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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1905)
V. THE OREGON ' DAILY frOinSIAU PCSTLVLirD. fcATUHDAY XTrZZZl'.O; iflr UNPOPULAR lil raSlllflGTOfl: New Secretary of State Ha,a . Hoet of Old Troubles Await V ng Him. Capital. ; SOCIAL EMBARRASSMENTS 7 DUE TO WIFE'S ACTIONS ; rlihu a Relentleti Slavi-Driver Who : Say That "A Clerk Only Kepre ' ' sents to Ma So Much Energy and : ; Capacity for Work' ' ' ' .r..kiUrn rmu of The Journal.) Waahlnaton. D. C Aug . In Washington attempt. 'P1' nthualaam over in Root,. It may b. truly said that . eea popular announcement haa ""J' - from th. White Hoji. nc-tVn.t aauroed power. No on. " Kith Root poseeeaea , and that he Js """"ll'Ti'itati. but th. lofty poat of .ecretary of atat., , hut .in Washington h. I known to be a hard taakmaater. with hut little of that , Snrcon.lder.tlon or ndeared th. lat. BTelrT."yT- Mr k' awn WArcIS ? ; -X clerk only represents to " 'J- much energy or capacity wr . -r--- .uoratarv comea U Wttn boat of old trouble, .till uiKompoeed. tw. .r. ihoM In the tipper and lower house of congress a. well aa am0" army men and th. enerl community who think that he treated General Mllee '. abominably. Another claaa haa a grievance over th. McKIra reetoratlon 1 plan and the alleged Inju.tlc. done Gen eral Theodore Bingham. 'formerly su " perlntendent. of : publto bulldtnaa and grounds. ' t -There are three men In th. .enat. all former 'secretaries of a...tnn fwtnr of Vermont EH kin. of Weat Virginia, and Alger ot Michigan, who called Root before the military commute, of the senaU-and ' read him .uch a lecture .bout hie ' method.. In th. department that cordial relation, war. never restorea. . wmui Oanae SntbamaameBt. J Mr, and Mia. Root will add another link to the chain or emDarraaaraenia. One on a tlm. Mia. Edith Root and the -president's daughter were th. moat Intimate friend., and one could not be . seen without th. other. . Just befor. Mr. Boot restarned . the ' war . portfolio thl. ; friendahip ceaaed with auch auddenneaa that nothing elaa wii-uhwotw teacupa for aom time, Mrs. kooi dhn Washington and Waahlngtonlans ,-o , cordially that the native, could, do noth- ina but reciprocate.' .- Pr6Dle are wondering what the -Nuw premier will do for a horn durtna hi. term aa aecretary of war. Four of th. chtrtceat- mansion. In the city - were ' rented In ancceaalon, but each waa auh neauently declared unfit for habitation. The, waa a aplcy report a few wint.ra to that Mra. Clifford Barney conald- ered , Mra. Root had depreciated her property by her constant arumbllna and that ah. ouant to pay lor mean injuries. Taanlly of Ormaablera. - The Root, lived alao In th. Bates' : house, now th. hom. of Senator and Mra. Depew, but they declared It dark, damp.And uninhabllaJJeandlnJhe middle ofine aeaaon moved out and . went to th. Arlington. Th. Depew a on