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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1905)
r r-TT" e W.tlllVJuUi "',: - w . aw- fW,, 'Vo;i"j to:-ic5 TOKIOHT'i AJIUIlfZVTa. .' -. "liifhtj (Anthony1 Lyric... Star ' ? t ...,.. t "ia l'epnwa ....... Tudlll ...r.. l,,.Vauirlue ' ; am to ttnia AW ATI - ', SalMnrllMn ef Toe ; Joornal who ge way lut a WMk uf Joucw mar bat ' tsa papas itoUwd at Ualr reeldeaces ,, a Beat to an addrew by Biall t . the regular rat., and oullactkm will b Bads by regular earrtar after return to the city, eioept at Ixar Beees and ,, Beealde, where Tbe Jaoraal baa a r.e MUr earrtar arllverj. Albert Olses " Itwaao, Waebtnstoo' baa charge of The Journal oa Vang Beach and Lewis Co. of geaalde bare chars at The ' Journal on seaside or ClaUop beach. . Delivery will ba suds at Ibaa two eilata at reg alar ubacrlpttua rate. In -yor ehaus of addraaa to your ... earrtar o phone Main OuO and woapt .attatloa will ba gWea all ordere, . '' ,, Bo bad have condition! becorna In the , north and a regards tha conduct. of -. negroes that the. nolle hava com to - call them tha "black perlL" Acting D ; tectlve Kay ' and Jones i hava been specially detailed to gather In all sus plciou charaotara in that quarter of tha ' (City and to pay particular attention- to negroes. ' Robberies by negressea who ar occupanta of dlaorderly bouse ara ' t reported dally. - A lsrg number of ar reata hava been- made and heavy flnea nave seen Imposed. In a, few esses, where the asm, woirlan waa arroated ' . twice, bhe haa been ordered to leave the . city In addition to paying a Una or haa oeen given a fall sentence, Notwltb tending the active cooperation of Police . "Judge Cameron, however, the polloa hava arrived at the conclualon that draatlo i meaaurea will have to bo taken to free the city of the criminal element In tha , adored class. The matter -waa "dls , cussed by Chief Orttsmacher With Judge Cameron and Deputy City Attorney Fits. gerald and It. baa beendelded to apply ' ' the. nalaance, law to thoaa ' dlaorderly : house conducted py - negreaaee from - which complaints of robberies and lar- fiy . may come in future, " rrr - ' . Wholeeale arreata of merchant who -have net paid their occupation Uoen ware made by the police yeaferday afternoon on complaint of Deputy City Ucenae Collector McEaohern. Many who were arreated Friday appeared 4n the police court yeaterday morning and paid t tneir llceneea-and In- each caaa i coata, . Other -will - appear - befora the tribunal Monday. The namea and bual neaa addreaaea .of . thoee on whom war . ranta were aerved yeaterday afternoon are aa rollowe: Peter 'A. Blnford. 147 Front atreat; 8. Hart. Ill Third atreet V John Xfavar. 410 Waahlna'tnn atrant . Chrla Mayer, kit jaat Seventh atreet; I. ". Xauffman, U Flrat atreet;- J. F. Bar rett. -114 Sixth atreet; Oeorge Jaooba, Third and Burnaida atreeu: F. H. Ellia, 214 Flrat treeU J. F. Mayer, SIR Baat Clay wtreett B. Jacoba. 141 Sixth atreet Jacob Aaher, 120 Flrat atreet; R. Becker, Tnira a no salmon a treat a; Richard . Krumpf. tlH Aider atreet; J. H. Bruce, - Tenth and Oilman atreeta; John 8. BealU . jMZi Hawthorn (venue. ' Report on th aanltary condition "xfatlng In certain part of th north - end dlatrlct were mad to Chief of Fo- ' lice Orltcmacher yeaterday -by ' patrol 'men. - The health of reatdenta laaatd to ' o aerpualy menaced, a basemanta dnd ' cellar In aeveral lnatanceir are aald to . ba nothing but breeder of peatllenc. -TThe-clty- health officer wHV b aeked to make an' Immediate Investigation. Bpe cial attention la directed in th report . to the Orand roomlng-houae, th