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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1905)
i " . x. . , i intra Silail CflOIlED i - -- mmmmmmmmmmmm -.----v (Continued from Pan On. - Over until Monday morning,' proaeouttng attorney With replied, the a trace of ' Irritation In hi voice. ; .- , N . - -"Very wall, let the cut so over until ' I o'clock Monday -.. moraine' .replied Judge De Haven. Starr's testimony la expected to be tha - araa that ha cava on tha former trial, i when ha stated that ha took up a tlmbar -'. claim with tha deflnlta understanding .', -thst It ahouia be. conveyed, to Wllllara- ! eon at Oaanar aa aoon a patent was .-, issued. . .When asked whather, ha had - - auch a contract with Cesner he ropllad ,;tbst he had. y.. ; , v'. iy. '"-. ' H , v1'" OXeary WUi tair.. '.'.. ' ' Starr waa vary reluctant to testify against tha defendant! and sspeclslly 'against his uncle, WlUlameon. Ha left ; Portland -a, week ago laat Wednesday 'evening and want to Eugene and thanoa - by stage to McKsnsls's b rid re. - Aa aoon - aa his abaanca was discovered of floors wars sent. In pursuit of him by Sec rat Bervlce Agent Bursa. Information was ' finally obtalnsd that Starr had'last been seen at an Inn kept by John Cl-eery, . and from thera had struck into tha - mountains. " Burns had O'Laarjr brought - down to Portland, wher ho was 'sub jected to rlforou examination. Ha was finally- forced to' confess that ha bad advised' Starr to go Into hiding and had .' suggested that he go to 0Learya ranch until the trial waa over, Btarr. aoiea on this advice. CLeary told the gov , ornmont officials that he haa bean . warm friend of Williamson for many .. years and did not wish Starr to testify sgaln against him. '' c With the Information obtained from . O'Laarr. who returned to the moun ' tains yesterday, Starr was found and , rved with a subpoena.' Ho Is now OS his way to Portland. It waa learned in the eoureo-of the search that. In order to throw the of) f oars off the scent Starr 'had sent, another man .over tbo route which he would have traveled to reach r .tlie.ranch whero ho Is employed, giving a,rm nis own norse and lnatructtng mm . to teir no ono or his own whereabouts. , I - : '- . WllUs-ason on tha tHand. , - v " Congressman Williamson was tha first .-; witness . called .this morning. - In ra sponse to Judge Bennett's Questions ha said that ho waa in Prlnsvills in June, i 102, 1 and hs explained his contrary testimony given - on tha - former trial. The visit was made Just after the alec " tlon, when he waa elected to -congress . for the flrat time. Upon looking; over .- Ms papers after the former trial he - found evidence that he was In Prlne. --villa in Jane, and ho produced a blU for - long-distance telephone mesaages which ' he sent from Prinevllle to his wife at .The Dallee. . -v :, . .-.. '" .. 'Jt had no Idea when t waa on the r stand before that the visit was "of im portance." said 'the witness. ' "When I . Arst saw that hotel register with the forged signature not forged; but writ- elaa i waa ssapln-luus but I now know that I waa la Prlne vllls in June. Thera is no doubt about ' It; I was there."; . ..'-. ;.. . Mr. Heney remarked, sarcastically, "I . , never had any doubt about it." and bs prooeeded to question the witness as to - hia statement that he had not regarded r tha time of tha visit as of importanoa. 'He asked whether tha 'defendants had not expected to make tha defense that , Williamson was not In Prlnevtlle before . the -timber locations were made, thare- by ehowtng tht he could not have en ' tered; into tha alleged conspiracy, but the Witness would not admit that this ' was . the case. , - -.