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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1905)
--. t s"" SS ler tfat-rtau through to will a bbwh.- i SO page. X ceau; l peg ! Pl"r l i pgae. r dttorlsl Reaiav..., i-jf v" v. fcasloaae OtBce.... ....... ....Msla M ....Mala AM FOXXIOX ABTMTWM XIPXXSrXTATTTX. Vceclsad-Keejemls BpecUl Advertising Agency, V7UK."i. W Yorl Tribute. Build- tag. lUct rV- subscbiptxob batis. ' " .. i :: .' el, bw Oillta fine lxiir. . saadsy to- - r eluded ........--'""' " , eepted. . - , . .-. -Terms r -uu. : '. M Th injur - nrl th Klry Journal. Willi Itondsy. mouth. 8.TB Ths Dslly Jmrul. B months. J-" Tk. folj Journal, with Sunday, ! , The Dal'T ( month...... .j... .? fu Dally Journal, with Sunday, 1 smth.. . SO Th Iall7 Journal. 1 moots ' The Ssndey JonmsL 1 year... ' The tiUif Joarnel. HtM t.UU i.oo J Th ImI-WmU; land. j nrk lne. lUiiMmted. -full J""? M otM. ur erdrr- M n 11 mounU ar " P. O. Bftg 1t PortUn4. Orrto . r'i"v" 'i " 'i " " tla ra. - - , ' . - . . niirvf.. Want V.WI MBHBf. " WINNKAPOMH M. 1. K-Muah, u HonU Tlilrd atrt. . ... , ' "' nuAHWIlllUrd IloUl Ntw ataad; M-feaU ; BAI.T LAKB C'lTY-kenjra. H.t.l Nr. Maad; T. LOliHt-Phlllp Bodr. CM Urn tnri; am aft awa Allaa - . HAS KBaNt ist-O W. K. Ardlna. Pmw llstal Xewm atnaa ana vm atsrr .www ' r nlUi Bra. 8olt rt 4 fclnt tact N. Waaatlr. mnrrbl aowa ataad. eor ' ... M.rkM Hmtm atrarta. BRaTTLB Balalar Uraod Kawa ataad; W. L. -SroKAKK, AVASHINGTON-uaa Wr Onaaa TAtMA. WAKHINOTON Caatral awa Coa- -' pmir: Hotrt Taroma Kawa aland. . ' ; . Tr"rtBfA. BR1TIHH fOLfMBU TIctofU Blauoacry roaapaiv. - WXATXIB SXTOKT. i Ta plwiaBnan- baaTT f '. f rata taa fallwi a Jcon-lHa. Tloclda. diirln th- Ut W haora. Thnndrr atorma. with aarr rala. a-a accnrrad at St. . Panl aad Ulnio. aad rala.anwaUr llfht. U frportad la tha lower toaa rrfoi aod tha wilddla At . ' Untie tt-a. Ja tha ParlM wtttrm 1mr waattaf . aaa pro-alKMl. awpt la tnwanaad atmalry aad la aoathara Idaha. wf few aauU ahowrra : Taa t-maarataraa TTjtrr la tha laltad ' Btataa ai ararl Doril. , . Tha laalrattoaa arc for fair wHir la hla '' dlMrirt tool-Kt aad Snndar. It will b waiwc s Suada- waat a the Caacada aaouwtalaa. ' Wrddlaf Carafe W. O. Balfh Si Oe.. Waaa. Inttaa hldr-, eor. ' Wwgrth aad Waahlata ata. . . Clr. U lwa atract. a daaht-r. . ErtceKTB Aaan.t S. to Mr. aad Hn. ,' Otja M. Etferta, Eat Market traat, a aull- ., f aaa - -1 kUXrtrrr-iJnlT ,'fa Mr. and Mre. Jaawa . kllMuff, 4f TlUaBMok mt. a daashtatv KMWHT Joly IT. ta Mr. aad Mra. A. L. Knliht. Ml WIUIatM ar-a-M. a dau-htar. i TKDE'RMOH Jalr . Mr. aad Mra. C T. P4-rana. aao Eaat -Teath atraat, N., a aaa. " L VON July Id. to Mr. and Mra. Lao" a, 413d Mlaa-aota a-aaaa. a aaa. , i . BOXERAu-ovt 1. to Mr. aad Mra. Ahraham floirr. SWI Baxter atreet. ana. SSAXEB. . ' MACK Aarnat X Louts O. - Mack, ' Sfed S " - aMHitaa. fX Twenty-fourth street; causa, eat illloeoHUe, - Burial .at Mount Calvary f " reatetery. . -" " . - : PIt'KEKS Ausnst 9. Mary PlcksBS, seed 28. at St. Vincent's boapltal; caaac, tobercBlosla. " Burial at Meant Calrary oetaetery. ' CONSEB Aaanst S, Mary Elisabeth Coaner, U i aajed 1 year. S7T Portland boulevard; cause. c ' - cardlaa aetbemla. Burial at aUeeretew came- - M VifT A W-Anfrast S. stand Tberssa "ITTances Mctlrsw, ssed SS yesrs. 25 lAncnli atreet; - . ran.- phthisis. . Burial at Mount Calvary i ' Mnaterv. . GI.AKKE Aufnst 3. Catherine Olafke. ated Th year. 3Z7 Eaet Nineteenth atreet, N.; : eanee. heart dlaeass. Bnr)al ' at BlTerricw ' MOBBIHON- Aat I. Mary A. Morrlsoa, ated i . - M years. True Michigan arcane; cause, heart ' aiaeaaa. xannai at tuesreiew eeasnery. " aMTUt wrwuy CMIITIBT. - Slngl grass 110, Family lots $78 ' to 1 000. Tb a air eaawtary la PortuBd which nernetuany maintain and cares for lots. Pot rail Barorniariea appiy as er. k. aramn, Woresatsr block, eity. W. M. Ladd. prealaast. Tb Edward Botrnaa I'ndertaklng compeoy, -rueral directors sad- smhalmarsv - S20 Third street. Phone SOT. I. P. llaley A Bon. funeral directors ssd embelssem, eoraar Third aad Madlaoa s treats. Otae ef eeaaty eoreaer. Telephone Mala S. Puaeral wreath and cut flowers a specialty st Ross City Oreenho. Tweaty ssosnd aad a mw momn, sxam, eeassterr. , i. Clark Brra. for Bower. Morrison street. wrnLunra pxudtb. TltiMEN OP WO0PCB APT August 4. Women . or woeacran. ouramt for Mil, earl Tester end Tenth treet: cost. S2.M4. VJBA'E B"Angut ,-t"etT Btaer,' barn, comet Tailing atreet and Oraad srennei coat. IML , BAIBKKTO August 4, M. Balberlo, repair s To awaiting, corner ruts ana Bberldsn l streeta: anal, 11TS. , - . .. w CONNOB eVnsuat 4. T. O. Connor, repairs to ' cottage, eoriier Mat rarreata . aad i Beech PI LLKN Agnt 4. U Pqllea. rensle to dwell Ins. IIH MtcMaaa arernwr cost. 1500, BROWN AagTMt ,. J. D. Brvwa. repair to reeioene. mwsji jeeanp aaa s arret t 1 streets: cost. S100. . C1LMOBB Aagust 4.' C. W. Ollmnr, fowl has n Minnesota aeeaae, betwsea Maaoa and sinarer etreeia; con, jaaj. ; BXaU. MTATX TBANSrXBS. A. H. Herd to O. W. Can, north H of . ' lota 10, IT, brack t. CapsM addltloB. . 87 ; V.