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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1905)
' I THEOREGON DAILY"1 JOURN ALT PORTLAKD7 "SATURDAY " CVEUi:;OrjULTrM. -IZZTZZ' -' -- - . ;ODAY'S GRAl JFISH UARKET OOOLIG V Crabs Art Also in Great Demand but Oysters Not Sought .' After Now. 7 PEACHES AND CANTALOUPES RARE AND DEMAND GREAT fcutter and Chees Trsd Is Quiet , Poultry. mod vBj-eatcd, Meats -Are Good SeUeirwVeal...le a. Popular ; ' July Meat Sockeyes Drop. -"f ' ' ' mat Street. July 28. The feetarca of IM oesl wanlesals msrket tndar eri , - ,- . Backers -dropi!. . cent. . . Bis taud for crab and n(lil . , 4rster easrket to eery daH. ' CaatakMpe mpply tar ends rh demand. ' Peaces arc very nesrc. FIB rat af pineeppats rCCeleed. . . Wood Oregon tomatoes t.80c sow. ' CvMMkera ers ea eresors. Batter sad Him ar quiet. , J -, Good deeesad fur poultry aad irmti meat. - .Veal la oa to popolsr aide. Tha Lewis aad ' CUrk exposition fcaa been great medicine (or tha local waolaeals flah deal ra. Ta thousand of vtattore tbat hav rrteed from taa Inland autaa all seem to want to feast sa Oregaa' far-famed flah. thaa nuking tue rtiannil assay times larger lliaa It kaa arar baaa t thla Mm daring previous nan. Craba and erswftsb ara taa topliner la tola trad, witk catamite (allow to( closely after. .The do nand (or clam la light, end tlwr ara fair prater call. Taa traoa wlta tha Regu rtrer ffchennea liai bam resumed lino It wa closed taa (trat ef taa wlU; The wars weatner played hero with all tha ciilnook tliat were forward from aaathora Urm Dolnta to thla rllT. aad Sfter larca ratalfnmrnt had to he eaet oat Into attar darkness, telegraph Wiree vara kept bssjr far ewrernl mlnntss- asking tha Roava Rlvar valley awa to mat aaim (ialr ta Portlaad. tTba Kocaa la aald tn ho lowar thaa It kaa bam tor toaay yean, aad to watar la rrportad a waraa that taa ftaa kara taraad apottod. Ovru to tb tenra ahliownia of aorkcyca that bam bam nx-rtrrd, tba prleo of tha) flab roppad thla (aoralad from to e. rmakta Ara Tary Boaroa. " ' '! nrerrlus ta pmcbca," aald a- rrant treat cnaiDilaalsa aiaa thla tauralBC. "ibaaw naa , barely aiada I'brtland kmrta grow fondxr. TIM ilnaaall for tla frail waa bow atrmtar ami, tbera wrr only a fear doem bi tba mark at.'' . f 'rartx bare bem oa tba popalar a Ida of tb arada all ak. apd they kai ahm bam ararra ha mi teeth. A few cam la from California today, bat they had nam ordered ion; am. le af loo flaaat km nf plneapplea llnXjral rerelred k tha Rum City am red thai noralua. They wem-apld out wltliln a few hours- after they had arrlred m tb atnat. Ptneamilm bad been qaored at fl.t5 a -toam,' bat tlita roornluK a kt war aoM rnr f o. . ' A baDdamna lot ' of prachee. Bear, appln, pluma JMax.irhpr trait waa recaleed oaa tb atearlfvJ'aal thla aMaralnc. CaniiT-Tf.ra Jtiat m popnlar a fbey bam' been, aud lb aapply la auuiy defreea beknr a bat It ahoold ba In order that all who buacer ailcbt be fed. A car load hi expected from tb -outk aext Monday. Tnmatoe .ar aow aellloc for from Tie to tl a V: rbolce onea can ba had at HHe. Cncam tier can ba bad la aotne qnartere for a aoiii . and the eliiizer bead Bot b a prlaia dnnaa eltheei A large ahlpment of eelerjr waa received m tba Kt. I'aul. Thrm carle Oa af banaaaa wen m celred . ycaterday. , : rredao lUrkat Xa ttalat. ' The dnntaml for ponltry of all food aorta keep ap. Ctiolc atock at aoM boars before '. It arrrrss. while the eoaiauavaort hi not bald ty the dealer long. The off aapply la larger - thhi morning than If kaa bam for Mreral day, but the price remain amebaaged. ; Batter la a bit ararmr. bat tba prlc I as . yenterdty, Tba nbeem trade to qalet. , The demand for real emttnaea. .. aom Hop Ar . I, UrKlnley MltcbeU parrbaaed marly 100 balm of bopa thla week, chiefly front grannie near Oerrala, Woodbara and Brook, paying from !il to IT cent a pound for them. Tba J. It llnaaell eonpmy ranmtly fjwrchaaad MO bale, paying IT emta. Nearly all local dealer agree tbat Oregon 180 orop will agreed 100,000 fcalea. - v Tbera waa a firmer demand for an grade af bar beans thla nwsmlng, and tba ardor are belay filled at a allghtly adruced flgora. Today' wboleml prlem: . " Grain, Iloar and Vaadi ' WHEAT Contract. 1M6 New dab and rod. TSc; blnmtem. TSe mlley. TSe; 104 crop, noniln:; etab and bard red, Tj oft rod. Tor; blnesten, S8e; ealley, atfJc. BAULIlX Tead. 23.00; roUad, tMi krN V cOBlt Whole, T7. 00 eracked, 2a0 par taa. BYE 1.6 prr cwt. . OATS No. 1 white, tSO.00; gray,'. rLOCR Etra Oragxiu pateats. HBoO d.M; atralghtai- W.lft; exports, a.eXt?.6oj valley. X.10; grahan.. l. t.0O; lUs, (.j rye. n. dS OO; balm, li-Ti. .' - 4 . MIIXBTT'rra Bran. ia.M per ton: nM dltng. 25.00: borta, ooaatry, 123.00; etty, 2l7i0; rhop. flS.00. . BAY nmothy, Wtriaawtt . Wiley, fancy, 11.00; ordinary. $1)1.00; Met ara Oregon. U.00-. mixed. Hi 00; derer, IU.00; grala. 