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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1905)
, A " A ' ?. ; THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. ' PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. AUGUST 5. KZX t II TODAY'S MARKETS SOi.lE OFFERS ARE ; KJ FOR FLOUR Exporters Receivs Inquiries From :')' Japan and China for New . Jj. ;t .. . stock Grade. -''V ' i : ; prices are generally five Cents a barrel off Cgp Cominc in la Poor Shape and Sorne Proce Are lrersi On Cn--Pemhry Mutt l BiJy na at ,Prta4 Qutina.': -,f ,"'' a aar ar aa raa Sratrrr ateaf-aara tbat. (ba fcta aa kmtv4 frarai aia ba folly oa- Bm.a. abubil na fralta- ara raaaal ba tbht aaaxr ar aaaar fiaaa arbar aarrlaaa. Cralkjapaka wjrb rbaar aaara rmrra wtti oral aefa torn fhwataa I aaiaraaj kr tk watoamasv - . ; lWtr JUrkat Baralr MbIbUIbb VfiaB. 6a BkiMal n IM Iar an rctaU bauslar af.aaaliTT a tore tba prtraa 4omm that tba art at Braarat bortnf froa band to avmth. no BaratuB ot an klail beta aarriad orar: Tfcla ' caaaaa tba BMirkat ' ta aaakea aoanwhat, but thaa far ibcr kaa baca aaffkrkmt BaaD from rlabboiiBC rlttas ta kara tbs saarkot fraai -yinlmt (lattod. RoeaipBJ a avlta kaarr rait today prlcakj arra aocbanaa Iimbi joo r-7 Tm ltt Ii lftaaaaoaa. "T" Taa aaakaeaa Ib tba ft aurkat la pra aweee. A." .-T PBfml 'Mr a Tkc lirt Ii3a ere; ramie a t ' ' ':,-.'"'. Yw i" iw p nVi ai i't. freea wmyro. , '. a-ar Walla " ion - ' , ' " , .' t r-wo infw fn .- ; w !!- 4a ejaalltt. , . A i B rreefc ' aar. vn uhwa, rtrt. aa-alrnr aaar IHV aaalaaakae y4r. tiiwain nrf ftrs; rtr wear, acere. HihiIm m iad ee wavy btj. lal saai.aassoa wee ba-Ur 8'-'- N ' tnt Mi li M ts wamray - . - evawe far 4Mt at m w ar-Braa, : .. Ml attU a.liWaa; ekeSr Sanaa. . Fees) mim aantaw rumat awe.' --f -w, cteta fm vw yumr The taa. Turn: miwh 1 1 t a ariiai'Caar m earn. .. ar w ' i - r- fa 3 aftaea are ant wag a....l far wah team taw aaWBM. AW . mnini. aw i i I at armv. ho b - tm '.wTkSB -ka ) ataeaerelrr 4fMkM U Mm Bawr H4 OB pe-WcalO j weak. Ml aa-mr urn mm iillin . w0 I far wwm M. mi Tbe awaigia s aa I i.iiliiinl tnv adkn M mhc nafl V V a w la i nil a Mt aaiMa. rm Mr l'P a mc a a aiaaai all in la XaaaMl Oaai. aaal al ; arnTaim aat aor l"arar aaa avian, aataaa 1. i ii in i ana aaanar ante aa aan ' umr? aaat ka Jackr .1 if , aaoxV aanaf 'vBoom-taV BaorlptB ara abowtBS a .Tooaujot aMr ' Incrraaa. aad a. icraa part af tba arrlaala ar '. not snaring ta aarb -foot abap. Ihrmand la ' fair fur boat qaalltr, bat tba Ura aaioaat of - panr afa romla( woakeea tb aoUtlons. Th ' srrrai aiarket na rc(B tudar a) raoaiog- ba .' taraa J?e aad 21Hr. ; I Toiaatna Tary F trail Blps Stack Sauea. " Taa-aonuto Bkarkot la Tory flraa. Blpa alocka ar acarcr. but a cvnsldaraM aanoaBt of proaa . aturka 'aro on haad. For brat stork tb top quourton tra rradlly oMalad. Iyv-t rautaloupM ara aot ' chrltsc aatlafartlaa. Moat af tb rratoa arrtrtop arr . af badly Mixed alar; all TarlrtW brine foam! ' la rai-b raa. ta llfornlaa ara eoalnp la fal( . abap, bat Quality t aot stilts at gvod. I'rlcea aaara. - .. - : r , - - WatonarloD ar sbowlnt bb ' axeraaln da- , BMad aad.tti har raralptB ar ctoanrd Bp . Barb day. rrlcrs tb saavr. i .. .) Tars car of paaebra arrlrvd la frow tb aotith tbl BMrrnHig. . DrKaad food at formor t .- A car of" onion froB) walls Will war aavaa tb arrivals Id tb prador narfcrt to day. QualHy brttrr. bat prlr la low Mr. Local osloaa ratbar ararro. . Prlra thf -aam. - 7lar la 'faaHn la tb banana market ar ' arvaunt of tha' dt-lay la BMrrluc frrifkt anr tb anrtbani nam: - Torlay'a wbolraala footstloa, a rvrlard. ara aa folhiw: - , :- - - - Sralo.' floor tat Tal' wRKAT Coatrarto, IWVrw dab bb rvd. ' 75e: braratrnj.- nUr: allry. 7 Me. . - wAULUK d. attOUi rullad. $2S.B0 rtr.' ?0RM Whola, 127.00; crackad. 3S. par too. '. EYB t U prr rat. . OATS So. I whIU. 'WOO; pray,. ' r'LOL'a Eaatarn ' Orapou lataota. $4 snfj IM; atr.labta.; t porta. 3 BOQS.SK; allW M l"; Bham, U: H-OVi JUfcu-; ryr. rn. f.l.OO; nolra, 12.71. MILLTl TF Br.a. ji-o.00 par ton) Bild , dHia. Ji.0: 'ahorta, cooatry, f2t U0; dty. 31 S rhnn, (18.00. , ... . nAT Tlmotby, , Wlllamatt . vallry... fasry, ! 13.00; orcHnary. li.0Oi asatpra Oreroa, U.tat; nlird, ltl.00; crarsr, 11.00; (rain. 11.00; enaat, ll.oa . Bat tar, Xra sad laaltr. BrjTTr-R FAT Carat. taHc; war. II H. Bt'TTEft City crvanrrr. . boat. 25c: arr. jrrad. 2SSr: ontalda fasey. ZiSid ordinary, 4uri v - EOUB Ja.