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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1905)
:"1 -r a - -,' ,- ,' , . . . . , -.- T., , ...v. . !" -,.,. . ,' . . - . . . ' , , - . , ,. V . - !: ' Verycholce tract ln'C j cele-.' breted ; anti-rent district. A uburb built with rent money. Loto OiaO Payable; $3 Down, & Month, :EUIEIfilSlllI(El fnn rlri'ionrin ' t -. . w . . , . First Uocal Contract Made Today for- Carrying of . This :rv: .n,r Year't VVheat ' TO SAM FRANCISCO A-, : f , , , mw w m m -w Shippers Believe' Thai Bulk of Sur- V plui Grain' Will Go to Calif orniW-. ' ' Moif of the .Local Warehouses - , Have Delivered Last Year a Crop; , JJ Taylor, .jrnuiig - aV rtar4 'the , steamer Eureka this 'morng to carry ' new. crop wheat from Portland to'lpaa ' FrancUco during the months ..Of , Bep tember and October She hae a .carry-i -Ing capacity --of J. 800 tona It la the flrtt charter that has been ef footed this year for the movement of .' ..of what disposition Is going to be made 1 of the surplus wheat sent to tide water . thl season, stating that the bulk of It 1111 go to California. ,. Other ahlppere y mrw tooaing srouna jor lonnasw o an fur the cereal begins to afrtva from the Inland, empire It will sent dow xneooasi in sieaay fireams. .. - Tha RuNkft la Ana nfttha 1 a rwmmt nar rltra on the coast, capahleiof. handling, practically aa much grain as the average "square-rigger"-, engaged In lh Torejgn trade. - Bhe was at Portland about three weeks ago taking a full cargo pt grain flown tn coaat. ' Tayloe, ' Young ' Jk , Co. . have 'also chartered tha ateamar Cskiina to carry cargo of old crop grain to Ban Pedro. She left Baa Francisco this morning for the north . and will arrive on Monday or Tuesday. She will take out' In theJ neighborhood of 1,100 . tone. 'The Roanoke, which will aa II tonight, will take out about 1. ISO tons of wheat. . Nearly all of the steam schooners sail. Ing of late have taken out either full or part cargoes of tha. cereal. In an other month If la believed that tha ware . houiea. will'' practically be cleaned up of the old crop and tn, shape toi receive tbe", heavy consignments , which will shortly be made from the harvest Aside. I NEWPORT HELD UP, . Xagtaeere, ranee aad Steward. Quit aad rf . - Steamee WIU lose a Trip. ' , IMssatisfled with ' their posiflons,', or Jiaving too much money, as iipreentaA tlve of the oraft expressed; it, the .en r" aineera, purser and steward . on a the - ' steamer Newport tendered their reslg- neions last night, and the .vessel had .' 'to lie Idle at the dock' Instead Of sail- Ing for Baadon as had- been intended. ' It la said that other men will arrive from ' : Seattle to take their. places in, time, for tha steamer to sail tonight. . , ' The Newport haa experienced a siege . et.hard luck during -the past. week. While seconding the Coqullle river the ".'ether day she-ran. on a mudbank "and days. That delay and the present tlaup will be sufficient te throw bar behind Iter .regular schedule almost one trip. She eras recently put oa the run to Coca , Bay and other Oregon ports to assist the Roanoke.-' She la building up a good trade. FLOUR. EXPORTS LIGHT. , Vaasually Small Demaad: tor 'the Prod- aw wawa ana v vnwa , ..For the paat week no Inquiries 'have ' bwn TecoWed from Japan an"Ch!na for . floun From the appearance of- things , the Nlcomedla. due bo Augaat 11, will V. 1e forced to go out with e light cargo; as apace for but- too tona has been en- -:v: V; AU ECO "1 ; The price is one third that of any other .high grade bak ing powder. p"e f' ' ' "f ' " ' ' ' 10 V Sunday yill bz a tract If you vill Cfc;!;i' Lc-i 106' ..'a -Day; Qeo,-.? Brown Room 203 Falling 3uUding Phone Main ?12fts '.Z'-' 'City Off Ice Open Evcolaff ' V'.