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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1905)
O KEEP OUR LARGE FORGE ing the FOR v COST OF MATERIAL AND MAKING. k 9 i V. i ; ; TRAIL REJOICES ill IFRAZER'S ORDER v Managers of Attractions- Say Sunday Opening Maans Sue y cat to Thanf and Faff;- '" -rXCURSIONS tXPECTED .--STO BRINQTH6USANd Oo Account of Advene Conunent "Oejr Paree!;WiIl.Noi Open To- - day but" Alt the Other Shows WUJ. , Welcome yUitora. - V 1. - . 'Within an hour tfUr the decUloa of Judge Fraaer wa announced yeatarday 1 forenoon at the expoaltton, - permlttlnf the' Trail to open on Sunday, a red paint algn wal displayed at the entrance atee. tell in g the people that they eould - eee I the attraction today. ' Many of the exposition officials did not disguise tbelr satisfaction .at, the eeurt'e opln . Ion., and; the Trail concessionaires were Jubilant. - .-ry-r-....---y- ; "This is good news," said J. JL Oor man. president of. the Concesstonaires' association, and all the othere who own , shows tlkewlso rejoiced. ' v . ' , i Bo soon as - the court's opinion was made public the railroads centering In I Portland telegraphed all their . agents to adTertlse the fact that Sunday excur ions would be. runVlb. tla clty begin- nlng todajc, Tbeg, anticipate an inor ease In Sunday passenger trafflo to Portland es a direct result of the Trail's open ing. . V; w , . ... :-' '- ' Seetslom Xelpe Bhewe Oreetly. - . "Judge Praser's Injunction order pre v -venting the exposition officials from keeping the Trail , closed Sundays la large part Insures success for the At tractions and will contribute much to - make the fair Itself a suooess," eald Mr. Gorman. The chief benefit wllrbe , in the fact that with the Trail open Sundays the people will not think any Jonger that the attractions are objec . tlonable and the business of the week days will be better."- , Today th entire Trail will be opened i o the 'publio, exaeptlng Oay . Pares, which George Jabour, the owner, agreed T7TT:. V , J V. ..- t - - " ' Vre - ,t f w :: - f '..iii h 1 ' :'l dull season we will, for the - ' Satitfactfop guaranteed in .all to keep closed' Sundays owing to the adverse erltlclsme that had been passed upon It. ,'.' .. ." .. Trail .Oost a, Portnae.' ' . Mr. Oorman claims that tlOt.OOt is Invested in the Trail by the If .con oesslonalres who hare ehowe there,- Ue asserte that never before has aa expo eltlon had a lot of attractions coating so much In proportion to ike eoe of the entire fair. At St. Louis, said he, the Pike coat t,ood,toe end the exposition Il2.00e.eo0. while the Lewie and Clark fair has cost not mere than (5,000,000 and the Trail $100,000. 7. . , : . The Trail Conoesstonalres' ," assoola tlon". Includes' ll shows, which' said td the exposition for thslr privileges en aver4re0f LL10Q saclvor J41.000 in aik aocordin. to Mr. Oorman. . . They claim thai their expenses are 13,500 a day en the average. , Besides- the price paid for the privileges the onoeseioaalres are under contract to pay to the exposition 21 per eent f their, gross receipts. , ;f Bowv -Trail WM'PfeeO, -' Under tfleTdeclsipn given by Judg Praser in the -cess of Homer Daven port and '"the- Roltalr Amneement com pany against the Lewie and Clark Ex hKMltion company, all these shows, the Davenport farm excluded, are held to be theatres under the Sunday closing law. ae amended in 101, - The Davenport ie not declared to be either a theatre or a place of amusement It is simply called a collection ef rare and eurioua animals, and It remains to be determined whether the exhibition of the collection on Sun days is prohibited as a place of amuse