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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1905)
SiiftiiiiiSilii: if IK This ORE EXHIBIT The Ceisjr-Hendryx Investment Company Hat Secured Ore- : gon Rock at Fair. '. FITTING UP ELABORATE . ROOM IN-ELK' BUILDING WiU Make This Largest Mineral T)i7ply in Sute, Gathering' Sped menu From All Sections and Mak II ingCollectioii Open to Public." Portland will keep moat of . the ore exhibit of this it ate now at the exposi tion, eapeclally that portion coming1 from tern Oregon. H. T. Hendryx, manager of the Gelaer-Hendryx Investment eora pany, which la operating In eastern Ore gon, hai arranged for Installation of all the ore belonging to Frederick R.Mellls ' and the Arm In a permanent exhibit at the offices of the company In the new Elk building, corner of Seventh and Stark streets. The company will also secure as much of the southern Oregon ore aa It can get for this exhibit, which Is Intended to be the largest and most typical of any ever maintained In the state. Mr. Hendryx stated this morning that orders had been placed for fitting up the 'exhibit room, which would' be In eonnec- tlons with the firm's offices. . The ore Is to be arranird In a rsora about 0x80 feet, which will be finished In grey oak ' and marble. Cabinets will be provided for all the richer specimens, while the larger pieces of ore will be arranged on benches ss at the fair. All minerals known to the state are to ba gathered here and the firm will get In touoh with the operators everywhere, with the our pose, of gathering an exhibit. which will become famoua. , In connection with the mineral exhibit It Is also the purpose of the same firm to Install ap agricultural exhibit rep resentative or the resources of the state. 15 YEARS OF TORTURE f Itching and Painful Sores Covered Head and Body- CUAED tl WEEK BT CUTICURA M For fifteen Tear my scalp and forehead was one mass of scabs, and air body waa covered with sores. ' Words cannot express how I suffered from the itching- and pain. I had riven up hope when a friend told me to get Cnticara. After bathings with Cnticura Soap and applying Cancan Ointment for three, days, my bead waa aa clear aa ever, and to my sur prise and joy, one cake of soap and one boa: of ointment made a com- plete core in on a week, (signed) 11. B. Franklin. 717 Washington St, Allegheny, Pa;, . v , , "IlGEPEMlEflT Tils afternoon at 2 o'clock : Childrin Grand children. , Tonight again; a grand display of beautiful arid original fireworks. Tomorrow, grnd galaay, two hundred Swedish singers." Saturday, July 28th, Woodmen of the World; fifty novel sporting events. The date Pain's Wonderful Spectacle Special attractions for Sunday nextThe New Great Ferris Wheel, bring the children, 5c aride, and only 5c on the Miniature Railway and the Merry-Go-Round. Come and take a plunge in our perfect Swim ming Pool. A three mile ride on the O. W. P. C& Ry. Qo-n car for 5c Music by D'Urbano's Band at "The Oaks Tavern" from 10:30 id 12 p. rh. ADMISSION TO THE GROUNDS 10 CTS. CHILDREN 5 CTS. ' ."..''....(. , . , - ' ' . .-'. - In selecting- this It will be "the purpose to observe the same care In , gathering only that wnicn will be or especial inter eet and yet iwlll be typical of 4ha state. Much of this exhibit will be from east of the Cascades, where Irrlgatioa la In progress, to show the possibilities of re claiming arid i land and the fertility of the lava ash sou when It la moistened. The exhibit-room la to be open to the publlo at all business hours and every opportunity will be accorded visitors to examine tha same. In the mineral line the average ores of the big mines will ba sought more than rare specimens, so that the exhibit may ba an instruction to mining engineers and Informed mining men. ; POWER PLANT EXPECTED. Work at Bed. Bay Mima Sngs rendls Olive lake Bnterprlae. . t ("pe-lal Dlapatra to Tk JoarneLt Granite, Or.. July IT. While there la local confidence that the Red Boy power enterprise " will take ahape thla year, there has been little dona to assure thu fact yet. Tha circular sent to stock' holders, asking that the Olive lake wi ter