- Tn-Oia Mndlr4(aj XlV,e: rn. lSt-c t;HEasiaa l ull craani.. twra.' 124M3U; Toimr Amorkra. Mu3M-t rhaddar. I2t4e. 1'OtI.TUY-Cklrkro. mlrnad, I3e par lb; ' " tana. 13C14 par lb; ronatrra, old, Ite per lb; toiinf . le prr lb; brellrra. M- par Ib; fry. rn. lar prr Ib; duck., 14rlV par Ib; acaac --'.pcrinr par lb: turkrrT3nr.r Hirdraaaed SufOe par lb; aqua na, j.ou rwr do, t ' Bob. Waal and Xtdoa. , . HOPS infract, W-Orapos, - 1IW; Waak. luctoa, lKVjilri rron, 17ms tm cb.rlrr; V.rl7c ft prlmr aad Btrdlutua. WOOL IIK clip, rallar. eoara to awdlaa, ' WVi. : SSj4lcj lulirt Oracoa. . . T . kiollAlaV "otnlnal. 0tl I e. PMKKrbKINS brrlnc, I3b. brt wool, aowrxoc; BMdlaB wool, 30Uk- long -wool, tOrriil.OO aach. TLLOV r-rlow. par Ib; S; No, 3 d grcaar. 2itH. ' HITTIaf BARIC 3H par tb. , HIDEa Dry bides. No. 1. id lbs and Bp. per Ibl dry kip. Na, I, ft is is lba, 4r; dry ralf. Ma, L aadar t tb. lSlc; dry a I'rd btdaa, atsrrs, anand. SO Ilia or star, SUM He; 6 ta lbs. ttHri andcr an, lba .n4 raad, ifedVic; atara and ball, aoand. BtdTc: kn, IS to PO lba, art soand. 10 ts 14 lbs, . .a; calf, aoand. ondar la lbs peile; graaa laoaaltrd). le par Ib laa mlw, la prr lb Iraa; hnrarbldaa, aaltrd, rack, 31.35a 1.73: dry, ack. 3 l.ooajl . -asH kldaa. -h. 364Jrwct - poat skins, aoaimoa. aarb.. 10fLC( Aagara, . PralM and Taawtaklaa. ., . rOTATOE" Orrfoa, 7V car lots, 5tTS ayw aack; wct. crawd, 1.78. iitli"lrl Nrw raio yrlhnr nanrara. !.; ' BV'.Ma Walla. Sl.nt4al.l0: carlkfT Bl Hie par lb. KHKHII rRlirm Aroln, Orrw.. tl.M . l.7.: araaar. lals Valanclaa, 31.74 nr; haaanas. be Ibl Waams. cboles. (a-oO bail faney. 33.00 par boa; Umao, Metleaa, B0 pa li: ploeanpl, 3.3n V; anrrjra. 7rra.v; rescKa. Buratll.OU plaaa, TAaaa pa arata rlirlea. 31 M tier real of 4 buiaa; ranta- .-i S2.3ti3.73 cratr; waternrkwa. . it.l rail pr.wHi, 31 364I..V lx ; peara, all. i .itia. J linott 2ft; Oraaa, 31.73 per box; black k t-a a I Maohao ILAd are dVi. t r(ITAHI.E Tarnlaa, aaw, 31.00 par sarbj rrota. par sack; beU, l.O0 I a par aark; Orrgra aadtob",. Xac par dos; nhasw. Orraoa. 1.33 per cat graeB Hea. ' l("c par : awel timialnea. "H ; rr.lp.. 3I.""tT1.2Vi string baaaa. 3i4e; iirWrtrre. l.tAl"0 ctalrt rankarb, 3Hc Ibl nilkK. I'a rk: ai-rk-arkea. .' pre V" m letlura. 304JTV1 bead ratine. Id pat antes, iui.Un)f. V aos; striaack, - "' 'I at B tk; ciaa cara. Taa pmt ! . i mt n: nnadm, asau pat ui; rr. DRIKO RII1H anrlaa. vamataa. ti lf H; airtrMa. lltnl.W aar llt aark. W a MMa: aaarkaa. Mtfls Mt Ik; aaara. Mr lb: arniwa. Italtaa lt4ftK aar M: rrrara. luaikr nr Ik; ftaa. fVUfarala Mar c tM- )b; California aratt. aar lat nlaaw. atttaa. aaa Ik: aataks Bar Ik; faraa. l.a aar. It- Baa. - ' aiauaiyaa. VatB4 XB Sark Baale M.W; fratt (rmnhiioa, li.0'. arr araaalan. Va; (W. A. .an: M araaalalaa, .V-B; lra 1 , M SO. aaMra HJMi U IIB, 4.7B: MJa. I Or. w Mai -V- kuaa Mir rtnrt a aark aala, Ina xiv aar twt t raifc. IB 4,.-.- f.-t llitlV aar BV HOMV-tma. Ci KK IVtiM hraaJa. SU.S. Lr Taa. Walaa. .. Ja. . as. IfW. tl BB: ibki. a-. . XI LOT: hub. B10.R: lai rriaa In .rant. BO.. uM: . Jlva, 1.H; tiBk ir flaa. Mta. . W. ta. B. S Hr c.JUn nw lOfta. aar t" fl. arm. Mi; Um.l lama rack. (IIMmc Baa; BO Ik nrk. kaa: was. M thnt Brtraa arolr Ba aalra k-aa thaa rar Iraa, Oar Mb at aaacaU ackeaB aablart narrnatlrami. ' - Hion Mt 1 ar Ka. B. Ve; Naxpriaaaa baaa. Vr: A lax. c; Cra alr. v BKANBHataD w-kft. .aMt-; faraa ana. : iaB. awatlifeC; baja. iae; uaav aci KrTft-paBBa. ?Ur Baaikaa. Vi Bar M raw Bju IK- iina-ii il ? ai aarnr mmr aaa: ) aar lb: BhM) aaav-anaatr aar k: u barr aata. rar aar ia: nnnwica. nai i luia lb: Braall aata. v- aar v fllhana. llr arr Ik: IBbcT Oiaa.llV-: a la aaa. tSBTIV I YblatB. Caal 4bv (a. Ova Manila. tr: naaaara. UVI 1 nnk kraJ .ImL IXJAL OIL ar Aatr.1.-4Jara. Bar i: 'aiiit arbMa. traa bkla. I aar ami: I Br aar aai: baaJlaBU. If I If. BBKBa. itfiUVI 'an laaia.' Mr ar aal Jfip arB SJSal I aVaWrTtaaT lafaajaMb M tern iar aar aai. an aa. , eaaai. SSr aar rat; ab' tvi.r wr ami. Tl irtVTINT ! !.. sab. aar aal bate. -V at ail; trm bata. an aar aL - rHrr LKittTaa Vaa. Ti ar ax h Taie w Ik: baa Vaa. ba. Willi jkllll fiiaiar haaa at tt.i U.vsntlv HXIS fail raw. ra bbav 7r ar a. as, par al ana. Tar aar aal Far 4MB. aai VMB. bmt aa. w a-Taa. BVaTTx aar b; IibH wit P-av vr aar . aaai, aiam. ICIarCi .Bra aar. pmt aaMr. c aa ab. HiKK tuxiV ril' ' aar tarab taaa. H a M Ika. ua aar V: l bb taa. 1 s w Bar H it k a Ifca. UM- aar Ti aawartk aaa. aw a a: araaair 'il iwwik. wa- kbav a aar aai: Biaaaa B aar aaa: taa tfeaa ar rBJCW blt-a mml muml aaat aw ark. " aar lBx. aaa. biara. aar : Bagaark nl .ar-: a : aawa-a-lla far am; raaariaaaa .SaA. T,aara. aiiiankaa. bar aar ; aaarAaA. raf" """n";.!!; . . , iarr Ik: (aa bam. HaUMi t. a j Mr ....U .' .Ttaar aV aaaakaa Be aar oV rbar brUkm. aa-1 OATB. - : lb r aa to. LOCAL latv Krrk Vaf. la Jr a-r k Aa. tr aar lb; a-a tlaa, fr par lb; aaaa taaaiai 1 Jam. Vc aa K. fa, tlbc tS?tiro AUf04-4aaaiaki rtarr. tall. J J. 2 Ik talav Xr: faar. 1 Ik flat a. $t.0O: W ik faar flats. 