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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1905)
'V rvn 'oizzc6u daily ioutjiau rcin-iAi::, :-txr . - - "..I1 't 1 iSiiiiflilil Stat ..I ' -- 111) THE SPIELERS i ; - Great Crowds Gather at Golden . State Building Applauding, Eloquent Advertisers. SACRAMENTO AND SAN ?S:' s JOSE JOIN IN GALA DAY Uajror Haaaett Returna Thank for " Farora Shown and ' Saya tha Ez- i poaldon Haa Dona His Country Vaat Amount of Good. -.:',' I V i. t'' t : - Sacramento,' with her gree,r goldeh seal, sad San Jose of the Bant Clara . .. valley- "the original Garden of Eden"- Joined kands la a mt celebration to- ' . day at the Lewis and Clark exposition. Vhava "you seen Our 'banner blue The Golden Bear la on It, loo; .,,. r A Callforniaa through and through, ,' . A totem, he our golden beerT' . ' The Administration hand blew the In - spiring melody of the Calif ornlana In front of a crowd of probably 100 eaour ' alonlsta ' from the rich valleys of the on ' the - green. adjoining their atate " building, in the welcome shade of Can- . tennlal park. . - They were there to extol ' the beauties, the resources, the oppor tunities of two seetlona of the' great OF GALIFQRUIA ' state. - They were boosters. - h - . , ' Promptly at 11 o'elock P. A. Tijchsr, ' executive oommlssloner of the state, called the crowd to order and good a--turedly offered his apologies for having OMUnatadOAa.jdaxottwjimLeiUea, His Introductory remarks were few and : he Introduced Colonel H. B. Dosch, who delivered the welcome. on behalf of the ,". exposition. , ' ., .- , :,-y " ,: California Is HoieUke. ' . 8ome one of note," said the colonel . ""rter making a tour of the world called San Jose the most .home-like spot on earth, and I will humbly amend his deo laration to Include the whole stats of California. When the name Is men- ! tloned the mind oonjurea a picture of sunshine.-lal women, flowers and eon . geniality. I walked Into Sacramento mere than 40 years ago and almost be .osme-e Callfornlen. X found a friend ' ; who offered - me ' tnree lobs. - one In 7 Sacramento, one in southern California ' and one In ' The Dalles. Oregon, for. - Oregon la a growing country.' said he, so and grow up with it' This I did - k mmmmmttMJt t 1 1 k (Ml K . my second choice assuredly would have '.been calirornia.- ' .. Colonel Dosch congratulated Califor nia oa Its representatives at the expo- '. oltion and the Sue work they are doing , for the development of -the state.- -' Chairman Fllcher . next introduced ! Mayor W. J. Uassett of Sacramento Democrat elected by Republican : 'votes." The mayor said he was on- -able to express his gratitude and ap '". preeiatloa , of . the cordiality extended . hia people by the exposition officials; a further debt of gratitude waa owing, In ! his opinion, for the advertising which " California and the entire coast bad de rived' from the exposition, t -. .-;-.( Shanks for Fate Courtesies, "We owe this fair a great deal.'' he onluded, nd our visit willTe held in ' sratefnl remembrance."' .i- Uoyd Childs, representing the mayor "ml San Jose, waa introduced aa a man i who belonged to five secret societies and three political parties. , He spoke briefly on the grtat resources of the Bents, Clara valley. t-r - ' " "It ia not necessary to prove that It Ja the richest region in thf world," said 1 he: "wi admit ltr . The concluding speaker waa J. C Ing, eoretary of the Sscramento chamber of -commerce, whose remerks were devoted te the great possibuitiee of the Sacra- mento valley. - t " peCaprio'a Administration band inter r'apetsed the speeches with lively tnuslo, . . bringing the exercises to a close with "We Won't Oo Home Till Morning." San