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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1905)
TII2 OREGON DAILY ;JTM7.1AV, TOSTLira.. CAT JT,D,V 1 at the MM of Pwftlsa. Oe far irseepsrtaUva torouga tea Ball ssaoug ilia aaa iter. t leafage tur single copies: Fw n I. U it ' page peear, 1 cent; 14 I 10 M "i $ , 8a 44 cea, 8 acBte. - ... '. t '.".'V nxuKoxxt. ,! " '"" r poctes..,. ............Main OiO.,.. .ala SO" YOXXiaX ADYXBTTBMB EETEMEirtTITX. r land Bangs aalm Special AdeertletBg Ageacy, MO Asassa Mml, Aew Yorki, Tribune BuUlcV ",- lag. tesg. , nrMcuFTio atml". ." ' Terms by Ouila. Ths pstly Journal, with Sunday. 1 FBe...T.B6 Im Dsily Journal, 1 year I J-00 "Ins bally JauraaL, with Sunday, raailki. AT; The Dally Journal 6 asehthe J-J TtM Dally Journal, wltk Hn alUj, asouths. I .SB Ths Dslly Journal, months..... Leo Tne llelle Journal, arltk Bunds. 1 twooth.. .SB The Daily v pat week. deUewrsa. waan - J( inctanea ..............i , Kba Dslly' par Brack. dellTered. - -eaoeptsd IB tm bp atafl. ' ' Tba pally laaml, wltk Sunday. 1 Fasr. ..P f 3 as Dally Journal 1 year 0J lb Dally Journal, wltk Sunday, S msaths. f 73 Ilia Dally Joaraal moBtka. , S.T8 Ths Dslly Journal wltk Busdsy. aonta. 10 "hs Dally Journal S moatka 1.46 hs Dally Journal wltk Sunday. 1 mouth.. !m Dally Journal t month.. ...... a e Monday Joaraal. I year. .... f vv Vae fiwaday J own a 1, months. ......-. .' v Tag Saat-Wsskly JesanaL " ': : Tka tMa1.Waekly Iwoal, t It f , -ari lama. - lUaatrm tad. loll taaravt f . lmlttaamT UwaVo1 W au'aa' by 'dVafi 'iamtal Mtaa, spraad ardara a ad amaB aMiatk ark to X and kit V'jSvSSj- P. O. Bear J, ParfTaad. Or. . - - xnaxs m roTrixAZ- ma. ' ' rows. "". Tha Vooraal raa fca, fca a.aato '- fnllowiat lcaa . , - - - - ' ' J CH??aoV ftartofflea oiBvaayt ITf ; DENVER. COT). "MW-ll Baak (WaHaaMjy company, alt fatantk atraatt J. Wack. Clxtaaotk and OartM atraata. ' . .-. , KANSAS CTTY Vaa Koy Kaw eannpaMp. - MlNNEAPOUw M. i. Kavaaaaca. M takia Thtrd atwart. . ' , tr TOKK cm Brawtaasa, fTakai kjoara. HAnA MlTlard Hotel Ntwa ataad; Maeala ttattoarry enoipaay, ItOd rarnpaj atraat. a BALT XAKR CITY Kralon Hot.l Kawa ataadl Barrow Uroa., aa waac aarcma airwv, w--. T. LOUTB Philip Boadar. did via BAH FRAKCISOO W. Ardla. Palaca Hojal w atand. and JOOB Mark- atraatt flold . amltfe Brofc. tHO Eattar atraa. aad Ealat lraprto bntelt fottrnt Oraar, fWry ralld v Inr; N. Wkaatlcy. nnaaatila aw atano. aav nrr Market and Karay atfaata. 4 f KTTVK Ra tutor 43raad Wawa ataadl w. b ranka, H"tl fWattla Kawa ataad. . ... fPOKAXK WAf '1. Hi W, Orakaat Oa. SfX,JA. WASH Caatral .Hawk aoaapaayi notrl Taeama Nawa ataad. '2. .. . VICTORIA. B. C.-rVlrturU Book BtkMikirf company VIATKXB MtTOaT. Talr wrath rr conttnava te fta Pacific atatea, . aicrpt akm tba lnunadlata ooaatv whara tt la f.wry.- la tha Intennoontala aartloaa, of tha nartk Pacific atataa tha aUnoaphrra la ba mmlnc amoky. , Bain, hay la plaeaa, haa fallaa at widely acattrrad plaeaa aaat of ka Borky laoontalna. . , . . ' No toarkad rhan(r tit ' tamparatara kaa ,oc rarrcd dnrtak tka Jaat B4 hcnira, alrairt la (M rirrat Salt laka baala, whara It la ahoat 10 Jerri aa rooarr. -k ... . . Tka tnrtloatloaa ara liar falr; weathar j&.ttli tttrl-t Boaday. ' Wcddlna Carda. Inctaa bldf., cor. W. O. Rmttk tt Co.. Waah Poartb and Waahtrftea ata. BIETHi. HEt!IOEB Jnly 30, to Mr, and Mra. Paul Ely HrlaJiwrrr. ITackury atraat; a aoa. ' coxtawtovs iniEAagE. I'HIIX,IP Mra. PhllHpa, Mxtoanta aad Wkah IiiHob atraatai typhoid Imr . BKK4JKtlON Carl tVwauo, ... TM . Salt SUtk, atrwt. noatit: dlpbthrrla. . . . xELAi;Hli-aJba Mckackt, - 49- MfcotfOtBary atrert: nvaala. ' ' ' DXATES. . tr.IiORIA Jaly -St, Caaara Cakaia. and 80 . . yeara. at PUnrrtk Landing,. , Waahlnctoa; ' tnirlal at Dooa F canatary. . CAIN July !. Patar Cain, W yaar aaa, at 4s Sliti atraat. eaoaa haax fallura barlal at Mt. Oalrary remat'ry. i -r TANDEE8CRBM July S3, Cbarlaa Taadar: arhana. 4 yaara Of ara, at T2T Mloolal atraat; kurlai at kt Oalruy caajrtary. , v :;, situ yixw -cxiarmr. tnxla erayaa 114. ramfly Iota ITS to 1.000. ' Tha only caaMtavf la PortlaBd Whirs. M-artaaliy Balatalna aad cara for kda. Fat foil Mforamtloa apply to W. R. Mackamria. imur Moek, 'lty. V. M. tadd. praaldaat. ' Tha Edward Holma . TJndaitaklaaT faaeral dlractora aad - aanbaliawa. ZZ0 -Pbaaat kOT. T .,-.. I. p.- linlcr rVia. faarral dlractora aad amaalaMra, coraar Third and Madlana atrai ornca at ceanty anroaar. laUphona Mala S. Pancral wraatha and at aowara a apaetalty at Baa City iaaahatwa. Twant'Aaeuad aad Kaat aaorruoa, as. Clarka Bros, for Sawara. tn Marrtaaa stjraat. EXaX ESTATE TXAVBTXEE. twbnai TVnat anrnfamr ta EL E. RalL - a, block IS, Wllliaaia 1mm add... I dot) H. Pmboroofh at aL U W. . Uajaa, lot 7, block 4, Monti Tllla , ITS . E. P. Canna at aX ta A. U Bhannh- J. A. IMMlmr at ai. a . A. amom, kk 11. block TO. BcUarood .............. S0 . - B. VVrbachra b- B. Bararraam, aoatb H of aaathaaat H a aaathcaat t mt aoaih. , , . wat A aactloa, IS, towaahl l aoatk, - ." raaca aaat S.OO0 AfW-t lnd anainaaa tn C A . fVilf-r. lot - 1A 14, IS, block 4 Arlata Park No, .. ' KM W. P. Roharta to M. . -OUrcr. ota IS, SO, Mock 81, fltawart Part EO0 Tha TltW Unaraatea A Truat conpaay . ' . - ta O. B. Blbbrcka at al.. Iota . -block 1. anadlrlaloB lota 1. X, T-10 la- floalTa, Earth St. Jooaa TM Paaia to aaaia .....I.. I tMM A. Harold ta Darlaara tl I. Hast, lot ' . 24. block L. WoodUwn Halrbu ...... 1 . A. R. Bead to J. A- Kally at aL. Vl ' . . 23, 4, -4)lock S Capita . add U 6U , Johna I - 0. Arrldana and win-, to 1 E Parkar, , ' lot S, block 13. Kortfc St. Jini ' 2M1 0. A. Wataal and wlfa to P. WlU la, lots . ' S. 4, block , ktmon'a add 1,60 H. K. Flloch and wlfa to P. L. Bena. diet, aaat Do fwt of wat TO tact lot . A, black. lla,-lty f,6o O. H. Dartiam at al. to W. it. Oalda, , lot 10, block 4. Waedlawa 126 . J. Stark and wlfa to W. H. Strong, lot S. block 8. Kryatoaa add TT8 - 'Oft rw Inanranca and ahstracta ta real ratata rrnni tna Tltla Guarantee A Trast awa . pa nr. Tkaaibcr of Cotntnarca bnlldlni. .