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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1905)
POLICE I10D Denounces Reed Optical Concee--a tion at Fair as Robbing Joint -' and May Check It. ;, 1 - s.-Vr" MANY COMPLAINTS HAVE BEEN MADE ; Exposition Management Says It Hu y' Heard No Complaint and Mr. Red f4 Explains That the Prices Charged ..-."Art Not Very High, .- "1 L'; Mom trouble la la atore for the Wal- tsr RMd optical eonoesalon than la threatened by T. R- Sttviwon, M ha file ait for for damagee, declaring that ha wu bunkoed on the repreaantation that be was about to loaa hla eight and j i hS a cancer . wee likely to appear on hla wife'a noes. "r . - -. . .-" Denouncing- the optical concession, aa '., It- la managed by Reed, aa a ((robbing ' Joinf.7 Chief -of Police Grltaraarher aa-, Berts hta deOsrnnaation to put the place out of . bualpea unleaa the directors of the .fair take prompt ar.d dedal re ! action. Hla. deternUnattoo la due t the allegation made by Stevanaoa fol lowing the numerona other eoaiplalata of- alleged ; mlerepreaantatlona of the - optical company 'a agents. ,' y -r.' . "' r Ohlaf Za Beady e Ac. ... V, . : -' "The fair eommiaalon elalme the ex . clualva right tf Tegulating such affaire - on the grounds,- Bald Chief . Grlts- '-'"anerber, "and for that reaaon we have not Interfered up to thle time. But Uhla aort of thing rouat atop, and If tha fair commission doea not put an Immediate and to It the police wllL 'T i This bptiear concession; I am thor oughly convinced, la a robbing Joint. . Talk about bunko echeraea outatde - tha fall grounda none of them can hold a candle , to thla place, Theae peraona ia the gulaa of reepectatle merchanta literally hold up vlaltora to tha fair, la t, many lnatancea playing on their cre dulity and their fear of loalng health or aoma one of tha aanaea euch aa eight ,"' or hearing..''''' ' ''-v- . -' "we will not aUnd thla any longer that la all 1 have to aay now." .' .V;!'. ,-v'.: ! Chargaa Iti',;A''ft'' '"The exDosltlon management will In- 'vestlgate any charge lodged agalnat the ' Dm4 Ontical Conceaaton company. If they are brought, to ue officially,", aald John A.. Wakefield, director of conoea- elona. "80 far aa know, none haa yet been filed at tha offlcea of the. corpo--' ration. I knew nothing of -the Caae of K. Blmoa and hla wire. .we are aiwaya eedy to "n TT"ttr Jhs.tar.ncar . t .aitit mim "wriraii this la thla instance or any other, -when . -we are , Informed , officially: aa , to . tha ,v m (v. wbwu.wM, - facta." . ... ".., ' r -Ci '" ""What Mr. Beed Bay. "Mr,; and Mrs. R Simon paid IS for at palra of lenaea and rramea and two V" extra palra of lenaea," aald Walter Reed. He paid no more than down town -ep-- , tlciana charge for tha aama olasa of goods. We will not refund their money. They bought tha glaaaea upon ncrmla- ' representation f ronv-u anfl the prlcea ." were not aacaaai-fe.",,. .J.-,.f.;V v m - ANXIOUS FRIENDS ' ' : f ' :r: : SEEK MISSING ONES ' -V .;' ;;:r .-iyt'y, ';'.. - ' FriemJa and . relativea ' are alarmed over the disappearance of Mike Smith, S3 rears of age, who resided with hla wife and four children at ail Bancroft atreet He left hla home Monday mora- . lng and efforta to locate him bare beep without avalL .".-' . : Smith hi believed to be mentally 'aa ' balanced . aa the result of an accident that oocorred several yeara ago. At tha time of hla disappearance he' wore- a 7 "Mae- ault of clothia. tHe haa dark hair, attghtly gray, and a dark mus tache. . I - .'' .-'. ' t-t rearing that harm haa befallen hla parents, who came to Portland July It, bringing with them I30 to bear theli expenses, W. A. Baahaw of Baker City '. called at police headquartere thla aft- - , ernoon and requested Chief Oritamachar . to try to locate them. " - The missing 'peraona rcr J."-W,""Ba .. ahaw and wife. They left Baker City ; for a pleaaura tri June It, going first . to darkaton, Washington. Since their ' departure-from Baker City hot a word haa beea heard front -them by. tbelf . - sons. Young Baahaw went to CSarkatoa : yesterday and learned that hia parents left there July It for Portland. Hera . .ha haa been unable to obtain any trace . Ait them and Anally applied to tha police . , for aid. !:- ,, ,.:,-.' (,....' MONEY MACHINES V,. ;; wvi ARE STILL ILLEGAL -.i'" -'" ;-' ".vy . '. Aay liquor dealer who places conll-: " 'denee In the representations made to . htm by the agents of money -paying alot machines and Installs them In his place ' of buatnese will collide with the police. . - Chief Oritsmacher Issued an order this afternoon to his captains to Instruct all .patrolmen to be en the lookout for auch ; : machines and to aeiae them and arrest tha proprietors