-"-r: 4. - r.,..;. . JS4Q ' Circuit JudssW. Bradahaw at Tha tallaa teatlnad that ha-has known all or tn darendantaf or a number of years and- that their reputation for "truth, veracity, honesty and integrity was very good. Similar testimony, waa given by O. H. La Pollette. Will WurUwelle' and Percy Davis. Judge Do lis van had ruled .that inasmuch aa the prosecution did not propose- to attack the previous . good charsctsr of tha defendants the de fense would be restricted to four wit nesses on this subject Ho also stated that ho would Instruct tha jury that the good character of defendants hsd been stablished. Counsel for defense Were not satisfied with thl however, ' and offered to produce a number of. addi tional ' witnesses. - The offer ' wss rs- r .Glorious .Columbia River MIGHTY tN ITS BEAUTY. WEIRD AND WILD IN ITS MAJESTIC GRANDEUR! r-v r - v IN ALL AMERICA THERE . IS NOT ITS LIKE I ' ' . i Regulator Line Steamer; THROUGH THE VERY.HEART OF THE CASCADE MOUNTAINS TO THE 44 000. 000 CASCADE LOCKS AND RETURN on the Fait, Magnificent, Perfectly Equipped -River-: 1 i , .' Steamer; ; 1 - F :. ;;; v- - its. Renowned for its elegant furnishingsTiU broad walks, spacious parlors and airy state rooms, commodious dining room and excellent' cuisine, its absolute safety, and polite attendants. Its , passengers are considered its gueiu and their comfort and pleasure its constant concern.' -CAPZ HOMi CASTLE ROCK, ST PETER'S jMEj BRIDCE OV THE CODS See Multnomah Falls, 840 feet, The Widow'sTears, Latourelle and Brldai Veil Falli, the Can yons, Gorges, Mountains,' Vales, Beautiful Groves, Delightful Landscape and Towering Moun - tains. This excursion is the enchantment of a lifetime. ."GrandVL "Magnificent," 1 " Wonder fuL" Glorioua." 'Astonishing,How-Beautiful.,, "Superb." are a few of the exoressions of delight constantly heard from :.V'f- ' Steamer leaves ALDZR ST. Docrtally at 8:80 a. rn. Sunday, 9 a. iru; returning arrives 5:80 t .r.,j , , GET YOUR TICKETS EARLY. 'J Tor Detailed Information Call nt Dock or Phone Main 914 r--;;:;-';BIG-WOOnM , t-t 'VM eOT t !T W y w m m 1 m m " r iswisawe , i . . i K u u at n. i i in ' j 3 ' ; . ; - , if ,Ti '';. j -'-1 ' - Hi, .niiitiffitliiiiimrmTiHi inti-r.-ta--- '''' i"-"""" ' - - -' ' ' , 11 ' ' ' ' '.'r .'' Newberr. Oregon. Degree Team Woodmen of the World. Colonel Day Commandlnc. The Woodmen of tha World will hold a mammoth celebration or rour days, commencing August I. ' Head Consul L L Bosk of' Denver and several of tha head officers from ths Jurisdiction will bo present. As this will be the head consuls first official visit to Oregon, the general committee in charge .of ths work, supported by the Is, 000 Neighbors of the state, are preparing to give him and his associate head officers a hearty welcome. .-:. ' R : : - . . Head Consul Boak will arrive on Wed nesday, August z, and will bo met by the general reeeptlon committee and as sorted to tha Hotel Portland, where hs will make his headquarters. Thursday, August the , bead officers will be JectedT by" the court and exception was taken. " -' - " n -...'.'' " Thla concluded the svldenes Tor " the defsnso. Is rebuttal, ths prossoutlng at tornev called to tha stand H. Gray, a eattleman of Prlnevllle. He denied that as ths reprssentatlve of the Cattlemen's sasoclation hs hsd warned Geener or Williamson in the spring of 1101 that they must glv up- some lands which they held and where they were graalag their . --t- -.