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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1905)
i.iuL.OtJJI UIJ8 iiu;:iotcEEi I: eU Vancouver Transportation - Co. mwm. tattan c i-aii. uamor an1 ruak' ananip W. tau and fcvaa Umpli liyrr ..- ( NATlCrUL LEACUZ. f i '-t to V erere ta" ty the rttie litttiet 4 if t l Anie ...lettteeei a I. V CIonda-HeUrad Twlrlar Given No ; At5ltanc fn Hit Hard Work ; Ajtlntt Oakland. ' t RUNJCLE AND M'LEAN ' ,' .v. CHIEF OFFENDERS Commuters, Secure ; but ; Four Hit but Manage to Rush Five Runt Acroea the Rubber General Plajr- ' ing of Portland Away Off Color. ' iflMaUl Dlssatca Ik JeereeU ,'. Ban -Franlseo, Aug. The Portland team played maay acboolbove vnt.Hi afternoon and dropped an- Tmk. niM'ta ihi Comrautare. Esslck waa' in the boa tot the vlaltore end pitched a a'plendld same, but . We eop : Jiort waa et eueh ."poor character that it Waa Impossible tor him to win. -wiok hald lh Oaklandera dean te four vu. '. mi v mria ware ' made . The - work of the, vialtora waa awer otX color, i Jtuirtclea and McLeaa . errore being ' mostly responsible to the upaet. Hogaa - was in good form for Oakland end hald ' nrtin4 down to flv scattered alts. " m dl which wars made by Ata, .. The cores OAKLAND. ' '. ' . AB.HB.rUAi. .: van jiauren, si. j Pranoke, .. . . r e 4 , frunleavy. if. ........ I j - KeUv. Ib. ... I t e -a e - a Hoim, p. o e i Icvereau, Stanley, a troll, rf. .roil, rb ......., " . . - ; r - - ; Totals . . ."J.'.'. i' J 2 4T 4 s e rumuuiu. ' 4its, ee,..... ...V. 4 i J, !; ! ' 1 SlcCredla, rf. ........ 4 4 ! 'lamlng, if. . . . ....... J J . f I li Householder, ef. ..... a J J ,J T I Van Buren, lb.. 4 ! "J McLean. an. e. .... J " I ' J ' J a a a, lb. I , '.! ale, lb. I ! I cat nunk JSaflck, p. Totala ,11 1 I S II , SCORE BT JUNWaS. nd.. afrij jtf J5ri ' Portland Hill . Oakland . Wits 0 e a a a w "" - 8UMMART. ; Two-baae bit Dunleavy. Baerlflca hit Krugar. - Flrat baae nn arrori Vtrat baa on struck out Br Hoaan, Is by Kaalck. M Hit by Dltehar Houeaholdar. Tlma or ymme One hour and SO jntnutea. urn plra-Bray. - - - '- -7 - r AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. Vout. .. II '."IT.: . - it ": r.c 1 It It 'Pltlladalpble . . ....... .lie .IIT Clavaland - &m JTork 41 .111 OB- .'.-l.-4-.YlfHI.' II " , talrolt aattlnvton At Vew Terk. P. Loula , -J JJ - BUar1a Nawton end Poware; How- .y. ell and Bugdan. - ' - v ; ;,- ... - Waahlncton ..... .. i .. t t t m.i...n . I le I s Battartee Owan, Walah. Smith end j Bulllran; PatUn end Klttredg. , , ': J"- At lledelphle ' - ''!;' Flrat game . R. II hj , ph tUdelpbla ......... i ......... I 11 J ti.Hi t , .e e i ' Battrla Donovan and Drill; Plank end Schrack. ; ' Sacond game . .- H-. H. 11 Philadelphia. ......,......1 , I . Ptrolt . . 4...:........ij....a 1, Eattarlaa KHaon and Clark; Hanlay and Barton. At Boeeam. R. H.B. .1 ie i Claraland V tlnatAH . ......... -.- i 4 . . .'. . Battarlaa Glhaon, Dlnaan and Arm--truaUri Farry. Joaa and Bualow. , t"ACinC COAST UAOUE.' ' if ti CLCga - )u(U ....... -Oakland ...... eta rrtsfto. i of .TM 01 IH TirnM ... Tortbiud Cat..... ei II . .000 1 4 101 'W Tlgare Win ea WtU Threw.. ' ' ' ' , . 141.1 1. , - Tacoma Waatw Ang.' I.-A fluke- won i.fhe game for Tacoma whan-. Row Hltt - made a wild throw. aeorlng-ha-only . .run. 'The ecora: , r '"' R.