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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1905)
,-.-.! 'j., S. :a, pe rir'n tiii 0. CuiB, ;0.SMCE;iSD8 TOUnTC?lCS "" I Li v" ' TRAIL IS omj i- - V .. '- ' '. FOU SI. JOIIklS Given Auay Frco rovzssx'i AwriEiDam. If ...-w , .v., ....... ....."uran MirUH A............ "I. o. U. I-'rt - ,."A Daafbter ef iawlM Graud ..... Dr. Charles M. Cheldon Refuses San . Franciscans Ar Saying That,' and Ara Coming Hera ; in Jiumbars. v ;; Count of Heads . to Be, '.Made :Thara Will Be Thorough ,; Urter but ..;.vnd.iii to Defivef His. Address at f Exposition bunaay and Accurate. Everyfcoiy - yy Y ui row ton AWAtt . gabeerlber f The Joornal who re r tot week or fencer lear kae the paper itovid at tbelr residences , wl to en addraae by mail at the rtcular rates. a4 eulUMlaa will ba . wde b- regular carrier attar rtlura to the eltj, except at Lou Beaeb and Seaside, wbara Tha Journal baa a res- JUr carriar delle-rr. Albert Otati f Ilaraco, Waiblngtoa. baa eaters at ba Journal an I jm. Dmi4 mwA I.wl ' Co. of geaalde hare -barge 0 Tba eonraai an Beaelos ar Ulatauo Deaca. ' Dell.ery will ba Bade at these two solata at resular euoeortptlue ratea. litre your change at addreaa to roar . carrier or Pboaa Mala 000 and prompt attealloa will ba give ail orders. ' Th tt Bandar axcuralon to tha, Cae enda Locka and return on 'the faataat of all tha Willamette and Columbia river atea.mcra. th4 Charlea R. Bpenoar, start ring from the foot of WaahlntTton street ' at a. m. and returning about p. la affords pne, of the moat delightful . steamboat rldea In the world. There la . no other trip on earth enahrined' In so much grandeur and wealth of ecenary. ;rThe steamer, pasaea through a conetant , panorama of mountain and glens, cata- V recta and canyons, hill and dale, mighty . forests and rolling prairies, flabwbeela In operation and the wonderful Cascade locka, built at an expense of f 4,000.000 and It years' eonatant effort. Tourleta come thousands of miles'" ttr-'rlew the entrancing - beauties of tha Columbia between Portland and the locka, es pecially Multnomah fall a. 160 feet, and all thla matchleaa beauty may be aeon , rjunday. at an expense ef H. Kxcem Excellent ' meals served on board, It cents. Rev, Oliver W. Van Osdel, D. IV pae ' or Of the Flrat Baptist churoh, Spo kane, Washington. Is to occupy the pul- , ..pit at the White Temple Bunday morn-. Ing and evening. Dr. Van Osdel has V lield several prominent pastorates in tha ' middle west' Large success baa at tended his ministry In Spokane, and the church has under construction a hand--""some stone-building, to be known as, the ' Spokane City Temple. He has also been . vary vigorous In his efforts along mu nicipal reform, and was prominently ': Identified with the recent moral "bouae ' cleaning of his city. Dr. Van Osdel will preach In the morning on "Moun tains of Gold," and In the evening on Frora Missouri Whof with bene dictory seryloe, "Who Is Jesusrj ... -' ' Unless - the council enlarges the aa L eeeament districts for the - South .Port ' land fills, the- property - owners -will bring an Injunction suit to restrain the '' city from collecting the expense of the Improvements. The South Portland Clt ' laens" association last night decided to v appoint a Committee of It to go before - "the council to ask for an ordinance en-' 1 larglng the aaaeaament districts. The .' streetcar' company, the railroad -com-panlea and the Taxpayers' league were criticised for alleged attempts to pre vent the enlargement of th district In Mentally the promoters . of - the pro Npoecd garbage franohls grab, -were bandied roughly.' lTTr , . ... . 8. B. Rich fell through a trapdoor near - Tne corner or Morrison anaiEie atfrveita I 1 1 mArnlnv r n 'in ti"rlnu n h wit sevareljr injured. He may bring an action for damages, alleging ' that the " . carelessness of the store owners1 was - ' Inexcusable. Mr. Rich states that other ' complainta have- been "made agalnat the r same persona, and that. they have often . left open the door at night, endangering the lives and limbs of all who paaa that ?uwsy.