11.00; cbeat, $11.00. . , - Batter, Egg and Taaltry. -- BTTTTKB gAT Sweet. He; onr. la. BUTTEsV City ereamery. beet, 4eT aoemd ' grade. Sue; outside fancy, 2ott21e; erdlmry, 17c; a tore, 18 roe. EGOS Mo. 1 freak Oregon, candled, t2023ct nrn1led. 3n921e; eastern. Sue. CHEK8 New Pull cream, twin, HUel Tung Amerlm, lS4atlc; Cheddar. IS He. POULT If Chickens, nil ad. - lie per lb) - kern, 13 We per lb; roeaten, eld. If per lb; young, 13e per Tb; broiler. IdSe per lb; fry. . era, ldc par lb; docka. 1.00Q 00 par dun; , geete. Sllc peg lb; turkey, 1J1 peg lb; dressed. u22c per lb; squab. KUM par dm : "7 Hop. Wool ul Hid, i "HOPS Contract, 1, 16c 1HH crop, lTVtl g for choice; iaui7o for , prlmm and ajedlnm. Woob 1S0S dip, vaTIrr, coara to medlnm. : i4V,w26V; flu. lli7c; eastera Oraaua, MOHAIB Wotalnel. S0Q3!e. ' ' ' KHKKPBKIN8 dbearlng, Si920.. short wool, 9iit medlunx wool, U,SOoi long wool, vcugl.OO meh. TAIXOW Prime, peg lb) 0Mi It. S aj greaae, 2rttye. ' CHITTIM BARK-SHe per IKy . HIDES Dry hides. Kor 1. tribe and jp, lillH per lb; dry kip. Ke. 1, to is lbs, 14c; dry calf, Na. 1, ander t lbs. Ida lie; dry salted hides, steer, sound, M Iba er oeer, SUel He; to to 90 lbs. iWH'e; aadif 0 lbs and row. eHc: stags and balls, soosd. i(Te; kip. IS to at) tba, le: eoand, 10 to 14 lb. a He; eslf, snand, ende 10 lb SHfillc: grees laoulted), 1 per lb lees; culls, le per lb less; korsebldes. salted, earn. Sl.KtJl.TS: dry, , enrb, Sl.0oei.50; mil bids, ch, SSQooei gnat akin. aocamoB, mrb. 10f;Uc Angora, ' with wool a, mck, JSctlll. v Fralts and Tageteklea. i' 4 rOTATOXS Oregm, rcil.oii; ear Iota, TOO TSe sack; aew CaUturnis, aUUKOe, sweet, crated, Sl.TS. nstn Nee -CsJIforwU vTSd. gl OOn.CU r. liters la yellow Daurers,. ll.Xiai.0o; Wall avail. SI torl 9Kr earlle. Oar UK! ner UL t'KICSU rut'ITS Applm, CaUfornls, ll.BO tn.Jl: arsnaes. late Valencia.; bananas, ft lb; lemons, eboice. Si.SU box; Uucf, gd.Ob pec ,bei: II mm, Mexican, 0c per ; 100: pineapple. . 1 sprieoxs. lasaour, ' peadvea. Titd .; plums, ' TJH6e see erstl raaplwrrle. ! Tit Per crsta of S4 holes: eant f kHipm, S2.TMt3.00 erste; loganberrlea, Sl-TS ersiaof SI4 bouse; ws lemielona, ei.-tl. wt( , grape. S2.nn box; pesrs, a.2fl per box. V KiKT A BI.KIt Turnips, new, $1.00 per sack; ' esrrots. $1 K.1.2S Par mck; beeta, SLOW I I U r mm ; Ore; oa rdtstes. 2& pa dm; mkhsge, Oregon. $1.2S per cwt grees peppers. I IV per B: b-al toaistoes. Te Vl 6; CaUfornls. irul.2S; psrsolpa, $1.00 IK: stria beans. SiuJie: mallf lower, Sl.TS nee crate: rbeUrh. V4e per lb: horse. ". lge aer lb' articbotm. ew.i" per ai - t4. aVw&t.. L A Lit Ifla sa ; grem aolom. lumise Pr dm; apinack, a aae lb; gen a eeea, H ou 1.M per mck; pes. am g; mmmbta, SOttT par ks celery, l lo m .. I t.i-O tkLITs Amtea. TSoraUd, TSISc MARKETS per Tbi aprloota. SUAlSe iper lb; mcka. H aer lb lam: aeacbea. SUlM per lit: pears, Kr lb: prunes, Itallaa. SMM4Me aer Ibi mcb. SUsitw aer U: tin. California black, StSV4 ner Ih: California white. Pee lb; plums, pitted. per lb: dates, goldm. da oar lb: (ania. $1.50 -per IS-lb bos, . : rwerlsa. Hats, Xte, . RtinA n nce - - aandi mwdared, SA.40; fruit araaaUtsd. 3uM): dry. granulated. S&.J0: Coaf. A. HJH: beet graoaUted. 3J0: extra U. 14 .oO: aoldm O. H.-"' a eellow. 14.00: bbl 10c. V. bbla 35e. boxm 50 m mck hub, lees uae par cwt far caab, . 1$ days; maple. Itaxlo per lb. . i , lUINb'Y 14la. ' ' " lUli'Fk; hrsBrfat gld.Td. - : SALT Kin balm. 2s. m. 4. u. 10s. $10; table, dairy. 60s. $11.00: loo. S10.TB: Im ported Llrerpool. tos. $17.00; lOua. S1A.M1; XMm. tla.OO: eatrs fins. bbls. 'M. Sa. . 10. St.aOtt&.M): bulk. S20 lb. S4.00taS.OO: mcks. pus, oaktsoe. HALT Coarse Hslf groand.' 100a. per ton. ST.00; SOs, ir tun. ST.S0; Uremuol Hi mo rocs, S1S.M ner ton! ftu-lb mck. S7.0O: 100a. S6.TS. (Aboe prices apply to sals of Irm than car lots. Car lot at special prlem (abject to IlucisailODal. , ;i DRAIN Hinsfalata. IU. Hlt:K Imnnrlal Janan. No. 1. i Ms. S. BUc: New Or lean bead. SV.S AJax. : Cre ole. ot c. BEAN Amatl whits. IVfltUe: lara white, SHc: nlnk.-Sttus4e; bayoa, dnc: Umaa, dtket klexk-sn .rede. " . . . ' NUTH Prnaant. TUct -tamb,' e r lb: raw. ufiaine boa IK? mutMi. c eocosnot. ftoMBOc per dca:' walnuts. 14s1Bc per lb: pin nets. lotKiatte per lb: hickory ants, loe per to; rtimtnnt. eaatetu. lBtxloc per 10; srasu num. ih per id: filbert,, issihc per in; pecaaa. Idaiac: slmosds. LHcalSe per la. v Paista. - Coal Oila. Its. 1 ROFB Pore Manila, lee: , standard." 12We; Slaal. lOVe: llaU brand slaaL Dale. COAL OIL fear I or Aetrsl. Caaes. tOH per gai: water white. Iron bbla. loc Pec aai: wooden, is pse gal; headlight. 170-deg, cassa, ttvfco per gal. . OAMOUNB SS-de. cssm -at ner gal: h-os bbla. axe per gsl: stoma, caaaa, PtH pa gai; Iron bhls. Ina nee sal. BKNZIKB S-deg. caaaa. 