-3. i . rauiaon una nosonoq an a. . ( lenaehea ct el- Ms is, M. SB. SS. block T. rolleg t,o0 O. B. Prestos et ai. to a. iiawettt, S4 aerea la eecttaa ll..townabl 1 soaXb. . raara S eaat I 1,401 Tb 1 Itle oaaraatee st 7rut company to ' K. Butler, tot a. btock , North Irving. tOB .,-,...... r...,...iii.f.vi1 H. P-qnlr aad bnsbaad to P.. Caswell, ba in is. block d. OoMsniitb'a addl- tloa . ' TM w mi iicbtentbalar to asase. aa divide 1 IS Interest In same 8S0 " 1 W. I.trhteiirbaler to aarae, all ef sane d.sta) ' H. B t-irr.naa and wlf to K. Shaw, lot S. bbtrk d. ftavensaroed 82 ' 1. nenbatm et al. to M. A. Peel t al., i ai la aecllona S4. &. taWBahlB 1 north, rang I east....-......,.,,.. J.80S W. P. luourpeo t el. to B. W. Morrill. . lot t. I le.heiott Oatama's Mtrl . Home anbdlvretoa na. a, eectwsj jo. lownaalp 1 weith. range S eaat.. Sot to c. A- M-rlll. Ut n. si TOf . ,m neemn ai usi nnnr .H f H Wemme. lot 1, brack 84. city... lS.Or) . i. Ilafcn e al. to A. 1. BladMnb. lot a fclAca- fL fltalfhaaai lsnd rcaiinaa v a s H I ice I tt had wife t J M. McKlaney. ' . . .-. , see and wife, f). I. C. aectloa i ' t i ervablp S aerta. reaga I waat.. s. . J Insit Israel i meat company t Cc t. MarHa. M . btark S, Iraahaa T. J. b-wlit aad Ua to C. Lary, duxAO mat. Brciaun- la aorta iiaa or riauo- dara. eii rat wrbt of lataraactiua ( . Bnrrh Una of riandara aad wat liaa M raty flr-t 7 ,00 Taa Alllaaro Trnat coapany," Ltd.. ta A. Wttorhorf, tract J, Orvror'a adlltna 1,004 L. Hnau aad haahand to Mr. K. C. , . . : . Baatataa. luU L 2. blorh af Par addl. . 'Uoa, 7..... A. t. Scr-oa at al. to C UalTaraun. lat XI, blurk M. Alblna.... .. Poa-ka to 42. U. Aatit-y, hX S. blavfe 1, Iioaaka ..,... S.0O0 'i.aoi oa-riiT ia ai. n. ataraa, h acrra in. are. . tloa 10, towaakla I aorta, ranaa t tul .S - Oet year laaaranra aad abstract to real eatau frsaa tha Title Gaaraatad Traat Bane. ChaaiHer ef reaanieree balMlna. FOR. SALE 'J ' . ', '' ;;-'('' A IxC V v Uicui H TUHMtatk sa Alter, ' . 'S ' . Apply to "-' ,;; ' SOMM BaVXBT, SS4 Stark Bt. . TEA CRESS XXAMIKATI01IS. . Kotlca la hereby alrea that tha enanty aaper Intemtent of Mnltnaniah manly will bold lb ranlar examluattmr of apullraata for aiat and Mwaty aapera al uhm acaoot, .eorner vi Park and Madlaoa treet. Portlaad. Ortfoa. t OK HTATPJ PAPEKM. ' CnnoMBClBa: Wedoea4lar. Aaanat . at S a'rkxk . am.. aad aaeitlnalna aatll Salarday. Aucuct IS. at 4 arlnrk p. at. Wedaeadajr penmanabls. hlatorr. apalllnc. al ee bra. readtar. arbuol law. innraoay written a run met le, tneorr ar teaehlaa. aTammar, bookkeeobMl. paalca. ehil soeeenaaant triaay Phyaioincy. seocraiiay. neatai axun etle. emnpoallhin. ahyalral rencraphy. alttfrday Botany, plana roomotry, (eaeraj bbtory, Eacllah llteratnra, pTrbnkry. , FU tWiHTr-fACSKa. ' Cnmavenrlna VVedneanar. Aucval 0. at B 'elork, a. aa., and contlBvlna aatll Prlday. Aarruat 11. at 4 a.'rlnek a. nu rirat. aeeoad and third Irrad eertiricate.' ,i Wednaaday PeBBaBahlp,'hltory, ortbocravby. nillnl. . TlinrtUy -Wiil tea arltbnwtle. tbeary of toaehlna. arammar. pbyaloloay. ' rrtday Uancraphy, menu) artthmetk. aeboal law, aiTll ce-eraaieat. . fallal A at x 'DKallFH Al rn. t Wednaaday PenDUBahln. onboaTaphy. arith metic, reading. - THuraday Art or qaaatianins. toanry ci. teadilna. philoerary. . Applltania lnteodtna; to welt here and aaea paper araded laewkera ahonld amir permta alo fmaa their eoaaty auperlntandent before tha bealnBMaK af tba examination. B. P. ROB1NSAM. ' . ' . Onnntr- aanni Superintendent.' XOTICX. CXITTD Bute Marehal'a Notice. Admiralty KM cure, Cllatlua. United Htatea af Aawrlra. IMatrlct of Orecoo, a. Whereaa a libel has beaa Sled ta tba dkatrlet eourt of the United His tea for the district af Orecoa ea'th tweaty-fourth day of July, ltOo, by Wllllsma. - Wood aV LlnthleoBt, proctnra aa behalf at ba Charlea P. Bcab eonpany. aa llbellanta. , la eaaa af can tract, (clill aad maritime, attalaat tba ateaBubip Toledo, bee tackle, . apparel and furnltur. and araylnc the aanal proceaa aad monition of th court, that all ae-a-Mai Interested la aald aleeajahlp, her tackle, apparel, marblnerj aad furnltar. .' may be cited to appear and answer the . preailae and all dv neoeeedlnaa a la had. that th aald steamship may be hrred to he : aald aad tba proceeds thereof attributed .-aeeordlna to law. Therefore, la oareaaBc af aald uoelrloa aaoee ta aeai or to ea la court, -io aia oi aald areamehlp called th Toleon, her tackle. apparel, atactilnery and fttrnltar. to appear tinw wv mm in xHiuri, in mv nir vi i i land, la aald district. a lha fourth day ef ' September, ISuK. next (If It be a court day; ar else aa next court day thereafter) at 10 o'clock Is the foreuaoa af aald day, then aad there to eawwr the said Uhel aad to make knows their allettatlon ta that behalf. 'Dated at Portland, ta aald dletrtrt, this tweat--eUtb day of Inly A D. Iff. . CHARLES I. REED. I'nlted "Btatss Marshal for th District at ; Oreaoa. . . WlLuAMfl. ; WOOD USTHirCM.. Proctors for the Charles F. . Beab Cea aeay, Llbsllaats. . . irPHB PMHl ajijm CfLXUf '.ttMAiTrKrr PertUnd. Oreaoa. Aairuet 1. . 19o6. fie led proposals la triplicate will be reeeteed her aatll 10 o'clock a. at.. Paclfle time. August IS. IMS, and tbea opened, for tamMilna 1.900 tons hay aad S.6TW toas oat at Portland. OresoB. tor Manila. P. I. Inforasatloa ami btonk BropaaaU . furnlsked at bla office eu awpllcattoB: Tba Ualted Btataa reserves th flaht to accent or reject any or all bide it any part thereof. Envelope contain In pro pnaalB abeeld he bidoraed "Proposaki for bay sad aato." and sddrrsaed to Jess M. Baker, Captain. Or. Mr., (7. 