- ' ;,i-:, ; ;,- ' We Invite' you to come In and Invest!- gate-the great values we give tn our H. aults. Ve will be- glad to have ' you exarnne our up-to-date materials. ' us well asour workmanship. We have ' only one price. Any suit in the. house to . your order, - $26; any - pants. IT. to; no -: more, no less. Visitors always weloome ' and not urged to buy. Unique Tallor- - Jng Co., 147 Washington.' nesr Seventh, -"'atreet. ' -, : f .U ' ' Slghtseers-l-Speclal 100' miles tor ti. . on the O. W. P. Ry. Ca. following the . , Willamette river to Oregon City, thence - through the Kagle Creek valley to Csa ' " rlrro, two hour atop at Estacada, on the ; Clackamas.. river, where lunch may be ' had at the Hotel Estacada. Car leavee .daily, except Sunday. from First and .Alder streets, at .40 a. m.; return 4 p. m. ' -V 'm t,'i.-'' r'.. ' ' : Mrs.', Elisabeth Fleishman ' Aschhelm - of San' Franclaco. wife of I. . J. 'Aschhelm,' secretary ' of .y,th - B'nal t" B'rltb district grand lodge In that city, and who is famous for her work In X- ray demonstration died on' Thursday evening from an operation wlilch.waa - rteeeeaitated through the poisoning of ' her arms In connection . with X-ray work. 'x .,-. ' ' Attention,' W. 'O. W. We hava en gaged an extra fleet of launches and will give extra service to the Oaks, Sat urday 'afternoon and Bunday. ' We offer you a most delightful river ride at little coat. Favorite Boating company, foot Morrison street TeL Main 40 J. N. B. - Ours ar .the only boats landing pas aengers at this .resort- '' - .- -Special rates tomorrow on th O. W. PV trolley line to Oregon City andr Can emah perk, M cents round trip, follow ing the Willamette, river for 16 miles. ,uancins; aiiernoun ana -ewniux., v.r with open trailers leave Flrat and Alder streets on the odd-hour and every 40 -minutes. . '. 11 'v " Sunday Outing Steamer -l Republlo leaves foot of, Washington -street at. 10 a. m. Sundays 'for 8t Helens. . Return . Ing, leaves St. Helens at p. m. ::' Heavy traffic on th Portland 'streets ' was responsible for another automobile .'Accident yesterday, ' when William and We Want - Good Electric Ironer. '' Mast be competent to do first claw work.'- ;- - j Good Wages Paid Z- Ours is the only laundry in Oregon having steam heated polishers (the kind that does not scorch the linen) for col lars, cuffs and such apparel. .UNION LAUNDRY v Second and Columbia ' ' TeL Mam 3S3. . : SAYS MANAGEMENT HAS CROJCEN ITS AGREEMENT Shows - Letter . Frorri Good. Who Suted That Nothing Would Be Done on Grounds Out of Harmony With Sacredness of Sabbath. : Dr. "Charles M." Sheldon of Topeka, Kansas, author of "In His Steps," who waa te preach tomorrow at the exposi tion, ha canceled his engagement and will gtve his address at the First Pres byterian church tn the, morning. . In the evening be will preeeb it the First Con fregational churoh. .; "-'.'V ' Rr, .Sheldon .ba.seB' Ills . ' cef usI . t preach at th exposition on the ground that, the Trail will be open on Sunday, and a tales that the management agreed with the committee on copgreases that this would not be allowed. The' agree ment which was presented to him .waa contained In a letter written by Presi dent Goods aa follows: . "I will state that the Sunday arrange ments for the iwla and Clark Centen nial exposition, have been decided upon as follows: Th gates will be dosed until it o'clock noon; during th after noort th gates -will be open; the Trail will ba doaed during the day; the ma chinery will not be in operation; special attention will be given to music, the educational' features of the exposition and religious exercises; preachers of national, reputation are being