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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1905)
1 ........... - PAGES 13 TO 2 j PORTLAND. OREGON, . SUNDAY UOr.NINQ. JULY 30, 18C3. THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE U4 V THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE . ,,., Bateat Bants ' lufm Are convenient and keep trousers ! In shape. Special at, 1 for .....25 Spccld Kolice en Credits : titzcsl pica tezcrrow (Kcsiiy) . Ccu:iir on Ci? fly Writing- - Papa - Baa French' Dimity Writing Paper, cloth finish. In whits., gray and blue,' tints. 119 sheets in package. ' Special aale prlca. tba package ......... ..-25 Savslossa to Our Ho value. Bpaclal at. tba package 104 Ootl of Anu ( ViWif, Paper, fin cloth wove, finest high-grade paper. In all, tlnta. . Special at, tha box 25 Fancy drops WapkUa, in all ' the . newest designs. 100. In'. paekaca. Bpaclal at. tha paek- . ' ege , ui . j .....t . j. i ,35ai - Beflaed Ylolet ' Toilet ' Am asosia, large alaa bottles; oar : Ha velus.-, Bpaclal at tha bottle ....15 llas Silk - ay Sponges our ' lOo value. ' Special's!, . ! ' each e Ziaported ' Japanese TootsT Brushes, extra, fine quality ; our llo value. - Special at. aacK. ...... ,..........:8 Petroleum Jelly, In large also 1-pound Jare, for burna, cuts, ' etc.; our la value. Special at, the Jar 12 Xroniag Wax Pads Large alae cakea of wax, makes Ironing eaay and gives a. fine polish to linen. Special Bale price, each ..4 BUI Hots,' in all cplora. Spe clal at. each ....5 Patent Oemest Fasteners, la black or white; our lo value. Special at.- the card 6 XJmbroldrry . Scissors Klne , quality, nickel plated, alses, 4, i and inch. Special at. the pair ...... ...22 i T tTHTJTlSDi OP.M. GRAND PA! I no. 1 - J. A -r o i'iJ r it , ' IFTIIDAY. ilDAVAT FAIR ah RECEPTION TTO MEAD COUNSUl.U.BOAn. Wi DRILLS BY THE UNIFORM 1 7n , J SATURDAY v . - nil nuniMT Auu.uin --- IrvMiDCinN lib COLUMBIA .HANCINCr REF RESIDENTS BOATLEAVtjs Sunday Sayings ''nt la not work that una aam tt W worry. Work ta kealtky) you an hardly pat mom apm mam tha he eu bear. Worry ia raat pom the Blade, It la mo the revolatloa that destroys the machinery, but the frlotloa. Keep Komday U mind today, with Its datiea, and youTl better, enjoy Sunday." enry Ward It's Advice to Be Heeded f ' Watch the dally' dolnga of this .great store this marvelous supply house for all that's needed for per senal wear or household use. Watch and pay less , -thaa you expect to for quality merchandise fill your dally needs. , "' ' ; Vi'j"""' 1 ' 1 " . t Deep Cut in Attractive Novelties In - teatherGoods '- - first Sloor West 'Annex. - Monday we offer a fine line of ' genuine "pigskin" leather Novel- , ' tlea. Cigar Caaea, Jewel Boxes, . Playing Card Caaea and Drinking . Olaaa Caaea: all are splendid value at tha following prices: Clga Oases Priced at, each. 49 mall Jewel Cases Priced at, each ...........40 " arge Sise Jewel Oaaea Priced at, each i. . . . . .60 Bxlnklng' ttlass Oaaea, conUlnlng drinking glass with .. medicine gauge etched ron glaaa. - Price,- each., complete . i... .,...... .43 BambI wiavtBa? Card Case, containing two packs of ' fine quality playlng-earde Price, each. 1.00 The Steel Sinks Deep Into : ' Corset Prices ; , $2J0 "Royal Worcester " Tape GirdIesTSpeclal ; Monday at $1.49 "Royal Worcester" Salons, Second -. Sloor Annex, tomorrow we'shall place on sal ' a lot of Tape Girdles Inada of heavy . brocade silk fabrics, a choice of pink, blue, whit or whit vmumffl with white a lavender dots. A comfortable stylish girdle eapeo tally adapted for aummar wear 'when a full and . ,- free movement of the body la' ao much to be da aired. '"In atsea II to 14 and usual 11.10 values. Special Monday, at......... ,...91.49 In the Art Shop The Bargala Axe b FaHIsj: Has Cot tut Price la Twsla On' Prttty Art t Pieces and left the smaller part with us . The larger hair of tha price Is gone -dMppeared.4Rea4.rof Monday's specials In the Aft ShopAnnex Second Floor. : ' ; ' " Partly Embroidered Pieces In Dollies and Center pieces, with enough materials to finish them. . Prices given below will serve to five an Idea of the values offered ' . Our regular $1.60 value Special at, each....... .69' Our regular l00 value Special at, each.... .91.2T Our regular 14.60 valued-Special at, each.. ...