tb. contrary ara delighted with their new hou.e and prerer it to tn. Corcoran house, which liei .after will b. occupied by ft. owner, William Euatia and hi. wife, who waa Mlaa Edith Morton. mc ' ond daughter of th. fopner vlce-preal-dent. - .v. .Mlaa Edith Root "will now have th. ; ' place of honor directly next to .Mlaa Rooaevelt The young people ar. atlck . lera for tb. law. of precedence and ah. will be a promlnept figure in th. dlplo ' raatlc world. Not .Inc. Mlaa Alice Hay i wedded Mr. W.daworth, mora than four . year, ago, hav. th. diplomat, had op portunity t. pay ' court to young , woman in the house of th. minister of ' foreign affaire, and they will now doubt i less avail themeelvee of th. occasion, and Mlaa Edith will hav. th. pick of . th. diplomatic corpa aa ah. had . the . flower of th. army at her feet a few ' ' wlntma ago., ' ... - Ml., moot Attractive. ' ' ' 8h. 1. an attractive girl, not by any ' mean, beautiful, but with a thoroughly Interesting face. She haa the soft, dark hair which w.v. naturally, dark brown '. eyes and a pur. oilv. complexion. 8 he la rather below medium height, grace ful and .Under, and -la an excellent horsewoman. She ha th. reputation of being Borne what bookish and Inheriting her father . Intellectual power to mora marked degree than cither of her brother. The boy. are younger than .Mlaa ', Edith, who la IS. Th. second boy, Ed' ward, haa already been taken to Europe twice to consult wi(h specialists about '-'the condition of hie health. The alder, Ellhu Junior, t. studying law after tak- ; Ing a degree at hla father, alma mater, Hamilton college. The new aecretary of atate, like to many Americana who obtain prominence in political affalra. began Ufa aa a domtnl. and taught for several years at Hamilton, tnu. eking out hi. llvell hood.',-. .-, . Watkana Chautauoa. ' " ' ' Wwel Special Service.) . u Watbamv Kan., Aug. (, with an at tendance of visitors from many part. or Kanaaa ana neighboring atates' the annual, aeaaioii of the Wathena Chau- . tauqua waa , opened today under moat uaplcioua ' condltlona. Th. sessions . will oontlnu. for one wek,,Tbs pro. arrant ahowa many . excellent features, and probably presents th. strongest array of .paakera and entertainer, yet appearing at tni. noiea garnering. . CI Dolling Povvdcii IS C:!J cn ito Hcrils Pcrity, healthfulness, good rc-lts, : lowest j pnee, honest goods ail in one axe assured the uset; . ;,..'...' lC:r.:3$fcr20c:r.l3 CHURCH SERVICES nxaaTTxaiAv rtret TWiraar Twalrth ma Alder streets; Dr. a p. Hill, recur. SerrlcOT at 10:80 a. m. and t:0 p. m. Is (be sraalag HuoH V, Miiufaa wiu .ire a snort ergsa reeiui. Manaall Street Oorur alanhsll asd NeHk SereBteestk streets; Her, W, Hay, pastor. 10 a. as., 8vnda7 erkaul; It a. at., preadilDg b Hev. Hta-ace Buatiwll. I). 1)., if CuBconlls. t'WMW.rt p. .. kr tk pastor, aa "Dvlna krll bir Iroay"i T;14 p, m X. t, B. V. Bteetlna. 