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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1905)
TTTV ATrAtt -YT- T IT -. V -1I TT" - " " ' --' FVTV V . ' .' , 4x r s v s 3-: HE put vnk hu bra full of Informal affairs lnv honor of "J eut-of-town guest Much Is rfnni fAP lira. Jeanaa ', Flower and her two daughters of Now --Torlf'' Mr -Frederics: Pratt, .from ' Broohlra, rocont arrival, I tho center " r of laborat entertaining. . . .. j Mr Warren Houghton lJUil V ' ' Wednesday one of tho fow large '" " and formal affair Tho launch party ik.t Tho eiDoaltloa led tho event there. ' J The California reception yesterday aft r" many prominent ex-Calif ornlahs4-! - ;. Portland wore In attendance. Tho Call. . . '. ' fornia household gave a dinner 'laot -V'. "week for Governor and Mrs. Chamber , f lain, and among tho guests were Mr. and ' VMra. Walter Hold, of California, who ' ' ' have' boon guests at tho California . : building for a week. Mr. Gler. another - prominent California!!. ontorUinod with " ' a luncheon on tho Trail for tho Flloher . ' the Wlsstns and tho Relda. v s , '" Tho coneort given by Mloo Alio Rob- y-"bins Colo rank as tho isadlng nrusioai '. " event of tho late season, and a ono of - - .! the nromlaent social affaire. Almost - " , . j aU (ho women present were In Informal i ' v. evening drees, and tho plentiful oprlnk- ' . j. , ling of flowered Dolly Vardens made a - t .'l"ty effect The patronesooa occupied the front pews of tho church and were ,," Torjr elaborately gowned. Miss , Colo 'wore an elegant lace robe with triple skirt, ever whit , satiw Tho flowers ; ' sent her by tho society women of tho .' city made' a beautiful " dloplay. Miss .Cols has ono of the sweetest voices over 'heard in concert bora. , Tho dopartnro of Mr. and Mm Thurs ? - oa today for their homo In Nebraska was tho eauee of much regret, as they had mads many friends. Mrs. Thuro J, ton has boon a popular ('wast at many young folks' gatherings, and has boon prominent at ma expoeiuoa junction SOCIETY AT THE EX POSITION, j . i. . . 1 ... .. x party of St Uul-vlltor wlU ar- " rive tms wees unaer me cenauot ox n. R. Gregory. Tho party includes 17 and i , la mads up of prominent society people. ," , Mr. and Mrs. i. F. Conrad and their daughter . Miss Carrie Conrad, Tlra- othy , and Eugene. Connor ana Mr. ' and Mrs. - George Hertick are ' among the well-known' names. They i 'will bo guests at tho American Ian for tl throo days. . A largs party will arrive at the Inn ' from Philadelphia tomorrow. H. , Clay Borden, profeasor of geology In the , Vinnsl Tllnlng-achooLcfPitllaaelBhlt J Is conductor. Among the guests are Miss Winlfleld Dalton, Miss Alberta ' -Hearing. Pr. Nichols and Miss Nichols. , There are II tains company. . ,; - -: p , ' ' i A charming event was the dlnnsr . given Wednesday evening by President . ; . and Mr Usury W. Goods at thslr beau .tlful homo o Flanders street The .'table was covered with rod and white ' roses In splendid effect Mrs. Goods's , favorite flower Is the rose and shs Is . , fondi of using tho Portland flower on all 'occasions. Her honor guests were Dr. an4 Mrs. Ward of the New Tork com , mission and Invited to" meet them were ;tr. ana Mrs. Thomas nerr, air. ana Mr Walter r. Burroll. Mr. and . Mrs. , Theodore B. Wilcox. Mies May MonU , gomery. Miss Laurie King, Dr. Mao '.t Donald of Now Tork. and Peter Kerr. The gpaftlab studente-- playedduring dinner. Afterward tho company spent no evening ou me varan oa.' . ; , . Mrs. Samuel B. Ward entertained at ; breakfast Thursday noon , at ths Nsw ' York building. Tho taj)le was laid on . tho veranda overlooking tho ground Roses were used for decoration. Mrs. '. ! Goods sat at tho hostess' right hand -. and tho othor guests were Mr L. Allen " Lewi Mr Oskar Huber, Mr Frank '. Vincent DuMond, Mr C ft. 8. Wood, . Mr Charlss P. Boob Mr Robert , Allen Reid of Boston. Mr J. W. Ben' hm of Now Tork. Mrs. Frank M. War- , ren and Mr D. M. Ellis of Nsw Tork. Dr. and 'Mrs. Ward entertained at - dinner last Sunday avoning. Sweet paa were used effectively In tho form of a raised star.. Tho