The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 29, 1905, Image 5

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rtrmtm -I. O. Ifc
- k -o J.,... ...,."Ne-et Anthony1
L?rti ...... ....... T.niieaeee'
- v. . ..... . ftllllvTlllf
;s, Ati xo. sows aw ax. I '
' . tl'"r'0rm " Tb Journal wbe - ro ,
t7 for a Hk ar longer any Sate
U Oapr atopped at their reeldeno :
' to any addreee y null at
, the regelar rate. and colleetlna will ba
, made by regaUr carrier .after rclura
. to lha cllr. eao-pt rt Lone Boarb wt
Baale, where Th Journal baa a re-,
. ' alar carrier aVIIeerr. Albert Olaon
J Ilwaeo. Waahtngton.- hat, charge at t
-The Journal an tang Bee aad Lew La
Co. of seaald bar bare of The
Jneraal en Heaalde or tiatsuo beach.
wr will bo suite at Ihee two '
-. points -at regular; auberrlfitiqa rate.
Me your rhauga of aditrnaa t root -carrier
or Phone Main 5U0 and prompt '
. tatteattoa will be glwu all order. C
iTho.lf Sunday eicurslonto th Caa
cad Dooka and return on th fastest of
' .all tho, Willamette and Columbia. rTVer
. Steamers, th Charles R. Boencer. attfrt-
. tng from tha foot of Washington -tret
. . ' - m. and returning about p. m.,
V afford on of the roost delightful
steamboat ride in th world, Thar.!
no- other trip on earth enshrined In so
much grandeur and wealth of scenery.
Th steamer passes" through a conatant
panorama of mountain and glens, cat
. racta anil canyons, hill and dale, might
- .xorrata and rolling; prairie, fl ah wheel a
v '' in operatioa and. th wonderful Cascade
lock, built at an xpnasof $(.000,000
, and II year' conatant effort. Tourists
' com thousand of mile to view th
entrancing beauties i of th Columbia
between Portland and the looks, ea-
peclally Multnomah falls, l0 feet.' and
...v all thla matehleas beauty mar b seen
' tomorrow .at an expense 1 of 11. ' Kx-
cellent meal served oa board.' M cants.
" William Daly,- arrested by Detective
- . Snow- and Kerrigan yesterday1 on ana
s' plolon of stealing bide valued at aer-
'eral hundred dollar from JJiaafnger A
; Co.. was seqtenoed to serve 10 day and
"" to pay a fin of 111 thla morning by
' Police Judge Cameron for having- mor-
"phine in his possession, As he I pen
nllesa,- his sentence anlounla virtually
'.to' 140 day' imprisonment. Th charge
of . having anorphln la-hi possession
'.' was placed against Daly because ' th
ciroumstance showed that arooovictlon.
.. ; could be obtained-on-that charge,' While
' onte ' doubt existed-a-W whether, or
- not h oould be convicted -on taking an
. appeal if -i the larceny charge '
pushed -' against lilra. .H is a human
. wreck from th us f th .drug;.
A Paciflo Coast Bar aaaoolallon will
jv, wnicn wiij- dj ui7wi uiyii inw
fatr. A circular .telllnguof th plan
- of th association has been -. mailed to'
' the attorneys of tb Paclflo-Coast states
by a commute consisting , of Circuit
"Jiidge John a Cleland. WUlikm .W.'. Cpt-
vTton. Harrison ' O. PUtt. A- F. Flegel
and Wallace Hocafnant. More than 10
attorney have stated that .they - would
be present at th meeting. Hampton A.
Carson,- attorney-general .of. Pennsylva
nia- will deliver the address of -the oo
, caslon. At th banquet at' th Amri
' can Inn C E; 8.' Wood wHl preside.
f '.Tot August 11 an excursion up th Co
. lumhla hia tkMn arrainaraMi. ; f . - .
, John M. M liner, tt years-old. suddenly
lot hi memory yeeterday-and had to
be committed to th Insane asylum. Ha
v-: wandered into a hotel in th northern
part of th city and when asked what
ne wanted n saia a din not Know.