-BUTXDtNw rEEMTTS. BARCMC A. J. Bargle. ins atiwy dwelling U f'attoa addjtlna la A to tna; eoat, '. ra:MT Jobs avast, one aad one hsif-atnry dwelling at Ea"t Twenty -eighth aad Btcrena afreets: coal. . v. ... af'KKH S. P. MrKee. onetory 'dwelling at p.sst Morrlsoa aad East Thirty-eighth streets; s-tiei. ... t UN KB A 1'OU A. L. Wnebangk. twe-atory dwelUnc os East Salmon street, between Kaat Twentyhlrd aad East Twrotr -fifth; coet. S1.75U. .... " - STOKES W. B. Stokes A Co.. dwelling aa Kaat Twenty-eighth street, , between Beaeoa and fltook Irs; coat, fl,fM). ' t t..2 tLw iLTStokca A ro.7Twd-Viry-wtt ; lr,g os Kaat SliteeBth street between Esst A 'dor sad Ksst Morrlaoa; cost, SD.S00. CA1K R. Lv fate, twa-etory dwelling ag JBoIU . near-Wnnlar- Kmt. gS 000. . s, h Jacob Beiecb. to repair star At 1041 k.ecsdam; cast, s - s SITTATTONS WANTtb TT-VAIE. RlTt'ATlON tiy young lady ta a booth or randr store: wouia acoepi place as waitress; aot auiextoaca as wsJlraas. I'hoaa. Jaaia rrt irT refloed weanaa. aoene ainerleaca In Ickwaes. as cnreoanloa and do light AotkM- wnrk. B. T 48 Seeentb at. .W ANTED T f'nd bwn with hlea family for alrl af 11. sevtk lanmni. raona mam waio. t'MTED Statu Marahal's Kotira. Admiralty Hcliura, Citation. I altad fltatc at Aaarlia. Dlalrlct ai Orcfoo. aa. Whereas a Uuel haa - hrca Bled In tba dlalrlct mart of tha Halted ' Statca for- tha dlalrlct al Oregoa oa tba twenty-fourth day of July. 1906, by Wllllama, Wood A Llnthiram, uroclora oa behalf of tba Chariaa '. IWba ooaipany, aa Utwllaata, la a cauaa of contract, rlrll aad kaarltlmc, asalaat tba atramablp Tuledo, bar tackle, apparel and furniture, and praying tba uaual croceas and monition pf tha reart, that all -prramfc tuterpstad In aald . stvamaMp. bet tarklcT apiarL kiarhlueay. and furniture, amy be otied to appear and anawef the ' nrrmlaea aad all due procearUuga being had, that tba aald atsaawblp may be .acred ta ba aold and .tba proceeds thereof dtatrlbutsd acoa-rilng to law. Therefore, U poreaince of asld moartlna a Oder the seal af the aald coart. to Be II- reeled and deUrered oa tba twenty-fourth day of July, 1UUS, I da hereby giro uotW. seu- ' erally, aato all pcrauna baaing or prateadlng to hara any right, tltla or Intereaf la tha aald ateamahlp called tha Tote, her tackea, i apparel, auicblnery and furnltura. to' appear bore tba aald csurt, In 'tha city of I'ort . land. In said dlaulct, on tha foartb day af ' Hcptembe. llKia, nrit ttf It be a ronrt 4a, nr elae oa actt coirt day thrrraftcrt at, 1 ? o'clock In tha forenoon of aald day. then tsd ', there to anawer thM aald libel and ta make ! known their allegattona la that behalf. , Datsd at Portland, ta . said district, till . twaaty-siitk day of Inly. A. D. lixxi. , . CHAULKS J. rtKKD, ' United Slates Msrabal for -tha Dlalrlct at , Oreron. , , WIUJAMS, WOOD A MNTHTCfM. Proctora for the- ckarlea " P. Baebs ..Cora t: pany, LlbellanU. ... . '. . . NOTICE OP STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Tba annual moating of tha atoakaoldrra'aC tha , foaee d'Alene Dcreloptuent Company, for : tha elect loa of a Board af Dlractora for tba ,'. aaanlsg year, aad for tha tranaaettoa of , aach other bnslnesa as may regularly rams :' brtora thaas, will ba bald at tba efttce af tha V eompany, .rooma 601 to B04 Chamber of Com. - Berre bvildlng. Portland, Oregon, oa Angast ' ,, 1906, at 14 .Vlork k. m. I . 0B0KGB P. HOLMAlf, Secretary Ooour d'Alaaa Derelopment- Ceav pany. ; . 4,T., ' . .,v ' , PortUad, Oregoa, rasy IS. IMS. . - ' ' PINAtV NOT1CB OP BhEROUTOE Notice - to) . bereliy glreo that tha uadaralaned kaa men bja final account as eiecutor pf tha Isat will sod teats men t and aetata af Sophia Morley,, deceased, ha tha county court of tba state of Oregoa for tha county of Multnomah, and that ea Id (court bag set tba time for the Tseah . tng of objections raersts and tha settlement thereof tor S o'clock p. m. of Wedneadar, tba 80th klay of Augnat. tba court r room of astd court, st Port Is ml. Oregon- Data off first tubllcatloa. Jur 2U, IStaJ. 1 WALTEH MORLKX. Biecotor.v KOTICE af Stock noldcra' Meeting Th antinal . meeting -of tha atockholdars of tl meeting -of the atockholdars of tha natures Eitenslon Mining company, tor ths election f beard af directors for tba enaulng year, and tar tba tra Reaction of aack Trther baslmsa en mar reaularls come Before thsns. will bS held at ths attics of tha company, rooms 501 I to 004 Chamber af Commerce building, ,Port-1 una. anregOB, OB irei V, jew, "i.e ' a. m. UiUHua r. nuLsan, Secretary SnlllSsa Exteoaloa Mining, Coal pany. . Portlsad. Oregon. July as, lwuo. ' THE ', ':-'.. . . TS COM I NO SOOrf: ; . '.'ye, , mreiAi, iroTicm IN this dty July Eg, 1905, Mra. M axles mpars Palrcalld. behrred wife of Lawla B lair child of ITS ; East Ptfteenth at. . The ra malna will ba shipped to Ssa Joes, Callfor als. for latertsaBt, Monday arealng, July 81. xxrrara eoticxe. SUMNER W. B. C NO. SI, meets tha first aad third Saturday of each month at g p. m.. In L O. O. P. hall, cor. Grand are. aad E. Pine at. " Mlnem a. Plerca, praaldaat; Ida af. - Merdroaa, secretary- ' ' ' ' ' ' tesr Ajrs pgrnrix ,' LOrtT htctweea Sellwood sod tbar Oaka, - Tbr. - day eeenlng. lady 'a Jacket. Pleaee ratwra to '.White sump A Seal Co., SsSH Washlngtoa St.. sad race Its reward. IjOST S harass; dark brows and bay. aotlfr H. B. Jobneoa. Naahrllle. Of. Finder notify H. 1 free daUrary ' Lents. Mount Soott earl L0RT A lady's hand astcbsl cestalnlng paras -and surer coin; finder plesss return to Mrs. 'Jobs Bits, 38 Esst Ninth at. LOST lady'a guid watch with cola wtlrar fob on eipoaltloa grounds. ; "Itswsrd tor fetara . to police headquarters. - , . LOST Brown cow, with left -bora crooked. ' In-enh-s of Bodorph BtsdeU, tasrelwood.- blocJi i; Mt. Soott. csr ; . -,. . LOST Rngllek aetter - dog, lleenaa 1.S8M re ward for Ufot mattes, ar return. Phone Scott M84. - HEX? . WAVT13j-rltALX. KAlfAOERi aad salaasnes wanted J our "Psnck-My-race game takes tba pUcs af forblddea slot ma eh 1 nee: appoint aube gents and plscs oa - percentage; big saoaey-maker; aatomatle beer fsncat sttsebmsat a winner, 100 per cent; - writs quick"; eeeare territory. Crsaceat Noraity Oa.. SiUS Archer sts., Clucsgo, 111. e , a i . i DISEASES af men ssc pees fully trestad; dascksrges poeltlTsly cared ia froa S to S daya; coram ltatloa free aad strictly confiden tial! send for oar symptom blsnk. X Radium Medical Institute. AMeky bldg.. Third suj Merrleoa ata PortUnd. . p. WANTED Eaargetla. trustworthy msa a wom an to work la Oregoa representing Urge manu facturing company; 'salary 840 to 800 per Boats, paid weekly; etpenees adrsared. A J dreaa. with atamp,.J. H. Moore, Portland. Or. tnnneil , T rnUTDICTnDI ' Eererai sood second-hand engines, aattsbts ffne lnerlnr or aoiatina purpoaes. to ba had cheap. For further tutor ma Uoa apply to P. D. Koettaar, A at oris. Or. - ANT ONE ae-rmanentlT soiplored wtshmg to nsterlsll lawrssea tbatr Inensna without tn- terferlns wltk present occopaUee leaTa ad- Ita for psrtlualars. - WANTED 4 nest appesrmg boys from caatral west aide of city, over 14 years of sea. -. Call next Msmdsy sfteruona at sax Buaarii at. rniiitn 1 SS years old. wants work by day , or week; eobar, boacst aad iDdnatrlouk, cars JouraaL M TT, BARRETT'S DetoctlTs School Leaf claaa for tbla term reduced rstm. 801 AUsky bldg. WANTED Flrst-eleaa BoUdtor good prooosl. tioo. laqaira aoa uaasa at. OOOD asleemen wsnted at woea,' Addreaa A. D. Healer, Oeaeral Deilrery WANTED Two ealldtore. 