-H.K. ?aa Franclac e--0 I 1 acetna .1 0 9 0 t 0 t t I I Battarlaa HI tt and Wllaon; Emaraon - ead Oraham. , Umpire Perrlna. ;,.'.' ,Thee for stweehee. '.'"TTi ' ''. . " Qmutl gpattol ItI.) ' Saettle, JVaah.. Aug. e. The Slwaahae ' ' made It thrae etralght from the - Loa 'Angela team yaetarday by taking the WlU Saea Ik . . Bmlilli Wftt IC K2SDS A GUARDIAN Tke leslane ataa wke le tea eeey ta bjet efter hit keUUssd smoesl eieasrt a raaralee. t eotif deaeVeff snd reUlBf heir t ftaeeatfe sis I4ae af lease Lataa weaa l-i- alen lisii-s WlU weete H nSsars,L(a NEl7DElO'S: rte r-t Won. . II - IxC It w PC. .711 .111 .111 .lot Nw Tork 0 -,. Philadelphia ,. IS CKkiio 4i : Ctnolnnatl . ' 41 ' et. Iula . ...i. ...... 14: 6 Boaton . , II -, It Brooklyn II II ' a ,I7 .104 At Obiaaare. . swum .. ...... . ... Chicaao J 4 Battarlaa Lund gran ead Cling; Willi ead Morgan. . umpire johaetone. At rmabanr. v' ' Plttaburg ,. .... Naw Terk . ..... . if. t .i i i Battarlaa HUdabrand. Lynch and and Palta; Amea. Taylor and Braana- han. umpire Bmaiia ana Bauawlua. PORTLAND AND SEATTLE ' ; WW TO PLAY LACROSSE Portland end Seattle will atrlve to win tha laereaaa game tomorrow.- Thare la no lov loat between tha two taama end thoae who anjoy the gam know that tht maaaa a flerea contest Leeroeae la a gama-that trlW tha enduranoa of the etrong end ewlft. and for excitement It fully- equal tha great, national game of thla oountry. Where Americana play baaebell. it ta Jaoroaae that the Canadian eonaider their national game. But there are many good teams on thla aide of the Una. and Seattle la eonaldared one of the strongest of thaee. Follow tug are the player - v - The Portlands Sanderson. Hyatt, Porter, Campbell. C. A. Stewart, McKay, Jennings, Hawaa, Hamilton, Williams, Dan McNlooll and atcDougalL' The geattles McDonald. Torka, Williamson, Oreene, O'Brien. Wallao. Hall, Milne, Hagua, Cameron. ,MoCenee and Oraham. PUNCH IN STOMACH J :v ' ; BEATS RUFE TURNER Cfeataal Saeaial Sa ' Saa -Fraaelaco,. Aug. I. With e etlff right punoh to' tha atomaoh Jimmy Gardner . last night knocked out Rufe Turner, the muchly touted ' Stockton fighter, at Colma. J Tha ehlna only ehowed to 'advantage In the flrat two round. and after that., It looked pretty muoh like Gardner all the way t the finishing punch. It waa one of , the boat battlee of the year and lota of money changed handa en tha raault. Turner hae Vonr been hailed aa - tha worldbeater in the lightweight dlvlalon, hie frlanda offering to back him against Brttt or Neleon. The deotalva victory ovar tha. colored man place Jimmy Gardner In e claea where he le entitled to a match with Brltt or Holaon, but tt ie doubtful if he can do a weight that ill uU BrUt . Gardner had el) he lwanted to do to make tha weight re quired ror Turner, ill pounda. '. SPORTING GOSSIP. Oaoar Kerrigan and Freak Frteeeel were reprimanded yeatarday by Referee uiuvaa ror stopping in tne iie-yare hurdle raoe, allowing Lldga of San Fraaeieeo to win. - 'Sullivan aay that tt waa tha erudeet thing in amateur athletlca that he had ever aeea. j Tig all very wall to be pleasant, when your jockey and horses are fast; but the man worth -while lovthe one who can am Her whew his favorite amblea bom laet. rz Goad Cheer end Blissful did not bring any of tha happy feellngr that their namea Indicate- In yeatarday race et Irvlngton.. : .