--v---- Mr. Henev demanded or me wiinaaa who Was president Of tns sssociatiow in 101 and when objection waa mads by tha defense he said sharply:, "Ws pro pose to show tbst it was iM. R. Biggs." Ths testimony . waa exciuueu, , uww- sver, after a sharp donate. James Ksenan of -Morrow Ksenan, aheeoowners. whoso ranee adjoins that of Williamson aY Geaneiv leatlfled that in ths spring of 10 thsrs were dis outes between the. herders of his firm and thoss of Williamson Gssner over the control of certain springs and water courses, but aa hs admitted ho was not present at these disputes the statement was stricken out 'r'': -' ; '''.' , Weuhaasea Besiss Birgs gtatemaat ' TBUBaa B. lHUlHUSell. 1 luspovtUI vt the general land affloa. related the' elr cumstances of his interviews in Prlne vllle wlth.M. R, Biggs when the wit ness was -investigating ins regularity of timber elalma Hs emphatically de nied, making any statsmont to Biggs to ths effect that Biggs wss "all right" and that his claim would be recommended for patent. Keuhauson flatly contra dicted Biggs In several Important par ticulars and his testimony wss con firmed by that of Mrs. Neuhausen, who followed him on tha witness stand. Both testified that ths statement signed and a worn .to by-Biggs in Prtnsvtlls was in his exact language. v. :i ,Jn, telling of . his . eonvarsatioa - with Biggs, Neuhausen said!'"'" '- f , i "Blsss lo7d ma that Gesner had come to town aftid was scared, that hs had rone like a scared - Jackrabblt back to his ranch and had advised these people to relinquish their elalma" .. 7 & , - Robert Spalding, a special agent, wss ths last witness for ths prosecution. - He said that hs had been directed to keep watch of the movements of Dr. ' Ges ner, and on the evening of July 11 ha saw Gesner In closs conference with his brother-in-law,.- Lswia, - who keeps a Morrison street saloon, sad with John Watkins, ono of the government's wtt nessss. . The . testimony wss prssented for the purpose or sustaining tbe charge of the prosecuting attorney that Oeansr had sought to influence a num SHOULD CERTAINLY VIEW "he 'to 7 ffia," r h AivHiri 'i "BAILEY GATZERT" the lips of our passengers. . nnuwn trip i , escorted about the city. The reception committee will also meet an traina ana escort the visiting nalghbora to. the Woodmen headquartere. Tenth and Washington streets. There will be a grand parade, which will form at I o'clock on ths. streets west of Tenth to Fourteenth streets. '. At Porestsrs hall tbo class initiation will tako place, and, the following officers will psrform the services: Past Consul Commander A. W. Bchmala, Consul Commander 1 J. .4. Jennings, Adviser Lieutenant Dr. P. A. Roes. Banker T. J. Murphy, Clerk H. A. Fredrich, Escort Charles Baqaette. Watchman K. R. Raymond, Sentry J. W. Booths, Managers Rogers, u. Searls, H. F.'.ClaraV,-; 1 - . - ber of the witnesses, and Spalding told with detail of the length of time thst ths defendsnt wss in conversation wnu Lewis and with Watkins. V ' -- -- , - hssw and Cattle Was. -"' Dr. 'Gesntr wsp subjected to a pro tracted cross-exsmlnatlon yesterday afternoon '.by Dlstriot uLttornay; Honey. The alleged war between the cattlemen and the shsepmsn In Crook county re ceived much attention and it wss evi dently the theory of ths prosecuting st torney that Williamson A Geener were striving to secure land not so muoh for the purpoSs of protecting themselves from cattlemen aa for tha purpose -of crowding out competing shsepmen, Mr. Heney demanded to know the name of the men who. had threatened to kill Williamson Gesnsrs sheep. Ths wit ness replied in a tone of remonstranoai "you don't - want tha -names- do you, Mr. Heney r - "I certainly do," was ths answer. : "Joe Lister and J. H. Gray mads the throats," said Oesnsr. . .-' .