guests were president and Mr Good Mr. and Mr . li. Alien Xowl Senator and Mr Mo Brld Dr. C. - Ft MacDonald of New Tork, and Major James Mel. Wood. Dr. and Mr Samuel' B." Ward. ao ompanlod by Dr. C. F. MacDonald. who has boon a guest st ths Nsw Tork build. . ingv.wiii leave xueeoay ror Alask They will return for New Tork day, . August It, to preside over the func- , tion - -". .. ' - tstst night tho Now Tork eommlsston, - through Dr. and Mr 'Ward as host and hostes gave a dinner In honor of Gov ornor and Mrs. George H. ChamberUm, Covers were laid for 10. i --M5r-1 Allen Lwls entertained In formally at luncheon Wednesday. -Her - guests wore Mr. and Mra. Good Dr. and 7 Mr Ward. Mrs. C E. 8. Wood -and Dr. MacDonald. - . I EVENTS OF THE WEEK. r V" Mr. anT Mr Henry W. Oobd'e's .. launob party In -honor of Dr.- and Mr f- Ward, was given Friday evening after . several postponements and wss one of . .. - , tho most delightful-events of ths fair v '! swaaon..uTen launches were filled with '. ' guests. Ths effect wss yery beau '. . tlful as -ths launches ehot out In an .unbroken line, the elnctrlo bulbs In the Oriental lanterns forming a succession . uof archss. Flowers, ferns and Oregon '. . "j ' grape wera wound about ths canopy framework. Tho musicians In the con " tral boat played the national airs and m' : popular old song The life-saving crew 'i g-ave a Splendid exhibition for the party. , which , disembarked for supper In ths ' grove on tho terrace. ..Two long tables . woro laid for the guests and flowers wore In abundance. Other places of honor, were occupied by Mr. end MrvJ vvara, airs, sreosnca rTatt, ir. Mac v ; . . Donald, Mra. Helen Ladd Corbet t. Mr. Pratt Governor and Mrs. Chamberlain, ' Judge Williams and Miss Williams. Ths ' guests wore: Mr. and Mrs. Koehler, Dr. snd Mr Rockey. ths Missss Flower. "Mr. and Mrs. Charles' E, LsddrMrrand .Mrs. S. M. Mears, Mr. and Mrs. Knspp. Mrs. H. D. Green, Mr. and 'Mr Frank ( Wooleey, Mr. and Mr George Good, '. ' J , Mr. - and Mr Parkin Miss Leslie . Xnspp, tho Misses Brysn, ths Misses Dosch. Wirt Minor, Miss Tllcheiv Mv and Mr' Joseph Fllohsr, George V. ! Wilson, Miss Montgomery, T. B. Glf j. ford. Peter Kern JUr. and Mrs. Thomas Ksrr. C. K. OreU Mr. and Mr Charles H. Carey, Mr. and Mrs.. W. D. Fsnton, Mr II. U Corbett, Mr. and Mr F. B. i Pratt Cheater Murphy, Miss Williams, Oeorgo H. Wllllsm tho Mlssoa War ren, Goorga Warren, Mr. and Mr Oori don Vorhle Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ayer. Mle Hssel Do,lph, Dr end Mrs. Ernest ' F. Tucker, Mr. Wlnslow, August Borg, - Mr. ara Men T. k Syke ienry . K. vr. - i r A .V it. 'V, Mri. Henry Dosch. Mr. and Mr P. Rossi. George Austin Dennlson, Frederick A. Holman. Mr. and Mr Theodore Hardee, Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Smith. Mies' Alice Strong, Ion lwl Mrs. UcCann. Mr D. M. Pratt Miss He I ten u. J. D. Car eon. Mr. and Mr H. C Allen, Mr. and Mr F. Jt Hopkln Mr. and Mr. Helt sbu. Mr: and Mrs. C. J. Reed, WUllam V. wnaiwright MUi Marten Rtrnnr Mr. and Mra. Bee be, Barry Bulkier, Mr Henry E. Jone Dr. and Mr Clarence wicnoio. Mrs. James Flower. Mr W. F. Houghton, the Misses Houghtoa Major James MoJL Wood, Governor and Mr Chamberlain. Mr. Andrew Kerr, Dr. Carlos t MacDonald, Mr. A. M. Bra cons. Dr.-and Mr Skon -Tom Rob ertson, Miss Nanny Wood. Henry Lsdd Corbett, Mr. and Mr C. S. Jackson, Mr. andMr Hart' Mr. Frederick W. MUlkey, Miss Slbson, Mr. and Mr E. C Mears, Mr. and Mr Richard R. Hog Jordan Zan, Mr. and Mr James 8. Reed, . Mr. Zegglo, ' commissioner from Italy Katharine Sltton. Mr. and Mrs. George W. McBrlde. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Wilbur, Miss Whslley, Herbert Nlotiol Lou Woodward, Mrs.' D. A. Shlndler, Mr. Sherman Hall, P, F. Du Flon, Miss Mill Mr. and Mr F. H. Pag Mr. and Mr C. K. S. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. I Allen Lewis, Mr. Roberts,. Mr. and Mr John Kollook. Mr Ned Ayer, Mr. and Mr 8. B. Linthlcum. General and Mrs. Gantsnbeln, Mr. and Mrs. Laldlaw, Mlaa Waits. Bert C. Ball, W. M. Geddea. Frederick H. - Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, Miss . Woolsey, Miss Brown, Miss Sansbury, Miss Laurie King, tho Misses von Dostlnon, Bridges Webb, Miss Stott, Mr. and Mr Zera Snow, Mr. and Mrs. F. V. DuMond, Mr. and Mrs. Morton H. Insley; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Boise, HIM . Ruth. Smith, Dava Honayman, Miss Rachel oeephi. Miss Helen . Kasthsm, Mr G. F. Beck. Mlas Florence Bill, Franols B. Rlgg Miss Etta Honeyman, Mr. and Mr J. Wesley Ladd. Mr. and Mr Mgcksnsl Mlsa Fanny Brown, Mr J. G. Psrrin Mr. and Mrs. Chenery, Mr. and Ifr R. H. Pease. Miss Chenery, Theodore B. Wilcox, Henry C Jefferlls, Mr. and Mr George Taylor, Charles s. Holbrooa, Mr. and Mrs. J. McCraksn, Raymond Frank, D.H. BIbb. Mr. and Mr SUnley. Robert Smith, Lansing Stout, Mr. and Mr Henry McCraken. I Mr. and Mr D. M. Ellis. Miss Eva Wlggln Mr. and Mr Frank, Wlggln . w The largest horns affair of the week was a tea given Wednesday by Mrs. Warren Houghton and society was in vited In full force. Mrs. James Flower of New JXork, jilator of tho hostess, the honor guest wss handsomely attired in nand-embroldorea lavender sua, orna mented with rich point lsc Mr Houghton was In black lace over .whitg satin. Tho home was decked with exquisite flower palms and pink roses harmon ising prettily In the drawing-room, in the reception-room waa the - brilliant coloring of tho yotlow coreopsis, and-In tho music-room, galardla. The dining room was In pink, with dainty daybreak carnations and pink shaded csndelsbra on the handsomely., appointed round table. ; " Assisting the hostess In tho receiving rooms were: Mrs. Zera Snow, Mrs. Frank Vincent Du Mond. Mr C E. Chenery, Mrs. Morton Insley, Mr J, Frank Watson, Mrs. Knapp, Mr AUl son, Mrs. C. E. S. Wood, Mr Nichols, Mrs. W. C. Langfltt. Mrs. John K. Kol lock and Mr J. Weslsy Ladd. Punch was served by Mrs. Walter F. Burreli and Mre. Arthur Mlnott. . Mrs. C. A. Dolph and Mrs.- James Laldlsw served Ices, and In the dining-room Mr HelhLdd CnrbetU Mre. -Theodare B. Wilcox. Mrs. Walter J. Burns and Mra L, Allen Lewla poured tea. Assisting shout the tables were: MISs Nsn Wood. Miss . Kathleen - Burns. Miss -Patsy Brysn; Mlas Hssel Dolph, ths Misses Florence and Eatello Flower, Hies Os hnrs of Inrtlsna. and Misses Effle and Clslre Houghton. , - Wilder' ercheetra played Ut the hill, screened by palm Over t(ft guests called. .j w ' Tho Misses Hand entertained with a delightful lawn fete In honor of Mlas Ruth A. Beckett of Des Moines. Iowa, last week. Tho lawn was artlallcally Illuminated and offered a pretty apot for games and music. Lata In tho averr ing refreshments were served. Tho ' , - W. Good. guests woro Mr. and Mr W. I Ab ram Mr. and Mr A. ?V!ggor Mr. and Mr Morrow, ' Professor and Mr Charlss F. Mills, Edison Burks, Miss Genevieve Snelllng, Mill Mary Seott Charles Welch, James Inilay. Miss Inea Evan Mlas- Laura Baty, Everett Hol lo well, Harold Johnston, Harper Jame son. Miss Christina Gram, Bert Nesblt Miss Emma Johnson. Will Strahan. Miss Aleta Abram Miss Marguretta Gibson, Miss Camilla Hlgglns, Waltsr , Boott Fred Oram. . Miss Anna Devi Miss Marian. Vlggera, Miss Myrtle Musgrov WUllam Vlgger Arthur Leigh ton, Fos ter Gibson and Ambrose Hlggln . .... . . w - Last -Monday evening at the Whit Temple a farswell reception .was given Wllllsm Dean Bhaw, Jr., leader of the Alert Bible club, ono of the young men's organisations of tho chnrch. Tho lower temple hsd bssn attractively decorated In tho club colors of blus and whit with a profusion of monogram bannsr A bright Interesting . program wss rendered, after which words of farewell were spoked by representatives from tho young people's organisation In be half of tho A. B. C,; tho president, Sam Robinson,, presented Mr. Shew with a handsome loving cup. A social hour fol lowed, -during which orange frapp waa served. Mr.. Shaw left Wednesday for' six weeks In Grants Pass, Oregon, and then will go to Arlsona. z..." - w w - Mr. and Mr George F, Rogers gave. a unique Bcotch lawn party at their Mount Tabor homo Tuesday evening In honor of tho host's father, George B. Rogers of . PennsyJvanl Tho lawn was