311 -Tourth at. HELP WANTCT-rrlllTTi I . tADIES DEPARTMENT. Hotel, restaurant, 'office, store, bakery, Issndry - HANSRN-i ejtLoYiKT orncB. S4IM WsatilagtoB aU, room T. COT. Serantb at. arBowe aur "e. WANTED 1M Strut , to- SmJic or era lie -and afctrte, tnareawtloos siesB ago Inez oarlenced. Apply Weoatsdter Bros., Stsadard Factor, No. 2, cor. Jvsst TSyM ana a,ranu are. r xl' k v-rrn Tmmeolatelr. sntieiHid stomsa nurse, twla babies, wares g: also norse gin for children, wage ,. 200 S XambllL-et, Phone -Mam 8418, . - , .. . A , CKRMAN or NorwcKlas girl: good -cok and Mnndreas; family of two; no cnnurrsx .wanes do object to light party. , Address p JM, cars rfoarnaj. i - . . e- . WAKTru nerwtan arlrL between 11 and 14 man snd wlfs in family. 3 OoWsmltk at. ..I sconuer Biurrntwa, . a , - WANTED Immediately, eperVeced rook, flnA- elsaa prlrats fsmlly: wssea JU. ifmi lam . hill st. I'bona Msta M13. - - WANTED Olii for general wsges. 849 Bsasslo St., east aids. bonaeworkl good est steel bridge. WANTED We 11 abort' srdsrs.. Irrlng. Irrlug houl. Etfbtoeutb aad WANTK A Tortng gtrl ta ksalat m hoseework , for small family.; Inquire 405 Boss St. LADY cook wsnted for hosrdlng bmrne; Wagea to right party. 1054 Macadam at. WANTED ladles' clothes Irnnors at Pa el ft - Isandry. First aad Arlbar sts, ' . WANTKD Olrl to da konsswagkl' as cooking; 84 week. 144 North Duh at. NEW asiidesk 6 ronat flata, tnclndtng sleel and . gaa ranges; Haieey sag Mtrrsaes, cast Slds, laiulrs 288 Lanrabee, c. - .v v ,( WANTED At aaca, a bright, energetic pra aentabla msa or worse a, a good talker, to ' take ap aa attractive Droposlttoa. laajaUs Taa Chamber of Comavarce. 4 s, at. Eltri.NED. ntce-appeartng ladles or gentlemen for positions o truat: permanent. Call or ' addreaa SeotlnsM, SlS 'AUsky hldg., Tbfid aad Morrison. ' WANTED too bepplckera; 'bast bopysrd; asay , to earn money. Apply ta Andrew Kaa A ' Co., SMT Morrlsoa at ' v- ' ' H It U"' Wan ted snd eapf fled, aaele ar fassala, B. 0. DBAKE. SuSfe Waahlnlos t. Clay 444. HOPPICKIRS wanted. Boom SO, Rueeel Tsldg. STTtJATlOES WAETED MAXE. EXPERIENCED eolleetos. ; married, and csa (urn lab hoad. would Ilka posttloa: am well ' acquainted with city. Addreaa P 04 Joaraal. ENUINEKK dertrea aoaitlOB, II years' sipert ence. alcana end lea machinery sober, good ' TOfereacee. Address B 40. csrg Journal. PRINTER waats ateady attaatloa, country nre, - f erred i good all-reued man. capable of taking chaise. Addreaa P M. cars Journal. EMPLOTMEET ASEVCEaV PACirO COAST EMPDOYMEKT. AOENCT . Bemoeed toUVg Mertk Sasuad at. Pbeas . Bed lot..' e.,- V- ' HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. - FOB MEN. ' , ' M N. Secsad at. .' Pbeoe "Mala ISIS. PIONEER EMPLOTMRKT CO. Labor rostra a tors: kelp free ts emtiwyera. SIS Morrteaa. - WANTED MlaOlXLAjrEOlIS. aataaaaaaBsBtfBaneaksa'bassmassas want; 'ED A fsw mora orders for tha Delaarte corart: tha- amly for stout ladles' csll snd be roatiaced. ' Border, agent. XWV North city. : Main 4S75. . , l- - Ms Annie ft. gliteeath at.. WANTED More spraylsg aad whttewaehlngt , -tka snly gasoline cosipreaeed air spraying ' nntflt oa lbs eoast. ' M. 0. Morasa Cav. SZt Mllwaakl at, Pboaa Esst 14jT. ; , WHO' IS M.: O. ktOROAN A CO.T I' ' WANTED A0EVTS. SO IuniKO and gentlemed to totrodbca and aell'aelf-llrhUns -Incandescent saa Hants: In. -' dlapanssble la erury .home; dues swsy wttb- matckea or gssllghtw-s. They aru aa etgat. 4u3 Washington, . cor. Nineteenth ah, lAOENTB WANTED Ta aeli ear aaaertnr blgh grade onraery alock; new sad complete eer fit raralslied nrt assa waesiyi wnta w day foi.'eboJca o territory, 4apitai uiy Nursery oa., as less, oregoa. WANTED Ckntoeaers, aalarT' sad commission, . New Vork Outfitting Co., 8 first at., city. AGENTS wanted ta aeU e tori ad of Old Oregoa, Joans' Book Store. SB1 Aider at. WAETID TO EXST. agsf asea' calls svearr Aa for escsnt . d rnratehad hoasaat list roar Drsnerty with Ill , 10T BlEtk ! taa raat. uonsa at ssggsri. WANT' to rent a farm; P ,47, cars Journal. cash rent. j. Address WANTED EEAt ESTATE. . WANTED Immadiatoly, - 60 to 100 -acrea af land suitable for slanting potatoes, or to let aesd potatoes to raaponelbla parties en scare a. Addreaa N 48. care Journal, or call at 100 Front St., - portlsad. . . .. WANTED A tot ar boose, a ad lot west af Wast arenas: state pries sad location. . Addreaa L 48. JonrnsL .'V . . . -. . . LOT wsnted; snnat be dose-In. slty; stste loeatioB ana price. Address h 44. Jon ma L FOB MaT-aOUajTJrJlw BOOJsS, FOR BENT Farnlahsd boosckeeplng-eooma la best. totekbkck aa -east aide; s bath, ' etc.T. as trans lenu; prloaa gas ranges. aooerata. Aogirr Aider. .blk.i 108 Vlo are.. .PhooUnloa I PTJBNI8HED boaeekaeslng-rooms, 18r gas. . bath, ttattonary tuba, pantry, ana waier sou phone, S blocks aaat steel biidga. .Call -by peon after 4 p. at. Esst !. , LA ROB new slegsstly famished boueekeeplBg t rooms, aultabla for large partlaai gna range, .ganaing wates. The Lewnsdsie. -403 Alder. 11 era , wkkk rnrniahad lag priTtlege. 0. H. Plggott, . lawyer, swner. Pbona Hood S60. .4 Mulkey bldg. FOB BENT Foratabed boaaekeeplng-rooms and .furniahed rooms brick halloing. M US Sell at-. Bear Mlasiaalppl are. csrtlne. ,l THB LINDA TISTA. aleely furnished bceekoep - lag aad single rooma resaoaahU. MTm k'lftn. NICELT ' foratahed and Pdth. 24 ri bouaekeeplng -roomer; ' fourt seats, at. tag FOB sT UEFUeUlraHEP BOOltB,' UNFURNISHED room for rent aser Pled moot wrocary aura, sol jtinaworia are. Eaat 68T. - - - ' . FOB UXT CAJAPS. BETENSITB shady aad completely arranged . camp- grounds-, apace for rent by week a , month; feedyard; write for circulars. Ad- - dress Writ Arenas Osmp teroaada, - Tabor ata Uoa. Portlsad.- FULLY v furnished ahada trees; coi aaaaekeeptng teata; nlcs heea coolk as - rent, week ar month, - Mt. Tabor Melghta. Lew la and Clark Camp, ' Pboaa Scott 8T84. SKYLAND. Portland Heights Tba Beat mealed ,-caaiD . ground In the dty I S00 feat a bora riser;' Id mluates' walk, ear 2 ploekai 88 ap. Msia B8BS. BOVm FOB JarT--FOEElI0EE FOE SALE, FOB kaat results oa jf ' , i . FUBrTCB,, ' Woatber to boy or sell, ring Mala PORTLAND AUCTION BO0M1 Ell first ac ' FURNITrRB of -room -cottage, arranged for , two fairrlUea; you eaa gat this at a bargain, ', or Bight rent to right part. 209 Morrlsoa .at.; room 1L . ..