-. ' T011ed at Tow Jnag0at ; After soms further questions about the ahsep belonging to . Morrow and Ksenan that ware killed In the vicinity it Uiu Willlauisuu 1 silts. Hsusf HIIIIW' ths witness by the abrupt question: . "Weren't thoss sheep killed at your InstlgstionT" ;v.; fr'-:' v ; r ' "Not -that I over- hoard of," replied Geener with a smlla ; .. s , . For ths purpose of showing that thsrs wss little timber of value on the timber claims on which Geener lent money Mr. Heney desirsd to introduce in evidence photographs of several of -'the elalma Thjs, however, he was not permitted to do, the court ruling that it mans no difference whether thera vu-u Waa not timber on the land. Heney urged that tha qusstlon was of importanoa as throwing light on the porpooo for which Oaaner waa securing the- land and also because the ontrymen must have known that the timber was valuslsss. judge Do Haven refused to modify his ruling, however, and Mr. Heney psssed . the photographs, with a smllSr tto the. de fendants. A number of views had been taken and . they seemed to demonstrate clearly that ths lsnd bore put lltuo timber. Mr. Henev then drew from the witness ths fact that his brother-in-law heaps a aaloon on Morrison street and thst on ssvsrsl oocaaiona Gesnsr had mat there witnesses for ths government iV Court tots in Testimony. Though questioned closely Dr. Gesnsr Insisted that , ha had not talked wun these witnesses ss to ths testimony they were to give. Finally Judge Bennett THE NOTE! v Through steamers . for ' DaUes and . Way i. - y ..- ' points leave daily (except Sunday) 7 s. tn. Iron) ; Aider Street Dock. '- ; I ."' ' ' ..,':'r" v'j v At 1:10 o'clock Friday exercises will taks place in the Auditorium at ths exposition. At S:I0 o'clock ths vUitlng oompanlss of the Uniform Rahk of ths Woodmen of the World will tako part la ths competitive drills hi front of tha Oregon Bute building. .At o'elook there will also be competitive drills by the local teams of Portland. At t:10 p. m. the Woodman will bias ths Trail. Saturday tha Woodman of the . World will hold exercised at tha, Oaks. ... ; Sunday, August , there . will bo an excursion up tbV Columbia ' river to Ladles island on the steamer Glenora and bargo KllcklUt : objected to further inquiry on this line and Heney explained to'the oourti "Their argumant Is .that the Incon sistencies in ths statements of soma of the witnesses is duo to. the fact that ths win eases were up at my 'Office. My argument -If-thst tho- inconsistencies were duo to tho fact that tho witnesses were Interviewed by Dr. Gesnsr." . Tho court considered ths questions proper and Gesnsr waa minutely In terrogated aa to a number of supposed Interviews, but hs insisted that on no occasion had thsrs been more 'than an ordinary exchange of greetings between himself and ths wltnsssss. . . Marion R. Biggs suoooeded Gesnsr en the stand. His tsstlmony did not vary materially from that which hs gave on tho former- trial Tho Jurors smiled when hs statad that he was "from Mis souri" snd a still broader smile spread over their faces 'When ho added ."I'm from Pike county.- ' . In telling of the timber locations' made before him. Biggs said: - - "I never supposed thst any of ths sntrymen were violating tha law. It did not enter my mind ' that any of them could bo commuting perjury.' -.. - v Tha-witness emphatically denied that thsrs had been any conspiracy between hlmsslf and hia . eodefsndsnta and de clared that thsrs wss no understanding between Oesnsr and hlmsslf, that hs wss to -induce people to tako up . timber elatme. To his knowledge no falsa affi davit waa . mads before him "by any of tho sntrymsn. Biggs emphatically de clared that he did not at any time know that Williamson was concerned in Oea nor's loans to tho erttrymen, nor