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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1905)
tixavxau . ' LiDu.n irrctinnv , Ladles Mqulnna confidential and blah cue nnim stteiuiance wig eerrt their best lntec - U (WOlIM the nl.l eellahl nJ mm II , known X rvadlem Metilral Institute: D coarse i for pinion: solicited. X-Ra-" Medical Inalltut. AUaky bid,, Tbl imml pi.( aoriunu. ur. ALL DIHEASKS f men MrcvMfulIf trMtwlj ; l!" " PoltlTl curJ la frois 1 to I AXantlml .4 ... ' w - KxllHIB IIxIImI le.e 1 1 - I i.1.1. M lA eA-ll.UW, All 7.UJ.g VlBRATIOM MhuHu. t.t. ... - - resaimra M IVW I. IUH, lI ww a jrvip WU1I IIMUS), , rtMllMS BW tDt MMll ken- jhulla .u -A . i . -.vewa Ht INIBVUIIflllUVt treellug rooms. Vlbr.lrlum. suite 18-2V, Lewi ' bhlg., cur. Park an4 Morrison. , , -k ritat restored br Dr. Robert' Dirn , Globule. On month's MlnDt'lSt I ri wnt scnrir tseiee r bmii. ; Agcuta. Woodard. Cisrke A Co.. FortlsnA Or, BOOKSt Here tber ant "Decameron." "Hep , ,Uwo." "A Hot Tamil." "rr Bin." r?"F Yn Faker," "Fm-btdrfea Tmt," 80 earn ut free, A. Schawls. 820 First t - nwr tunic 1 uieie j sov per mi. ta 81. 88. Write or call tt Ereir 7... " wn or call s rrtseu I'harnucy.. tSt Morrloom, Ut. lot i M. ' JUAPIES, Atlontloo Any Ur oofforlnf froOJ . ' . om TMkoM. Irroiralar tapprMoea mm .. : lUn.llflii, ca flnd utck ! Boraa-ot roilof ! M 1 1 ( it ttitO kM LADIES Too ppr- 20 iwi oaogr, ro ioto ol wrlnkloo. kor okla llko Tolrot k . win 1 Ortfoa Srao Bkia Foot thorn Gut 1267. . - fclNQ CHOONfl. aiBort-r at Chlooao mm cImoi Mill Oilosoo too. that ta rorula cor . tor an nuoaoia. ltl IcoM kal. - IinalU a ad Taylor. . v. .-. .., ANY 0N knovrn "tha wlxiraabrmta " of air . latnar. Slt amllh, M 18 Bancroft oC. bMom , romaiulcatt .with kla lam!) at abora ad- DR. AT WOOD Mooad tram Haariltoa bid. - ; to 1 Ruiaall bid., mat, Foartb aad Uor- . vibww vi wvmva wonanilifuua mi mm KAN of 41, fond nforaaao, wtskaa aeqnalotaaM ., o( a-rrant artrX natWa 4J1ud)i ob)aet matrl . S Boor. Addraaa P SI. oara Joarnal. . ', LIIXIAN B. CBAM Cblropodlit. - nanlnrrlni , and ikampooloc Parlor 424 Abioatoa kU., ;. IVH-Uaad. Or. BUck SMS. . HI Or-fna Ttato-tWa HarTleai efflroa S14-S15 .tolaiabta bids.. M Waabtnrtoa. Mala MIS. .TURKISH BATHS, too Ortsnolaa. bldfc, (aatl in 1 -.1 i .it a u.i. inuj in moinm. PROP. BIC8AHD MAX MIXES, Portrait aad .. laodaeano artlats Instruction la all aalatlaa. tra tar. color, ate., and drawing-; art falwrf oaaartad wltb atadlol l-tura for aaia aaa maunc to s-ar. hi a Mar at. fkoao : ATTOXVXTaV ORKOON LAW COLLECTION CO. 41T Paa. too block. Cellartloaa aiado tbroasboot tba , - L'nltad Statos; banknote? Button a apaelaltrt kad taaaata ajretad) rants collartad aad (aa aral law baaloaaai aotary aablla. ASUTZXt, till J. H. Plafc iMytol offlra Ornalay , Grasrrard, aaalrtlaal rbamlan) - aad aaataV ' ir(lata. S04H WaablBttoa at. AXCBtTXOTS. SAWMILLS daaliroad and bollt: - plana aad . aatlmat-a faralabod. 0. 11. Haaiutoa, 474 Maoaanlta at., Portland. Or. Pboaa Soott 51 . BATHS at All ABS. VHE Palaca Maasasa Parlors la tba only plara ta. tt alca liTlanratlnn barb or Baaaata; founar- lada. -1 raara -old. with aaslataat. 4 rarautlr froai Ntw Turk. Stark St., batwcaa. " Tbird ana roarta. la Ticoma. roooM B. UKriNKD - panns lad of IS. f froaj tba clTsa batba and masaafa. tS4M Mor sL, room 10. Boars 10 a. aa. ta 11 a, aa. rlaoa THB SNOWPRN batbraoBM. S8TH Aldsr at. ,- Tab .aad tapor batba , wltb aiaaaaaa, otoo , 'rxi atianuanta. ' trwmm ;ataia Dwaa iMI HELEN PBTERSON. straaiaar . la attp. f mi a, roorta at., mom a. Bciaaaaa i aiooaot aataa. ' WANICCRINO. cblropodr. soslf trratmant. alac .taia ataaaa batba aad anaiaaa. -otooaa , Soiu Aldaf at. - (AMAOB Two yooiut ladlas air agaaaaaw. tub ' and vannr batba. 110H Pourtb St., cor. Wsab.' ' ' ckooxxmr - aunv lasswau. " WHOLESALE rrockar and flaaswar. Praal. HnJa A Oa.. 100 to lud riftk. aar. Stark at. COLIMBIA, TRIBUNE AND CRESCENT. . SPORTINQ GOODS, EXPERT REPAIRIMO.' P. P. KIEMAK. SOS THIRD ST. :" BLAXK 30X MABTTTAtmniimS. BOWS. DAVIS KILHAM. 