-. . Barney Dreyfusa. president of - the Pittsburg baseoall club, yaaterday with. drew complaint against J. J. Ward, whe recently assaulted him, Ward apolo gises. - ,vv. , - ' ., , .'. . ' ' ' ' -; - " !'.. AC Ogden. TJtah. yeeterdar. W. K. Samuelaon of Prove broke the world'a two-mile record, dorng the dlatanoa in 1:41 l-l. which te four Sftha ef a. aaoond natter uen tne previoua recoro. -t In the prellmlaarr golf toomsy ye- tarday at Chicago William Fairbeaka, tha Pacific ooaat ehampion, and R. L. Macleay ef Portland defeated Hunter and Bmeot ia a hard-fought fouraome. and t ap.- Fairbanks flnlahed tha II hole la Tt. '.-., According to trials made yaaterday tha ' new motorboat Juat built ' from Herreaheft .plane la the . faateat ever Manager MoCredi haa slaned for the inneld a new man. named I -Hoffman and he will be bar with tha team and play Tueadajr nest. Acting Prealdant MoCredle of the Pa- erne Coast laegna. ee predicted last week in The- Journal, haa aeleeted J amea Mo- Donald ta umpire la Portland ta place or. Bray.. ,Thls la good newe- indeed. Jim McDonald la ea good ead ee fair aa umpire - aa aver handled an indicator. Ha waa a pretty sick maa for awhile but ha fully recovered. .... . - Jack Clifford, the well-known light weight, aa taken to baseball again, ac cording to new received from Oakland. Cliff ord'e right name ra ,Trenbrth,. n4 ne at one time played with the Salt Lake team. He has bean signed by Oak land end will probably play an second aa that le hia old poaltlon. Clif ford ta a hale young fallow and slara nan witn a. vim, All the ' dope'that can be ' found Hoffman- la with the Montreal and Des Moines oluba. Hla batting average In gamea waa .11 T. At Des Moines. In the Weeters league, he batted .11 In 111 games. - He played shortstop and his fielding avarags to 111 games was .111. Save Mb tee taW. let V tIiHi ' - rrUW Tt aftw him. . At kit Mtit ef eenerar wkh te .a H KewWe'e BpMo akeeM ee e. It earyt sad felUas saw as eaaweyhiej tWe - mrnmTh 4tNI taj asaaarsg. liurl fiUmlM IH.umi. . MERPICIiE Harry 0. Smith Classic Goes to J Tsnny-Florts' Gslding in a-;; ' )Psculiar Racs. v.;' -Y ' WATERCURE DEFEATS - 2 5. nV" FAVORITE BLISSFUL lVo(ue's Ride on . Good Cheer Waa Not ,, His Beat Sffor-JaabelUu ' Had eny Backera but Waa Badly Beaten Story of Day's Racea. Kl Verracco and 'Alenooe " were the only two favorttea that won yaetarday at Irvlngton track, .Pure .Dale, Good Cheer. Matt Hogaii end Bliaaful refus ing to-deliver the - good..-. Tha crowd yesterday wae tha largest of the week and the play at the. hooka waa very heavy. Tha real thing on the card waa tha Harry B. Smith handicap. . It waa tha fourth race, alz furlonga, for t-yaar-olde and upward, the value to the win ner being tie. ' Blghcapaedy beraa were enured and . the way that they kicked up tha duet waa pleasant to see. The real wise ones picked Good beer aa tha pi and played her acroea the board, up 'and down, sldewlse, length, wise and back again. On aooount of her hard journey a few days ego tha talent figured that aha ehould euroly win r terday. So they played her. Five mtbv utea before poet time word wae ecat tered among the few that Good Cheer waa not out 4 win and thoae who knew what the tip meant were not alow ip betting on Toupee or Sea Air in order td protect their money. Startr Mulhol land got them away in good atyla, Pha lanx ehowing in front, Toupeo aaoond and Good Cheer third. League dropped Good Cheer book