ment. - Davenport mey have -to go to court again in order to ascertain ' his legal rights. "r . The decision follows, in. part; ' "On the hearing af f ldavita and oral testimony were Introduced tending to ehow that prior to the signing of these contracts the director of the defendant corporation had advertised to the world that the fair woulo ve Kept open on Sundays, ' and . that no exception was made of the shews or concessions which were asserted to be a part-of the fair, and that when Dlalntlffs objected to paying, the amount demanded by theJ defendant from plaintiffs for their eon cessions, the defendant, through its di rector of concessions, urged that they could afford to pay the amounts be cause' they, would be allowed to keep open on Sundays. MA Wakefield, the director of concessions, denied any remembrance-ef this conversation,- but did not deny that the defendant had advertised that the fair would be kept open on Sundays and that no exception had been made as to the ahows or con cessions. :-;..4 V . "The first question whlcn arises on this application le whether the laws of this stats prohibit the operation of such exhibitions - as plaintiffs' on Sundays. Of course, no court would aid any per- '" "if '""ti 1 : ; ' - , . ' 'w - iz Frattr Has Dsditd tlty Xlet-r 0;ta at the Fair oo Sondayg, cases, son or corporation la - the enforcement of any contraot, or to protect any con tract . right, if such contraot or right were contrary to the laws of the state. The 8undayt)loslng law, as amended in lul, expressly excepts theatres, and it Is conceded that any show which cornea within the definition of m theatre may lawful! be kept open end operated on Sunday,- on toe outer band. It is- ad mitted that places of amusement which do not fall within the definition of a theatre may not lawfully be kept open on Sunday. - - -- Bmat Theatre Is. , ' A- theatre is denned to, be- "a build ing especially aaapiecuto. aramau& op eratic or speotacular-represen.talons; a playhouse."" The Roltalr 'Amusement oompany's echlbltlon Is -deecribed ae -1a haunted castle with illusions . and stage for illusory purposes," etc... and Clearly comes within the above defini tion of a theatre. Homer- Davenport's exhibition is simply a collection -of rare and curious animals kept within an in closure, which bs calls a farm. It could hardly be called - theatre, and it re mains to be determined whether its ex hibition on Sunday is' prohibited ae a place of amusement v . r: .- . "Now, tho plaintiffs . in thsse suits have by thslr contracts agreed that the defendant snail, have power to make rules and regulations governing the expo sition operations of their concessions on Sundays. Except for this part of their contract there is nothing known to the court which would prevent their operat ing on Sundays; ana it eeeme to me that if these words, as Ordinarily un derstood. would not convey the idea of a right to abolish or prohibit, then they ought mot to be so. construed by the court ; indeed the very word 'govern' ing the operation of their concessions on said days'. (Sundays) would seem to Imply an operation to some extent; at least on such days. :-: - -It will be observed that ' In thU opinion no consideration has been given to the question of financial gain or loss, which wss urged at. the hearing, neither has the matter-been considered from an ethical or religious standpoint I have endeavored to decide this question on purely legal principles, but I do not wish to have It understood that this opinion would apply In favor .of any concession. If such there be, which In Itself Is con trary to law, or to publio morals, or in any manner