Jose patriots gave away 2.S0I packages of prunes and the Sacraments t people distributed a large amount of . ireeh fruit. ; ' Tonight the Callforniens will take full , possession of the Trail. . . r; Fat Folks. ! - 'I have reduced aay weight II pounds. ' ust nine Inches, waist eight Inches and i.'pm nine Inchea In a short time by -a ' ooraateed, - barm lees . remedy without erelaa or starving. - I want to tell you 1 about It. Enclose stamp and ad r , -ess. Mrs. Charlotte Woodward. Ore- i a qty. Or. . ' . - ' ,n, Aoaust 14 and II the Great North era railway will sell excursion tickets i te Buffalo and return at rata of IS7.64 ar the round - trip, tickets . good via ' wreat Northern railway, returning aame ... direct route, atopovera allowed -t-n return trtp: limit daye enet of Chicago. daya west.' For- additional i.rnrmatlon call on or address H. Dick- eon. C. F. A T. A-. Oreat Northern raU- - -ray. Ill Thim streei, ronisnu, vr., rsaad Caaan e gaaaaa Sprtaga. 1 .,e .Southern Paclfie company hat " ord on aals at Its rortiana ornces jnd trip tickets to Shasta Springs at , rate of lis- Beautiful, , Illustrated -a tftecrlpllve of thla resort esa ", 1 from aay Southern Paolns 1 Capitol, at Sacramento, California, 1 SAFE Willi TO SEA HEEDED Major S. W. Roessler, Newly Ap pointed Engineer 8ays This ; . Will Be Looked After. n v WILL GO ON A TOUR OF ' . OBSERVATION MONDAY The Better Part of .' His Xifa Has f4Boen Spent Purtharint tha Inter cata of Navigation in. Rivers, Han- ion and Baya. ,. ; .-;' -: X Major a W. Roessler, tha newly ap pointed United States engineer, who ar rived from Washington, P. C. yesterday to relieve Major W. C. Langtltt wlU leave on Monday for the mouth of tha Columbia, to inspect the Jetty-an other sovernment improvements in tnat vi cinity. . He will be accompanied byl Colonel Heuer of - the San Francisco corps of engineers, who la expected here tomorrow, t ' "I will make thla trip merely as a spectator." said Major ' Roessler this mornlna. "as Major Langfltt la still la charge of the district He la expected to return from Pueyt-eound neat week, when I shall probably assume the duties of the ofnoe." , , . Major Roessler Is slightly past mlddls ace.. He aradustsd at West Point In ths class of -ltT7, and slnoa then haa had a varied -service with the corps ox engi neers, including a post graduate course at tha school of application for cf fleers In the engineers' department at Fort Tot ten. New York. Subsequently he wag Instructor of the class of civil snd mlll-UfyellgTn-CTrT-aT-Weat Point" Jft -waa also assistant to coionsi - Menaeii in looking after Improvement work la San Franciaoo harbor and on the Sacramento river. ; i . '"'.: - Later he wsa Promoted to the position of adjutant of battalion of United States sngtnsers and served In the capacity of Instructor in the department or tor- pedoee and eleotrlelty at Fort Totten. For nve years ae naa onargs or ine im provement of the Mississippi river for a dlstsncs or evo miles oeiow uairq. wnere the work consisted of bank eonstructioa snd levee building." -Again he waa placed at the school, of .application in- charge of tha department of civil engineering. From .there ha waa transferred to Port- For baby's hot weather bath, because it unites the deli cate, medicinal emollient, sanative.and antisepticprop ertjes of Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, with the purestof clearrsing ingredients and, most refreshing of flower odors. ; Hence it is not only the most effective Skin Puri fying Soap for baby rashes,' itchings, and chafings, but it is. the purest and sweetest for toilet and bath as well. y-fw nr ctmt Ctrr , ) mm , . . - g-ttaMM, " Hew Cu tmitlmttkim.' - land. Maine, snd