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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1905)
VeW at JSJKJ 4Uh a i. -JeefaV A .al , W- - A O .4 .. . . Mi LHIGS AliD DEFEAT. $ksi Roach Puti Sleeping v' 7 ' Quietus on the Mighty Men c ki..Whfl Play for McCredie, t C M'LEAN'S BATTING ' FEATURE OF CONTEST t ? - Contest Goea a Dozen UBaptcra, t When thSiwaihea Scalp the Good ' , r Looking Ewick and Steal Away 'r.WitiTthe Game Story oi Match. Seattle t. Portland . Batteries, Roach and Harper; Kaalck V Tha game at Raotlon park yeaUf- day waVwleta with all kinda of Just tha aort of ball playing that gladdens , day and perhapa that . la tha reason .. why the : Webfootara put on their ' hustling rag The. game waa devoid ... of tha wrangling or tna aay- prevuraa i and Slate Davis ruiea tna neia very . ,.well. the glorloua ereauonp or me ' boat aailltnera were much In avldenoe i Ton tha grandstand and tha awell dressed howled themeelrea almost Into hyo 7 terics every Uma ana of the Portland - playerg made a; hit or run or ood catch. Taken all around the game waa about aa good aa the faaa aver want to aee. ' . ;; The excitement waa ao Intense that those' who Bver would auy for mora than nine Innlnga remained for tna rea- -not nniih wmcn resuiiea wnen in u ' ltth season Easlch who up to that time . had thlaga about hie pwn way, went 'Into the air and toaeed aver aorta o,f .i tha. ahoicaatahlnga In lxla list of easy- to-bit ones. Juat what suited tna hi- washes, too. for they didn't, do a thing -but land on Ksslck for. twa-three-bag- . gera. a double ana a aingie Deiore may ! na - Run Hill must luvt tlvtllti.. vn 1.1 each of his men a "shot" of aomethtng-,) i tot tney naa ginger to.par p- a - am tun un game nm mur is iui with both pnenera ooing.nne wora ana su toe men p laying up io ciaaa. inniin. . ); .- .' f '".it '-. caroa tha dread 11th and It waa- cur talna for ' tha local men and to - the ewltchback with Eaalclc -The alaUgh . ter waa awf uL Triples, ' doublaa aad ; l alnglea followed In succession- and it . .'waa nough to make ana pull one's hair to witnesa the awful earn aire. McLean f was. the master swatter for tha Web foot aggregation and In tha 11th ha : lined out one good for threa.baaea and ' hmtlht I) tmm lA man hn t In ftrvfn i ; te make a home ran of tha hit, ha waa caught : out at tha puta due to poor s rtick. the - near Seattle player, win make good and to apara as his work , " yaatarday waaaulte -.bayoaA erttloiemr He le good with tha stick and doea well on the baeeawAabeat a pretty bunt - ta-ffret la the aecond inning andLgot ""a , hand from tha ladles fo doing it. , J Hla Judgment an. aome af tha eerpen- tinea' handed blm by Eaalck waa laugh able a couple of time when ha needed an automobile to gat to. one ha reached for. It waa a great catch Walter made in the , eighth when Jut sickad ' Houaeholder'a flv ot the fa nee out in deep right field. The eighth inning.. by the way, waa one. sensation all around. , Kane threw wild to flrat on Tan Bn. ren'a hit and it went Into the bleachere I - ajra mm way riraimf ; came romping I , home waa do trouble.. But tha amplre I dldn t allow, the acore aM cent rlem back to third aa tha ball, so ha claimed, had oae off the -field, and only, one baae waa allowed. 'Thla left Van Bu ran on ' aecond and Fleming on third. McLean, than came tip and faced the .mighty Skel Roach. What Mao did to ana of those beadera was a fright. Tot e sent u a. way ort into the canter gar. dan, ' scored both men and mada aecond htm Belt There waa nothrne- Aotne aft H! ifhKf td0!ml. JJo?,aacaa. . i. . '. ' f" "in. ' t..ouwiBf 'ii ma omciai acore: C. V V; ' PORTLANDi, I'-W-i ' v ' v.AB, R.H.PO. A.E. -v ...,...,r a.T. j McCradla, rf. ....... 4 0 1 0 Fleming, If. .. -1 f 0 a Householder, et 1 1 l a Van Burtn. IK sf-ic a Schlafly, lb. 10 1 4 10 t;-.ToUla :" ' i " .'- ,"' 8BIATTLR.- . :-.- . L jlJ2 ""i r ' R- H. ra a. E. lars. rf. 1,14.1,1 Houts, it Frick, lb. Frary. lb. -.. a R. HalU aa. ( Harper, a kv. tit Hoaoh, p. 1. 