gradually to aUth po aitien. from where aha was unable to emerge, Loagu keeping her well be hind the bunchy-Phalanx made a great effort to maintain flrat poaltlon, but Graham brought Toupee up ie the home atratoh with e terrific rush and won from See Air by a length, Conreld get ting tha show money, being beaten by Sea. Air by only a head, l If Good Cheer haa the apeed that horsemen claim for her, then Loagu ought to get wise. and make more of an effort when rid ing favor I tee. League la auppoeedUo be a good boy; now let hire get out and show what he . can do. H was called before (the - Judges- for hia rida on Almoner, end It would not ba amlaa et ell If hie riding, were scrutinised every race. , . , t.- - Blissful1 failure to win in the teat race, being beaten by Watereur at 10 to L caused many to pay their own ear far back to town. Bliaaful wae picked by those who didn't play laaballlta. Watereur being overlooked, while Plx ella carried considerable coin.. There wae a tromeodaua play on laaballlta. for what reaaoa no en aeamed te know, hundreds of dollars going up on her crtanoea at I to ) and t to. 1. .' Water our got away In front, but at tha half mile poet Graham ' moved Bliaaful In front, increaalng hla lead to three lengths at. the atrateh. Watereur waa oomlng along at a lively rate., however. and at the homestretch Bllasful'a back- era began to foal that their money bad hew, eat until the -wire, was wlthla few lumps, bat - Watereur had tha strength and shoved his head acroea fat' front. Dia mante oomlng In for tha ahow. Isabel llta was fifth and DUelle wae fourth, both being unable to gat to ths fore. "In the first raoe ;of the day Great Mogul ehowed great apeed end had no difficulty in - beating his field. Pure Dale, the favorite, being beaten for third place by five lengths. .Though - . Charlie Bchwelser - was thought to be a first-class bet. he waa badly beaten, flnlahlnr fourth, XI Ver- raoco sopping the money. In the third raoo there Wae nothing to it but Alenoon. Herbert simply sat on ana let aim go, winning pulling up. Mabel Bates waa a good second, a post tloa aha deserved. . . - Ia the fifth The Lieutenant made mincemeat out ef Matt Horan. Bountl ful and Rodolfo, winning in a driving nnisa ey tare lengtne. Srummary of areata. Flrat race, alx and oae half furlonga. eelllng Great Mogul, T to I (C Wil liams), let, first; Paul B. Jonas, place 1 to 1 (Rettlg), 14, second; Little Adele, show t to (Loague). 19T. third; time, 1:11. Pure Dalar Bert Jones, El Principe, Resigned. alone end Urbano flnlahed in the order named. . Second race, alx end oae half fur longs, selling; El Verraoos, 1 to 1 (Loague), 101, flrat; Dr. 8harman, place I to I (T. Stewart). 101, second; Holly Berry, show 7 to 10 (T. Sullivan), 101, third; lrne, 1:11.. Charlie Sweltser. patay Brown, sir Christopher. and-J, H. Bennett flnlahed in tha iwdar named Third raoe, fire furlonga, sailing Alenoon, I to i Herbert), 10. flrat; Mabel Batea, place even (Loague), 107, second; i.ignt or Day, show 1 to I (B. Powell), 101. third: ttme. 1:01 ' Brls- etta. Lady Minora.' Bill Short. Trentard and Tart nnisned ia the order named. Fourth race, , alx furlongs. Smith handicap Toupee, T to I (Oraham), lee first; Sea Air, place t to 1 (Wright), 101, aaoond; Conreld. ahow I to 1 (T. Stewart), 101. third; time, 1:1414. Toe alaw. Phalanx, Good Cheer. Rstelle J. vyhiakey King flnlahed In the ordef named. .... v Fifth race, alx furlonga. selling Th Lieutenant, 4 to 1 (Hoffman). 