8. A. NOTICE OP STOCK HOLDS ItrT MEETING The annual meeting of the stockholders ef th Coeae d'Alese DeeelepoMnt Compear, for tb elect lea of a Board ef Directors for th ensuing year, aad for th traneacttoaj ef such ether baalnees as may regularly eome Before them, will be held at the etSc af the eoaeBeay, rooms (01 to 04 Chamber ef Coej. mrc building. Portland, Oregon, ea August T, iStO, st 10 o'clock a., a. i OP.OBOB P. HOLM AN, Secretary Coear d'AhuM Dots lop uisul Com pany. , PortUnd. Oregon, Inly Is. 1S0S. PIAO NOTICE - OP- XleniJTOB.--Notlc- t hereby given that the undersigned ha filed bat final account aa executor ef th lt will and teetament and estate af Sophia Morley. deceased, la the county cottrt af the state af Oregoa for the county of Multnomah, and that saM ennrt baa net tb time for tb hear Ing of on lection thereto and tb settlement thereof for S o'clock p. m. of Wedoeadar, , .th SOth day ef Augnat, laflS. la tb eourt tomu ef eald court, st Portland, Oregon. ? . Uat of first publication. Jnly 20. MlOfl. ' WALTER MORLET, Executor. THB ajuterstrned will receive sealed bids for tact of general mercbandkn) located at tied Rteer. Orason. smountHic to shout sao.oon, including store fixtures, ap to Monday at IS 'elork Boon. August 14, 100B; cash deposit of 10 per cent of tha aaeount nf bid moat ; neromoany each offer.'' the rlabt being re- . served . to reject . any - and- all -bide. The - property may be Inspected at Bond Hirer, and sn tneentery may be seen at my office. - itstsa rorttand. Oregon, tain XRtb aay ot Juiy ' 1BOO. B. I.. SARIN. Front and Ankeay sts. NOTU'B of Stockholders' Meeting The snnsal meeting of th stockholders of tb SnlllvsB Extensloa Mining company, for the election ef a board ef directors for the ensuing year. aad for the franeactlno of such ether business as msy reguiariy come nerore intm. win n heM at tbe efSee of the eomoanr. room 501 to 504 Chamber ef Commerce building, Port. land. Oregoa,. August 0. 1S0S. st S o'clock S. m. OROR0E P. HOLM AN, teretary Rulllvaa Exteoalon Mining Company. Cortland, Oregon, Joiy gs, istu. SPALETI Mas will be received at th office of th school clerk, city hall, np to 13 e clock M.j on M'mdsy, August T, 10f, for plumbing and dralnas In the following school btilhi Inge, m:- Muaayalde nhenl.-Htepben acben'r Plan and stieclrlcatloa can be seen at ,th cnoot cierx s ornee. - a certinca caeca ror Ail nee eent of tbe nmnnnt of -th nennoeal mast accomnsnr tb ame. The- board of schoot directors feeerrea the'rlght to reject gay aod all bids. Thomas J. goaee, architect SEALED bid will be received at the office; t . the school clerk, city ball, up to IS o'clock M., . en Monday.. Augnat 1, lOXiS, for painting ana tinting ,tbe following wucol nuiidlngs, - Tit.! Tba high school, . tbe Couch school. ' SneclScatlona .-ess be sees ste the nrbata clerk's office. A certified check for Bu per cent or tbe arsnant or trie proposal must ac company tbe nam. The board of school director reaervea tb right to reject Bay ana sn dm. Taema 4. Jones, architect. SEALED bid WIN be received at th ofSce nf . th school clerk, rlty hall, n to 13 o'clock M "w. ..,m.m7, anwj, I . if,, T inpnin ' n.. classrooms and wardrobe In th Rtepben scnoot pniiaitig. ruin na apeciflcatinaa can be seen si the school clerk's of Ore. A eertl - Sea check, for 0 pee eenr of the eraount -nf the proposal must accompany tbe same. The board of echoo directors reserve tb ngat t reject any aad all bids. Thomas I. arcaitect. NOTICE Where my wife. France D. Earl. ha left my bed sad board without any eaus , or provocation whatsoever, 1 nerehy notify - alt parties te contract so debt with her er extend any credit to her on my account, s ' I will sot bs responsible for any debt credited to her from the (1st day ef 'nlr, 1. . O. YfKAXU TUB . MILt.KNNIHM IS COM I NO SOOSJ. bUTVATIOVS WABTXD M4XX WATFI Poaltloa by reliable married man: 111 take any kind of boneat works held p. ertlos It l rchlraa for 17 rears, bat desire loeat la Itreeoa: ma fnrntab beet nf rttrr- . ancra. Addrre SS last Tntk.t..i . - 11 " - - ' " " ...VTM L. --LJXil-TTT - Wf i M , . , I ,, 1 I I 'EZ M .' , I H - ... ' . .... , . Ill i m ' l i r ' a rVVZBAX V0XICI. LftHKRWtXiD In thl city,- Aagust 4. 1905. Ueoree, - - (iaherwoed,- aged no Tears, g month and .17 dsrs. private Company P. Seventh regiment. New Jersey Infantry. Fu neral Monday, August 6, toon, st 10:30 a. m., front Holmaa's. chapel, corner Third and Sal a . streets. - Prlenda respectfully Invited t attend. Interment ii. A. K- cenxtery. . .. jtllTtwQ etOTICEB. ALBIXA lodge No. lot, A. P. and .'. A. M. Htated communlcatloa thl (Batnrdayl eeealng - at S .11 OB M. cordially - Invited. Bywder W. M,Jt . A. J., HANULA.S'.' -' .. Becretary. SUMNER- W. B. C. NO. SI. meets tb first aad third Saturday or eaea monin si a p. m.. In I. O. O. P. hall,' cor. Grand see. and B. Pine St. Minerva A. Pierce, president; Ida M. airaaan, oorrcarj. lost in romnx. KXXP wajfTZD-JCAXX. ALL DISEASES ef mea successfully treated; discharges positively cured to rroa a to a fay; cuoeultsttoa free and atrlctly conflden lah send for our symptom blank. -X Badinm Mcllcal Institute. Allaky bldt. 1 uiro mU'i atorrlaoo ., rortiano. mmlm LOOGEIlS AND CONTRACTORS. ; - Several guod aecond-hand engine, sultkbl for logging or hoisting purposes, to be bad cheap. lor farther information aAily. to P. D. Kaettaer, Astoria. Or. . . STATION MEN. rock work"-good prtcae. sew work, tot ot it, aid cuts, an winter, eaevera Oregon; free far. Particular at Hansen's Employment Office. ' SS North . Saeoad at. '-- ENERGETIC sdvertlslng aolldtor, dry: liberal pay. - Call 10 a- m. or s p. , m, aia vre gnalia Mils ii i 1 ' 111 WANTED Machine men aad caMnermaker. Oregon Farnltur. Mfg- Co.. 10 Macaoam B A rtRETT'B DetactlT School Last eta a fog tola term; reduced rates, sui aiuay bios.. MAN wasted to work on farm, need to driving big teams. Inquire 3Z3 Aolnglun oiog. WANTKD-(Flrt-clea hotel runner. Hotel Deutacbea llaaa. 