10S-111 Baeoad at, Blank book awnnfacturtra; agaats for Jobs Impcorad Laoao-Laaf kdcara; act tba aaw Earaka loatr- aba- boat oa taa aurkat. . . COAX. AXD WOOD. CHt'Ki'HLIY BROS, kara roBamd froai foot v Liatia aU to tta Koaraa at,, aaar Utbt fci a..w tba largaat fwoodyard la tba city, carrj- tam au aiaua oc wobw aaa auaa. ft. UNDERWOOD at CO.. ,Wlar la iraad aad i eaal at lowaat arleaa: aatlataotlaa cuaran- taod. Irrln bat. , Tan lb . and. Elaraatk lncn Mala 475. ' . . " BEFORE pattlnr La ponr winter s wood aca Bat ? . A Davis, wknbaala and ratall coal aad' wood. Pboaa . PadSo S3, eor. Tantb aad Johnson. ALBINA PUEL CO. DaaWa-s la .dwood. coal aad grata sad1 dry slabwaed. R. B. and At klaa ara t bkwkt oaat af fsrry. East S74. RTIUsL BRIDOR PCEL CO., d'alars ta aoaL . . cord wood and dry tlabwood. Pboac Eaat 4S4. - OREGON PCEL CO., all krndi of coal aad wood. ' ' S44 Marruoa. Pboaa tlala SB. - KIRK HOOTER. SIS Water (t, wood aad aoaL Phono Mala 4Se. ' COlOflSSIOX MIROHAjrTt, .i pATXNPORT BROS. G nor a I coamlaaloa BMO '' chanta; 'frart aad prodaca: canalgasaaan ao ... ncltad) pro nipt rataree. ISO Front at. ' - JP Too want to - got good ratarna for poaw bnxlBcar-ahlp to d: pay blrbsat price Cor ; airs f. e. b . P, Millar Co.- s BVERDINO Ai PARRELU arodaea aad conaiki. lot atarcbaats. 140 Front sL, Portland, Or. Phone Main ITS. CARRIAGE AXD RACK OOMPAmZS. THB UNITED CARRIAOB CO. ' Carriages, nallr-ba rigs and rarrr-alla. 1M Elartatb at. ear. Morrlaoa. Pboae Mala S2S. CLAIRTOTAXT iXD PALMHT.J .-;'? TAH CpRTtAND,', , , - t,MiiHvuianii , , . i SOSH WasUngton St.. car Etk. He will, fell ynar fall as ma, wkoai tnd wbaa you will marry and what you called . for without taking a amatloa, Holire. S to S dally sad Sundays. Special nsdlngt, toe ! eo , BO , toe . 60. sue Kw tot M ' , GYPSY EENOBtA, ' Qoeeo of clnlreoyanU. Sb gusrsst te . read eeery Incident of your Ufa, past, present , and future. Room 82S AUtkf bVdg.MS MoT rt"11' "If- Third." . MADAMB JOHNSTONi-CKIrreytat, palm let, . card reader; I gtre facts reliable tsd lit ' portaat oa all tKalrt ef real lire. ReadUiga - toe. SS Seeestb sL, sear Osk. II MB. I.ITCY. clalrrorant. medlnmi ri adlag t.v. Kni this week. Cllftwi hnuas. rS let at. CXstnif C0BTRACT0R8.' CHAS.' H. CARTER CO.. cement eon tractor. M feet Twentieth at. I'kea East 1174. . " All work guaranteed. ' CARPXVTIRS A XO BVILSXB4 m'" - A. I. AUTHORS snd H. B. WOOD, carpeeter and bNlldr tepelrlinj snd Jobbing; alar od eftV Sj tares bollt. Shop BUS Celumkla. 1 Mtla S3T. j-. -.-y- . CALL JOHN A MELTON for ofSc. ttnrs. i Itititre or car pen tec work. Ihon MalB-UST. Shop 2S Olisaa, - , CLXArrrs ax a xttttb. PORTLAND TH CLEANINO A DTKINO . Vk: araetical aattM La aoanactal faaibar baa sst ainrnaa ear-d aad euuad by aa t aart. til tour la. raoae Clay T04. VIENNA Steam C loaning Dra Works Bast aa nipped plant la tea dtyi cbamlral trork a apacltlty. lya.ll ap pboaa Malm lio. Ukres ricanaa rreav ao inire ai. CLOTHES cleaned and. preeaed SI par atoath. Caique Tailoring Co Sal .Washington at. H. W. TCRNBaL prefeaaloaal dyer aad tlaaaar. ago jerrereea at, raona Mala sola. aaaaraa n mtm eaunaaii na iM nil I ill ' r . cAXprr-CLXAxnra. HATR poor walla cleaaedt we eiaaa papered end painted wallai aatlafaetiea guaranteed; prices reasonable! ralanaces. Red BmX ' CARPETS cleaned os the Boeri we raise as .dust. Pboaa Clay - SSI,-free deaaoaatratloa. HUNTER Steam earpt end mattreaa. Cleaner. . 660 leftersna. Pboae Mala SI4. CATXS. ERICKSON'S RESTAURANT Mercbanfa Mock 11 a. (t. to 12 a. avi andar aew maaagemtat. O. B. Erses, proa. . Second aad Boraslda. THB OrriCB H6 Waabtagtoa St - T7I. . Sau:ne I Tlgneeuz. CZOARS AJTD T0BA0CO. ESBEBO-OUNST C0 Dlatrlbatora af .- , . . PINB CI0AR8. - ' - 'v pertiana, origin riaxoAsiaxB. IF year feet are oat of order, go to Dr. Worlay BMnlaaUa. Serentb and Stark, tag foot ape rUliet. Pkone Blsck BIS. SEBTISTB. BET - CHURCHMAN, dentist, SSd Marqaam bldg., SliU aad Morrlaoa. Pboaa Mala ITau. DOS AJTD "HORSE HOSPITAL. ' DR.C.E BROWN.D.V S..D.C.M Hog. bone boa. plUl.tST Buraalde.PbsBeai Msla4o9d; EastaSoS. DRESSMAX1X0. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or wash allk. atade for II. SS; shlrtwslat an Its,, - dot East Mar v kat. Pboae Eaat S231. - DRESSMAKtrra tbroogh daU tetsoa SS pa salt. EST Unloa are., aear Hawthorne are, DREMMAKINO Strictly ap tt - dataf latest assigns. eao visy at. xxxormioAX womxs.' NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company, SOS Stark St.. Fort land. 0. K. for ererythlng la Uw eleetrloai Baa. Pboae Mala ISai. ' . . .' - FACJPIO Elect He Co. Eagtaeara, eon tractors, repelrare. electric wiring, auppllel. S4 Pint eor. Stark. - Mala eSS. R. U. Tata. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRICAL WORKS 41 SUth St. Pboae 'Plsla lesfl; r I XOTXLaW- THB Ltndell botel. Market between Third aad Foartb, Portland; entirely new, . Baropeea ' and American plan, SOc ta SS per day. HOTEL Pendleton. Pendleton. W. A. Brews, but. HOTEL Portland. American plan; 13, IS per any. HOTEL St. Oesfsa. Peadletoai leading betel. BELVEDERE; Euroaeaa plant 4tb aad Aider eta. ITIXXITURX-IAOTOXIIn. OREGON Paraltnre Maanfacturtng Company Maaurscrurers ax luraiture (or ue vaoa. Portland. Or. . FURNITURE menu farts ring aad apertal erdera, I Kurenaay't fnrnltara eory. 170 mat et. nriVACES.. BOTNTON warm-air furnaces sare fueL . J. 0. Bayer Faraace Co.. SSd Secoad. Mala 481. ROCZRS. WADHAMS A COn wbolasal grecera. faccarer and commlaaloa me ercnaata. ata. FourU Oak eta. - ALLEN A LEWIS, commlaauva aad Brodaca m chants. - Front ana IMtl at., rortisaa. ur. HOTIL. XXSTAl-BAXT AXP CAMP BABOES. HOT U REST A I R AN TAN d" CAM PARANG Eg Crlbbea a Beaton A Oo., nseenteenta aaa Upsbar tta... largest stock hotel, reetamat, . camp rsBgea, gaeolla atoraa and tetrlgor. aove ue n . -1 XAIX AXD SCALP iriCOAUBT. I. V. BORG, amaufactarar ot baawa babr reUa, etc. ' 4SS Beat Mnthw Pboae Katt su. AXJJWAXX. Portlsnd Hsrdware Co. solicits opportualty te quote prices. ISA 1st at., eor Alder. Mela lea. IXITOAXCX. LAMBERT, WHITMER A CO. Fife Ineersne sad teal eatata, sacceasors to Artnor wusoe Co.; of Boat, weat aid. 107-10S Sherlock bldg.. Main 1008: eatt aide dt-vL, 404 East Alder (dtlasns' bank). Bast 4SL -r ISAAO L. WHITS. Are lasuraace. ' SOS Dtkua IA9. Mcl. WOOD, tmployerl' liability and lav amaaal eccinent aurtty tnnaa ex au aiaua. Pboae ST. SOS McKay bldg. - IL F. B ARTELS COMPANY Fir rnsnraaes. dS Sherlock bldg. Oragoa raoae Clay SSS, lOCXnaTJTa. BROWNS 8 IN TOWN Expert lactam! tk aad Bicycle repairing. ase stars, my Clay S33 Slrkt pboae. Mala SSSS. KEY Sttlng. east-troa brtHng. I. H. Rlckard- soa. sne Foartk t. Pboae Hood 17b. tltralCAX. SECOND-HAND musical iBStrameata of all kinds at lowest prices, caeh er Imttllmaata. ruber Maale Co.. ISO Third at. LESSONS SOc; piano, ' guitar, baajo, maadoHa. Tioiia. S41H Flrat St., eor. Mala. jar. Martin. PIANO tnnlna $J; perfect work guaraataid. D. w. Jrhneon pnotie Mtta lvii. BLAOXXTIO. EZAUXS. MRS. L. H. HART treara sll dlaasssa, itomacb erMtl.le -m BMa .-.. . I ' Coaeultattoa free. S80V. Park. cor. Jefferson. VOTARY rUBLIO. KOTARY PUBLIC Pap. rt earafaUy preaared mam aavraiea, oamrgca roaaonsnisi naun IB wered to any part ef the city. Jot, U M'tratl in, aeovt uomaoa tx., room is, .1 PLUKBIXJ. V DONNERRERO A RADEMACHEB, ranltary paaaioaTB. ea a ear la au awta paoeea. - FOX A CO., sanitary plumbers, SSI Second bet. . Mala snd Salmon. Oregon Pboae Mala SUOL OSTEOPATHS. CRN. OTIS A MABEL AKIN. 4ni-4 Mtcleay T bldg. Phon CUy T7S. Pweartttton frk PtTXLtO AOCOVXTAXT. B. H. 8. MULDER, xpsrt acemiataaL mem 441 Sherlock bldg. books opened, a dj as ted and i audited; book a kept for imall concern 1 mod. - rU charges; Srat-elaaa reference. Mela SSet, OVERALLS. IOSS OF, TUB ROAD OVERALLS aacV m. ebaalcs' clotblsgi salon m 1i - fTsntttdlaf Broe.. maaafacturcrs. Portland. Or. fauxnxs. Bl'SUONO A CO. Front and Stsrk at. print , Ing. lltkogrspblng, blank books end erne upplU; work done ea tlms; moat complete r printing efSce as the west. Mala 104. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing, ntnocranhlng. blank books. Pboae Mala II. 80S Alder L . , v m Ti lOAB, 1 t STAB LOAN 00, As? aaia.ied e uloe, wee- ea tut kvae, wluawit Bert.ege - Moa-b. H Moofn. Weeht B.'OO Beoay to at SiAeS or ft) oa er SS.SS .00 beoay to u i d.M er SS.M er Sl.od .00 aaepa to aa 1 4.U0 er Aot er tl.OS Si McKay bldg. .. FIVB par eaat meaeyi we build yea a aame or loan yoa money oa year property) month I aameats; Inraetlgate; opea Saturday area. Lie. iloome 14-Tj Labbe bldg.. Waan. MONEY to teas, salaried people, teamster, etc.. without aecorlly; eaar pajmeula; largaat buaUieaa In 40 principal eltlee. Tolmaa, Xtt . Abiogtoa bldg. Pbune Mala) ST -r MONET- TO LOAN oa real personal aad eol . lateral security; special attention ta chattel mortgagee; autea bought, t C W. ' Pallet, S044 renton bldg., a SUtk St. HIOHLX reepectalile pUoe where ladlee and genu can borrow Bioney ea diamond and jewelry, umatenu iaa Bans, mj rut log (ton at. Paene Black TL B) LOANS and apwtrd ea all klada ef aacarlty er in taiariea people en taau aciej rates; no publicity, no delay. SIS AI bldg. Pboae Bed UBS. . blagloa CHATTEL loans In amouata ranging from t to SS.OOO: roomlna-bouaea a aoeclaltr. Maw ava Aaa m xnaai sua noiugton ainn. WB naaka all klnoh of loana an anod ascarlU . at lowest rates; special attention siren to casual loana. KM Morrison n. I 11 11 ! I I LOANS at lowaat rate en furniture, alt nee I . any aecuiity notes purebaasd, Eastera Lena eiDcea, eaa naeriocg aiag. MONEY TO LOAN la large er email amoaata ea gooa eecaritr; loweec raiea. , wuuasa at. Beck. StfT talllns bids. ' ..lowaat rates. S. W. King, ream so Waan ington bldg. -raoae Mam sioo. THB CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary loana, from three te Sis statitktl aonddeailtt SIT Oregonten. MONEY TO LOAN oa Clackamas eeaatr Undo. . B. P. and E B. Riley, SOS Cbamber ef Cosa- POBTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS. S AND S per coat. Wov Deaholia, SZS t aiuag aiog. MONEY TO LOAN, per eaat. King. 110-111 Commercial bib. .NortArap TO LOAN SSOO to SS.OOO by Cnarlta HtrataL MIA Third at., room S. PLATDTw, THB OREGON PLATING WORKS. dSl Waab ington st. Pbene 2S7S. PoUahlng. pUtlnf and lacquering. PATXTS, Oa AXS SLABS. ,1 cn F, ft. BEACH CO. -The Plooeer Paint , window-glaeg and Mains. 