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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1905)
THS OREGON DAILY ' JOURXXAXaT PORTLAND. -SATURDAY EVZ:;:::3, VAU, -T 00YC0TT IS DUE TO WU-TIIIG-FAfIG - : TO ; Finest Prize Ever Offered by a i Pacific Coast Newspaper Is ' L The Journal's Trip. 1 Former Chinese Minister Heads Movement to Bar American . ' ! Jii Goods From Orient. . .... 330-33 East-Morrison St. Pprtland, : Ore. EIGHT YOUNG WOMEN m . AS THE PAPER'S GUESTS ARTFULLY STIRRING UP " RACE HATRED IN CANTON V Oregon Divided Into Six Districts, . -Which Will Send. Eight Most Pop ; ular Girls on a Delightful Sea Trip, , 1 With AU Expenses Paid. ; Diplomat Is Given Fullest Powers by Celestial Government to. Bring About Repeal of Exculsion Laws by the United States. -' . ' VOYAGE HI Carriageis Wagons. . ..Harimes WSiips. , ), ,.. 1 i ;-' A trip ta Hawaii next January, of , "fered by The Journal to right of th 7 moat popular young- women -of Oregon, haa aroused great Interest and the noml '. sating of candidates baa commenced in i earnest So far 10 candidates have been named to receive votes. Their names v wilt be announced early next week so , tha tlielr friends mar have an opportu ' Bit); to vote for them. The nominations , ao far' received Include young women . known throughout the -city.- All of ; them are popular and that the vote -for eecst will Jto large there can be no doubt, . for each will have working for 'her In-. tereet not only: those who nominated . them but all 'their Intimate friends., ' v One of the first nominations received yesterday was from one of the largest 1 department stores on Waahlngton street. . The nomination was made by no less a ' person than- tbw wife of one of the pro ptietors. r j. : "Sells" Oitls so Bead One. '. As stated yesterday the "hello" girls snd telephone company, employes have y made a nomination. - r . Three of the leading hotels of the city have named ' candidates. In-one -In- " stance the candidate la the hotel aten egrapher. Bha will be a strong candi . data and no doubt will receive all the i votes the hotel can command and also ' have tha support of a large part of the traveling public . . v While the real active part of tha cam ' palgn has been largely conflned so far to the city the rural districts are de- term In ed to roll up a largo vote for their various candidates. Two nominations ' froTB districts outside of the first have Veen received and the contest In at least four of tha rural districts will be exclt X l"f- From the reports received from . the .second district .which comprises Union. Umatilla and Wallowa counties, v It Is evident there will be several strong : candlds tes from that part of the state. There la a plan on foot In Pendleton to 1 select Just one young womaa from that city snd to concentrate on her. ",. I ' W the YaUey. The. WtllametU valley will be the v scene of a strong contest. In the sixth : district composed of Marion. Linn snd ,'. Lane counties. j. . -Much praise has been given The Jour , rial for dividing the stats Into districts :. for the ' oontestfos by this plan ths ' women 'in their homo towns compete '.. inlmt their nelarhhorfl. thus nuttlnv all T, on sn equal footing and making It lm-1 possible for a wealthy . community , to i Influence votes against a section not ,. so rich or thickly populated. Koch dls- (Jeersal SmtUI Rerrlee.1 "- V'sw Tork. Aug. . Information haa reached ths government at Washington from an authority abeolutely reliable that Wu Ting Pane, ax-mlnlstep from China to this country, In at ths head of the Chinese boycott against American goods- Rumors of - this nature have been afloat for soma time, but now the fact is confirmed. Mora than this. It is learned that Wu haa been given bv hla government the fullest powers to liandle ths matter and to act In ths movement to compel the United States to let down tns exclusion fears. Another Important development of men the administration, haa bead In. formed Is that ths boycott Is llkelv to extend. to something mors, serious than trade complications. Efforts are balna- mada to stir up ths Chinese ooolles In Canton and other leadlns cities of inina to a hatred of Americana. Pla cards are being distributed representing Americans persecuting Chinese, and In other . ways the raee feeling Is being eunningly stirred. . Race riots srs fesrsd m. rc.uii. . . .- , , . v..