101, flrat; Luatlg, place even (B. . Powell). 107, econd; Rodolfo, ahow even (Loague), 101, third time. 1:1 Matt Hogaa Boonttfut, Metlakatla and El Chihua hua finished In th order named. Sixth race, mile and one elrhth. atn. tngWatartrure. 1 to 1 (w. Smith). 10A first; Bl Issf uL place I to I (Ore- ham), 101, second; Dlamonte, ahow T to 1 (Loague)." 101, third; time, 1:SS!. Dixelle, laaballlta and Merwan flnlahed la th order named.- at Saratoga. ' . (Jearasl Special aerrtee.) i' v Saratoga, Aug. . nesuus or races UiiuIImi el lnrlAaaa.Jrfv A won. Rose ef Dawn aeeond. Incantation third; time, 1:11 4-1. Five and one half furlonga The Irishman won Klnley Dal second, Ru bylat third; time, 1:17 1-1. : ' , one mile Hugo won. Lady Ellis sec ond. Batlendlan thrnft-tlrav 1:41. Mil end en eighth Lord of the Vale won. An Revolr aeeond, .St. Bellaoa third; time, 1:14 1-1. ... Mil and three alxteentha -Leila won. Hippocrates oeconoV Gray Led ..third; time, 1:01 t-l. ';-.,.. rive end on hair furlonga Haatoa wont Bauble aeeond, Dodlnda third; time, l.:0t. . '. ''' .- .'. at,. OatheeUss Begs, . (iearaal rectal sarvtee.) - . St Catherines. Ont., Aug. I. The first aociatloa ef Oaramen wa held yester. day and paed off without excitement nd th evente war practically faaur-!'" Representatives of Local Club Show Good Form in A. A. U. i'. Track Events. :;"'r',:: PARSONS MAKES NEW ! ; ; RECORD FOR HUNDRED Gilbert of Yale and KeHy of Columbia . Broke Junior Record in Pole Vault ' and'Broad JumpOfficial Reeulta ''of Day's Events. ' :: S. Before a large and enthusiast to crowd of sport lovers, the Multnomah Ama teur Athletlo club representative car ried off the honors at the meeting yea tarday of the AATC-af the LewU end Clark stadium. Aa pretty a lot of vent aa ever appeared on a program ware dished up by , th officials and everything Went off with neatness and dlapatch and there waa no lagging be tween. Some - wall-known athletes ' of oatlpnal reputation took part in th com petitions. It 1 very gratifying to the cltltaena of Portland to know that tha local amateure carried off the honor In moat of the events and piled up a aoore of II point and boat the famous Olymplo club of Ban Franolaoo by- 41 points, the latter only getting 10. ' Chi cago followed with 10 and the Portland T. M. C A. received 1. . Tha Multnomah boye were inspired to put forth their best efforta by the plaudits of tha many ladies la ths grandstand and responded to the cheere every time by freah bursts of speed and renewed efforts. In the Junior aventa tha winning of one maaea the winner a eenlor .end during tha bal ance of the meet he cannot compete in any further aventa. By thla means the entries were weeded out until the dive mile run had to be passed up, owing to tha fact 4hat there were none eligible to tart. In tha two-mile event Bam Maya had thlnge his own way because h was th only on to atart. He. to get the crowd in a good humor,-put up a per formance of apurte that resulted In more eomedy then Is generally manu factured by a lot of Barnum A Ballay clowna, . The . crowd kept oontlnually ooachlng him to look out for the ohap at hla heels and to try to beat hla no to th tap, and all- that sort, which put everybody la a good humor so that they forgot the