1SS First . Phone USA, - BA8MTJ88BN CO. Jobbers, paints, ell, Saab and doors. Second aad Taylor. RUBBER STAMPS. P. . Bb Mala f lOt rabbet sunns seals, stsnaias. k gage, trade cfcecka) eead tor ootalogss. , ROOFING. TIN BOOF1NG. gnttarlng. repairing aad giairtl Jobbing. 1. Lost It, SIS Jstfereoa at,- - mora. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO.- and Northrnp at., Portland, Or. BOUVUIUta, THB MORGAN CO., ' 111 Second t tblrd aw.. 10S Manufactarers snd ' LEWIS AND CTJARK lobbere ef BOUVBNIBS. Booth sad street itanda St ted eat complete. STORAGE, TRAXSTXR AXD atAVLnrft. SAFES, ataaoe aad furniture asnred, Backed reedy for shipping and ablpped; an work guaraateed; large, S-tory, brick. Sre-proof wareoouee nv storage, unice im funj at. C, M. Olaaa. Pbene Mala S4T. a O. PICK, efSce 88 First it., be twees Start and Oak at.. Dhons AM: pianos and'furaltura - ajored aad Backed for skipping; eommodtoee brtec warehouse, irost aaa ciay sis. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 1S4 North SUth. Phone MaU OS. Hoary haUag and storage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY Md, 800m. Waab- Ington st. Fboue Msla BtOL strext pavtxb. WARREN CoBatraetieB Co., street paring, aids walk a aad croaswslk. T1S Orag aulas bldg. THB Trinidad AspbaH Parlag Co, ef Pertlaad. Ofoca M Worcester blk. SIOjtAtaTTXXS:'"V "''' GOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth banns, economical electric signs snd signs ef all , klnda mad quickly. Foater Kiel, Fifth. sad Brerett. Pboae Exchange 4BA. . STivoaRAPsn. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER S' BtesoTtpb of all klnda at abort notion. of Commerce. Phone Mala TSi. ' SHOWCASES AX9 ITXTTJRXS. ' SHOWCASES Of 'arcry deecriptlos; bank, beg and store Sxtaree mad to order. The Lata Manufacturing Co., Poet land. SATIS. DIEBOLD Maaganete aaf; fire ead barglar- proof wort ; aii aad prison work: lockout opened: repalra. J. K. Darla. Sd Third st. T0WXX SITPTXT. - CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Oomb, braah, aoaa, 81 per atonta. Lswreno Bros.' Towel Supply Co., Foartb aad Coach. Pboae dl. . VTOLnrs. J, A. WBSCO. TloUn-maker aad repairer wart am cuss, b kbsssu stag., eta see Mornsoa. TIPEWRITIRS. XOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS SS Fourth Street. ' . W Met, repair, aall. exchange typcwrltara. All supplies for sll msehtass. StSBdsrd macblao 838 ead ap As f ISO, - Do yea waat a stsaograpber or typist t . W bare Hat of good applicant. none Black vrri. 7 WALLPAPXB. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 1S4-1M St.. bet Yamhill and Taylor. .Portland. raAXCLAL,. )0RTLAXD TRUST COMPANY Of OXXGOB. NO 100 THIRD ST. The Oldest Trntt Company la Oragoa -RESOURCES OVER 11,000,000. . Ocara Banking Butlneaa Coadactsd.' Sarins Deposit Received. Tim certificate laaued. tta certlScstee ( deposit parable apne 10 dare' call, SO dart' call ee SO day call wltb Interest at 14, SVk and 4 per cant per annum, reap er send for bonk of IllMtratlona, and 4 per cant per annum, reepottlrsly. Call e re BBNJ. I. COHEN Praaldest H. L PITTOCK..... Viae-Preal dent B. LEB PAGET .Secretary J. 0. OOLTUA . Asslstaat Beoratarp M' IRCHAXTS' NATIONAL BANK. , POUTtAXD. DXXftOX J.-FRANR- WATSON PreeMeat R. L. tll'rlH Aaa. ...,, .',,. wate iTeeioeai B. W. H0YT Caahler 0 ED RGB W. HOYT Assistant Ceahlef Trajuacta a Oeaersl Banking Basis. .. Drafts aad Letter ef Credit leased AtaUabtt t All Ptrtt ef the World. Collect loos a Specialty. .. U1 XriXD STATES BATTOBAL BANK . OT PORTLAND. OSIOON.- BOXTarWXRZ COR. THIRD dUID OAS BTS. ,. Traaittts a Oeaan Beoktng Battataii , . . DRAFTS ISSUED AraNsble In All Cltus sf the Catted States t aad Kurepe,- Hongkong tad Ma alia. COLLECTIONS MADE OB FAVORABLE TXXMS Prceldat....;.,..,...,.,..J. C. A1NRW0RTH Vlce-Prealoeat. ..W. B. AY ER Vice President ..R. LEA BARNES Caahler.. .i.B, W. SCHMRRR Asstttsnf Caatiler. Jl. U. WBIOHT Aaalttaat Ceekler,... W. A, BOLT . - ... " ' Impowible to Entertain Pac Commission at Capital UntJI( T . r Autumn Opens. -; - -1 (Washing toa Bttreaa ef Tbt louraal ) Washington, julr It. The - White fouae g tUI tn"th hinds of painters. carpenters, paperera and general , dec orator. If the cur , httnaelf should coma to Washington he would hare to put up At a hotel. Mrs. Rooeevelt mar ooroe hero for a few days early In Au gust, when m. pnrty of friends so down to their new summer homo in Virginia for A week or 10 daya' vacation while the president. la away making apeochea. Officialdom la Inclined to he disap pointed at the else of the pence commission,- but It makes tip, In quality what "it lacks la riutnbera. Count Mu ravieS is a much more exalted peraon age than M. MelidofT, who was at first mentioned, and there Is a auggetlon that after the preliminaries are ar ranged, quite a concourse of celebrities will arrive to aid la drawing; up the treaty.