10 Totala ....... .r...4 T 14 14 14 1 ,t . SCORE BT INNINOB. , .''na ......0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 Hlta Ill 1001101 11 11 loooioiooo a t 01100111011 4 IK ' . Seattle . . Hlta SUMMARY. .. . Struck out By Eick, 4: by Roach, i H a-Off ftaillck' fi off Roach, 1. Two-bsae hlta Mclean t. Racriflre hlte Kane, Frary, McCrrdle. Houts, Frary Frlck. '"Wm "iZll Roach.' TlmVnf ' L...'V"TT 1 ' . ,11 mlaatea.. Umpire Davis. JOMMY'TRACEY WINS . 5: IN THE FOURTEENTH ' Tom Traeey of Portland won over Jack Kerne of Chicago last ft In a box- , vln contest at Vancouver. What was Scheduled to be e lt-round contest was . .'terminated in the fourteenth round by a atlff blow In - the stomach. By a prearranged j agreement tha officials . would not count time on Kcrna when , 0aaa Samaras. Stopa TaUlag Mala. BeUsvoa nealag. NEWBRO'S Herpicide "TM tnUeUBTAA that A A PUBUC TOOTH BRUSH A aaad saraatBlastat ssmi rTae time is ewnag wM aa aastanilaad yufcue saw beak wtiTaa ee ease ee a aafcua awth be Kbe reasM te tkat 4irty kaie s aw banwa ia V a eaaUtlMe etBMM Waakae auaai daeaVatl aa4 tree eaadrsif ra Stored, lead let. It-a4. 0 t'tfKltt CO.. teat i, ktratt, Mkkn far laaaW down and he wee declared out In last than the uaual 10 aeoonda, although ap parently truUnf to continue the eoa tOSt.. ." - -r - ,' . It waa v a - peculiar - wonteet ' and would hava . been batter, had ' the referee allowed , tha men e do a JltUa la-flghtlng. . , instead at eon ttouailjr wreetllng with tha'm to kaap ana another away. Tha referee -worked harder than tha prtnoipale did; i Traoey without doubt had the batter of the whole contest, although Kama made a vary good, showing. There, were throe feature, of the- go, namelyi- Traeay landing flow alter blow whloh, would not hare hurt a baby and hla continuous performance of delivering a bkw aad then . huffing all through tha contact, which possibly could be ovarlookad with hla aggraaalva work. Tha third feature waa Kerns' covering; up hla. head and shutting hla eyes, - , - .' f"Th. preUmlnariee ware both good and i bad. . Tha first one waa a comedy be tween the Tellow Jtld ana boa vurtie, which reaulted in a yellow streak show in In tha aacond round, when the TeK low Kid null on some aaocled wrong or otherwise The second preliminary , waa - very rood, tha showing very creditable be tween" Sailor Kelly and Soldier- Oral terlv. The reDresentatlve or tna arm Beamed tha better man at first notloa. but tha avy man put a on him la tha aeoond round and It waa al i off with orattery.. ' v.i tendance, with a sprinkling of ladleei and waa qulta orderly. On thawhoia y,e ahow waa fair and Tom Smith,, who i acted as rereree. can rest aai. i now, RACING RESULTS AT ' : BRIGHTON AND DETROIT 'fh H: Joaraal SoaHal asrrla.t ' Naw'.Tafa, Mr Brighton . Beach race -rasulta: -'"," - mm and a' half furtonga Cinchona won xantanus aacond, St. Estapne tnira ih. i -bt - , .a. . . gu furlonga Lady Amelia won. Lady rjncaa aeoond. rrontenaa third:,- time i.jj j.j. i n i . v one mile and -one -sixteenth The Mighty won,. St- -Breese aeoond, . jerry Lynch third; -time- , One mile and ode furlong Au Revolr i uarmee aeoond., caronat uura . six furlongs-Chalf onto won, Kercne- ivar aacond. -Phldlaa hird:,.tima t:iv . i one mile ana one aixieemn umn n. won, Blnderton aecond, rather a. intra 1 - .A Seajratt. fetro. July II Grossa relate rac ing results: ! t , 1:0 pace, puree 11.10, three-heat plan Wlndfleld Stratton won the 11 rat heat la 1:0 1-4 ; Baron Qratton won tha aeo ond heat in 1:01 1-4. Riley B., Masel Patch, Jtnldroals, Ecstatic and Captain Sphinx also atartea. ' '. -' 1:14 trot. K. and M. eonsolatlona w,a' two gtralght heata in 1:11 1-4. puree, , three-neat pian aiiea-in- 1:14 1-1. Get Away and Emily Letcher also-started. . . ' 1:10 trot, puree 11.M0. three-heat plan Zephyr woa tna ursi nasi in ;im; Norman B. won the ' aecond heat In 1:11 l-4 Brownie WUton alao- started, ; .L PACIFIC COASTiLEACUE, if; JJI Tseama ' lorn Jlzm Portlaae las OakUsA BMttle . , ' T Lost' ""; " ' :' Baaai Itld ZC .f; . ' ' :' (Joataal aparlal serrJeaV Loa Angeles. July .lt. Tbet home team,-owing, to Baum'a fine work. in tha pitcher's box, shut out - tha Com mutara yaatarday. Score; -j . Loa Angilea tt I 1 19 ft juaxiana ...... .e o e o ee e o 4 -4 Battarlaa Baunt and Eaaer: Ibara ana Bimniey. umpire wngnu vf : - ": Kaafa Waa tha Oooda. (Jaaraal Special awrlce.l. San Franclsoa, July llKaefa bad tha Seals on the hip yesterday and pitched shut-out- ball. - He struck out eight men, 'Score RT iC Taooma . .' . . . ...4 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 4- i, 1 San Francisco ..00440004 4 I i oaiiariea jveeie ana uranam; Wba lan and Wilson. Umpire errlne. . ; AMERICAN LEAGUE. v ' -.'' Won. Cleveland . . '. 