-.ii -.. - FOR SALE Fnrnltnra af 4-mors rooming boos, cloee In; low rent; mast be sold at- once; make offer. Call at Sou Harrison at. . FURNITURE of S-room hoaaa for sals, pries gnn: hones for raat, at-S0 monthly, Inqnirs 8-BOOM bowe, - ftmrtshed compltte. Including ntano, 378; chesp rsot; e toes. In. - 828 - ruth l .. tn BUYS furniture af four roorna; real .t Call aorthwest ear. Fortyecoad and rent 810. Ssst Mhdiaen. FURNITURE of S-reom blrgala; cottage t for ' Couch. -i ' v- eettag for asla st a real, fie, OTP Eaat FUBNITURB of o-room eottage cheap; mast . be aold auos; cottage foe rest. -Pbona Mais 13 ROOMS, aleely furnished, rent $38; will sell vary cheap.; Sou First St. . Phon Hood . T. . rt-RKlTL'BB of 4-eoom hoaaa for -sale! tat rent, 88 monthly. 448 Foartb at. s FURNITURE- of B-ronm boss tor asla. ." No. ,4AL Esarett at.. Pbona Front T0S. aXATt.. STOEES. FINE coraer ' store.- Twentieth and Wsahlng , ton; large plate-glam windows; make Sue - location for drngglat Donald 0. Wood " wsrd. 846 Stark aL ' x - STORE for rent. 2SglO; toodern brtcbf'Blats gleea treat Sign celimg. - gio Ksat Morn , aoa at. . . . . . . FOR . BENT Star tOsBO; as grocery. - Import rrsf Oe lflg Fiftk at. Wsstera I ' FOB BEET anSClXtANXOVa'. rn m I I A SIT. i nner Boar. T Ox 100. pear postornre; moaern, aieTaiee, ami. AA tl so, csra sourssk FOB BALI 0B EXCBAE0E. 6H0CEBY btMlnees, large trad, lo. 1 Iocs .iu eenelni u -to 1106 tier dsy: ess la eestlgatri -will sell or trade t-S Inlarest tor " farnTor hooss and kit aad pay. dlffsrsaca If any. Price, ll.TKl. a . OBE'l'iN AHHOTIATED EXCHANGE. . lOiVs Fourth at., Boeai 88. fOB EXVT TTfEViaitZS BOC J A. FtRNISHED BotiMS Mala money, set of your own friends. The Howlasd, Orst-clsas roumlns-hoiaBe. Twenttetji and - Waehingtou. . eaa accominodata a few more gaesu; bring . tour frlenda and receirs 20 per cent of their - bill; ratea eoe, T&a aad $1) free baths, free . 'bus - from .depot. . . t . COMMEBCIAL- HOTEL New - thing modern , throaghoat. aalMlnah beaStl fully fur- atabed; rooms light, sunny; plenty or ireee . alri luratloa aoueenleat for elthea bastnees at fslri prises resaoasble. aaS Washington. . FAIR Tlaltora Large, eleaei. airy aaoma: hoase keepiJqt ruums:. electric light; crcrything fur- ; nlahed; rsssonabla. Fisher building. KueseJL St., Alblna.i block from Mlasiaalppl arenua. 1 cars Terms to permanent tenants, - nx.. i. i TBE HAM ANN. 134 N. IstA. eer Bert Newly . ralabed rooma, fl.SO ap; eonesalent loeatloa, ' 18 mlBatea walk to fair groaada: Morriaoa csr si auloa oapat direst to hoaaa. Paaaa 8470. THE WILBI'B S4S B-. Oak. VafaTnlebed room oa gruuod floor i. ;iurntahed bonaakrepltig 4 rooma, to SO; aodglag, 1.H0 par Week. Phone . Heott SO. - ... ." - THE (9 ABLE Furnished rooms, light, a try. res. aonahle. wttb .break fa at; 1 car llnea. - Eaat Twenty -eeeestl sad Tsggsrt -ata. Esi THE -ALDERS On, large. . aleely furnished . room; also small alngls rooma, including T bats. Phone Msia W61. SOS Aldsrv Bear Blxth. FOB RENTvg furnisbsd rooeie.-- either perms ., peat or traaaieat; Too day asck tranamut, gla ' per month per ma sent. 421 12tk st; cor. Hall, MA BQD AM -ROUSE. 148 ftta Bsotsaa aalta ar alagler bos aekee ping rooma; . gas a teres, bath, efactrls lights: tra nalenU goUeltsA, .' HOTEL NORTHERN.. Twslfth sod Msmhatl -Nicely furniahed koaaekssptng-rooma from 410 par gsoatk and ap; free phone sua- bath, s NICB aewly furnlsbed' Toom In prlrsts family. la walking dlatance: electric lights: S jper . rseatb. 120 East 8th at., corner Alder. BOOMS with ar without board, la prrrato fanr . lly; electric lights, bath and tslrphone; with board, 85 a weak. Pboaa Eas 2KT5.. ., LARGE furnlabed froat room, -new hones, erery coBTenlence; flO 4 month. 2US Ceoaby, .near ' l teal bridge... No card aa bouse. ? NTCELT furnisbsd roams for rent,- 844. Sixth between J season snd Lincoln sts. bath " and pboaa; near Fifth at. eerltna. , ' v y NEWLY farnlabad froat bedroom aultabla for two. 81.50 per week., a 480 Qulmby at., ke tweea lOtk and lltk. ". . NTWLT farnlabad roots' In prt-rmts rseldeaca: faa. bath and pnona. boos PseiSc la.- - , Call TIS Kearney .at ' - j- . . ' - . rURNlSHBD rooma, 80s. TSe gad SI apu Twea . tlcth sud Wasoingtua. . Hat and cold .bathe, Tba Huwlaad, . ' - " .'s, - FRONT parlor tor geatlemss at rasnemeat who wUbea room , asar tka Tester .681 '- Earett St. -'.-v - . ..' ELEOANTLT furnished room for ma or two batb. : ai gentlemen; .prlrats family; gas. Taylor, THE OLAD8TONB S1SH Saeter el.- rtaralahed . rooms) aadar aew ssasagament; prices ree aoaahla. . ;' . , TOURISTS . Booming Itaresa; la best , parts of city, dpi Teath at Jfhons Mala 0BAND Boamlng-Hoaaa. 48 H North Third - rnrniahad rooms; geatlanea; 81.60 week ap. CHEAPEST and beat located rooma la Portland, , $1 weak sad- ap. Oilman, First sad Alder ata, CLEAN.' aewly furnished per day: 108 North . Bel rooma, BO BBteeata at. to. Tt FTJRNIEHED room, prlrats tmllyr nlc Iocs' tton. 208 lgth at., nesr- T ay loci . ; THE CASTLE STS Washrngtea. .! tarslsbed r-boae ssaia laim P0BNI8HED roomd wltk kitchen. i - at., nesr Sixteenth! 85. SSI Ersrstl boom in 2 Sl.,. YESt, wa caa- aceommodata a few asora table ooaroarsi aoass aroeuig en ivwrwiu eve claaa. - Alter hones. Assaata- aad Msdlaaa. Pboaa Mala SS81. - - v WANTED A few boarders at SaB FTooCst.; ratea reaaoaaaes; one inrsw iremi roosn e li able for two. Call betwsea S and IS g' clock; prlTsts family. -. - - , -. THB Ilrjdetl New family hotel. Market, be- tweea Third aad Fourth, steam aaat, eksctrtc light, porealsla kataa, aaceeuingly lew ra ates? THB - IBVINQ - rrtegant aixuminoaatloas. aa esorbltaat- charges I. dlslsg-rooan la sectlosi pnoaa rigat. Cor. 18tk aad Irrlng. BOOMS with board fur permanent - tsasnts. reaeoaabw; Slxfb at. svstrslaa asokias. - wea, BOOM for awre; SS.B0 par week- rood table, og ctay, nesr nrtoesta. - msia auwe.- FOB BEET 0TJBZS. 1 iva xvb, i a ml ouu. e... errcuiei wm,n e--, SW -MsrsbaJl et g-room cottage, -lt; MS Corbett at, S-room modem fUt, $17.oOt 24) N. 17th st.. storeroom, S2S. U E. Tbompeoo A Co.. 22S Third at. FOB RENT Aa entirely modem heueo. 