Tear of : IS Davl atreet , and th rear-cf 4 ' North Fourth atreat.' A reataurant 1 "located at 1 Davla atreet. and It lasald vthat dlah water and kltohen refuar , thrown into a baaement, giving rla to a atench that la ' nauaeatlng. ' BUgnant water and all manner' of filth ar ro ttorted to have been found In tha haaev ,"Tlrlrir"4bf V th . Grand roomlng-houae. Everybody whom th patrolman approached-in reference to the existing condition diaclalmed - reaponalblllty. - though complaint war numerous. , Jamea Crook, whir Tiding to the-fair ground laat ' night, . alighted from " Sixteenth atreet ear on th aid' toward - th other track and waa atruck by , car that was coming in th oppoalt dt ; rectlon. He waa taken to Good Samarl- tan hospital, where Dr. A. C. Patten at- : tended hlra. There waa no guard rail : on th aid of th car next to th other - ' track and Crook followed, th vaual . practice of paaaengera on Portland trac . tlon lines, and got off the car in front , Of a car that was approaching. Ha wa , dased when atruck by. th ther car, i . but wa assisted to Ui hospital on or der from th street railway company. ' who Instructed th- physician to attend ." to hi wants, v'-, . ,-;A, V ..,', . Th coming week will be known aa Port Angela - (Clallam County) and , 'Mount Vernon (Skagit county) weak at the KVaablngton building at th expoal- tlon. Mo arrangementa have been made a - yet- for- th - program of - entertaln- 1 merit, but It 1 underatood that th hoa pttallty extended by the women of . i Washington ever slno th opening of -.the fair will be greatly In evidence dur - Ing th week. Mrs. T. J, Appleton of . . Port AngeVe and Mr. Houaer of Mount Vernon will act a hoateaaea, aaslated A by Meedamee Trumbull, Cook. Wilson. '"Tliureh," Hlrach, DelebarraPhelpa, . uenan .and flugge. -:K. , T Steamihlp "Alllano" aafl-' from . y Couch Street dock for Coo Bay, and Eureka, Monday, July II. at p. m. , Far M Eureka.-HMO cabin, fft.00 aec ond. . Coo Bay, $10.00 cabin, 17.00 aeo t ond. F, P. Baumgartner, agent Main ttU- -,.;-;; : T. D. Bordreauxwaa4 arrested laat night - by Acting Detectivea Kay and Jonea at Park and Flander atreeta -and charged at th city prison with larceny. In hi posseealon when tkea. Into cue tody wa a new lamp of th kind tiaed .7 try railway brakemea and awltchtaan. MATURES OF THE FAIR , Administrction neslcuran! Th popular place of th Fair ground. Hot meat order- rang- -- Ing from too and up. Pa trons not aatlafled with prloe can bar, , " kee tsE cf mm "Xf tip stair 'to spread their lunch. Waltere wilt be la attendance- to" 'eerve coffee, milk, tea, lemonade, - oft drlnka and loe cream to thoe who wlah to purchase. Tatley'a tea served. Trc Usticf Tclr;h:f, Ejrdreu told ma t..e r"j li on aa a ftdry tale. He bald th lamp was found by him on th approacn to we ..steel bridge, , -- . . " ' Be the Sea at Seaside A delightful trip to old ooean, only four hour' rid f rom JPortltfhd. Take a dip in th briny deep. Train leave - th union .-depot dally at I a. m. For Information apply to Mr. C A. Stewart, agent. 14 Alder street. : Phon Mala 0I. , f . Elks' day, Augiat 1. at th fair 1 In charge of th following ommitter'Ex alted Ruler C. EL McDonell ot Port land lodge. No. 141, Secretary John B. Coffey. Dr. Harry F. McKay, Jay H. Upton and" B, W, Row. -, - ' Article of. Incorporation of th Oliver Nutlock Manufacturing company - wer filed with th county clerk yeaterday afternoon by Oeorge W. Oliver, M. L. Honayman and S. C. Spencer, Th capi tal tock la ISO.OOOfv - , 7 -f , , ; Th Canadian government ba opened an offlc in th Chamber of Commerce kbulldlng and I offering free homestead to homeseeker who desire to go to Canada, Full Information given to those who call at th offlc. ; t - Trolley Trip Today on O. W.