44 . Chicago . ,.. to Philadelphia . . , . ,r 4 - Kew Tork - IT Lost PC .421 .414 .871 .544 ,S04 .488 .171 .141 Detroit'. w . 4Ll Boeton . . 10 a. v II Washington , . . '. At Boston. ' :.' . '....,.' - : . R- H. E. Boston . . . , . ..ilU4j,1.u.u7 - 0 Cleveland 1 1 Batteries Tannehlll and Crlger; Moore and Bamla, ' . - NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. XrftsL IS ill 1,1 T-. " PC. .716 .413 .640 a.478 14 -.140 ,124 ; .107 New Tork'. 01 1 LV,"""r"- rn i.o.ipnis . ...... Ol ...... tl - aa - 44 . : Cincinnati ,. ....... 47- BL Loula . 11 -Z.67 Boston 10 :1 Brooklyn . IT 41 ... 1 . I't harlfa Team Wlaa. , ' ." . Rherlfl Tom Word and hla deputies yesterday raided Clerk V. 8. Fields aad his deputies in a ball game on tha Haw thorns grounds. Tha aherifl"e nlna won by a score of IT to 10. At tha close of the game the ladlea In attendaaoa presented Captain Fields with a hand, aome bouquet of white flowers, tied up with black crepe. . , .., -kma tha Baaraa Oerm." - mm 11 a 19 i as .an .. u 12(15 ia an .us io . . it a 63 .tK a T j. Hi . 10 16 4 . . 46 .43 T 8 13 .. 41 .42? I- INC!. GONE "111. Caat will. ar-lsaw,' eraee baianaa A wrltar la auaiml arl view ef Bartewa. abaald tavw east xr'e haw krask.'' ays: rasat aklUrea it 4 a Wwmyfvt Karplclde . araawe vakBe kstt ry1 tmt!rZ2T JfV'' eaadrarl wwmm Short-Prlced Anlmale Manage to Keep to the Front in Yee-' terday'a Cplng.;- tOACUE CAVE KIRBY. v .0. A BEAUTIFUL RIDE Fsvorif. Captura Threa Out 9t tha Six Event and tha Crowd ft Wall . .u wis wrowo ma wen With , the ; Pport-lBtack f leased Cloud Won s topulsr yictory, : .T-Urdsy'. war. iamo-. : ih. L'-I.?" " a lr?a""-:TH2t.?.;M wm, Mt M fields were Urge and in all except the I flret race, which waa won bv Rublana.1 L7rowtn-:r ana nia victory was due to a brilliant ride by T. Stewart. 1 Tha Robaon. , Dr. Sherman, Hogarth and El Veraooo ware all well 'played and 'the eonteet was worth seeing. Tha real wlaa onaa 'picked Dr. - Sherman - for- a, elaoe and . their Judgment proved correct. ' Hogarth for some reason waa tipped off aa a real good thing, but whan tha going became brisk. French couldn't kaes him in with tne ouncn. Qraham cava tha doctor aplendld ride and In front af tha stand. Where tha pace- waa . terrific, t ha kept Dr. Sherman right in tha midst of tha fray.v t Dundreary came up rora' tha rar vjn a spirited -rush and put Mr. Robaoa back ,to ahow poaltloo, and beating . tha doctor' a length and a half for Sret honors. - Black Cloud e bowed hla raal stuff again yesterday by beating a fairly good bunch, There was a lot of Interest In this race and many ware of the -opinion that Black XlOTd eouldnt win from Velma Clark and' Pine Dale, but J. Clark turned the trick with hla mount and though tha crowd waa' given a doaa ef heart diaease at the finish. whan Pine Dale came' aoae' and nose who me cioua Biaox 'Cioua. nowever. had a final apurt left and beat tha Dale by a neck. Black Cloud's Victory waa a popular one.' In ;the aeoond raoa Mlsa Prove -sot busy- and woa from a faat field.: The talent waa afraid of -Mlsa .Prove, en account of .her poor, run the ether day whea Aurora B. won from her In the aama time aa aha nada. 4 aama time aa aha made yesterday. .r Aurora B. received a atrong play, ana ran fourth after retting away in front. Cora- Goats waa a good, contender and compelled T. Sullivan to whip along rather lively at the finish. Doublet waa the good thing In the fifth event and hla backera didn't worry about tha race, feeling aecure