had charge of river and harbor improvements and govern ment Xorufl nations In that atate. : Just before he waa aaalgned to his present position ha waa special assistant to the ohisf of engineers- at Washington, and waa -tnspeotor - of sngtnsers ,who . were preparing for the Joint army and navy maneuvers at Baltimore harbor, Hamp ton Moaas and rotomao riverr Theae took place In June of thla year and on completion of the work he waa. aent to relieve Major Langfltt, .. After relating a short history of his Official, career Major Roeealer ooncludedi. "I am perfectly familiar with river and harbor work, having been connected with it In a measure tha beet part of my life, However; the projects in this district are nsw to me, as X have not been In a position to ksep in touch with them. At the earlleet opportunity I in tend to make a tour over the dlatrlot and gst in. close teach with the affairs aa quickly aa possible. , A' deep and' safe channsl to the sea la ode of thf princi pal points to be looked after at Port- land.- " ., ' " r "' . LOW WATER IN SNAKE 1 5 It Is Feared tha Oreat Wheat Crop WfQ ' - ot Be ktoved .Tata Season. ' Information ' has' -reached '' the United states engineers office that fully 400.' C00 bushels of .wheat will be ehlpped from Asotin, Washington: to tidewater. That town ia situated about Ave miles above Lewlston, on' the Snake river. if the river can be kept open to naviga tion it wiy be ssnt by boat to Lewis ton and possibly by rail from ithere, and to do thla the government dredge Wal lowa haa been placed in service. ' Reports from tha uppea river ssy that the Snake Is at a lower stage than it haa been been for years, and la falling at the rata Or .1 of a foot every two days, and it la now only one foot above the low water mark. Before very long It 4a declared 1t will be below the aero point - Tf auoh proves to be true it is feared that the ateamera plying in those waters will have to be taken out of commission. In that event It would be necessary to transport ths araln eroo -te bewiaton by teams over , rough and almost, impassible roangif growers were snxtousTfo "geTtf to" marks); this falL But it' Is -supposed -that many would wait until winter, when the river would again become' navigable, before undertaking to movs the crops. . All the snow haa melted from the mountains,- and there- la na - possible chance for the river to Increase in depth unless constant rains should fall. .but f they never do at thla season In -hat section, and so "the- probabtlitlea are very, strong that the upper Snake Vlll soon be closed totrafflc. .- V' , PYTHOMENE IS LOADED. Completes, Zinmbey -Cargo Thla Aftea noon and Will fceeve Sown Monday. Thla afternoon the British ship Pytho mene, Captain Splvey, will complete her lumber cargo for South Africa and will probably move out into the stream to morrow. A orew haa been secured and It la likely aha will leave down the river .Monday morning. She has ' on board In the. neighborhood of L700.000 feet of Oregon fir. The cargo will be delivered at Durban or Port Elisabeth. The' timbers are unusually heavy and unwieldy and a longer period was re quired to put them on .board than had been anticipated. The ehlpment le be ing dispatched by , the North Paclfle Lumber company. , . With a general cargo the Pythomene reached Portland from Antwerp on Feb ruary it. When the freight had been removed the vessel waa tied up to wait for a charter. It waa generally sup posed that ths ownsrs would hold her hsrs until ths new grain crop made lta appearance, but : presumably fearing that ratea would decline they decided to place her in the lumber trade. ' In the paat day Or two the exporters have begun ' to arrive, at the opinion that tha freight ratea are going to In crease, end very soon at that It la now generally believed that mora grain cargoes will be sent foreign this season than ever before in the history of tha port If this idea la realised the ton nage headed in this direction will not bs one fifth enough to handle tha busi ness. . . ' " ' CHEAP WHEAT RATE Japanese Firm Charters British ; Agineonrt at rotur Bollasa a Ton. 