- P. To Oregon Olty, Canemah park and Orea ham, it cent; all pointa east, of Ores bam to ' and Including , Bstaoada, 10 cent round vrlp. Cars leave .First and Alder street. . ..'.-. ..--or - ... ' Sightseer , should not'mlaa th ft W, P. c Ry. company' ,100 mil trolley trip for fl. Special ' car leave First and Alder streets dally,, exoept Sunday, at :v a. m. raxurn p. m. Do not put off lttlng'for your pho tograph on account of th hot weather. Th new Aun gallery on top - floor in the Columbia building baa larga, airy, oool room. - - , . , , Our a re th only launches landing at th Oak. jLavunche for charter. Favor Ite, oatng company,; upper aid Morri son street onage. leu jaam ivi, . , At the Whit Temple today Dr. J. Q. A. Henry of London, England. ' Subjects, morning, "Passion for Christ"; night. Why I Am a Christian." - W ar still selling' our , 11.10 eye- glassee for $1. ; Conaultation free, and very pair ' guaranteed. - Metsger dt Co. Ill Blxth street. . . Rev. David A. Thompson, '. pastor of Ba 11 wood Presbytetisa . church, win preach today at I p. m, at O. A. R. park. at Seuwood. ' - , For Bale Family horsa, double-seated buggy and harnea for 1160, worth double th price. Inquire Hi Yamhill st. For' Sale MUlinery business success fully carried on for' IS years. . A rare chance. S14 Third street . " 4 H. H.. Smith, praotlcaT batter. Pan mil a specialty. 111. Fourth street. Phon Clay 704. -.- v , ' , Right Rev.' Bishop Linens a of Great Falls, Montana. Will preach at, St.' Pat rick a cnurcn toaay. . . lfoffett 'Hot Spring. I1.0 dart tl and f 10 week; bathe. Ha Take Regula tor llo. , .---f.;.- v . . Crawfish to th queen's taste. - Black Diamond, corner Second and Yamhill eta. Dr. I M. Thornton, dentlat SOS Mar quam building. - Phon Maln fSi. "- Crawflah to th -queen' taste. Black Diamond, corner Second and Yamhill ta Double cylinder Oldaniiobtlar for aale cheap, inquire 74, Third atreet - .- Sr. Amelia Zlegler has returned. ' Of flc Marquam building. ; -. , -. - Woodmen of th World celebration program, page I and 11 Tents Nooa Bag Cos' 1st and .Couch. ( Whit Oxford reed Marka" Sho Co. 7: WHERE TO DINE. '.v !--'.. - v 1 1 All th delloacle of the aeason; pri vat apartments for ladle and families, Stronae a Reataurant, ttt waahlngton. Brandea' Orill. at 101 Sixth, near Stark, ha secured th finest chef In th olty. Olv him a triaL; . Din Dalmont. ISt Fifth street CLEAN BEf.'CH AfiD BAR -OUR-GREAT NEED Heney Praises Work of Jerome in Prosecuting Craft "; Ing, Judges. t : . ( The work of Dlatrlct Attorney Jerome f r New - York ' in hi erosad against corrupt members of th- judiciary and tb bar of that city 1 commended In th highest terme by ' Francl J. Heney,.' th proaecutor of the Oregon land frauds. :- - ' . v Jerome is after th grafting lawyer and judge of New Jork," aald Heney last evening. '"He I prosecuting a lot iooesful lawyer,- h ha kitockeornmit on Judge and- h I alter another, it la work that ought to be don. - In my opinion it I th moat ' Important work that I being don in th United States today.' It. la of th highest Importance that dishonesty and grafting among lawyer and Judge ahould be Stopped ana severely punished. 7 ..- ; ; - f, m. 1 , , - POLICE WOULD CLOSE. . COMBINATION SALOONS Saloons that are' conducted more aa "bllnda" for dlaorderly houses overhead have coma under th police ban and so much trouble will be mad In future for their proprietor that on of two results le -expected, th saloon will go out. of business or th rooms overhead will not be used longer for. their present pur pOS.