When examined before Judge Webster he
aid b was tailor, and bad ono lived
In Ohio. Me had an indistinct recollec
tion of havfng . ser4 under Oeneral
Rosecranav at - Chlckamauga. ' and "he
remembered ' th - two. battle of Bull
Bun and th battle at" Shiloh, He' was
npt posltlv that he had been In either
battle. .He did not know whether he
MB 1 m eeire. ke hfleein A
ofny tother
Jk relatives-or friends.
f V Th first singing heard In Orerfon's
masslv. temple, the Forestry building,
!, . a me wJipomiimi, was ai l yesierosy.
when Mrs. Kater. Bridewell Anderson
- Hieno-aoprano, rendered three, selections
In connection with th rgsX recital by
Professor Goodrich. ' Her- numbeVi
' were th aria from "Lea Huguenots.
rharalnade'a "Summer" ; and "Cradle
Bong of Bethlehem."" by Henry House-
ley. a noted organist of Denver.' Colo-
, rado. Mrs.' Anderson was received with
deserved enthusiasm. ' Her vole Is on
of great Lpower and. excellent quality.
I J " William .Oiler, an 'Austrian, commit-
'ted suicide weveral days ago by hang-
. lng himself from a rafter in an old de-
eerted cabin on th Sandy river. 'near
.., th O. R. N. roekpil.' Hbj body was
f.f hot found until yesterday afternoon. It
was Identified by w. U Puller a fanner.
Papers discovered fn th dead, man s
pocket showed that made-hi Initial
liH.v sffldavit of naturalisation In Clackamas
county. May S, 10S. A brass tag.eAt
tached 4q a hotel keyiwas also-, found
In hi pocket ' Th circumstances point
'so clearly to, suicide that ao -.Inquest
will be held by Coroner Flnleyv . -
While driving' his team last night at
the east end of th Madison street
bridge, Charles Napalin - met svlth an
accident which resulted In hi right leg
being broken. . In attempting to .turn
from th car tracks to avoid a streetcar
be drove Into a switch and was thrown
from his seat to the rails. H was taken
to St. Vincent s hospital by tha polic. '
,- -'' - ' . w . - '
Amos M.'Oreen, I years or'age, wMb
Ms daughter, Mrs. Elisabeth S. Clark,
of kallspell.' Montana, t visiting Joseph
Green ' in Alblna. Though ' almost 100
raa otOBT of AjoruoAjr monnmr
Multnomah Falls
(4 raxT) uro jTtrr
s., Everypayi
. ... . ,; . r .
; Passenger mxy sit beneath 'tb tumtf
. ring river for an hour and a half. It's
th grandest rid In North America,
' and you hav seen all the), scenery, on
th river - It gorge and canyon,
mountain and waterfalls, monument
of rook,-' beautiful grovss and splendid
.landecaipe when you reach Multnomah
Fall. No other steamer land, at thli
most fascinating spot . ) ... .
. '. , Boat leave foot of Salmon' street at
1:10 a in. i return at 6:10 p.' ha - ..
' t:aia orrti, . . 'xii, an.
) l.r. Grt-n I sti'-e Strc i
a- J hlthy, and his friends are con i
t .t that he will pas th century mark.
1 was born In 1 ntucky and Intend to
apend th remain. r of hla days in the
country explored by JL,wls and Clark.
1 t neither drlnis iior amokea, and haa
b.i a member of th Baptist church
for year. " . " 7 .
In attempting to alight from a street
car before It bad stopped at Fifth and
Waahlngton streets thla morning Mrs.
J. ix ktomervllie rrora Miaalaalppl was
thrown to th pavement and sustained a
broken arm. She was removed to Good
Samaritan - hospital, where Dr. ' Panton
attended her Injuries; She was about
to leave tl ear on the aid next th
other track when the conductor cau
tioned her to wait till the carstopped
and to leave car-oa th other aide.
She evidently became exerted during th
commotion and fell. Her. left arm Waa
broken 4nd she sustained , Hi nor In
juries. ... -. .-.' ; , -
Because, the police sayvvth evidence
does not warrant a belief that a convic
tion can be obtained, fh charge of lar
ceny preferred against , Harry Schwarta,
a spieler on the Trail at the air, waa
Indefinitely continued Thursday by Fo
lic Judge- Cameron. - Schwart la ac
cused of .breaklng'open a. locker at th
baseball grounds and stealing, a dia
mond stud, valued at JH0, and 1140 In
coin from Walter H. MoCredle. manager
of the Portland baseball team. v V
l :-- ..' a. T i l ".
' A careful fitter make ty stylish gar
ment, and the, euttlng and -fitting are
quit a Important aa th material. Get
your clothe mad here, and all th
Item will be right W would like to
have. you. examine - our workmanship.