4S4 Morn Bixta at. BOY wsatedx to rn- errands : leara a good trade. 71 H Morrlsoa St., room A. PORTRAIT ageat wanted. Call at 33 Ssumd. XXL WABTXP TTIf ITS WANTED 100 gtrla to mak overall aad hlrta; Instruct ions given t ineipenenceei. Apply Neaatadta Bros., Standard Pactory No. 2, cor, Eaat Taylor and Urand ave. HANSEN'S LADIES AOKNCT.' SASH Waabtng- tna St., ror. Seventh, upstslra. rboo Mala 3oVf- Psmal kslp wanted.- - WANTED Family ' cook, wage 140; . second girl. J3: anhurbaa home: must be capable. ICWlsj.Vamlilll. Phone 5413. . WANTED ttlrl to take ear of children and help In store. . End of Montavlua car line. WANTED Ladles' clothes I ro tiers at Paclfl laundry, Klrat sad Arthur sts. ' WAMTEPlfdll An mil HELP. WANTED Lsdy er gentleman of fair educe tloa to travel for a firm of f2M.(a capital: hry ft. 072 per year end expenses; paid werhly and expense advanced. Address, '-with stamp, 1. A. Alexander, Portlaad, Or. WANTED At one, a bright, energetic, pre- sentsbl-mss or woman, a good talker, to , take up aa attractive propoaltloa. Inqulrs TSS Chamber af Commerce, S a. as. HELP wanted and evjptifled. mat er fasjste. R. O. DRAKE. 2iH Waahlngtoa at. aay 44S. SmjATIOHS WAlFIiiALX. MIDDLE-AQED lsdy. Beat honaekeeper. would like the cere of a first-class bonis . for : widower. T 41, care Journal. GIRL would Ilk light bouse work; a cooking. Call at SflO Hood st.-- - - - - - J-.XJCTMTMIJTT AOEVCXS. ' HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT 0FFICB. FOB MEN. tS N. Second St. Pbon Mais lilts. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor eeatre tors: help free to employers. IIS Moerteoa. "VAH TIB MISCtlXXXXOffB. IP landladies - of reaper table morning h on era will leave me tueir card (with price of rooni! 1 can send them quit a few guest; bo fee. Dr. Woe ley Benjamin, tba foot ape- ' delist. Heeeutn, eor. Stark. WANTED Mors epraylng sad Wbltewesktngi th only a sol I as eomprened nlr s or alas eutflt on tb coast. M. (1. Morraa S .. SI -.MllwankU St. Phone East MIT. WANTED To bny a boras about L2W weight, to work on s farm. E. Lindell, I mile east from Setlwood P. O.. Mllwaukle Bout No. X WANTED A bora for light delivery wagon for car dnrlng winter. Mt. Hood Casaaajg Co.. Ss7 Ankeny St. Mini BROS. . SCHOOL "BOOK S bonrht, sold and exchanged. Jobee' Book Store. l Alder t. F. 1. BTDER. printer. Second gad Wishing toa sts. Phone Mala SIMS. WAVTXIe-OIsTTts. ' WANTED Agents and salesmen for our Little jium t Hn Tmmtmm naleitt nemllnei heat thine not. something new- and sells on sight: rata Verne and sample cents postpaid; wholeeal eii-e to. agents. ..Nib-Icy. M. O. C.Box SO. Hhlrley. Ind. . A0ENTS can make Sin per dy selling oof "Uenrisrln ' to farmers: It scw. It rivets. W bars th bull by the boras." Ws , manufacture them. feud stamp for rata Ing. T. Foot tw., Lo AagclM. CaL , A0KNTS WANTED T sell sar superior kirk grade anrsery stnek ) see ssd anmptote eat fit famished free: tush weekly I writ t. any for choice af terrltoTy.. " H ornery C., Saltm. Oregoa. Capital Oty fy speciaj arrangement with Wadham & Kerr Bros. . HE JOURNAL hat secured a large quantity Qf their, One ot which, together with a Booklet of Recipes. will be given with each 1 (-cent cash want ad. inserted ; ;Jn either The Daily or The Sunday Journal, , Overwhelming testimony proves the Economy Jar to be the ideal jar for domestic canning.- So high an . authority as Mrs. S. R. Foster of Salem, Oregon, who -was awarded all the first prises at the Oregon State : Fair for her fruit in Economy Jars, says : - "They are a ' "SURE SEAL, EASY TO OPEN, and I preler lhem ' to any jar I have ever used."-' v - : . '.:' . JOURTJAL VANT ADS "Are "Economy" in Renting Rooms,. Selling Property,! Finding Lost Articles, etc-y-the rate is 8 cents per line each insertion. '. --fC'-':- ; y'V'ff.i ' BRING IN A W WANT ';AD.''AND GET ' AN . h- ' V,'V "ECONOMY" FRUIT JAR. . ' r . Wavrrzxi to turn. WANTED To rent nicely located hem Bear Portland, with fire ortea cres, miltabl i for poultry raacht near car line pre t erred; state cash rent. Address T 48, care Journal. WANTED By tba month, ane ar two famished room, kouaekeeplng privilege. Answer S . 42, car Journal. WAwnD-atAX MTATX. WE HATS BtYERS POK TBS FOLLOWING: On stock ranch. One -Bases cenrraL Income peoperty.- Tbree waat aMe dwelling. Mut b good Taloe. Owaara eoly., . ' AVIEKICAN INVESTMENT CO. 323 PaUlas .bids.. WANTED To boy er rant residence with mod- era Improvements, conveniently sear good Deb it echooL Address Mrs. P. C. knapp, -Camp Peck, tBleerslty Psxk, city. . x e LOT ' wasted: must be close In city: state . locstloB sad price. Address L 4S. Journal. WAWTlOV-rniAWCLBX. fsno IMMEDIATELTsa 14 tmprored Iota ta t leverdals; wiu , pay a per renu o o, Jearaal. . . , ' . POK aXBTHOUSTxtSEPDIB - BQ0MS. POB -BENT Furnished boosekeeplsg-room ta best, brick block a. east sloe; gas rsngre. bath. etc. , , bo trsaslents; price bmi Logaa Wk : lOSNb I'nlod ave-, . OCT. , Alder. - Phone Uatoa S3SS. - . Kl ' PI a WBir.BBenlaltel aooaal Jos prlvllrge. Cs H. Plggett, lawjer, awaar. Phone Bead BOO, d Malkey Bids. lag aaweaw e, , n ' hath, aa and nboae: arto. SIS.. Ul L'nlon r., comer Fremont. THB LINDA VIST A. aleely furntahrd bouaekeea . Ins aad ajegle jciims reaseasble. 