prettily Illuminated and made com. fortablo with chairs and rug Mrs. W. D. Deavar sang a number of Scotch alra and Miss Mlslo Bharpo gave the distinctive dances In eostum "Bandy' MacDonald played the bagpipe Re freshments suggestive of tho country were served. A few of tho gussts pres ent were Judge and Mr Calvert Mr, and Mr Picket, Mr., and Mr Gelkl Miss Leotl Deaver, Miss Frances Nsw. some, Mr. and Mr N. W. Bradley, son and daughter of Denvar and other w w Mr. and Mr J. Weatey.Ladd enter tatned at dinner Tuesday evening 1n honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Pratt of Brooklyn, New Tork, who are gussts at tho homo of Mr W. S Ladd.- Ptnk sweetpeas and filmy tulle made a dell cato combination for table decorations. Little glass baskets from Paris were tho favors for tha women and cigarette- holders of Inlaid wood for the men. Ths guests, besides Mr. and Mrs. Pratt were: Mr. and Mr L. Allen Lewis, Mr. and Mrs.-Welter J. Burns, Ceptaln and Mrs. Cahlll of Vancouver, Miss . May FaUIng. Miss Virginia Wljson, Robert 8. Howard and Dr. Jef ferae. w w Mis Ruth Maxwell gave a tea Tues day afternoon In honor of out-of-town girl Mr A. E. Hockey served Ices In the library; In tho dining-room Mr Hunt Lewis and Miss Hasel Dolph poured tea, and Mr Roy E. Norton aang. Tho guests were tho Misses Florence and Estell Flower of New Tork, the Misses Burnham and Kather In Brown of Oakland, the Mioses Mills of Ban Francisco, tho Misses Vollmer end Bonna of Idaho, Miss Hssel Crocker, Miss Harriet Calkins, Miss Buslo Stott Miss Fanny Brown and Miss Alice Bans- bury snd others. WW Mr Theodore B. Wilcox gave an In. formal tea Tueaday afternoon in honor of her sister, Miss Stsvens of New Eng land. The rooms were pretty with old- fashioned garden- flowers. Pale blue larkspur was used In ths reception-room and pink phlox In the dining-room. As sisting in ths aining-room" In serving Ices and pouring tea were Mr L. Allan Lewi Miss May Falling, Mrs, Arthur Mlnott and Mrs. Frank Vincent DuMond w Mr Millie Perkins entertained about 10 guest with a musicals at her home on Eaet Sixteenth street Wednesday evening. Bagpipe selections by Mr. Moon, violin numbsra by Mr. Moberly of Lo Angeles and other muelcal se lection woro enjoyed. Mr Perkins was assisted by tho Misses Duk Mr G. K. Clerk, Mr A. J. Clara Mlaa Hobon and Mr Lamping of Seattl -"ww.,, : v Mra i George B. Rodger of 'Mount Tabor gsv sn afternoon Wed needs y in! honor of her slstsr, Mr t A W. BradUy and daughter. Mis Ad of Denver. Tho afternoon was made pleasant with aang by Mr. Deavor, Miss Newsoms and Mis Stalter, with Mr Fayla a ao oompanlat': Lata la tha afternoon re freehmonta wars oerved. Among those present woro: Mr F. W. Bradley, Mies Ada Bradley, Mr W.-a Puffer, Mr John Burgard. Mr W. H, Fayl Mr W. .D. Deavor. Mr Do . Lano, Mra. Humphrey, -Mies Eleanor Statter and Miss Francos Neweom - - , . : ' .. ww- ' ' Mlaa Stella Murdon and Mlsa Charlotte Wilson- were hostesses of a boating party on the river Wednesday evening. Sixteen enjoyed the trip. A lata supper waa served on; Ross .island, .."In. the party besides tbo hostesses were: Miss Nellie Hansen, Mlsa Leila Burg. Miss Maud Hester, Mia Wilma Henderson, Miss Alio Bton Mlsa Myrtle urg, Charles l Wylt Burt Hardman, Marshall Dar. John F. Sturdy. Vance Holdep, Paul Hester, Wllllsm Murdon and Henry WUoetC , -, ., - .-t... ..w Mis Harriet Calkin gave a tea Wednesday afternoon In honor of the Mlaaes Mills of Ban Francisco, who are gussts of Mr A. m Rookoyi Mr C. E Curry oerved lea and Mr. Roy E. Norton poured to Among tho guoets were Mlsa Katharine Brown and His Burnham of Oakland, Mlssoa Sltton. Miss Ruth Maxwell, Mia Etta Honay man, Mlaa Fanny Brown, Mr Ernest Laldlaw.' Mr. Jamoa Laldlaw, . Mlaa Maud .Howell and, Mia Bear - Mr. and Mr Wilson K. Burgand of Montavllla entertained at dinner Tues day evening for their guest Mr. and Mr Carl B. Herter. of Minneapolis. Covers twsro laid for' eight Naatur- tiums formed a gorgeous table decora tion and tha brilliant ton woro re peated in tho water color name card The' favors woro' miniature ' pumpkins of ths aam color Oiled wit aaltod air mond.