- - ' r ..- , Aotlng tinder direction from Cbtef Orltsmacher patrolmen ar prirlng re port of all auch establishment on' thels beatavand -wnea -th town haa been f tamatlcaliy canvaaaea by the department In this respect action will b taken, . Two report war - mad yesterday. both In reference to saloons at Front and Clay street. . ,-v- . v ( ESTRICT USE OF W - WATER AT.THt; DALLES "' (Bseclal Dispatch tv Tke jonnul.l' Th Dal lee. Or.. July it. Owing to th great waat of water by the con sumers who hav ben in th bablt of letting th water" run 14 hour a -day, th water commlaaloner found it nec.s aorr to raatrtot th user to the, hours of I to Ii.hl and to I p. ra. Th ourc of -auppiy I not o grant as-In past years on account of th small ICSIIE COURTS RECORD DAY Forty-Ono) Coys Tell the Judge - They Did Not Mean to - - Fracture Laws. - :: i- f: WATERMELONS WERE RUIN OF ELEVEN Fourteen Played Bandit and Raided PoUto Patch . While - Six Took Laajps From : Fair Sign AH Re- leued to Report Weekly. - v Forty-one boys, tb largest number that ha appeared In on day befor th Juvenile--oourt alnce th organisation of that - tribunal, wer , examined - befpr Judge Fraser yeaterday. FourUen of th youngatars wer arrested for awlm- mlng In Johnson creek, stealing potatoes from th neighboring farmera and cook ing tho vegetable on th pramlae. Th farmer aald that If th depredation continued th potato crop would be woe fully short thlr year. The boy were dismissed with a warning. ' ., Six lad' wer up for stealing incan descent electrlo lampa from th expo sition s.laOS sign on Marquam a bill. Fir of th six admitted their guilt, but th sixth urchin strenuously denied any. part in tna crime. . - . - . ,' "Would you rather hav m prov you guilty by th evidence xf these boys, or would you rather tall th truth your selfT" asked Judge Fraser of tha stub born urchin after a dosen question bad -failed t draw forth an answer, , Well, I'd rather teU th truth." re sponded tb boy. -, " . Th boy's atatemeat was t th ffet that he bad Been th other boy stealing and did so. His duty was to- hold th ack Into which th lamp ware carried away. Tn lamps wer sold to a l ond-hand .dealer. The boy were .re- leaaed tn probation. - Eleven soya were under arreat for stealing watermelon at th O. R. N company a yarda. They had broken Into freight car and 'wer captured while eating th fruit. - Only broken melon wer stolon, and aa It was th flrat of- fans ef th boy they were released with Instructions to report to tb court on Wednesday. . Th other boy bef or th court were arreated on minor charge. . and wars released, with order to report to th court weekly. ,;' ...''' . , ;--'J: 1 ' "B ACT IS. THE KEXT AtTRACTIOn Kearney Speedy Will Plunge Hundred and Ten Feet Into ( Shallow Pool on TrailA ' A tocktly-bullt man diving from a height of 11 feet into a Shallow tank of water la the sensational fra act Xo -1 ; ,.. ...... M ..j,,. r r. i'V '-v , 5- I 'i iA,yt ' V'::'.' p if- ?'?! U' " .''ji v;: , Speedy, i the High Diver. be offered by th exposition management for the two weeks beginning, tomorrow. l Kearney P. Speedy, th high diver en gaged by th exposition, arrived in th olty from Boston yesterday and tn work of constructing his laddsr and -tank tin th Trail was Immediately begun under hi supervision. . .. Speedy I on of th moat sensational of th blgh divers. His act on the Trail will conalst of diving from a platform 110 feet In th air Into a tank I feet wide and 1 feet long and containing I feet of water. H will glv two performances dally.- - . , ' ' .' :.