1 block rrern two ear iiaaa, srga nataroom, ueii kaa furnaca, hot water heater, wavi trsrs, gas and electric light; large lot. A. C Brush, SIS Williams ara. t ' FOB BENT Srooaf bouss nesr CohunMa unl- reralty; (bad Tor boras ana cow; rent reesoe- able for permanent tenant, ts. Newauvnu, Unlrersity Park, near .Baptist chareav , - KADDEBLY . TBANSFEB-COMMIC3ION CO. Plans ssd furniture roored promptly by e ' perienced men. 110 N. Third St. Mala 1688. NEW 6-roo-a attictry saodern" cottags, SIS par monu, at Nsabrlfl autlnatoks Mt Scott -car. - Joa Naah. Pboaa llaioa 1&61. i , 22-BOOM, elegant aew bouss, eloas ta, modem. For panic Morriaon. For particulars apply CalaC Brea., SOS Eaat 4-BOOM house. Upper A 1 bins. Sit; T-rooB 828. Beattl Hofmsaa, 10 Flfta. 0NB 4-roam fist.' cor. East Ninth aad BeloMat stn $1100. Pboaa East 17T0V , FOR RENT B room rottog, aewly fsfnlihed. -tt - a, 4 A Bk.s.a ST ., - Vallt 1 VUAO gimp. t v.. ,, ' rOR RKMT Nw 6-rocB ilrom etrttact, tui .sit. nrfsBTjsi . --I. j-. BVXMXB 'BIS0JTB.. BULL BUN hotel, aader new Bnnsgeaent. . clsaa necom roods tkma, good Ashing, will meet cieee iemaviiuie o j" hmm,b- " ' partis at Oreabsa If sonaeg py malL .Pnelps, Ball Ban, Or., . F. i. COUNTBY CLUB INN. Hoed Bleer, Oregoa I Sne oak grors. good tabis, aprlsg Hwster, tennis, bostiag and nsaing; bow epsa fob Beet omcE-EOOMaU OFFICE-ROOM Tor Tent, secneA Aoor aoagb bldg. Apply elerttor. , . r -' .'A "'-'. 1 v?', -, tts trntT-stN . AP I LJLI rata it LONGER NEED Til AT .HORSE TRADE5- , HIM FOR , TAXES COST , LESS j THAN OATS, AND yf'S TOE LONGER VpU ; KEEP THE LOT THE2 M ORE IT . WlLL BE" v -W0RTH.-rr 'CAN MAKE THE ..' J TRADE FOR YOU ;; IneJoGfnd ;Want j?a0: rrs ' TsN APS OKr'r v. - BY H. MIUKR TS'AT lob HlXTrf be.,' P'iR'riTA.SlJ. OB -t .T-atiaty aud baaeiueut., r-proof brick build- s, ue s H-iatt saerue uswieai .-"-, S..I.I I Sh. . , .. I . - -1.. . I r . eeoiat ..ois),must ael sold, owoer leering tts city; li'iu on same. mass-SB osier euu sr. h seres ote'and la aurthen ValHornls; H 1n choice, (juira and leerrbs; Itupro'enienta aaat fl.4gi."aa Ideal home; WlU be aold et 'futnltitr or hstjware. Look this ap. . . Woosysrd doiug eploudid business; estab-Allec-u - trade; st.lprwlca. . TbU csuaat be dUlillCated. - :.r' . . lh Surst body jit .timber oa- tba PaclSc cosat for aah; -this -trsft Is. estlmsted aud f usees icea; sjss s spivodM mm csa aw f wsnted. A bargsto tu pslnelpsh) eolj; Bsp sna eenustes rurnianea. . ' t.. . ' Tbg atwTs bargains should appeal to cspltsl. (SI, aad larestlgste. jr.- w; mijJLeb bia .at. WC hars a auaibrr of restaurants snd rooming. noiiers on our list. Hera at a a topic: - - - . 1 , 1 1 U,..i,l.inB It Well farnlehed raeais. wharh earned ever Sins) . a uTobiu met year, before tha fair: is Burning mora aew; owner at sick aoa musx, sen, Cell -agd aee 'us,. . - - IRUNIIY MKbRATIl COw. ,' j ' ' - ; 245 Va Morriaoa St., Jioom 12. TOR BALE Aa eatahHataed weU paying bual- '. Bees la 4 growing Iowa of osntrsl oregoa; WlU rent the prsssot bulldlug ens eniarae xo suit. Here la aa opportaulty for a bus luces man to sstsbllsh hlmeelf la a MDidly grow, lag tows where sucveaa is aaaursd. Inquire 'or write W. H. J., at journal tScg, for , particulars. - -i - ,, ., . ,- , rRU LiHM IN OREOON. PERTILB soil, pure water, delightful climate; Issd of slfelfe; -Spplee aad clorer. . ror rau intormatiod address ta voiumuts aouiuera IrrigaUoa Cav. ao Worcester but.. Peril and. GOOD corner confectionery aad. el gar-stand; reut ' reasonable; 4 ti miles from porusna; . 2.800 pop ilstlon; poor besltb rsaeoa for sell .hig. ..JsniFs Uunningham, -Arleta .No, 8,. Or. . g-u."' Take Mount-Scott -ess, . , v. FOB BALE Oteataurant -aad lunch counter, re- aipta tram gis ts goo asiiy: ates ay xrsoe, f Usee, .rent 13.fl0. Including water; .owner lalng city. , Csll tt ones 884 Ksst ' Morrlsoa t. - . - - ' . JflXST-CLASg yeetanrant aad oyeter-hoae la jgoou.ssuey tuwa; controls aysiar xrsoe 'town; oUu-s Interest pmpel owner to sell. , Wte 8. N. Steels A Co.. Alba uy. Or.. . A SNAP if takeq at ppce; aa oM ottabUabed rustauraat, doiugguod bustoess, la good iocs l ou ; must sell oa acceun vt aicsnaaa f owaers. - Aadreat L 4T, Journal., AYE aoma rslnabls gold mining property la Nasada walcVI will sell, or glr Interest to Incorporate and sell stock on. percentage. Ad dress M ST, -JoamsL , i'OR BABE Bsksry. doing good business; mast retire ea account of slexaaea. tvr panicuisrs cell at 40t Krerett at, or .aiVlress Joseph Egle, Marec field. Or. .' . aa. m ma ii i aawn ii i eaal i MiieltBaaanBaBBB A BARGAIN 84, S0O wID bay a basins corner ' sot eoxioo tkst win pay JO per real sdots all, tsxss and lusursacs. J. L. Well Co., y IH braird sec. ; ' . v, ": -. . - (40.000 100x104 OOOD boalnes property, brick. amproswmsBta. raatea esio per bjvuui, cues . to la city. I sores ; sgants. aiarasa aw, ayw. -A- FOB SALE Grocery storS aad flxtsree, doing good buslnesa; corner USloa sso aumwaria raoaa Ksst aari . . Beau iwaaoBsusK - FOB SALE Hotel doing a good baalaesst snee: tirlna. 88.000; part i mutt be sold at cash.' W. G. Beck. SuT Fslllsg bldg. , ON account f iesrlng tba dty tba owner will sU st-ruom bouse lor igl.ouo, gooa lesss aad cheap rest. Pbona Hood W. FOB SALE List of- eaaTons. roommg-boassa. restaur ants, attw etc.-. glr aaa call. -A B, Thompsoa A Co, 228 Third at. GROCER!.' dotog S20 dally, rent 818.DO, Uslag rooms, axcasJiga for lamitjawaera oniy.. aur drees P oB,.cacg JournaL. . , A WHEN), looking, for teeatioa,- either, cltyj or coantry, caU ap tba Norjnweat iaa tn gag ' Morrlsoa at., til. , - ..'-'' E,000 ACRES timber with small sawmill and planar, ror sale, wnu e. ,. axeeic w iw., Albsor. Or.- . - -1 . ' - r COBNEB grocery fog gala er exchinge, cheap. fee im d,t,uiu, , , . , a . X FEW food burs In hooees sed -acres gs: all ar aow enffsred far below their real, value; " go should call for pertlealara. - . - - g-room boos, well const rue ted. Aoa beee- Beat, beautltul Tksw. twa fuU lots; gr-aaap ' at 800. - .. - iT . ' . " S sores, all ale land, T acres cuttles ted, . good 7 -roomy bones, good bsra,' 22S sneortvd bearing -fruit tress. enole small trnits, alca , earing of water oa hill a bore house. , Bear ' new car Haa; pries only $3,000.- 00 seres, all choice -land, and lays weH; . all fenced and , croae-fened; B2 acre culti - rated; watered b snrmss and brooks; nous, barn, orchard;-1 mil to' achool and chan'h. aa good road; 8 miles -from rjrer aad rail tranaportatloai Clarke county. W'aabmgton; a deslBsbla aad cheap farm;- 82,860. - S-room new, modem bones, a splendid hams. rloee In aad central location. East aid, will aeU at 4 eaerince. . B-room bouss, full lot, choice loeatloa ca . Blxth at west skis; $3,500.