-.--- .:. t- .. . . " -w w - - - v Mlsa Clara Dollar of Spokane - was tho honor guest at an evening given by Ml Clara Cartman laat week. Tha room war doooratodl with aweet peas and rose'' Singing, dancing and games passed tho time pleasantly and at a late hour rerresnmonta , wore sorvoa. Earlier in the week Mr. and Mr J. Cartmaa gave an evening In honor of Mlsa Dollar and her father and many frlen4 called. .'V ------ w V Mr R. K. Warren's Bible class of tho First Presbyterian church took a delightful plcnlo outing , Tuesday. Somo 40 yoang people went to Mount- Tsoor bn a special oar. At o'clock ths grove had been deoo rated with Chinese lantern and tho evening p eased quickly with gamee and songs after oupporvT he class pisns - a number or outmg throughout tho umrar, ' WW Mlsa Morris gar a delightful rid to sister-in-law, Mr Jamas H. Morris of Philadelphia. Tbo guests were: Mr P. J. Mann, Mr Charles E. Curry, Mr B H. MoCrseksn, Mr Frank Nau. Mr Morgan of San Francisco, Mr Archie Peas Mr Henry F. Oil Mr B. F. Stevens, Mr Gustav Bruer and Mr Hsrbert Holman. - w w . : -T Miss Lull Hall gavs a porch taa Fri day afternoon In honor of tho Misses Vollmer and Bonna, who are guests of tbo Mlfsos Dosch. Among her gueets wore: Mr" Walker, -Mra. XUtenback. Mrs. Lelnston: Mr R. E. Norton, Mrs, F. Branch Riley, Miss Harriet Calkin Mies Etta Honeyman, Miss Jsnet Wake field, Miss Dosch, Miss Camilla Dosch and Miss Alio Salisbury, ww Mr Hsnry Jones entertained .a fow friend at bridge Friday afternoon as a farewell to Mr Bemle, who will soon leave for Washington. D. C. " Mr Bs- mls th mother of Mr W. C. Lang. fltt and will accompany her -daughter and tha major to hi now atatlon. Major Langfltt will leave August 10 and tho rest will follow soon after. - w w : ' A surprise -party was - given at th homo of Mr R. Brookers, 17 H Bel mont street Thursday evening In honor of tho 70th birthday of Mr Wrightman. Games and muslo filled in tho evening pioasanuy. nerresnmeni were servsa late In , tha . aventng by . th . Invading party. , - , -. ' ' - w w Ex-Senator and Mr John M. Thura- ton entertained at dinner Wednesday evening at the Portland. Thetf gussts were Senator Mitchell, oxSenator and Mr McBrld John ' Mitchell, Jr, and J. A. Horan. Mr. - and Mr Thurston left Thursday for tholr homo in No- brask ... , . V , Mr. and Mr A, Fleehman , gave a days outing at tno rair last week in honor of Miss Clara Dollar and L. Dollar of Bpokan Those in 1 tho party were Mr. and Mr A. Fleehman, Mr. Dollar, Mlas Dollar, Mlas Clara Cartman, Mlas Clara Ruvensky and Miss Clara Flesh' man. W W Mr. and Mr W. B. Ayer gave a dinner Thursday In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Pratt -ot New Torky' Tho othor .guests were Mr. ' and Mr Ricnara Koehler, Mr. and Mrs. wsitsr J. Burn Miss Falling, Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett Mr. Wheelwright and Dr. Jafferd . - ' - ww .,-".- Mrs. W.' A. Holt gave an Informal tea Friday afternoon for her sister Mr.-Hr 8.Olbsoirof-Seattl and Mr Q. F. Koehler of Loo Angele Assist ing her were: -Miss. Frsnces Warren, Mrs. H. A. Bsrgent Mr C. F. Bwlgert and Mr 8. M., Luder r ; y Mr William C. Alvord received a few friend at a bridge party Tnooday after noon for Mlsa Alloa Robbln Col of Boston, who formerly lived - In Port land. She I being, extensively enter talned. . ,-.- ' :- 7 . ... . Miss Maud Mory gave a launch party to her country horn at Oswego, Wed nesday. Supper was served . at j ths homo" and tho party returned late in the evening. , . ..- . ; '.... . . - w w- " A party of young people walked through Macleay park laat ' Tuesday morning, stsrtlng early and breakfast ing brook running through th park. ' . , , - ' w Dr. and Mrs. a. E. Rockey gave an elaborate reception and danca Thuraday evening In honor of tho Misses Ardella and Elisabeth Mills of 'San Franclsc?. ww Mis Clara Ruvensky gave a theatre party at the Marquam In honor of Miss Clara Dollar of Spokane and Miss Clara Cartman of thla city. - t . Mlsa Stall Mead of tho Hobert-Curtta estertalned at luncheon at tha American Inn last week, whoa covers war laid for-ll. '.