'Mitsui ft Co. have chartered the Brit ish steamship Aglneourt td load new cfoa wheat at Taooma for' Japan at 14 a ton. This Is the first steamer to be chartered thla aeaeon for transportation of the, grain which baa Just begun to arrive at tidewater. At the behest of the Portland, A Aalatlc Steamship . company all tha transportation lines operating - regulsr freighters from the Paoifla coast to tha orient-decided to oarrr flour , at It a ton, - Instead -of f I, but ' the tariff for hauling wheat waa allowed to remain at the i latter figure. Should - any more traran ateamera 4a chartered on the'tl basis it Is said ths old established will also be obliged to msks a out In ths grsln rate If they hope to secure the business? It ia explained that since ths war Is practically at an end there la a plentiful supply or tramp etsamers. - j WILL CARRY TOURISTS Steamer Sponsor Za Made Beady for Ba . eursio Trade to Cascade ZVooka. . Bests and awnlnga for the accommo dation of tourists have been put in the tAAMA IS nannlf And in a few div. It la probable that she will bs operated as sn excursion ooaf Between nere ana uiscsas Locks, i ,''-.'- '" ' tnh M riM. AAA Af'th flMllt nf. neers on the opper Columbia river in point or service. . is inrinvor ing mine his first trip oa her todajrrAe second There will be great tklngs dolna First street and take a glance at jmorent daio.; i wui oe cononsa o me gooas, oiapiayou u .us winoowu,, AUuarvnv - .f , . x prices will rule each day of the week, Monday, will bs 910 Day, Tuesday 3 Day,Vsdn ;.7 iJh 0y-?6 Day, etc.; No of the;- llMrgai '0r&y Sell ing' 18.00 Rockers, in mahogany finish, ; JQ ' 15.00 Rockers, in golden oak,- . $10 $14.00 Parlor Tables, -.t v ' ; : Mr, Phil Oevurta, of the firm of J.,Oevurtz ft .Sons, re turned on Monday from the eastern manufacturing centers, i T' ' Mr. Oevurti was fortunate in making some very extensive , purchases In the furniture line on remarkably-good terms. ' These goods will arrive in time for the fall trade. In order to i make floor space in the salesrooms for these bright, fresh, -. up-to-date goods the firm haa determined to make a .sacrifice 1 of odd pieces from every department pieces that have been ,;on hand for the past six or eight months. 'Their show win 1 dows have been stocked with all sorts and descriptions of .. carlof furniture raneirisr in value from $15 to $18, snd on Mon ' I day they will be sold at $10 each.' On Tuesday the windows , wui be agaut tilled and on tnis aay a.uu wui taae any article ; : they contain, . The values will be as great, if not greater, than ; -at Monday, selling. Wednesday morning will find the win; dows crowded full of $9, $10 and $12 values to be sold at $8. . And so on, for every, day of next weeki. , . , v -; , - , -;,- , , 812.00 Roman Chairs, 9 tnmanogany nnisn. w at r ' g a Tuesday ; An fr only ...... V.e;.e50aUU See our Windows Tues- J.;'--:il'!;'V,y;-;': Bdriesdayl Wednesday, wilt, be'. 