11 m; faac I P arakt. U 71: Alaaka talkt. aaab, aftatSarr raa. UJi aoaaJaal aa. tall. (2. riKII-Rocfc eaa. 7r Bar lb: fynnflrra, Sc oar lb: ballbot. c acr Ib; rraba. ll.fiO par dua; ffhara haaa. 12c ear lb: catfwk. Te Bat lb; aalswa. rbtaook. 4f Ib: atralbaBda. TVae fc-tm aar Hit barilna Br par IM am, ac arr lb: BBrimna. loe par in; tr pcT.Jk- snad. 4e per Ib; ro abad. 5e par Ib: bad ror. Bar per Jb: black fori. Tc per Ib: allrar amalt, 7e per lb; tobatar. 15c; fraak mark are), c ner b: rrawftsa.-?n "Br dos; flaaadsrs. 3 ir In: arnrcaon, 7c par In. . OT8TEKH knoalwatar bay. par xaL 32.28: per aack. S3.75. ' , . CLAlin Hard shell, pap pox, 3X00; raaor flsBis, 32.03 nor bs. raw CENTS UP TODAY r Heavy Demand Shown While Re ceipts Are Very Light Cat- : tie Still Dull.' ' v- ; Pnrtlaad In Ion stork receipt : morkysrda. Aog. . Ut- -Horn Cattla Bbeep - I'l "0 JIM Toaay i J ; 84 Week ags .. 1 R0 Prrrloua waak ....... t.. W Montk aia '.. '73 Ear hogs tbs tons of tli Market Is tha atronsrat aeea la recent year sad prices .r aaoTtn rlrht n to tha rerr too. AlthAuah there Is prsrtb'slly adthtng doing In parking oparaiioBa toe ror Block stock as very guud. - tb - few Itoca arrlTlns sarrlng aot a anall portloa of tha demsnd la thai cltr alone. Today In answer to lbs beary call for bogs aal tbs small anppllea tb market aalaas mored ap about S3 rents with the top f Irure at . cants. The cattle market hi eery alow and doll and ry. lew aalra ar reported t top price. Kheep are quoted with a good ton and Drfce ... ebsaged. - The-demand for real -ralrea of small sise roniUBes' gona aroand tba top. Official prkrea for llreatork: . . ' ' Hog Beat ' cat cm Oresm. 3..2!x..Vi banrkrrs snd China fats. 33.73; stockrrs and leeoers, 4. jo. - Caltlr Beat eaatera 'Orecna ateera. M.mM 3.26; -light and median steers. 32.301 3. IM: beat rows snd heifers. l2 2.Mrr2.SO; old and light cws.. 31. BoetS. 00:. Blockers sad feeders. 31.75; bulls. 31-50. - Pneen Best fancy aheap, 3 00 13.23; ewes. 2.7."t3.0ii; aprtns lambs, 4r4Wc. t-slres uood real. 1M Is auo panada, 64J5tte; rougn ana neary, ezH0 ZASTXBB BOOS STEADT. . Chicago. Aug. a. Urestork recelt.ta: ' . ... .. Hose Cattle Sheen Chicago ........ .........IO.imnt 2i 3.0UO kansaa city n.urai ' .tio Otii.ha 4.000 3.000 l.(10 Hogs neoe steady to strong with 3,500 left sr. Receipt a year ago were 12. (inn. . Prices: Ml ted. good. tSJt0rf.0S: roosb. o.Kq .oo; nriiu po.naaxa.ia. . . t attle nteaiiy. . . . v " Huerp Btroag. COTTON FUTURES ONE TO THREE POINTS OFF ' (Parnlahed he Orerheck. Rtarr At Cook CrI.I Kew York. Ana. 5. Cotton faturea rioaed 1 ts 3 patnta lower, Today s official cotton market; . . Orten. Hlrh. Ixnr. Jannsry 1 ...........1074 . 1073 load K7;tf74 Felaniar Hi77i79 Mart-b ! 1080 " 10IBJ 1073 KW2rn1 April , .... .... low, an .May low limn 14 lOHMditll Augnat law litis Jir2fl . !(:.; .m Heptember ., 1O40 1044 1040 (44J 45 October , HNUt IOH4 1045 lof.7fn VI Xoremher Hani (Mt4 lotto On.1i4 Decrmlirt ., KNin 1078 10M 10bnii ' '- I0MOPAH MIBIVO STOCKS. 1 y f.s Ersnrlaco, Aug. 5. Too pah stocks, offl. da) char: , ... " .. Bid. - I - Bid. Mrmtana ....) ia jl)ll ...3 .14- Midway ....... IKradall 13 McNamarg . .41 t'olumliU Mt.....-IH umla . j. .. ..... ' .m nrimotli . . . North BUr 1.17 .54 .07 Mnniha Eitca.,.. .13 Itlacb Bntte iHllrer Pick . . . Kiotden Anchnr ' .24 .HI .7 jm lld Mmint.l., .1:1 . Jim Butler'. .73 Ton. NeTad. Ton, Kxrca ... Brd Top ..... Hold field Pandatorm . . , ,. HaariNtortu Kx. AdaoM Mohask .IHat Hay O'llrrrn . . T.. llhln ..... .37 hi. Bnll Frog.. ,51 llHamonilfleid . ., .no (lima Htsr .... 10 llomeataks ... .05 .lA .4 .10 Cash Buy ,.. Nru York. Aug. 8-BanK statratent:' "' rteaenr. nWreaa S3.142.4on Beserr lea I, ., decrasa . s.ienniMi I -nana. Inerese IfttiMaiQ Specie, decrssa ..f,, 3.72l.40 epn.lte. aer-reaae 2.l.