- . .. , ' Washington will seo hut little of the oommlsslnnfTB, flnilnal the heated term, althoush, of course, they will come here and leave their cards on such cabinet officer and ambassadors' who happen to be her during the dog days. The early autumn session will open with a buret of gory with the grand high eommlesloners aa the main attraction. Theodora Roosevelt Is certainly pos aeaeed of a grim aenae of humor and ban never yet displayed a brighter bit of It than by the funny little order he laaued on the first ot thl month,, that hereafter promotion In the army and navy 1 to be by merit alone; araunt with political pull. Was not It a lucky escape for Major-Oeneml Fred C Aine worth, Major-aeneral Leonard O. Wood, Brigadier-General CroaUr and myrlnda of others in the army register who are beaVflclarlea' of political preferment . - would Dr. Leonard Wood bean Jumped 100 numbers to be a major-genral had this humorous order been in force at the time? What haa Alnsworth aver dona to merit the rank that was held by sueh men as Grant, Sherman, Led and others? STABBED TO DEATH JN : ROW IN HARNEY COUNTY (Special Dlapatch te.Tha fcanal.) Burns, Or., July 1. Fred Andrews, foreman ot the Whito Horse ranch and former proprietor of -be Burna hotel her was killed In a saloon row at Wild Horae. a small . settlement 100 miles of Burna In Harney county, near the Nevada line, Tuesday evening, by one of his ranch hands, whose name la unknown. Poor food In the chuck wagon was the cauae of a quarrel which arose between "Andrews and two of ls employee, n of whom la named Fos- ter and the other. -Is the murderer. While fighting with Foater, Andrews was atabbed In the back with A pocket knife by his other opponent- And died within half an hour.. A. posse pursued the murderer and caught' htm 40 miles out. Ho waa brought to jail hern, whr ho Is held for murder. The murderer Is locally known aa "Red." ' 1 " " - 1 " " i BTaked Wild JsTjsr ;0B.ugm. -.. (Special' Dispatch s The Joaraall ' Taeoma, . Waah.. . July IS. William Hlnes, an Insane "wild- man was found lying Buds serosa the railroad track near Crocker yesterday. Ha refused to get off when the engine whistled and the train was stopped. Tha crew car ried Hinee from th track and notified the constable at Crocker, who arrested the lunatic He refused to talk and was committed to tha . asylum. AT THE THEATRES. Comedy st ths MarquAm. "t. O. V.," the anslcsl-eemedy sarUeoae, will be the st traction at the Marqaam Orand the atre, ea Morrison be woo a SUth and BereBtb street, tonlgbt at B:S0 o'clock. This laugh able shit to preacated by the Oerassa coaMdisBS, Kolb aad Dill, together with a eompsny ef 40 people. "I. o. v.," wbicb ass eomeay, eatcay music aad pretty girls, wlU be Ue bill Beit week at popular prices. . .. " ' . e, . e, r ins am be wooi urano. . Saaday yoa will want t go eomewbere t smns yovreelf. There I fin vaudeville at the Grand and the aonae eomrortabi. cae tslUt sad Han bars a bright fares. Martins and Martins are among the bast skstca artists, ths Hot a. hut us are clever Tyrolean warblera, Ceclle Hobeoa It aa eperstle soprano ef ability, tnd tbs rsst of tbs bill is strictly ap te tfie Q read's sundard- ef cxccUcaee. J . '."In Tennessed.' . " y ,, ; Those whe have sot wltaeeeed "la Tesnet ete" at th Lyric should sot fall to avail themselves of th last opportunity, tonight end tomorrow. The plsy la Intensely Interesting and contains many thrilling situations aa wall st plenty ef comedy. "'Is Tennessee" ha bees one ef the Lyrta greatest eucceeses. ... -' 1 F At the Baker. ' r Th all-star bill at th Baker Is headed by J. ' K. Emmett sad eompsny, who bars ths xtbaxclsx. F1B8X NATIONAL BANK ' . . OF PORTLAND, 0XIG0X. Designated Depository snd PinsnclsL Agent ef the tnl ted States. , PreeMeat A. L. VT7.T J Cssbler I. .J. W. NEWKIRK Aaaletant cashier ..w. o, alvuro Secoad Asslstsnt Caahler U. P. STEVEN Utter ef Credit leaned Available la Koropt . - , and the Eaetera Statea. - i, Slant Eicbanss and