86 .. Day. ' By that time you will know what this "Somewhat Different Sale" means, and there will be no need to.urge you. to be here early f?r bar- gamsv''t':-v;.;:".,r'',. ; 'V'1 "Portland Day" Yell - (KnmiMl f ' Kahl -Kani Miani Zip! Abl Boomll ' Who are who are who are wet ; , Hal hat hal Don't you eeet , - We are we are we are they - Who celebrate ""Portland Day I Zip I Bana;! Booml- Then et your furnl- lore xrum uTwia , enalneer Mr. Carey waa on', tha steamer Okanogan In 1866. when aha was taken over the Celllo falls. She waa tha first oraft that aver performed tha feat. Tha river was at a hlh ataee then, and Jie saya the 'trip was made without Inci dent. - Ha waa also snarlnser and fireman In MIS on tha ' train run on the old portage road around the falls. ' Every curve and bar tin the op per Columbia and Snake rivsrs are known to him. - ALONG THEWATERFpONT.t Caotaina Edwards and Fuller ' yester day Inspected the steamer Ottawa, which waa rebuilt from the old steamer Kahanl for the Oregon Round Lumber oompsny. Captain I C. Heuner, iigntnouse in spector In this district, haa returned DOING THEIR Scores of Portland Read. ers Are Learrjlno; the ' Duty ol the " -,vi Kidneys, v f y 'V ;';t To filter the blood la the kldnsy's duty.".' . 'v r . ' - ; - When they rail to do thla the kidneys are elcav " '!' . Backache and many kidney Ula t ollowi Vrlnary trouble, dlabe tea -",- Doan'a Kidney Fills cure them all. -Portland dsodIo endorse our claim. tW, H. Kelly, engineer employed on the Union Paclfle raijroad, living at 181 Second street, says: "For several years I waa bothered more or less with kid ney trouble,' particularly if ' I con tracted a cold, when It waa aura to aeat Itself In the region of the kidneys. I wssted a lot of time trying medicines which did not help me, but - finally learned of Donn's Kidney Pills and got a box. The first few dosee helped me eo much thst I continued taking there until I had used si boxea They re lieved rne entirely and since I stopped taking them there haa not been the sllchtest sign of a recurrenee. t have advised others to uns Dnan'S Kidney Pills and shall continue to recommend them." - - . For sals br alt dealer. Price 14 cents. Fosisr-klilburn Co.. Buffslo, N. T sola agenta for the United Ststes. - mm Remsmber the name jxATB-an;....;. t .- i : i at cut store next week.- ti yoa our wia4owdfcplays. Our tnanar tallslt "A Comvshat v 1$10 the Window- for Mice ? 812.00 Parlor Tables, In mahogany and - golden ! : oak, beautiful polish and attractive1 in design." Tuesday v ;x:i$8.00 on! See our Windows day. ursday. .Thursday: wiU V$sy& - there ,wiU ho a greater variety ta choose from and the cut prices will prevail just as strenuously as on previous days. This will be 6he of our great days f6r value-, giving, '!'''': ' ".' ''f-t.-V1' y '-"" . " be I. Oe vurtz & Sons I ( KlWurtS5 allts It for timmm," 1'- .,i; 173-175 first Street 219-227 Yamhill Street from an Inspection trip (n Pu get 'sound watera . ,.- v- . . , ' Schooner B. T. Alexander haa ' been chartered by the Portland Lumber oom pan y to take lumber to San Pedro. '. , Tha Steamer Francis H. Iggett haa been engaged to return 'to Portland from San Franctaco.' ( - Taylor, Toung tt Co. have chartered the steamer Csarlna, Captain Duggan. to carry another cargo of grain to Cali fornia, and-It . Ja probable she will be kept In regular commission for tha next month or two transporting wheat down the coast. She sailed this morning for Ban Pedro with 1,100 tons of wheat. With "11 tourists on board, : mostly from Portland, the steamer City of Seat tle left the Pnget aound metropolle last night for points In southeastern Alaska. Schooner O. M. Kellogg arrived last night , from San , Francisco -and - wsa placed on thd drydock; at St Johns to be cleaned and painted. Jr.- ' : : "T" Blda for- tha repair of lightship Mo. 7 were opened at noon In the of floe of Captain I. C Hellner, inspector in this district.- Tha work will be dona on the sound. ' . -", . ' , . : v ;. - MARINE NOTES. ' Astoria. Or.,- Aug.. e. Arrived down at 1:10 and aalled at a. m. Steamer Co lumbia, for San Francisco.'