W hav only on priee.js.ny suit in the
hods, mad to order lor J 5, any pant
$7.10 ur more, no - less. - Cfn In
whether ytt want io, buy- or. not Vis
itor always welcome. Ujilque Tallorlng
Cn HI Wuhlmtn. ll ' nrf, ..nfh.
Dr. J. Q..A. Henry, a former pastor of
the. First Baptist church- of this city,
will presch morning and evening at the
White ''Temple tomorrow.' Dr. Henry
made a salendld record as a preacher
and a a pastor, but ha been- pre-emi
nently eucoesaful as a leader In evangel
istic temperance reform Interests. Since
101 he ha been; at th forefront of
tnm - movement n ureal amtain.
Two hundred members . of 'th ' Ohio
society of Oregon- met at Knight ; of
Pythias ball last - night .nd heard &
Interesting program at the .conclusion
of tb business session, at "which W. M.
Cake prbslded. Headquarter hav been
c banged from -the Chamber of Commerce
building to th Oregon building at tie
uwii ana yiara lair. . ;
1 ... . .... i -
Th .progress ' and : purposes of ' th
Co-operative Christian federation will
be discussed by It president. Rev, H.
8. Wallace, tomorrow evening at the
Central Baptist church. East Ankeny
and Twentieth streets. -His toplo will
be Th Program of Christianity,'.- and
he will tell what the.- churches can do
for th business. ad working world.:
Excursion rates -on O. W. P.) Tomor
row to Greshanv ISc: .Boring. Eagle
Creek and and Estacada, toe round trip.
Dinner at Hotel Estacada, 7 Sc. Danoing
in pavilion: ears lea ticket offlo, nrt
and Aidertrets, 7:30, t:so, ii:io .
m., :, f:i, T:ii i,m.f
See ihe Beaat Seaside A delightful
trip to old ocean, only four hours' rid
from Portland. : Take a dip In the briny
deep. t Train leave the- unlosl depot
daily at t a. m. For Information-apply
to Mr. C.-A. Stewart, agent, Z4I Alder
street Phone Main .00 f. : "
: Bteainshtp, '""Alliance aalls ' ' from
Couch .. Bt reet dock for Coo . Bay and
Eureka.' Monday July II, at I . p. m.
Far to Eureka, 111. SO cabin. Is. 00 sec
ond. Coo -Bay. 110.00 cabin, 17.00 sec
ond. F. ' Frf . Baumgartner,. agent,
Mam- Ml . '. i vr. -- ' ., -T
Trolley trip tomorrow irfjb, -W.P.S
To Oregon City - and - Canemah park.
IS cent round trip; dancing afternoon
and evening.-. Care with open, trailer
leave First and -Alder streets on th
odd hour and every' 0 minute.
Elmer E. Johnaton. executive commis
sioner "of tb state of Washington at th
exposition, haa- gone to Puyallup valley
and LA Conner, flats, Washington, to
secure samples of grains and grasses
which- he will exhibit at the, exposition.
fn th Interest of .eastern clients, John
F. Cord ray . haa secured possession of
th Emplr;tbsatra. And will, take pos
session September 1. . It 1 said' th
Empire will be th bom ,of th lnde-
penaeni auracuona. y .
Sightseers shooter not -miss th O.
W.'p. VRy. Co.' 100-mile trolley trip
for II. -Special car leave Firsthand
Alder streets dally, accept Bundsy, at
to a. m.,- return p. a.-
Th Toung Ladles' guild of St James'
English Lutheran -church will entertala
their .friends and th young people of
th church at an vnlng picnlo August
7,' Wt Mount SCott .
Musical Service Sunday - evening,
mrst congregational . cnurcn. Choral-
organ-trombone,- - Sevmonette -morning
subject, "Convictions and Orthodoxy."
Cafe des Qounnets I th best 40c
coffee on. th markets three pound for
11. Call Capital -Coffee company. 161
.nkeny -street . Phone . West 141. . . .
Mrs, John A. B. Wilson of Qras Val
ley, California arrived thla morning and
is Vlsltln her son.- Rev. Clarence True
Wilson, pastor of'Grac M. 13. church.