Talerranhle Transfers enld ob Now York. Boatoa, Chlcgn...St Lsnla. St. Paul, Omtbs, San FraBetaea aad th principal polnta la the North weat. '"" eigm sna time Blue arawn in nai to wmn on Loadoa. Psrls, Berlin, Frank fort -ln-tn Mala. Hosrkonr. Yokohama. v Oopeakagsa. Chrtsttanla, Stockholm. SL . Ptanburg, . Mas sow, Enrich. Honolula. r v oousctiona Mao ea ravoraaw 'laraaa. ADD A TIT. TON. XAXKEKS. . , (Established la IMS. Tittdl a OaseraJ -masking OnUeetlona mads st sll Bolata aa fsvorshhi terms. Letters ef credit laaoed avallahl la Bump and all points la the United States. Slaht Xxrhanre snd Telearanhlc Transfers eld ea New York, Washington! Chicago, St. Labis, Denver, umtas. aaa. rrsatit. . aad Montana and British Cotamhla. Exrhsncs sold a Lonrton. Paris. Berlin. PrsBktort, Hongkong, Xokoksms, Msslla snd Sxcvsmr savings" tbubt compajty. 800 Matrl tea St.. Pertlaad. Or. . Tiaanta a S aasist Banking Batlaeta, BAVIX08 DXXAXTMIBS. - taterett Allowed on Time sod Savings Dspoattt, Acts et Trastoe for Betstse. Or Its aad Letter ot Credit Available ta Alt Part wf the World. r. AftAMS ; Prssideet A. LEWIS. .......... ..First VIce-PreeldeBt A. L MILLS Second .Tlet-Preeldeat R. O. JURITC..., Secrstsry GEO. F. RUSSELL ...Asslstsnt Sserstsry M ORRIS BROS. A CHXISTZB8EX. MS Flret S, ravllaad, Or. Offer' Gllt-Edre Investmenrt ht Municipal gad He li roe a awnae. nnr er ieu. MORTOAOG LOANS Os Pertlaad Baal Xstaat at Lowest RatsavJ Title xssursq. anatraera ruratsnad . TITLX GUARAXTER A TRUST 00, ' . Ream f, Chambsr ef Oimmatas. ; ' - We treat ettaeeasfully all twtvata er voua and ehronlo dleeasea of men: alea blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. We sure SYPHILIS (without mercury) to etay oured for ever, in 10 to 80 daya. Wa remove STRICTURE without operation or pain. Is II daya.., . . -v ' -- Ws atop drains, the reault or self abuse. Immediately.'- We can restore tha sexual vigor ot any man under (8 by meana of loeaU - treatmeal peculiar ta ourselvea. ' ', WoACure- Qonorrhoea '. in a Weckr:: The doctors of this Institute are all regular grnduntea, have had many y ears' ezperlenee, have been known In Portland for 18 years, have a reputation to maintain, and- will, .undertake no case unlesa certain cure enn be effected. We gunranfoe- a-cure la every case we undertake or charge no fee.- Consulta tion free. Letters confidential, Instruo tlve BOOK FOR MEN mailed tree la nlatn wrsnner. - . . ' . We euro tha worst cases ct piles la two or three treatments, without opera tion. Cure guaranteed. - If you cannot call at offloe, writs for euearUos blank. Homo treatment sua Office hours. to I and t to 1 Sundays and holidays. 10 to 1. . , ' DR. W. NORTON DAVIS &. CO. Offices in Van Hoy Hotel, MM Thir d Street. Corns? Pine, PortlAnW Or, ' best sketch srer seen la S local vaadevlU boost... Tad McKauna aad hie weaderfui trained canine Teddy art featnrss. Stealer and Car lyle, Larry Button, Boy MrBrala and the Bsksrograpk complete tba surtax olio ef nov elties. Next week Harfsy aad Boyd's . min strel. ' ,:.,, ' , : 1 At ths Star. t 4 O'Brlea, Maaa and Frank are the featar attraction at the Star and bead a very good bill. Ths clever Aaderaoa children ha a vary good specialty sad sing eery sweetly, The Halls, Char lea Patterson. Qoialaar and Howard, Joseph Bonner and the Etaroscope complete tb blU. , "Nsughry Anthony.. The final performancea af "Naughty .An thony" at the Be la so theatre will be siren tonight aad tomorrow afternoon aad night. The new bill, beginning Monday Bight,. will be "Carmen." r. .. .... . , .. ttovoxtxvxosA. axvan, ari7xazais,L XrTDXvOOBXJs, TAXIOOCXLM, XeOSS ox IsABTBTOOS, JUOITJlCATxaaB, aoaorjcA, AjmCSCA snd XXST BlIlinA Wt want ovary man . afflicted with tha above dlaeaaea to hoaeeUy Investigate our special syatem of treatment. We In vite In particular All who hAve treated elsewhbre without auocess, all whose eases have been abandoned by family phyatelana and waC3AXr XSTS,' all - whose - troubles nsve been aggrnvSted "and -made woree by the use of BXI.T, ran Axtnas, tbxat, TasBATiaarra and so-called SPBUUN JOS. We will explain to you why such treatment, has failed to cure you, and will demonstrate to your, entire satla faction that we can, cure you safely, quickly and permsntntlj i Our eounael will eost nothing, and we will do by you aa we would wish you to-do by us If our onsen were reversed. Write for our homo treatment If you cannot calL ThebRoLIEBIG STAFF Boom S and T, vTlaater Bouse, Sd aad Bttrswlde) aTtreeta, XirUaad, Or. ' . Xrbabllahed 18TS. - D3. GOl'S ... '.