-'i i-.. NAVAL BATTLE TO BE ' NEXT NIGHT DISPLAY Th' exposition firework' laat - night wer wttnesied by tnousaiiaa sna Ware the beat ret seen. There war several set pieces and innumerable rocket and color bombs, A feature waa th play ing of. th three searchlight on th cloud . of i amok from th bursting bombs.1 which added to th effective-1 neaa of the display. . . . , - Th next dtsplsy will, be Wedneaday evening. Auguat t, when tht eham naval battle will b fought and Fort Saca- jawea will be deatroyed by a flefct of aeven battleahlps carrying rapionre gran from th ynlted State vessels arid manned by sailors and marine in th federal service. Th fort will be I commanded by Major C. K. McDonell of the exposition guarda On of th bat tlenhtp will be blown up by a aubma- rlne mtna and th battle will be made spectacular by th explosion wf rocket and tb brilliant Illumination whan th VS-..- .!- ,,. - ; ' 1 Ky -I pWi z "-or. -J 4 1 . " ': ,-rrVsv :;, i;.- tv.ii ' timmmmmmimmmmX' Lfc.V.ft';..,i;;v;' r-'.h. ' One cf tht reri'sns why so , . much- money ia ipen( care--. lessly U because it la too ac Utxtsible.' -If it waa deposited regularly, you could hold on to It more easily. The aar ings bank haa been the step ping stone for i&rne' of .the' .'. richest men in the' world of . finance: Try using our bank. the result may be comforting.' WE PAY ; S . -X x4 PER INTEREST. ' ' Booklet , "BANKING BY ? MAIL" now ready. A postal will bring it to you.. Write for it. ;- Oregon Savings i Bank Sixth ' and ; Morrison . Sta. Ik 0. SALgTOIf . ' Prsaldaat " v v W. COOPtE MOBKI8. Oaaklar. s. U BATS. Asat. Caiblar. V ttXEPBONI MAIN IS. POOLSELLIUG CASE HOT Argument Completed Before Judge Frazer. but Citations Yet to Be Presented. . MEANTIME GAMBLING - AT IRVINGTON GOES ON Proeectttion Contend That Under Lease No Illegal Act May Be Com mitted at Rac-Cdure Defense Denies Pooleellinc Is Unlawful Th las of Irvlngton racetrack eon- tains clause providing 'that the rrounasmav not be used for an unlaw ful Durooae. Poolaelllng 1 unlawful and ia an indictable offen, and being unlawful an injunction order may be luiuui iwatralnlna- tha defendant from violating tha restrlctfv elaus in th lease. This Is the contention or usnry EL McGinn and R. W. Montagu, attor ney for lisabth Ryan in her ult to restrain th Multarman couniy t air as sociation from sailing pool at irvlng ton racetrack. '.'..'' ' While poolaelllng may b gambling It ia not in violation of any law of state or city. It I an Incident to a. horse race! This Is the contention of li- l Pipe and Whitney UTBois,-attoray for th falrjsssoctation- . - ' - For "two hours yeaterday afternqon these four attorneys argued -th ques tlon befor Judg Fraser. ' ; In shelr argument Judge McGinn and Mr. Montagu held poolselllng wss an unlawful act and aa such was prohibited by th terms of th leas granted th association. -Poolaelllng bad -been de clared a nuiaanc by the supreme court la th case agatnat M. O. Neaa, who conducted th Warwick club In Port land.- Under tne atatut th landlord of premises where such a nuiaanc la maintained (la liable to punishment Judg Pipe and Mr. Bolae held that th Neaa decision bad no bearing upon th ess., Naaae . conducted a common gambling houe. ' Th racetrack was a source of amusament to tb public. amusement afforded moral training to th people, and betting wa ,on .of th track concomitant.