23 par gsl: turn bbla, lKU.e per gal. . TURPENTINE In cases. Sn per gai; wsoden bbla, S9c per gall Iroa bbls, M0 per gal. . WHITB IJCAO To lot. TUe per lb: 600-lb lota. T per Ih: lem lota. Be per lb. WIHB NAILB I-remnt bate at W-TO. UNSEED OIL Purs raw. In bbls. T par gsl; csssa, T2c, per gal; senate kettle boiled, rasas. TO per .gel: bbls. 6a per sal: around cat, car lota. dJO.OO .per. lual. lem tbas..csr ,ta,.S30.00 aer ton. stmts, risk sad BrorUlona. v FBBSH MB AT Tront atrm--Bmf ateera. JftOc er lb; pork, block. T He par lb; packer. te per lb; bull. d5c per lb: cow. 4r5c per lb; mutton. VfctxTU. per lb: Jamba with pelni, SHtxSo per lb; real, extra. tti7i ardl pary. &tTe per lb; poor. SM per lb. UAUH. BACON. ETOPortlaud pack -floral) hams, 10 to 14 Ih. 13t4 per lb: 14 to IS lbs, 1.1 c par lb: IS to 30 lbs. ISMc per lb; coHace. 8e per lb; break tut baron. 14Klvd par lb; pk-nki. tic per lb: reeular short clears, tin smoked. 10(4 e per lb: smoked. 1144 per lb) dear backs, unautoked, lOo par lb; smoked. 104 per lb: Union batra. 10 to IS lbs, aaamokod. a per lb: smoked e per lb: elmr bellies, uu smoked, lie nor lb; amoked. 12 per Ibi boul ders. He per lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle Imf. 10s. loJ, per lb; 6a. 1014c per lb: 60-lb tin. Stse per lb! stmm rai'lered. 10s, Sk rer lb: 6. 0 per lb: tubs, fit, per lb: Mai. per lb. CANNED SALMON ColumbU rlrer. 1-Ik tails. $1.83; 3-lb tails. S2.S0: fsncr. t-lk flats.. $2.00: H ID ranry (lata. $l.x: rsncy 1-1 oests. Alasks tails, pink. d&aoOc: red. HM: aouilosl 2a. tall. $2.00, risil Mock cod. Te per lb: flounders. Be par Ih: halibut, oc per lb; crab. Sl.AO per dm; ftrlped but. 12 uc per lb; eatflah. Te Per b; salmon, eblnuok, SHc par lb; ateelheada, TH per lb; eoekeye, e per lb; kerrlng. Be per lb; anlaa. A er lb: shrimps, 10c per lb; perch, 5c per lb: aliad, de per lb: roe (bid, 5c per lb; ahart roe. Stic per rbr brack a-od. Te PeTTb: atleer smelt, ftc per lb: lobster, 10c: fresb mackerel. So per lb: erswdsh. 23c per dog: (loan dsn. ft lb: atnrccon. Te per lb. OVaTKRH rlbmrwatar bar. mr ml. SI. 23: per mrc, j 7o. CLAiiS Hard ' snelL Clam a. $2.00 par box. - per box. $2.00; U KINLEY T'lTCHELL BUYS Ha JOE HOPS He States That the Outlook Is -Most Rosy and the Uctt i . t-v.-. :, Are-Dead.'-- McKlnley Mitchell retnrned tile morning from a tour of Willamette valley bopriakl and farma. ne ia sure toe juop bop yield win be oeer 100.000 balm, bat a tales tbst the eslley grsln crop Is not going to be what it -wee expected eeeerai weage ago. - nay. be statss, is tn orer atmnasnc.- I -While I waa gone.' mid Mr. MltcbeU till morning. 'I psrrbased between ISO aad 20 balm of hope, paying from lHSs to 18 cent for thorn. Nearly eeery bale nf them iMirehsms waa from (srmer who had bora holding hoping for Krebe prlem. I bought my bop near Oerrala, Woodbara and 11 rooks, bat bad not better atate lost who mid because om do not want their friends aad relative to know Just what km been doing In tbat line. 4 think there are between 11,000 and 12.000 balm atlll being mid in tuia stste other than Krebs holdings, h hsrlng 1.800 bale. This tslk about Ore gon's new crop only being 80.000 balm to all tomfoollsbnem; tbat to, an lem some nn fore sees and uaiiaual thing happens, I think tb yield will mslly he weer 100.000 bale. I elalted a Isrgs Bamber of yard wlill sway, and found that most of ttaers will produce from 86 to 80 per rent mors tnaa tmy aid last rear: true. a few f toe yards are in bed ebm, but only eery few.' Most of 'tb yards are practically free of lice. ' Mere picker will be needed ,tbka teat year. ' ' - ' 'Bait tba gram mtlnok an tb valley to not a arombung as was boned for. Bereral weeks see many told me tbat this year a re I ley grain crop would be a bumper so, but thai cannot ba mid of tb outlook now. Most of tb spring crap are rery poor. Bugs gad dry weather did the mischief. Tli ere will be sa weerabandance of kay this ? . FIFTY- CATTLE RECEIVED Hog Market Is' Strong as Ever With Sheep Unchanged "Beef Continues Weakfr? Porlliad Union tockyarda. July 28. Stock receipt wrr ' follow i ,i - .L (- Cattle. Sheen, Today SO 2"0 Mng contino atrong, wnue cttti ar weax reeer; aneep are nnrnangen, , Offlelel nrleaa foe Urea lock I. Hogs Best eaatern Oregon. $4.25: Mocker nd ( hlna fat. $6.Kltl.7a; stacker and feed ers. 4. 2644.60. -Cattle Heat eastera Oregoa ateera, $.t.0O 126: llrtit and medium steers. S2.S0UA00: beet rows and heifers, $2.2oft2.oO; old sad light eowa, xi.&nl00: s lockers and feeders, $1.79; bulla. S1.5U , Kheeri Brit fancy sheep, $3.00Q$.2S; ewes, $2.?ria.uu; spring lambs. 44c. Cslees tiosd rest, liwt te 200 pounds, $c) rough and bmey, Z!