did he have any talk with Williamson about Umber claims exoapt when the oongreas man came to bis office and said that hs wss thinking of fUlng hlmsslf. , Ths . witness swore that he never caused a change to be made In the de scription jn any application except at the requeet ofTho applicant. . On rv direct examination counsel for the de fence saked , about a conversation be tween Biggs' and Special Agent Neu hsussn in 104, after ths latter had boon Investigating timber claims. -- "Nsuhsusen said to me. These claims era all right. Tou, will get-your claims snd I wUl recommend them,'" testified Biggs. ...--. A broad smOo overspread the faces f ths attorneys for the dsfsnss, snd Honey retorted:' - -'.. i-i. Xaugh If it amuses you. I enjoy it as much aa yon do if that is what was saldJS- -. - v - The examination of Biggs covered a wide range and In many particulars hs flaUy contradicted the wltneaaea for the prosecution. . - i , ii ii ii DAYUCHT DOWN COLUMBIA On ,"T. J. Potter," Queen, of River V Boats Dont Miss It "T. J. Potter" sella for Astoria and North Beach as follows: Aug. 1. 1:11 m.; Aug. j, T:is s. ro.; Aug. g, t:io a. m.: Aug. 4, t av m.: Aug. f. 11:11 a. m. Don't fail to see ths lowsr Columbia from decka of this magnificent boat. Partloulara and O. R. A N. summer book by asking C W. Stinger, city ticket agent. Third and Washington Streets, Portland. ; ' . , MADE MANIAC BY FIGHTK.B DEATH IN OIL WELL For Five Hours Rancher Strug- gles Helplessly Up to Neck - , in Petroleum. . : ". (Jeorsal Bpeeial Servtca) ''- lioa Angeles, July It. For five hours yesterday afternoon Gurads . Gomes, a rancher, fought with death In a crude oil sump hols In the dry. bed Of the Los Angelss river, v When found at o'clock last night he wss a maniac Devoid "-of clothing, his body covered with ort snd filth, hs was pulled out of the hole, more dead than alivs. . '- While crossing ths river tied early in the afternoon Gomes, who? Is a stranger In Los Angeles, cams upon ths sump hols filled with rsfuas from ths oil wells. Hs stepped boldly upon the sur face, which had ths appearance of solid ground, and In a moment hs was flound ering helplessly. i His shrieks for hslp were not heard and not until about t o'clock In the 'evening waa he found by Victor Reyne and Felix Dresser. - r t -Physicians say Gomes' mind Is Ef fected permanently. . i . ; - BRITISH BALTIC CRUISE AROUSES GERMAN ANGER - -' (Jeorsal Special Service.)- , Berlin. July tl. The proposed, cruise Of tha British Chsnnet fleet In the Bal tic haa caused a great outcry through, out jOerraany. Conservative newspapers state tnat the order le on a par with England's usual Intolerable Insolenoe. The press olalms that ths Baltie muat bo considered te he exclusively under ths control of the country- bordering on it, i and as Sweden. Denmark and RaMla faordsr it thry have much to say In the matter, and owing to their friend llneea to Germany, the latter must be considered mistress of the Baltie. . .. k--" , Jm i ' , '''. . , . . ,:-:: ! e tc (.1 ;teHence:it;is - a -...r--. proauccs rooq rcmarKabie Ttll CJTES H Jill IMS TE3 Bll FflriitR - Mrs. , Dantoff Ready , to Rot in :C.PrionuyntiI , Celt Door Clanged. ; When shs refused to put up a bond of II in tho police eourt this morning to make sura of hsr appaaranoo Monday on the charge of falling to pay her city license for conducting- a small store on First near Columbia street Mrs.- Ussls Dantoff was ordered , imprisoned by Judgs Cameron, -v --..'