in B. Powell. ablUty to keep him In front. , L... T! -.r: ? .". I viax. mil uia iiiuivr w iwh After the half mark waa reaonea. uoud- let took the lead and waa never troubled, J.i V. Kirbr ran' what waa really the pretUest race') of the day. - Klrby had mane- a-ooif ; friends, sven thonah the talent thought that If Jackful got off all rTxht Klrby'a chancea would be sum. Jackful got off third and the aun. ahone brtshtly for -him a abort Uma at the three, anajrterai mariv whan.jiejnoytd Intowacand position, bat he. Salt Ilka el hound -aad finished ' lnglorloualy last. Laajrao xava Klrby a- arreat Tldaaad hla wlaning can be attributed to tha clever Jockey's fine beadworK. Aiuraa waa rle-ht am Xirbva neck., but TrClark couldn't do any mora urging and Klr- y captured tha coin. Tha crowd gave Loigue an ovaUon.for hla SXat ride. Sununary Of yeaaa,-i . 1 Flrat races Rublaca. 1 to t, (Herbertl 101.' first;' Msht of Day, place 4 to a. IR Powell) 100. aecona; jaaovt Bw ahow 1 to t, (League) 101, third.; Time :01. Annie Darling, ongetia, uarry Owen. Tart. Trentard flnlahed la the order named. - V V - J Second race Miss Frooo, I to i. t. Sullivan) 107. flrat; Cora Ooeta. place , to 1. (Croeowalte) 107, aeeonaj Agnee Mack, ahow 1 to 1. (Hooart) it. tniro. Time, 0:EH4. ArOra B.. Roaebud. B. ' C Qren. Sox flnlahed in the order named. Third race Black cwua. a to a, w. Clark ri 84." flrat : Pure DeleTpTade t' K R Towriii loz. sreonai ipe aiiiior. show I to t, (T. SuUlvsn) 104, third. Time, 1:1014. Velma Clark. X. Prlnelpe, Pearl Stone, Molto. Uppercut, Walter. A, finished in the Order named, r , Fourth race Dundreary. S to X. IT, rt. lut. nraii : vr. even, (Qraham) 14, aecona; sir, kodbop, i ehow 1 to t. (X Clarkj 107. tnira Tuna ... V.... . Unarh aril Veracoo. LltUe Adele . finished. In the la. , jtvuuvri . order named. . Fifth, race Doublet, t to , t" (B. Powell). 109, flrat; Anona. place 4 to 1. rw. Smith) 101. .second: Angelica, ahow even, (R. Butler) 07, third. Time, 1:14. Oolden Light. Busts christian, voiterei. Bountiful. Suburban- Queen flnlahed In the order named. - - " HlXtn- race-rJ...-v.- airoy.i a ..-, I (ixiagae) lov-nrst; mrao,pi e w IT. cisrxj loi. seoOTar .nryyy xv rw, vw -m -' - ' . . - A Ia 1 'infill- U8. thlM. I Carobura. Penance. Thaddeua,; Jaokf ul -i . , i.ii . u rkinvia r-nriiia I flnlahed la the order named. A . rURIIDinM DA DC? IQ ' J unnmr tun i ro w i . TOO MUCH FOR GLOSS -Ale W Pape -of-the Dolphlh club, San Franoiseo, amateur champion of ihe coaat and Paclflo northwest for single sculls, defeated EL O. Oloaa and William Patton at Guild's lake yesterday and re tain hla title. Papa took the lead on tbe ttart and used hla famous knee .turn at the buoy several lengths ahead.. He slowed up oa the run home and allowed Oloaa to come within threa lengths of him.! than iis sprinted and came horns four lengths aneaa oj uioh.s fiucm waa outclaaaed- and finianaa ite yaraa behind... It waa nearly o'clock before tha recea Started. . George Ludere defeated, B. B. Barley In tha junior aingie. -' In tha race for lapstreax xoure collision occurred 200 yards from tha tli hMUM lodial After aeparatad the luagea atartea - - . thev were them at the turning buoy and they raoed home. The crew composed of A. R. Allen -tliowrr'Ai.-Alleir.tlJWIiT. Allen (I) and A. A. Allen (stroke) haw ing a alight advantage over the erew composed ef A. R, . Stringer (bow), Orth (1), Peterson) (1) and Pfaender (atroke) frt.. iimlnr dauhlea waa tha last race I and Ludera and. Harlay.duat, nosed ul SS V. a Am. m. M WS Am.Am AWm 4 Ami .Swl saaraoai wg - - . I All the contestants Were jrom rort-1 laad excepting Papa. ' i. ''jL.i.,llng.-for1lf -X moved auddenly.l TAKAKI li RPATrT N ' ' M IHAHIXI Id UUnibll . i nf nt hAiirr rj 1 1 rrM 1 1 r . ,. - - - i The eurprlae of yaatarday at the Ore- son row' .some n.i -"lacBnu for the United States. .-.j Buscirs aereat of raxaxi, tna eensa. tlonal Japaneae player. The day wit-1 nessed tha playing oft of all the remain Ing preliminary gamee and part of tha flnala. ' Tha finals of the ladles', alnglea wore played, and tha flnala In tha mixed doubles; tha challenge round of the I ladles' alnglea and tha flnala of tha eon- eolation... ,v ' . , r .