sultry weather. Baoordo Ar SmaaHed - -In all five record , want to amaah. Parson of tha Olymplo club set the new junior record for 100 yard at 10 aeoonds flat, beating the previoua record," held by W. Hogeneon of th Chicago Athletlo club, by one fifth of a aeeond. The honor of breaking th next record went to H. Gromaa -of tha Chicago, Athletlo aaeoclation, he winning tha 110-yard event from Smith and Gammie of the M. A. A. C In the faat time of II t-l seconds, thereby beating the record made by W. Knakal of tha New Tork Irian Athletlo association by two fifths of a aeeond. . , ' 'Another new ehamplonahlp mars: waa aet by A. C Gilbert of M. A. A. C who put the pole vault at 11 feet 1 Inch, an Inch better than that hald by Jacobe of Uia.ChiigcihlcUo tSocJlntn, noiaes oi tne cnunpionenip. xi wu handloapoed.too." by aa injured inatep. One tone Hibernian from Anaconda, Montana, eat. a new mark in the 14 pound ahotput without competition,, and aet the new junior record at fi raeti inohea. .,. . A new 'Junior ehampion for the broad jump waa proclaimed whea D. J.' Kelly of the M. A. A. C on his third trial jumped 11 feet 1 Inohea, whloh beat the previoua junior championship record of 10 feat Inch, held by I Smith, of Waahinaton nnlveraity. v - ' It looked aa though there was going to be aome disqualifying dona In the 110-yard bardie race, when Secretary J. B. Sullivan had to . reprimand Lldga, Frlessel and Kerrigan. It was the pretti est kind of a race over the Jumps up to the. laat hurdle when the mea paaaed ach other th word and Frleaaal and Kerrigan held down and allowed Lldga to win... The men in doing thla wlahed to hold ever for other aventa. and although It was good .head work la tha Interest of their club, tt waa so coarse it was notloaabla. Thla race, wae rua la the faat tlma ef It aeoonde. " ' BVoee Wins From .Bargees. ' .' About aa neat a race ever run by the spiked-shoe men waa whan the pistol started A. Rose of tha Chicago and Fred Burgees of the Olymplo on a 440-yard journey. The men ran the flrat half of the distance shoulder to shoulder snd with a brilliant buret of apeed Rose put several feet between hlmaelf and hla op ponent on the run home. Burgeea wanted to claim a foul on the grounds of Rose having -crowded htm-wtth hi shoulder, but Mr. Sullivan olalmed thla waa due to the sharp turn, when such a thing waa liable to occur almost any time on a circular track. .It was not intentional on Rose'a part and Burgess accepted Sullivan's decision all la good part. ' v . .- A. A. Olamer or tha Olymplo club ran away from Ha neon and May, tha Mult nomah boys, ia the mile event He dropped Into a long, strong stride In the econd lap and Increaaed ' hla . lead ateadlly until th finish. Th others did not seem Xo, to putting forth their best effort and Glarner practically ran away from nm. . . . ''. i, " Summary ef Bventa. ; r Testerdsy'a reealts were;- 100-ysrd daah Won . by Parson (Olympic), Oearhart 01ympto) seoond; Kelly (Multnomah) uiird; time. 0:10. 110-yard run won by Garcia (Olym pic), Hanson (Multnomah), aeeond. Maye f Multnomah third, time. 1:07 1-1. 