of any place la which .. they may be found. . , , . c ..X. have, taken tule action, said the chief, "on account of a report reaching - .'v ana te the effect tha 4 he agents-f these machines have called on a number f liquor dealers and told them thtnas had keen -fixed' for the machines to be , - played again. It there has been any , fixing' It haa not been done with the authorities and we will make an example . , of anyjuaa found breaking the law." . It Is said that a number of these money-paying ' alot machines have al ready been installed I fa a few saloons. : tha - proprietors taking the word of t a gent a thatchings have been properly ; fixed" with the authorities. Other are ; aald te have refused to permit the mi- - chlnee in their' placee of business until they were satisfied that the police would ' not eonfiscate them and begin prose- - cutlona for Infracting tha law. . . " . 1 Zgworaaoe Ooat Xlaa I)eat. , Richard Williams, colored, captured Vr County Jailer Grafton while passing '. cooked opium Into the county Jail yes- .r)i.,T.. afterwoowi-- waa aewtenoed to serve ! daya on tha county rockplle or --4 pay- flna-of 100 by Circuit Judge rraser thfa morning. WUllaraa aald , he bed tried to carry the drug to Daisy klerrlson. a colored prisoner, but he did aot know that he waa committing an ... affenae."' f.-. . . . X 1 " " m " 1 ' " ' VjC Onramd Kada reaaal toapeoto. ; 'flfi. Durand. who la well, known, fa . trlarMt mmIvmI tiatlo f roint tha OOet- . eftica department at Waahlngtoa thla naming that ha had been appointed to the poaitlan af aoatal Inspector. Just where Mr. Durand will be assigned for . II t W Am IkAl Imawb ITa Mat. h. ,k.lrfl4 to the Oregon district or te aome por - CAtJDALTO FORGE IVItSOiJ OUT Secretary, of Agriculture,' How ever, Denies Reported Restg. ' ; nation From Cabinet, t SECRET SERVICE AGENTS; AFTER HYDE AND HOLMES Court Holds That New York Broker Need Not Answer Questions That ' Incriminate . Him Before Grand Jurjr Probing Cotton Leak. , ' j .V Jsaral apeslal aerrlss.t Washington. July II. It la rumored ia official circles that Secretary of Ag riculture Wilson ' has -resigned oa ac count of oomplloatlpna reeultlng from tha recent eoandala la hla department. When seen this morning Secretary Wil son denied tha report that he had re signed. Tha secretary , baa recovered from hla reoent attack of lndlgeatlon and will BhortlyMeave on hie vacation. United BUtea Dtatrtot Attorney Beaoh, who U InveaUgatlng , tha oottoa .leak scandal, la la conference today with Acting Secretary of Bute Aeo ever tha request made by Adea that government agenta be placed' oa tha track of. Edwin H. Holmes, JrJ the asalstsnt statisti cian of the department of agrloultura. who recently waa dismissed lor selling Information' regarding the cotton, crop to NewJTork brokers, .and Jho la aald to ha la Canada, and on John Hyde, who recently- -resigned, aa atatiaucian ana la now aald to bo In Europe. - Justice Wright In tha criminal court here held ' that Uoaea Haa a, the New Tork broker: who yeaterday refused, to anawar queauona . propounded oy ine United Btataa district attorney oerora tha grand jury. eed not anawer fluea- tlona which might tend to Incriminate him. Haaa la reported to-, be ona of the purchasers of tha Information tecretly aold by Hoimea. v ,'.., .- . c WEALTHY PENDLETON MAN PHASES WIFE ON STREET ' aaBaaBBaaaBBBB -' , ' 1 . r (Saeetal Dlemteh te The eann ' Pendleton. Or, July ti. A great aea. iiiiui was muu In thla city thla mora' t whan Kdwla Bwltiler, wealthy and a member of a prominent family, aa saulted hla wife, ona of tha moat popu lar aoeietjr women of thta oity, fqroed her to flea from' -home and chaaed her down tha street Into aeignoora iw 4eiwa where ahe took refuge. V ' The trouble occurred about - o'clock t thtk iiiiriiina'.' whea pel ah bore were 1 ----- awakened by Mxe. SarlUlefs acreama. They aaw her ruen rrora tna nm lowed by her hueband. who ran after her until ehe reached a nslghbor'a house and he waa aoma of tha men who had gathered, whom ha aavagaly attacked.. "Bwltaler appeared erased and intent only upon doing nia wire doouj harm. ' -vv-'- .,;- '-. "'' , Bwltaler haa not been arreeted. hla wife refuatng to. prefer chargea agalnat htm. r " ; ' LIVESTOCK SHOW TO V ' BE GREAT FEATURE '; ... eaaBBISBBSBBBBB eJreedyT-ecbrded v the iiMtnflk aihihit at the fair promises to be ona of tha greatest ever shown la tha country. Thoee prlaa winners which won tha admiration of tha world at tha Chicago . International livestock ahow and thoaa of tha- royal exhibit at Kan sas City will be ehown. n Inoulrlea have been received ; from thnaa Interested In the display, show in. tat tha Lewia , and Clark eattla and horse ahow naa arouaea generu in. terest In all parte or the country, let ters have -also bean received front ahmait. .. ' . fl ' -'. 