1'aaiberUnal East Twelftk and Tirlor itreeta; Rt. a Kalaoa A lies. Baabir, 10:10 a. s.. Brracklng by Ot. W. 8. Mult; IS at.. Huaday rbosl; : B. BL, Ckrlattlaa KBOeavar, - ft UairtBorBe park. Fledswat CarBer CleTelaad avsaee sad Jar ratt street; Hot. U Mrrua Boossr. psator. II s. Bl., "Tkree RleBMsts of ltlaclplaakl."; IV ai Bi.. Rahoata srkool:. ma ewaitia aervlc. SeUwovuV Caraer ServBteastfc street asd Rpe sase aeeBoe; nev. u. A. TBoniisoa, pastur. h a. sa., aauday sckool. W. a. Vluora, saper Istsadest; 11 a. sa.. Kalth"; T n. aa.. Cbrla- u KnoesTCri ereamg service at a eelwK siHler asaiilces ef 'Tke CaaaDala-nars" ef -the forlUnd I U. C A., a anloa aervlc. ef all aeiiwaaa rBarcBes. Zlea Cast Twrntr-elrttk street. Bear Glleaa sireei; a. n . Meinsara, paatas. in a. preacblD. by tas paawr; B p. aa.. Mr. KllUa, mlaakiuarr froai Chlsa, will deneer aa' llluay Iratea lecrvre ea aHaaloBarv work. I'aJrarr Comer Kleeentk asd t'lar streets; err. vrmiae a. uunert, paataar. iu:so s. n., kr. William 1. Ptewart of fkleago wlU preaek. Mlipab Kaat -Tklrteentk and l'owell street: Bar. Jeroaae H. lartJUde, D. 1).. paator. 10:110 a. B., br reanaet. tke paator will praack agala the aeraioa ea tke topic, "Breed L'pon tka Watera"; S p. m., "'The Blessedness ad Tkoae vine navs npintnai rinncer and Taint." Koartk First ssd Utbbs strewts; Hev. II. D. rielland. paator. 10:30 a. aa.. "Tke War"; 12 as., Haartar srbool, B. C. Branaugk. an per- inteaaeat: s in n. m.. ij. e. sranr asaeuua: T:fS B. au, "Tk BiaipU Ufa." Taylortreet Dr. fraarle Bnrgette ..Skert. paator. U a. Bi., elaaaes; 10. So a. St., "Tk Mlaaloa ef Jeeua"; 13:1k B. at., Saada sefcoul; :ku p. av, Cpsrortk learu; 1M B. Bk. sernxMI liy Hev. W. H. Holllnganead. Trlaltr Eaat Tweatletk sad Orsnt streets; Rev. Harold Oberg, Baator. 10:45 ' s. ai., "Never Wsarv": 7:a a. m.. "Tka Far Streak": 10 a. B., Saaday sckool; T B. aa., Kpwortk leerae. (iraea cureare Ttae Wllsoa. V. v.. Baator. 10:80 a. B "Tk Power ef elf-Bar1ftee; T:B a. aa., "w ast Adrantag .la rrayvr." Mrs. dvard Drake will prealde at the oraan: klra. t: a. HamUtoa will conduct tk. sluglug Cos tk asoatfc. Kneclal sololats. LBlearaltv fark Ran II. A. Walters. Baator. Prearklne st 11 a. B. br Dr. W. K. Marshall f Minneapolis, Mlnsesota; 7:4ft p. an., by tke atnr; 10 a. m., Suaday sckool; I p. aa., unlor lea roe: t a. ai.. latcTBWdlst;. T D. aa.. Senior leaga. rree turner ef Cast Iflntk snd Mill streets; Bee. John tllrn, pastor. Preacklng at 11 a. aa. Baaayalds Kaat Xsssklll. between Tblrty fifth ssd Tktrty-slatk streets; T.. B. Kord, paator. 10 s. m., Sunday sckool; 11 a. a., "The Bale ef rsltk": 18 bl, elsas -Bieetlua: :B Jjf;( apwortfc leafua; p. "Ik kula sf Kpwortk Corner' TwrntY-thtrd and Irvine treeu; Henry T. Atkinson, psator. 