(i34e. - p( , BtCElTTS OF XJTMTOfar, , y crieago, July 2B. Llreatock receipt 'today were: - - - ' If ore rattln -.rlheen Chicago a S.iaal Kaia CHyu..ii..i.t.-.-.. .nmt mra.H Osahs t,,, ,t, .t.t,. d.OOO i 1,2110 Tli ere were 8.T00 bog left oeer, Tb re ceipt rear o were 12.0HO. I'rtrm: kltxe.1. S.vrxifjS.PTu,; good. S.-v.d0t'9.2H; rougk. Sd.lS tt5.4n; light. $.VH04ia.UH. , - Cstll were wrong and ahmp steady.' . I. KIW T0KX OOmX XAKKET. Nw tork. July f. -toffee' future closed: fid. Aek.l Bid. Ask. July ,...,.$d.Hl $.! January ... $7.38 $7.40 Angut .... 0 SJM) rebrnary ... T.40 lit leptember . S S OT 11 arch T HO ' t.BS October .... T t T I0 April u T f) Noeeniber , T.Ik T 2Mllay ....... T.A T.70 Uecember , . t.SO T.SSIJiim. ., T.70 ---' Vgw Trk Cask Oef fee. New York, July . rk coffee: Kg.' t lie, SHI No. d Hanto. S'A. . , . , , rartlaad Bask atHtwiMt, fiearing $010,4138 Blacm a a8,al.T2 ; Farmers Ar Salting Their Small Holdings of ; Hops - New Crop Is Expected to Exceed Hunderd Thousand Bates - HopXIce Quiet BEARS ARE MORE Wheat Is Very Difficult to Bull on . Chicago Exchange- Sell ' ing on Bulges. CORN SHOWED STUBBORN STRENGTH FOR SOME TIME OaU Market, Waa Afain Weak, the ' ' Calls . Being " Few The " General r Ton . of , Lard, ' Mess.'ork and Short Ribs Waa Good. - ' . ' . (rurniahed by Orerbeck, BUrr Cook . Ca.) Chlcaeo. July 20. Broomhall mtlmatm the worlds wheat shipments at'8.800,000 bushels aad predicts a big decrease ea passage. Primary receipts at most 700,000 larger than shipments. Our wheat speiied firm and fur noma time after the opening ruled Strang, but at hoc and a frac tion a bora celling pressor w aa quit pro nounced, the market' using it early adrance and closing for the futures ts lower.. July wm ha yesterdsy'e market and abowed greater resistance ts selling pressure tbaa did Septem ber or December. Sentiment la mixed. The bears are rooce sg gee sales aad leu lem to -crop reports from the northwest. : Them eeeme to be mori of a diapostttoa te sail wheat m buigm. Tb market seems to bare lost It snsp. At the moment It to mors difficult ta bull wbeit thea for aom days. Condition In tba north west as the day go by Imoror. Weather la at leaat unfarorsbl to the epread of ' mat. Clos ing tbem ran and temper or trad- at u moment we feel we weald tak advastags of bulges to sell September wheat.: W bare had a reasonable reaction from top prima and oa further eetbarka would buy wheat only la the mom distant future. We would be content wltk reesonabl profits mm ltber aid. - - Corn Trad Qui. . : Trad ia corn was quiet, and considering the eaknem la wheat the last half hour this mar ket abowed oulte a little etubbora stren-th. W feel, howerer, that conditions bare ma terially changed. The speculative market hm had a reaaonatp setback and to-entitled te at leaat a pecultle rally. Cooslderlng tb p res eat conditions for the new crop, etc we fee! ea rallies, would sell tka aew crop swaths. . Blew Oats jjaarkat. The est market, while showing a extreme weakness, showed rery little inclination to do better.. It to a alow market and atlll em ander, pressure oa bulges. - oalpins in Freelslons. Prrrriaions closed trrsgulsr. but ia ,tk mstn tba tone wm good. W em no chanrs la apecu- latMB. . Packers apparmtly ara friendly to prime -at thla lerei. uowerer, it tlll use a acstpmg market. Today official -market! , vi rl SAT, High. Low. Cli Open. 7nly..,8 .WlA .88 V. J'., 88 ' t .8HA !" " a(W Dc..i... JMH JH4 , ,S4H . .8TU , . eSftH 1 Old July. Old Sept, Old Dm. .8414 .S4V. .84 , .&2. . .Mm .6214 .4T14 - - 48 . .47 ; .'- OATS.' -'. - S .20 . J , Jt s , .2NV4 ' . .2Tt . . .M B .62SA .47 A .28 '.2s5 Inly..... Sept..,,,, Uecj... . MENI PUBK. ' 18.10 18.1T 18.12 - 18.1T : 18.10 ... 18.1T J 18.10 18.1T Kept, Oct. .-: ' ':. LARD. - Jo iy . . . .... Kept,,.,.. T.22 Oct.... T.a2 T.ll I 28 T.05 8.00 , Bt cornrrr hat csoy. (Special Dispatch to The Journsl.) Baker City, Or., July 28. Timothy and closer ksy I' now selling for $8.00 a ton In Baker City. Msny of the grower ar bring ing their crops to market ss fast ss they can bsrrmt it. Alfalfa la worth about $7.00 a ton, bat generally two crops are aecsred each mason, wbll with timothy and clorsr there is only one crop. Farmer la thla seetlo my that the crop will be the kesrlest thla yesr rer bsreeoted. Wbmt to rapidly com ing to rhstsrltr and tbresblng will commence apoai in miqoi or august. . tOSATS WHXAT niOZS. Sept. .9 JYlU -.. .Mil . JIWB tVc. Chicago ...... Ht. tMim .... Mlnoea nolle . , New York . ... Kaa Prsnctkm , Liverpool . , , . .85A !87U ..l 1.44 SaSVid 74d " Tdayg Sugar kUrkst. New Turk, July 28. Refined sugar steady aad aaebanged: Londoa hotter augax, July aad Auguat, 10 llaid, . .