- i.e. ' The' resulta of yeoterf?eye - matches mrm , . t r .....,..,,-. '.' aten's " alngleaOoss beat- Bellinger. t-t? Buaoh of Ban Franclsoa beat iSS mo U ': .-.i-i Takakl of Tokto, -. -ll Tyler of en a doublear-Wtckersham ana Bell ger beat Prlnoe and ronton. -t, Wloksrahara - and Bellinger beat Herd-1 man and Ewlng by default: Tyler and I Remington beat Ooaa and If oAlpla. . I -a. 0-9. -. singles finale) Mies Heltshu Mlas Joaaphl. .. -. Ladlea' and gentlamen'a doublaa Ty. r .nli ul. ii-i.-i..jw-.H--. and. mi.. bt Go..' and ,,mi .wTill- v". a.. ConaoUon-erdman beat West. 0-0.1 - .Kn !"ero?":to .b d,tulti t TZlt uwa" wV. praeid tFJZ-tt?tt-JfM2 V.V" Stn. and Mi.rol;'. Watdl.7 hoeUsa. ' '- ' SOME GOOD' RACING " (Special Blspateh to The JoaroaLt Roeeburr. Or.. July J. The effloara directing, the programs and premiuma of tha Second Southern Oregon District Fair association, whloh will hold fair here" pn September 11-10. have Issued their speed program, whloh follows: , . Wednesday. . September II -Runnlna. one half mile and reoaat: trottlna- and pactofc 1.00 claaa, 1 In I: aaddla horse race, one half- mlla. ,: Thureday. September 14 Trotting and pacing, ,.1-yaar-olds, , t in rr one mlla: pacing, a :z class, x in one mlla; mule race, five eighths mlla: saddle 4 florae raoa. Friday, September. IV Running, half mile; trotting and pacing, 1-year-olds, 1 in 1. one mile; trottlna and peeing. ft elaee, t 4n-4l saddle horse Taee.'"" " ' Saturday, September - It - Running ooneolaUoa). one half mile daahi trot ting and: pacing, free for alL in' I; pony race, five elgntha mile, weight leaa than aoo pounds; foot race, free for all running. one mile; alow raoa, one haul mile. There will be about 1880 la purses, r SPORTING GOSSIP. Portland got busy yssterday through , llnnlngg -Of fairly good . balU though beaten oat. " Tbe game waa spotted with several stupid play a, but the aggTaa- alvenaaa of the entire team was appar ent. , . , ' '. ' ?v .--...'.. e-. ir.: ,.' . ,;'. . -1 nara wui o two ium vwrw w morrow - at Recreation park between Portland and Seattle. The flrat game will be celled at 10:10 a. m., and tha Sunday gamea.-1 The ' SeatUe team la .. playing -great ball -now, and Interesting contests may oe expeotea, : -e -'- .. ', ' '' - J- Judge and Mrs. MoCredle will aeoom- pany the teavn to San Franclaoe, leav ing hare oa Sunday night. e ' ,; Fraokia Nell earned a decision over Harry Tenny at the end of a l$-round I battle at Colma. California, is at night. He had all the bettor of the fighting after the twelfth round, hut could, not score a kaookouv- Tommy Burns aad HugoKelly fourht A. draw at Loa Angeiae last night, before 4,eoe people. -. Burne had all the beat of it, hut the men agreed before an ter- ling the ring that It both ware oa their feet at the end of the twentieth round a draw ahould be the. decision. - -tf-y. . - e a i . Chicago. ". July, . 29. Flnala In- tha western golf championship ' will be de elded, tomorrow over 10 holea at the Glen view nltrb links, between the title holder, XL c Egaa, and hla oousln, Wa ter xl Kgan. , . raUa (Joarnal Special larrlee.) Dover. .England. July 11. T. .W. Bur- gesa failed to swim across the channel yesterday. Heentered, flj i water at Lydden. When taken, from , the . water ha araa. f our nd a-halt tnllea front- the French coast He sprained a tendon In hla , right las and lost its ftse entirely. Ia 1004 he awamtwlthla four mllea ef the French eoaat.; .- . DfJV hi OI A HO CVTriincn i on I His r UHiOO tA I yiUbU - r TRIP THROUGH EUROPE aearaal Special Berries.) Madison, Wla, July It. WHUm , J. Brysn was : tendered . a banauet Jaet night by 100 Wisconsin Demodrata.' He waa received with tumultuoua cheering which coatlnued eeveral mlnutea. Dnr- ing a speech Mr. Bryan said that he in- tended to Uke aa extended European trio and ' would bring back what e v.r1na- -,. womoU rood rovtmment. T. I Damooratlo national commit. ' " . . r. iriii , nmmsM untn lor tna craai - . r - - . - ., dency to 1008. COMFORTING WORDS Many a Portland tlOUSe" ... - - mm I . hold Will Find them So.'