10 s. ., Sundav sckool: 11 s. sa.. "Tke Bales ef Our Churck"; .: p. m.. Kpwortk league; f:4 . .,"A Boaai la tk Wrong flace." - - uiacorAL.' . Bt. Joke's Memarial-BellwMd: Kev. W. R. Powell la cfcarge. At 10:45 a. Si., service sad rmoa; is ai., nonaay sckool. Uood Sbepkerd Mellwood street and Taacoaver artno. Alblns; Rev. Joka Dawson, rector. At io s. .. rmaday acnooi: 11 a. m- kolr eau- siuDloa. Tke Hev. 1. . Barbuur. a former rector, will preach. at. Btrpaes a inirteentn ' and t-lay stroets; Rev. H. M. Bsnsey la cksras. At 7:48 s. St.. holy eoaiBinnlon; 0:4ft a. m., Sunday sckool; servieee at 11 s. B. snd 7:S0 p. m. .AacensioB roriiana aeifnis; Kev. it. M. Rsaaaay la charsa. At p. si., KuDdiy srkool; Tenia service on Wednesdays st e'ckiek. Bt. Mart's Vomer Mneteeatk ssd Uulmby streets; Hev. J. K. H. Slmnaon. rector. raat f tb traoaflfitratkm; g a. m., koly eosimualon; 11 s. m., Boly eomBianloB sad sermaa; p. at., evening prayer and aeraioa. K. Suauay sckool daring Auauat. at. iMTurs cast Twetrta sad Beuaont treats; kev. Oavrg B. Van Waters, O. D., rector. At 11 s. as., boly eomaniaiaa; 9:4ft a. BV. Hnnday sckool. Trinity Mneteentk .aear Wsaklngtea a treat; Dr. A. A. Morrlsoa. rector. At s. St.. koly eoaaaianion; aernees st it a. am. ana a p. aa. All (.,.' . J 1. . .. "Re?, kuliert Hope, rector. Mervlces at 11 a- m. and a. ai.; ansday school at 1. a. a. White TinnhOreaink anil fk aMa. ftv. j. Wklteonk Brouahar. D. D- naatar. At 10:18 a. as., "Oae Accord" prayer meeting; 10:80 s BU. aeraion ay ttev. OUver W. vaa Osdel. D. !.. of Spoken. Washington, oa "Mountains ef Gold"; 11 :1V a. Si., Blbl achool; :Ht p. sa.. you of people a recepiioB to strsnsers snd prayer semes, leaaer, Mias atsDie Minis; t:b Dr. Vaa Oadel ea "Krom Mlasonrt-Wko" I. wltk bnedlctory aervlc. "Who Is Jeeua" t ventral East Twentieth snd East Ankeay a treats; William K. Randall, minister. At 10:80 a. "Playing Wltk rate"; IX a., Bible school; T:40 p. sa., "Tb kUa Wltk tka Hoe," Beeooo asst neves la an. Bast Aaksny reets: Bv. Stastoa C. Lankan. Baator. At 10:B9 a. - at.. 'Tke Roa ef Hsaunltv": 7:4i p. sa. tke psator will preach ea "Tke Crlsas of Being a Kick Mas.1' ssd will dlarwa ths qoeetlons: "l niagaat Load the Baptlat De Bocalnatloa Has te tarry," "la Mr. Rockefeller the -Most Dsncerous Maa la tke United SUtes Oat of Frteon"r "Pillars of tke ttiarch Are not tke Oppresaers ef tk People In Oregon"; 1 aa., Blbl school: : a. sa., Yoaag Pea ple'a anloa. J. P. BsmfordV eraanlat. mire, aioina aev. uuaiaa rarser ec Aia- a, CsUfornla, forswrly of Portland, will preaek st 10:80 a. at. ea "The Signs of the Tlans"! 7:8U a. as., ''Tke Mlddls Maa." ooaaatoATiovix. ' ' Birst Madlaoa sad Park streets : Rev. ' K. U Honae, D. II., Baator.- At 10:30 a. SI., "A Bad Uood Maa"; T:4 p. sa,. prescklng; 12:M p. aa., Ssnday sckool, C. 0. Mlkle, aaperla. tesdent; d:46 p. sa., X. P. a. C. Miss Msry Mlaalaslppl-Aveaae Corner Mlastsstpnl sveaa sne rremoni street, ai iv s. aa., ennaay srkooU 11 am., Breaching by Bsv. IX k CUpp. Banayafde Corner Eaat Taylor -and Kaat Tklrty-fourtb streets; K. J. 1. Stssh, pastor. At II a. aa.. annlwenary aevelc wltk eermoa 'Oar Thirteenth Milestone"! 