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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1905)
:i C"j::day.: jouz::al; tc":tla:;d. cuijday noniJiNG, july :d. iecs. I 'I 50 For Men's Golf Shirts, made' of gxd juality , Tv"f ' ''W i C FSS ' .rJUll: 2ftk ' Men's Fine. Cotton Socks, in color, black, tan, materials, in .light, medium and dark colors regu- . yf- ; ,r If -SJMsfft - VfeljZAZu fancy gray nd tan effects f also black with white .UrT5cvalaes.,.v..viT;,v: VtIY (" EZ 'J WS Cjfflrf (Off- I) : feet, perfectly fast dve ; always sold at 20c. , 60 For Men's . Ties, French -Four-m-Hand ; ( 7 ( j6v y.v 'X,. 7 ) Special Monday and Tuesday....... .,.12 styles in a large variety of colorings. and designs, . SSS . SaS"' vS'' ssJ 'T&s' 2icrX'521'JJl rw ' ' - - '-' '-V'"'- 'all silk, and values lup'to, $J.pO., fc , -V A I . V 1 -J i 'The, CliUFCllill HOit 50 For' Men's Fine French Balbriggan Under- . '; ;v : irjk Infill r.u Isilai IllSiSl WilJi - UM TTr Oo KA , iweS. made from-.AttiBg ,! A jlfln 1 1 jfl 1 f I " 1 1 " I ' 'JIl ' JOV JilOll C2.50 I , yarn 'regular, 75c values. ., -. ;.,.; ; '; V -,-' Best Grade and Latest Style.:- vp. :i i' ' : "" ' ' " - ; i ,,,-,' -j ' ' ' - , i '; Xi ( SI 1 .71 .X. I s. v i Saturdaysurpasscd all previous days by several hundred pavsr The dcmiandfo shoes and Oxfords seems unHrhited It h our fear we will be unable to supply, the great de- manaf v we suu to postpone buying until the first of the month Aill be able to procure shoes equally as good as the first day purchasers. If you deem saving money worth any consideration you should take adyan- iagc uui,uuucu aaic ai. uiic it. Women's Dollar High Shoes. Women's Dollar Russia Calf Oxfords, Womeri's Dollar Patent ' ,Calf Oxfords, Women's Dollar Chocolate Kid Oxfords, Women's Dollar Black Vici Oxfords, . Misses' Dollar Russia Calf Oxfords, Misses' Dollar Chocolate Kid Oxfords, . Misses' Dollar ; Black Kid Oxfords, Boys' Dollar Shoes. Per Pair -Wear Garments Every one of these ready-to-wear garmenH embtace-xlyantaeal too good to, be overlooked. ; Aside from the price economy, which is great, all "embody the latest styles and mosrlmproved features a . WalMnc Skirte K (Tt FnUy Worth QlOtpQJo V! . '1 . o Man-Tailored Skirts' and every on e thoroughly steam shrunk ; come -: in the .very-best of styles,Jnwuding Tthe new plaited and kilted ef--.-fects. 'Materials are alpaca, Panama cloth and, shepherd checks; cof- ors, brown, black, blue ' and white-checks' ;'l!"uaranteed to fit.- Kot . ' a garment among1 the lot worth less than $10. On Special ' -. Sale Monday and Tuesday. ...............v;........;,., ?750 ; Public Confidence ? 1 ' : Iivt were asked to name our 'most valuable asset we should leply without ah InsUnfr hesitation ''Public confidence." n It's not the fact that our prices are always kept at the very lowest point compatible with high qualities that keeps this store con stantly crowded with customers. People instinctively come here because they have confidence in the goods we advertise and have learned by years of experience that this is a store of fair dealing, 'where all representations are faithfully carried out and all mis takes promptly righted. Perpetual vigilance and ingenuity make Roberts Bros, a new store every day ; this house will never grow old.; tWe want our attitude to be such as to make our customers (onsider us their friends. ' v ; -; , . ( . : ' ;. '. ',. xs Silk Suits Worth to 'The style, material and tailoring in these Silk Shirtwaist Suits make .them well worth $25. The styles are late season models in change ablest plain colors and checks. -Every suit guaranteed to fit." TjYour choice of these handsome Suits for one day only, suit $15.00 Women's Waists rf? "fl fe' : ; Valnes Up to Q2.50 tp 1L o 0 jj) -. A splendid assortment' of Women's Waists, in fine quality lawn, Ox- T fords and alpacas." 