" Ours ar th only launches lanJIng st
th Oaks. Launches for charter. Favor
It Boating company; upper side Morri
son .street bridge. -Te Mala I02. , . I
Roof Paintings-Columbia Paint com
pany. Main Hit. TO- First street. Moss
and fireproof paint for wood, -tin- and
Iron. iRoof painting a specislty. ,
There will be wpeclal music st both
service in Orsc church tomorrow by
singer from th muslo school In sea
slon In Portland. ' - ' " ;" f-
W are still-selling eur J. SO eye
glasses for II. Consultation free, and
every pair 'guaranteed. Metsger ate Co,
111 Sixth street, j , - ,
For Bale Family horse,' double-seated
buggv and " harness tat I1S0. worth
double th price. Inquire iH TamhlU at
' 1 1 1 ' . 'i .
Crawfish to the Oueen'S taate. Black
Diamond, corner Second and lamhlll sta.
Cloth signs mad-and hung oulckls
Foster V Klelser, phone Ex 41. , . ,
Crawfish to th queen' tast. Black
Diamond, corner Second and TamhlU sts.
Dr. Amo. surgeon, Dekua building.
'Whit Oxford red.. Mark' Shoe- Co.
r r- daremont Tavern ,
On' the Willamette Launch Fes
leave foot Morrison St; Merrill' boat'
house., to Claremont 10, II a. ..' I, i
10, p. -n. Returning Cmm Clare
mont, l m.r 1, , I, T:I0, 11:10. p. rn.
. Ftsfeeaed Ossa&ed
Allen LowUT Best Brand.
' ' 1 - - '
uAi ;:.;al s::;:;i,uali5T3 to i;:ld :
etIWtr sasttsswlWsTbVj
Group of Lder of the Cominf
Spiritualists of Portland, aided by
other of national "repute, are to make
war -en those who, they allege, us the
name of the sect a a cloak for fraudu
lent seances. From August to August
they are to hold a, series of meeting
in thi city,- A oamp-meetlng at New
Era haa been attended by SplrituallsU
from many statea. among them Harri
son, D. Barrett of -Maine, president Of
the national association of th ' United
State and Canada; President and. Mrs.
G. C. Love of the Oregon association:
Rev. Henry J Moore-of Rochester, In-dlana-h-Dt
Anna Taylor Iettlefleld and
Dr.iEapanto of St Louis,-Mrs. Ladd-
Flnnlcan. of Portland, Mr. - La D worth
of Seattle, Mr. Eva McCoy of Marsball
town, Iowa, and Mrm-N. F, RevUn of
Portland..- --. ' ..,.-.,-,-.. .
TU camp-meeting ha been the moat
auccesaf ul -over, held In the . state by
members of this sect - It ha. been In
the charge of people "who ar engaged
la a relentless war against those who
practice frauds on th publlo by using
Spiritualism aa a' mean- of profit in
false representation a to communica
tions. Speaking of th controversy, Mr.
Barrett said: , "
'Fraud and chicanery hav no plao In
th economy of Spiritualism, and I havo
repeatedly said from fh. platform' that
much, of, th psychle phenomena of
fered in tb nam of Spiritualism : la
fraudulent. , I hav told th publlo that
People Complain of - Unseemly
Noises of Neighbors, Who ;
Are Arrested.
Two arrests mad on warrants Issued
by order of Chief of Polio Grltsmaoher
mark tho beainnlna; of -th eqd of dts-
orderly houses in tba.buslnee
dence districts. - ,'r I .
a tag real-
Warrant were served last night on
Limsle Shaw. 12 J , Stark atreet -and
Elale Douglas, 127 V Stark atreet charg
ing them wiin maintaining aiaoroariy
house. v - .
In both Instances complaint hav
been mad to - Chief Orltsmacher that
the women allowed piano to be played
In their bouses until a lata hour, and
1th their guests hav disturbed, th
rest of th resident of the neighbor
hood. The trials of the, women were
postponed tut Monday by Folic Judg
Cameron. ' - . . ,
. rnm . tima - to. .time awimnlalnta have
been - made to, th polio about -euch
places, but no decisive action haa ever
been taken. Th women vwer warned
to make 4 lea, nola - and that wa all
that waa ever don. 'Now Its 1 different
Chief , of Folic, ' Orltsmacher, . whose
action ha th sanction of Mayor Lain.
intend to take auch action aa will fore
the women to remove to districts where
their presenc will be less objectlonabl
';'' , '-,"....:.- ,..