-'. - '-ww Th Misses Failing entertained with an- informal afternoon of bridge Friday In compliment to Mr Pratt . , . - w w Cm and Mrs. Henry Jones antertalnsd at dinner Thursdsy svenlng for Dr. and Mra. Ward and Dr. MacDonald, Other guests were: Mr. and Mr Frank Vhw oeat Du Mond and Mr. and Mr Samuel Mearn. ' .V . ".fa;" ' Mr Morton Insley gavs a - araall bridge party Thursday af ternooa, at which th Mlssoa Flower were honor guest ., , .. .. ': .1 " Mr. and Mr J. Weslsy Ladd ga' ride to Claromont tavern and a dinner for ton laat week. - - :.- ' w. w 1 Mr W. S.. Ladd entertained Inform ally at luncheon ' Tuesday , for Mr Frederick Pratt Tho Misses Falling entertained with a lunoheoa for - Mr Frederick-. Pratt Wednesday. v , . . . . Mlaa Alloa Sanabury gave a danoo last night for a number of out-of-town vla- Hor' 1 ,'' -' '- Mlsa Busts Stott entertained last woo with a dinner for tho Missss Flower. , ,- j . I WEDDINGS. Frank Mallon and Mlaa Nellie Mo- Carthy war married at St Mary's Cath olio church. Alblna... laat 'Wednesday morning. Tha ceremony waa performed by the Rev. D P., Curler. Tho bride looked charming In tan crepe do chine trimmed with Irish - point lao Mia Nellie Muldoon, coualn of tha brld was maid af - honor and wore a - gown of nunc, whit vailing. Tho groom was attended by James Callahan. 'After tho marriage tbo - wedding party returned to tha homo of Mr Muldoon. the bride' a aunt -1141 Minnesota avene where -a bountiful dinner wa served. Tho parlors were handsomely decorated with, flower fern and potted plaint Congratulatory massages war received from numerous friends la Portland and Vadeouvar. Mr. and Mrs. Mallon - will bo at horn oarly In August at 11T Kll- lingswortn avonu , ,' .. . . .. . .-t s Mlas 'Maud Hamilton : aad Manley Everett .' were - married at Hlllaboro Wodneoday by tho bride' father. Rev. Mr. - Hamilton. - A largo - number af frienda from Iowa,' Dakota. Vancouver and Portland wore In attandane Mr. and Mr , Everett will reelde at St John- ';-..' .- j - ' - --,"-'' v iV '''- '"' v- ' Mlaa Amy Long aad Ieaao Lou sign out woro married at Grace Methodist church Tuesday evening by Pr. Clarence True Wilson. . Tho pa rente of th brld -and groom and a few frienda war tho only guests attending. Mr. and Mr Loualg- nout will reside la -For: ww Honcrief p. Dickson and Miss Helen Ramsey Smith, both of thla city, were married by Dr. Clarence True' Wilson Saturday. July II, at the parsons g Several frienda of tho bride aad groom witnessed tbo ceremony. . .. - w w r W. ' M. ' Tomllnson and ' Mlsa , Ada Brightman woro married Friday, July 11. br Rev. WilMaxn b. Randall at tha Contra! ' Baptist parsons g ' Tha bride and groom went to Seattla an a abort '- ; 'w "w '' - f Mlaa May Cramer - wa married to Warren J.-Hoi man last Tueaday morn ing at tha-resldence of Mr J,- W. Hol man. ' Dr Clarence True Wilson offlol- atoa. . y . ., .- .,..1 . -;-- " .- w w '-- V Mr. and Mr M. Osirow announce th marriage of their daughter, Helen, to Burt Jacobl at Kelena, Montana, Wodneoday, July 11. Mr. and Mra. Jacobl are touring th wss tern state Harold V. Mllligsn wHI bo organist and choir director at tbo First Prsby tertan church for th month of Auguat during tho absence of Edgar B. Coursen. ths Sunday evening organ recital be ginning at f:S0 o'clock ,wlll be continued and th regular quartet choir of. tha church will remain throughout tha aum mar. Mr. Mllllgan la In charge of tho muete at Calvary Preobytorian church, whore hlo place will bo taken during Auguat by Mlaa Margaret Lamborson. - -w Arthur Louis ' Fraser, . prominent figure in musical drclea throughout tha stat returned . - from . Germany last Tuesday.- Ho loft laot fall for a four year' stay but ehattered nervea no caaoltatod his return. Ho has gone to hi home In Eugen - ,-. . - w w'" " '' MrAnna. Selkirk Norton has been fbrtunato In securing Miss Ruth Max well aa a manager.