-- ' It la supposed thst this Is part of nue general Plan and that ha ma nave in mJnd the prevention of the! American government getting coolies to wora on tns rsnnma canaL 4 For the' Month of AUG My business hours will be from 9 till 8 o'clock daily, y. v X . . .,; .geaar ' i " r,V ,s', V" J' VS. l;:VfF, DR. N. J. HILTON, Naturopafli While my office will be open during these hours only I may be communicated with at other times by my residence phone, Main 4442. All diseases cured without medicines or use of knife. Call and see testimo nials of persons whom I have cured of all imaginary diseases since locating here a few years ago. ; Rheumatism, stomach complaints, kidney and bladder troubles, asthma, gout, pains in the back, headaches, ner vousness, etc., yield almost in stantly to my system. tnet stands by Itself and ths wlnnsr from each .district can without dispar agement to ths other candidates be con sidered the most popular young woman in tnat particular district. ' roau mis morning contained a nomination for a young, woman , from vrvgon uir. it is reported tnat In a faw days a plsn will be mapped out by rne residents or Oregon City snd Clack a mas county to unite on one candidate and 'this candidate may be the one named In the mall this morning. Clack amas county realises thst In ths contest In ths first district It will hsvs to con tend against the Influences In Multno mah county snd that while Multnomah county . may . havs several candidates Clsckamas county by uniting on one candidate can swing enough Influence In her behalf 40 take ths prlss away from Multnomah, which will havs Its efforts divided smong several, . - The tlms to. vote Is now. Ths full details of ths contest will be found in the advertisement In tonight's Journal. Read them carefully, cut out the cou pon and nominate soma young womsn whom yon think Is entitled to be con sidered the most popular In your dis trict. Ths trip to Hawaii is one that will always be remembered and la the greatest prlss ever offered by sny news paper la ths paonio-ncfmww. i. s t 1 V ;M3 3 y : "7 . lac ' 5 ! I - ' 1 t . . ' ' '"!!.. .-. iif lull t 11 at hi I mil 1 r 1 11 iiitan 11. iiiaiinimi - - T ' 1 I" , 1 ) 4 y j - ... v: The Only Exclusively. Vehicle House in the Northwest. DISPLAY AT, THE FAIR NORTH ANNEX TRANSPORTATION BUILDING ea9 DON'T MISS SEEINO IT BUSY LITTLE DIATOMSL DIED TO SOME PURPOSE Thousands ' of years sgo - millions of tiny Insects lived and died, and through the ages became stone. Andqulte a re spectable colony of Uieae dead reminders of ages prehistoric are on exhibit In the shape of a hugs chunk of stone on ths lower floor of ths California building, Lewis snd Clark exposition. "Dlatomaceous earth" Is ths somewhat overawing name given to this peculiar stone. Another la "infusorial earth, and still snother Is "silicate of dlatoma.1 Ths dlstoms were the busy little bugs that died cycles sgo, and gavo to ths present peoples of the earth what Is con sidered the best polishing matter known. Some years sgo there was quits exten sively used a polishing substance called "trlpoll," and this Is trlpoll on exhibl tion. ,-, t t- if r It Is Impervious to water, and is not In the Slightest degree effected by heat. It -is used for lining furnaces and boil ers. Whea throws Into the water, this stone floats like cork. Ths block on display weighs 150 pounds, snd when struck gives forth a hollow Sound. A block of marble of similar dimensions would weigh more then ten times ss much. - There Is a mountain of this In Santa Barbara county, California, and there are but few other plaoes where It Is found in such a pure stste. It is worth about tit a ton. . In the making of dyna mite, this stone Is greatly u or dyu sea, as it Dr. M.J. Fulton .y-'J LMAVnoATK'r, '"- . mooaas se-S Xwls Bid. ' raeae Mala IBM. .. readily absorbs nitroglycerin. It Is also used for floor-deadening and for filling walls in. ths' construction, of buildings. Many cities use this stone for filter Ing water, as It Is one of the greatest purifying agents known to Science. It resembles ordinary chalk In appearance. FOUR EGGS ARE FOUND WITHIN TWO SHELLS Aa egg within an egg. That's the product of a hen owned by Mrs. D. H. Walker of Mount Tabor, who did - not know It Until Colonel U I Hawkins, curator of ths city museum, made, the discovery. - . Beveral days sgo Mrs. Walker- was surprised to find an egg of unusual size. The following day she discovered snother, equally large. The sggs were five Inches In length snd two snd a half Inches In diameter. Thinking they would be good specimens for thj city museum she sent them to Colonel Ilaw kits. The colonel proceeded to blow .the contents from ths shells," but to his surprlae. Instead. xf finding double yolks as he expected, he discovered an egg of normal else Inside each large shell. The eggs sre on exhibition. In the city museum. -' . Round Trip 25o to Oregon City. . Sunday.