Tuesday, August I, ha been set apart
by the expoeition management a pre.
gon Grape day, . In honor of th state
flower, , Th program will be under the
usplces of th Stat Federation of
Women Clubs, and I s follows: Mu
sic? Administration ' band;? address of
welcome, I. N. Flelschner, vloe-preal-
dent; vocal solo, Mr. W. B. Hamilton;
paper, "Hlatory of .thojtdoptlon of th
Oregon Grape a tbo"- Stat Flower,
George If. Himes; vocal solo. Miss Mary
Alverta Mors; address, "National and
Stat' Flowers,'' Ladyj- Rtdyngsvard;
vocal solo. Mia Mabel Pearl Baker.
Th exarclse will take place at 1
o'clock in the Oregon building, and at
the eloae th clubwomen, - wilt, serve
punch on the west portico. Th room
will be profusely decorated with Oregon
grape and boutonnieres will be provided
In large numbers. The committee ot
th Stat federation. Mrs: O.-M. Gllnes.
chairman, 1 anxious that Oregon Grape
day shall b on or the great v",t of
ins expaeiiiun. -.. . , - v -., , . .-,''
When in Seattle :
Go to .th RAthskellera high-claa
plao to eat Sea foods, eaktern meats,
larg orchetfa daily, v.v-. ' .
Milwaukee Country Club. ' ;
Eastern and Seattle race. ' Take Bell.
wood and Oregon City cars at First and
Alder.-' - '- -- '
: WE WANT ; ;
Good markers and '. distrib
uters."".' GoQd irOners,-" for' c ,.; :. :i ,.., ;' V-
Good wages...; I lave good
Electrid Irons and have good
.comfortable; place
, "Second and. Columbia - -
Main. 388
Spiritualist Camp-Meetint,
trick, tests. Yake methods and fraud
are- used by many mental mediums. Be
yond them Is tb realm or trutBr whicu
must b explored with care by -every
honest seeker after truth;, before he can
pronounce against Spiritualism. In this
sphere .we find such men . as Camjlle
FiammarloB, th great- French clentlat;
J. H. Hrsloa M -J. Savage, Richard
Hodgson and other -who, name stand
for somsthlng In th sclentino woria.
- "Counterfeit money; Is often passed
aa genuine, but there waa a genuine to
be counterfeited, else the deception could
not have been practiced. - Bo It I with
the phenomena of Spiritualism. . They
are often counterfeited and., even keen
observer ar deceived. Th govern
ment hunt down th counterfeiter and
we hold to th honest rational Spiritual
ism purpose, carrying . on - the--war
against th frauds and es-abllshing th
doctrine 'of Spiritualism- In th confi
dence of th people. I
"I wlah I war a sure that I am now
talking with' you aa I am that there la
communication between th mortal and
spirit' aone.- Spirit communication is
so well established as ; a dictum pf
science that there la no further argu
ment on th point . ,
'"Regarding trumpet seances, material
isation, spirit - photograph and such
thing I prefer to speak from th plat
form, but there will be no mincing of
word In dealing with, the fraud against
whom w ar making war."
Literary Exerbises, Concerts and
; Electrical Illuminations
Among Features.. :
Th Cathollo people will hav fuU
way at the exposition tomorrow. pur-
lng th afUraoon they will occupy th
Auditorium and hold exercises which
will prove of interest to all .classes or
creeds. The order of vnta will be:
10:04 a.' m. Gates open. : -. ."
;J2:00 an. Exhibit buildings open.'
1:30 p. m. Grand concert, Dlerke's
band, bandstand,-Gray boulevard, -
1:80 p. m. Cathollo - day exercises.
Auaitonom. - . - - ,- '
- 0:00 p. m. Exhibit building close.
:00 p. m. Grand - concert Dierk'
band. . bandstand. Gray boulevard. -
. 11:00 p. nv Gate close, ground dark.
Dierk' band will play tb foUowing
T programs tomorrow:
Afternoon Overture, . "EgmonC
Beethoven; "Hallelujah ' Chorus." Han
del; "The Beaters," Waldteufel; "Lohen
grin," Wagner: "Sta bat Mater," Rossini;
"The Mill Jn th Forest" Ellenberg;
"Awakening of the Lion,' KonUkl;
"Tannhauser. Wagner.
k Evening "Tannhauser, ' Overture,
Wagnar; Walter's "Prelslled" from "The
Melsterslnger," Wagner; "Song to the
Evening Star.'' trombone solo, -Wagner;
"Ootterdammerung," . Wagner; "Torch
Dane." - - Meyerbeer; - "Eatudlentins,"
dut I com be: "Ballet Egyptienna,"
Lulginl; "High School Cadet.' Sous. :
- For Monday D.rkhaa arranged th
foUowing concerts;
- Afternoon Overture. "Fra DIavolo,"
Auber; "La Boheme," Puocinl; nocturne
from "Martha.' trombone aolo, Flotow;
"Invitation to th Dane." Weber: over
ture,. "Raymond," Thomas; "Grand Fan
taaie." for -comet Hart man; "Ballet
Ruase, Lulglni; "Coronation ' March."