- sac4. 8h iinar har to jarrr ' etol for twIlMt .. Tv-".v. 8tmil. . Jlo6urgInf rporta om from th ootMl. J. J. Hill's Mf Mpar. capabl of carrying 10M0 - ton of frelelft a Jeavlng Saattla mlth las tban l,00' .lona. It vls ad : tba i rat for hindllm this amount will not ba Buffl-rtoat-tw ,py her running espanass . ' , 'Off lolals ('th Portlapd F Asiatic Bteamahlp. company hllav that abont Septaoiber 1 th demand for Paclflc oxit flour 17 th orient wilt again b strong, as It usnallr Is abort 1? after tha rlw grain crop baa barn placed on tha market. : -The opinion is also, advanced that the steamers ' operating' from the several voaat porta will . ba taxed to -i their full capacity to handle the busi ness until lata in the fall or the early part af tha ''winter, ' and that : when hnaw wheat begins to arrive at tidewater the' price will drop so that flour. Will be o an expert bl. . ; . . ' - Big ' quantltUs of grain will again be shipped to, California ports this fail andi-winter, and In sotlolpatlon of a big Increase tn the . traff lo tha trmniport tUn cCmpaiilas art adding to. their ton- TCINNACE WILL BE CHEAPr witt tha Oles of m Wa auny Btsaam ec As XeokiJw foe Caarters. - Although tha season t weu'e4vwneei: no ahlpa Bave been chartered -o take gram io . nrniD. pons. - usually, si this season a large' fleet has been, en- ,., , MmmM,m .m .k ... instead ef selling vessels will take care of the wheat exports,- as, since tha war la practically at .en end, steam tonnage will be a drug en the market.. Hundred of steamers wee used . se transports and. 'ethers fbund steady employment carrying. auppUcay. llany .- of them will be sent "te the Paetno coast te aearoh of grain charters.' In support ef this View it Is pointed out that a bis portion of ..the. lumber is-, going outon tramp Steamers, whereaa-it h-Bi usually been cent on sailing vessels. v'"' V ALONG THE WATERFRONT. With a general cargo ef freight and carrying . S3 passeagere. -the t steamer Cascade arrived laat night frontr San Francisco. She Is, under, charter to the McCormick Lumber company to take out a -cargo of - Oregon' fir on the return trip from vsecouver.vwasningtqn. . - In tow of the. Harvest Qbeen the British . berk .-JDrumoralg left- up this morning from .At6rla and will arrive late tonight Bhe la under charter to the Pacific Export Lumber company to carry a cargo of flr. to Manila. The crett Is in comnnuid Of Captain Barns eon. V-. .... ', ' ,- '. 'i v . '-To' have her propeller repaired . the steamer Alliance was ptaeed on the dry dock this moenlnV -. v . .The steamer St. Paul arrived last night from San Francisco laden "with general merchandise' and carryings all let ., the paasengers ahe could accommo date. ' .- . . r,. '.';' x'. The llht4iouaa tender! Wansanlta rat- turned to the ino'uth of the rivef" this morning rrora a xrtp ;oown tne coaat, where she placed new buoys and deliv ered supplies, v - ' ' With STt.OOO . feet of. lumber ha steamer Northland sailed last . nlgh General Appraiser Fisher i arrived this morning from Washington to con duct a reappralaement of goods at the eustom-house. .. --rrr: .