3474) Ftfti. HOUSES POB MHTtrmBITTrBX FOB SALX, POB best renalta a . . puaNrnrBS. Whether to buy or sell, ring ap Mala . POBTLAND AUCTION BOOMS - ... .'a Mil First at, . Pl'BNITVBB of Broom son so for sale; central : Iocs t Ion. cheap rent; price SSOOi will paJ - to iBveetlgat. SS North Park, cor. Darts. THB furniture ef a T-eoem houae for sale; a enap bargain. - Address B 48, care Jonrnsl. BOOMS AVS BOAXD. PIBST-CLASS room aad board far permanent , -people. $22 50 and ISA per month ; table - hoard (4 per weak. Astnr bouse, Tth and Madlaoa ata. Tsl. Mala S231. r. Trs. sre ran aceoinmeoete a tow seor table boarder; beane rooking aad Try thing Sre . class. Astsr Bossa, nerBta ana ussibsb. Phone Mala axel. GOOD boarding place In country at reasonable rate for remainder of summer. For particu lar writ 8. B. McFarland, Brr P. I).. Gas- toa. Or. THB Lindell New family hotel. Market, be tween Third and Fourth, ateam beat, electrt light, pore lata bath, sxccedlngl low rates. eas fBVtKOri.MBt axertdtsBt charges t . at a ing -room la coe aeotwB; prices right. Car. 14th ssd Irving. sneul writs hneeA fa nt taoaara. . reasoaabtet Srst-clasa home Sixth st. cooklag- 3 WANTED 8 mom steady boarders st 403 Wil li am are. ; Pboae East 17 W. Mrs. X.- Me. Enter, POB XXXT PAXXX. 110-ACBB good paying farm, etock and machin ery and 1(M bsrveetod rrop for sale; very clca to city. Oerner, ITT Sherman. , pob Biypr orncx-xooMB. 0PPICI-BOOM. for rent. sooad Soo Oosd Bough bldg. Apply elerator. - POB XIBT XXAX ISTATX.' TEN.KOOM bntldlna stors. with S rooms: cen tral, near boalueas district. Inqulrs . SOS Psvis at. V" "( "';v'' YOUR : NEXT ' shopping v; trip ; ; MAY COST YOU ; T , A FEW DOLLARS v ; MORE THAN IS NEC- , f , ESSARY IF YOU DO NOT READ ALL v ' OF THE STORE . AD-'-'' . VERTISEMENTS IN N 4 THE JOURNAL BEFORE YOU START. POB OOXIB.. POX BEAT a rssm furnished cottage, I steep ing rooms, doe to fair, rant low, pasaeaahiB Immediately; everything farnlahed. Inclosing Uuen bedding, dlsbea, etc.; It's a bargslu; occupant leaving city. 70S Sartor at. FOK BENT Aa entirely modem bouse. 1 block from two car llnas; largs- batbroom, tiled; ' hss furaace, bet water heater,, wash trays, - gas and sbMtric light; Urge lot. A, jC, hruMx, Bid Williams see. POB RENT T-roooj new modern bouse, cheap; East Tenth -and Cnruthera sts, .Sea ewaer, ' 314 Foerta at., ear., alalasoa. . - $15 FOB BENT New Broom seeders cottage, . 801 Kaat Nelaoa st. Pbona Dr. Darlings FURNISHED 4-rosm residence. 810; fratto, . gardes. Vrs neb rets, . TS Sixth at. - 4-ROOM cottage tor rent. Call 681 Bverett St., Bear Sixteenth. - '-'. POR RENT ( room cottigtu-JJJKL. B3 lory sts. " , Mal- T ROOM bonaa. farnlahed. Inantm 80S Kerby at. POX XXXT TTXVIXXXl) X00XX. THB ROTCREST. 17S . Twslftb St., corner ysmhllt-Jnat opened; exclusive rooming ac commodations; bona ssd furnishings entirely new; elegant suite, with hot sad cold water, fin bed; also single room; will rent a "-"1 -' 1 -ii t in" rrl people;' transient solicited. FURNISHED ROOMS Make money ant ef your- ewn friends. The liowland. Bret -e laea roonjlng-bouss. Twentieth and Washington. , can accommodsts a fsw more guests; bring your friends snd receive 30 per cent of their bill; rate 60c, TCrn aad 11; tree baths, tree 'bus from depot. COMMERCIAL HOTEL New building thing asodera throng hoot, beaetirsllr far. a 1 shed; roosas Ugbt. auaayt pleaty ef fresh as sltois suslaim qs fslr; prlcee rssstmabls. 4S8 Washington- . THB HAMANN, IBS N. f8th.eer nert Newly furDlshed room. 81. B0 ap; eosveulcnt locatles. 18 mlsutes walk to fa or aroani car at anion depot direct to bona. Pbon 8470. THB ALDBRB One targe, nicely- furnished room; alee small stsgls room, teclndlng " bata. Fveaa Msla 1881. SOS Alder. Bear BUth. THB ANG ELL'S, ear. Sixth and Jeffersea ata. New sad nicely furnished aultes sad slngl rooms i prices reasonable; free pore lata baths. MAROCAM HOUSt 14BA Stk R r slngl; beaeekeplng room; gas stores, bath, alectrle lights l traaatoata asUeltoS. - HOTEL ItOKTHKRN. Twelfth and Marshall-. Meely furnished bouses ae pi ng -room from 818 per stoBtxt snd ap; free phone aad bath. FOR RENT letrge parlor, suitable for X with or without board; cheap. 483 Willis m sve. Pbone Esst 17M. Mrs. MoEatee, NICB newly fttmlabedroomr electric light; In walking dletnci'8S svoBth.-, 130 Kaat Eighth St.. corner Alder., j . - NEAR' fslr, t urge frost 88 for 3. 613 344 st, snd Tweaty-flfrh, S3 for 1 cr Twenty-fourth THB ALDER . 436 Alder, nicely funtabed . roomer convenient location; bath, free pbone, - reasonable rates. - ONB large unfurnished -room snd kitchen for nooeekeaplng-. no rntiares, - xio n...i2tB st. Ber Lovejoy. - - FURNISHED rooms. 80c. TSe sad 81 an. tleth and Wasblastoa. He and sold bath. . The How las. . i FRONT parlor for gbatlemaa el reSnsmsnt whs wishes room Bear tb aeator city. 681 ' Xeerett at. .,.',.-. THB OrnTOrtBV-81H Savtoe St., furslsbsd I BBdsr sew . asanagasasot anoea ra TOURISTS' Rooming Boreas; room Is best y parte of city. : 401 Teattt St. - fhon stain LA ROB furnished houekplng rooms. 8734 Eaat Morrison, cor. L'aloa av. . Pbon East ' 87(14. ....'-.