- . S3.67B will bay a aew, well asmtractod aumsa af 10 rooma, brick cessment, ball, bsth, .ate.; new, barn, painted red. with while . stripe; ground 140x206 feet; sat to fruits and berries: iri Sellwood. - . - j. . " t. Beaiitlfnl cottaga of B roonl. plsster.d. fsftsbed with Sna Insraln paper, brick and ce ment baeemeat. bsthUbot'.and cold water; . ale porcbea, eldeboard Bnished fa dlaiBg v room; S nice lota ra traits ssd 1 hen-Ice. sit uated oa Motoit Scott car , Una;- a .aacrlSca; only 8L600. - .. - - . . . , ... - . -room, aew, BioJers bosae, brlek aemsnt, ' porealsla bati, gas. cement sVtlls, kit 42x10 fast on west elds; 83.000. vv - ' - . roon booas, good order, oa Belmont, west of Serertteentk at.: 82.000. . 8SS0 will buy a nice, aew cottage. .fiber plaster, fuit'lof; ea Esat Thirty -nfnth St.. car serrlcs; term If. desired tbt m-A ila. ' . ..- .'.-' liarMla eeree,- new s room auuaa, - gosa saruew , rannlng stream of- water, .! --ins i4 . wster, caa olp Into bouse: front aa electric car Una; a anap: AgoO. ' . . i XV. aerea.- chnica -location, on west slop of . Mount Tabor, Saa house and, bara aad cnoU-f , fruits,'-. " ..' - i J ?E1T AbtegtlB Bldg? 1M Third at. . t- OTTO" 4" CBOf K ETT ' 24514 Waahfngtnn St. Phone PIsckKSTl.- "j, peaces earm xropnng-em nnwinvne sood boobs. ' bam. IS aerea under, plow,' 2 scrsa at wearer asm land, all crone; Ibe cheap tka anerke! g2.&00l termB. 1 40 seres IH mile from on city 2-arre finder plow, all good aoU, Tory good belhlhura. mnmtm k.hM ' need SS S ChtchsB lSnrk St ' present; pric $2,400 wltboat crotveMO with -.cron. - t Beeersl Bles eu barbs bomea, B-20 Sera I 'tract; good farma In the W'llunfetto ralley V aad State of Washington oa - good terms; koasak and let to sxrhanga for smal) farma. ' 6-reom bodee. nearly new, full lot, doss to ear .In. $700; term, r , ,, , i . B-ennea cottaars. nicely flnlsned. ' fall Kit. ' a rrnlt. cloaa . to car Haa. 11.000: $2.10 1 -jLmw h. ns iMee on helance. - v -" ..- . - A A. we. tV room cottsgs, nsnejern, earm, iraiv .',C'i guuw causa, whmuw - w i ' t I f .room . house, modern, ap-to-dafs, earnest Walks best reeklenes district : pnee. sa.w. -" Small cnttare. full lot. Vita of fruit, $500; tar ma. Vacaat lots from $50 and apwsrd. ; .- HT.tA f.icnANTT.T flnlsbed. ' tboroaghly modern i-raom. kouee. tost omp1eted; free- . thmal lot on Stenhea at.. Bear LaAd tract, : bet: Esst Elerenth and Twslfth at.; splendid loeatloa, 2 ear I" aam block, haa fir-, jiiaea, rurnsce, warn xray, paenm aouinii. amm. handaomelr sr allied woodwork. enam- ' sled riled kltcbea snd bathroam; will.BSil tor lf smsn caati narment. balance instmllroeeita It T - desired: fhls -te a kpleadld heme add .trill ! boo from -4 tUl , W L. Morgsa. BIS, Mc' As STaxaBmrl S Wit ST 1EIMI TBEUBI AYT'BTE SI ta ayUwaFB BUTT' r . I. - kl.l .. m ..... ,g.jJU 1 " '"'' " 1 : . EAST, SIDE BRAL ESTATE. .,.-.v $1,40l)-rl rofiVl bouse,, city property. - . : ' ' tl.OAO o-recta cot tare, city property.-", Sa.Otsl 6 bum heees, city property ee o 0 seeen cotibso, ennw,. -io nm cottage. siilmrhaB. . " '? f ' 1 kisat A-ronm boase. suhurbaB. t 1 ,'' Boarding honee Best et resteer bsrag doing first elae haaluaea, A snap If taken at once. (. .-aHeeMt, Jreatrailly kx-atso. must o soia ai h 'rAIIT SrDB BBJCt1 P.STATfl CO , Boom 11, 1X11 Orssd ste.M Phyasy- Rset S8J 1,9110 .room. houae, S 'Kits', aa ear 'tin. I atVl n-enona bona, tsrw sne wwiosm. - . il.tHio 4 mom houae, good eoadttloa, tot well I n pro-red. - - 22 o.-4 room aous-, ; ggedrra I tmr re . fl tun 2 acre well lmrtBTrd B room houst. - - - I- e II W 7 , K - ' Et uorriaoa gut noose gii. .. . : FARhUt wheat and, timber Isads, acreage, city ' property;, timber . and bomeeUaB . gjcstlons; wiwlness chances and Inauraaos. t - - T0WNSEND, MAXWELL CO.. ' v ,V8S Alder at ; : pboaa Mato 1222. ' 4 FOE rtt "EAL F-T8-X- ivvssTUMV-iw iw ail. VIRTU or ram CITY eH.' each for two booaea, full lota, to Sell Wood; essy tertns. ' . - ' . - , - ' '. 41.2110 llouas, 6 rooms snd brlek hsaejnent. ' lot fuU af fruit trees siul flowers; aa . 'Jfttta 'I.'. J'iet north of t llnion at. t , I1.4UU Honee and OOiiuO foot lot, EWasb- mt S HHl end hsfU. Bl.UoO-tioud iiouae, d rooms, two 'Vts, In t Midway, near His O, W. P.-sty.; niga bbw sightly location; rssy terma. v . ' .i . . gg.riOO Very aeeirable reeldenes ' In a good aelgbliorbond on toes- eat aide! srouad 100 feet eguare, well kept and beautifully omamcrite.l. 84.O00 2 good ts North LHh a. labi ta4.0uti'a?iws'near B. Stth at. If plattej and aold it will brhis dtaible It present price. V- 'ORLNDY (SKI. RATH CO., , J . ( t. ; t- Ssst, -Morrlsoa at., Boom'12. .' ' " ' WILL bay yea a lot aad build houses to suit la sny part of ths city. I 80 csah, monthly, gsta fOO hosaa. " 100 cash. . 1150 monthly, gels , SoO boms. lott cash, .4 15.00 monthly, gits 1.U00 boms,. "itl csh,, 8. juonthly, gets l.&OO houta. sao.raab 2!.ut mosthly. gets ' lOOO bums. . Boo csah.- aB.O montbly. gets'". S.OoO home. ... If yea are In l wee ted wa ahsE be pleassd to Beet loo: no expense' for plans and sstlmatea. ". . - BOSTON BUILDING CO..., ... .", ISSUj itrat.our.. Alder. -J i r '" ' J ' ' ' t tH ACRES .good laud- oa Wlhcrg's lass; aid , boas, -lull - fruft trees to bearing ami Hi mixed Ysewtlaa; gl.Rao. ' - wroom hsMeeepd 2 full lots la central raat- - denes' tart Eaat PortUad;.. elegant awatloa; prhw Ss.OOO, terms. . ..-' .- - - Corner tnt and good cot tares, eloae In, East I'ortlsiin; reut -goo; pric as.ow; guws. lu.eev man for tooome. Alao hereral half mUe cloak la. East Port. land. y CULVER. 4jtH First St. ' . FOB BALE. ' " B. B, 'T. Swoom hooass built to erdsr aad aold aa the Installment plan; prices from . 81,000 to S3. Out) r also eejaltle la aereral , houses ror sale or' will exchange tor secant lotai alas- vacant lots for. aula at Besslew, Long Beach and TViga; Saa house for rent la - HolUday Pari addlttoa. William O. Back, 807, the rslUsA-. . - ' r 8 FINS modefn hosaas la HoUaday Pkrk aaV dltlon mast be sold at once; owner leasing toenr'aiso to one aora wica eemenx sioeweiie.-,, Answer In, la) prosed street,' a leo BaU Boa water. , ror iniormstloa ass vt imam u. sees. No. 80T Falling bldg.', or B. Blca, Twsaty- id ana wssea ia - - . a. FOR. SALE A aeAderS eoraar brick black, S. tory aad baaemcnt, A atorsrooms. u rooms iuralsked; will aril all eg sspsrat at bed rock Or lees: also I modern g-room reside see, rloee ta Buaaell at. oa WUUama aes.; good Income prors-rty. - laqulre e W ai, twek, ' The sslllug bldg. '. . j ,.--:, - j ..V'; FOR SALE Hew boas, nice lorattoa; ariil jmi as eaea Mnm ' ejer- auouia: xrecu rrsni . also a lot on Union ars. sary cheap; for s J Saying InTesrmeat InsaStlgata at one. Ad ress 1008 Esst tSWttesath at., north, or aaU from t ta I a a v.