secured to peak. It is the purpose of th directors to allow nothing to be done-wrthm the ground on the Sabbath that a hail be out of harmony with the sacradness of the day. ' ... H. W. -OO0DB, President" Dr. Sheldon reached Portland yester day, having- left Topeka before th ar rival of the telegram from th commit tee on' congresses telling, of the de cision of. Judge Fraser tbatv the Trail might' be opened. He conferred with several " Portland clergymen and mem bers of . the . committee and concluded that he could not consistently keep hie engagement. Inasmuch as th terms of the original agreement had been, altered. . It la understood that, many persons who war parties to the original agree ment have raised th question as te th position that was .assumed by the expo altlon corporation when the case was pending in court and some a tat that th corporation did not fight the eaae aa If it desired to win It - - . , Th agreement was used In the eaat. It is said, to Induceemloact clergymen to com to . Portland to apeak at the exposition, and It la aatd the arrange ment was so satisfying to th religious people of that region, that all the church papers urged their people to visit the exposition, and that editorial expres sions have been frequent to th effect that- th exposition waa oonduoted oa th highest level of all that had been held la this country, end that its high nral fnna waa mnrh to be admlrea. 'X meetlnerbrHiemmm grosses will be held early next week t take up matters pertaining to tne isaut raised. '''. ' " . J. P. CI nr ice had a narrow escape from death, oh the . BurnsMe street bridge. They wer crossing; In a light vehicle, when ta large auto truck .came up be hind and crashed into them. The buggy was entirely demolished and the .two men received sever although not seri ous Injuries, In their fall. The men In th auto true hastened away without waiting to learn what damage- bad been don, and, as th number of th machine could not be dlacovared. It is not known who Is responsible for the accident A party of U0 members of the Kansas Editorial association. In a special train, will arrive at Huntington tomorrow evening en route to Portland to see the exposition. . They wlll'change from thefr tratn to a boat at The Dalle and, ar rive here Monday evening. Rlnald M. Hall, advertising sgent of the O. R. N. rati and water lines, departed today for Huntington to meet the visitors and conduct, them over, the Oregon portion of their route." The edltora will make a slay of several days In Portland and se th cltyand country. . r" ' See the Sea at. Seaside A delightful trip to old ocean,-only four hours' ride from Portland. ' Take a dip In th briny deep. Trains leave : the - union depot dally at t a. in.- For information apply to Mr. C A. Stewart agent, S4S Alder atreet,- Pbon Main 0, " ' J?.-- : Trolley trips tomorrow on th Of W. P. to Gresbam, 31 -cents ; Kagle' Creek, Estacada and upper Clackamas " river points, 40 cents round trip.- Dinner at Hotel Estacada, 71 cents. Car a leave First and Alder streets 7:10, :0, 11:40 a. m.; 1:0, 1:40, 8:44, 7:11 p. m. n . . ; Portland ' Tamale Parlor,- ' th ' only place in town where enchiladas,' chile con- earn with frljoles. Mexican Style, also ' the celebrated Frits' ta males, ar made. .Open from 11 m. to 11 p. m.- ' Dr. Ryan. Instructor-of modern theol ogy at the St Paul Catholio seminary. Minnesota, wilt preach at 10:10 o'clock maaa at St ' Mary's church, Albtna. to morrow morning, . , :' '' v ' Rev. Thomas B. Sherman, S, ' J, will speak tomorrow evening at 8" o'clock at St Mary's t cathedral. Fifteenth and Davis streets, on "Broken Idols." Attorney John C ShIUock of Minne apolis has decided to make Portland his future home and has opened an office In th Washington building. - . , -;.-4f-. ' Rev. Charlea it. Sheldon, D. D., speaks In First Congregational church Sunday evening at 7:4 o'clockr Dr. House preaches In th morning. 