reported la the Bourne district, near Baker City. About (00 men are working In the different mines, and ths daily payroll is said to . be over 11,300. v -- HOFF LOOKING AFTER v SAFETY OF EMPLOYES (fleecta! Dispatch to Tae tarsal) ' Albany, Or.. . Aug. 8 Bute Labor Commissioner O. P. Hoff eenre own trdm the east Snd of ths C C. rail road last svsntng after inspecting tha -sawmills and factories slong ths line of road. He found In several plaoes where safety appliances would bo a great benefit to employee and operatives and suggested they be st ones put In. He Inspected the fsctorles In.tb4s-eltr this morning. He has Inspected avwe then 00 mills snd fsctorlee this 0pri 7 and summer In ths Intereet of ope.. . , Charged Wit ksf. ,' (Reeelsl Dlapstek e Tee feerssl.) "a ih.nv nr. Au. I. The blrve I cently stolen from C. O. : this rwy wee yeeisroar 1 i tnn City snd the men hv- t f uiuiama. wss arrested a 1 ' warrant waa Issued here t of pol'e went d-,v t ' brlLg wllUams k 1 r .