- Mlas Maxwell Is srranglng a series of recitals on -a tour of tha entire Pacific coast and Is meeting with great success. - -' . w ' w - -' Mr Walter Rood Is to bo tho soloist at the Catholic day-exercises today at Fsstlval hall at tha fair and will sing Gounod a "here la a Green Hill Far Away." . . r ;. -:, v.. w w . ' Mlaa Helen Brighara has aubetttuted tha past two Sundaya as soprano in tho. First Unitarian choir during ; Mlaa Maatlck'a abaenc ,, ,- :,. , w' w ' Mra. Ernest Laldlaw 1 aubstitutlng this month nt Grae Methodist church aa aolo contralto. . ..- 1 'ENGAGEMENTS. Mra.- F. L. Adama announcoa tha en gagement of her daughter. Mis Norma Eleanor Adams, to William Tipton Davis of Manila. - Philippine Island The wedding will take place In th eerly rait t . . - J "., - 'W . w Mr. and : Mr David Thompson have announced the engagement of their daughter, Marie J. Thompson, to Wood D.'Paslsy-of Pendleton. The marriage la set for August 1, STRAY BITS. " WUllam Vpalrclough .of Chicago will be prominent gtieet her In September, when he will visit hi sister, Mrs. Henry W. aood."' Ho will bring with him then Ms brld Miss Porter, niece of Fred Remington, the artist and they win spend soma time in Portland.- Miss Porter Is a vsry lovely and , accom plished young woman and there will be eomo brilliant entertaining In her honor. ' w w ' Dr. MacDonald. who I a guest at the New Tork bunding, was a claasmato at medical college of Dr. Henry Jone of thle cttf and tha two wool through army and hospital service together. Dr. MacDonald has boon' a popuia guest Of . 1 . . w . - - - -- - - 'W ' - Mr. and Mr. C. A Gilbert of Orsnt county were guests In th city Isst week. They Were married In Albany 1 A 11 -Mr i 1 l yy... .. ... i --yl I 7T- MUSICAL, NOTES. mm for n; 1 l ' Tl I V ; 1 9 VII tin 1 1 I ft El If - 1 ' -W 7 I 1 ffv 1 M 1 y 1 I -7 lira. John M Thuritort.- r 111 :'. '. : Monday at tha First Methodist church. Ths brld waa Mlaa Peact . Wilson of Halssy. .-,- - ----- ' 0 ' : --: - Mr. and Mr B. E. Coursen wlU leave tomorrow for a month In the mountain Mr. uoursen is organist at nrst pro- bytriaa church. . - y - : - PERSONAL. Mlaa Jean Ballsy of Spokan formerly of thla city, ia th guest for a month, of relatives on tho east aid -' L Dollar and his daughter. Mlsa Clara, of Spokan visited relatives and f rloada hero lost week.. ... y. -. Kirk Sheldon, Jr., is spending a few week at homo with hi parents at III East Twelfth street. . . Miss Alice Benson Is the gnest t Mlsa Faith Powall at Besvlew. Miss Euna Lucksy is still visiting hsr aunt. Mr Lydia Smith, at Sea view. Miss Helen Robinson of Eugen "fc been tho guest of , friend for a f w week . Among - her entertainer were Miss . Alice Bretherton and Mis Ell Dobt' fellow-student at tha University of, Oregon. .- . : ? -. -. '- v -Professor and Mr Stafford and Mr Stafford's parent Professor and Mr John Btraub, are' guests of relatives in the suburbs.- Mr. Stafford t-head af th , ehemlstry department and Mr. Btraub of tha-Greek department at th University of Oregon. , - Mr M. D. Sheldon of San Jos la, a Portland guest -. She is tho mother of Dr. H. D. Sheldon, Instructor of philos ophy at th University of Oregon. Miss . Grace Holdon, violinist has gone to Eugene I spend the summer at her nom - .j. - Msyor ' W. F. Matlock of : Fondleton pent tho week with his family, who ar her for the eummer. r - - , . -, - Mr H. .E. Bicker and her daughter Mabel are hero from Pendleton for a fortnight. . ; Mr. and Mr H. J.. Truman bf SeatUe are gueets In the city. - Mr Ruth Clark and Mr. and Mr Glenn Window . of ; Pendleton arrived aunaiy and wiu spend a month here and at Nswport beach. . ... Mr. and Mr Arthur E. Lambert nt Pendleton are visiting friends la ths city, r - -.- - .- i- Mr. Walter Dunbar of Chicago ia the guest of Mr Charlea Hamer.- j- ; Miss Madeline Smith, daughter of Mrs. Preston Smith, hss gon to Eureka to spend several month - , 1 IT DIDN'T HURT . ; A BIT If erkit tbef Mr at ear swtkeds of antag desul work. We oe worti to. sennit tresi eat e( tbe sit? aotrklg e eveU ear deter. terrthlng so to ot . Osea eveslag sad tutdar . Mala Ito. WISE BROS., Dentists, As FaOtag. oar. Tamt aad Waaktagto Miss Edna Jones of Portland has boon spending a xortnignt with friend Mr J. W. Hibbard of Spokaoa w am guest m oast sios mends laat week. Mr N. 8. Spinning of Laroy, .till. noio; jar jr. ,M. aplnnlng of - Nutlar. New Jsrssy; Mr Julia Spinning of Newark, and Mies ' Besate t pinning of oummiv, nvw jersey, are visiting Mr. and Mr W. & Spinning of Sunnvaide. ' Mr H.