10 a. at.. JUa. day sckool, hv. V. pier, superlntesdest; S p. St., Junior Kndesvor, Mlaa Edith Roe, eaperla tendent; 6 :4ft p. sa., Senior andeamr. university pars artiaaa temple, ports. m.. "Waat Ws Believ About Infant Baptlem! and th Argument ef Serlptur sad Reaaoa in fstot or it -: ju a. as.. Bunoay acnooi. Highland Service at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. ny str. tu r. bbiu; Baaos sckooi St W.B. at...... ..--' twins XTAjroxuoai. first Oorner Baat Tenth sad Rhermas streets; A. A. Winter, paster. 10 a. a)., Sunday school, C. A. Stsvar, superintendent; services at 11 a. aa. aad av m. 1 f p.. aa.. K. L. ef C. B. meeting. Rev. W. M. Taylor. D. D.. of Rise Springs, Nebraska, la einected to occupy the pnlplt st en of tb servieee. Second Comer Fsrge and Kerby etreeta; Rer. J. Bowersox, pastor. 11 s. m., "What te Preach": p. ss., .'Glorifying the Known Uod"; 10 a. ., Sunday sckool; a P. sa., Junior kndesvor; 7:1ft a. m, A. ij, of C. B. - - - tlckley Grees 2:80 p. bl, Sunday achool; 1:80 p. m., preaching by Rev. A. A. Winter. St. John'a Corner ef John snd Ivsnnos streets; It. E.- Mevicaer, paster. 11 a. m., preaching by tke pastor) S p. aa., Rev. C. P. Beller will apeak: 10 a. sa.. Sunday srbonl: S:8n p. sa Junior K. h. ef C. E.; T p. aa., Senior K. L. of C. B. LVTHZEaJT. , ' ' St.' James TCnsllak 41orner Weat Park snd Jefferson atreeta: J. A. laa. Dsator. Services st II s. m.; 10 s. m.. Sunday scfconl. Mrs. Land of Rork Island. Illlnela. will sine "The PshUesn," by Vaa DeWater. ftorareclaa Braod Ooraer Raat Tenth ssd Grant atreets; O. Hagoea, paator. Services at a. aa. ana s pi ax..- - ... - . - Rethanla II.Bt.h rvur 1'hIm anna. a Uorrla streets; Oudmusd Orlll. pastor. Serv ices 11 s. sa, and S p. m.; la:lS p. m., Ssnday Norwegwa 4S Kortk PenHeeatk street: Bev. fa. nervig. psator. Services st 11 a. m. sad S p. at., conducted by Bv. J. J- Hell ef uianrsa, lows. at. I. CK1TBCK, aOVTH. rirstirm- Beened ilreet. roreaters' kaH; E. S. Muwre. paator. 11 s. btT,- "Does tbs Blbl ssd Science Agree Concerning Creatleaf"; I p. ., prearhlss: 10 a. aa.. Sunday srheol; ia:to. a, a pedal aeaaloa of quarterly eos f erases; 1 a. Bfc, apwortk lesgae., " CHJIISTIAjr. CeBtrsltsat Tweatletk asd Sattno. street a: Rev. J. P. (iknraley, D. D., pastor. Kerr1,M n. "i "! . m.j icf s. ., Sunday scfcnal; a 4ft a. m , Senior Kndeaear. Special maalr: Mrs. McPhersns Uale, chorlstsv; MUs Ers Rysn, nrgsntet. first terser Park and rolamMs atreeta: a. S. Heckler, paator. At 1" ) a. aa., I.lmlt IngthrUfi p. .au, "Tke Higher DUcsra- USED ROUND THE WORLD pocolate ; 1 . and ,ocoa I fi Jrl4-i-124-1 Years ; toea; roa this . World'sFair St. Louis Grand Prize Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Bstabiuud .70 DoRCHisn. Mass. a c HIGHEST AWARDS IN to EUROPE AND AMERICA ment"; 11:11 p. at., Bible school; H., X. Pe S. C. a. Advent Second street, between Hall snd Lincoln stroets; Charles Haffendea, psator. 