1 . . "' I Tha railroads are r re oaring to handle the crowda that wilt ooma expreaely for the cattle ahow.' Slnoe the opening, of the '-axDoaltlon Innumerable questions have han asked as to the stock ex hibit., proving -the Intereet taken by all claaaea of tieoble. . : " - V -The .Uveatock; , show wm open ..eep- tember . 1. and wlU close on Septem ber 1. r- .4 .;" '- : - HE. BLOWS CHINOOK . ;y ON POLICE AND, J U Due r . ' .. - 'A , '' Ham- CUrka la termed by the police tta "nrinci of oonfldanoa artlsta" He makes his appearance in the city and la arrested rsgulsrly la the latter part of July or the early part or August each year. Ha waa taken Into custody by the police aa a vagrancx charge yae- When arrested ha talked to- Patrol man Roberta so cleverly that the latter required about f t - aalnutee -te decide whether or not he ahould take him to the city prison. And even then 11 waa probably tha grlne of a number of per sona were heard tha conversation that determined him to place Clarke In dur ance vile. " . '. At the sty prison Harry tauten w tire nark Leonard and Acting Captain Oiilnlan . out - of tobacco and :. Jailer nranch into making him a "truaty In the police court thiamorning ha waa found guilty by Police Judge Came ron, but ha talked the maglatrate Into suspending sentence 'and permitting him to leave the eity . ' t THRESHERS ARE BUSY v IN WHITMAN COUNTY J '... .- : 1.1. ')' ' , r' rtoeeUI tneaetek te The leerasLl" Chifar.- Wash- July .Today the streets are lined with threshing rigs and heading outfits going to the lower coun try In the western part or wnuman county to begin harveet. : There ia a great deal of grain bound la Jthla Beet Ion of the country, but aa machine men can get about two weeks' run beiow.' oerore the are in will bo dry enough to thresh hare It Is a common thing for them te go below. ':'. ' f-' - " The first new wheat of the season naa been delivered to tha Pacific Elevator company at La Crosse by Chandler Broa. They are nuw threshing' 100 acres' af wheat, and say It will average about tl buahela an acre, which they think will ha about the average for that part of-the country.. , ,. v' . ' ' Addltloaal rasaeager ervtoa on onth- era, Paelfie v , ' Between Portland and Forest Grove. Commending July it, tha Southern Pa cific will, la u addition ia its present schedule, put on a new train to leave Forest Orove 1J.I p. m.; Corneltua, li"tS; HllUboro, 12.4t; Reedvllle. I:i7: Beaver ton, 1:07 p. m. Arrive Portland l:te p.- m; -Returning, leave Portlsnd 10:41 p. m ; Beaverton, 11:JI; Reedvllle, ll:l; HHUboro, 11:84: ComMlus, 13:41 la, m. Arrive Forest Orove' 1J;0 a a. a ..... . - i. IGREEii'S' (IIF'I'S WERE THESE California Loads With : Favors V Visitors to Hsr BsautifiiJv in! lx Building at the Fair, '. ..... r.. ORANGES AND SUGAR 1 . AND BEANS GIVEN TO ALL ...v' , .. r.-..'" I " - p ': Southern Part of Qolden Sute Has Reunion at '; Vhlch " Eloquent Speeches Are. Made ; 'for' ;" Unity Amonf Coast Cities... ;Ty1''.'. .- .: ..'pV;..i-'.-VyN California gava orangea, tugar and Lima beans and aU tha articles that the good housewife ' can manufacture with Uoae ingredlenU at her beautiful building at tha fair today. ; ! ' - It waa atated at noon by the executive commissioner that 16.000 orangea. had been given away.. It waa not a one- orange proposition. Every person . was given a basket of the dellcloua fruit from the golden etate. Probably ,00 bags of eugar and beans ware attrib uted, meanwhile, but the oranges ware hot favor! tea. - : " - : . '" v About 1.000 neonie . from ' southern California, representing Loa Angeles, San Bernardino, Orange, Biversiae, oan Plego, SanU Barbara and Ventura, aa aembled at the California building and took part In oeremontee in honor of their aeotlon of tha golden weet " ' De Csorlo' a--Administration nana played a spirited march at the opening of the program and Prealdent H. W. Oooda followed with a brief address of weloome, m which he praised la hlgheet terms tha exhibit of the atate of Cali fornia. ' "''-''' A brief - Teaponae totha-mddraag ot weloome waa made oy r. u. lamo, chairman of the board of park commis sions re of Loa Angeles. Tha orator of tha day waa Robert M. Clarke of Ventura, wholes Id. In parti - "The inability of Mayor Lewie of Ven tura to be preeent -made It necessary for a Clarke te coma. and. I have no other exeuaa for inflloting myself upon you. Ventura county, an -lntsgral and Important part of the great Paclflo northwest; extends greetings and con aratulaUona to the people of thla beau tiful city and the great and growing Paclflo northwest on the aocompiisn