(m ClrouUtlon. Increaas , nK7m legale, decrr ,070,,isj , POSTtAVD BANK STATEKEVT. (learlnga Dataavo 74.340.73 HOBS-ARE CHICAGO 17IIEAT IS -QUOTED DDWn AH Options Showing a Loss of V One and a Quarter Cents . , v Opening Lower. ; : DEMAND FOR CASH BETTER v IN NORTHWEST MARKETS Damage Reports- Ar Still, Coming .but Have No Effect Upon the Late : Trading Millers Willing to Pay : Premium for-Castrof First Quality. SATTRDAT'S WRBAt MARKRT. . .... . Opaa AJlia t'kaa ... toaa lta .(wll4.- idbl .1U,B .Hi alar- -nr,.-lW -U- rMa Fnrnlalad bv Orarnark. marr A Cooks Ca.t Oirraca. Abc. . Tba loaa of tks arbral starkr today waa ratliar araak. Tba aurkat aaraaa raaarallr lovar ana. at Da tlma aaavrad at ark ar a rail Ins aptrlt. Tba aortbaraat waa a ma4 barar a' tha raak aad suaM pramloia aaa abuaa aarr aaarttr futarea. L4waa A - Brraa rr4Y)' taa fullaatns from Kaiwaa City Uila aaaralas: f All Wkaat Ctaaaa4 Vb. "Tka ail la rlranrd aa rrrry rar of wbrat arbtrb amar-4 roaiardar at abnal cat ail- raacr. TVa amraai ara af aiaob BOaror aaaiur I raw 4a ra. mmd tba atllw ara- anxmia knaaaun am-ka af moa arhoat, aa at ttmt Ba mi raaia' aaar tba aaitaa, aalra m ara kataa aaat raarr dar.' Tba araatkar aaaa akmra baavy raina at at. raal aaB tkmkjTb. OllwiabJO tbo aoruiwaat Tiaaaaraiarra ara Bin. inaro It aitaai raraaara aa4 a aaad caah ana Baara batCB- raa taa chat tba rraa aia aaul.tura. Ttaltia ormtal aarrm: Claar. ma ."A : .tk .MA .4TA ' .SWB . -"a Mar coax. I'M May .... KM POKE. 1.B ............ ll.U LABD. - T : 7.63 '13.57 . jlJ-87 T.47 7 55 T.22 -Tiaa '( K'-r 8.H . 3.20 . lrt lire Jaa BHORT RIBSt S.1S . .3-23 Vpt ' Oct . f CHICA00 OatAIB CAB 10TS. . ' Chlcaso, 'im.' B-Orsla ear lota: ' ' - - Cara Orads Bat. Waaat-i.. S43 - 131 II Cora 130 2 Oata Bis . i S.X Wbrat-Cars today: MinneapoiM, im: ira- lnth, 34. Tear ago: MbieoapoHa. 131; Duluta, 44; Cblcsfot lla.- i ' .' . 1TSW T0BK C0ITZB VAKXKT. - Now V"fk. Aug.. 5. of fr furnre dosrd 3 points lower. looar s aiirciai mir aaran. Bid. Aak.f Bid. Aak.- Jannagy ...7.; 37.4I1 inly .....a.., 37.78 37.80 rromary i.u aajiin ..... o. i.w vjarra 7.50 7.55 Reptcmbar .. 7.00 ' 7.06 April ...... 7.55 ' T.wiktnber .... 7.10 7.15 May ...... 7 : 7.731 Noeember ... 7.20 T.25. June 7.70 7.75lcsmbei ... t.803 f.38 - ' -Tsrslgw Oof fa Mwkai. ' . - - Naar Tark. Ans. B. Hsmborg eoffe U dnara. Receipt Bio, 7.000 baga. market firm, prices unchanged. Rsntos, 31.000 bags, market rirm aud nuchanged. ar "YBrk Ca.h Ooffs. Xew York. Ang. 5. Cash coffee: Ka T Rl. 8Sc; tit). .4 Bantos, 8Wc ' . . -.- .. ' BOSTOX COPTER STOCKS, - Boston, Aug. 5. Official copper cms! Bid. - Bid. Adrsatura ... 5 H7HlMlrhlrsB .,.,. 14 25 Alloues 3.1.00 IMobsak 55.50 Atlantic 18.25A Old immlsloa.. 2X.O0 Bingham v.v- 31 . -- HaceolBv, , rt , Cal. A Arts... ,".fa IParrot ('himet ..... IPhnenla .... Centennial i... 23.50 IQ.ilncy ivtnnar Karats r.H7U'hnona .... Bono 25.50 1.00 ' lns.ooi 7.7' 124.00 8 SB 8.75 12.00 113.00 Ivaly Weat . .. Elm fiauiarav-a .. 2.5fl Trinity .... 24.X7Vk!'nlted ...... 7.25 Victoria .... P.O0 IrVltMms ..... Wolrerlnp ,. Oranby Visas ... WA.IX STREET eOSSIF. Kew Tork. Ang. 5. The Wall Street Journal says: London market rawed. - It la reported that th American Sugar la earning 20 per cent kna then- com moa ntork. The banka Inat oa the week currency nvrretnent,, ' Hetil Brdtrt' and Iron- rertewa report cnodl tlona aa being rrry farorsble to all. lines of Industries. AT THE THEATRES. ; "I. O. U." Tonight. - Tbs Germaa romcdlans. ' Kola sad Mil, aad their company of 40 people will preaent th muetrtt comedy -burleariu "'I. O. -Tf.'" tonlghl, t tha Martruam Grand theatre on Morrison, betwMB Sixth snd Serrnth streeta. "I. V. U." la a comet! y ..with plenty of catchy mualc. Poputar aelr ea prsrsllr Tk -curtain will -rlB at 8:80 e'clock. --Tint rysudevllleirrand.r- - Tomormw Is th last day. of tb current bill at ths Orand. It Is ens of ths strongest rsuderllle entertainment that thla rlty ha bad. F.ddle I-f.lle. tha mimic from tha Lon don aanale hall, and a long I let of ether ape rlalty artist, sr na lbs program. The Moa I. cal Klngalmrya bars a fin set and as bars ths . J'sls Trio. - . . ' - a'" " ' " t , v At the Star. -. HunVs Ang and monkey cirrus Is en of tbs beat drawing' cards Iks Stsr has ever -.had. Beklaw Is sn expert on th bicycle and clerer'roniedln. Tb Mimical Reeda and OHee W. Harrington re clerer.: Th remainder of the bill Include a pretty -eong by Mr. Bonner, anraalug picture by the Stnroecop and aareral other act up to th Star'a standard. ., ' ; I "A Danghterof America." Tonight nd tomorrow will be the leet eppor- tiinltlea af witnessing tha Lyric' great aire re, estltled "A Uaoghter of AaM-tca." Ella Wllaon and Thomas Clarke sr gaining la public- fa ror dally as leading lady and sua of th Lyric campany.