'T T - . We are atlll selling our $3. 10 eye glasses for- $4- Consultation- tree, end every pair guaranteed. Metsger dc Co 111 Sixth street -',.' j-.y.., - . s t Hi Newman, of th Seattle police fore, and his wife- arevlaltlng friends and relatives On th east side during bis vacation.. . . ' . .. '. " , .... Rev. J. 3. Evanl will preach at the Rodney avenue Christian church tomor row morning and. evening at th usual hours, ' . - r 7 Steamer w America leaves . foot Wash Ington atreet for 8t Johna and Llnnton at and 10 . m. and 1.1; i and 1 p. tn. Good algna put up quickly, Klelser, Fifth end Everett Totter Dr. Amos, surgeon. Dekum ..bullaiag. frits' tamales ar th best- WILL. HAVE CIQ DAY HERE ' . WEEK FROM THURSDAY All the. Commercial Bodies' of tha ; Bay City Will Combine to tlako tho Occgglon NoUblo IniHlstory bf Expoiltio'n. -r r ' '., ( San' Franolsco Is coming to the Lewis and Clark exposition In regal arrayv The commercial bodlea of that city the Merchants' : association. . board of. trade. Manufacturers' and Producers' aasoeta tlon, chamber of ' commerce, promotion committee-and Merchants' . ,axobog-r have agreed on August IT as Ban Fran dace day. J- . ' ' ' - Thla will mean a mammoth excursion of boosters, which wlU leave San Fran cisco -en August 14 and arrive on the morning of August IT, to take the fair by storm.- .- . 8ecretaryXrMr"KInr-ortb-Mr-ehanta' aaeoctatlon baa been .named aa th executive offloer of the celebration, and with H. P. Nadeau.. traveling rep reaentatlve - of th exposition's xcur slon department an ' eye-opener will be worked up for that big .day. There will be a special program In the California building, a, banquet and reception, and possibly .a grand ball In honor of th visitors, who will be filled from head to toe with th enthueiaam that grew In th land of sunshine and flowersr Tlfe Portland Commercial club and chamber of commerce will take part in th cele bration; in fact will very likely arrange many . of -the enjoyable events of the day. v - - ;.; . ' ' On' the aame day Illinois and Louisi ana will be honored at th fair and a special program will probably be given at 4h Illinois buUdlng. ..- r ' s .:i$i$ceiebmio;iio BE A ViOER V State Commissioner Kern Prom .. ises Something Unlqua on . V';.,;r,Stata,a Day. r" 'Missouri vis preparing for a celebra tion on her day, September 14. that will be Just a Itttl different from anything th exposition haa-seen. 'Whether- it will b a great masqu ball, a midnight parade, a corn-buaklng be or a barbe cue I aa yet undecided.-but it will be th aim of th Mlssourlans to do some thing unique and startling; ' Robert H.sKern. president of the atate commission, arrived yesterday with hla family, and spent the day on th fair grounds. After racking his brain half the night tn an, effort to rrtt on. a new iff "F&sT TIF Baa llr Shci hf liiaaaAurt. tn m. aaeiea of entertain mentaand soclar events, .would Vmake all other function of th fair . seem quiet and -tame. " . . Tour Missouri societywhich has re ceived' us so kindly," said Mr. Kern, "tells us 10,000 Mlssourlans 11 v In Ore gon. Governor Folk and staff will - be bar on September 14. Our senators, congressmen and legislators hav been Invited and many will be present Our commission will conclude the Missouri day exercises by tendering th governor a banquet at which w hop to hav as' guests many representative men of the Paeiflo. slope, whose, ability and energy and , charaoter in' ten years will make your ' marveloua country th - garden spot of America." - . 'i - . ... v Claremont Tavern. ' n 4h .' Wltlatnatt Tannnh Wv leaves foot Morrison St, Merrill's boat house, to Claremont, 10. II a. m., i, t 4):t0, 1:11 p. m. Returning from .Clare mont, 11 a. m.l 1. S. I, T:0. 