- - ' r rjssrpeal Orsia Xarket. Llrerpool, July 28. rClom: Wheat Septem bar, 8 SKd, . W lower: December, 8 7d, lower. Cora September, 4 SKd, 4 lower. Sag Francises OralayClea. ' Bsa ' rranctam, July 28. The grela nrkat cloee today barley, 80c wa: Wheat December, $1.44; COTTON MARKET IS UP MANY CENTS ruraiakcd by Orerbeck Starr A Cook Co.) New York, July 28. Today's official cot- . ' Open. High. Low. Tannery , 1108 1118 1108 February' March 1118 1120 1110 July 1078 1 075 1073 Augnat MAT 1174 IIMT September ......... 10H4 10K8 10N3 October 1000 1101 M64 Noeember .... 1102 1108 1108 Close. 1118'r(14 llltl lll((Vli II 174 78 1074178 10noi8T lloott IQ H04yiKf December ......... 1102 1110 JlOf 110410 . WKTJCLT BABB: 8T ATlktXirT. ' New York. July . Tb weekly bank state ment foiiowg: .. ' Ineream. I sns.os 18.4hO.ToO . 4.r)40.2i0 22.844. TOO Tlemrre .... Lem U. 8... Loan ...... Rpeclo ..,..i lga ts . . . . . Deposits . , . Circulation ... 108.000 Decrease. SUES CITY OF BOISE- " FOR HEAVY DAMAGES (Special Dlspstcb to'Th Joarnal.) : ' Bolae, Ida., July 2. Georg Leppert, a laborer,' brought suit In th'dlatrlct court today sg-alnst tb city for $l,76 damaaes be aliases ha na sustained to his character snd reputation.. Lerpert wag arrested in April, 103, charged with afaauU-to commit jnurdar. and rotorxury. When arreated ieppert , fiat ."phota sraphed by tba pplic and hla-plotur placed in th rogue' gallery in ths city hall. Tha photograph was left thers until (our weeks ago. Leppert waa dla charged at tha preliminary, examination. Because the photograph was permit ted to remain in, th rogue' gallery two years damages is claimed (or th amount stated. - i -" . f , T I . f t . . Squlkable Aant SlMojarg-rd. . ,' Uoarasl Special Barekw.l New York, July ' It. Archibald , C. tlaynea, a leading reneral scent of th Equltible society in New TnrV City, ha been notified by Chairman Morton tbat hla contract with the Equitable has ter mlnated. -Jlsynca ralsnd soma time ago but Ms risnatlon wss not sc - ,.T.2S ,T 22 J T.82 T.S0 I v OnVekk BAA9Cle , . jn1J.WZV. . . . . . ... . , cit..... I.9S T.H TT.02 Oct...... boo s.oa $.00 BANK STATEnENT DfSAPPOINTinG Increase in Loans Was Far Greater Than Brokers Had T '''..;,' Expected It to Be. , WALL STREET REPORTS NO UNUSUAL FEATURES TODAY Some Dealers Advise the Buying of Good Stocks on Recessions---No Railway Issues SoaredVNor jDid Anjrthlng of Interest Tumble. ,. . (rurniahed by Orerbeck. Starr Cook Ca.l . Nw York. July 20. Tu atock market was trong again today end la aplte of prom taking, a better progress eras mad toward big bee lersls. Tb mrly aews with tb bauk tstemant showed n urnriln Ineream of mora than $18,000,000 in loans. This, bow ever, wss offset by a $8,000,000 gala la cask, wblcb brought about a alight Increase la re serras. Better prlem ara expected aext week. There waa o change la the general market coaiiltmne. ..... Today official Stock cloee: 'I im DISCBIPTI0M. Anaconda siloing Amal. Cooper Co Atchison, common ..... d preferred Am. Car A Foundry. . do n referred Am. Bugar, common , . Am. Suielt., common .. do preferred B. A ,0hio, coioaioa . 140. 12114 U 120 HVk do Dreferred Brooklyn Hapld Transit Can. Pacific, common.. 80' 1(13 86, Cbl. A Alum, common., oo preiwrsd Chi. A O. W.L eomraoB. Chi., Mil., St Paul.. BU 2H4 181 V i bi. at m. W., common. . ml i nicago larminai By.. Chesapeake A Ohio ..... Colo. Feel A Iron, com Colo. Southern, common , oo gd preferred do 1st iimImmJ Delaware si Huilaon 14i4l-t l83H D. A B. O.. common.... do Draferrsd 5t2 .... T4t S?2 Brie, common oo Zd preferred do let preferred 10 85 84 Illinois Central . . ITS ITS Louisrllle A NsshTtll. . i an 128 K 1 metropoiitaa Bt. By.... Manhatun Railway .... alexlma Central By..,. MIourl Pacific ........ 128)4 21 U 21 14 nouH 100 min hi. A T., common. . . do preferred New York Central Northern Pacific Norfolk A (Vest- com..; 8414 8414 14T 20ft Jf 1204 MR a. North American......... lOO's 10O-A !. X.. Out. Weatem , B2a 82 U Penmylranla Railway... 148 lOAt 142 reopie e u.v I.. u. tw. Pressed Stmt Car, com.. do preferrexi, . . .v. . ., . Pacific Malik B. Co. ... Beading, com. , . do 2d preferred...'.... do 1st preferred.... ... Bep. Iron A Steel, coo). . do preferred ", Bock Island, coni.v,.... do preferred . w-.-.rv-.- 100 40 V, 40 V4 105a 108Vk 104 2" T4 sai 81 Soutkera Railway, com..! oo pretcrreri. . ... Boutnern Pclflc... .... , . do let pre rerred . . . , , 8. U A 8, W cers.. . do- pref erred..., Teas A Pacific...... Tennessee Coal A fern' 4 IB 24 S 84 ti SOW 84(4 To.. St. V. A W.. com.. I oo prererreo. ... ...... TJnloa Pacific, mm...;. do preferred ........ TJ. S. Rubber, com.,..,. do preferred TJ S. Steel Co., com.... do preferred 181 62 Vk 111 8nt lost. Wheel. L. Brie, com..! do 2d..... do' 1st 24 V 40 Vi Wisconsin Central, eota. .1 do preferred.. ........ 1 W cetera Cnkm Tel......! S4 ei Wabeeh, mm..... do preferred... Bobber Goods..., 40T do preferred. Green. 