- , . . ' Minstrels at the Baker. t. . . Tonight and tnmorrew will finish Mil week' proa-ram of Haneey snd Boyd's minstrels, la which ths nva popular song of tb day sr rendered Next week- there will b chang of nrogram, Incindinf nrw aonga, jngc and siardlsllics, ' - t ry Baturdar A.C.R.R.-eSealflP Bpeclal A.&C.R.B, LeavB r 1:10 p. m. Uhln Depot tiJO p. m. Two-tlayRound Trip Tlcheta i wo-day Only 11.63 Only Nov Jranafere. .No tjrly. No ,Vd uaL C A. Stewart, Afant, 241 Alder Stroet. ara am Crawi aa a ib Japan and China Art. Making Soma Offer for New Wheat Flour at About Five Cent . Under Quotations 'Asked Offers Accepted v, Loss of More Than Three-Million Dollars Is Shown in Surplus' - - J ; Reserve. ;. STOCK MARKET VERY. DULL; WITH BUT SMALL CHANGES Strongest Features ' Were the 'Steel Issues Which Were Steadily Pur chased, Late Trading Firm on Short 'Covering.'-- ;f :.; ' -4- , ADVANCER. ; '-' ... lHfAtcblaea ptd ...... ... fcint. Paul Aaaesndg ......... lHfAtcblaan ptd ...... M Amalgamated .... feint. Paul . 3 Cheaapeaks . . ....- 4 Mexican iaiu.1.,1. . Mleaourt rse. VKety ............a, .ftraosad Stasl Csri,, liar folk. Pacific Mali Beading ... Steal pfd ... 41 do preierrao .... .. AWBapabUe Steel .... ' .. V do pre far red ,!.. . Atchison ..'. s Hmelter do preferred ..... Baltimore - Colorado Soathsra.. " Kris LoulaTtlle Car foundry.... Sugar la H Brookiya CanadlsB Alton y Colorado Euel..... a Metropolltsa Katy pfd HIPennaylrsnlB Buck laland VIOaa do arafarred.a. . till Southern Railway,. Tenneeare teal ... Stl VsiLnHm Paclflo ..... Ibi - , - ' K.w Vaak. An. 5. Clrk Bros, say! Tbs stork msrkst waa duU snd narrow but th ton w firm. Plocraatloaa Kara oeen aninipoTian. Tbs only news wss tbs bank atstsmsnr, wuicn lldrr anfaTorable. anawing a augni- in- era In tb loon sod a loaa of mora thaa S3.0UO.OOO tat tbs surplus. Ths stroogeat faa wra the steal atorka which wars ataadlly bought; BtoM-nhsffteld waa The sinmg sparmltyr I Moch ac tbp lata rirmaeae was aus soeerlng. ' Trday,f official-stock merger: DESCRIPTION. Anaconda kilning Co. Amalgam tad Copper Col A ten lann v jom . oa pretrreu. ...... . Amer. Car A 3., eaa. do preferred-.- , Bier. Bugsr.. com. . Aaw, Smelt, com.,.. . do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, com do preferred Brooklyn Rapid . 6814 lanaoisa rac., com. Chi. A Alto, oom... do preferred Chi. A O. W.. com.. 100 Ik Chi . kill . A St. Paol..j Cbl. A N. W.. earn.. Chicago Terminal By... Cheaapeak A Ohio Colo. Fuel A Iran, oom. . Cow. Southern, earn..... do 2d preferred...... do 1st preferred. ... Tielawars A Hudson.... nela.. Lack. A Wet... Dennr A B. O., com... do -prsfetrM. ........ Erie, oom ' ,, 471. 3714 w.n prerrrrea . , . aa,, Illinois Cantral. IxmUrlll A Naahrlll Matrooulltaa St. By.... Manhattan Kallwar. ... Maxlcaa Central By... 22 atlna., St. P. A 8 fa. W. do ore f erred ......... 185 MlMoorl Pacific lnoVt M. K. A T., com 371 do Dreferred New York Central..... 1431 1471. 146 V. Northers Parinc Korfolk A West., com. 208 i 2U0H 2UB1 do nreferred. ....; North American. . . ..... M. Y.,' Ont. A West... B2T4 Peanaylranls By 1421k k'c.'C.' People's )., Ly A we v rressad n. car, com.... 49 MVh do prefarred Pacific Mall S. S. Co... Reading, com. 1034 108 'AilpOMi no zu. preierrea. ...... do 1st nreferred 21 ii Rep. Iron A Steal, com.. 21 do Drererra... ....... 8.1 Va Sl'k 76 W Rock laland. com....... prefer red.. ........ Rubber gooda do nreferred Soother Railway, com.. 85 85 1 44 do preferred... ........ fit1 314 tvsZ Southern Pacific........ do nreferred...'.. 117i St. L. A B. P., 2d pfd.. Bo-4 etiK as do preferred. ... .....t St. Lout A R. W com. do Dreferred y. ....... Texas A Pacific ....... 3.1V. 82 so. Tenn. Coal A Iron Toledo, Mt. L. A W- e. no preferred I'nloa Pacific, common. . 130.)130r, 130 do preferred TJ. 8. Leather, common. . da Dreferred ......... 104 'a 1044 U. B. Kunner, 52 51 W y. do nreferred 110 103 Vi U. S. Kteel oM rommoa. gnU, 5.114 do Dreferred 104 104V1 Wbeei. A lake Erie, e 10 10 34 V 62 Wis. Central, eommoa.