-'; To have the peine and aches of a bad back removed; to be entirely free from l.nnnrlnr , dannroua nrinarv illinMan I II. anough to make any Ttldney aufferer - - r i can be brought about will prove, oom - forn tOThundred. oV TorSa.d' rd-1 arnrsiriix. is un now uiiav aTtti onanm T .. ' I Mre. A. H11L residing at It First 1 atreet, Portland. Oregon, says: -I suf- fered considerable f0 a year -or more ..m.. - .-..- I . ....v. iJ- 'a i I Lnoh of the kldneya' I bad to be I . M careful la doing tmr work abOut thai:.'". - ei. . M.ak,raak fa aa nouMa whloh raanlrad atnnntna- lift- to suffer severe twinges of vein fn nrv bck - Haatara and several ramadlaa. hut faunit little valla until t . r.-,. vu... th- - m rrora the nret and final v cured ma." V., Ml. k All 1 ikh.. ' ro - ter - MHburn Co.. Buffalo. V. T- aoia R.mamher tha mat nnivtw take ao ether. .:.rET ie;.:di3 i::; "'ITO'lt '"" DaUhtSf , Standard t)ll f-!t nate and. Relative of the Atdr In Trouble, . .(Jearaal'tpeeUlJsarvlee.) ' New Tork, - July l-On tha allega tion or her mother and huaband that aha la Incompetent to manage- aa in come of mora than 180. 000 a rear, tha T' iZT,i k1 T-.Tt lra.1",0n-t.0- '"Wire . lata tha mental eon. anion of Mre. NeUle Boatwlok Cary, T iJT ?inl1.t w- huaband. allege t Urm. CaVv ln h.hUnaT d A,rTka nd been rroVihg steadily worae .Tit rTlTL , Atiamt L Cr i. a daught of Jabi. .Z." L "21 w" krwnTluhA.n. and waa fo.rly a famous cotuilon loader. Mre. Cary la 17 year- old. She enured Maw Tork society whUa stiU a young girl. And was for years a conspicuous figure at the amarteat fuactlona. v ' , - EIGHTY-DhE. CATS OCCUPY nAiisidn r ' "''.- ' . V, . . . . . Family Returns From Europ to , .Find Nests of Kitten All , rvrnr-. Ow the House.: 4 - - - -Ieuraal SpVetal Sartiea.) - - Chicago. July. It. Who Is tha man with eats and kittens la hla hornet That la the Question bains: naked by la the exoluelve residence dis trict ef the west aids not far from one of tha west parka. With the eueatloa oaa a grood atory. ( ;.''.' - A water atreet merchant returned with hla family from a 14 month a trio abroad.. . When the family left Chicago tna nousa -waa given to the care of a hired mani who waa to vlalt ft every day, and keep burglara away, care for the cat and seven .kittens, pets of the younger children." -' - - ' Tha hired man Aid hta'flut amll ftrn I a few weeks, when hla -vlalta to ths u",Jbm taaUy I stopped altogether.,-' stoppea sjtogetner. v - When the family opened the front door on Its return, tt found a' neat ef kittena In the veetlbule. Investigation showed' that .'every room la the house from th atttn ta tha Km.. a I naa been, the Sboda of eala. Naata baa I bsan maA. in mniin ... j divans and bade. The cats la the house I ware of all alsee, area and breeds. fat .and apparently happy. ei;fosci;:g;iioarmi;;e . (Continued from Pake "One.) trains are now allowed te carry I paaaengva through Taxaa from .- Kaw I Wieana. -9 . . . . , FEVER IN NEW YORK, ef I V Mas draw m ftam WallAw liA -1 '" ' Meoraal Speelal avrrkM.) New 'Tork, - July !. The Panama Railroad company's ateamar Segnraaea arrived this mornlnr from Colon with several of the crew sick at Colon. Four of. the crewv were. landed and' seat to the hoapltaL .. . - The surgeon at Colon reported that tha ship had fever. Several of the craw have bean alck oa the 'paaaaaa. The crew la being detained and the four sent to the hoepital .... ..- k i . ; Mian ia iib a I i; Jonraal Spaatat Satvtear" . Mobile, Ala.. July If. The board of health announced today that no more lmmunaa will - be - allowed te come through the-atata. A number of people were etopped atJthe, atateUueUil morning. ' . ,j.,. . . - TRAIL OPEKED SUNDAYS k. .' (Continued from Page One) within the definition of a theatre marl wwiuuy do sept open ana operated on Sunday. On the ether band, it ia 'ad mitted that placea of amusement which theatre may not lawfully be kept ooen on Sunday. v . , wKat a eiMfal v. ' - 'v - : A M,tl flnTTT v ni ' t,' "?..,y.iw?u,, t0 oramatlo, op- ao nni mi wiinirr in. uMinitiAa n m m , J V" t, ,""ulm,-'"n"' I . I Atrm .viw anupnnni i Jy'LtiH?al.!...!?rlba V" oauniaa casus ;wna luuaiona and a stage for Illusory purpoaea." etc.. and clearly cornea within the above defini tion of a theatre. ' Homer Davenport's exhibition la simply a collection ef rare and curloue animals kept within an in oloaura, which he calls a farm. It could hardly he called a theatre, and It re mains to be determined whether its ex hlbltlon oa Sunday la prohibited aa a place of amnaement. . . ... -, '. . 