$2.13 Our regular $10.00 value Special at, each. ...94.39 ; - '. oo BolUaa fo Ito. . Round Dollies of fins white linen, with embroidered . edges, center stamped In pretty floral dealgna; our OOo value. Special at, each... .29, Prices Drattically Shaved of . Profit and Part of Cost on ; Sunbbnnets for Ladies and Misseis :.. , cond Floor ... ; t Ladles' and adaaea' Sunbonnefa'ln a great variety of ' fancy atrlped, figured and plain materials, auch as . percale, ehambray, gingham and .calico. Special aale price for Monday and, balance of , the week. each ................ ......... .T.. ...... .(16,- r ; -.. - t n iTK rrr n rrv-. a - r i rrv n r rr- rm rrh rrvr ' TO THE AUGUST PHICE-CIIOPPER'S JU0ILEE AT PORTUND'S FOREMOST STORE THE CHIPS WILL START TO FLY' MONDAY! Our rangers have been roaming thro' the store's forest of merchandise and blazed a network of bargain trails that lead thro' every reserve. The . great August sales start tomorrow. Price choppings will be deeper than ever-and not only will profits be hewn off, but costs cut intountil every vestige ofhe summer stocks shall topple and fall across the path of our public, . ia be taken iway and usedvwbile they are seasonable and most wanted. Hundreds of trained salespeople are here to serve you carefully; vast stocks and ample assortments of everything. It's a different sort of store from the usual 41 something new As tho you were attending some great fair and had the magic power to make your purse reach to the buying of double the utuali num ber of tWngstNot a ''cheap" storebut a" store filled rwith meritorious goods at prices truly cheap.. We've cut so deep in-many In stances ( that "only the mere "stumps' of original fair prices are lefCBringig baskrt tompno HUGE PRICE CHOPPINGS FALL AWAY FROM - j C;t ; THE MAN BEHIND THE; AXE - ; Jn the Dress South Anaez Flrat Floor. , - . " Perhaps you'd know" tha "whys and wherefore" of . these remarkable offerings that's human nature to want' to know. ' We've naught to conceal, and won't beat 'round the buah. But ; come out square-toed and give you the facts, We've too many ', Dreaa Goods bought too liberally was tempted by the won ' , derfully low prices and extremely favorable conditions allowed , i us. Sold so many dress goods In June and early July that our buyer "plunged" and went to the well once too often. ' Now we must rid the shelves of ths stocks to make room for tha' fall Durohaaee. , It'a an traneratlve rule that eachaeaaoa-maar 'find every section with, complete new stocks, and we're too wise to break that rule. To be sure, moot of these fabrics are perfectly adapted for fall and winter wear, styles are mirflt ths same and la many Instances just the same aa thoae now represented In the sales. All ths better for you; we cannot break our rule. The goods must go Just tha same, even though counterparts some in to take their plaoes. 'Again we say all the better forTyou. Coma tomorrow. Dress Goods Bargains Cream and Colored English Mohairs, in brllllantlns and Slolllan weavea, at special prices for Monday; every wanted color In tha assortment, cream Included. . too regular grade. Special, the yard ...... 414 . ; 7B regular grade. Special, the yard 934 11.00 regular , grade. Special, the yard ... ..i. .".694 $1.16 regular grade. Special,' the yard .....Sl.OO S1! $1.10 regular grade. 11.7 regular grade, f 1.00 regular grade. Bpeclal, BIackDresr'Ioods .22 $1.7 regular grade. -Bpeolal,-tha yard;7rvrr.r; , ...'