2afi26. Total Mies for th day. 81T. 100. IGORROTES COMING r TO FAIR IN DOG DAYS . The IsorroUs. will be at ths expoal tlon about Auut 1, -as thay sailed from the Philippines July 11' on a fast steamer... There are between SO and 100 of th au Vases in the party, including lancers or head-hunters, as they are called, tree cumbers, and also (hose who live. In huts 'built on stilts over th water.. 'They will ba located in an In closure at th upper end of th Trail. These peculiar people are from Min danoa, and the principal diet of th men is . boiled dos. This tha men eat be eauee tbey believe that - it - rlve- them rare physical courage; they do not per mit th women to partake of It, as they desire to prevent th women from tain Ins such intrepidity as would make them their rivals In the achievements of war. Th head hunter retajn th heads Of their victim as trophies of victory. '. ' ' , -; RELIEF STEAMER SAILS ,j FOR ARCTIC REGIONS ' (Journal Special Berrlc.) i . Hallfas, N. 8.. July If. Ths New foundland seallns steamer Neptune, un der charter by the, dominion srovern ment, sailed today for Hudson bay with supplies and relief ' for tha Canadian spedltion sent there last year on the steamer Arctic The Neptune will land supplies of cotvl 'st Cape Chedley, near the Hudson strait writ. ranee.' ana cape Wolsteoholme, at tha extreme end of tha eastern coast of the -bay. A small fore of mounted police boos along- to relieve those now on the coast of Hud son bay. '. , - FI,Y ON THE FLYER Every - Saturday ", Only $2.50 Two- DayTlcBeta. - Portland-Seaside Flyer of th A. A C. R. R. leaves Union depot every Saturday at 2:10 p. m. for Clatsop beach points direct Only fotir hours' ride. No trans fers. No delay. No dust. Bee C. A. Btewart, agent, Ht Alder street, sbout tickets, official Information, time cards, etc., and aak for Clatsop beach souvenir, contelnlng (0 beautiful half-tone Illus trations. Tickets sold at Union depot. ... . atalvatloB ArmyWtlnrs. Brigadier Jenkins will conduct two services at No. 8 corps of the local Sal vation Army St t and 1 p. m. tomorrow. The hall Is at 110 Fourth street, be tween Yamhill and Tsyler-streets. Cap tain Harris -will sin; some new-sonars snd Corps Cadet Jenkins will be at th plane.' Every one Invited. S17IGERT RESIGuS FROLl OFFICE Superintendent of Consolidated Sells' His- Stock and , Will, Leave by September. ; MANAGER FULLER ". . ; MAY SUCCEED HIM President Mill. Tenders His Reslg nation and New Officers Will Be '. Chosen in, January rtleanwbtfe Old Plant Are Carried Out ----r--' C F. Swlsert," vice-president snd su perlntendent . of the Portland ; Consol idated railway, has resigned. He has asked to be relieved at the earliest con venience of the Company, but net later than September 1. Miss May Bwlsert, secretary of th corporation, has slso tendered her reslgrtstton, to take effect at the same dste. ;.' Mr. 8 wi gert's departmentn tha com bined railways. Is that of construction and repair, .corresponding , la steam railroads with the combined ' offices of chief engineer snd ' msster mechanic He has bean at ths bead of the motive power department of the City Subur ban for many years, and was on of the principal stockholders . active In bring ing about conaolldatlon of the two street railways under one company. He was a heavy stockholder in th Coneolldated, and disposed of alt bis interests In the company to the New Tork And Phila delphia, ayndlcate that recently ' pur chased th majority of th stock In th company. . ,-- Mr. Swisert has decided tb retire from active work in th Portland street car system. . Ths men now In control of . the company rly announced that their policy would be pot to make any chance In the aotlve management, and invited the officials to retain thlr places. Mr. Swisert has been' a hard worker In the building up of the system. Jie determined to retire ' and .take a brief rest. F. 1 Puller, reneral man ager, also tendered his realgnatlon, but It bss not yet been accepted. It is thought tb oompany will seek: to retain him in the position, and that if a satis factory offer is mads he .will remain sreneral manager. A. I Mills, president of the company,; has alao placed - his realgnatlon in the hands of th majority stockholdersi . ' There will be' rk stockholders' mast ing;, so far-as Is known hr. until th regular annual meeting in nxt January, when a new set of officers wilt -be chosen. . The present directors are: "A. L. Mills. J. C Alnsworth, F. L Fuller. C F. Swlgert of Portland, and W. A- White, New York A now .directory, to be chosen next January, will have a strong er . representation In . the ' Interest of Sellgman At Co. of New York, and Clarke A Co. of Philadelphia, the . banking houses that now control the property. Reconstruction work begun last year