Meyerbeer. -. -
Evening .Overture, -MFrelscbut."
Weber r "My Dreem,'"1 Waldteufel;
"quartet from "Rlgoletto,' Vrdl; "Torch
Dane," Meyerbeer; aria from "Faust"
for baritone, Gounod;. "Southern Patrol,"
Volther; "Lohengrin, fantasia. Wagner.
.--' . e
"! Th 'baseball gam ' between th
team of Sheriff Word- and County
Clerk Flelda yesterday , afternoon was
won-by the former,-17 to 10. Only
seven Innings were played and th time
wa somsthlng over 11 minute-to the
spasm. Bherirr word and Mr.' Fields
each stole a baa. . Mr. Flelda atopped
two grounder and caught one fly, and
th sheriff caught two flies and fumbled
hot grounder-from Fields' bat,
Th ' batteries were:' Robinson and
Torn Word, Jr.; for th sheriffs team,
and Bam ford and Rose for tb bounty
clerk' fore. ' Th work of th bat
teries waa good; -Bam ford warmed-th
sheriffs ribs with an Ins hoot and
mussed Deputy . Sheriff Kafka' hair
with an up curve, ...
Deputy County Assessor W. C -North
challenged th sheriffs team, tb re
ceipt to be given - to th Baby bom.
Th ichalleng waa- accepted. The re-
oslpur from th gam yesterday, which
go tooths Baby home, amounted to about
Th Congregational cadat of Eureka.
California, will leave for their bom let
thl afternoon, after a tay of on weak
at ' the exposition. - Tho boys marched
into town.-a distance of lie mile,-but
well". return by boat, escorted by Rev.
Franklin Baker.' D. U. Dr. Baker la sued
the following card" to The-Journal prior
to hla 'departure: , , ,
"For our' royal reception and enter
tainment, and th many courteelea ex
tended Jo ua by th exposition manage
ment and lb presa and people, of. Port
land. I wish. to -express my , alncereat
thanka Thla voices th sentiment ot all
th boys In th corp.".; , j
Police Say They Cannot;Con
' trol . Scavengers, ' Who Spread .
t: Smell. In' Day Time. ; "
Bitter Complaints Ktdo of Men "vVho
"Haul Garbaf 0 Through Bnaincu
.: Street and Residence Diatrtctt at
Busiest Hour. ' .'- V ' V ' "
Th polio department admit that. It
I imposalbl to prevent garbage haul
ers from operating In th daytime. An
ordinance make it unlawful for these
men to driv through tb trt be
fore o'clock tni the vniag. and forbid
them to work after,! o'clock in th
morning. -- -. ,. '' '
- Thl ordinance wa virtually nullified
by the enactment of another last March,
which lnveated .th euperlntendent ot
the city ' crematorium - with authority
to send them out at any time h pleased.
so that th presence of garbage wag
on In the center: of th city aad in
th reaidenc district in th middle
of th day and In the- evening when
paonl ar crowding th street cannot
be prevented.
Laut night between t and T o'clock.
a street garbage wagon waa : at tb
corner of Morrlaoa 'and Eleventh atreeta
and another at th corner of Fifth and
Yamhill atreeta, and eomplainte cam In
that they had been through the resi
dence sections' in th past few day
whan th weather waa hot On woman
residing on .th east aid Mated that
she waa entertaining friends whan, at
about 4 o'clock, a garbage wagon was
driven up to th front, door. -and that
sh and her guest were driven into th
bouse by the odors. . - -
Th police department has rebel ved
many more complaints, but la powerless
to do anything under th ordinances.