- Captains Kdwards and Fuller are at Cascade Ixks- today Inspecting v. the steamers Katie Weir, Pearl aad Maja. , - Tha. schooner Alpha haa been char tered to load Kimber at Portland', for IS California port. Bhe Is now et the Biy City. :: : MARINE JJOTES- Astoria. Julv . tt. Arrived dow', at 1:20 and aallod at :ie a. m.: steamer Northland for San Francisco r left up at 10.10 e." m.. British bark Drumcralg; arrived at 10.10 a. m. stesinOr Oeorge Lomis rrom aaa Francise-arrived at 10:30 a, m steamer Aberdeen from 8an Franolsro. ,'- - - ' . '-.'i-. Saw Francisco,' July ,11-Arrtved at :S0 a. m.,1- steamer .Csarlnai from Port. land; sailed at 4 p. m. yesterday, steamer F. a. Kunurn for Portland and . coast portal . aaUed at J, p. m. yesterday, steamer tteapatch for Portland.. -. . Astoria, July' !. Condition 01 the bar at S a. -rn, smooth; wind northwest: "reamer ciouey..t, - ... ri ''-', ,;tw.-";v;'- " i -:: J. J. Moore et Co. of Sad Francisco have chartered the British bark Thistle, rhintalti - RnSlaad. ' tt Inarf lMk - PorlUfidTdfToinTrlsT Australia, - The cargo, amounting o i something -like 1.700.000 feet, wlll be supplied by the North Taeldo. Lumber company. The Tbfstle arrived here eif July 11 with a fatt Cargo from Europe. ' Recently ahe wee tied Ul at, the dock Tf the Orredh Water Power A Railway 'company to fwalt for a charter. . It wa a generally supposed that ahe erouid remain -here until the new r-rop of wheat was ready to move. The German ship Arthur Fit- ger Is r now , the ' only, disengaged' grain (hip in port. - . . , , v . ... " ' CeytaU Bread a . Ylaltor. ' ' Cantais Brandt a sent for thA' Cali fornia eV Oregon -Coast 8teamshlp com pany at Eureka, -who haa been spending bis vacation ,1a Portland, will leave en big day at Firland. Wev are prepared helpmtdce xip the riumber we p a .. ... .Fist v. - Every 15 .Utes .".. Trtr.sfcrs s ' V' f ' tfctVWwssssiiei is. twre.hisWrVdlM- . .This business block stands at Union avenue and East Osk streets, and waa erected for - Councilman John P. -' ,8harkey by he Concrete Construetlon company. The material Is concrete stone moulded Into building blocks. For - ; business houses or residences- ft Is far superior to sandstone, as the blocks are so fsshloned thst the walla are hollow,, thus perfectly excluding both eold, heat and moisture. .The cost of, construction of buildings with this material , is less than If built of brick, and being absolutely fireproof and indestructible by heat. Its superiority ' 5 la at once apparent. These block: are . greatly In demand in many of tbe eastera citlea. and are doubtless destined. ' to supplant all ether kinds of buUdlng material Irt tha conatructlon of fireproof buildings here. ' The blocks kre 1 i manufactured aU the company's plant at East Sixth and Madison streets. The office of the -company is st V01 , Chamber of Commerce; ite telephone Main 10, .-'. - . ' i Monday for Skagway, 'Alaska, .on the steamer Humboldt . Many years Age he waa captain of the old steamer Hum boldt, which was wrecked Off ths'TVaah tngton coast . The captain retired from sea life six years sgo. -. w . v v ' Sumpts Oaablere Arrested. "Special Diapateh to The 'JomtX.) . Baker . Cityv - Or, July SI. Charles Starr and' William Melton, gamblers, were s treated, by; Sheriff - Brown In Bumpier yesterdar evening. They gave ttto bonds for their appearance at trial which takes place here Monday. -- tSJ-a aaa !aa aaajaaaaaaaaaajaaaajt 1 '. -..''5 'GivenJAwav Free to Everybody; Beats k . A a m Them All .. ' ; .. . . '.A. , our RwuUfttl 'Auicrtcan Tatting cMiii, Free to lTerybody". ; :;.' Purohaslng; oar r;'-. Teas .' Coffees - t Spices' - AChlna; :Nt ;." Crockery Glassware' Greatest Offer of the Age" CHe this Cewaea etrt, Msg' k to any of ear stores.,; - V,. ht vetar.lair'7 .oaKtytofCoeoaal ; towara gettias yo tie v Talking Maculae Free cc ZD O Bojs, Glrlv an4 Toncj La41c$ , UI$1$ Your Ounce. 