- . r 1 . , 1 J sr. V . ' i.- F0B BALE 10 acres eh etc laad. IB tellea froa . Portland, saitstil .lor . norns; eeeuy iee ' prosed, naady to B- B.' atstton. boatlandlig aaa goea roaaa, gone. eotx. ear imjmi., sddrees A. B. Folkenborg. Holnrook. Or. $2,4006 ACRES wall lmproeed. v an la Saa rruit, - rair Buiiuings, a otocse i line, caa ba bought on eery essy terms; lov - media's posstssion; wttl take part la real ' astaU. Csll 107 H Third st . r -. CHOICE BUILDINO LOCATrONS , i i Kearaey st. SOxvO; 1 lot left, pw. Baat 281 at, IOOiWO; cortafr.' $1,208. -. Nog Hill." 50x100; a rare snap at $1,800' . . - 602 CoBxmerclsl bldg. . . ' ' A SNAP A room mtsera ' bowse, --lot - otrxizn. sUbls. fruit, roses, cat stone tear ana wrej, bsilt for boms at wsy-dowa price, oa W 11 Vtam are, eloss to Rueeell St. - Bee osrner, 23)A' Busesll at, room 4. - V - FOB .BALK S 'acTe. firstly Impress, t mtlee rrom lawtrToouse; rmaaouniTy nem, ss.ww. L. . Tnompsva-dt Co. B28 Third t. , I y' I. ,. e V FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. Bar agent's. commlmloB. Owner will toll 4 toll ' . w i. edmrmai rn A thins for SI. 000, " Howell,-, wltk Blumaoer-rrsnk Tlrtig t. . FOB 8ALB BY OWNER 8 Improeed Iota. S . mabi aaeja barn, fruit, shrubbery. ' Sowera.' Inquire oa premises. . -4o Tweney-eaxia aaa TlUsmook, north. Take jrsingioa ear. FOR SALE ObV RENT groom house. S lota, v 50x100, -bara, ehlekes -hous,.ruK treee and brrlee: 2 blocks of ear-Un; terai..or Bay raoa lor, xsbo.. a-oeew mmm ewi, . . OWNER leasing city wlli sail 1U scree and email aoaae at J-s nrrc sr sajoiniag property. Address 411 Seat Ttiw-tourta .at. s-a Eaat SSSo. -BOOM sottsga snd S lots on Woodstock Una; flne rslesen-ranca 1 wreea ssou. 1 nam re m. FelghasrA Irsaho atettasi ea; WoodaUick ear. BALE sr lcsse, 10-rooa bldg.; ground SozlOO. ad- intnlne nnalneea are I Ion: rent orinars nis inter est oa money In resteer ntost sail. - SOS Dsets. aoa. WaLB 6 room sorts re. Bedsra, Ivf feaced. rrnlt trees, a morse rrota ran saaa sr J. EydSr. MuaUrU'a- faoos atsia boos. FOB SALE tws 6-tcf lots, ' oa riln aad eovnty road; reseooarjle: lesnng city, ne Via UH, sr., oor. BSjeusasrs. FOB SALE Moders snbarbati cottage, cloaa to car line, in- aocauoa, gronau iwaiw, O. Wa P. Towuaim Oo., IA llrat- et A- FEW mt for asls aa easy tsrms aesr ear. line; good residenc-- neighbor bood.. Apply John Bain., room ,224 Stark at' -t FOB 'SALE tVrooto. boos asm earner lot. Ea . loth and Eluworrn. ata.; a anap, $1,100. .' B. Thorn pam Jk Cex, 22. Third at. 4 - I.OTH and 4-room boase. woodsbed. eh ilekra- bouss sna ysro. Mt 01 rrsit. . s,eMw w aau-a-Jsmes Hays. Woodstock. , " ' FOB BALEnetorsoae.baswrovt a Ad fruit treee; ana nunnrsino ana sti rar nua; SoAw. Address L. 01, jouxsai. a tt a an at at I S-room h esses aad lot Sl.SnO: 4-rosm bouss snd i large loxa, nne ercsaror 70U. F. r-none- oeoix stuo. . ' v " " 1 arm alia w ssehsnrs. 11A (CTtaF BaBPVOVCtL ,la Bile from Montarvusr car use. owaer, 414 Belmont.. ' . ... . IsgslrS g UUtlU isrio. -WIIB -awwiew, ui a euu uruuaroi asady to esntss; terma. srass meirui. avs . Commercial bldg. ... lSEW B-room cottage. 1 1 bath, etc; most aril; a aw 'agents. - Addreas 4? bargafh; by. ownerj 46, . esrs JoarnaL- "1 $1,650 New B-room cottags and 2 large let On COT. uranu see. .nu eun ee, e. 84 Sharer t . .' ' . v Tmw-NBW 6-reats house. pliStered, Delated, brlek basement, lot AtfltlOO, Woodlaws. Pboa BcoU ,1240. . BOB BALE . t rasa I sera fruit trees. ' at- - heum etc.- aa - car Jaajktr Ba JW1 tna 'ssd S-aere trscts nesr esfllne. Va mils Mllwauat poetof Bee. .0. K. Ballard. SBOOM houae, cbaep frr cash. - Inqulrs L. A . Bsmingtoa, .. Boeeaiowt are., Moutatllla t SeSo S-BOOM noose, fbie eoene int. bara. Set! , wood; easy tsrms. Bog 861, Oregoa -City, BUAL ESTATE bought, a For bargains, as Gordon, aoM and " tchaggad 208 roarta at. - A S-BOOM house snd 2 lot for sals at Bell wood. - , Inquire at 6U Cast 19th st. ' ... BBSTBABLB reelgerlees and kits, west Sr aaat aide. Apply- focsaoeos 448 Third St. ATTRACTIVE homes, 6 snd S rooms; bats, gas. . nlcs anrannery. - tons prone sc. - 'id SAix niraxB. 4 TIMBER-LAND WANTtOl.OwO ts 1,000 Sere adjscsat to Colambia riser or other tultabl FOR SALS Twa homestead rtUaaolshmsat . claims; second growth; -will SSU cheap. . n. P. N lelson Hotel Bhelnpfskk . rni luimeetMrfa tlmberlslms sad fsrmlsBds ar A, S,' Mathtwg A Co.. JU1 Morrlsoa it. . room i, t-ortisna, r. , ,.-e . - an Ar-BES ttmner-lsod. Yamhill coeartTi S'jrnv Apply 60, Mtsstoalppt 4rsi- , PhoagOnloa S482..,'. j -. . .:.y y leFOR HOMESTEADS, timber claims, sad far! apply, ee earn wieuenw r CHOICB Umber-clalrna- gad Cb amber of Com mares. , bomeeteads. Tot ' FOB BALE CB1P FOREST BEREHTB ' BCEIff FOB SALE Ap - prosed; atrreatrlcted, ready for Immediate ass: ' .lowest prlres. - E.. F. - A F. B. Kllsy 4X4 A CEBTTrrrD scrip, Immediate nellrery, lowest or tees: timber Tsada boachl and aold. - W. O. ., Hewell, bl t'aamber of Commsrca. v r - ' f ' C .r. 1 t k iB'iAINS. . it seres, Vt leel vssa bet to La C-Hiwr. . gaily .. ruh - 'r $!.e-e per -re. . ( r. aesr B. p.. StOO. . 1 'A aoi, laeel, 60 sores Slaaast 1 at ' r, e -a aweer. creek, . A Ik-.. fom, a s oil. t .1 0,.o. , lew SCI S, elesred. I 1 i 8 miles f,. I wO, temev bomeste. 4 r ,,.. jt -ai aerea SOSIB le. A.- axce.-Ht e.,,1 11 aeeeei- eleaa-ed. , T par tuny cleared, alaaaiog, 'Tialuder see. , uy sieesou; aosing-eeo.o, rBuimlsga; WlU sell for Vs rslue of In-uruvemeats. , " . 1 l seres, rsillog, eiceneot eull; 20' seres , creek bottom, ta croo, S-sereg slsshed. at- , chard, good 4-room bouss, Isrgs bara. ether , liulKimrs, schoolhouss so pises, 2.ev4,000 feet . , Sr Onoer; miles tram rsllrsgd and boatl . enlf 4,250.' j, . ,...,. ... i -, Nameguw otW bsrgslna. ..-.-- ' .- -- s '- JAMgS .J. O KEANE. - .;- Vaaasuesr., Wash. . t-.j. ' BABMS! KAItVH" FARM8'!! 40-ACBB germ la Ysnibtil county, good t-rosrn house aud barn, 8 serep Is hojs, 8 seres : in isy; noa wut, nay tor tns I arm in a feff years; l,"oo. bslf aeah. lit) acres nesr. Bella t'nwk. P. 0., .gaud bouss, large.' haru and oatimlldlngs. large orchard; this ia s good tarsi, S'll .watered agd '-prodsrtiTa; T,6H. , -, . , , 240 tores lu tisrke Bounty,- Waahlugton.- ' 10 allies from Vauoysrer; loo seres culll. vsteA sll W-rrleond new S-room house, larsa ybara, mlikliouae and- other buildings; fins young vrensra; ,ouu. , .. These sre Just s sample of the fsrma on ear list; ws hsrs. them In WseblBgtoa, Mult- , , nemsha Clackamas aad Lane cuuntleg 'of all ' uida aud prices. --''..'". -, ,:. ORt NOY MELRATH CO., ..'