10:80 a. m.. Suadsy sckool: service, at 11:80 a. m. aad 7.80 p. m. pralss meeting at f p. av TmiTKUALrST. rtnt Eaat tooch snd Esst Elghtk treeta: W. P. Small, paator. Sermon st 11 r at. ky Her. Joka Ilngnea of Table Urovt. Illlaola; 7:4 p. m.. aermna by Rev. Kate Hughes Glrsrd, lUlnolai Sunday achool at 10 a. an. . 1 T. at. 0. A. ; '" ' ' .. "' Mea'a meeting st t: B. m. will lie ad- dreaaed by Charles A. Klllls. whs will gle atereoptlcoB views of photogrsnhs takes ef resing. including the interior el tna imoeriai pslacasc during lbs slegs of that dty. CHmiSTIAJf SOIOICX. First Scottlsk Rite rstbedrsl. Morrlsoa sad Lownadals streets. Services st Jl s. m. sad 8 p. ., anbject of eermoa. "Soul" Sunday achool at doss of morning service. ZTAKOXlIOAl AaSOOUTlOV. lirst tlerman Corner Tenth and Clar, afreets: Theodore Sckaaer. pastor. 8 :30 a. m Suaday sckool; services at 10:4S a. as. and p. a . . , . aaSCXLLAKKOVS. '..'.''': OUT Branch Mlaa Ion SIS Pint street. Beer Clar atreet. Service at S a. m. : Sunday sckool st 1:80 p. ai., A. Wells, superintendent... , Hoiineas ramp meeting, aarter auenicea PS- rifle Hollneaa college, Salem, alrand nvenue snd Kaat lamniil street, every srteraooa st l:so o'clock snd evening at 7:80 o'clock; Rsv. L. M. ityaa. leader. Early CaoraiBg praise service st o'clock. A lecture ea Tkeoanpky arlll be gteen nun ir svssiinst av tae Aitaay Miiaiag. kail BOO. First Hplrltusl Society Artiaaa kall.Ablna toe BalMlng. 11 s. m., eonferesee; 7:44 p. m., sy hssi1 Wi rt weens, pssiw. 1 ; Plrst Blbl Spiritual Society A. O. B. ' hall. Selllng-Hlrack building. o'clock, spirit teata by Mrs. Plnrenee K. Whit of New Ynt Tke People's Ckriatlaa ITsloa (free religious society) tti, Morrlaos atreet. ia Unity kail; r. a. voviter, leaner. 11 a. as., "Tb bon. Ilneas ef the Perfected Life": H:lft p.1 aa., study clsas la "Life Problems"; 7:4ft p, m., concert by t'nloa ercbsstra; S:l( p. as., , "How Katun Works." Carls tie a sad Mlaalooary ADIance Slitb Sad Mala streets; Rev. C. D. Saw telle, "uperlatea. dent. 10:80 a, m., prescklng; 11:1ft p. m., Suaday achool; 7:16 p. as., opra-alr service tn rlsss block, sear Ponrtk snd Madlaea streets, r It rslns th servlco will be keld la tk chapel st Slstk snd Mala stroets. Millennial Dawn 0. A. R. hall, Bortkeast corner Second ssd Morrleoa atreeta. Services M M b. m. . The Church ef J-ens Christ ef Letter Day Saints Allaky building, kail eOW. aervlces at 11:80 a. m. and T p. a. Church of God At th chapel, 480 Hawthorne Venus; Q. T. Keal, paator. Ber ilea. 1:80 asd 7:90 p. as.) Sunday srkool, 1 p. m. ... . 'i - ii Olatscrp Baaok Caano. And - delight, thousand. ' of ' tourists daily. Season tickets, 14; two-day tick ets, (ISO.. Through train leavea Union depot I a. m. dally and .very Saturday at 1:19 p. m. No delays, no transfers, no dust. Bee C A. Stewart, agent. 