1 . vComt sod 8 tJtV.v -;. ,.v- ..... - . ' ,l'v'vv Crest icalcalrptrlti Tea (a "V "'" fteree BTeVjrwhere' ' ,'ir-v----r'.':;' , I5J F?rS'.,8, ahd.';V ..'.Ut Oregon CetJV Mala Street Astoria, 'STI Commercial St . - Concrete. $fone Fireproof -Buildirigr- PICTURES WILL SHOW v 7 ROYALTTArHOME .'-' mm - ' -. .. vNo amount of money would purchase admlaalon to the private'apartments of the emparor and em press -do wager f China, . the throne, roome and thrones, summer .palace. winter palace, and the emperor's anoeetrei temple, stereopticon views of which. wall , be shown at the First- Presbyterian church et T:4I O'clock tomorrow night. . .v t ' ' . . The lecturer. Rev. Charles A. H tills ef Peking, also brings with him the firat gun captured by the American troops In the city of Peking, cannon balls, shells aad bullets that were fired - Into the British legation by Boxers end Chtnese soldiers, paintings by ths hand of the empress dowager, etc-Three hundred of Mr. -Klllle's ptyiehlonero were slaugh tered daring the Boxer outbreak and ths most pathetio views, which He shows ere bonfires- where many -of" thorn -. wers burned at the stake, ruins of homes and missions, ete. But with these he slso Illustrates thS'-new China which la ris ing Phoenlx-Uke from the ashes. Not the least Interesting picture Is that of (he smpresa dowager, a eopy of the one given last April as a farewell present to retlrttig'TJtUtecTB tales Minister' Conger. - Admission Is free; aa offering will be - - BOARQ OF TRADE AFTER PHILIPPINE EXHIBIT f, Vn'v)1' " - J Ae effort win be mads by the Port land board ef trade to bring about com- . . . . .I. - m 1 . 1 i 1. 1 Dinea. icvva joi mil gwzm.M wmioniwi bodies' and- raise $6,000 to retain the Philippine- exhibit at the Lewie aad Clark if. which has been offered by the government for . that sum. - At -a meeting of the .board yesterday after noon the executive committee dmeuasod the Subject and referred It to the com mlttteen. oriental trade " v A. 0. Devers, chairman of the cora merse edmmlttee, aaade a report lodera Ing the movement ' by the New York chamber of eommaree to secure reci procity, treaties between the United States ted European countries, Wallls Nssh. O. .W. Allen and J. D. Lee were annnlnted to draft s resolution tobe sent to the.)Saw Tork chamber. -The regular monthly meeting ef tha board will be held next Tuesday even lag; when committees will be appointed to the Trans-Mlaalaalpl congress snd the Chlesge .reolproclty oonvsnttnn. Wallls Nash lhae bees aaked and fcas Consented, -to.' address this meeting! on the suMeac of tha "Co-operative Chris tian Federstlon-v-What It Is, and What It Purposes, Doing." - , - t 1 .- "I. . ,w. a aermaele. .J,i 1nmM.A . gt knMlna aapvlnaa aft the regular ptaoe, ' Sit Hawthorne avenue, he meetings of the Chureh of God will be behtat Laurelwond In a tabernacle, te lsstover two - Sunday Meetings every, evening at' I o'clock. Sunday services at a o'clock. , . : -,.,. to show a thousand people lover the an Come F Pert Air Water ; Kilns Graded Streets Robert A. Taylor ; M'.r"yvyTAient at Plrland : -j: ;-.1 . Aslc for Illustrated Poldewlth Plat I. mii in. ai. s t - 1 7 DELEGATES APPOINTED BY GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN v v : .' Governor Chamberlain baamads ths following ".. appointments of delegates from Oregon-to two ef the lergeot-eea grosses to be held In Portland this year . Delegates to the national Irrigation congress, August 11-10: W. P. Campbell Chemawa; T. O. Halley. J- H. Raley, A. IX Stlllman, Walter M. Pierce, Pen dleton; W. R- King, A- N. Bollas. C. W, Mallett Ontario; J. 