. r - . ' 'Put me in prison If yon want to, shs cried, "you may a;eep me there un til 'I rot If you desire, but m nsvsr put up any bond." - - - - -' '-" Thla was at 11 o'clock. - Mrs. DantoB was led away to a all by Bailiff Golta, Ten minutes' later she sent the Judge word she would like to see him. lamb like in her demeanor, shs was again taken into court, deposited $( and was permitted to go-"" t' ' L largo number or merchants nave noon srrsitjwl fnr nUttre-lgTtheir lioensss. In tho paat theyhave heeh notified to appear in eourt and many have failed to do so. Hereafter all will bo required to give, bonde whsnwar- rants - are served. . Licenses and tha costs of court, IS.BO rn each case, were paid this morning by the following merohants: P. J. New berg. W. H. Leah, A. Llpman, IX V. Me Klnnon. T. J. McHonry. Other casss ra pootponed and more arrests are threatened by the city lioenss collector. Z' FATAL RI0T1NQ ; ; ' (ConUnued from Pago-Ona) suppress all liberal sewipspera, bag secured a fund from the esar Of 000 roubles for the purpose of subsl dlilng friendly pspsrs. The Jewish 11b ral organ Novosti has : been perma- nentlr ausDsnded. Admiral Blrlleff haa Issusd an edict to the Black Sea fleet thst henceforth capital punishment will Instantly fol low any breach of discipline, . Officials are being ssnt to each dis trict to spread among; tha moujika ths Story that tho semstvolsts are being paid by Japan and that the esar will soon give the people all the land they want, but they must not follow ice lead of the semstvoa . - As a result of ths-recent conference between the esar snd ths kaiser army and navy orders given to Franca are to bo canceled and transfsrredrto Germany, PEACE ONLY ARMISTICEs Baeataa vemera Take Bloomy Ylew ef Oatoomo of Peace VearowAMona. , (Joaraal Special Service.) ' ' 8t Petersburg, July Is, Ths Russ today,'- referring to ' the 'Veto interview, says: "Peace on the Jspsnsse terms 'ss outlined by M. Bsto can only ho ' an armistice," Tho paper see little chanoa of the conference ending aueoessfully. If Bsto states ths Jspsnsse posltlod cor rectly. The Svlet continues to rail at America's Is'ck of tsot in allowing the visit of Tsft and Miss Roosevelt to Japan,' "while the United States is host of the peace plenipotentiary. , MAGAZINE. EXPLODES. Japanese Flotilla Storms Alssaadrevak .ana PowdeoXenso i XUown Tp. : "' 'i ; (JearasI Special service.) Toklo, July tl. The commander of the flotilla dispatched to Kslset bay, opposlto Alexandrovsk, reports thst a landing was made July 24 near F1ek man lighthouse, which wss deserted, but ths storehouses were full of provisions. Tho- flotilla --proceeded further- Into the bay and waa fired on by the enemy who BBAHEM30FF: "My head was tor tea years cev sred wltk dendreff enltkookrS like a die- eaae. Ilere seed Hair, health fare aad save sedaDdrogoa ear pert of my scalp. uairiasartereea siaea seallbinr oWnf."-p.n. . X)infela. Ill raririxat., Poeltfvelr reaeeves damdrsO. etoea aair fallief , snace sees rcratsiai color va pir etnoe Itrhlnc epomot.e Sae kelr arewta. Lai BOe. bnttlee. drartleti'. Tekeaetblag wttbout rsue Bay o. signature. Cut out aas alga tsia Fr3C::pC;::r;:i; race vo any or mitnwine; ern(gieie ana r toe. bettle HelrbeiU and Ue. cake Herflot jum k.1. .-a . ' V VkllA XT . CO., i.werk. K. J., preaalS, tt 0o, aad this dv. rm enep not gl.ea by dranlete wlih eet this entire sdv. asd ftOe. foe Uelrseslta, MtBM....... ................. ..,.,.u...... aAddreeS. , . W009AB9, OlAXOn a CO- Fourth V W j '- la- . .awl Is avta Wsshiagton Sts, ...... , ADGOLUTELY-PUEIB Healthful cream from ablute ;puri principle of every pbqnd of Royal - -. m j. - - . v - - - a - and twholesomencss. bovai, aAKiNd rowota ooA ncw .vomc were soon -silenced.' Subeequantly Are broke-out 'in ths town and the insga sine exploded ,v . r., ;t ODESSA. PROTESTS. " , PewaaaMon of OrkhMe at