11:10 p. ta. " . . . WHERE TO DINE. - v ' Lewi a and Clark Observatory cafe. 1,000 feet above the city. Fin service. " Xn Honor f St. 7omisia. . ; A solemn celebration will be held to morrow In Holy Roaary church, corner Eaat Third and Clackamas streets. In honor-of St Dominic the founder of the Order of Preachers or Dominicans. This will be the (S4th anniversary of the death of thla : saint whom . Catholics honor not only on account of his heroic sanctity, but because he Is ths founder of a renowned religious oeder and th Inatltutor of the devotion , called the roaary Very Rev. Father A. S. Lawler, O. P.,- assisted by Rev. Father J. D. CBtien. O. P., and Rv. . Father C. V. Lamb, O. P., will offer the sacrifice of the mass.' J. H. Caas will direct the Holy Roeary-mal eholr. The aermon-j will he delivered by Rev. Father Greg ory. Robb, O.' S. B. - ' . . ., ' Oecrge VskerwooeVs raneraJ. ' Th funeral of George E. TJaherwood of the civil war, company F, Seventh New Jersey Infantry,, will be held Surf day at 10:10 o'clock at Holman's chapel. Rer. Henry A.. Barden will conduct the services. -.- - 1 ', -rl Tom Koraddea StnstJ. ' Tom McFadden. head captain at tha Hotel Portland, and. .widely, known from the Paclflo to. the Atlantio coaat was thrown -from a moving streetcar yester day and Buffered sever bruises. . . i...x : Taylor Street c7VIcthodist rr : Church... , DR. F. BUROETTB 8HORT, ' , .... ..Pastor. .... . :I0 a. m........-.'.'.;Clases ; 10:30 a., m...... .Morning Sermon ' " " ' BVBJBOTI ' I Mission of Jesus H. 1J:1$ p. m.. ...... .Sunday School 0:10 p. nv..w...Kp worth League - T:10 p. ra... ..... Evening Sermon, '.; ! ' " Br "'""'"'',;' '.. ! Dr. Hollingshead - arsuiramBa -wRivooafa. , : The People's Popakr Church SHOULD ANY EtTMISSED ; c V THERE WILL' BETR0U8LE Enumerator Warned by CltUtnu That He Should Bettor Not Over ,look . Any of Them, sod' Says. He iWill Be CarefuL A r ' : :i, The east aide ef flea ef Ttie Jearaal ' Is te the .tore at Mrs. W. W. McKtaaer. M Beat Uorrawa atreeu Telapheee Eaat J75. - The St. John reesus will be taken next- month and It baa been Impreaaed on the mind of the. enumerator that he had better not -com rn with any re turns a la Slglsr If he wants to enjoy a peaceful life. Moaas Tufts will count th beads, and -probably ball ot those who will be enumerated have informed him that if they ar missed there will be trouble Mr. Tufts Is a real estate aaan, and has assured the -anxious--that they will b counted..' " Mr. Tufts expeots t find J. 5 00 real denta In th town limits, which will be gain of nearly-1.000 per cent In the laat flv years, and of 100 per cent or more la the laat two yeara This spring a school census was taken wbloh showed thane wer more than 1,000 residents In the place, and at th last election nearly too voters wer on th list, since the election and th taking - of th school census dosens of homes have been built and occupied, tranalent room hav been filled with permanent lodgers and the demand for bouses to rent as been tar In advance trf the supply. St Johns believes it baa ll.ISO.000 In taxable property, where It had but lit tle more than a tenth of . that amount two yea re ago, and the people think It certain. that there ar t.100 people liv ing In th plac. ... . - Whan ' th census - Is completed 1 the board of trade will publish, a compara tive statement ahowmg the growth of the town In th laat five years, in popu lation as well as financial standing. PUBLIC DOCK COMPLETED. ' A ''"'! -"' ."