- GRAND Roomlng-Hous. 484, North ' Third - Farnlaasd rooms; gentismss; fi.iw srssg Bp. CHEAPEST aad bast located rooms ta PortUnd, af ae 1. ae,A am. ailtnaa.. giraft and AlAae ata. TWO girls, rent part 4-roora furnlabed house. 8 ssch par mootn. pea rovtria, alter . . CLEAN, newly" furnished rooms, 60 fa . TB . per day. 108 North seventeenth st. TWO Isrgs room with kltcheuv private family. BB1 Bverett. near. Sixteenth. . .. THB CASTLS 873 Wssblnatoa roeens. Pboae Msla 1878. at. I turnlsbed HOL'SEKEEPINO room. Fourteenth st. " gas and betb. IBM PTJRNSHED room. 80e bp. 6404; Wllllani see..' roam 4. - ' - " , POB XXXT ST0BXS. eaear'eese' 'e'e'e'v"' . ew,eae-i PINB corner stors. Twentieth aad Washing. toa; large plate-glaae windows; mak Sn location for druggist.' Donald 0. Wood ward, 348 Stark st. ' ' FOR BENT Stors fox Br); as grsssty. Westora Impertlng Co.. 188 Fifth sf. POB BEXT ICSCILLAXtO-J. FOB RENT-rnfuralabed, tbe finest bosrdlng bouse or fsmlly hotel la Ssata Barbara, Cel.; 'SB sunshiny moms; Iocs ties unexcelled: fur Bare, gas and electricity; 4 new bath rooms; clotbe closets; bouse enlarged, modernise . and la best repair; rent 810 per Bxinth; ref emacea rerjnlred. Address Owner "lalamar." Mr. B. M. Hoberg. Santa Barbara. California, P0R LEASE loner laor. 70x108. aesr peatofSce; modem, elevator. Seat, drees C 4B. car Journal. Ad. POB X1XT CAXFS. 8KTLAND. -PortUnd Height Th best located camp grousd la tb city; SOO feet shoes ' river;' 1.1 minute' walk, ear 3 blocks; fl ap. Mala BOBS. TOB XIXT PtATX 1XOOM flat, second floor. . rbone Mala 4M8, -,,' 178 Sbermsa sL CIGAR, 4mfiivtlo.-7 ud te ct-mm; 9 llto rwHM, t4feM, tw rent; ir't Wtxiu". ..1 . tea, I nUB aSeWeTSA. SBAUASdl maVittf XUff W an.laulB eii Hi Country etore. brick building, la eonnty aeati rent 3b; doing big buetoesaj So.vlOtt. - Country slur, oa good trading point, doing fllmX bdalneaa s year; .000; will chana for good farm. . ., Aay of laea will stand tb clnssst Bvostlga- . tlbO. ., . " P. PITHS. 1484 Plrst St. '0 BALE Aa etUblUhed well paying bual seea la a growing towa of central Oregoa! will rent the present building snd enlarge to 1' suit. Hem la aa opportunity fur a baalnees maB to sstabllah klmaelf la a rAotOly graw Ing town wham turves Is ssssrsd. In.ulr et write W. U. J., at iournsl sfSc. fur ' particular. ... , . ; r - SHOK UTORB FOR HA LBV Nice stock,- Invoice . . a. . . .. . . ,. . . . 1 1 , . K 1 1 . h B. 1 aorot ei.ow; rtiii uue, wits w, -----; living rtN,tna to war; rent very, tow, owing to 1U health ef owner, must sell st onus f cash, or will trade for Income property at mvolce pries; no bonus. Apply Oak. - ALL D1SRA8IUI of man successfully' treated; discharge positively cored 1b from '8 to B daya1; conaultatlou free end strictly eeos- , deutlsl; send for our eymptom blaug, X Radium Medical Institnts, AUakf bldg.. Third , ssd Morrlsoa sts., PortUnd. - 30 BUYS or aella 1,000 buahabi wheat or 30 - . , . . . , L m sin. iv, raiiroaa iiwh, w Me - - 0U0 to 616,000 general merchandise stars, good town. The Clark Grata Out mission Uev. 3US McKay bldg., PortUnd. . . . HtWkU I Vll.Hm :H1- 1. WMithara. nr.: 23 saitattis lot hotel) furniture ana Bxturss u -rinded; for sals cheap -on reasonable terms, or exebang far ParUssd properly. Address Bog 817, . Woodbura, Or. , . ... i- CIOAB sad confectionery gtore - la heart of . business center ef -city: fine . wide front plenty work fie- two: spssks for Itself: come see It; only 400. TbomssoB Manchester, 78 Sixth -st, ' - .'. '' FKEB LANDS IN OUKOON. FXRTILB soil, purs water, delightful rtlmatej Uad of alfalfa, annles aad clover. For full Infurmattoa- addreas tbe ColumnU Boutbsrs Irrtgatloa Caw, (US W arose tee blk Pseuena. FARMS, wheat aad timber toads, acreage, el ty , property;, timber and homestead .locations; business chances sod Insurance. . . TQWc-BSND. MAXWELL CO.. KB Aider at. Pboss Mais, 123. BARGAIN Tba best stocked cigar, fruit sad confectionery store In tbe city; rent 8! 8 livliig-ruume; must b sold st mies. Call sad mass offer, M. Calof, eVOSk First St. WANTKD Man; big soring boelneeer expert - encs aaneceessry; mouey secured; guaranteed , BOO week; Investment required. . . Csll eUStt Morrtoua St., room L. . , POB SALE flakery, conrectlonery, Ira cream, . fruit and cigar store, la country town, doing , good business; price 81.800.. Address P. O. ' Box 440, Pendleton, Or. -. BO-ROOM rooming-house, nod loeatlou, - aood lease, eassp rent; fi.ouu, asm asu, er win trade for- tores- er vacsst PortUnd prupexty. R 84, car JosnrnaL .--. . - - - - A B AltO AIN 44,300 will buy a business comer tot ouxiuo mat will pay lu per cent noove all taxes sad Insurance, i. L.WmIi O)., 84 Orsad a vs. . v' POB SALX Old astsbUsbed grocery stock; must he sold at once; causs sickness; price 81,000, er will Is vol ot. Address owner. SuB liarrlaon at. , , '.. . . '. ' 1100 PER month straight salary to man with rronx fo.ASJ SO so.taaj; . snvwatjUMnil ssaaisu by real estsUL splendid open Ing . A ddress H 40. JourasL . . I1B0 TAKES a light . manufacturing bualneea; BC eooipetltvout can n worsea si Basse; busy all the time; so agents. Address f 48, JoBTBal. - f... .- - - . . ' FOR SALB-s-Reat market In city,- nrlc Bl.HOtS, beet locattoB, best display; It will clear -ou par month; must sell. . Address S 8Ui-ssr journal. - - e-e mi 11 1.t: Hotel aVitns s sood must be gold at once; price. 19.000; part cash. W. U. Beck, 807 FalUng aids.. - 11. 