rlghta and preliminary work be deeded to a new company which waa to be organised for this work. Is the only local announcement. The season Is ad vanclng rapidly, and unless tha work Is taken up on a heavy scale soon there will not be sufficient time left for completing the- line -and power house before heavy anowa Interfere with the work. Meantime little la being done at tha well' knowa-bid mine. A limited force has been kept busy there, but this work has baton of a light nature, and Is not on any permanent plan. Assurance la given that If the power company can get In ahape to complete Ita .plant, by which the Red Boy would be furnished 800 horsepower for sinking and milling, work In the mine would be resumed on a larger-gcale. GOLOFIELD IS NOT ALL Xm O. Beekwlth, aa Oregon Man, Oper etee area oCavtlla, Vevada. L. C Beekwlth, for several yeara en gaged n eastern Oregon mining; opera tlons. but now-having an Interest In properties near. Bodavllle. Nevada, reached the city yesterday for a week's visit. Mr. Beekwlth Is associated with ' prominent capitalists, and says that he and his partners control a large mineral area In that section of Nevada, someof which has much promise. The veins opened as a rule do not have great width, but soma, .carry bonanza ore, and the. district ias the prospeat of becoming a good producer of gold and allver. - MrvBeckwIta has been connected with several eastern OregpnDrppertleaHa had charge of "work at the Orleana for Manager L V. Swlggett ' for a period, and later' waa directing underground work at tha Oregon King when that property closed. . 1 '""' . . Xayak Coal la Oood. ' Alfred H. Brooks, in charge . of tha government geological aurvey parties operating in Alaska, stated while In Juneau the paat week, that Kayak coal, while of a bituminous grade," was the best thst had been opened on tha Paclflj eoast He said that when the district was made accessible the shipping of the United States on the Pacific would aot be dependent v upon the British Colum bia product for eteamtng coal. a . This cheering statement following tha an nouncement sent from Tacoma recently to tha effect tbat-operationa at Kayak wart suspended, la quite encouraging - 07JZZC:i I? A1XTT JOURNAL; FOUTEAND,' THURSDAY fixed at last, Monday, to tha entire eoast. The geological sur vey haa made one reconnolssanee In the Kayak district, and has another party there this year, which would give the chief the data for the positive statement he haa made. Oolooada Ore Improves. (Special Dispatch to Tka JoornaLJ Sumpter, Or., July VI. Manager H. H. McCarthy of the Ooleonda aaya that the drift he la making on the main adit level haa five feet-of good ore in the fan at present, the vein 'following widening rapidly. Thla ia the drift which the new management atarted while exploring the tunnel level, and re aulted in opening; aoma Shipping ore In a few feet. -Mine "We IS CtmrtT" Jtra&(SptcuaPIpetck. te.e Baker City, Or.. July IT. There will be a full legal hearing in the conflict between the managements of the Cornu copia mine and tha Mayflower, at Cor nucopia. Warrants have been served on Manager Pierre Humbert of tha Cornu copla and other members of his party, and it Is believed that members of the Mayflower party will also have to an swer direct charges. Tha wounda in' fllcted were light, and none of tha men la Buffering materially. COLUMBIA RIVER EXCURSIONS. 1 Very Low Rates Via the O. R. ft N. to Upper River Points. No visitor to Portland should miss viewing the matchless Columbia river scenery between Portland and The Dalles, as seen from O. R. A N. trains. Ths Chicago-Portland apeclal leaves the union- atatlon every morning at :1, s-lvlnr a dayllgnt riae arong ths Colum bia, stopping four minutes at the very foot of Munnoman xaiia. jsvery milt of tha trip there is something new and fascinating. If desired, the return trip may be made by boat from Cascade locks or The Dalles. Very low rates this summer. Particulars and summer book .by asking C W. Stinger, city ticket agent. U. K. m r. io intra aia mraaa Ington streets. Additional Passenger Service on South' era raolfia Between Portland and I Forest Grove. Commencing July t, the Southern Pa ciflo will. In addition to Its - present schedule, put on a new train to leave Forest Grove 12:30 p. m. t Cornelius, ll:3i; Hlllsboro, 12:43; Reedvllle, 12:37; Beaverton. 