- S4Vt dn Dreferred 82 Western I'nloa Tale... Wabash, common ..... do preferred 4011 40 y, 40 Total sale for day. 140.300 share. . -. , : Xaw Tork-Londea Sagsr. Kew York. Aug. 3. Refined sugar unchanged . Raw unchanged, kandoa beet firm sod higher. TEST : VALIDITY OF- STATUTE TAXIK6 OREGOTl SHEEP : New Law Assessing-. Livestock of Non-Residents Begun by 7 X Walia Walla" Ownerse- f ' (Spadat Mspstefe ta Ths 100001.) ; -Walla Walla, Wash.. Ao. . A BUlt to teat the 'validity of tha law passed by th last OreEon leglalatur prorldlns for th collection of a tax of to cent a s head on all sheep who ownera ar nonrealdenta of tha state of Oregon, wss started by 1 blf sheepmen of Walla Walla today. The eult la directed against B. M. Ooff, ptocR Inspactor of Union county, and delegated tha power to assess and collect the tax. The papp ra In the ca were made out In Walla Walls. and mailed to La Orand thle mornlnt to be filed. The plaintiffs In the caae are W. P. Reeer. Johnson Broa.,- Darin Ae EyyauoY T. A. snd Felix Von Hollenbek. Kydd Or ant, Joseph . IJavln. Motett Bros.. C W. Bteveiln and M. 42. Brvson. The plain. I tiffs own In the neighborhood of 50,000 head or sneen. now araiina on pumic lands In Union county and subject to the tax of 10 oents a head. The plaintiffs set up that the act Is Unconstitutional and Impoaes double taxation ? upon ' the property of non residents. Taxes for 1801 were- paid in Umatilla county a' short time sea ; t '-. ' ii 1 a . " Ipaelal Bxearaiaa Bataa. . ' Varv loar lltaa, tlckata aaat nltmrA by O R. A N. ADfuat 24. 25. September 1. 17, the O. R. A N. sella, 30-day spe cial sxoursion ticket to eastern points; stopovers (ranted (OlnR and returning;. Particulars of C. We Btlnger, city ttckat agent O. R. A N Co., Third and Wasb lngtyoa. streeta, Portland. . UHFAVORABL hot jju;:ciioo DISSOLVED -w . Wallowa Valley Railroad Com. -vpany Flies Answer to 0,": , R. & N. Suit: . " , BOTH CONTESTANTS -- CLAIM RIGHT, OF WAY Contractors for Harrlman Lint on Ground and Say Work to Ba Com menced at Once While New Cor- " poratlon Says It WlU Build. . ' f; ' (Bpaelal DUpatch ka The JearaaLl ' ElBln. Or.. Aus. .--W. J. Cook, prest- dent 'of tha Wallowa Valley. Railroad company, yaaterdarsfuad an answer in the circuit court at La Orande praylnf for tha dlaaolvlnar of tha Injunction xuea against his company on July II by tha O. B. A N. company. Mr. Cook has been In La Orande several days preparing his answer ; to the Injunction. It is ex pected that as soon as the ft R. N. company replies Judge Eakrn will ' set a data for a hearing. Mr. Cook claims that the X-R. N. company's -rig-hts have laosed and that he has secured rights ahead 'of any one else. . Besides the injunction xaeoi againsx the Wallowa Valley Railroad company two mora suits have been. filed against the new corporation by the O. R. At . They . pertain , to tha ralldKy of deeds given by landowners to ine new com pany. Tha Q, R- dk n. claims prior right to thlsyproperty. . While the In junction proceeding are being argued in tha courts, the O. R. At N. Is going right ahead with tha work of grading and fencing tha right- of way,- V ' O. B. ft OOVtTtVedhJ. Ths O. R. 4 JC. has let. tha 000 tract for IT miles of railroad to tha mouth of the Wallowa river to the McCab Con struction company of Seattle. The con tractors r-onthr tfrcnsnd -wlth"ov for of men and work waa commenced' this morning. v In an interview. Mr. McCabe said: ', . .' , '. .;' "We have secured the Contract from the O. R. N. to build 17 miles of rail road to the mouth of the Wallowa river, Wa have a force of men at work to day, and In the oouraa of a day or two we will have two .large steam ahovels and a. complete construction outfit on tha scene. The road will be pushed to completion rlsht away." . Cook Zs OptlmlsTlo. - Mr. Cook arrived from Lb Orande last nlxht. where he has been filing his answer to the Injunction served on him by. the O. R. V N. When interviewee; this morning ha stated: - ; I have not the lereourx.. out., xnat the WaUowa Valley Railway company will-be suooaasfiil In hawing a. decHlon rendered dissolving the injunction, or course, we will be stopped from any construction .work until the ' court' de cides the matter, but I am "Confident we WlU win. the O. R. N.'a time having lapaed on their former right of way, and wa hold a bond tor deed oa the right- of way we have pvicurea. - n is lust a case of "butt In" oa the part of the a n. N end it will do but very duntfiUiaz untU this suit is settled In the courts. It may run a great bluff as to what it is going to do, but when' it comes to actual construction work 'it will watt on