ment of thla Important undertaking. -Twenty-three yeara before Lewis and Clark discovered tbld wonderful land those fearlaaa Franciscan padrea, under the leaderahip of Junlpero Berra, traversed the coast of California and founded, among others, - tha mission of Ban Buenaventura, the aucleue of a thriving And prosperous county. Like you, we are juet awakening to the pos sibilities of our aoll and climate.. '"a Invite the careful attention of those Interested and if thera ara any here today who may eometlnte tarry among ue, I extend to them, and each of them, on behalf of the publle bod lea of our -county, a - moat oordlal California welooma..' . t ., -, " "Our cause la a common one and It be hooves us all to work together eo that the real deatlny of the Paclflo coaet may be realised. - There la no wast hut tha great weet. and may that same cour age which prompted and bniided ' thla great weatern, empire inspire ua witn aa enthualaam which will make 1 what tha Creator Intended It "to be.- the" com mercial and raduetrlal center, aa well "as tha playground of the world, and the dreams of Lewis and Clark will be real laed and tha fortitude of California mls alonarlea and pioneers rewarded." -- - Mayor C. L. McFarland of Blveraide and J. A. Fllcher. one of California's commissioners to the exposition, apoke briefly. Vocal numbers were rendered by Mra. RH', Nortoa , at : a reception which followed the fixed program. . . people suffer at ; hands of thieves y v ' 'V ''''.,;". .. ELJU Jones, who conducts s, eigar store on Hawthorne avenue, reported te the police thla-morning that m burg lar had broken Into tba atore and atolen clgara worth $80. r 1 7 " " . , The -room jt - Cobaa,i -Davis street, was entered by a thief and a re volver and a pair of opera glaaaea ware stolen. '...' f . i. ... ' Bloyelea ware reported loat by C M. Stoeler. 4 Luoretla avenue; Archie Mor rison. 10M Morrison street, and Marsh Reckard of the Northwestern Oun and Bicycle store. ; ;,.. ... DEKUM PLACE MAY, , . ; - BE CATHEDRAL SITE i , ', .'; t I, ii . . , -..',.. !.' - It la reported that Charlea - Sweeny naa offered the Dekum homeatead prop erty, at tha corner of Morrieon and Thir teenth streets to the Catholic church, on condition that the church erect a cat he- t f " C A. Burgess, t jolly Cleveland Elk, grindlnf a hsndorf sn on the corner af a street tn Buffalo during the recant " Elks' convention there. The owner of the hurdy-gurdy, s woman, stands by collecting the money, gives by ths crowd. ;;); .' . drel 'on "the" ground." ' Tha " rumor, la to tha affect that Mr. Sweeny'a offer came aa a, response to solicitations for a-sub scription of liao.eoa toward the erec tion of a cathedral in Portland, wnen the agenta of the church had finished presenting their case Mm Sweeny told them he would contribute tha ground. ' rather J. H. Black, when eaked If there waa any truth la the rumor, re plied that Mr. Sweeny had not been ap proached by any agent af tha church -la regard te tha matter, . He denied all knowledge that any ' propoeltloa had beea made to or received from . Mr. Sweeny relative to tne property. Mr Sweeny ia now in Europe. It la aald that before he went away he ordered plana drawn by a local architect for a aeven-atory hotel, te cover . the entire block, and that theae plana" have been completed and will be aubmltted to him ae aoon aa he returns,. Tha cbnat mo tion of such a hotel, it la aald., awalta only hla final acceptance of the plana. LACK OF FIRE ESCAPES MAY LEAD TO PROSECUTION ' Chief Campbell of the Are department la making an inveatlgatldn which may load to a prosecution of the owners of the building at 1ITH First atreet. from which 10 Norwegian singers nar rowly escaped with their Uvea In a fire which H. a Parlto, aa Italian, caused by overturning a kerosene lamp.. The building le not provided with Are ep- eapoaV t -'-rT-.l-rr Superintendent Flelda of the O. W. P. Co. baa preferred a complaint to ' the polioe and also to Fire Chief Camp baU beeauae, aa ha Aiaerta, many cars on First atreet ware held needleealy for to mlnutea by the fireman, who refuaed to turn their horaaa te one aide and al low the care to pee a. , - u . The Norwegian Singing eoclety haa rooms at tha front of the building. reached only by a narrow hallway lead ing to the etaira - When Perl to over turned the lamp it act lire to the bed clothing, which he threw into the hall way, and than ran to turn in an alarm. The alngare were practicing; 'and did not - know anything waa wrong until they heard tha clanging of the gonga of the fire . engines. They had to fight their way through ' the emoke. to the atalrway, ', One man waa partly overcome," but waa hauled to aafety by hla compan ions. The third atory of tha building waa found by the firemen to be filled with rubbish. . The fiamee were 'extin guished after causing a lose of about 100. .v .:''.. ;. 