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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1905)
mu -v u:i: rxu:,D the yc.ud V, ;V,jy . . j v " 1 1C0UT RE1DY IICMEO i.,.i- --t - - ramimoth' : Company ' U ; ' Com : pletinj Third Big Plant in Northern "California. Member th Knight,' c Honor Must Pay Larger .X..; Premium. . ,0 to Wave seven hundred ADDITIONAL COST FOR ; TON& initial capacity LIVING TO AN OLD 'AGE Two-Mile Tram Has Peen - About Completed and New Plant WM Be Ready to Blow In tha Present Raiae Ia Along Sam Lines as Thoss of ' Royal Arcajium -NcT Protest .Yet 4 From .tha Insured Youngar Members Believa Change Beneficial v Season.. - -y : - Chocolate '';.. .- - "'- "'' and ' , I Jjll 124 v v ' ' . .' ' " - ' . ; - -s r ' '" - J V. -r -t v. r- . J- " - v r.: . Northern California, .will.' this ' year inm n(hr hta- ameltlns plant in oper ation, It will have greater: capacity than the Bully Hill, and the room for uett furnaces will permit of enlarge ment eauel. tat tha. .capacity of .the Kes wick araalter ot 1 the Mountain Copper company. " ' ""' The hew amelter la owned Mammoth company. A. E..WoelUe. who has bean erecting the aerial train, ana who returned to Portland yeaterday, , stated that -the work waa progressing -rapidly, and that he though the amelter ' wvuld be blown In aome time thla sea son. The tram on which Mr. Woelke waa , engaged haa a length of two miles, with . a different In the elevation of terminal of many thousand feet The stress on the cables because of the latter fact , waa fee great that the tram waa dl ... vldnd Into two sections, each provided . . with .. horse-power brakes .. and-40 ' borne-power emergency urakes. .-. The management Intends to deliver mine timbers from the- amelter level to . the mine over this tramway.", said Mr. 'Woelke this morning, "and there la one of the most 'effective elevators in use between the sections I have evr seen. Largo Umbers are delivered by the lower section to this elevator, the pieces are : lifted to the lower terminal of the upper aeotlon of the tram and attach to the passing cable - with the same grip de vices common with ore bucket. As the . ori la alwaya being delivered down hill the difference la elevation between theae two section terminals, which la 41 feet. Is represented by the ore bins and load , lug chutes." - - " . The amelter building la to have steel atructural material entirely, with cor rugated Iron elding, v Furnaces for a .' capacity of 716 tons are being put In of the ordinary blast type. water-Jacket- , ed, with stove to - deliver a blaat for . pyritic-or-aeml-pyrltlo ameltlng. The sampling mill will have wooden stnio tural pieces, but la as bulltihartt may be replaced with steel at any time the management deairee. The plant ia mod-"-era In every respect, and will be lo- . , rated on a siding at Kennett, ' about - half a mil from the main Una of the fifty"1 P"1"" PLACER DEAL CLOSED. rhnadalphla Ken Take targe lenaca . . -. tcwo og-ne Mirer, yi (Speeiiil Diipatcfc to The Jaaraal.1 ' Grants Paaa. Or, July It. A company or rnuaaeipnia capitalists lias purchased . the placar claims " of Prye Bi on Rogue river, three mTiee below the "mouth iof ' Mule creek,- The property oonelete of 120 acres, the gravel de posit being from 20 to 40 feet deep. This summer the mine will be equipped . with two No-. 4 giants and each will have a head of Sit feet "to- the pipe.'1 The water for ' the glanta will be brought In a 2f-lnch ateel pipe from Tom East creek, distance of 1 miles. , No . fjume or ditch could be uaed. . - The Mule Creek d.strlct Is connected with the ouUlde world by . m trail to West Fork, on the Southern Pacific, ' a . distance ef It mllea. and to Gold Beach, on .the coast, 4t mllea distant A tri weekly mail, by Jioraebackv paasea over thla route. ' The poetof floe for the dis trict Is Martial, located at the month ef Mule creek. All light freight ia packed In from West Fork, but heavy freight Is brought from Wedderburn. at the mouth of Rogue river, and up that stream - by gasoline launches to . the mouth of the Illinois river. - From there . to Mule creek the river la too awlft and , ahoal for Jaunches and the freight la brought up the 16 mllea on small -craft , which are pushed' and towed over the raplda by nit-fitb banks -and by others In the boats. . NEW PLANT OPERATING. area Xerthera Sady for Work in Bine I '..'.j? ,,- Siamet. . , ; (PeIil Dlspatrfe to The leoreal) .' ' Eugene, - Or, -. July It. The Great : Northern Development company, which bonded the Great Northern group. Blue river dlmrlnt, front the Great Northern Mining V Milling company about a year ago for haa Just taken, up the bond and received a deed giving the com- pany complete ownership. The four-stamp mill on the property wiu resume operations Monday and the new Huntington will be ready for opera- tlon within S days. When the latter , opens tha capacity of the plant will be equal to a li-atamp mill. The new aerial tramway has been ..n..