- i-" St. John 'sag Finished Only Knaielpal ."" Waarf ta SUvar. " ?' ' St Johns has ths only publlo dock on the river, and can boast of more prog ress In this respect than can Portland. Yesterday th dock was completed -auid turned over to th city, and all river boats and especially those doing way landing work on the lower Columbia will purrnT"Uur port TKClIocItMfibugH worth 12.000 In material and workman ship, cost th city , only 1400, and this will be paid whan the. bond are sold. The dock was so cheaply aeoured be oaua local lumber mills furnished th material and the cost of building waa th chief feasor. -y - It is a two-sCory affair, with room oo the upper. dock for a team-to turn, ill a-ling iP"' a.e ----' a chut runs from th upper dock, en abllng it to be used at low water. Later etorehoiia jrUl jrobably be built for th convenience of JaBtppr, "but ' fresa I th start tha dock will ba used dally, as many heavy shipments wbloh can come cheaply by boat but which hav been almost prohibited becaua of freight Charges by car and train, will be mad now. . - Th dock will aleo prove a boon to pleasure craft and passenger boats that hav before been compelled to land on the muddy shore, or else to 'pass the town ntlrly. ; " ' R MONSTROSITY PUZZLES. ST Xaw Fonsd to Six-Legged - Cows and S-emoaade. - As no section of the St Johns charter deals with the exhibition of a six-lagged cow, and aa the city ordinances ahed no light on this legal question, . the town auditorJudge of the court and city at torney have been trying to hew out a law to tit a peculiar case. Yesterday two men appeared before the auditor and asked permission to exhibit a great bovine wonder, which came from Cali fornia, was six months old and bad the usual quartet of lege with two added for : good measure. Just when It. waa determined to put the cow under the caption of "at cetera amusements," one of the owners of the beast said bla partner wanted permission to sell lemon ade outside the barn where the, cow waa ta be-exhibited. This added confusion to perplexity, for while thsr might be found - ordinance . which could be stretched to cover a six-legged cow. there was no measure) that by any amount of straining could be made to oover the combination of pink lemon ade and bovine malformation.. It was finally held that the cow was the, main circus snd the lemoned was th side show, and on this basts a settlement was madi ' - "'".':. :t: welcome airship; S. Johns Vows Oraft to Weir Where aVaanck Take Okarg. , Th visit of an airship to 8J- Johns Thursday evening was accompanied by a publlo demonstration In which 1.000 men, women and children took part, and a number of peculiar incidents ocourred; The ship, which was drifting at the mercy . of the southeastern breese, tangled up with the schoolhouse grovs of flrsy jhen It drifted on to the first handy church spire, where It nearly came- to anchor. The spectators were covered with th aand that th aeronaut threw out and the ahlp moved on, but showed an Inclination to come to the ground. The ballast had about given out and a rope was thrown overboard and the boys ef the town towed the craft to the publlo dock. There the rope was hitched to a launch and the return Journey to the fair grounds was begun. Ths ship, how ever, refused to follow the guidance of the launch and headed across the river, and ahowed a disposition to roost on the roof of the roadhouse. By throwing overboard all the ballast the ship was persuaded to remain ayapended 40 feet from the ground, and the engineer dropped another rope with directions to the crowd below. Shortly after a demi john was fastened to the rope, the tug was hauled aboard and, apparently satis fied.' th ugly bag of wind consented to start home. - i j -I, - MINISTERS' tN CONVENTION. Bvrag-illoal AisoeUUoa Camp Meeting ; Begins With Snarls Prayer Meeting. ' The ministerial convention ' of ' the Evangelical association In camp at Jenning s Lode eommenred with a aun rise prayer meeting yesterday mornlnf Our Beautiful , v i Acsrltn T&Hicg ticto - r JFrae to ETerybody"" : Purehasing our Teas Coffees - Spices China v Crbbkery ; Glassware Greatest Offer . of tti) As dtp this Coopo out, Mob k to any of or otor.":f'-: ttSVaMiO - t-- cc o 7 $5.00 wortk of Coaft4MH '" towsH fttlae; yow ttkt : Taliing Machine Free Beji, Girls, and ToBt.,UdIes this Is Tour Chance ' -j '.' . Come and fts Um . trot Ajcaicti ISptrtjst ti C ; , ' , ftecee Byerywkere ttl Washington' Bt, t,i. - '. Stl Flrat etreet rt1,a Oregon City, Ifaln street - Astoria, (71 - Commercial St : PIANOS THAT SELL STEINWAY A. B., CHASE EMERSON. ESTEY . STARR RICHMOND- HELLER The above named makes of pianos ar so well and favorably known that they need no comments from us. ; RIGHT PIANOS AT ri ! RIGHT PRICES And on suitable terms' makes It easy for DUNDORE PIANO CO. . ' Steinway Dealer yk;': 233 WASHINGTON STREEL lfortn Pacific S. S. Co.'