'i' GAMBLERS' CASES TAKE ; TIME OF TWO COURTS '.'VV. . : ':. Arguments In the suit of Captain XL W. Spencer for an order restraining the Multnomah Fair association from sell ing poola at the Irvlngton race track are -being made-before Circuit Judge Fraaer thla afternoon. ': , -. In a demurrer to the complaints made' In the polioe court against Prealdent Diamond of the Multnomah Fair eeso clatloa and peraona selling poola at the Irvlngton , track. , filed with- Clark Hennaaay yesterday afternoon,' It la statad that the court haa no Jurisdiction and there are not enough facts set forth to Justify a prosecution. . The ' demurrer will be argued next Monday. Until after the-. court haa paaeed on thla It will not be : known whether the defendants must stand trial. . If a decision la given In the In junction proceedings brought In the cir cuit court 'by, the time Judge Cameron makes hla declalon on the demurrere It is regarded aa probable that proceedlnga In the police court will be dropped. - , SHOOTING GALLERIES CLOSED ON SUNDAYS ,'' " ' I i i -f i ' -Chief of Police Oritsmacher Issued aa order this afternoon, di rooted to hie cap tains, who will In turn Inform the pa trolmen of their respective reliefs, that hereafter ehootlng galleries must not be allowed to -operate on Bundaye. The ordinance preventing ehootlng gallerlee from carrying on their bualneaa on Sun daya haa aiwaya been a dead letter. i Thla order will affect the ehootlng gallery at the Oake aewell aa all other ganertea," held the enter. . "coroplalnta have been made by cltlaens that theae placee are tha source of too much noise on Sundays, and hereafter the ordinance will be strictly enforced.".- . ... ,r- . CONDITION OF WOOD V ALARMS HIS FRIENDS tfearaal Spedsl Sw rles.l '"' - . . Waahlngton, July ttIt la under understood that the condition of General Leonard Wood contlnuee to give his friends grave concern, and that the. pres. Ident'e order countermanding the order relieving General Carter from duty In the Philippines waa baaed oa the fear that General Wood would not be able to return to the lalanda aoon. , y 1 yrellmlnary Waamlnavtlffai ' ISpedal Pispateh te Ike JoeraaL) . . Baker aty. Or, July . The pre- llmlnary examlnatloa of Bay Bogga and A. A. Dennla for their part In the Cor nucopia ehootlng scrape was called thla afternoon at-J o'clock In the Justice court. . - - : , - ' ;, ,,' . v.'.', 1 . , ...A r. ' '' - - - iLJi. tUliis.LLUU ig::o:;xo ; Peopls Cannot Understand Why a Wsst Point Man Was Not Chosen for Canal.--ivv'.;. OFFICERS RECOGNIZED ? AS GREATEST EXPERTS Ooverrrrnent Loans Its Beit Men to Sute but Does Not Think of Us- ; lng ThemShould Have Sent Col onel Srmons to Panama..' ; 'Wasalagaa Bareea ef ' She Joaroal.) , Waahlngton, July t. The ordinary spectator of general affairs cannot un derstand why the secretary of war ahould. have gone begging for a compe tent engineer, for the Panama canal. Uncle Sam erected a achool on tha Hud son for th purpose of educating men for Just euch work, and paid them 160 a month while they ware receiving their eduoatlon. - Is thla school not aa good ae the one front which Mr. Wallaoe or Mr. Stevens graduated T f '' 'v- It . is generally uhderatood -that the graduates from Weat Point In the engi neer corpa . quite aurpaae anything n the aolentifle' educational line - thkt exlaU on the .earth: - After these fel lowe flnleh their course they are com- mlaalonad as offlcera In - the ", United Statea army and are eublect to the ordaM of the war department aa long aa they remain In the army, nor can they reelgn and get out of the army until Uncle Bam gives hla consent. . . . - CajutM Wallaoe Ont, :; l. - . They cannot "Wallace" but,, bat have got to stay-Juat where they are, .and take the pay for their earvloea whioh la proposed commensurate . with ; the dutlea they perform. ' ' ' " ' ' Colonel . Thomaa W. ' Bymona, Tjniua States army, waa aalected by. the New Tork eUte authorttlea as. the greateet living expert on the .Improvement and enlargement of canal and deep watet waya. Why waa, he not eeieoted to head thla glgantio Panama problem. - and ordered there to atayt - He could not hla hlmaelf to the atatea to chat with the aearetary of war and politely In form him that he waa out to accept a better Job. - The status of thla great canal expert la. that of lieutenant-colonel oa leave of absence, without pay, and by Joint reso lution' ha Is loaned to the governor of New Tork "to aaeiet the atate of New Tork by acting aa member of the ad mlnletratlva board of eoneultlng engi- neera for the enlargement of navigable canals In the Itate of New York." Thia permission la te be terminated at each time aa tha secretary or war-may deter mine. "" V' .