-i3u mi n provea a succoee. it I la 1.200 feet long and can deliver ore I from the mine to the mill at the rate , of a bucket containing 21 pounds each minute. The tramway la operated at a . coat of about S1.60 a day. - - - "- The new water power plant and canal Good. Eating la always better enjoyed and mors rel ished wham tha appetite la kaea and the etomach and bowels strong enough to - properly dlgeat the food. To bring about this condition is an easy matter If you will only take a few doses of . nosicncr s Stomach' Bitters Tour food will then be properly IACU aesimuaiea s e that you need not ear any attack of r CCeTMaaS . CCmVCmCsU 7 ffWsMfrlfcX tokly wosaen are also greatly bene fited by using the Bitters every month. Try a boi- Ue and aea for your sell. .. . . ' t - 'M'"l"-e I aau A latm roa this . aaa-HAaa WorldsFair Walter BakfSir& Co. Ltd. EMbBahea tjt, .; DORCHSSIXR, MASS. A c HIGHEST AWARDS 1N' 4o EUROPEANDAMERICA- have alao been completed and the plant will hereafter be operated ty water in atead of br steam. Conalderabl development baa been done on the property and a large amount of ore la blocked out. Everything .1s in readlneas "for a aucceaafut run, and the stockholders sre sanguine of good results, . '. ... ;:-, anJOdlac Berarberatery raxmaoa. - fSoedal SUaatch te She Joans!.) ' . Landora, Idaho, July II.- The work of constructing a reverberatory zurnao tor the lA Metals company at thla plaea la pro (Teasing rapidly. General Manager B. Peacock put a force on duty recently and has had the materlala re quired delivered here. The plant ahould be finished early thla fall, and as there la an abundance of ore awaiting It, will probably make ateady run during the waiter. ,.'.... ..... nuwiDcn t-aawuirr-tor---i.H0N0RED BY ITALIANS (Icarsal peetal aerrfce.) Rome,' July 1 It waa live years ago today that King. Humbert, while ao-Journlng- at Mona, met a tragio death at. the hands of the asaaaaln BrescL- The anniversary was observed today by com memorative ' services . throughout the Kingdom. Roma waa the center of the observances, many visitors - from - all parts ' of Italy uniting in a, pllgrtaaga to the tomb of Jtlng liumbert In the Pantheon. - y '. . , . Tha pllgrimaga comprised an immense procession of delegatlona from all the Italian - province, colonies and civil, military and labor aaaoclatlona, with flaga and bands of tnusto. As tha pro cession entered tha Pantheon those, who participated In It filed paat tha vault containing: the remains of tha assassi nated monarch and there deposited hand some wreatha and other floral offer ings. ' !' ' v.-' V- In tha afternoon tha vault waa visited by King Victor . Emmanuel and -other members of tha royal family and ap propriate services In memory of the dead wero held. Others who visited the Pantheon during tha day Included the ambaaaadora and other foreign repre aentativea. . '... BAKER IS MAKING BIGt PREPARATIONS FOR FAIR - - (Spadal Dlspateh to The JsjraaLy v Baker City, Or., July 2. Secretary a. O. Correll of the Fourth Eaatern Oraaon DUtrlot Agricultural society baa for- wjred tiie list of premiums to be of- fred by tha society for the beat agrt- cultural and stock exhlblta at tha coming fair that- is to be held In Baker City next September to the state printer for publication. Tha list ta a long one and will be printed in book form, having about pa gee. Tha state appropriated 1260 for the printing of these premium Usta. Besides the regular premiums of- fered by tha etate. tha commission act- Ing In ' conjunction with tha Baker County Fair dc Speed association win get out a list of special events with prises. These events wilt consist mainly of bronoo busting contests, cowboy races and 'tha Ilka. Great preparatlona are oeing made already Tor this fair. In which the countlea of Baker, Grant. Har ney and Malheur take part, and exhlblta are avea now coming In. . ,- TRY TO PASS RAISED:-: .: . BILL ON SALEM MAN OlpeeUl DUpatch to The . JaaraaLt ' Salem. July 21. The first raised bill to make tts appearance In -this city was presented by two well-dressed men at a local restaurant last evening. Tha men, who were both strangers hero, atepped up to the cashier's desk after eating aupper and one of them offered a bill which tha cashier at ones detected aa being a 11 bill raised to fS. Ha re- iusea to accept the paper, which tha stranger replaced in his wallet and then from another pocketbook drew a genuine i blU and paid for the meal. The men disappeared before an offi cer could be summoned and even though diligent search was made no trace of tha sharpers could be found. . World KeetUg of meads. T IJnaraal gptdal eVrrlca.) " mrmnona, Ind., July 21. The Trlends' . international educational con ference which begins Us