'A. woolery, Ionet Lee McCartney, E. A. McDanlet, Baker City; e. J. Frasler, E. J. Toungt Henry Ankeny, Eagens; A. King Wilson. R. C Judson, A M. Drake, Portland; F.-Hol brook, A. BennattIrrigon; 8. A. LowelL O. A.; Hartntaa,-' Pendletoni F. 8. B ram- well, t. La ; Grande t J. R. Eateb, Echo; R. M. Teatch, Ophage Grove; John W. Gataa, Hlllsboro. . ; . ' - . To the Trensi-Mlsslsslppl congress, August 1S-1S W. A. Munly. J. M. Moon. H. M. Bruason, C H. Meussdorffer, M. H. McMonles. Joaepb Frledenthal. Sol, Harris, D.--C -.Burns, M. A. Raymond, Leo Peterson, V. A, Watts. Daniel Mo Allen. William Foley. E. B. Duffy, A. W. Cauthorn and Tom Richardson, Port land; E. Hofer, George Collins; ' A. M. Cannon and 8. T. Richardson,- Salem; Bert Huffmen.r Pendleton; W. A. Nash, nan as: E. J. Frasler, Eugene; F. A. Beufert, The Dallaa; E. J. Kpiser, Ah- Isnd. . (AT ,AItES o A.MERIGA Two Weye Cent by. Weter " The Northerw Steamship - will operate steamanip North-Wast" between, Du- luth and Buffalo and stesnv ship "North-Land" between Chicago and Buffalo, calling 'at Intermediate points of interest Return rail tick- eta good for this wataf- routs on alight additional " payment. .... . gam ne ev Imartaaa nae, Aaaarleea plaa taelseas ak as-'- paaaM la .eae Uebvt. -" S. g. gflrta Uai kam CM ease SarnrOays. - . a. 'Mts-Weatra laeaas Da tats Taeeoare. fas tall sartlealaie aesly st , writ te . ; ' f B. PtCiteoS, .". T. A. i r 123 Tktra at. - ronuH..untn, i '- --'rl: r. out tomorrow and learn how. Cars Phones Schools Churches Growing Very Fast i Properlyj Three Wevr iToasee on Nob Hill, renting foe lioeeor month. n bo bought at - price to net II per cent on Investment. (Tew V-aooav -modern house, 14th and , Hawthorne avenue;, lot t0xl0; price, , IMo. S-atoosi house, corner ' 15th and Madl son. Modern, $8,000. S-ateom modern house, furnace,' gas end . electric light; lot tOxlOO; corner; easy '. ..terms. j -. ..- , iTateee modern house; lot 10x100, eor- "-ner, Madison; ai.ioo. . T-atoom house near Hawthorne avenue, i-Booat house, Tabasea addition, $t,50, Aesee. close to -city limits, with k room house, 160 fruit trees; nice su burban home; IM60. r -. SS Aoree near city limits at a bargain. Aereage Traata between Irvlngton park and Columbia Heights, , Lots in Archer Place" and hrAnabd $S.0J Per Month Stcvcnsca-Drovn Co. HO 8eond St.' v SAVINGS BANK THE TITLE GUARANTEE 4 TRUST CO. Par 4 per cent on certificates of d. Accepts your deposit account sub ject to check and allowa yon! '3 per cent Interest on dally balances. v;'; DIRECTORS. ' . ; WM. Xidd, '. 't. T. Barkhart, J. Thorbum Roes, Frank U. Warren, .Oeorge H. HllL Banking Honra. 0 a. ra. to S p. ra. SaturdorsvilOl. e. jtvtbLlltioon. Saturday evening8, ito U o'clock. . .-' 7 Chsmberof Commerce , ' '. Portland,' Or. i VpRNiON Stiraaatlona taeelrae astaraav ear f 10 petae after tor a iear-aratd Sanaa for or Varaoa aa: ... . "Varaaa. The Seat Brer." s . "Ho Cltr-a F.tal V arena " "BeoM-bayera, AtUatioal , Baateaibat Tar- bob." . . "Dwaata Beoe at ermas.' - ... . "Jaat Wateh Veraoa inm." ' . . ' - 'on'U Bar. to Horry." - - - x rii - Taraea. PorfUad'. Oraaaaat BaaMafte?' - i "Varaoa. PertlaaS'e Ideal HeaiMlte." . ' "Great OpportaaHiae, at TemOB." . "gwn f the Wait." Lets tee to S400. . SoM aa easy tesUIlaMata. Hoore Investment JCo.: um sum st. yHon KADI IS, WASHINGTON ST. . ALDER STREET SIXTEENTH St. A v MAGNIFICENT ' BU8INES8 SITE WITH ABOVB THREE .FRONTAGES. V- EJ. Daly, 