241 Ald.r .treet, about tickets, official In formation, time cards, .to-, and ask for Clataop Beach- Souvenir, containing Id beautiful, halftone llluatratlona Ticket. Mid At Union depot. HARVESTING BEGINS IN VICINITY OF KENT (Special Dlapstck te The Journal.)-' Kent, Or., Aug. I. Hsrventlng 1. well under way In thla locality and some threshing with combined harvesters haa been done. Th. prospects for a good crop sr. far from' flattering, sine, the hot east wind, of th. past month hav. caueed a great portion of th. aprlng wheat to ehrlvel. The grade will alao be about second 'to third clssa, only a part of th. fall .own grain being even first da as. . ... Threshing will . begin In moat In stance, on Monday or Tueaday next. rjJcdo Her ad fall, tks Msses hair soft, gloeay, ruiurtant. Med hr HARP1NA SOAP soothes and heala, destroys microbes, stops Itrslsg sad pre BMtes So kslr growth. Mr. Maa a. Rat teUbsrga, W. Vs., eays ef Hay'. CJAIRCJEALTU "Find tacloaed U TS forfeit bottle BAIB HBALTH. Am delighted wltk bottle eaat BM. Being s yonag. It a I moat killed sae te hare mr kslr getting wklts hag befor I Was ss ld womaa; wit, tBsaks to HAIR- flEALTR, aa gray kslrs raa ke found la auy ad. Hare not seed all of eae bottle." Lsrgs BO, bottles, druggists'. . Take Both, lag wltbeat Phil Hay Oe. .igostare. Fr.EE seip Slga this, take te aay ef follewtsg drug, -glata, snd get SO. Bottle Halrhealtk snd 3Se. cak Hsrtna Snap, medicated, botk for oOc. regular pnea 10c. 1 er eni ny ratio usy us., Kewark. M. J.. prepaid, for dor. end thle sdv. Pre snsp Bot glvaa ky dragglst wltaeag this eatlrs adv. asd AO, for Halrhealtk. N Ffams. ...m. woosajlb, criVAmn oo pjU WaaalBg-tea Stew Ancin IA -t R AIRHKALTR alwua rest ore color a beauty of youth te gray hair. ' Stops kslr las. Poaftlroly removes dsndrug. kills Vomrth ,y ... ., ' I"' . Jin n n n a ;v a - - - - - - - c e- c e- 1 Vi 1 VI uner VI 1 1 An ELECTRIC SIGN over a v sr1 e-l Vi Vi V : Vi e o : 5 0 Every store-keeper with a stock of $500 should have an ELECTRIC SIGN. Reduced rates for current on METER BASIS puts ELECTRIC LIGHT Vvthin reach of merchants of moderate o 0 o means. 0 4 ' " i ' ;: :':- '.- ' ' - --c ?r- y ;. i:-; a a a ; a t n : - - - : - r. ; .'' -.: - v - ' - v. S ' - , ....... lllilii - r attractive ELECTRIC show window will reach out and draw wammmauaaaasssaaSBmBemBaejammmensamsam people like birds around a lighthouse. you ever see a crowded with customers'? eopleTerbngnt when'they Seventh and Alder : ; Streets v;;':V;::; K" v A ' a ; -je. f- po iignts and " 1 swasB-sawawaBsswaaasBSBSBW, 1 1 iiaaeBBmaMM 1 m 1. 1 1 ami I Bswasasaep - - - - 1 . . - .i n 1 1 s IX. Or orly lighted: store - . ...,.' .. .. v. '' 1 A brilliantly LIGHTED I : i : I I I a . ;,:.v ii. company I I I I I 1 I le-V : : : j 1-aT le-V , I IS : : : :- -.... : : : 0 r': r . i 'I' " lit".-