- think of U. a ft-mlle river trip made In three houre for ZSc. Ask your friends; they will tell you It Is ths most delightful short river excursion In HOregon. Boats leavs Taylor street 8:10, :S0, 11:30 a. m, 1;S0, 1:10, 1p.m. Last trips back (10 snd 6:S0 p. m. ' Xitttkeraa Oatuoa Celebration. At. Zlon's German Lutheran church (Missouri synod), corner of Chapman and Salmon streets, ths . congregation will on Sunday celebrate Ita annual mission festival In which ths sister con gregations of Williams avenue and of Orand avenue will join In Hawthorne park with service at 10:10 o'clock and at-:ts o'clock. All sre cordially wel come to attend this celebration. THIS STREET IM BE CLOSED Unless Property Owners Repair -East Morrison, Engineer Wiir- Declare It Dangerous. - CITY IS TIRED SPENDING . MONEY ON BAD PAVEMENT Bstwssn Water snd Orand Avenues It It In Very Bad Condition and Business Will Suffer if Threat Is Carried Out ;:V':'.- Unless the property owners on East Morrison street, between Water street snd Orand avenue, take Immediate steps to Improve ths . thoroughfare tha city engineer will close It to vehicles." ss the roadway Is considered Cangerous. Everyday, gaping holes open In the planking. Into which horses snd vehicles are In danger of falling. Ths city en' glneer has found It necessary to keep a repairer almost continually on tbs Street for several weeks past. The pavement consists of sn slsvated roadway which was built several years ago. Eighteen months sgo ths city re paired the roadway at considerable ex pense With the understanding that It would not maks any further repairs un til tbs property owners built a better street. Since the Morrison street bridge was opened to traffic last February the travel over this street hss been part leu larly heavy, and the rosdwsy hss worn rapidly. , Beveral months sgo ths city engineer had to make eonsiderabls tem porary repslrs. : The property owners res use the eon dltlon of the street but hsvs tsken no steps to Improve- It. - The Studebaker company Is ths only property owner on the street that haa shown sny inclina tion to put down a permanent pave ment. ' ' , Street Stay Bs -Closed. . At s meeting of the city . executive board yesterday City Engineer Wanser said that unless soma sctlon were Immediately taken to Improve the street he would close It. Ths matter was re ferred to the street committee, which will make an Investigation. '. This Is one Of the moat heavily traveled streets In the city, snd It Is necessary that it should be kept open or business Interests at both ends - of the Morrison street brida-e will bs Injured. The Barber Asphalt raving company has entered Into octlvs competition with the Warren Construction company In building bltullthlo psvements. At the executive board meeting It presented bids for ths Improvement of Second treat between Morrison snd Ollsan streets snd Couch street between First snd Fourteenth- streets. Tns proceed Inn in the city council call for Warren's bltullthlo pavement for both Un prove. 1 ments. '--The people petitioned forjtjils It is no small comfort to lluvfj,. Schilling's Best'on call at your grocer s ; a pity one can't get everything such and . fca UUt L If-lt, a--- I. .11 - ll f am. ..-If ViH "1 if a 1 CAUSE OUE-TUIOD OF ) THE TflTAynEATMnJ When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison-;' ous ' waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, , the poisons are "carried by the circulation , to every part . of the body, deranging the 1 different organs.' This causes heart r' trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys, t wkm t corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form, tone's up the cured of BRI8HTS disease. - whole system, ; and the diseases that have' .r from disordered Kidneys disappear,. h:a.7if.-wheVS- , because the canse has been removed. Com-5 ?nSjmms: mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE, at the first sign of danger. ' Do not risk having Bright s Disease or Diabetes. 