$ Stamer I Sail' for TAQUINA. "NKWPORT, CO QUILLB RIVER POINTS and COOS BAT - ,- , - , ' MONDAY, Aug. 7, lPToxa OolamhU Pock aTo. 1 Ticket Offict-251 Washington St . H. TOUNO. AGENT. . x.y-( .,'.:-. r phon M.' 1114. - - - ' snd wtTI TOUtlnn each: morning until next Friday. The afternoon and even Ing sessions ar camp meeting and re vival services and. dally young people's meetings will be held, as well aa chil dren's meetings, under th direction of Mrs. R. F. Jameson and Mrs. s. A. Slewert This morning the topics con sldered by th ministerial convention wer. "Essentials to Ministerial Sue ceaa," by R. F. Jameson, .end "Paaaton for Soul a." by B. A. Slewert . , . - C -, Woodmen of r the World. Do not leav our beautiful city until you have taken a trip on the Willamette river. The Oregon City Transportation oompany baa three fin boata running between this city . and Oregon City, Boata leaving foot of Taylor atreet at t and 11:10 a. m. and 1:10 p. m. Re turning leave Oregon City at 1 a. m. 1:10 and :I0 p. m. Three solid hours' ride for 4i cents round trip. . . The Tavern Invites. Every grown man and woman, resi dent or visitor, In this city la cordially Invited to visit the Tavern and aee the ftneat and most unique Cafe and grill room in th United States. Opposite the Oregonlan building Ladles annexe. 909 Aiaer Bireet- . - . When in Seattle .Oo tp the , Rathskeller, a high-class plac to eat. Sea foods,, eastern meats, large orchestra daily. ... : , ; : Milwaukie Country Club. ' Eastern and Seattle races.'- Take Sell- wood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. ,'-'.-.' i i - ' 1 1 '""" Freferred wk OuaM eeela. All J Lewis' Best Braad. , Ltr" way ro nrjr OM. Contains iNothing intunou. Very Euy o Apply. top tas ruts mom aimie. , Cattle er honee. Caere l'e IB rr real mm antlk irf at tarawated with Ilea. , lUer feed In peae; aa en "iaia. Hncy t.Hoa ners fnr lt-lf a snare limea tirrt. , to ceata nart H falloa. Mall ardera lll.d. . ' " .' t. atrrzeit ' ' , , Ued. Peeltry gnnelte a ad rertllleera. IM Freat KU-'. Bear . Ta.t t-. rortlaaa. Or. ' . , rbeae Mala T01. INli VV-JT A tOW EASE at any time of day at any gate. Euro pian. to 07 per cay. CCLLIN5 HOT Wtaated en the OolamMa Brrex. M HUM ftraam VMrUaaa. - The waters of Collins Hot Springs ar famous for th our of Rhenmattimt. . IJver and Kidney Troubles. On application I can give many namee of parti who have Jeen cured by th nee of theee waterc Moat beautifully, situated, grand scenery, good fishing and th best accommodations In the North woofa Com and se for. youraelf. Seeing W believing. O. . BBZrOatn, FroiMtieao-. Portland: FORTTJU4TJ. ORSOOM. y Plan U.00 a ky , eae vpnae. . HEADQUARTERS FOR " tOTO IST8 AND COMMTBCTAirr' - TRAVELERS. ,, '"Special rates made to families. and alngie gentlemen, a jnoaern. 'Turklih bth aUbUshmnt In th aoteL - ... .a. a foiraia, ibntiw, ; ISbCUNG anSsoSTIfy f urnTshedeaulpped'' with every - modern conveniens, n direct car line to exposition and dertota: five minutes' -walk to 1 shoiiiilng and business dletrlcts; au outsiae rooms, iignt ana airy. flectrio and ' gas lighted,- baths, ate tl to 12.10 par day, for two persons. Including hatha , f -, ... . 309 iefferson Street Near City Halt, Pbon Black 1111. i : AXV Marqunm Th ttM - -S..