1:07 p. m. Arrive Portland 1:60 p. m. Returning, leave Portland 10:45 d. in. 1 Beaverton.. 11:23; Reedvllle. 11:33; Hlllsboro. 11:54: Cornelius, 12:01 a. m. Arrive roreat urove u:ve a, m imexaOJrheeler'a PentetjreaVi (Joeraal Special Semes.) tiNw.ork. July -37, A -wedding of note here this evening and of particular Interest to the large number or south erners sojourning in New Tork will be thst of Miss Julia Knox Wheeler, daugh ter of. General Joseph Wheeler, and William J. Harris,- prominent Insur ance man of Georgia: The" ceremony Is to be quietly performed In St. Thomas' church, tha Rev. Ernest ' M. Stlres officiating. " , Boeohse'e Qermaa SyraD. Wa easnnt enerttasd wkv anr scieoa eaf. fertog with e cold or throat and lang trouble will Mclrrt to parch wi. a bottle et Gmnao Trnp. sold In all rl.lllsed parts of the world. without a lni. rt.e or laiiure. isere srs tkmiaand coaMBiptlTee rleht Mra ta Port land Ikat s1e Boacfeea'e Oermae Srres ths sola rredlt at th'lr being altre today. Ak roar drasvtat. ' Pries 3 sad TS erata. Uet ereea's i I manse, . j Ball for prize dancing m THE LAST DAYS WORLD CONGRESS OF Z Prominent Hebrews From Every Nation Meet in Annual Convention. ' NORDAU A CANDIDATE " . FORTHEPRE3IDENC To Decide Upon Accepting Large Tract of African Land or Colon isation Purposes From England- Many Countries Represented. (Journal Special Berries.) Basle, July 27. Between two and three thousand delegates were present today st the opening of tha sixth world's congress of ths Zionist movement, which has for its object tha restoration of Jerusalem to the. Jews.' Nearly every civilised country of the world Is repre sented at the congress, the large at tendance being an indication of the ex traordinary importance attached to the present session. Nearly 30 delegates are here from the United Statea alone. Included in the number are Mrs. D. Levtnson of Des Moines. William Morris of Philadelphia, Dr. Coblenta of ewTork--CltyHJullus Ringer of Buffalo, Dr. L. H. Landman of Cincinnati, E. W. Lewln-Epsteln of New Torn City. Ir. Aaron smner or Baitt more, 8. Skaplnsky f Louisville, Mr. snd Mrs. S. W. Frank of Pittsburg, Rabbi Gorowlta of Rhode Island, Dr. H. P. Mendes of New York City. Barnet Levy of Scranton, Leon Zolotkoff of Chicago and Miss Eva Magnea of Brook lyn. The congress was formally opened by Dr. .Max Nordau. The first feature of tha program, was the holding of services In memory of' Dr. Theodora Hersl, ths founder of tha Zionist movement, who died one year ago today. There are many Important matters to come up for consideration at the pres ent session. . One of these is the selec tion of a new president to succeed Dr. Hersl. Two candidates are mentioned for the position. Max Nordau. the emi nent French doctor nd author, and Herr Wolffsohn of Cologne. Another Important matter that must be decided Is ths acceptance or rejection of the offer of the British government ta furnish" ar large: traeroT1and"lirBr!r- Inh East Africa for the establishment of a Zionist colony. The' special com mission sent to the alte of the proposed colony by the Zionist movement last spring has prepared a report against tha acceptance of tha offer of the Brit ish government and It Is expected that the consresa will adopt this report. Blakeaias ShJverlaf Pita of Ague and Malaria can be relieved and eurea witn jMecirio uiuers. This Is a pure tnnlo medicine; of especial benefit in malaria, for It exerts a true euratlve influence on the disease, driv ing it entirety out or me system, it is much to be n referred to Quinine hav ing none of this drug's bad after-effects. E. 8. Munday of Henrietta, Tex., writes: "My brother was very low with malarial fever and Jaundice, till he took Klectrlo Blttere, 'which aeved Ms life. At Skid more Drue Co.. 'i Third a tree L Priae OrilTES 40a, guaranteed, . EVENINbrjULY 87. 