........,......1.47 ipeciai, tne yard ....v.. ....... . S1.T Profit sacrlfloed and coat loat sight of. All new, this year's. fabrics, and tha guaranteed fast blacki. - SM Tard for Begnlar ILII Goods Taney Panama, pin dots and figured , novelty Mohair Et amine in neat checked effects. . . Sia4 Tard mgnlar $1JM Orade In the very latest novelty weaves, a large as . aortment of styles to choose from. Special, yard ... .k .... .Sjl. 14 Women's Suits for Every Function vonsamLT vrntf asszxo BAmoArjrs xxlrmm. attammt, ualomm. . ' ''.'t "';". Second Floor. - (Largeat and foremoat Suit and Wrap Stores west of Marshall TWd'i great Chl j ', - , , . cag establishment.) ' ' . A : 1 .Vmi.IiI. a A ......... I - M a.. 1. ' faU wear. - Our buyers, now In New York, are being lmpor . tuaed by manufacturers to take the stop-overs in their sum- i t msr lines st their own price. Unprecedented bargains art be- lng picked up every day. One of the very best haa reached us snd will be offered our patrons, tomorrow at sa ah most Incredibly advantageous price. Sale wul hold the ' boards three dsys, unleas ' Suits are closed are ths time ' limit. . , . $38.50 Silk Shirtwaist Suits for $11.85 : In this off.rlng is Included all the very latest and newest of this season's smartest styles,- most . durable and best wearing Silks, and latest style effects. Among the colorings are blues, greens, ""tans, reds, pinks and plain blacks and whites. Ths best values we have ever offered up to I1S.S0T . special for Mon day,' Tuesday and Wednea- . day oniy, si....... '(There la nothing newer' there could not be, foi they're the last product of the 1105 summer sea Son.) . X '- ... i - iriBrea up ia $11.85 Trlrrt and Jaunty Linen Suits wrrac axmobtv wuur rn raxoa ooira. ,$18.60 Suits for $9.98 avrisuip. Am- $9.98 This, Portland's most popular, store for ' women's ready-to-don etothes, proves Itself ao again in this most attractive gathering of dainty waahable apparel. Suits ao cool and comfortable looking that they cauae a drop of 10- degrees ' svsry time they approach a thermometer. Mads of pretty, sturdy linens, .fash ioned In very lateat style effects, specimens of exquisite workmanship. lav " whites, trimmed with blue collars and cuirs, sna ciues trimmed In greens and linen shades. Best values up to $18.60. ' Special.:, ' for three days only, commencing Monday, at... House Dresses and Negligees Bargains Comfortable, pretty gowns for tha home worker;' and ao little o-pay that It Isn't worth whila to make them yourself, , ' - $8.50 House Dresses for93.98 . v In splendid materials embracing a color if no that takes In blues, pinks, black and white, whites, and striped effects, best $160, regular values. . C fQ Special for next three days at ....j.. ...,.)OtVO : Pretty $2.00 , kimonos for 94c . Handsome long Kimonoa 'in dainty lawns and other summery wash matsrlata In a color range embracing black and white, pinks, blues, reds and greens In florsl and conventional designs, oriental effects, etc; values up to $. . f A ror ths nsxt three dsys only, at a eholce for .ytt Aloatt MrValou ( Roductlonat on -. SOI Most Wanted Silks TKtffSW-MM OVBnlxm TWAnr-CQVABSlT. ' - v ' : ' Tha Silk Store South Annex First Floor, r-;'- V These specially reduced prices on handsome staple silks should crowd the silk stork tomorrow with enthusiast! buyers. Every yard Is nsw this season, and the most desirable fabrics known in fsshlon's- realms. Look carefully through the per suasive price arguments. Then better still sea the silks. . , ; -...V' , ynaru ronn awd xaAassa nxxs. ' v.'" '. ' . :-t , S7'and 1 Inches wide. ". ",' , " t ''.,- : , sDor $1.00 value! .SpecUl at, the yard .744 Our $1.15 value. Special at. the yard ..864 ' Our $1.60 value. Special at, the yard ;..r.,. ..i , i . . i n; r mar 1.42 uur 1 1. 1 a Tiuuf&jBeciaf-acrnB yara ..... sroTBZiTT suit strxxs u', In Imported and domestle makes. Many new styles and colorings to choose from. , Our $1.00 value. Special at, the yard t...v 50 .Our $1.15 value. Special at, the yard 62 Our $1.60 value. Special at, tha yard ................................ ...TST ;' '. ", ' BXJIOX TAmTAS. : , :: Warranted, and positively unequal ed values even at tha regular price " " II Inches wljle; our $1.00 vslus. Special at, tha yard ........694 IS Inches wwlde; our $1.10 value. Special at, the yard ...... ...............7Bct ' H inches wide;" our $1.26 value.' Special at, the yard ....... .. '.894 10 lnchea wide; our $1.60 value. "Special at, the yard .SI. 19 I( Inches wide; our $1.00 value. Special at, the yard ..CI. 29 $8-inches wide; our $U jyalua. Special aU. the yaril ....