Mr. Lane -Unable" to. Learn to
' Whom Plumbing Inspector
' -j It Responsible. , ;:
"Our plumbing Inspector. Mr. Hulrae,"
aid Mayor Lane today." "seems to hav
held hla job forever, and Indication of
hi growing weary ar invisible to th
naked ye"
Mayor taut wa speaking of the'ap
polntmenta and removals that would be
mad by htm. H ha been unable to
determine to whom the plumbing In
spector I responsible. -'
"That seems to be th one position in
th city In which the Incumbent la
ponalbl to no one," he said. "In case
I find out that the mayor .and. th ad
ministration 1 responsible, I shall eer
tatnly nam my own choice for the po
sition, t There has been no effort to
remove Mr. Hulme and there will be
non until t positively ascertain . to
whom the tnoumbent of th oftlc Is
reapoaajbl.' -.. ,..-(
Caaaur of Tlaue -m awtaea Faolfla.
Effectlv Saturday, th lith. Southern
Paclflo train Mo. li. th through Call
fornla Express to Ban Francisco, leave
Portland at 1:4 p. m. instead of 1:1
p. m. aa heretofore. Time of arrival
at San Francisco will remain unchanged.
th running time between Portland and
Ban Francisco being shortened. -- This
change. by making - the time of de
parture et the O. R. A N and Southern
Paclflo overland 10 minutes apart, will
prevent tb confusion Incident to board
ing the train duo to the immense ex
position travel. - .-:-,
' tdeal Mosses fey abaployes.
"Nature, th Factory and the Home."
I th title of en illustrated book pub
lished by th- National- Cash Register
company at Dayton. Ohio. Cople have
been ent to John J.- Pattereon, In eharge
of the oompany' building at the expo
sition.' The story is a brief account of
the- welfare movement of the company
with description and ' Instruction on
land soap gardening, -and - anew how
th company at it horn elty be mad
an Ideal city of bdmes for it employ,
'. L f rite way ro mr rr Off.
Cjt-dains Notbinf Injurious. . ..
i . ;:.;': Ver &f to Apply;
-; iron m mu rgoic mirnre '
Cattle or aorm. Oewa glre ZS per eeat tnore
suit waea aot lonBeDtea wita siee. Tney
feed la peaeei s o hoteas. Krttj galKa
para tat Itaelf a enae time ever, H eaau
eart, 1 galioa. Mall ereere SUee. t 7
Seeds, FiMltry Bnnplles aaa-Fert11lsr, '
1U Front traew'e-'Tn..,stlaB, Or.
I-Dose MSI iu, -
:.V v
B-Ft-aaol Bvj-gette STsort TsgtetrV
': It a M. ..I.... .......Claesea
H" 1:10 a. m...,,. Morning Serwtoa-
- r : , , : ..... .... .
Subject: ', . .: ,
"Darkness Dispersed': .
ii:lt p. m.. ..... -Sunday School
.1:10 p. m........Epworth League.
- p. m. ..Evening Sermon
...J ' ..ri ... . Subject). ' j, '-r"- a..'"
"Did The Journal Tell'
V: . thoTratHV-..
'mtrut anreva. ; "'.i Li
gtrangero-Cordlally Invited.
ggTxzt us trrrr5.'
sUyaated 'oa the Oolmmbla Btr'v r a MUse from Fo-rUaad.
Th water of Collin Hot Spring ar famous for tb Cur of Rheumatism,
Liver and Kldrfey Trouble- On application I can give many namee of parties
who have been cured by th us of these water. - Most beautifully situated,
grand scenery, good fishing and the beet accommodations In the Northweet
Com and ee for yourself, Seeing la believing. O. T. nx-CXn, Fiopriartor.
-':'. - . T. " , 4.!" ,y fiXtlMi':.''''-:', ':
at any tlra of day at any gate.
plan, to i per oay.
Oppeette Ksla Batraao to
' Only absolutely fire proof hotel ad.
Joining grounda, equipped- with .eleetrle
telepbonlo 'and special telephonlo com
munication . for patrons. Uniformed
porter and bellboy at all hours at
gueata earvtoe. .
J ; 130 Elegant Rooms
v f Open for Guests - :
: : uni txeo a bat iis vr.
W. H. 1ATTIN. Oeneral Manager.' '
', : t 0. W. f. T. tJO. ';-;;
'. tkx cr.sfrgtsTia arvzm.
Kates see day ;......ts.m
Kate ear week ...1140
Beeelal tleaet. bwlealas NBSd trte. .
fare sad dlaae i V lie
Special ticket, lar lading reaad tri .
tiecxxx oyriox'yun afb um m
L. B. MJtRTlMBZ. Mgr.
' - nZAOABA, OaVMOg.
M. a. Oer. Fomrtb
Now under th . sam management a
"Th Calumet,'.' centrally located, well
One room, one person.