- - - r- 'v-.., -rrf Oboes Ballioad saee. Has the secretary of war aeaa fit to call thla officer from hla preaent Job and aek him to go to Panama And r ig that ditch for the public servicer No. Indeedl He haa selected a railroad engi neer and paid him tlO.OOS -yta to do Juat euch work for - which the .govern ment educates its own men. w The colonel receives a aalary of More. than double hla army pay, with not ona halt the work. Ha evidently tells New Tork .what te do . with tta eanala over the long distance phones, as hla perma nent address Is Lafayette Square. MISSING POLICE JUDGE RETURNS TO CORVALLIS (Special Dispatch te The Joarai) -1 CorvsJUs, Or July J Et P. Oref foa. late police Judge of this city, who disappeared some -weeko ago leaving a shortage In hia accounts of ovsr f 1.000, returned laat night of hla own accord. No one knowe where he haa beea.- He showa great mental worry and It la not known whether action will be taken by the city, t He la only guilty of a breach of trust, aa be bandied tha money for tba city treasurer, which Is against tha law. , - -' : - At a meeting this afternoon the wa ter committee and Engineer O N. Miller will consider letting a contract te Miller-for the construction-of a mountain water ayetem. .- -. I u.. i : : WELL DIGGERS UNCOVER i v SEMI-PETRIFIED TREE (pedal fXspatek te Th JearaaL) - Palouae, Wash. July i 1.- Palmer Broa, while sinking a well on their farm three miles eouth tot here, .uncovered a part of a large tree which so far no oae has been able to tell to which class It belongs. . It is In a serol-petrified con dition and showa traces of silver and oopper, and has been burned by forest fires as evidenced by partlolea of char coal. Speclmene have beea aent to the state college for , examination. .v'. i: i ' - , . ; .iv ' " 1 V uiilli uiLutil'lli And Growled , and Llcksd Drool ing Chops and Lay Closa . :. ; r.:;Sr , : to Hit -Trail. , V, f&i , SaaasBasassassW(Bi8Sasifaa-a , ( . FEARFUL DANCERS, WERE V ; DETECTIVE'S COMPANIONS Plain Clothes Uan, Who Panetrstsd I Jungles of Chicago to Fetch Man ' Who Had Been Released Long Be fors, Returnsv. '.'"''V ; v After a series of tbrtlllng adventures, whose . recital even causes tba Icy Angara of ahlverlng dread to manipulate the protuberant knobe of the hearere' spinal eolumna. City Detective L. C. Hartraan returned yeaterday. Attacked by the blood-thirsty brigands, from whom he escaped after a running fight; shot at 41. tlmea by actual oount by the aotorlou asaaaatn ' . and . desperado. Cantaloupe Peta,eacaping .aa If by. a miracle from the haU of hurtling lean; thrown Into the muddy water of the Missouri river bv the exploalon of the boiler of a steamer, and awtmmtng five mllea, a la Paul Boyntoa. to aafety, aad running -the gauntlet et cruel aad vituperative newspaper criticism along with other dangera, the detective re turned unscathed. . " 1 ' -. . ' Hartman left this elty about two weeks ago to penetrate the Jungles of Chicago la search ef a, certain wicked Ting, who waa believed to have mad a quick. Jump to the tangles of that wild country, after stealing roses from the bushes of' a politician when' th dreaded tomcat, the nightingale of Fort- land,, waa abroad oa the. fenoe. . .. . Realising tba dangera or tae inp, ne detective traveled without - disguise. This waa done by advice from the Tall Tower, 'Ue said. It waa represented that hla trip would aafer under euoh conditions, ee Hartmaa much resembles a farmer. But considerable count naa been thrown on, the motive .lying . be hind thla advice, owing to aoma malign personality which aeeme to have been behind Hartman throughout hla whole Journey, , v " . . , 11 la not true," bm Detective wan man, 'that at any etage of the game I waa Imprisoned in the Tall .- Tower. "But X failed te gat a telegram aent me at Ontario, I waa prevented from writ ing to Chief of Police Oritsmacher by Chicago police and Justices, the Ting waa allowed to make hta escape, and I owe my life largely to the fact that I back-tracked and took a elreultoue route on discovering aa ancient copy of a certain morning paper in ray path. Thr report that I fllu not Write a letter to the ehlef from Chicago cornea from a sou roe that te aiwaya unreliable." j Detective Hartman will go before the police commission aoon and recount his stirring adventures oa the -trip . to- the Bad Lands la search of the Ting. . It Is understood that no direct evidence will be forthcoming that hla mlshsps were due. to the ' melodramatic and baleful Influence emanating from the Tall Towea." ''"': '' --" Vf :" - VITllESS STARR ARRIVES IN FOmOTOMT" Nsphovv of Congressman' Wil liamson Surrenders to 'Of ' ; ficers at McKenzie Bridge. . . . (Speelal Dtspatea te The Joaraal.) 