4 : itkei t, I wss so badly osee as thst I had gtvaa as bepe of living trv rOLKV'S KIDHBY CURB. One at-aiat taettla imki I bad takes the third bottle the sapedlaevs flash had geae, aa well aa all etser eyaaetoBie er auaney treueie. say meaoe were earertees tnet I wee eavea, ae they all tbeught I waa gotag to die. Every few save eoaae one cornea frees mllee e way to leera the name of the wonderful anedlcme that earsd mm of Meat's Dlseeee, sad set eas that has triad It kaa failed to be seaafttua. . Twvo Olzosf DO Cents and 01.00. SOLD tT.D RECOEHDEO DY ZI LAUE- DAVIS DRUG COMPANY AND WOODARD. CLARKE & COMPANY.: sort of Improvement, snd the council wss forced to secede to ths. demands. The bid . of the Warren Construction company for the second street Improve ment was I32.llt, or II a aqusrs ysrd. sgalnst 127,171, or 11.70 a square yard by ths Barber company, while on the Couch street Improvement the bids were 119,5X7. sgalnst $J.10, respectively, ' ravins; Companies Sooldias;. - Both companies agreed to pay the property owner 10 cents a squsrs yard for ths stons blocks on ths street, which will greatly reduce' the actual cost of the Improvement. The Barber company says It can put down a pavement1 similar to that of the Warren compsny, with the exception of the trade-marked bmmthIo-mixture cauea ror in ins specincations, sna tnat it can prodflce practically ths ssms mixture under a different name. The Warren people deny this snd ssy that no leBaby Tha adjustability of MsUin'a Food Is r- one of its food points. MsUin'a Food can bs adjustsd and is suitabls to tha nseda of tha youngest infant aa well as children of tha mors advancsd sf s. It only takes a minute to pra para it aa there is no cooking; nec essary. Send for a free sample. rellla's Peed le ths 0 til T Isfsats eed. which received the Craad Prise, the alakeot award of the Leai.laaa Fer cbase Eaaeaitlea. St. (ak toaa. Ri.k. or Uaa a geld saedai. HXLLIN'S POOD CO, BOSTON, MASS. company aside from Itself can put down the bltullthlo Improvement. - The matter has been referred to the street committee . for Investigation. If the city gives the contract to ths War ren company ' ths Barber company threatens to bring suit and stop the Improvement, and If tbs city swards tha contract to the Barber people tht, Wsrren Interests will enjoin ths city front proceeding with ths work. Ths majority of ths property owners sffected by- the Improvements desirs ths bltullthlo pavement. , DAYLIGHT DOWN COLUMBIA 'T. .Potter," Queea,of JUtct Boats Don't Miss It: ' . ' r : . "T. J. Potter" sails for Astoria snd North Beach ad follows: Aug. I, I a. m.; Aug, , 1:40 a. m.; Aug. -', 10:41 a m.; Aug. 11, 11:10 a. m.; Aug. 11. 1:11 p. m. Don't fall to see the lower Co lumbia from, decks of this magnificent boat . Particulars and O. R. N. sura mer book by saklng C W. StlngeY, city ticket agent. Third and Washington streets Portland. , ' BILL HAD NO TERRORS FOR MR. BIBULOUS On a tl bill which is traveling about town Is written In ink. t "The lsat of an lllspent f ortuns. . Wins. . womea snd cards. Bowers." ! ' ' "Give us a drink," sstd ths last pos sessor of ths bill ss he planksd it on ths bar. And then with sudden seriousness he picked It up once more snd showed the Inscription to his eompanions. What do you think that means Is It strslght goods, of- Is soms 'fly guy try ing to work a joke on the American peo ple?" . After a moment's reflection he sdded: -f ' "Anyway. Ire a damned shsme to de- fare the currency like thst I'll tsks a little more ,-rys." ' sj n xi 1 1 a m Old WalrsKotiib besajr rfcjm new whk Davies, Varno Stain 01d grained woodwork that has cracked or peeled can be made like handsome, expensive wood with ft can . of Davlea Varno Stain Lac. Imitates all woods perfectly. Used by anyone with success. . . lfenrto"ssa,"fcr Dav1eVmealiik , , ; 'never dppointa. Htm litiisssSwataas VsuSS saiaHa asimQ ' : -; VaW1fBJtl J l- TOB SiU BT New Era Paint and Varnjsh Co. 208-2 10 Front St. m0 f; S.. N .e r PK. T. T. win. IT DIDIN'T HURT : A BIT ( lr wkir thty f.yef eor awrhoda er OMnff dental work. - We So work for peoele troat est of the city ealckly to avoid ear SaUy, ETorrthlag no to 4te Opa evaaisgs aad auadare. Male S0Z8. WISE BROS., Dentists The raUag, ear. IMtd sad WsalOsgtso. SB. W. A. WIS S. i - V i Ana tne artenaer luiea em tip again. 1 -iy r-' -- V ' : ' : i " mi ;.