sessions Mon fv. "l ,Frh' collnge will bring to gether the best known educators in ths krlends InsUtutlon throughout the country. Many delegatea and vlsUors are already arriving. The addreaa of welcome on Monday evenig will be given by Governor Hanly and the name even ing reporta from the rriends) educa tional Institutions win be presented by Robert E. Pretlow, chairman of the executive committee of the five years' meeting. During the three days' ses sions discussions of topics wil be par tlcipated la br leadlna- v-ri.n. - v - . ....... v v country. i ' 'v'. '. ' f JooFM.t BbmiI.1 Imm. U - . New York, July . Members of the Knights of Honor, a fraternal organisa tion carrying insurance benefits, who are over (0 years of age and ' wish to carry auch Insurance aa they have, muet pay an Increased premium rats after September 1.- Ths cost of Insurance on that date will be Increased up to 70 years of age. The Increaae la along tha same lines as that recently-adopted Dy ths Royal Arcanum and It has met with a protest similar to that , caused among the Arcanumites. The Increase- became necessary, . ao cording to ths officers of the organisa tion, because of tha Increaae In ths av erags age of members.. Sines 1000, the officers aaaert, .the treasury has p out to members over the ' age of 40 $670,000 more thaa members only that age have paid In. Unless tha increase was made tha amount paid out would continue to grow year by year. The reorganisation of the . insurance plans was resolved upon at ths Slat eon vocation of tha auprema lodge recently held at Atlanta. Members over 0 who decline to pay tha Inoreaaed rats will have ..their Insurance, decreased . f . per oent annually, at the old premium rate until they are JO years old. . So far as this, iprt.of the country Is concerned, tt Is' slot at all likely that there will be any -eoncerted action taken by the members of the order agalnat ths new rates. The old members. .while hit hard, and many of .them; are- In dignant over the - change, seem at the s&me time to accept it with aort of resigned ..air, and will - either '-quietly drop out or else make ahlft to get along aa beat tney can -under the new tables. The younger members,' who are not af fected, believe that the change h one for the good Of the -order- end will place It on a more substantia basis. The , Knights of Honor was founded In 1871 and according to the latest re ports It smbracea IS grand lodges, LS6I subordinate lodges, and ' an aggregate membership of S3, 800. - The total benefits disbursed since organisation exceeds 180.000,000. . ... , oheols of Beaton. lBgwiiri)Uiwu.u is mm swisaLt Corvallls, Or- July Jl. In the annual report of School Superintendent Denman the following facts appear: . . . in Benton county there are rial legal voters, the total number of library books on hand Is 490, totakatmount of money received from all sources - t20.07t.0I. total paid to teachers f U.m.lS. ; paid for fuel and suppllea $1,145.1. total for all expenditures f 2!. 661.68, cash on 'hand 85.(10.47, estimated value of sohool prop erty 152.745, estimated value of school property and apparatus 84.114, average salary a month ' for men $87, average salary a month for women T teachers $8140. "'.,.-t v-. ... . - - Sooton Bay Celebrated. ' , (Jooraal Special Serrt.) .V - . Chicago, July 10. Scotch day was celebrated by ths Caledonian society of cnicago today with- av tMa; outing , at Santa Fe park. Tha athletic sports and dancing and bagpipe eon testa wars par. tlcipated In by a number of profes sionals from Scotland and Canada, " , The man who ahouts In. prayer. evens up by silence In practice.. aalaT Because of its delicate, Me dicinal; Emollient, Sanative, Antiseptic.' Properties, de rived from" Cutkurathe gfeatkih-Cure, unTted with the purest of cleansing ingredients and most re freshing of flower odors. No other Skin Soap is so effective for preserving and purifying, Hair, and ng; the Skin, i, bcaip. ur, and Hands.- ino otner el at . a For Skin plV and Scalp ; 'is? Toilet Soap'so pure, so sweet, so satisfying. r "; aMlkrafkMtaMeri4. FMtarPrwtechaai. OafSu Si ais. saaaferNaBtovMBnlwlassla ..rv)::';;::";;'---!:. TrwlL -V-:'A :'J11Lr.lA??-J -ttVXl i '-. - - vUXz:x;xx : .;: - :ViV - mow Won Reduced mm is an ELECTRIC SIGN combined with the brilliant attractiveness and delinfcit LIGHT INSIDE the Store. : . ... t -1,.',.? . is ijRst ; is n own in its inr.rpRino' hrp. nir Maaia.SoaaAaava Mdav ki' A.a a la at A mm ' " .r -l- I m. . " ytz'--: lzi iiXX: ? v by using' ELECTRIC LIGHT, and . toow. your less wide:awake compet- ''.V'., - fe: - - :' and we stand ready to prove to you -me absolute econoniy of ELECTRIC Elates the Cost less man you v. C5dl np Phoio, Esai 1 3 r"T Tr-"'" ! s r?3 f U4 wrSa SEVENTH AND liiliiiiiii fcr Mete? Ssrvice s e . AfSXSSSeJVVe "i ALDER. STOEETS i .-. n -t. i XiX '. think mm i ,r V