1 --Eugene, Or., July !. Erneet Starr, chief wltaeaa for tba government In the Williamson case, gave himself up to officers yesterday 'afternoon : at S:S0 o'clock and waa brought to thla city In time to catch tha train - for Portland today.-";-'- ' .-' ""' Starr waa en a aheep camp near Belk nap aprlnga, about II mllee from Mo Kenale bridge.. The matter of giving hlmaelf up waa debated and he came to a decision to give himself up to the offl cera. He arrived at the bridge tired and dirty, with hla clothes hi bad shape. -Starr atated that it waa not until Deputy Smith of Kugene came in search of him with handcuffs, aa though he were a criminal, that he decided to give the government a run .for its money. Whan Starr came Into oarap he had no arms about hla person, aad the officers were surprised to aee their man, aa waa evidenced by the fact that all "were away from tha bridge, at tha time. . The 'priaoner and deputy, with a driver, left McKenale bridge laat even ing at 4 o'clock and made Blue river laat night and came Into town today on the gallop, barely la time for the train to Portland.'- - ' ' Star . laugha- over-- the- arreat -of O'Leary and the eventa since hla leav ing the.- Bridge. He takes his capture in a matter of fact way and la willing to go to Portland. , '," ' BENNINGTdN.TO BE . -. - .SENT TO MARE ISLAND l-a- (Jvarasl Special Serviea.) r -San Diego, July It-lt has been de cided by the naval authorities that the' Bennington ahall be aent to Mare Island for repairs. " Her boilere are to be taken out. Tba transport Lawton or Solace will be cent here to remove the con valeacente to Mare laland. Ne - -new deatha era reported today. . y . FIFTY ARE INJURED IN i ; . IRON MOUNTAIN WRECK (Jooraal Speetsl jkervke.) , Oaark. Ark., July St. Tha westbound Iron Mountain ' passenger, behind time and running at high speed, waa wreoked on a curve three miles east of here, at I o'clock thla morning. - The rails apread. Three earsN left the track and rolled over. Ftf ty paasengere . ware " injured, Ave ef them eerloualy.. . . f ," ..j , ;t ':.. ' Want Pay fb Scow, . " Caeelus W. . Weiit and Levy-Cr-Wete have begun a suit agalnat the owner of th ateamer Fo f or 121 for damagee to a acow which, ao the complaint al lege, waa wreaked while under a leaae to the defendante. Tbe complalntr atatea plalntlffe entered Into a lease with John Reld, an owner of the Fox, thwdallr rental of the acow to be 11.10 a day. The acow waa wrecked on a trip up the river.t . v- .. : , l- I II I I II I, I I - ' X .Tart aVaavea Toklo. , ' . tiearsal aseelal iflerelea.1 ' '.' ,. " Toklo, July ft. Seeretary Taft and party left thta evening on a special train for Kioto. A distinguished assemblage, Including court civil and military of ficials, gathered at' tbe- atation-1 bid farewell to the party. Postmixtsf - C:nsreJ Corttlyou Hock nj . j:t and ; Friends 7 -Fsar a Collzpts. METCALF WOULD RETIRE tt ' :-Z :;AS cacskst official- '"'"'; ' , ' ' ' '' ' . -,. ';' Califonlan : Cannot Afford ths Ex- ; penses of Potlorr-Oarfleld .WUl Probably Succeed aa Secretary of : Commerce. 1 Wsshlagtoa Boieae et The (oaraaj.) ",' Washington, D. C, July 21. There le -not a baker's dosen of high government " officials- left In Washington. Of , the J... nine cabinet men, Postmaatar-Oeneral , Corral rou alone la-eobe found at . his ' desk, and : will . sO. continue until ' he' ' thinks be can apare time to reet the usual 10 daya allowed to all tha gov ernment employes, great and small. -Mr. Cortelvou. by the way,' la looking very 111, and hla friends fear . a coif lapse. - He haa been laying up 'a long record agalnat Jthe health regulations, v aad It looka now aa If he would aoon, 1 be. vailed upoa to settle. He Ifkes to . pose ae . man 6f Iron constitution," '' without nerves or feeling, who can work ::' day In and day out without rest and reo reation. . He never takea any exarelae- " In fact, whatever men generally do to keep them St la Juat what, the poat maatar-gsnaral - avolda. All - f-whtoh -revivee the recurring atory of Mr. Cor- 't telyou'a dealre to quit public Ufa If he would follow the example of -Mr. Moody, ha might find a cabinet poaltlon an eaay thing. The latter eeldom epende -any time at all la Waahlngton during . the heated term, remaining here Juat aa -little ae compatible. irlth holding down -cUa Job. . . ..y - '',. i!. Xetaalf s te Calif orala. ' ..; v, The Metcalfe have returned to their old home la California. Mra Metoalf haa found offlolal honora, aa dead apa- . ' fruit, and ahe would be he glad to get out of the cabinet circle aa her husband -la alleged to be. Thoee with alender. in- ' . ' eomee find their cdrea and expeneea n- ; ttrely disproportionate to the pleasures ' and prestige. ' The . Cortelyous' -luat. j manage to keep their heads above water, although It la reported that the head ,; of the family haa recently realised handaomaiy on some investments. Mr. ' Metcalf, during his visit to Oakland. ." wilt eound pasty sentiment ae to hie; chances for ' reelection,'' from hie " old .