711 colors, i. Made in the season's newesr styles and trimmed with panels of Swiss embroidery rows of tucking and Hamburg insertions. "Fait new leg-o'-mutton sleeves. Pleated and tucked backs and full fronts. ;.; Bargain Price for ' Monday ' . and Tuesday ...w S1.75 ' " Percale-Wrappers ; Best 01.25 Values Womeft's Percale Wrappers,' in "assorted 'colors.',. Skirts are made ex tra' full, 'finished with, deep flounce. .Waists trimmed with ruf fle over shoulders, fitted lining. Your choice tomorrow. 81.00 : SI .50 :Kimo ? A' , cool, comfortable garment for home wear Women's Japanese Crepe, Kimonos, in the daintiest colorings, made with sailor collars,' trimmed in plain bands .of lawn, and silk. All sizes. Regular 'value $1.50X Special Price for' Monday and Tuesday. ... . . . .08 ' - , White Aprons, Fnlly Worth 35o . . . 25o Nurses' Sheer Lawn Aprons, made with bibs and shoulder pieces,' trimmed with hemstitching, tucks and embroidery,; finished with long ties; regular. values 35c 'Monday's selling price; .'.25 Bathing Suits The bathing season is, now on in full blast . -: . here is an unusual offering - Women's and Children's Bathing Suits, in al- paca and serge, colors blue, black and red, made with full skirts, sailor or Russian blouse waists; collars, belts, sleeves and skirts tare i nicely, trimmed in rows of white braid. Spe-" cial Prices for Monday and Tuesday's selling . v " ran?e from Suit $i;75to$5.50 7c i Children's Dresses ,r Children's Chambray and Percale ' Dresses," made yoke effects or Buster Brown, daintily trimmed 'in braids and embroidery, all colors, sizes 6 to 14. years; regular values from $1 to $2.50. Special for Monday only. ....................... . ... ............. 70 Covert Coats, Exceptional Values Women's Tan .Covert Coats, made by skilled tailors, in fitted and ' box effect, trimmed with stitched bands and buttons. Full, lego-mutton sleeves finished with cuffs. All sires. Cut prices for Mon day's selling, each ............... S4.75, 86.50, $10.50, S12.50 Colored Aprons, Heal 25o Values, at 18o ' Women's brown and blue checked Gingham Aprons, made extra width with' wide hem and long strings; regular 25c values, v On Special Sale at, each...'..... ..'................18 : Iluslin Underxyear Better buy, now and save. Our Muslin Underwear Department is do . ing a largely increased business just now; and it ought to, for the collection is. more varied than ever before, and every price represents a saving. .These especially economical - chances . await yott for Monday and Tuesday t ,' :"' Corset Covers XtL . Worth 65o at PC "Nainsook, French style,, low neck, .trimmed with hemstitched tucks,' rows of lace inserting, beading, ribbon and lace edging; regular 65c. ' Special 45 Drawers at'tQW- BO o Values OcU Cambric and Muslin Drawers, ,1 um brella shaped, lawn ruffle, . trimmed with' tucks, embroidery, inserting and embroidery ruffle. Drawers made with extra fullness over hips and yoke . ' . bands. On Special, Sale Monday. 