$1.44 Hepr the AxeV Ring in the Millinery Salons A list of bargain items for . tomorrow's Millinery patrons you mky "read as you' run." Just, mere mentions, . but you'd better read 'em and be early of hand for a share. , . - f ,: Any Trimmed HatTrl the house at. ..... Half Price Wire Hat Frames for....... ....19 Fine Braids for making up into Summer Hats, 10 and" 12-yard pieces, a good' assortment' of colors and regular $1 values. Special JMonday 'only, - Values to 75c " . atjthe piece. . . Bunches of Flowers and Foliage for 10 f . A "Strenuous' r Chopper of Prices Is the Men's Haberdasherie Chief See the Xavoe Wrought Is the Toggery Shop Tomorrow, Annex Sixth Street .. .'We've a man who "hypnotises obstacles' In our men's store. He'a bound to Increase buaineas- or "bust" In the last Republican convention a apeaker referred to the president as a man who "hypnotised obstacles." - A almilar character isation will apply to the manager of the man'a ahop. Although thla is the natural "dull season" In his business, he persists in gaining svsry month over the month-previous in sales. And he Isn't putting on the brakes yet ss tomorrow's remarkable valuta teatlfy. 1 flead: ,, Kea's-Jtl.00 Shirts, Sts. .' Men's Oolf Shirts in new and yery jiest effects, 1 pair of cuffs; a good $1.00 value. Special atr elch miTrn mrrrn rriTrn irrifnTrt irrr.mri. f .iV"i"yJ iTT'.Q&4 jnst see foratsn's $L$o Batamg ffMlta. ' ' Men's two-piece Jersey Banning Suits In navy blus. with red Snd white strlpea,' on arms and tights; sxtra, value at $1.6$. .Special at, the suit ..99e) Hem's SOo Vadarweav for SSa. ' Men's Balbrlggan Undershirts and Drawers In oxford grsy, pin stripes; an excel lent I0o value.. Special at, tha garment .35 Sao Ties for 1S, . A line of Men's Four-in-hand Ties In a good asiortmentof pretty patterns; our $5o values. Special at, each 19e) l-- iimi gs. aosa fo lae.' " ',' - ' - Men's Sox In oxford gray with fancy stripes; our regular S5o valua. Special at tha pair ..- ................104 TaXen'a too Xaadkarohlefs for 10c -: Men's pure white Linen Hsndkerchlefs with woven borders; our regular J0o value. , Special at,' each ............. LW....... 104 . ' . : ' Caavaa Tslsaoopea. Oood strong Teleacones with- leather atraps and handle . : 14-Inch else. Bpeclal at, each...,..,...,,,.. ,...........Z5 Special at, each 364 Special at, each. 454 Special at, each ....fS4 Special at, each;......,...; &&4 11-Inch else. 18-Inch else. tO-lnch slss, 32-Inch else.. 14-Inch else. Bpeclal at, each.- T5 A Special : in French Hand; Embroidered Drayvers i: Only $ 1 .97 for Drawers w'th $3.50 Ladies' Fine sDrawers, made of, English soft .'. finish' long , cloth, , with six-inclv French hand embroidered ruffle, daintly stitched ; our regular $3.50 value. ; hem- Special at, the pair". : . ; Merciless Shopping of Prices Marks Monday's Sale of Undermuslins - , Positively the last day of the clearance when-every Muslin Undergarment is reduced Extra special Monday 'r only Exquisite garments far below cost '.'',.'y '; v , 'V : . ' " Second Floor Annex. V ' ' 1 '' We have about T$0 pieces of (adles Tins Undermuslins which bsvs been used for decorstlve purposes dur ing our July clearance salej They are slightly mussed and a bit dust soiled; but one laundering will make tham as fresh, new and dainty aa when they left tha hands of tha manufacturers. - Tha lot consists of Gowns, Drawers, Corset Covers and Chsmlse, In great variety of stylea; lace and embroidery trimmed. (For eonvenlenoa and rapid) selling ws have divided them Into five "different lots to be sold this wsy: v ' , .LOT.l Our ' regular ISe to $1.1$ .values. Spe- clsl at. the. gar ment...',.. ....B94 LOT 8 Our regular $1.1$ to $1.7$ values. . Spe cial 'at, the trr ment . .974 LOT S One regular $1.00 to $$.$ values.) Spe cial at, the gar mmt 91,29 LOT 4 Our regular $175 to $$.$0 valuea. Spe cial at, the gar ment ...... .fl.T7 LOT 5 Our-regular $1.T$ to $4.1$ valuee. Spe cial at, the gar. ment ea.ia Watches Cleaned arid Warranted One Year for 75c. ? New Mainsprings for' 75c Al other Repairing on Jewelry at Proportionate Prices-7-First Floor, Near Large' Elevators. : o C ' Visit the Lunch !Room '.r-- . ; ' Second Floor.'