- The . ooncora Itanta" did not dlaturb th people of th neighborhood In Which th track la situated, ao th aelllng of pool could not be held to b a public nuiaanc. Th plaintiff bad no right in a suit In equity. Th atatut gav -bar a different rem edy. If a crime wer committed she could termlnat th leas or ah could bring suit against th lessee In th jus- tic court and stop . th gambling at one. At th conclusion ef ths arruments Judg Fraaef took th matter under ad vteement, but at th request ef Judge Pipe b reopened th eaa in order to give th attorney tlm to present au thorities-, citations ar to b presented Monday. , . ,. , . Claremont Tavern. On th Willamette Launch Fox I leave root Morrtaon St. Morrill' boat- houe. to Claremont, IS. II a, m., I. 4, :io. s:i p. m. iteiurnmg Tram Clare Imont, XI a. m.; 1. S, I, T:S0, 11:10 p. m. " When Jn Seattle Qo to th RathskHr. a higb-clas Iplscs to eat. Sea foods, eastern meats. Ilarg orchestra Idally; , V ' i Milwaukie Country Club.'; Eastern and Seattle race, V Take Sell- wood and Oregon City car at First and Alder.- 1 TMM O10T OF AJDBmiOAjr OXaTSaT Multnomah Falls ' ,(8b rsiT) An MTTraur ' Ev ef y D a. y " For $1.00 f' fast AJr rrjrnT rxnf- JOS, KELLOGG ,r: Passengers may alt beneath th tumb ling liver for an bour and a bait It' th grandest . rid - tn North" America, and you hav seen all th eeeaery on ,h river - it gorge aqd- canyoka, mountain and waterfalls, monuments of rock, beautiful grovee and splendid landecape when you reach Multnomah Fall. No other suaroer land at this most fascinating spot. Boat leaves foot f Salmon street at 1:10 a. m. ; returns at t:tt p. m, , . , Round Trip, $1.(0 4 DECIDED IS GOIIQUEtlED Dalles City Makes Trial Trip to "Big Eddy Without Incident .1, . .Though Water Is Low. . - maMsa.saBBBwasaaBBSSSjsBBaBaaaB ' - . .. PORTAGE ROAD READY - FOR INLAND TRAFFIC Rajee Are ' Announced on Certain " ' ClaMes of Freight 1 Eaas kWith Which Higher Waters Are Navi '. gated Will Provs of Great Aid. - Th Dalle City, under the command of Captain Gear, mad th round trip from Th Dalle to Big Eddy, th Ur minua of th portage railway yesterday In 4 minutes. Although CapUln Gear bsd never mad th trio befor there pot an, Incident that could be ealUd ex citing. Friday evening . J. C Flanders, president of the Columbia Northern rail way Mr. Talbot, its new manager. Captain Fries of th engineer corps, nr. BlaJock of Walla Walla and 1. M. Tal of Portland want to Th Dalles to make th , trip. Th steamer " left Tha uaiiea at i:0s a. m. and ran tip to th steamer Metlako at th foot of th rspiaa. where ah tied up for a few min ute td allow-, the in maiurtl tri In. apeot iha.boat, Th tlm mad from mat point waa aa fonows:- Loft steamer ' Metlsko at S:iq a. m. arrived lower end of ranlda. :!!:. ar. rived upper end of rapids. i:7: arrived isig Equy, e:l; left Big Eddy, (:I6 arrived at Th Dalles. 1:60. About a month ago Captain Oray took th steamer Glenola, over th aam run with lit pound of steam and with the water at least 10 feet higher than It la now. It was -tb first tlm Captain Gray ever made th trip., While ft Is th Intention et th gov ernment engineers to. make further Im provement at Thre MU It la believed that these trips should demonstrate the navigability of this stretch of ' water. After returning to Th Dallee th party again want to th Big Eddy and In spected th portage roadtrom on nd to th other In company with Engineer McClelland and found It In good order and ready, for bualneas. Th ports g board haa adoptsd the following tempo rary schedule of rate for passengers ana rreignt: , -. tast oound freight All Item coy. ered by third and fourth class rstes un der western classification, a ton. (0 cent; first and second class, a ton. It. Wast, bound freight All kind of grain delivered' on cara, . tori, 21 cent all other claaae of freight, a ton, 60 cent. ;.,.