222 Failing BIdg. Orefiron Co-Oocratlve nomc Association will fmf ra a Dome or par err rear axrtn aad glre rs a long term of years la vaka reoar rear loaa. Only Four Per Cent barest Cb&rttd -e-eeemty-rouire the ealy way far a wae-arar to aeeure a a nan. , , . gar foil partlcalam can at : 1 65 Fourth Street ' f Parser atorrtaoa . Saesj ST. , ' Mi.sztrrs or ail hnos ,, ,, , I M f , - HS -. i J Twenty mlnutea from city by Mt. Scott cara. See the auborb that haa aet the pace in aeQing. Homes at Rent Rates .IjeWis &;QciTK: fdr 'v J Camp Grounds Company ! Sorrowadlng' aaA Adjotaing t . Gateways from camp grounds Into parte. Sits. tables, swings, lagoonvand shade in this most beautiful park in Portland. Ten minutes'. walk' from the business district oa. west side. .Twenty f minutes to ; the World's Fair Grounds by car. , live st home in Portland and avoid, the heavy cost - and inconvenience of the crowded lodging, bouse, and res taurant. ' There - will be an at tendant in charge' of the Tented City day and night. . Free tele phone connections in his office. The famous Bull Run water piped on the tract free.. " Toilet arrange ments and sanitary appliances lo- ' catedconvenlerttolL-Gsge- wjjl be removed daily at expense of the company. ; All avenues and alleys will be kept clean and free from rubbish. You must reserve tent space for time of your visit. Send us your .reservation now, that we may be able to, take care of you when you come. ' Remit us $7, which will pay your. first two weeks' r,ent, with right of occu pancy at $2.50 per week thereaf ter, nf ou can reserve for any two weeks during the fair period. The first to register will have choice of pace. Mail all , remittances to G. Y. HARRY. Secittvy Jresssrtr .US Seeead St-oettoma. Oev . ... Phone Main tit. Or any of the following agents Of our Herbert U OiU?!??.; , . .1 Weodburn Howard A Scott. Albany Hurley A Taylor. ......... Independence lion. N. Wheal don..'.... The Dalies A. H. Blander llntla Point ! Aug. Huckenatetn. ............. . .Salem . Amoier oi wattera......,.....uorTanis Campbell A Fuller ...Dallas Brltf ' Asplnwall ............. .Broojia ' Wouldn't It be e good plan to Invest rtland real aetata for a few dollars In Port! a nosslbla future home or aa a anecu laUoaT .. - , ,,. - -i . Is the choicest residence property on the East Side. Te ese le to buy. Lots now offered from ' , -.- ' ... ; . . 3200 and Upwcrd On liberal terms. ' We would be pleaad to anve you ouc xa . soe uia para-iiaa eectlon of beautiful homes st your con venience on applloatlon to INVEOTMltnT CO. ,244 StUrk Street See Us f or Your Home We ' have' "some beaatlfiit - wubu rhs ir : cottages that range from $700 to 11,000. . uur pian is ior you to pay lis per month. These bargains cannot be du plicated. Call end seo tin , - " si. trsaawvat, 1H Grand Ave. Room 1. ' j . V.'P.DAIiER ; 4SS WTLT.TSMS AVSaTVaf. ' - , Flksae Bast I7SS, . Has eeveral rare opportunltise to home- seekers. Houses and lots for sale i irvlngtoa and Holladay Park Addltloae. J. Ogllbeo ; Room IU Utk TUt Street., . SI250 Addition; walking dtatance: little repairing), in Stephana with roomcottage uieeda Beautiful lot, (0 S 100 feet, very cheap. .-. ;.', ' wasntngtoei t? comer. , , . .f i.f Alder eL comer, IJojlOS. .... M t Alder St.. eorner.JI0.. S,fc-rV Nob Hill Butlful .resldeiwe Sits, hedge fence, oement walk. ' y tth. corner. lOOslOO. 1120 per bjo. j EJ.Ddy,222Fc S2A VCW COaT Tnr Sale One block f modern, nearly new, c rlllian, pearawniB, w- . Arm J I I or R. at. Wilbur, tot li. , . PEW I ' v'.-t !.'-'n : . ' "A