. ' . (Under tha auspioas of Portland T. W. jfi A.) "" Popular prices. Just aa near perfect aa wa know how to make It; soma folks say it's perfect just Ilka all tha other splendid things at OLD 8, WORTMAN eV KINO'S.--, - ' " Embroidery Lessons Giverl Free by an expert In Taney needlework. ' Floor Annex. ,: A , ' Art Shop, SccoiWt 7 Visitors Are Cordially Welcome to share with our patrons7 every privilege of thla great store, '. Its FRED phones, reft room, writing tables fully supplied with stationary, etc drinking fountains with the best eold running water' to be found In America, lavatories and toilet sooraa. lunch room for those who bring their "snag and nip" with them, postal facilities, free cooking school, informs tlon bureau and directories. Parcels checked free ' and, if sou wish to shop, the coolest stors In town to roam thro. '"'"','-' .'''.' .''"' .S - Choice Cuttings From the i Wonien's rurnishing Shops : ..First Floor.:.-,.l:v , A trio of ths most wanted sc eeesoriea to woman's . summer -dress at prices that have felt the keen blade of the Reductlon-axe. Bpeciar for Monday: f ' . i- . Summer Gfoves r BOO Silk Olovea for Sa,'- ' Ladlea' SUk OIOvsk -clasp, In black and whits ontyT . -our COo' value, s Bpeclal atr the. pair... .,..,..394 SOo XJale Oloves, sto. LadTesflns Dale Thread Oloves, l-claap,' In black and colore; our 10c value. , Special at, tha palr.39 :" Womsa'a Belts to '9130, for SOo," A lot of Women's Silk Belts In blsck. Persian, and colore; regular values, Uc, $1 and $1.(0. Special,, ...................pysr each Generous drippings Off the Jewelry Prices L - - SMOXA& FOB MOBVAT. Sixth Street Annex First Floor. ;9XM Oold Beads for Sl-t. "A line Of good Quality Oold Fnied Beads, graduated slses, strung on strong woven wire, with : strong catch; the right length to ' fit cloeely 'round the neck; our regular $1.1$ value. Special at. each . . . . .... r-.. -. . .ai.Oa1 . " White Stoma Bar Fiaa at 11a and 15c Pretty Bar Pins with good quality white atona set- - ting; stones firmly set In prongs; strong metal backs ' and pins; our regular l&o value. . Bpeclal at, each .....11 Our regular $0o value. Special at, each...., .15 letvadr Sat ttaa, SSa. A showing of Sterling Silver 'Top list Pins. In de- - signs of Fair buildings. Mount Hood, Oregon Web- , foot, etc. Special sale price, each. 394 Just the Stumps of Prices Left on Women's Union Suits j and Summer Hosiery: '-" "'- ' FIRST FLOOR. ' ,"'' ' Infants' and Misses Hosiery also reduced ' and Boys' shirt 'waists are at special ssla prices for Monday. ', .... Woasaa'a SOo Vlo2 alto SSa White .Cotton Union . Suits, sleeveless, knee length, plain or lace trimmed knee; regular value $0c , Special, the ault....35s Womn'i Sl.TS TTnloa Snlta S1JS Whlfe Sllk-and. Cotton Union Suits, sleeveless.- knee length and V long, sleeves, ankle length,, extra silk j trimmed; . regular value $1.7$. Special, tha suit.... ..f 1.25 .: A big lot of little lots of Pretty Hosiery, full of wear and valueythat'e aura to -grow on you as ru examine ths Individual pairs that form tha magnifi cent aggregation. All sixes and lust the textnres and colorings you want. . 8peclal Monday.- - , Womem'e SOo Xoes taa-A1"."Iarg:: assortment of -Women's Black Oause Lisle Hoee. with dslnty silk embroidered boots, full finished; regular vslties $0o. Special, tha pair, 394 Women's SBs Xoaa IBs Women's Fine Black "Maoo" Cotton Hoee. medium weight, spliced' heel, douhls sole, Frenoh toe. velvet finish; re Hilar value fSc. Special, tha pair ....,.... ......18 BOsaes' Se Sosa lsa Misses' Black taea l,la1e Hoee, eaaorted patterns, slses $H Hl rulmr value $lc Special, tha pair v , Xafaaea' too Sosa, 1 So Infants' mereaHsed lace Hits ... Hoee. seamless in Msck, blue, plnlr tn4 sMt! regular value SSa.. Special, the pair. .... Bora ' SSa B losses sad . Shirtwaists, ISe Ilovi' - Blouses and Shirtwaists, light ground with pre -, stripes and flgu": regular value $c. Bpe the pair ,.,....... i - 1 1