- Grand C Belllg. Pres. VeeTteea IHreet tetweaa OU sad Tta, "BeaMSiber.' The atarenaa la the easiest theatre ia Port U ae. "Or. goal aa. Toalftit and Toraorrew Nljht. Tlpeclal Marine loeaorrsw (sacaraari at i w e uioca, . ''' - - TKX IZIaUI OOatXDZAjri, - " 7J KOLB S: DILL Y Is the Musical Ooned- Sartoaqae. . o. u. : comidt rtm CATCHT MCMa " SO BeestlfUl Chans Olrla 00, ' PftPrXAB ' PUCKS Matinee tSe, Me, Mc; Right xee. eoe. Son. TO. ... Belasco Theatre . uZSu (rorferly CohuabU Theatre) 14th sad Weak. - i . , . . 1 " . ' , . 52 PLAYS IN 52 WEEKS . : tonon ad axx vm, - KATIMBEg TOMOBBOW AMD OCltDAT, TBKTH'WKEK BEXU0CO STOCK CO. Praaaatl Taralaa ef Bleat's 6m. CARMEN ;-bt KAxra - bobabt. . .-, t'BICCsS-ltht tSe te T6ev Mate..' Sor le 10. - Beit- Weekv-'XADY BODMTirTJL." GRAND . . ... ' CDDIX tEsinc ; THI TALE TBIO. " '". ".'', aUTE. CABBIE .. ... --..j-ui KIBOgBOBTg .- r . . MXK. VIDA ''",' B. fBED UgIWTOB . '. . XBJX SBAXDUOOxB . Oeaeral admteelos. 10 eenta. Brenlnrs.' Bna flare ana aonoa-a, rean-Tea aeace on Haw Soar, ao erata. boi aeaia, ceaia. THE i. BAKER ' OBEAT gPECIAt BIU. Theatre alera-S oooL Keatlog A rlnod, Mtrr. XLABTTaTT A BOTB'B MX1TBTBBXB. Bea Paler, Barry Boyd, De Oarre BmtWra. Oaalae Oanedy Eeur, Leaila Xaavey, Jeae WU. ea. eraed Flaale Beaeatieaal Aet, Merbag rtetaraa, BalnWa Oreaaatra. ; ' - rerrereianeea aally at I M, T:S0 ' s4 0 e. m aaaaca srirea IM bla aame an eeata emag io xea cante, eaceptlng besaa. ST A R ' BVBT'S SOS A pro I01IUT CIBCUg r TBI BUilCAi BAAM , J-. ' . ' BEKLAW . ..... ' THjrBAiOFeoot ' ... ' - .: OrilS V, KABSISOTOB r ' josEra bobh , ' - J THE BIABOeOOrX ' Heaaral adialealan. 1A m&tm. Km..m a. Oaja and kolldaja. reeerr-d eeata aa lower bmt. av r-i,a. eai aeaia, xa eestaL LEWIS AND CUt UK OtlSEttVA. TORY JtMDCJtFB - ' , 'OBTXABD RXXeBTS. Take Portia ml Hel(kaj tar aa get eft al -" m.--, wm Binra mm ear lie. Bo tUmelnt. Bleetrle elevetor. aVe keanilral eltert ef aamirral w.frlti! nun ana f I V . . . . i.i. b. klie elewlag tk'e aet wateirwel I Awerlre. Oaea I a. am. te a. av. A. ' lea 10 eeeA hotel ln ' exposition grotfv ar furnished with nasa. aUio- Ing them to go to and from the stouk-- ' pen plan, 1 69 to IS per day. Amer a. Rd. J. T. M'CREADT. atAnager K3TEL Hotel Fairmouiii munloations for patrons. Uniformed . porters and bellboys at air hours ar g.Star v BSrVtOS. ( j : t , ,- ,' 150 Elecant Rooms LLJOpea for Guests turn a bat ABrtvtr. W. H. LATTTN. General Manager. PALACE HOTEL Whether h gos by land or sea, the traveler will Snd It a delightful trip to San Franclaco, where hl bould stop at th world-facaed Palace Hotel and enjoy its many attrac tive features.- For fuller information writ . t th Palao, r a ,, s-.. -. T. O BTBBBXT t th Portland Inform- E ta -4 Al aaaai aa eai at, &.BaaaBaWBBBaBnVJW-ata. anaannnnaxeka. 71CcM Spring Cq:;l WICcIt St:z Leaves Oregon City dally, except Sun day, at 0:10 a, m. Far 11.60. Orwon City oflle next door to Oregon "Vvavar Power Co.' depot ROBERT C.V0SE ' - - Sao Beytotoa a'trMt - : ;; BOSTON. MA8S. VAf ( '"' Mw'ri.e. ' ; PAINTINGS -. '., ' '- ' ,'- ''' ' . ' - ' ' ' ,-" - v .. . .There baa been and win b . no ehang tn th price t ' Mineral .Water. , Soda Watar. - 8iphona. . Syrupa , . taj . th sam price will be maintained! all reports to tha contrary nU ' withstanding. . .. t . '' ' 1 STA2 E3TTLn.G WCtll ' ea Ftawt a,v Neat, - clean - and ' artistic' ." . - i " 'i printing '. our. : HOBBY. - -jt , '"' "'.' ' No doubt aa to aatiefac " tion if done by the ' -; -v's' '' r :' ' ' Crtrojiolllaii Jfrna .' 147 mOUT ST. V TeL' Mala t)i rv Tka aekool eainarhear , ... ..j . Aa elewentafy arhaat, wlrk arl-aary sag ""ilrVeer. - ' - aad weatera eoUa. A baar-lins kali f gtrte. OflU-j fceara ta artaHaato rlr ' amiaer, Iroai a. at k aeaoenir. 'nr eetal"ee. .' - " PORTtlNO al" - . " ' Tkkrterath and Marrlaoa, refiead, t TWMMTT-U1MXM ABO UFSJlUat ST3. Opposit Kain Btetawaee ta aVewla aaUl . . -. Clark fcsreaithm. . -Only absolutely flreproof . htl- ad joining grounds, equipped with eleetria talanhnnin and ananial talanhonlo earn )fnmA ftf? .. T-r-r- .:-'. nl ycz'"