(t -y district, -tarease he decldee definitely to atep down for the benefit of Mr. Car- Oeld. eh. .MMtiM a eAmmaraa and labor " le credited wlthgytng that he would ; t S refer K.eot la the house to 110,000 v the cabinet. . Mr. Oarfleld le lnordlr nately ambttloue to atretch hla feet un- der the cabinet council table, and. there , Ua no reason why he ahould not,feape- clally when Metcalf la ao. willing.. . - , : ,. ; Wllaoa'a Xt Bervwe. if.- C , , Mr. Hitchcock and Mr. Wilson are . bow the only membere of the cabinet- , who were legacies from the McBUaley ., administration, and Mr. Wilson haa tha -added luater of being the only member ; of th original McKlnley cabinet, -and of having served longer la one office1 than any of hla predecessors la-sny.of the -executive departments. He Is near- . lng the first half of hla. ninth yeat.aa . secretary of agriculture. These vener able etateamen Hltohcock and Wllaoo j, " the oldeat la the point of yeare aa well r aa service, have no wlah to lay down ., their burdens, and the preeldent is not -; going to -hurt their feelings by Bug- v geeting that Dr. Oaler waa wlae when he advocated the chloroforming, of men . -naat 0. Both eecretarlee have sale- , Lbrated their aeventleth birthday a, It la certain that Shaw wui aepart . from Washington about the flrat of Oc tober, and become Taft'e rival for praal- C dantlat nonore, and. Moody and Metcalf v will follow Shaw a example, . j - :' .Bonaparte te lnvet, ?. '.. r.:v Charlea X Bonaparte, who baS Juat , - beea sworn In ae secretary of the navy, , Is believed to be the pivot upon which the new cabinet will turn. He le spend- lag hla vacation between Washington and hla Green Spring valley home. Mra. 1 , Bonaparte la a eerloua Individual . and -her participation in social honora here -le not regarded with any particular n- tercet. " ' " ' ' ' -i ' ' -The Hitchcock family now boaete of the' only offlolal young woman in Waah- ' Ington. Secretary Wilson la atlll a , widower, notwithstanding the recurring , matrimonial rumors, . and although he denies with muoo warmth, that' he in- . tenda to emulate certain other elderly etateamen la- making a late marrUge, - .. atlll the report will not die and It is . v aaid to be the principal reason why Miss : Flora Wilson, hie only daughter and x the chaUlaine of hla home, doea not re- turn to Waahlngton and take up her . household dutlea, but Ungera in Parle to atudy mualo and art.. - ? ' - ' WANT DAMAGES FOR v ? $ I'. INJURIES TO DALLES CITY" i A eult In libel for the Bum of 110.000 waa filed In the United sute dlatrict court thla- afternoon by- The Dallee, Portland Aetorla Navigation company agalnat Captain E. W. Spencer aa owner of the steamer Charlea R. Spencer. The complaint allegea that on May tl, 1905, the ateamer Spencer collided with the plalotlfTa' ateamer, Dallee City, broke the guard and pitman and caueed the cylinder heade of the atarboard engine to blow OUt '.-. i" - . . V.', ' The boate ware going down the Wil lamette at tha time and it la alleged the accident waa due to the negllgenoe of the master of the Spencer- - , . "' Watch Tleked as Owner Drowsed. ' While working on a log boom for the Eastern at Western Lumber company at tbe foot of Twenty-aecond street laat night F, 3. Johnson, aged tf yeara, fell Into tha river and was drowned. Hla body was recovered In about 10 feet of water and waa removed to tha under taking rooms cf Coroner Flnley. , John son's watch waa found to be running, ' although it had been in the water for an hour and a half. ',:' , " - S . Aaka Srewa ef movta? Wife ') ' Writings from - Victoria. (.British '.Co-. tumble. A, H. Ollde eske the police for information concerning Mrs. Glide' and J. Lewis, who are alleged to have come to Portland together. Mrs. Glide la aald to be working lit a laundry. The writer lneloeee a photograph' of hla wife end baby, but doea not aay whether ahe took the child with her when aha left Vic toria. ; y. , - . ". " " . v , , '"''" 'Who alas east Oharleyf " " Charley Lcff arman. aged 10 year, was reported to the police thla morning by; hla parents aa missing from his' home, 1701 East Fifteenth street, since 4 o'clock last' night ... . .. i' ..' . .. t , , . ... . r r , ... ..i -.. - .v--, . '-