10O CORNER saloon, seat skier Al Wcsttoo, swsu iixturee; giou casn regiaiev. b-mai stsrax. Ions toa: 826 trsd. 813 Plne st. WANTED A xper1enced market maa to bay . half Interest la best paying market la city; Inveetlgate. . T 48,' ears JoornsL . FOR SALE- IALE Bakery snd grocery with bskefs rraorttifo-rteap raBtrllarar? cash. Addree S 47. Journal, x - 8B00 CONFXCT10NERT stock snd fixtures for sale cheap.' James Cunningham, Arleta No. B, Or ..goa; take ML Scott ear. 800 WILL kancfl a IT-roera bouse; the bsl- sncs can u paiu nt io iwr awaiai gevu swvav Uoa. Phone Mala 60M. WHEN looking- for a locate-m, either city or country, call os tb Northwest Land Co 368 . MarTlesa stn room 311. FOR SALE A tmsp, 4 -room rooming -bouse; set . Income 820 per year; price 8300. Bee owner, 80S Harrison st..., . . .-. , .. -. ;.; , v. RKHTATRANT Good location, cost T00 sU for hslf pries; s snap. . Address B 45, ears Journal, . J' '- "... -'' 0ANDT, fruit, ststtoseiT aad cigar stors cheer,; must ssll, staving city;, mak a offer. SU - Pins st. .. -.- - FOR SALX A bakery doing Srst-clsss bstlness, . 61.3B0.- Apply Asdsrson A.Allen. St. Johns. FOR 8 ALIO Fbo furnlabed morning -kease, at a bergs la; clears 2u0 month. . SZ Sixth st. MILLINERT business for sals; good trade: well - established. Address S 48, care JoornsL FOR SALX Tarn Halle barber shop. Owner. l73Vfc Fourth St. - Apply WHO IS M. O. MORGAN t CO.1 SinOCXX BXS0BTB, POB BBRT 4-room not tare, completely far Blehed. at Oceea Park, Wash., for Septem ber, 630. H. A. KUtata, car ot Marshall Wells, Hsrdwsrs Co. - - . COUNTRY CLUB INN. BoM -River, Oregoa; - Sn oak grove, goed table, epriag water. toscl. boating and fishing- bow opes. POB SALX XKAL XBTATX. CHEAP, , NEW HOMES IN,. EXCELLENT - . LOCALITY. (33fl.-Sfxl00, small , hooee, : B0 cosh, g mnsttaly. J . - 11,400 60x100, 8 room house, 8200 eaaa, U monthly. i4l,Aoo BOxIflO, f-rstw modem, boas. I30Q fain, gib monthly. J3,00 B0xX, B-roots house, overlooking .Wil is met te i-lrer, , s beast, 6400 . esss. M mxmtkly. ' . If yoa wsat a good boms of any six gad at tbe right or Ice. see r. , FT-PUCH.-t4 OOOD-HOUSES ON INSTALLMENTS. 4-ROOM. bath; ) casb, 810 monthly. - 3 B-rceHB cot lares, ha the, basements . In -"-earn: BB00 cash, $M per month each.. B-roiMa cettsges complete; 8B00 cash, balance ' to wilt. . , 6 roomi. 3 lotst 8S00 cash. 816 monthly. All of these but one sre new. ' .. ' Also very desirable residence tgbt block . froot ateel brldxer 8 rooms, Complete; grnnnils . liw feet squsrs. trail kept snd beautifully ornamented. ,'..- 0 RI'SDT -MELR ATII CO., - i 345 H ' Morrlsoa SI.- Room 13.' ' I' . 13 ACRES. All cleared, rich land, 8 acres bearer dam nnk land), spring water, within 800 feet - of Oregoa City car line. 3 ml lee , sontb ef , Mnwaukle: could he subdivided into lots or acr treetai price 89-00O, ssny tarsi; would , U on hajj. fjaj.ji.rjoo, . ., f .J.i . ..' . AMERICAN tNTXSTMENT CO. Phorj Msla WW. .2X1 Falling bWg. ' T -4-we..-V a'SJ.... J(. SC. . J . . v PORTt.AND HEIGHTS. Six tots, rrminisnfllns good view, 6rV4 Six lota, coram and lug beat view. 81,000 ssch. ssch. Ws believe these are the cheapest snd belt ' tots on tbs Heights ar tn the cllyr all front .. Ins on car' Itoei rosy terms. fi . front AMBRICAif INVESTMENT CO. , Phone Main WHi.- - ., 23. PaUIng bldg. WIIX buy you a kt aad build boeeea to gall hi any part sf the dty. f AO cssh. f 10.00 month It, gees I 400 borne. ' loo cssk, 1150 monthly,, gets . "etl boms. 1W cash. IB. O0 monthly,' g ts 1.00 pome. 3M) rsh, ' 2n.fK monthly, gels l.M home. !U0 rssb, 'ilA.nii montlilt, gets ; J '") home. Boo cssh, ' 15 W monthly, gets J,iF0 home. If ynu I re Infereste-d ere shall be plcsee4 to ale, rou; no et;ene for plena nd stlmatca, I Jt"e ikiis nt;iieLtir.u 1. v., lM1 lint, cor. Alder. . , ., t b'--ai V aiinil as. BU; t I . t e cr boat W " 4 - '-. ftfav).- , ISmW al-B , as k.... s A - . a . 1, .-. ... i. . . ' sww. m ajtaji 4 48 Bra-. W t.V Ss Double eu. 1 ee Houd St.. rent 6 4. LT"8. . V 1""0 os . 5. st. neec AsksaA ksirs. 1 oa We- , ?60. . BirTolU"0.0". ll bOrt0m fos OumBterciri Block. , Pbsa Hals tSSS. ,.; ... a. SALR. ' v ft ' mmm "- to oresr Bad ; a lw,0"' !. Jr' P -n; prtees frsaa J1.000 to BSOoO; , e- .was la Savsvsl v bouse for sais or v.,.1 sxenang for vaoaet ktol J'ao rscsnt lota for saw at Bee view, if f i T " b"s for rent la - nffr U-oa vVuusto . lesck. 80T, tbe Paulas'. ' 82.TOO TUB 1 MULTNOMAH. Hollsdsr Park. tiat oompleted, 8 Urge xuoma, balk, cloaeu, chins, CU,,I'V: 'Xrt"a Plumbing, modol pantry. ... wood lift, fnll ussemant. part ooncrst fkwr lnalds esllarway. large attic, eosld he mad Into roe ma; evsrythhig necessarr for a per fect home; owner solus swsy. R, F; Han, toy. 3aa Adams. Phons East 3048. SPECIAL esa week snly. 830 acres lead east- srs Oregon between Bend snd Prlnevllle. lying ' between the twe surveys ot tbs proposed tall ' road snd Irrtgatloa canal, being east H sst--' lo" J-tlt ewuth. 1 asst.- 84.00. per sere; a auap u talteu at once. Inqulrs aUaVB Stark st city. . . 1.',. . . 