Indecent. , "Let a . preliminary injunction Issue as prayed for in oomplalnt." ARMY OFFICER FORCED ; TO RESIGN BY ILLNESS (Special Dt-patce by Leased Wire te The learaal) New fork, 'July St. -It Is announced at the war department today that the resignation -cf First Lieutenant Robert Clark of the army has been received. '9-r''H' "l!"'M;"""rTn'!'TT i (PU t f , w wmm t 4 V.' OF TAILORS BUSILY EMPLOYED DUR- next few days, make GARMENTS TO ORDER Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits a Specialty. , Lieutenant Clark is a son of the wife ofBlshop Potter who, previous to-her marriage with the bishop, was Mrs. Al fred' "Corning Clark. ! Lieutenant Clark, when he was eta tloned at the Washington barracks, was prominent In, capital society and about five years ago was favored by being eent to take charge of the military force at the legation in Peking, China. The cli mate did not agree with hlra and he has been seriously 111 recently, and it is to that fact that his resignation is due. . ATTENDANCE N EARING . THE MILLION MARK ., ..... a) .-' The total admissions to the 4 -' The total admissions to the tie wis .'-and Clark exposition, was opened on Thursday, June 1, have been tll.lls. Up to last Saturday, and in eluding. that day. the total was e I1M07 and the past Week -has-e increased that figure encourag- lngly. The attendance for the w week . which closed Isst night was: Sunday Monday 0,470 17.511 17.180 10.081 Tuesday q Wednesday Thursday 15.651-. 0) 15,870 e Friday V. naiuruay . ... ...... 11.401 ' Total ................. 118.281 ; As shown by the above figures, the attendance yesterday waa ex ceptionally large and it Is grat- lf ylng to the management of the -exposition to contemplate the days that are . to come. There are at least six special days in prospect which are expected to -eclipse all previous dayseven ' the opening and the Fourth of .July.' The first of them will be August I, when the great naval battle la to be fought on Guild's lake. Another great day will be August 10, when the Elks have their celebration. - . TEETH NO PAIN NO PAIN I 1NICE TEETH '' Wi are the dlooeverers end origins1! ore of the only reliable end sclentlfla system of Pslnless Dentistry. We ex tract crown, All end clean or treat teetn absolutely without pain and guarantee all work for fifteen yeara. . Our work Is the best, our prices the lowest con sistent with first-class work. - EXAM INATION FREE. Our platea are unde tectable from the natural teeth end are guaranteed to fit FILLINGS 60 T5e Mid tl.00 GOLD CROWNS f 3.60 to SS.OO BRIDOB WORK iS.OO to fS.OO FULL SET NATURAL TEETH. 8)5. OO Opea fov hnslneee natu t celeak evemiace. . - . - Boston Painless Dentists MiM trrtsoa St, Ops.lMsi PitwUl aaa vo-nonee.. -ftonrtS 1:10 a. m. to a. m. Sun. day. 8:80 a. m. to 11:80 p. m. park nl Wa-hlojlonV Portland, Ortfoo Tha School of Quality MODERN. PRACT1CAU COMPLETE Opea) ell the year. ' Cstsiegwi free . A. P AJtMSTftONO. Lt. hn PR PRINCIPAL 1 Garments nrtii am bbsobts. Delightful Mount Hood Trip . . - V ' , r ; . .: - . . EVER,T VISITOR ' to the Lewie and Clark exposl- tlon should take this the most - delightful of all-mountain tripe ' v in America. Cloud Cap -Inn, unique and picturesque, 7,000 .. feet, above sea level, at- -. ."fords splsndid aecommodatlona " -v-Summlt of mountain easily 7? accessible from- this - polnfc-- - - Stages leave Hood River eta ' tlon dally at 0:80 a. m. and ' .11:80 p. making connection : with O. R. A N. trains, , Round -' trip tickets, including coach ing trip, on sale at O. R. A N. . - . ticket office. Third and Waso , logton streets, Portland. Par- ' tloulara about rates at Cloud -. Cap Inn by writing s. xjurorua, Mood aUvsr, Oregom. . Send I eente In stamps to A. L. Craig, O. P. A. Oregon Railroad A - Navigation com- -pany, Portland, for booklet telling about trip, ' a, w. f. a ar. oo. .. ;; Hotel Estacada mm atsoBT o raa aavu of . - ni cxAciAHAg mma. M XILIS FKOM rOkTLAJTB. . Hates ser day ......... .......ttBO us oe nates per wees.... gpeeial tlct. Inclodlas reead Wis fare and slaser $ LTO pedal ticket lnfladlae roaad trip . fare, ene alsfat's lodxtajr sad . thne SMale , I.H TTCxrt omci yrarr avs alma it. L, E. MJWT1MEZ. Mgr. ' EIXAOAJM, OaXOO-f, HOTEL SALTAIR OenterviUe, JTorta Beaek. Commands fine view of : tha ocean. Oood. fishing. Exoellent water. Horns cooking, risn served dally. For partloalars address ' aana ' Long Beach P. Q-. Washington. PaUTATa BOARD ABB BOOMS. Mra. Barafe Cbasiberlala. Leas Iti WaaA Reaie Oeoklar Ono4 It I. Board and Lodging at the Farm liaunv Bvaca. aear s-asioe. jvnna ai- par AAitnaa lira. U M. ? W... rntoa. Orefoa. BEWARE OF FAKERS I - -Who rain your w Ha t s. Oo to HEADQUARTERS Panama and Felt Hat Cleanintl BsiHBBSBeaa-a-saB-wBaBBaeBaBasjn , ek-r J. FISCHERp.-ov-ItolV Will' Dye for you or Clean and Block ,, , ,.. ..your HatA , r " - 40t4 BO. BTZTB ST. PBOBB BB a4e. iiro3?OTir5 r to order In a - day if required LID) I .... ... ... 4 . ' " ' ' ' Completely Corixrtcd in One Vidl '. Noses that are humped, crooked, dished, hooked or puggy ; oars that lop over or stand out from the head; lips that are too thick or Improp- -erly shaped, can be made shapely and as Nature intended thane, -. i v. WITHOUT PAIN. WITHOUT DANGER, WITHOUT SCARS OR DE TENTION PROM DAILT DUTIES. . t ; o Dr. Mastcn Institute ' aum lT-ao, miao-anooa Bvasnro. , Tel. atala 0C Wasaiagtea St, Bet. West Park va4 Teatk, BOTBLS ABB BBSOBTS. Hotel Eaton Owner Bsnlisa sad Vest Park i NEW Raaateawty faralab-4, eWestlr eeelpses. Sraproof, It laatee' walk from kearf ef noppln ane eaalaeM sutnet, all Urf airr. eetaiae reowa, etMai s-awa. i W4. aleetrle Hcata, t-upaeae la eael tars erscea, lesnains, ladlM n-aptloa parlors, apailiaiat, ta wnaas. ay snu or uiepaeae. Private esuibas sMets tralss eaA . ftoomo $1.00 to SS.OO a Dog Salts te . OeauBerelal lU BAS IAT0P. rrornerly ef Hotel Bodpeth. gpakaaa.) Hotel Fairmount Opposite Main Bntraaee to tVewla Mi Oiack Bavesltiesw Only sbsolutely fireproof hotel ed Joining grounds, equipped with elect rte telephomo and special telephoniq com munlcationa for patrons. Uniformed porters and bellboys at all sours . at guests' service. . , : 150 Elegant Rooms - Open for Guests ; BATBS L00 A BAT ABB VT. . W. H. LATTIN. Oeneral Uanager. PAZB BATBS AT. THE COSMOS S. B. Oor. PoartA and BEorrlstm Bts.'' Now under the sams management as "The Calumet.' oentrallv lochia, wall furnished. - , -i One room, one person. per day One room, ramuj aunes , , ,hm per day IVQcIl S-rin-s Ccfcl i- vat StC2 -. - I-vee Oreo Cltv daHv. eoer v, at i a. m. Pare 11. to. i v c rt door te C 1 "it ui v ;oi. . ; ' f ;May be made to kpper ' : . . yduthfiol All Lists, Hcnoxra tzl Vrfcls removed fa Cza Vfcit by Dt. Utsim' to mediate Procesar : of tto Pcca ; Whather caused , by aeddest . or frtak ol natortr. 7 HOTEL Vau Gvin Gi'in XOOB OBBerOV. The Scenic Hotel of the Columbia , A QUfET, REBTPTJL RESORT. CCI SINE THE BEST. "THREE HOURS RIDE PROM PORTLAND. POR KATES AND PARTICULARS ADDRESS , D. E. RAN Dp Manager PBOBB WI- XOOB BXTBBt OB. . Clasc? C:, Zzzii:':, C:. '. Plnest summer faeort In 0r-- only hotel on the baach overlr eoMjw r-r -ta s -oia.5y. . hs I f- -U"t end new t t t t atha. rine surf "7 is front of the t '.c-:j. Americas r" I reservations - a. tKrletor, Hotel fJocF": .r . .'. . . A