. Arrived at ;1 a. m. Steamer Elmore, from Tilla mook. vOutslds at 10:S s. m. Barkert ttne Tarn O'Shanter from San Francisco, and a four-masted schooner. , r Astoria, Or., Aug. 4 Arrived at 1:50 p. m. American bark Iaaao Reed, from San Francisco. Left up at t:40 p, m Schooner O. M.-- Kellogg. , Arrived down at :ll and sailed at :4 p. m, Steamer City bf Topeka, for San Fran- - Ban'" Wvanciscb.v Aug, I. Arrived at 11:1V a. nv-Steamer Csscsde. from Portland.- galled at 11 :t0 a. m. Steamer St. Paul. :". ' ' . Astoria, Of. Aug. I. Condition of the bar at I a. m.--Smooth; light aoutheaat Wind; weather cloudy, .w , . - t u J Astorls, Orv Aug. I-Barge Santa Paula arrived down at 1 a- nv Barker tine Tam O'Shanter arrived, at noon. Salivation Army errleea. Sohclal meetings will bs held at the Salvation Army hall. 25 Davis street, tomorrow, at 1:10 and I o'clock, con ducted by Brigadier Jenklne and pro vincial ataff. In the afternoon Major Walta and wife will ho inducted aa gen eral eecurittea for the northern raclflc pravlnoev-- t '.,.- ! j '--,,' . Baker City authorltiea Work on the-streets. - make hobos fioutt It n& 2owa on .: 815.00 Divan, upholstered in .damask, , ' T: 814.00 Comer Chairs, silk damask up-:, holstering, for . i , , . i . , - . I . 815.00 VernL Martaln Chslrs, hand painted, fof,,,w.,mes eJ.fce ee Bargain, 812T.00 Child's Iron bed, green - enamel,' brass .. trimmings airop sides. Sold' Tues- (0 If A vday at only,....,..4)OaUl v See our "Windows on Tuesday morning.' ; C'.x ' ,i; ,'.; -. . ; ... .V - :' . . ' - ''.. " . v ' ' ' f - These are simply a hint of what - !s In store for the shrewd shopper' at the "Somewhat Different Sale" jpext week. v ;" ' :' ; 812.00 Xadies Writing Desks,; In golden oak and ' mahogany , finish. On only..,... ...$8.00 ?'..-r Tues - These plsy Tuesday morning; ildXyTilrtserv or e?4 lJsy You!, will be surprised sfthe va-; riety of "things'' well give away, that "day. Well, well ..not ex actly give 'em awajr, but it will next door to It. Come down Friday morning and see what $4 yiu buy. c Tho Kind Ton Have Always in Use for OVCr 30 veers. and TsZ'. jFaa hnal IsUSUaaBtJassnMsedasanaksSaasnsasSse ' eMaaaiv VBJ sAV VU W UWVI V W aM awaaam All Counterfeits, Imitations and M Jaat-as-ffood" are butt Experlmentc that trifle with and endanger the health oi Infants and QiUdrcnr-Ebcperience against Bsqperlments What !o, CASTOR I A ' Castorla is a harmless snbttltnte for Castor OH. Pare V fforios Drops and Soothing; fiyrnps. It is Pleasant Ife contains neither Opium; Morphine nor other Karootio - J aubstance. Its age is .its griarante.r ' It destroys Worms . and allays Fevertshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind - Oollo. ; It relieves Teethlagr Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency. . It assimilates the Food regulates the - stomach ana Bowels, airing healthy and natural sleep. . .The Children's Faiiaces--The Zlother'a Friend. - ' - cEwuinc-GASTORfe ' -V.-. -';' , . ... - - .v- ; si Sean the The Kind Ton Mo Aluays Bongbt In Uc9 For Over GO Ycaro. . A aCi "CIA -;'' ' ' i U ; ' :.. CIA yJLVf - in bargains on dis 9 y IK A ' 1 -J IS' mm . ( . . : , Saturday will be the climax' ol - the week's selling from the win ; dows. There's no use in attempt ' ing to enumerate the money-sav ; ing . bargains we ' have up out .'. sleeves for thatXAST DAY. i ll is good ' sometimes to anticipate, .. We'll allow you to anticipate foi ' a few days. .... , v:. '':, ( or OREPIT. Goes at This Great Window Sale Monday. ,' ' 7 Bought, and which has been f Tina TinrnM hi rlon.tmf tf haa been made under his per soperrlslon since its infancye if V' V: - i: Cijnature of . A.