One room, two parsons
foO par day
il-SO par day
Family auit
... ,bmm iwa- wav
' Dtreetloa'
If. W. T. AW",
a Betug, Pre.
gerrlsea Stoeet titsisa Xk aad Tth.
"BKM-eKBCR, THg - atAKQTTast ' 18 THI
oaaooNiAN. ,...-, ;. . -,
' gperlal Price Toelght at S:tS e-Clocti. j -I
ts the Mssisal OesMsy-Barieavwa,
O. U."
rOMTLlg PSICm Vatlsee. St, M aad M
eesta: Kisst, , . ow sea to real.
Delasco Theatre u2Eu
reraMrly OolasiMs Theatre) lath sad Wash,
"eawmber the Belaaro Is the easiest theatre
la the eity." Oreavslaa.' - - - - -. 't, --
? BICCS Night, K t TUcj Mats, t Ms.
Fire wb'k "CAUutut!- 1 .! ' -1
, , ariervaseaet vasaevuie.
t. X. IMaTITT 00,
, .... LABBT SPTTOtf. ... . S i.
. -j BOY K'BBAIV. ,
' BAKIBOOaAPat. . - i '
T'! -,- Ufa Motloa Pictures. 'J
iiiir reerwea ureseetra.
lOe to Aar Seat Bxeept Bexes.
, ;s T A R
, THI ANDAASOg C -aBmiat
, tttJIMLAM , roWAKO ,
" , Alf'ilJPATI
' - totH lOt.ct
Oeseral sdalwloa. .10 eanta. ItMhH an.
vmrw mam wwimMmjw, ,pu eeax S
r, SO eeata. Bos seats, SB eanta.
. ,. Q RAN D , .
r""t -"r"
--,---- t a Tt'-
' . t. v, r .
.....I 1 -t ! - .
,.v.. . r - - -- -.
A , 1 ' 4 , ' '
. ' . t - ,v. i.
general a' id a. am..
ear aad V ... a,.reaerTe4 avals a lever
Boor. hva , eeata. Id easts.
- l-A-.iS. BBOS.
c:r. -J ktttt urasTT.
Dn usNaus. .
Hotel Fairmoiint
tmmrr-Mxxrx in vnuum m
&vie aad
ateath '
teek OS,
. Only ' hotel fn expoeitioit ' gronnda.
Guests ar furnished with pass, allow
ing them to go to and from the grounds
pean Plan, 1 60 to 15 per day. AmereaSj
JtMM. J.
T. M'C READY. Manager.
riajs tU.00 a De
v. t. . - TRATTELERA .... ,,.
Special rates mad to famtllew. -and
single gentlemen. A moaera
Turkish bath establishment la tae
. .M, C
Whether h goes by land
or sea, th traveler will And
ft a delightful trip to-Ban
Franoisoo. where he hould
atop at th werld-faasea .
" Pclice Hotel
and enjoy Its many attrao
tlv feature. For fuller
Information write to , the
Palaoe, or see ,.. . ... ;
r--j . v. a nta---.-r -:
at tbe Portland Informa
tion and Booking Agency,
Hotel Portland. .
ntaxoH saovnvci
tear Oregon City dally, except 8ih
day, at 1:10 a. m. Fare 11.1. Oi--t
City office next door to Oregoa Wur..
Power Co.' depot.
130 Beytetea Street
If you are looking for oomethln for '
nothing pleas don't bother us, a w ar -
too dusj -waiting oa people wno want
A 0elia!:!2 PiariD
and willing to pay a reasonable prlr
for. It. You cannot buy gold for the
Brie of - old iron, and if you want
ONE8T GOODS you must pay HON-.
EST PRICES for them, k
W have the RIGHT PIANOS at th
RIGHT PRICKS. tr'f -,-', ;.,
tnx-nrAT oiauaa. .
in .i ii .1. sssmsm -
' . Bf OBIATTOB PAlg. '
Oetnw Taasaa aad XwaMyeaita, .
Portland v timattlm
' ntr n, f, M,,rii ,
aSANtVITAirD, av. f.MILDBX. I j.
Bex Ucaeta sa4 "' '" seeie ee aal. ft
lewis amd clxz " c
tgzyj:::) c.;; : '
''','"'. '. Fai:iirii::r
Take PertlWad I . " H " t 1 - '
ar.wiiMTM lar . '
lie eu. . '
' tee ec .
lie Mu . e
la Ar. k, l
i V.',.' -n'. T.:. '