39 - 75o Values OoO v Muslin, V-shaped neck, trimmed with tucks and rows of torchon inserting, .alscLhcmisUe-styies-trimmed with- " lace ' cdeing. ' Wide skirts and - full sleeves ; regular : 75c. Special . . : 58 Oldrtsat K'v vt f aq 02.50 Values 2Q 1 "pT Cambric" Skirts,-; trimmed with deep lawn ruffle three rows' lace insertings, narrow lawn !wrufflV with lace - edging and finished with dust ruffle. t' -i Toe romorrow at. . . . .81.CS , . M if . . V A' Great Reduction Price Sale at the Stocking Count er Toimorrbw Thousands of dollars, worth of hew autumn merchandise, now In transit, will be demanding shelf room in the course of the next two or three weeks. It is imperative that we reduce the size of our summer stock in this department almost half. During the next 10 days, with this end r 1 in view, we inaugurate tomorrow a great a . Ten liars' Stocking: Sale enable vou to fill your hosiery wants at sUrtling reductions. The items quoted be ' will give you an idea of what you may expect all through the entire stock: V That will ' lOW "';.;1V,V " rS..f'M"ew,'Paitcy Hosiery A", great'display 6f "New Fancies.'.'in black, embroidered, new grays, navies or tans. A Bigv Special Offering ; 15C Women's Full Beg-. Made Fast Black Hosiery Regular 25c Quality 80 dozen Women's best 25c quality Cotton Hose, double soles, spliced heels,' full fashioned 'legs arid H A finished feet. A Special Sale at the pair.............. IlC Women's Outsize Black Lace lisle Hosiery Handsome designs in an assortment of new patterns. Fancy Lace Openwork Stockings. Made extra large for fleshy Cn women; regular 40c grade,-for.....;..................fOC ' J . Children's "Puritan" Stocldngrs A big sale of this popular' brand of Stockings for Children-to-morroW, all sizes in fine lxl rib, dressiest and most dura- H' ble stocking made; best 25c quality; 3 pairs, 50 pair. 1 v Knit Vesta & Pants Long Sleeve Vests, Ankle or Knee Pants. ' ' A 50c Quality OK ffor Only ;. . &tJfU An Extra Special Offering. , " This lot consists .of 100 dozen of a real 50c quality Underwear, in fine bleached yarn, super weight, silk trirrfme'd garments ; all sizes, . The opportunity of the season to secure a thor oughly high grade garment at exactly Half Price. ' " " ": ', - " v Silli Gloves Two-clasp double tip fingers. ttzcs ty3 to 8, whiterbIackT brown, tan, "gray and nary, at 50e 75c Qi.OD Great Sale Wrist Bags 35a dozen .Walrus and Seal Hand bags, new envelope shape, silk lined with inside coin purse ; real $2 values for., .$1.00 XL v' i ' linens and Napkins V : .; .. s v Remarkable Values. . Some very special inducements, priced : specially for Monday's and Tuesday's selling dependable qualities,:-low prices and new,' up-to-date' patterns:' 1 Unbleached Table Linen, full 60 inches wide, in a large assortment of new pat terns, extra heavy quality, guaranteed to wear; well worthJBOc yard. Spe- -" cial Monday and Tuesday at. . . . .50 Bleached Table Damask, strictly all Hnen, 60 inches wide, handsome new patterns to. select from ; never before sold for less than 75c a yard. .Extra Special Monday and Tuesday at. .C0 White Gpreada V At Very Special Prices; i;". Full size White Bedspreads, made of superior three-ply" cottpn, hemmed ready for use, handsome new patterns to select from; best $1.23 grade. W On Bale Monday and Tuesday at 05 91.0 Opreads at 01.20 . An Unusual Bargain. r Full size White Bedspreads, in hand some. Marseilles patterns, extra' weight nd-TtraaUtyrunusuar'value9ar$1.50r On bpecial Sale Monday and ' -Tuesday at ....., i . . . . . ; .f 1.29 Bed Cheets ji - - -Extraordinary Values. ' Made of extra quality, heavy, round thread, soft 'finished muslin, without seams. These lots represent some of the best values we have ever cTerei- Size 74x90 inches special v r " Size 81x00 inches, extra r 2s - I VS 1 . , 1 ' )