- L. Graham and Miss Ethel Graham of Los Angel ee ar guests of Mr stoiungsworrn, Rodney aranu Mia Graham Is a talented slnaor who ha made several successful appearance in oan jTaneiacoi -i Mr. H. B. Rand of Oakland. Cali fornia, la a guest of Dr. D. H. Raad. l North Twntyfoorth street , . Ma a. w. Cramer and, tha Misses Cramer have opened - their- cortege at Boavlow for. tho summer. Carl Bchuita f San Franoiaoo is -their gueat Mr. ana Mr u. j. etubiing and Mlsa Ann Stubllng of Tha Dal lee have boon in tho elty tho past week and are wueata of Mr E. Goliaaky. (74 East Taylor atroot. - .v ' . Mr John F. Logan hss returned from a Visit with Mrs, T. Dobson at Seaald Mr b. vonea is at Glen oottace at Sesald '. .- ,-.v , , v .Tha Lewis and Flandsra famUlee have gon to their ostat at Eeola for tho rest of trrs summer. ,, . i . Mlsa Ella F. Erakln and Mlsa Florence O. Ersklne of Boston, Msssachuaett are gussts of their Unci T. J. Arm- Strong, tl Multnomah atroot- - - - . Mr. and Mrs. p. a. Morton of this div ers at Rest -sot tags at Beaald Their gussts are the Missss Blahs of Eaeanaba Michigan, sisters af Mr Horton. Mr. and Mr w. H. Boles of PhQomath wera guests of thslr daughter, Mr Ella Jone for a week. -They ialted th fair. v .-.-.-.. . .-i- .. Mis Mary Elisabeth Webb left Tnoa. day for a short trip to Seaald v. Mr Charlea H. Banner of Balam baa been a guest in tha elty tho past week.- S. SlnahoUnor of New Tork la Ylaltlna- his brothsr, H, Slnsbeimor, of 771 Gllsan atroot - - - --,. , . . Mr Ed L. Howe has returned to bar Seaside homo with Mr. Bow - Mlsa France Hlohbora Bpoar of Phil adelphia, who 1 th gueet of her brother and hi win, Dr. and Mr Harry Blng- parn apear, or Boatuo, wiu ha a gueet In tho city before her return oast - -' Mr Pontius of Seattla ia tha ruest of hsr 'ltr, Mra. R XL. Moody,, of thla city.' , - ;-. , - ,-' - - Mr. and Mr M. A. Ounst. who hav been extensively entertained by friends In tha city, hav returned to tholr homo at Burllngam California. - Mr Hackett wifa of Major Hackatt, military Instructor Of tho - Belmont school, of - California,' with hsr son, Lewi who has Inst boon graduated front Harvard with distinguished Hon-J or are gussts of Mr. aad Mr X. N. Flsischnor at tholr Seaside horn . Fashion's Headquarters. y,': - By this ws meen tha Tavern, for everybody . know that tt I tha plaos where the smart sat resort Every featura of tho beautiful grill aad cafe Is perfect : By long odd It la th swellest place in tbo elty. Grand eon cert every evening. dpposlta Orogonlan building. Ladle' . aiinax,- tot , Alder trt : ..y'.. . Additional Paesengsr Sorvteo aa Soatlw ,.:'. Faatfta . ' "y, .;" Between ' Portland ' and Forest Oro'v Commencing July tt, th Southern Pa cific will. In addition to Ita present chedul put on a new train to leave Forest Grov 11:10 p. m. Cornellu lt:lt; Hlllsboro, lt:4l; RoodriU lt:i7; Beavorton, 1:07 p. a Arrive Portland 1:50 p. m. Returning, leave Portland 10:41 p. m.1 Beavorton. 11:11; Roodvlll ll:lt; HIHsboro, ll:t: Cornellu 11:01 m. Arrive Forest Orov ll:0t a. m. ; 4th'and Wshingtoa Sts. 'V i.: -'..V Preseritg"'"V' .;' ' notable assembly ot . r y The materials are of , ;. ' aurpassing texture. ; ; ' . and the deslgne are . of a character pledf (' j ing to the wearer a ,A treasured exclusive- t f .nesa,' , ', ' ''.'-;!"-';'"r-r" ; . - .; '-('.. -.. r, -y ;:,; ' Litt THIRD; FREE ; LECTURE r v- " The Allsky Hall, No.' Jet, ad oor, 1 ' Tnlrd Bad Moniaon Sts. . ,-, ; Tuesday, 10:30 aam. 'f, U i5ubicct:fhe MJoy of Uvlnz" - : The art 'of proper corseting will be most . v convincinrlv - demonstrated with - the FRONT LACED CORSET on living .-. -. . . '-."models. .'.:."- ''- y LADIES CORDIALLY INVITED Miss Brewster can be ieen at the Port . land Hotel, Room 334. r V " ' V. W. A. WTK '-I.'-. , ';: "V- . V