'Powee of rate Ctorpomeloa, ' "Power given a city cobncli to make rules aad regulations governing tha op erationa of r a certain atreet railway, would not ordinarily .be understood to - - w .. . . v uivitimi . . unrmimn antirelr, although It mlxht be tinder. ewoa to comer power; to establlstf-Tsa eon ahe--hours for its onarattnii mnA tA pronlDU lta operation during others. If that La true, then it would follow that I power given to make ruiea and raa-uia. I tlons governing the operation of a ear-1 tain atreet railway or other particular I ouBinesa on Sundaya. would not ordi. narlly be understood to sive the right to entirely prohibit lta operation on Sun rT"' ZT-. .? " uouaraiooa B - of n,,.,,,,;; Wih.n r-T..K?: in ooiirar autnoritv ta iwii ,t. man- liJ "- 1. L iiti. il. a jiaketaiaaaien akall " .T"..VT. w"r ? . ," ':",,' . Z ""rmn" ln ,3tPO- " r. ? r000".'0";0." Sundays.. Except for this part of their contract there la nothlna known to thoa T ff"" wJch oula T?vint thiir Prat- Ilfl SP m Wl MM 1 1 91 Sft WASS. f g 9AWj . g aBtSaSS 8 SB ' S Aw mmmX Am 1 derstood. would not convey the Idea ef I a right o abolish or prohibit, thsa they ought not to be ao construed by the court Indeed' the very word 'govern ing .the operation of their concessions on jtald days (Sundaya) would seem to Imply an operation to Some extent, at least on auch days. . "It : baa . been . contended that this whols paragraph of the contract taxes I altogether ia eusoeptibie of a different I ,. ., as a a ... m , Jt , a. J , . : " ;Uc arc : Clilzj Cz Crr. ttlre ;Wc"re edfe .Tumbleri sriica.Kw Bwi ccna per sxt. , wexmeri ena LSusir Bowla-tit -40 cents -est ad vpA great cportunity, or hotels, families to ' tiock cp". with this line of table ware at ' '-'"i -X ;-:1remarkably ; TCHIE nill tE KO RESEEIVE. : - v EVEliTC'S OST GO to (WiR y itlST CO FCST TMT -YCU 7Ar.7. EJT ,f,i fajV,: y' ..Hardware.' TltlWare.' Cuttey.H-V".iIv:.;; Hardware, Tinware, Cutlery. tzagea Tools V'V. rPOITFtANDME Phon Msta sooo aamwaaWasxaxsKajsM (aWsxaawawaxaxa- IT DID1NT HURT "V I ;;,;;A;BIT;i: ( I la what may say e ear awtaoos t 4Mn I dental work. Ws Ae work, tar senaW freat I t I eat ef tke etty aalekly ta avoM aay aslay. . I EXrTtfelaa" as te date. Osta avaaugs aad 1 i Saaaaya. Mala SOSk. . j. . . . . , XX. WISE BROS. Dentists ' Xx? PS. T. T.WTSS. .saa lOtaay ear. TahaawWasslastas; tfl w". A. Wiaj. meaning, that la. that Ik may be strued. to confer power to entirely 'pro hibit operationa on ' Sundays. I think this ia trust tt mlafat be -eons trued, bat the mora natural construction . la the. other way, especially whan considered with reference to the oondltloaa evr roundlns Its execution, and the general understanding of lhe parties at the time. . t. : " "... " - f waa byaalBg yrnmiail?- . "It It is true, aa soma of the witnesses testified, that the representative of the defendant' during- the negotiations with plaintiff a .save them te anderetand that the expoaltloB would be opea on. Sun days, and ure-ed that fact ,t6. fndace plalntlffa to pay more for tha-privilege of exnlbltlng (and Mr.. Wakefield dM not deny theee etatementa further than M not temember having made themi then It lai apparent that it waa the underatandlng of tha partlee at the time that piaintura anouia nave a nam to onerate on sundaya. ... i r "irwill be obeerved that In thl opinion no consideration haa been given to the question of financial gain or loea, which waa urged at the hearing; neither haa the matter been considered from aa ethical or religious standpoint. I have endeavored to' decide tola aaestloa oa purely legal prlnclplee, but I do not wish to hava it understood that this opinion would apply In favor of any eoneeaalon, If auch there be, which In rtaelf la eon trary to law, or to public . morale, or In any manner waeoant." ' - ' v " ",;t "Let a preliminary Injunction Isano aa prayed for in the complaint.