130-yard high hurdles Wen -by Lldga (Olympich Frlessel (Multnomah) se ond, O. Kerrigan (Multnomah) third; time, 0:11. k Running high Jump Won by O. Ker rigan,. Kelly (Multnomah) aeeond. No third place, a only- two men competed. Height t feet 1 Inch, j -' , One-mile run won by Olarner (Olyro- Alii. AlL,IIlLLi UsA eriga. M ' i - wairoi Street uaivjnaatete btCillolQlin f I rljHAyAMAeiSAjis . I I Commencirig Tuesday, . cept sunaay, " . '-,v ,'. v mi Farms For Sale . fai arm. 400 seres cleared: - 11 . room hou use, I barns; rich soil, well watered and close to school. Price ' 111 per acre; half cash, .balance at 4 per cent - i S40-aore ranch, bouse and S barna, with stock. Price 1,000. 161 aoro, 10 acres under : cultivation, T balance In pasture andrtlght -timber; house and barn 117.50 per acre; aaay terms. 140 sores, 10 under cultivation: " good orchard, houae, barn; atreem running ' water; one mil to railroad 140 per acre. - . 100 aovea, Tt under cultivation, 10- In pasture; t-roont house, 1 barna, orrh- ard; dose. to- town Prloa- 10 per acre.' .'- - 80 aorea, 40 under cultivation; 7-room . 'house, plastered: I barns, one hop . barn, I walla: cloae to railroad ata- tlon. Price 14,000. SO -acre farm, all under cultivation: choice land; good house, barn ana -" granary. Price, with crop, IS.S00. 40 acres, 15 acres under cultivation: 10 acres in orchard, with 4-room house and barn, close to achooL , Prloe 12,- - 710. - - - - 40 aorea, with l-ronm house and barn; 18 acres under cultivation. Pries 13,- 500; half cash. " Timber lead In large and small tracts. In good locations, that will cruise 1,000,000 to 7,000,000 feet per quarter aectlon. ; aa ;',.- .v. Stevetison-Brown Co. HO Socond St. flT.OOO 60x100, and t-etory brick, on rrst street. Kent f lev monin. I18.0OO Fine buelnee property On Fourth etreet. Rent II JO month..,, , S10300 100x100 on Third street $89,000100x100 on 7th st Rent 11S montaiy. $43,500 10 flats comer 10th end Tay lor. Rente 13S0 month; 90.000 10x100 and 4 houses. Income tie per month. Close In, , . Sahlstrom 5c Patterson ' leoH Foertn, Oor. Morrison. Oregon Co-Operative ? Home: Association $4mV4m iat mm at staage aad five roe e loag irtm ef yeere la a kick repay year loan. ... Only Foot, Per Cent Interest. Coarjed No eaeerlty reqnlwd i the' ealy way for niMiiM te aainre e Basis. L ror foU partfealars call at ' Fourth Street , . Corsar sforriaoa. Boots IT. . x. , W. P. BAKER 488 WTXXXAXS ATBBTra. , Fboa Bast 1TB. Haa aeveral rare opportunities to horn. seekers. Houses and lota for sale la Irvlngton. and Ilolladay Park Additions, Beautiful Cottages If you would Ilka to see some of the moei oeauuiui Domes in uie vicinni of Portland call and have a taja with us. We will be glad to ahow them to you. They range in price from 1704 to 11,000111 per month ia our plan. - sr. sraAaxni, ', 19, ftraad Ave. Boom le. - Just a Minute, Please Do you realise the vast Importance of thorousrh commercial tralnlngT If so. why do you delay In Bonding your Son or-daughter- to- -up-to-date-buaineee colleger we offer complete couraea in Bookkeeping end Stenography. Behnke-Walker Business Collecre Sixth and MorrlsoB St a, Portland, Or. -. Open all the year, day and . night Call or aend , for catalogue. ' pic), Jlsjisorj (Multnomah) aeconif. May (MUitnomanT tmrarTime.Tvv i-s.t 440-yard run Won by" A, Rose (Chi cago), F. Burgeea aeeond. , No third. Time. 0:11 1-1. ' 110-yard daah Won by Oroman (Chi cago), Smltbsori (Multnomah) second. Gammie (Multnomah) ; third; tlma. 0:11 l-. i- Pole -vault Won by Gilbert (Mult nomah), "11 feet l.lneh; Livingston (Portland T. M. C. A.) second, I feet No third. Two-mile run Won hv " 8. . May (Multnomah) only ataxter; time, 14:01 1-1. Putting 11-pound ahot Won ' by Jamen (Multnomah), IT feet 4 inches; A. Johnson (Multnomah) second, ' .14 feet 1 inches; Bailey (Y. M. C A.J third. It feet I Inches. 