the decision of the court. - ' "In any event, the Wallowa' Valley Railroad company will fight -tllsjCABS to the bitter end.: just as soon as the Injunction la dissolved we will go right ahead with the construction of enir road Into Wallowa county.1; We hava the capital to do it, and wUTt build a rail road into Wallowa in any event" , The skeleton of a human person waa found In the Blue mountains north of Elgin last Wednesday by a sheepherder. It is supposed to bo the remains of Dave Woodward, who perished la that vicinity some nine years ago. Be was making bla way home to the tollgate on the summit of the Blue mountains. - At that time searching parties hunted the moun tains over, but failed to find him. bat tha last' tracea. ever found of the man were near where the skeleton was found, and it is undoubtedly his remains. The relatives of the man, who live at Milton, were' notified of the finding, out no arrangements aa yet have been made for some kind of Identification. ; tow axoarslom Bates asATt. ' V On August St. IS and September It. 17. the Great Northern railway will sell excursion tickets to Chicago and return for (71.60; St Louis and return, ItT.IO; St Paul, Minneapolis and- Duluth and return, 30; tlcketa good foa going pas sage for 10 days; final return limit days; good going via Great Northern railway, returning" same ot any- direct route, stopovers allowed going and re turning. For tickets and. additional In formation call on or address II. Dickson, C P.-and T. A.. Great Northern,; Ry-. 121 Third street Portland. TEETH NO PMHj NO PAIN ; NICE TEETH We are the diacoverore and orlglnat. ara of the only reliable and aclentule system, of Painless I,ntutrjliWa X tract crown. All and clean or treat teeth absolutely without pain and guarantee all work for fifteen years. Our work Is the besteur prices Utslowsat con sistent with first-class work. EXAM INATION FREE). Our Plates are unde tectable from . the natural teeth and are guaranteed to St FILLINGS ..i...B0e TS4 cad f 1.00 GOLD CROWNS.,... 3.59 te 5.00 BRIDGE WORK..... 3)3.O0 to f 8.00 FULL SET NATURAL TEETH. 8)5.00 Open foe puglaess mmta e'elosk eeomlags. - . . Boston Painless Dentists BSlVi Motrlsoa St, Opp. BCatet S) FraAk . aad posaofaoa. HOURS : a. m. to t p, ra. Sun day. : a. so. to : P. aa. Dr. B."E. WRIGHT Tha SOI RaTITlO . OBBTTaA that KUevee all pais dental; epera ' Uona. w. . , 4av W3Jrtilar3ox Sa see. aevsaka, mmtwtrmit:vtt: i T ,' eases, cancer, paralysis, tumors, e ..aI, ii... nA iMnava. Ha He has sumption when ftie vioUra Is net a. 11 tin. la ia own medlclnas from Chinese roots, herbs, buds, barks and vegetable teas, all of which are entirely harmleaa, and whose medicinal properties ara unknown to American doctors. - He uaes in his practice over (00 dlf- -ferent Oriental remedies. Hundreds of testimonial from grateful pa tients, . - H, ,-. ; I .s .v.;- .-:-:- DR.-WI1NO l.eb :V. '- . 11 V0STS TOTJBTM '. ' .'"'''." 9MUaOM. e e - We treat successfully all private par voua and ehronle dlaeases of inkni also blood, stomach, heart liver, kldhey aad , throat troubles. We euro SYPHILIS i without mercury) to- stay' cured for ever. " We remove STRICTURE, - with out operation or pain, in II daye. . ' ..We stop drains, the result or self- abuse, Immediately. : We can restore the sexual vigor of any man under bp moans of local treatment peculiar te MMUllaa hoea ourselves. a .,-"." - , Wo "Curia Gonorrhoea In a Week ' The doctors of this lnsUtute. ere an regular graduates, have had - many psara experience, have been known in Portland for j years, nave a repuiauoa. te maintain, ana wm unaeriaae no cases ' unless certain sure ean be all acted. v. ananntai a cure in every case wal undertake or 'charge no fee. Consulta fina fraa f jtttara confldantlaL Inatrue- tWe -BOOK FOR MEN mailed free ..nlaln wrapper.. , , , 1 ; We euro the worst cases of piles In tloa. Cure gaarantaed, , - jfwoa cannot cal) at ocrioe. write (or , umo noura. f w t ana 1 w wunaaya anoj uoiioaya, tm aw . s , y : DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & C0. OfBces ta Van Hoy HotelV Up Third Street Corner Fins, Portland. Or. St Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary tthllsBairra. 