-'.. IMPROVED ' - UVER FILLS ONLY ONI FOR A DOSS , OURS HBADAOHS , . by removing the causs OURS BILIOUSNRSS , by aiding dljrestlon :utr'b? p'uriiyifSeD'foofl IESTP.LL ON MRTH SOLD BT ALL DBUCrOISTS, OB STKAILOM BBOB1PT OP PB10B. ase. EBB BOX INOMANIgFORPRIS ASJP'I.I BOX DaSSdANKOCtV, PHIUlDtXPMIA, PU.8.A. wafwwypaat It Gladder troubles. , Cures In 40 Hours TJREURT 1 Xnch Caoeul near the t aa.i.ifl.s-a tlFsfiVfW Scott's SHntal-Pepsi.i Czpsulss A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation erCnaarrh of tbs Blsdileraud Dlaesaed Kid- sere. BO CUBS BO rag. uaree quickly aad permaa entry the worst case ef Alamarrheaa sad (Bleiee, ae mausr oc bow long (landing, Aktolatsly barmleea. bold by draggtota. Fries I 8LKAS.fA!,e-' TKESAXTALEPSDICa Halltdeaiieln. OB a. Wsodard. Clarke 0a CMICMIBTtn'a INSUIN bSaaali VSAPX. jlle,T,rll,ble. LcdMel ae Ormt) mw CHlCiUMTEK't f aMLUUt lie RED aa4 4ty4 welallla kaeaa, aaalet I vita Waarttaea. Tehaaaethee. BeCmee te. -V eauaee ler Partieoleea, Teealm ealel I ' D ae4 'nitef fW Le4lee.-e.uu. T re. Ik P teen MaU. 1 e.ese TeMlweslele. Sdlay SnT) DrwaMisHav SSSBSB- AT 11 1- ! SUr. CUHE FO.V PILES roan Q mas proa no meternre snd asses I taainsl hu term, ss well ss Bund. Bleealna os Proej-MSinei Iniee as oured by Or. Boaanko'e Pile Rentedrl bMona lashing and nleedlnn. Abeorne tumor. Sde el lasaaorassieaeeeeantsy aaa't. TTaaMs rreo. Wi r ease. um. ama n u, jhi lass , ''in?, (A b r saj . .' Fa Sale by finvoeyflLOLw tmmlmmaMmmmMmmaMmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmaj , nmsxsgsnBBBm tl ainwagBm . .ISSSTt dt?s "Up the CoIl!iib!a,, To CASCADE LOCKS AND RETURN ',. ' ':t Regulator Line SteamerBAlLEY GATZERf . ! toot -w" aTlXwH daUy 81M A. sa. retoras SbW fv as. Fcrc t51o50 I fTi ..... Mm C. QBE WO The Great Chinese Doctor Formerly loeatsd t a Alder et., . cornel -1BUO, - --. : Have "Moved Te the - Urge brick hnlldlnc at S. I. B. of First . aad Morrison i 162 First Strowt - Dr. T,'o We, the Oreat Oblaeee Toeae, a weu aaowa ao famous uuongnosc ia , S. baoeosa his wsaderfnl asd xoerealoos wr have been heralded broadcast throughout tba Una-fa snd hreailth mt thla annatrv. Ha trss any aad aU diseases with powerful Chines roots, herbs, bade, barks snd vsgetsklss thst are eetlrely anknowa to BHaUosl selencs la tklt soeatry, aad tfcrougk the ass ef thee harm lee remsdlas h gasrsatees te care catarra, aeuma, luae troablaa. rhenma tlsm. ner 1 1 us sast. stoma cb. livsr, kidney, female tnmblae and all Klrat dlsnsse. Tkle fasaons nVaerna ewres nrlthoat the ef ths knife, wltbost using Bolaoaa er drain Husdnd ef testimonial on file at bis eMot. Call aad set him. Charges stodevste. - OOSSTTLTATIOS XX XX. Patients eat of the 'city write far bltnkt and circular. Inclose 4c stsmp. Address Ths 0. See W Chinee Medlorna do,, lMk 1st Bb, ear. mstvmen, s-ortiane, vr. Pleaae Bientloa thla paper. Every AVer. V Mlnttrsnltd and aboald know , anout we tronaarrai MaIYEL WblrUam Spray flea end oWt. hee-lU?I 31 oac cotrronlsst. Ask If be can not sur ply the MABVKAw SOoapt a other, but tend stamp for ' I linear ted noak-aeUa. Tt f nlloartloular aad rflrercmna i. vajuabla to ladlaa. PtAKVai, rV, 4 B. aad BT.. BEOT vownT FOB BAXZ BY WOODAXD. CLAXXX a CO. XAILXOAD ABB BTXAXTBOAT TIMX TABLES. North Pacific S. -S. Co.'s Steamship 11 ROANOKE Satla frdm Columbia Dock No. 1 for SAN FRANCISCO AND LOS ANQELE8, oalllag at EUREKA enroute, aVATTXUDAT, JTTI.T B8, Bw B. BATTBVDAT, AVOv IS, B P. sa.1 BVATTXkDAT, ASS. SO, S p. SB, ' Tlokel Offlce 1(1 Washington SL - ' jt TOtnro. Agvara, DAYS ON PtJQETr SOUND The Medltcrrtacsa ef tbs Pad Sc." fuoit souid bxttisb: OOLXTMBLs, $2375 part tor 8 ssy round trip te TACOMA. SB ATTLE. EVERETT, BELI.INOHAM, WA8U. VANCOCVER. BRITISH COLUMBIA, stc Leartng Portland every Sfth day. flrat -c las tranapcrtatloB. xseala and bertha Included. The. palatial eeeea-going steamsblpe t'MA TIL LA, QUEEN, CITY OF PUERLA. For tlckera aad fall Information apply Pa dac Coast Stetmshlp Co., 840 Washington st.. booth Mfrs. snd Liberal Arts bldg., Fair groundai Paget Sound A Alaska Exeantoa Burssa, Oooanotigk bldg., 8th aad Yamhill tt.. Port' no. ur. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY Soencer Fasti Steamer Chas. R. Spencer Dally round trip to The Dalles from Washington - street dock at T a. to, except Friday and Sun day. ' . ' eaasa-aas-a-aaeakaawasa-te Tkm aTwttserlaad of, Ajaerloa. row XiagnUoeat BoeBery la ths ' World, SUNDAY EXCURSIONS to the four-mJJjUrfloUsr , Cascade Locks and Return Leaving foot of Waahlngton street . at 8 a. BL. arriving homo at S p. aa, , , Round Trip Tickets $1.00 ': Telephone Main 141X. . ( . - av. w. ma-aijiuaiJs. . i tor Ta x'Jj aad li . . t t ( klaittb ll . Iff -eaae -aCm X " iter AsatlatSarR. .'J ' - " aVsWaT m Hfcsf.: Line ,H .