bythe old company will be steadily continued, snd Its plans of extension carried out. The construction of a new line, branching .from the Union avenue line at Woodlawn and following -a route to the company s proposed new ferry opposite tn upper end or B haw's island) will D commenced at once ana' com. pleted this falL- Surveys -ere completed, rights of wsy ere being secured snd materials are ready fox beginning th worx. . .n . . .. USE CASH TO MAKE BRASS CARTRIDGE SHELLS Chinese Government Calls in : Brass Money and Replaces , v- It With Copper. (Jeeraal gpertsl aWvie.) ,i 1 New, Tork, July 1 Behind the plac Ing here by a repreaentatlve of the-Chi' nese govrsrsnt of an ordr for $8.00r 000 worth of copper lies th story oif one or th secret methods of th Ce lestial empire by which it Is being put on a firm war footing. This story Is particularly Significant In view of the pre eent awakening movement'sweeplng through China. ' It ia understood the order for - approximately 10,0017,000 pounds of copper was placed with Sen ator Clark, who owns th United Verde mine at Jerome, Arisona. - This enormous purchase of the red metal Is to be used by the Chine gov ernment to make a new Issua of coin to supplant tha brass money or "cash,1 as it is commonly called, which Is now in general circulation throughout the empire. This "cash," of which It, takes 840 pieces to make one dollar, is, to- be called -In- by-th - government -and -'-at once converted Into cartridges and other war 'muniuuQs, - It is -eatlmaud . ther ar millions of pounds of these "caah ' coins in us In China and th government expect e to manufacture from them a formidable quantity of, war material. PENDLETON PEOPLE ASK ' r BETTER TRAIN SERVICE ,' '(8pecil Dispatch to Tb Journal.) Pendleton, Or., July 11. Becauae of th crowded condition of trams on ths O. R. A N. during th ruah of 1 Lewis snd Clark, fair travel, that road will be .petitioned by Pendleton people to place an extra pasenger train in service be tween Portland and any ' point seat of her which, th 'company, may decide upon. .-.,' i -. - Today a petition i was circulated ask ing that a train b run at leaat during the fair, in order that the travel from eastern Oregon may be properly accom modated and stating ss reasons for the demsnd that tha present trains, upon reaching this city ara always crowded to the limit of their seating capacity and it la Impossible 'much of th time for Pendleton people to secure either berths or seats between this city and Portland. - --'-V SUBSCRIPTIONS TO KEEP" WESTON NORMAL RUNNING (Special D laps tea to The Jowraal.) , Pendleton. Or;. July If. The meeting of th board of regents of Weston Nor mal to have been held yesterday -was postponed becaus of the abnc of several of in memners rrom tne city; Between 17.000 and 11.000 hav been secured rby the soliciting committee, snd tile people of Weston fael confi dent now that th school will bs kepi open. - Professor R. c. rrencti returned from Qrstrd Rondo last night and with the additional, hel -cured - In - Pendrrton and at Weston, now feels aasrured that th normal will bs kept going- ,r" ' , J -t , aaaaa. cancer, oaral rata, tumora, rheunuatlam and all dlaordero of the ' aUomch? lldlV Md I'dS.ya, H fJ"UdCow"n br tM-SPT sumption wh.n the victim Is not Wo n oh run down by the djeeaa and wiU stop hmorrhagea tn ,1ord,l'Jr !d fcSka mnA bIt".t?i own medicines from Cblneae roots, herbs, bud a, barks and vegetable tela, "l of which Tre entirely hkrinle., and who" mjjd Wruml Proprtle. WZZ&T SSSSM .VtirSonlLSTro'm- SM? it unt"" : DR. WINO LEE . It sTOBTat TOtrBTB aTTatMT. H OBaaOaT. OVERBBCIC. STARR COOICV3CO. . .. ast w ntiAsssvA nABtrd of Trad. ' " !,...-,'. , : jniiuniwiw vM - . '- ; V OaVAZaT, srSOTIKOira, OOITOaT. STOOXS AVBTS saOaTSS. , --, ' .' ; .; lot Third Street McKay Building. Portland. Or. I VI BO A STaUOTXtT OOaaattHZO MVXMmm.' iT Ctluou. Mark.t. by Pvs suton, Danavrai. ww.uwwn sowimro, sorawiars m oo, r f ,t (Bstabllshad Ills.) ' ,T AMD STOtTJC HMO. Bom 4. Oreoa Floor, r-niKAMMMm or oo aasMom. T E E T H ". "t NO PAIN NO PAIN riNICE TEETH er am um giecwrniiia ana v. . era of th only reliable and sclentlno system of Psinlsss Dentistry. W ex- irnoa. erven, mi suiu vivas vi . -- abaolutely without pain and guarantee au were i ur uii-.ii i 1 - vm ww.m th beat, our price tn '" !-- wlta Mnll... ssnstr. BlTTAsI- INATION FREE. Our plates ar unde tectable from the natural teeth and are guaranteed to fit. r ..... j . FILLINGS ...... SO TK rxd Sl.OO nni.n rsnwN si Kn a BRTXK3B WORrT.....Iff.OO to rULb DILI tiAiunu iiinia. . Opem fog tasxasss BtU Boston Painless Dentists S81H Korrlsoa art. Ova. Stele rrank , ,all lStoXBO. ,, . HOUTAS 1:10 a. m. to 1 jvn. Sun day. : a. m. to WM p. as. V Neat,. clean and artistic TprinttagT4 our H No. doubt as to satisfac tion If done by the - 4 i ; Gttnpttlttan 'bsa ': 147 : raOUT IT.