0 POT CUB UDMK . Tsaasaads la Portia ad and ell seer the aerta. wsat eaa traUfy to ear grt d aaaiampled GONORRHCEA Map be treaded arltb-tbe graTsst sompucarlonB U nasbarraa or na proper or araavao. wa aaaa speelfte traatmeat which euree oaiekly, fely and salrjassiy,. ( .. . - SYPHILIS i: f&Zy- la SBOthar acaafred dlsee, the ravaeas of which whea fully dec loped bb pa eaa.daoerlba. Whea It ahewa by skla eruption a by sore la swath or throat It homVs ara slrssdy rB hly ei W eafaJy and tMeoagniy ear yes, so so mlnarsl potaons am employ ad. T 1 VaARICOCELE AND v HYDROCELE - We treat aad car, aot by tha old rgtcl procsdare, bat by a pa ml eaa method salaly ear Bwa.- Ws IlkewU wUl euraea aad aar raa the aofferlnav aaaodated with Debility, t Bta.haad. Imkoaaaev. Soarmatiinhn. Be. BsiaaTKmrastawa. Pramatars BmIIbb. teas f MmBary, Kaergy aad AmarUea m tb beteft-t time It can ba 00 n. ana wb ineara yaa a eaie aad posltlTS ai. , - .-.. coMiiiiion JOifiLmi f m Writ fat Symptom Blank and Bak tf Taa . Oaaae OalL Offles attnrl r 3 a. aa. tm I p. ,( Saadara, 13 t 13 aly. .' ... . - ; -y-r i Medical arul , - ' , . , Surgical Oa. Shot! aad YaanhUl Strawts. lrtlaa. Of. HAIR BALSA LSAM' OMaa Baa. kiaalt n i.i law s hnmrtai beawinaa the .Ban, Balr oit Tbfn7?oT aup aiMaam a wrr 1. 11 asp pa,.D..nva irwmt , SOWjTTJTO, XOlkXaTS ft SOw , r .. . (EstablUbed IM.,. - WaaBAT AFS STOCS: BBOKaTaVa. : aVooxa 4, Orroand Floor) ' - OatAJCBBB) of M'iBrjnoa. ' Hop M (av.. ,: Sulphur for Hops polled, a and nop A. aV Dispensary ;v ' We pay special attention to pure refined sulphurs in barrels or? sacks. Remember, the Quality of sulphur ybxi use has -much to 3(J with the quality of hopsyou produce. The Stephenson Co iia.i i -i i - . in i.. ai ia n .ana t amir Bketa unl-JJfi, -.'W- - 234 Front OVERBECICp STARR & CQOKB CO - ".. . . Members Chicago Board of Trad. " . v. y. -7 ' " OBAZBT, FBOYZSIOaTS, OOTTOB7, STOCES AJTD BOSTOS. , , ' v'. ..... lei Third Street McKay Building, Portland. Or. -, -,t n 7, '-poi po a Bt?mzoTa.T oOBtBnssioii vtsxX'"r: Coattnuous Market, by Private Wlra - JUton, beakers, and Jjnited ctates r:ai.---j i itji ci roruaria, : rtt;:: t tMseeeeo -4i I; Th3 CrCw;tCh!.":eS2C:ctcr LOCATED IN POkTLJtMD .SINCg jSSO He ie eallad great becaus he euree alf. ' dlaeaasas without resorting to the knife. . Call and have a f ree examination. Ha will ' ' tell you the exaot nature of your trouble. . ' He treats successfully every form of fa- rheumatism and has had rraat s all disorders of tha had great success In curing eon. l!, too. much run down by the 4 incredibly abort tlm. brews his eeeeeeeeee t0 - .';;'.'. ) In"" i,.. two or: three uaatmeata, without opera ' ..-'-: eruesuoa blank. 7 Mome treetment teffifflfiu MOTS CrOBTOBjaXOBA, OUBT, BroatMTBU. VAJkJMKJCWaB, 1VOMOM OOS, and want every man afflicted with thai sbove diseases to honestly lnvartigatai our anaclal system of treatment We inai i, ta. . 1 , . 1 , j '- ., . ' , ...;Jy ;y - CM ! ' Ma, F . 4 AT ' . j ' jT -J , CSpC- . 'y .aagVlTsatT. .. -i . - BIPsTT liTSei vice in partlouUr all who have treatedM I elsewhtcf.. Yfirhottt .wMm, n , whose; I eases have been abandoned by family); nharaiAtama and an-Ciallad aBBBJAXr4l I3JTB," all whose troubles have' beeiv aggravated and made worae by the use! of rnmun, rwmm uamwim, rmxAx TaVATCBhTTS and so-called SFBUUTaj ICS. Wa will explain to you why sucf treatment has faUed to euro you. and; will demonstrate tr your entire satlaeJ faction that' we 'eaa' cure you eafelyJ auickly and parmanently. Our eona. WlU cost notnins, anu wa w.m wv a -w as we would wish you to do by us I our cases were reversed. Write for ou home treatment if you cannot call. , The DR. LIEBIGSTAFP aad T, WlacJaBaVB3 Xonse, Sot BaWtbUshed im. .'.-' Every Vcssa IshaaaraaaS Bad ahoaM taaa aooni a woaoarrai Taa aaw Vafkaat fjisaja iwia. was SB a Jarnea. Haw nati I -mom ceBreaiem, 1 cannot surnly lbs' aia aojepa no but aaad alama far llluatratad booh wafca. 7t full partmulars and .llrectmna ta. valuabw to ladles. M It VBI, COX. BL. SSM IT.. ItW ow POM SALS BY WOODABJX CLAaXB A 00j- i a1 Scclt's S-:tal-Pc;s!i Cgsc!:: A POSITIVE CURE For In i a m ma tloa o Oatarrh of. ' rOatai laaaaad tha Bladder and Biactiterana uimaw aiai Bars. B0 0S38B aui l. klr and parmi I. imuaarai. van hly sad parmaaentiy the Af. Cares worn aaaa of siaaa. rweaa -, d ejiawo, ae autur si sow , . e1'4' U1 saagif kim sVfje)nR BO -mm- vt 1 n w- ... aw . V't - at ngataauirrg. Aspiaaiy - . uialaaa. Sold W diaOaTMS. .TKEMXTAl-rEFIIJa- Wasdsxa, Clark a Oa. t Cla'dder ttoubies. . i Cures In 40Hours mm UWNART DISCHARGES RachCapanle bears the oamaaW Refined, Crude. Buri Baskets' . ,.. '- y il Street Quick Sarvlca . RSFERENCES- Xahdd ft Tg.aiB' kr I-