-'. -Paaaonger. on trip. J eents. '- " Rates on- lumber, livestock and cer tain other article will be announced In due tlm and will be specisl. ' Th contract for tha flrat work 6n th canal will be closed within a few days end th work started. About 1150,000 will be expended under the contract and wiH he followed. It Is believed, by continuous work. Th spending ot this larg sum ot money at Celllo will make that plac an Important point. While th representatives . of th Columbia Northern did not atate definitely what traffic arrangements they would make, It 1 believed there wni b no difficulty In arranging terms for exchange of business. . In Th . Dalle th commit tee having th mattrJn charge ar perfecting arrangementa to bring tn portage road into Th Dalle. WILL HONOR LUTHER WITH "SERMON AND S0G Lutheran Churches of City Hold Special Services Today n Ll' L ab T"aV W'1 " ' - nonor ot ureal KeTormer. ... ..y Tithae An V wilt tub ' aHuwM Kv tia Lutheran thurches of Portland and vicin ity with apeclal servtoes, which will be held In- th Marquam Grand theatre to. day, - beginning at 10:15 In ths morning and continuing through th afternoon and evening. Th services will be under the direction of the Rev. J. A. Leas, pastor of Bt. James English church.x assisted by a committee of arrangementa, con- slating of th Rev. A. Krause, pastor of Bt. Paul' German church: th Rav. C." J. -Renhard, pastor of; Emmanuel Swedish church: th Rev. J. M. Nervlg, Ipastor of tb. Norwegian church; th nev. v. unii, vasior ot juetnania vanisn church; W. S. T. Derr, president of th Columbia Central Luther league, and C r-nuger, treasurer or th day, Th musical program will be under' th direc tion of Dr. J. B. Keefer, . assisted by Mrs. Ella Jones, organlat. and Alfred .Blankholm and H. Rudd, vlollnlsta Th program ls as follows: 10:1J a. m., voluntary; hymn: Scripture reading. Rev. C. -J. Renhard: prayer uerman music, German Quartet; .sermon (English). RsvGaorg H. Trabert, D, D.) boio, "i snow j nat My Keaeemer ut eth" (Handel). Mr. Ed la Lund; sermon (German), Rev, Professor H." Ernst. D. D.i chorus, Lutheran choir of Port- bind. Dr. Keefer, ' director; offertory; hymn;' -benediction. Rev. C. Buechler. t:K "p. m., . Voluntary; hymn; German musio, German ejusrtet; German address. Rev. .A. Krause:' Norveglgn music. Maaltrasten"; Norwegian -address. Pro fessor J. N. Kildahl; Danish Music, Bethanla choir; Danish address. Rev. Profeasof Kr. Anker; Finnish music; Finnish address. Rev. Mr. Bsckman: Swedish mualc. Swedish Emmanuel choir, Swedish address. Rev. J. Jesperson; Eng lish music duet. Mis Grac Gilbert and Mrs. J; Allen Leas; English address, Rsv, H. A. W. Tung; anthem; offertory. chorus; " hymn; benediction,1 Rev. J. ,M. Nervlg. Evening service Under th auspices Of th Luther league and th Toung Peo ple' societies of Portland and vicinity. 30 o clock, voluntary;, anthem, rhnrua. I ut. Keefer, directing; ocrlptur reading, Rev. W, I. Eck of Vancouver, Washing ton: prayer. Rev. H. Rogn; vloilaj solo. Professor -Theodore - Llndberg of Llnd ber. Kanaaa; address. Professor J. N. Kildahl of North field, Minnesota; solo. Mis Lillian Elaen of Portland; sddress. Rsv. M. .! Kuhns of Omaha, genera) secretary of th Luther League of Amer ica; trio,- Professors Llndberg snd Lof gren and Mrs. Lund: address. Professor Phllbad of Bethany college. Kansas; of fertory; Luther league rally bymn; bene diction. . Delightful Trip Monday. v If you want scenery and a delightfully cool trip, go to Oregon city Monday. Boat leaves foet-of Taylor atreet at 0 and 1 1.30 a. m. and S:0 p. m. Return ing, leaves Orrgon City. 10 a. m 1:10 Cx y ; - '; - ,- .. . .. '. .- : ..' .'''"