-Vw, Mala t)) - buildi::b wi hotels o;i ISTPS OF PAHAfJA Canal Commissioners Return and Report Progress onx ; ' Digging Big Ditch. .; (Joomsl Special gerrice.) , t- , Nw Tork, July 11. Panama -Canal Commissioners Haynee and Han-old were passengers on the stearaeV Ser guranca today from Colon. " . When seen at 'quarantine Harrold aald: "We have been 10 days on the Isthmus looking over the work preparing detail re porta to present te ths "advisory board on September 1. The principal ..rork at preaent is the establishment of quar tern for. employes and the food-supply. "There have' been two botels com pleted and we have seven more under wsy. W expect to move all employes from terminal poats and scattered ham lets and bring them all. under close supervision. a . "We had 1,500 employes 'under our chargs andV. In June there - were only three case pf yellow fever." ; ' . UMATILLA INDIANS OFF t 7 FISHING AND HUNTING ;. ,.'":' " T : -",: .(Special Dispatch ta The Joarnal.) ; Pendleton, Or July It. About 100 Umatilla Indians hav left the reserva tion for their regular outing In ,the mountains and on the streams of ..the Inland empire. - - . l " - Many of these 'hav gone to Welser whers .they will ' fish In the 'Snake river and others hav gons to the Yakima oountry to fish and; visit with their friend, the Taklmaa... ' - Additional PasMBgnr Srvio oa Soatsv- .; ara Faelf vo Betren Portland and Forest Orove. Commencing July 2t, tb Southern Pa cific will, in addition to It' present schedule, put on a new train to leave Forsat Orov. 11:10 p. m.j Cornelius. 11:36; HllUboro, 11:48; Beedvuie, ll:7; Beaverton. I:07"p." tn. Arriv Portland 1:80 o. m. Returning, leave Portland 10:41 p. m.j Beaverton, 11:11; ReedvlUe. 11:11;' eHlllsboro, 11:84: Cornelius. 11:01 a. m. Arrive Forest Orove 11:05 a. m. . adltoa Kerehaa Bead. ' '' ' (Special tMspatck to The' Journal.) , y Pendleton. Or.. July -11. 8uddn death came" early this morning to A. I. Howard of the firm of Montelth Y Howard, proprietors of ths Mas, and th news was a shock to th many friend and acquaintances of the dead man when M they ' learned of his un timely end. When h began to sink Dr. Cola wss summoned, bus the fatlent wss dead when he arrived. L Death wss declared to have been duo to an abses of th stomson, . J i..' 1 t ininiCITIIIIPkee 5.00 SB.OO 5.00 o'elook rrvx Ths Greet Chhzzz Ccctcr . I LOCATED IN POATLAMD ,',.. ' SJNCB 4:, . . y Ke Is called great becauae h euros all dlsaas without rmortlng to th knife. Call and have a free examination. He will tell you the exact nature of your troubl. He treata aucoeaafully vry form of f mal complaint, all prlvat and blood die- f For modern dantal work. ' Wortd-r - n owned pclallsta, , Lowest price consistent with flrgt-olsss ..... workv . ... (.. A- - OO to the . ) T--r:-- NEW YORK DENTISTS VOtnTS AJTD XOJkaUSOaT m "Crpen day ana night "from :10 a. ss,' ,, .-,,1,sBtUvft,P.,B. v $1.00 ALL FOR $1.00 Turkish Bath and good bed, rosj tbsiilght, an for W King's Bath Seventh and Waaiv) : tngtoa Sta. Flnsa aad largwst tnsthsl - la the eUg. There has been and win be no change In th prloee of MJnaral Watr, Soda Water, Siphons. Syrups, - sto. --the s am prloas will be maintained all reports to the contrary aot - withstanding. 1 . VCTJIR BOTTLING WORKS J raMrae scfu ssoa. sa First aW " lBo BOTslalTUXO - y Dr. a B. WRIGHT relieve all pal C . in oeaxat vpwave j Si, . Seveata.1 St Louis Medical and! Zttekllsked ltr. TketBMnoa in Portland snd all weer tb snrtka west ean testify to oaf great aae GONORRHOEA -ft . :.j May b attended wits tb gravest eornpMcattonS It neglented or Improperly treated.- We aava a specific treatment which ear quick If, aafsly, and palnlaesly.. .,, . . SYPHILIS . Is another acmlred disease, tka lavage 4j which when tally developed ne pen ca SesctilM When It abowa br akin eraptfoa or by aere In maatli or throat it hurrere er alraaS begna. W ssfely and tboronghly eureoa, 4 a ailneral poison are employee. VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE . ; V- W treat and care, not br the eld aorcV! ' proeednre, bnt by psiniees me too eolely ear , ow. W likewise will ear Ton and aaee yos ths af feeing assorlated with Bare Deklllty,, Leet Kanhooil, ampetsaey, Baeraeeterrkoe, Xee . tarsal Enlaina, Pram rnr Deellne, Leas af ' Maaiary. Xnsrgy snd Ambltiea In the briefest time It can be done, and ws Insaa f oa saf nnoLnaaltlra car. ' , ,.' coiisuLTnion jyiD tuniiunoii ui writ fox Brntstom Blank aad Beak U Tee , oeaaet Osu. Offta Htnrat 8 a. ax. to 1 s. ss.1 SnaAnva, 18 to U Mhs, - ' St otiis r : Medical and ourgrcai ; . . , ..- r , ''...,'. ensary 0a. fseeadaad TsasklU Inwt srtUad. Oa Surgical Dispensary - Ireaiej v r JJISP .-V -i' ' ' ' " . . - : i