14-pound hammer throw Won by SlBaker (Multnomah). Ill feat IV Inrbea: Johnson (Multnomah) second, w wri. Inches. No third. . - -. ; Throwing 14-pound weight Won by Di OSuIllvan (Anaconda. Mont). 31. fcei 0 Inchc. Dlacua throw Won by A. Johnson (Multnomah)." 10 feet t -Inches. - Broad Jump Won by Kelly (Mult nomah). 21 feet t Inches; Frlessel (Multnomah)- second. 10 feet I Inches; Uammle (Multnomah) third. It feet 4 inches. 110-yard hurdles Won - by- Frltasel (Multnomah). Livingston .(Y. M. C A.) econd. No thlrA Time, - 1 TaryUWaaM Bast,. O. R. N. announcea cheap rats I Puffalo, Ausust It and II - VCry low rate, longtime tickets to BurTaln, New York, account ' supreme court aeaston Foreatera ef America. Particulars of C. W. atlnaer, citjr ticket a sent O. R. N. Co., Third and .WaahlnKtoi.strta, August lsv' 1905, will make leaving rayior street ajocjc at ousu a. i , : , . ';. retorning arrive 6 p. 'm.:r.":.r i-:A'C'J9't-i VERY CHOICE TRACT IN MT. SCOTT DISTRICT NOTED AS THE PLACE WHERE ; RENT RATES CtlY HOMES. LOTS $120. PAYABLE MONTHLY AT TEf CENTSADAY. A COUPLE OF FTRLASnyg- PRETTT HOMES l o HOMESITE8 AS ATTRACTIVE " Firland tract ii aurronnded by the thkkly :ettlef Mt, Scott community. In the immediate tract of Firland are now ieven pretty horne five residences being boilt and a dozen more to be erected klBae(tiaaegEjatBa:aJg of these honoea will cost lese than $800 whea completed. - . Every lot ia at least 50x100 feet Fait cars every IS minntes. There are schools, churches, phonesr water" mains, graded streets, stores, every convenience of the best suburban districts. Leading- all ' suburbs in rapid growth. To be xoavinced come, out and see. Take - MtrScott car oh First street, Sc fare no- transfers. City of fice open evenings. -. " - ..- , ; " ' " J ; ; y 3EO. W. BROWN .203 FAILING BUILDINa u y- '.' '. jPHONE MAIN 2123. V r. R. A. TAYLOR at Firland czxxxz: FOR RESPONSIBLE PARTIES I Will Erect TO SUIT On quarter block "Washington and M. A. OUNST, Owner : 'SAN FRANCISCO :y:. Apply at Portland Office, 262 Aldtr Street - 3 uzzxzzzz: milwaueog: at MILWAUIOX lOCIITS . '-;.v- .. .. .: - .- - :;,";;.- This choice tract iar aelling fast from the (act that the lota arc the cheapest and best located of any suburb around Portland. This tract is on the Oregon City car line and river and all lota are 50x100 feet with 60-foot streets; level and sightly and on price to all, 'whether you buy one lot or fifty the price for each , lot is $50. The title ia perfect, i-Milwaukle Park can be seen ings Hank, owners of the tract, and free tickets to and iron Milwaukee Park will gladly be' given to all intendinj pur chasers by calling at Room 305, McKay Building. Corner Third and Stark Streets. Come and inspect these lots facing car Una for $90. Acre tracts for 5150 r3 Uin2 -WM: the rbund trip daily, ex- 1 AS NATURE CAN MAKE THEM ltJaJ)eJB'V1 SBH . TENANT northwest corner of Eleventh Streets ' a complete abstract of title of by calling at the Hiberni Sav each. IEAREX DAri:(j:DC?r;Er-:Lr t:;:oc:."i rzrp Carved Wire, Wire end l-i T Poultry I.'erJ I .fi I . en sals a.vsK wmtiixk fporUaaeV ,.. J .'.'. .... v.