- --,''.. it. ;",';.... i," ' ' ' '' ,"'., : " .'" -. .. ' .' :t .-. . ...... , - . ,1 fl Vlry Pay Mdro? We Can Save Yon Money IT HID TP MOWX A BIT. Set ef Teeth, fit guaranteed.....K.OO Gold Crown. 31 k. ...SS.OO and IS.i .oo Bridge Work, per -tooth TT.T.T.V.r.'TlJ.OO and B.OO Gold Fillings, up from ..........SI .OO Ail otner nuings ................ .0igj Teeth extrscted &Q4 rre witn pisiss. No Pear, No Pain, No Danger nnaoforsi wivn with am - eeiearlBe SMtbed siaka alt eparaUos positively safe, . sore and Bsiniees. . .- 1 . 1. . . sxnerieneen nneeianan rnr earn aiaa er wars. HON KMT WORK Snd LOW PRICES Bake Our sncceee coirtiaae... . References Becwlty Bavlags m Treat ue. , H Cblldrea's wwfe a Specialty.. Brlag this ad. with yoii and have row . teeth cleaned SB. Lady attesdaat. , , , . , . Chicago Painless Dentists sosh WAasnroTOsT bt, ooi ROBERT CVOSE V 329 Boy 1st oo Street ' ; BOSTON, MA8S. PAINTINGS .i For modarn dental work. World-r- nownd special lata i- Lowest prlos oonsistent with nrtt-dasa WOlg. ' ' I ' 'i K . Oo to tb . , 't NfiW -YORK-DENTISTS vonta Airs MommisoaT bts. - Opea day and night,' from 1:10 a. as. .. until 10 p. m. -! TMM FLACS TO BT7T ' V. - Pictures and Furniture t ' .IS AT TH. .- r vrx City Picture & Fur niture Store "'niH rousTK STaan. W earrr tb larsaet and finast etaek ' nt rMtnthm, etrfalnsm, eiurraTtnaa, paattle, pbote trapbarae and ether pletaree a tbe rlty. Aa aa tntroilucttoo we JilU. sell anv af mh atorfc at a dlaconnt e( SO aer cant from regular Hat price. Vte a Me carry a ale atork ef fural- utra. nnmv ivacnrr wars ana otner nien tninn. Be aer and slTe a earl befnre yna bey. i UnToniararra. BAS BBAL U aEOBIATIOa FASK. ' Oemes Taagaa aad Tweatfearta, ' Port Ion d v. Haxittle BXinDaTinD, Xo. . CHILDISH. ISo, Ba "" aon im i iu aeats ea sate SI sosafaae..i - . . LEWIS AND CLARK OnSBRVJt. TORY JJMD CAFE goaTXAsn xxioxts. -, Tike Porllaad Htlfbaj ear end get art at Bawtbnrna larraea. oae Mnet Croat, tat Use. LHwrrla alevaae. "1 mi t af auwarral kdMtHffl No cUnmr rw a to i. . tm eaa Ml a Salacy Oia . T --u. t -a BMiMf. naii,.'ftMal f 1 TEETH Sale Barefoot r Sandals - f i ; The barefoot v sandals . that we offer at special ; prices - are " of good , leather with strong;) ; solid leather soles and , well made. . I H Sale Prices , 11-- :;Cv Sizes 4 '. to , 8, ;t 50c . v J. , , Stf to 11, -75c . 'lli.lSH to . 2, $1.00: Knight's Sorosis" and - " '' "Walk-Over" Store , Opposite Perkins Hotel .Chinese Je- ' Curios " Visitors to, the exposition are cordiay , Invited - to, examine -our maiflcent oriental curios, consisting of fine Silver Cloisonne, Bronze Satsuma, i - Ivory Carving, Beautiful T Decorated Porce lain Tea Sets, Silk and Satin Embroideries, Ebony Carved t umiture Andrew Kan&Co. j- ' 287 Morrison fft. ,1 . Thereto -"Difference! In th prlc of diamond than atthta tlm last year, but you wouldn't know It ' If ' jrott bought bar. '- W tall you they've gon up you'd never know It . if prlc had to, tall you. A;N.WWG!Hnr 393 MORRIOON OTRnnT Y-01U CAH SAVE. HOrJEY After' seeing all the bargains offered In. th HIOH-RJCNT DIS TRICT, , go but . on block t Ccr.FirstGYcrD. 0 a taa otka SVor ; Ccr. TLIrd fi Davb . and you will : FIND, th BAKU high-rent stores eharg and Our prlc $10, $12.59 1 $15 WB SAVB TOV from , 91. BO on a pair f PANTS. J BHOK8 or HAT. , Regular Tlo and 110 VHDKSt WKAR for 85t and COS It I to your Interest t Inv1 the CUT PRICES n TPUA, VALISES and SUIT CAAA , WE RUN TWO STOZ: amount of snow In th mountains. ship gva up In. mok..T.-..M.. In a . l alkaMlaa. c:.:;:a cv: ' , XeaU Served. . -:r . Tl. KaU K3k .. nd t:30 p. m. ' Hound trip only it cents.