Cwptwi -aisign " " of TsWes in aWrathSTSj City. tJoaraal Spaeial flervioe.) , St. Petersburg, July It. deputaUon of eitisans'from' Odessa arrived hare today to implore the government to re lease the city. from martial law. -The eiUssns declare that the military regime hsa brought on a reign of terror. Work men are reduoed to poverty and trades), men are losing heavily. It is expected tho government will hood the petition. ' ' V, l " ji , Trns Eminent Surgeon, Dr, Nioh : v:!i .'" olas-Senn, -',.;;'. i After several Voyages around the world, pronounced his trip to- Tahiti the best of aU, That tha passags waa a smooth one, there, were beautiful rlvera and mountains and unsurpaaaed troploal scenery, and the naUvea kind and friendly. ' The Mariposa sails for Tahiti August , Reduoed rate for this voysga 111! round trip. Sand for circular, m Market street,- Ban Francisco. . to JlsejB, Walfls placed on sals at Its Portland off loss round trip tickets to Bhssta Springs st a rata of I0. Beautiful, illustrated pamphlets descriptive of this resort can be secured from any. Southern Paclfle agent . " Get Out of tho of taking a dailypse XoTfeliev coilsti7 patipn. ; This, means a daily injury to T sensitive organs. v .Get to the cause of the. trouble Cure yotir adltd Velrett by Constipation Tablets will cure the woVst case of constipation. They ' make your digestive" organs do their work regularlynaturallya; . ! 25 la WeMcWhetpt ttOCtlM, fit ekAAla as al ' aBMaaVas fwsi vsayeaaawst my vwH.tN . - Vstawiss ssMevsvlss. . '. m VSM W a a ae f yaj . FOR SALE BY W00DARD, CLARKE A CO. J. Sold byihtytA gT by Vn yard. .New En Paint ectuaBy costs ku qosllty gives mors iqosrt ysnls of , - --WW ww ' MW- .'- " VMIW Yea're wutlnc money whet) yoa ptjadng yosf houte with low-priced yyntxS'cbttp" paint u lor .New I mm ttrnmrnt mm fflaa -lasnsiem fcidejt f - Mtst st WfW rWM fhiit Lead a ' ITBW SBA 200 - w ww ' of . tartar, 'dc- i,-. . peoi-rcnDcd - m; nne ; -A-. GIRL' SHOOTS HERSELF TO ESCAPE PUNISHMENT. XSpselal Dhpateh te The JoarnaL) . . North Takima.- Wash, July t9 oause shs had- been, threatened iwlth punlshmsnt for a trivial, offsnse. Klsle, the It-year-old daugntor' of Mrsv J,- B. Daugharty,'lahot and seriously Injured ' herself with a It-caliber , revolver yes. tar day afternoon, The physicians think shs may rscovaiy'.r - - " .,. ': Your .Fairilly .y . ' Should not fail to talcs a trip on the beautiful, Willamette river to Oregon City. A most delightful rid of two' and a half hours for only ' 41 cents. Boata leave foot of Taytor street t a. m., 11:10 a. m. 1:10 p.-m. - Returning leave Oregon, City 10 a. m 1:10 p. m M0 P .' . .-t.y' ' . -- The Tavern' Musio. . : ,' " All ths world loves good musts and all the world loves good living. All the, world can find both at tho Tavern, port land's famous grill and cafe. Opposite Oregonlan building. - 'Ladlaa annas tot ' Aldsr. -. . ,-'-... v , -, atsonrsion Bates to Vewpoit, r The Southern Paolflo eorapaay h plaaed ns sals st all " Partlsud ufflu round trip tickets to Newport at rate of it, limited to October 10. 1101. and for tl Monday tickets. Ample hotel scoommod,Uons at reason sble rate are provided St this popular ' resort. - - - ' ' ! -ti-'- '" Constipation .; thotej who know cts. CHASZ UTQ. (CO. ".Newhurrh, W.Y, .'. . -- . ', y A 1 Z. I ;, .; te aie ths any emer. becauas its hiehf eoverlhg tsrfsct and yetra of wtarlnii ).IH IWi. . , , ... , .. . A , per Painter, uv.' S40 fas his lahns'ta K .' ptlnt, h costs as much aa etveflv Era, but New Era worn abevt ; rwlee'l ee. -U s-- - -a.. .-V wi Vereltk mJmn Hatrm.y r ,: " " ". Color Verks. Ostrsil. Mich, ' ' yi , FAZtTT AJTS TAM1II 00. 210 Front St. w ,:1 1