- ... 3--Trains to the East Daily I Threogb Pallmas ttaadard tad, tsarlet ele. Ing-cert dally to Omaha. Chicago, Spokai louriea eieepingan eauy to a-anaaa tun through Pallmas tourtot sleeptag-eu (pereoo slly eonductedl weekly te Chicago. BecUuisg ehtlrcsn tsesm free) te the haa dally. UNION DEPOT. -1 Leers. Arrle CHICAGO-PORTLAND BPEI1IAL. iSe.m. SMB. I For th East tie Boat- Dally. , Dally. ington. 8POKANB FLYER. For Eaatcra Weeblng. ton. Walla Walla. Lew tilkl DaUy. , 8:00 a. I letou, Cotur d'Alras Dally. ., and Oceat Merthsra points. ATLANTIC EXPREH8. For th Esst via Uant ington. S IS a, m. Dally. . , T:1B I Dally. Columbia River Division. FOR ASTORIA aad way Srrtd a. av pnmi. coanecung wiujuaiiy. ttmr. for Ilwaco and ex. Sunday. North Beach, atmr. Baa-: Saturday . sslo. Ash-st. duck. . . Il0:0 p. K. About . S:00 p. av ss. Sunday. . T. J. Potter for Aatoria asd North BeadTe ' follow: Aug. 1, S IS a: m.; Aug. A I :SO a. avi h T:S" - S- . ts-l Aag. 8. I HIS a. m. ' . Yamhill River Rente. FOR DAYTON. City end Yamhill rteerl T0s. . points, stmr. Ruth tad! Daily. T:80b.bV Daily. Modoc, Asb-st. dock. x. Buaday. aaadsy iiw psrauiang.i Snak River Boat. - FOB LBWISTON, Ida. 4:00. m. Pally ex. Saturday. Ab-nt ally, ax. Friday, and way polnta from Rlparia, Waab., atmre. Spokane and Lawlston. TICKET OFFICE. Third snd Wishlagtoa. Tel. Mieji Pbons Mala T1X C W. ItINOER, City Ticket Ageat. : . A. I OR A 10. Oeaersl Psssenger A taut. EAST SOUTH -e-ONIOIt DEPOT. OVERLAND EXPRESS. Tralaa, for Salem. iloa-l burg, Aahlaad. Baora- 8:4 p. am, mento, Ogdea. Baa Frsa eaies. Stockton. Lse As- geles. El Psse, New Or- leans inimir xti Mornins" train Beets st WoodbBTnt dally eicept Suaday 8:80 a. m. with - train sor Mt. Angel, SllvrtB, BtuwmvIII. S p 1 1 a g f 1 1 A - WindUog aad Natron. Eugtne pdatirgr con 8:88 p. 1 "i : - 0:09 a.m. nects at Wood bur a with 10S.SS ML A axel aad SUver toa local. Corvallia Baessager, 8herlda psssenger. Forest Grove passenger. T:S0 s. m. S'Mp. 1 8:SS a. 1 111:60 P- 4 so p. m lo:3 I Dalit? rllDally exespt Bdadar, 'T? " " ifuM",ii I teal jut t JrSJ . Arrlraa. rtruaaa-jMwsge aunurnaa stuns aaa x amain Diviaioa. . i. . - Depot foot ot Jef feraoa street. - -Lesv Portland dally for Oewero TiSO A xs. ' M:bO, S OS, 4.00, 8:80. 0:00, 0:1s. T:4S, 10 Id p. m. Dally (except Sunday). 8:80, S:AS, Aaa, 10 2S t. m.1 4:00, 11:80 p. at, Sunday only. He tors lug from Ossrege. trrlr Portland dattv 8:80 a. m.; 1.68. S:05,l:ftS, S:2S..T:8S, 8:l. 11:10 p. m. Dally (aicept Sunder). 0:2ft, f:l, ' t:S0, 10:10, 11:45 a, m. Except Monday, 12 M p. a. Sunday only. 10)0 a. m. - Leave from same daps for Dallas aad ntar medltts points dally 8:00 p. ai. . Arrive Pert land 10:10 a. m. Th InoVpeadence-MoasMCth Motor Lht opera tea dally' to Moamoath aad Arrlle, con necting with SoBtbern PaclSe company's tracks at Dallaa and Independence. Flret-cltee fan from Portland te BatfSmtnr ad Ban FrsBclsce VM. berths K: sscsmd-ciaa fare 815, second-clsas' berth 2-50. Ticket te Eastern point tad Europe; Ska Japan. Chins, Honolulu snd Australia. City Ticket Office corner Third and Wash ington streets. Pboae Mala T1A , C. W. 8 TINGES. W. B. COMA If. City Ticket Agent. Pea. Paa. A rest. TIME CARD OF -TRAINS Portland i DAILY. UNION DEPOT. Depart. I Arrtve. Yellowstone Park-Kta-1 sss Clty-bt. ixinis bps rial for Chehall. O trail. Olympls. Onysj Harbor. Booth Bead. Ta 48 A St. dJ0n.nt. coma. Seattle. Spokane. Lewis ton. Butts, BUI Inas. Dsnver. Omaha. Kansas City, St. Loulal Utdat skeUtaM8Baltw North Coast Limited. electric lighted, for Ta coma, Seattle, Spokane, Butte, MlnnespoUs. SL Pnal aad tbs Esst. Paget Sound Limited, far Chehall. Centralis, Tacoma , aad Seattle fl:00 f- ah I 4:80 p. ts, 11:43 p. m. Ties ass. J0S8B.B. only. - . Twin Cttr Tacoma, Seattle, SpeJ tane, naimt, Butt Yellowstone Park. Mis 90 A". neapolle. .St. . Paul aadi tb Eaat. A. D. CHARLTON, , Aaaletant General Passenger Ageat. 8S0 Morrlaoa St., cor. Third. . Portland, Orego. Astoria & Columbia . VRiyer Railroad Co Lear. CNION DEPOT. Arrive. For Maygsra, Rslnler, li:8r) s. m,',. Clatsksala, Wst port, .pally. B0s.Sk. Dslly. X.SO p. st. llirton, Aatoria, nar- rentna, llartl, Haav moaA F t . Steves, Gear hart Park, Seaside, Astoria aad Stssbare. , Xzpreaa dally. , Attorta Xrprees. t oo A I! Daily. :J0 B.B. k' Saturday oiy.J Excpt Sttarday. . v. saio, a 9. sad P. A.. Aatoria. Or. a A. STEWART. Co""-'', " Ai ' street. Phone Main w. Ticket OBUte 118 Third St. aa l.J e Trr nontlnsntU Train as Dally . FAOT timc TO SPOKAKTC. ST. PAt;U C AllNNr AFOLIt, CHIA'") A ALL I'Ol.VIO AA, rjavll-it trn tbroug) - - ' Snd ho- VP -r r 1 j f A.swA , 3 ri ov-VcA .