1X800 8 ACRES well Improved, an la Sue . fruit, fair buildings, d block trass sr , lln. eas be bought oa eery easy terms; ta. mediate possession; will take part la real aetata. - CaU 1074 Third t HOMES by th acr. 81 B0. or lot 810, 3 tulles from city limit; electric line, statloa ea tb - property; no gambling bouse herei torma ot sale, writs for then? Suburbea Farm Co.. . ' Blllwaukle, Oregon. , .' r- - WB hsrs some good bargain la city snd farm . property tbat ws would like to tell vow, about If yoa are looking for a location. Northwest Land C, 300 Biorrtson, nom 211. FOREST . RKSEkTB SCRIP FOB SALE As- proved, Unrestricted, ready ror Immediate bi .kwt prices, X. F. A PB.. Bllay.8oi. . Chamber pi csa FOR SALX A 8 room bones sa Msruusm Hill. ' veiy reasonable; finest view oa earth; favl ' place for ebjekena . and ; rears. . Phone tbe owner, llnloa laoi. .... . . ,.. POR sals or sicbsag for bouss snd 1st, small fare, 16 acres, sll la cultivation, a miles ;. froot Portland. Address 8&S Kaat Plrst St.. . M., Beer Weldlsr. . 8V76 FOUR-ROOM boost, beeemest. bath and pantry,.' plastered and painted; fine lawn,, street Improved. CaU 837 Kaat I2U at.. X. IDEAL beme. Iocs tad la ML. Tabor ea ear ltnet . T rooms, bath, barm, let 100x100. all kmda ' fralti close to chool. Owner,. 138 Third gt. SALS or lease, 10-room bids., greuad BOxU I Joining bualneea sec tins; real brings big est sb money Invested; must ssU. 60S 80x100, ad later. Davis. FOR . BsTiB Modem euburbsn sottage, etnas . to car tins, Sne locsUon. grossd lOOxlOu. -; O. W. P. Towns! ts 0s., 184 First St. , 308 FARMS, small tracts and total bargains on " " a. ihcuk iow. v. ae. asHiwa, lainis. Or. Taks Mt. Scott ear, Be -n ....... . . POR 8 A LB 6 room boas, sjes coeastr Ire), , weak.. aiusi a nsxysin it tsaen Bt sxves, - iau 1 cast soot.- Mrs. X. Downing. ' . A SNAP Twe lot for sals la g thriving coss. - 1 try town, ebesn; eas boar's ride frsm Pert ' - Und. Pbone Ontoa 803. FOR SALX er sxchsnge, 114 acres Improved. . 1A miles from MoaUrUU aatllas. Isaslrs wner, 414 Belxtont. Bl.eoO Nw B-eeosx ea esr. Oraad are. age -'sad S rargs lets SeATsT sL See owner. 8700 NEW 8cosm bones, plat tared, painted, . brick baaemeat, 1st BOxlOO, WoodUwa. Pboae . Scott-1346. ....... .. . -. . lX0X..,XAIJ'r - r4wai Bewtavoa en Jntem. eta. Inqulrs Bsl Xsel trait Sixth ac- FOR BAUB--t and I errs tracts near esrtlne. H Bill MUwaakto psstotBa. C K. Ballard. 6-ROOM Inquire U B. , Mania vlUs oar. , Remington, Bos DESIBABLB reel deuces aad lots, 1 side. Apply lereaooBS 448 Third ATTR ACTIVE home. B and a rooms; bati aa. I anraWMCy. 10X3 Front sL .T . 3H ACRES ss St Jobne line, suitsbl tor pUt , ting. Owner, 888 iuatoa st. - . . c. CHOICU ttmbsr-etalsas aad Chamber ef Oommevce. - TOB TOB SiXX-CTCBXS, ' CKRTIPIKD scrip, Immedlat delivery, low set prices; tlmber-iand bought and sold. W. 4a, ' Howell. BUS Chamber sf Commerce. , TIMBER-LAND WANTKD 1,000 to 8,000 seres adjacent to Colombia river or ether suitable atresia. . B.. B-r cam Journal. . . v POR BAXB aTtea hsmestesd rstlnqulahmest claims: seeond growth; will pell sbsag. .. H. ' P. Nlelson, Hotel RhetnpfelB. POB homes tea da, timber -cUlma and fsrmlaadg ses A. X. Matbsws Co 8314 Morrlsoa st, room- L Portlaad, Or. . .. . 40 ACRES Umber-lsnd, Tamhlll eoaaty, S300. Apply 880 Mississippi svs. , Pboss Vales tBoJ 000 PEKT. ' 180 acre, ea Nehale-m rtveri mak after and taks it. S 6X cam Journal. POX HOMKSTBADS, tlmbsr eloign sat sorts . apply to 808 Commercial blk. MRS. HOWE'S BULLETIN Oood tevwood. cleas ssd dry, resdy to cord, st 83.60 per ' -cordr oak gad Sr at cut rats; brick far sale ; cheap; erprees for hire; bouse for rest. Pbona Ualos ITS, or 13u8 Eaat M via lea at. BILLIARD AND POOL tables toy mat at ta . sals on esav nsymasts. i ' ' TUX BRUNSWICK-BALKS OOLLBKDSB CO. 48 Third St., Pertlaad. WB print year asms oa SO cslllng cards, srenaf . slss sad style. 35. 360 bualseee eards. 81. ' Brew BchBWli ale, 338 first, Portlaad, Or, ; WOTBN-WIRB and apbobttered ebts, damp store, ssmraorks and camp furniture. Pa dBo Tsat 4V Awning Cs., 37 Xertk Plrai, - LAUNCH tor sals, lengtk S8 feet, JO H. P. es . gns. large carrying capacity I prlos sr . cheap.. Address H SB, ear JoomaL CHEAP Lathe tog wood turning, foot power ?nooj eonniiBTm van vnaaw. - -. wenty-ela-hth St.. North, FOR SALE r trade Motor cycle ta t-ood ec. dltlon; one Biiiciimoea-; sargaia. mvyt a care Journal. . rt - "- N0TR for 60BO, drawing per cent Interest! will discount note floS. . Addrsss B 48, cars, JourpaL . , 1 TELEPHONE brackets and pins, ptoaeer We4 Mfg. ". ' X Seventh. - Pboss Eaat 8108. FOR SALE SmHk Premier typewriter, slewed new, reasonable. Address A 46, Journal. FOR SALE Rquab-breedtns ' bom Ing pigeon. . 1347 Wllllsma svs. Pbone Scott 1318. CYCLOPEDIA RrlUnntcs, 81 ols., 838, at tba Old Jbstk. Store. - 3 Tamhlll st. ' ' DIAMOND 'A beautiful t-camt stud, ebeapl . 6100. ..Address B 41, cere Journal. ' r THB H. AI.BrB CO. Second-hand mactlnery, ' eswmins,. etc . wmnu ave. rOR SALS Fins. S-monthsold ,e,ersey ' klfrr calf. 61. 11 TB, rare Jonrnsl.. FOR HALK Smith-Premier tpewrlter, S3p, H. a .1 . tax b1m. -, NEW hoeeebost. I2t24, nicely fnrnlshsd. - Applf Leeds, foot of Mill St.; - 3 YEARLINHS tad t good BiUcB coweev 121.1 Kaat II a Is st ' v ' 'GASOLINE lannch for aale. Ibons l'nlon 121. TO XXCHAX8X. .' t ROOMINtl-HOI'SH wanted In etrbang for good , rests nrant: good business. Call Ml Upshur St. TO tXCHA,StllC SeversI good .osse ta tba clly for axuell far ma. 311 Allak bldg- TO EXHIAMjE Ileal estate or mining stork . ror OiamoBO. m1'mmm a varv awnH. . ATT0XXXY6. OlIKtlON LAW A COLLECTION ICO IT Fen- .tea block. Collections made throng bout tbs t.'olte States; be nkruptcy matters s spsciertyi bed tenents ejected; rent collected ssd gen eral . law , bastBsssi aotary psbli, , . " r