-.-! 2454 Morrsoa St. Room . J2. - ' ... ''' 1 ' 1 ' " 'j 1 n 11 HOW st fhls for-s good bvyT M itw I V mile from eoq ei it. .jr. electric itue. low. " aerea eta high auto f caltlratlon ; 11-roeuk . V koass. Isrgs bsrn.. larss tank sod windmill. , all kinds of eutenildie: fins stesm fmlt ' ' dtyer; 20 acre flos sruasa, 22 aerea Terr ' ' flue anpM orchard; fanes si new; lot of ' , running wster; Iks toll la at the rare best .- , suallty. -Price only $50 per acre, just s . llttls mors tusa ths cost af Itaproeeniaatt. H S. cam of Jopraal.'A , ' - - ' e. 81 ACBE8 Improred; a bargain at $1,600. V , sou arree, goon improTentrwts ail atocgea , aad famished ready to. more In, see about IU ' Sa.Ttio, tsnus-. v'- ,. f . - 220 arras, doable art of bulNHnge, 40 bead" . ef .cattle, horses snd sll necessary msrhlu sryj Ho.' I stork reach ; $4. goo. good terms. ''" , Also asm of- the beat Improved farms In to ' . scllry. ".' ' ' ' ;.: : i' , ' . -v v j NOBTKTWE8T LAND. Cfr., , ,- .' '. ' v 265 Morrlsoa St Boom 211.' - . i, H , , . .ft. TEN acre oa' Powell' Valley read, . alias out. la re leeel. gsoa tana ana eeey ts elesc eery light timber, se large stumps. , only a short dlatanca to 0.)W. P, eksrtrtc IIhs; prlea $50.00 per acre., aa srp wssy terms. Other had adjoining tolrlug at $100 tov$)2S peg acr. Address .X AO., ansa JoarnaL e-- WB bat ' lost pUtted 180 aerea ta aero . tracts. It te one st tba beat pieces of sM j la Multnomah countpt It milss east ef Port, -land aad lea than I Bile from O. W. I. ? ' electric llnst, there I n rock or gre Tel: tba , price la two per acre, on esry sagy terms, il 1J. .esrs of Journsl. . A- FARM of 840 aerea. .8 mllee from Portland. ta -.- Issae or rent tor tares af years: 40 acres la cultlrsthm, all tba crop hsagrauad, 18 bead e ' of cattle, 8 borees, all kind of ansrhlnsry. J about . 50 too of hay, Inonrre Owner, 353 -Esst First St.. N- near W'ekller. -. ' t&6-ACRft fans' for eels an Clesr creek:- TO- aerea In cnltlTStlon, 3e acres nsatnre. gerat fences and buildings, tar re ercbarsY l.OOH.tuO feet fhr sad cedar, at $20 per acre; gla stock , '. and machinery. Laui Funk, Adminlatrator, . . Orsroa City Na, S). Or.- . - i GOOD TB-acra farm for kale; good buildings sod - . pom manias wster Bested la W llwatetls -valley ,11 Bill front Salem, S from Turner; ' mrlre $2,600, lac hid! ug a Cook aad farm Implw '.taents. Addreaa B. . Terser, Turner, or. , TREB LAND IN OREOON tba "Care fraa stgte. IrrigaUoa Act" Deed direct Writ today, Booklet sad as sp tree. . B S. . Portland.. Or, s V, SB! i AMSC gtu S ACEE8 and ale neat hosss, good welt and)-; r outbuildings. 40 feet fraas O. w. r. elee , trie Une. good land aad easily glrarad, only . $750. V $0. ear JoursaL . i- . ALL farm aacBtaery. all trtork, TS seres beery crop. Fsra for sale may reran, or sr rent. . nn gooa term, rary gam ia cure in. , BAermsa. ACRES af land 4 mtlee from Holhrooir ata tioa, amj Northern Pacific By.; arte $2,000. eaa. J. V. Crclghtoa A Co.. lest Third st.. FOB SALS 0 seres for $1,206. Isqlrlre st atorav Stewart station,. Mount ejeolt cerlln. FOB anslkasii Oregoa real sstste, largs or saall trscts. t wiisrd a cmytna. tmeeourg, vr. PABM fpr peat wtth epckn at bsytng. Mods tons, aherwaod. twegwa. - - ' YOB BAII-MTegELlUjrEQirS. - a,sniaAssasya MRS, HOWE'S BULLETIN Good StxTewsod, cleaa aad dry, rsauy to cord, at g2.Sw peg cord; oak and Sr at cat rate; brick for aaa ? cheap; express for hire; hnosis for real.'."; Phone L'aioa ITS or 120S Esst -Dirts low at.' , BILLIARD AND POOL table for raat or to sale on assy payments. ' - THB BBVN8WICE-BALKB COLLENDtB CO.. 1 - , 4 Third st Pertlssd. WB prlat year agts ea so calling carda. proper , ala and atyto. 250. 150 baatseee carda, $U , Brown B Sab mala, S2B First, Pertlssd, or. '- W0VEN-W1BB . and apholstsrrd' cots, . csmp -' afore, haauaaoeka and camp tarnitttr. la S - cine Tsat Awning Ca, 2T artk Flnt ' LAUNCH tor al. krngth SS fast; 10 H. P. aa , hrrr smrrrlng capacity; prlos sery cbeap. - Adesaa H SS, asm wswraaL .'..- for BALE Freak cslfi kss S teas -amly I ass - ebsstlder-blad where right - front foot ought . ' - , to be.-- tiarry a. roye, idm, wr. - . . - t l j ' " '' ;"j ...--'. . AUTOMOBILE, model w. Cedlllae., detachable ton nee u. eicseaingiy gooa eonaiuon, caeap lor 1 cask. Address P 40. etoaraal. FOR BALK. CHEAP Railway" timet to t en . trslla, , Cneastis - ar Tscoma. Apjtly m . tELEPHONaVl . Mfg. Co.. B. Bracket and bios. ' PloBeer Weed Sereeth. Pboaa Best 2103. POM SALE Smith Premier true writer, el lew, reasonable. ASorees a ea. journal. CANARY MptsMtee 2 NaeaJO blankets. SBO B. LJncoan ' at !, rieiiwooa ear,. ;saK awi. OOOD refrlgeraror for aale. lmrstre of Mrs, Wa. Iris, 1701 Est 11th, Sellwsod. ' ' OM.T gwsx neat apses ot guiieiwa, wiui soma v fixtures, Call at, 104. Grand grgH- - - r FOB BALE (-besot 'fin ball terrier papptee, with pedlgred. .412 Morrasa at.' : -- . FOR1 SALE A' Sad hunting dogTrlab Better, anaaim S Esst Elerenth.. south., a ., THE H. C. AI-BEB CO. Second-hand machinery. ,sswsnills. . ate. 248 Grand are. FOR- SALE 880 boatbouee. s Inqgtm tot Mrs. Link,, foot of Milt at. BIDINO horse for aale. - Apply Foster B Kleieer . stable, fifth snd Emtgtt sisv : y , . ... t OAS rosr nearly paw, Sts) Jeffersoa JT.30 ' sack. , Csll TO XZCHAEOB. ' EASTERN farm and dty property to eirbengg f fisr city real estate, ranches, mills. timber , tor merebsudlss any where In northwest. .Dsn ' htton. Bros., Msaomsnla. Wta. . , FOB SALB) or ciehansa for property.' bearding and-feed etabhr ssrntng $1TB monthly, J. ' V. Oslghtoa A Co., 16Vh Third st. . .. V Iwf xebsngs for farm. Port I and rtdse pay ing S per cent aa $4,000. H TO, cay Joorosl. NtWT trpe writer to csebang for bfirss, ar bar an4 buggr. 3H41 4th at. tO SALE H0BSZS AJfj) 0ABBIABZS, pAEIEB top baggy.' robber tire; young, geatl bores and harness, all eosnplsts. A,B. Backer. -' 246 .Wsahtagtoa st., lty. .. - . FOR SALE A goo (hiring -horse, aheap, st Boa . - - A Datla waodysxd, snr. Tentk and Joknson. OOOD toddle; drlTlng , and draft horses Cheap, . U. P. Stables, 238 Beset 11 St.. - . . - FOR SALE 2 large hoes.' Can CTaalsgs. K.' 0. Morgan, 6T0 Mllwaakl t v. FOB SaXE.-IITa-BTOCB. ONE It. thoroughbred A. J, 0.- 0. Jerasy ball ' ... isqsir g isms Bay. Woodstock FOB BALB Oaad mllck cow gad a gratis Be yesr old- Jesse buU. a0O4 Milwaukla, Bale car.- . , a t . 1 1 i i . FOR RALE-Famlly cow."' Apply 1060 B, W(b lrtsa at. Phon Rest 240, - . FOB. ' B A LB Good ; Jamay . Mlsaoarl arte ' TAB X .vi ft-