-- , . C SCANDINAVIAN. DAY; "' (Continued from Page One.) " hard, erealdentl Judaa Waldemar Seton. secretary-; Dr. G. T. Trommald, vice nraaident: Rev. O-. OrllL trtajturer: Oa car Carlson. Andrew - Jonaeotv W. An' daraon, M. Martinson, Carl Stoeoksl, H. M. Hanson. Rev. lj. m. nervig. j. at. Slgllm, Oustave Anderson, Samuel Holm and C B. Holt. " - , YEAR A RECORD BREAKER 1 IN RAILROAD EARNINGS (Jearsal Soedal Service.) Chicaso. July It. From what has al ready developed since the opening f the railroads' fiscal year, experienced AeaM.lai1ai fftatwah wakatfah4 ffViah ! sAfiaStn alt AH that barring an unforeseen disaster the ' trfn earnlnge are conoeraed. . .. The 7ar eertaiaiy openae anspiowuaiy. i the flret time in many yaara tna our rant month's groaa earnings "o allroada amounted to more than t)ll.000,000.' aa Increase of 11.100.000 to .11,100.000 ever the oorreapoadlas period of the prevloue year. . . . . f . .. rrora an aectmna et tne wwat-eome cheerful raporta of prosperity. both preeent and Sreepeaave t t 2S'otnts p 4oien.tmd' r restaurants and - private little prices.' ,1 . v-. r..i ' -. -Si OVED.;:FICK'CUr; UiIlE THE ASS03T- IS FUIL ana stoves. ; Cii rdlss Te;!, First csi AlJer BANK ATiD OFFICE RAILING '1 8axted Wire, Wire and Iwaencln,,- ' v. "' . PouJUjj etthajv fttay'-j:,-',. m ', IRONMHKS afJiite, Just Pease . . . " . - X : r -i ' Do' you realise the vast importance et '.' a thorough commercial trainlngt- If ao, , why do yoa delay in aendlng your eon " or daurhter to our up-to-date business.- ' eollegel We offer complete courses tn.- Bphnkos-Walker c r Business College brth had, Korrlaoa Sta, PortUad, Or., C ' ' Opea all the year,, day and. . night. t ' Cell or send for catalogue. , . ,., .-- V v InAlniMf inni nan " A BROKEN COLLAR-BONE , '.;'. Ueoraal ' Spadal Sarrlee.) ' ' . '-'' .? 'New. Torlt, July 1. Margaret An- Un . lying at her hummer home, at Koroton, . Connecticut, suffering from a ; . broken, oollar-boae and severe bruises, the result of beinr thrown from a car- ; ' rlage last week -when her horse ran away v ..... . . , . i . - MUa Anglld was thrown yloisntly lo Tt: the .. ground and las ; insensible until ' ? pioked up by workmen. - Sbeewae taken to hir home at.Norotoo and a physician -attended her. Her right ahoulder by ' this time had become ao' swollen that it waa impossible to tall whether or -. not aha had suffered, any fracture. J It' L waa pot until three daya later that the New- Tork surgeon who had been called . In consultation found her right collar- . boner, ait' broken, and ' the fractured bone waa eat. v t.s .-k" '- ... ii ii . i i, 1 ii n r? of poor blood circulation Is shortness' et . ' oreatn alter waiamg. going up stairs, sweeping, singine,'' axeitamant, anger, friaht. - ato. Poor ' blood circulation : means a alck heart,' end a nick-heart la r result or -weaa ana tmpoverisnea aerves. .,,- . . t ' Bverr hne knows the resuIU of poof 7 blood circulation, . but everybody doea . not know that tha quickest and safest , treatment Is Dr. Miles' New HeaTrt Cure. . - If you find these symptom a present, you should not neglect tham, but at . once proouro a puiue ex '. -i.., aX, . Heart Cure 'r ,;t It will eura, and at a very little ernes ee, compared with doctors' bllla. We are ao aura of -it, that li mat botue does not benent, your druggist will I benefit, your drusalat will return vour money, tt win . ao ror you tt win . ao ror you wnat it heS done for thousands In like eondi tian. For two aaonthe 1 walked 'oa t he adge ef the tomb front weak heart, poor biood cirouistion ana pervnus prostra- . tloa. Dr. Mllee' New Heart Cure. and. Nervine gave me back Bay health." . I 'ir. 5i jiMtV, w. a. iuuxiMB.i'ort jLigia, unt, . , '. " ':'. . .. - ( . - 1 i: 1 . T