1ES3. though aoma opposition Is expected. Another matter- that' Will 'receive at tension Is the proposed reorganisation of the Zionist movement, the change to tend - toward decentralisation, wnicn change la regarded aa necessary since tha death of Dr. Hersl. The grand executive committee has prepared a re- nort advocating the -appointment or a directorate for the guidance of the Zion ist movement, composed or Max inoraau, Professor Wolffsohn of Cologne and Pro fessor Warburg of Berlin. Seven hundred and sixty delegates are present representing the Zionist organ isation in over 10 countries in all parts of tha. world. Venerable Shalty pre sided. 1 At the conclusion of the sitting of the congress memorial services In honor of Hersl -were- held In- the synagogue. All the delegates couldn't get in the en trance and a fight enmted for ate.-'THe tuilln. ,m itnahla tn rnn. with the fighting- crowds snd the fire brigaSe dlapersed them with a hoe DEED TO EXTENSIVE AREA OF LAND FILED (Special Dispatch to The Joarasl) ""Bolvllle, Wash July J 7. A deed to a very extensive area of timber land was filed with the auditor of Stevens county on July U. given by the Northern Pa ciflo Railway company to the Bradley company of. Tomahawk, Wisconsin, for a consideration of $12f,6S0.8t, which oonveys an area of 60,(28.57 acres of land. This land la attuated on tha Pend d'Orellle river, near Newport, and in cludes the alternate secttona of town ships 12. IS, 54. range 41; townships S3, 8S, 84, 55, range 44; townships 51 snd 28, range 45, and townships 51 and 52, range 4, east of . Willamette me ridian. This la the Jargest--dealsveT consummated - In this section of the country except perhaps that of the Pot latch Lumber company that operates In eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. Thla land la chiefly timber land and la aald to be only valuable for Ite timber. SHERIFF1NVESTIGATING SHOOTING OF IDAHO BOY (Special Dispatch to The Joursal.) Troy, Ida July 17. -Prosecuting At torney W. B. StiHinger add Sheriff W. 8. Robblns were here yesterday Investi gating the attempted murder of Alex ander Anderson, the 18-year-old aon of Llnua Anderson, who lives 10 miles west of here. The boy waa shot In ths face and arm on July 14 by some one who waa hiding In the barn. The boy was walking from the barn to the house after -having put up tha horse he had been, riding and turned around only to receive a charge from a shotgun loaded with 'shotvjind brassslugs, It is thought that some one waa looking for the father and mistook the boy for him. Tha ahot would have been a fatal one had the gun been loaded a little heavier. The boy Is rapidly recovering. Tha authorltlea aay they nave very strong evidence and- think arrests will be mad Id a very short time. They are waiting to Interview othera who were away from home yesterday. To Varebaae Sekeol Soada, -' (Speelat Dtspateh i Tbe JoaraaL) Olympla. Waah Jely 2T The state board of land commissioner has au thorised the purchase of school dis trict bonds aa follows: District No. 42, Okanogan county, 12.000; district No. 57. Taklma county,, 51,500; district No. 117, Douglas county, 51.000; district No. f. San Juan county, 800 district No. 146. Kins county, 67,600:1 district No. 4, Chehsila county, 16.000, J f -4a Aug. 28th OF POMPEII (BWlIlA '"r - - The Kind You Have Ahrayg in use ror over so years, All Counterfeits, Imitations and M Jost-aA-good" su-e but ' jExpefimentx that trifle with and endanger the health of , Infants and Children Experience salnat Experiments What' is CASTORIA . - Ctastorla is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It la Pleasant. . It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic) " substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroy "Worm - 'and allays Feyerishness, It cores Diarrhoea and Wind ' Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation . and . Flatulency It assimilates the Food, retrtilatea the . Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep . The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. , GENUINE CASTORIA ALVAYO JO Bears the m . r 1 1 S 1 ir 1 - - sr. . The KinHotf Have Always Bonfiit In Use For Over 30 Years. vwe eeamwe eeaaaaiT. vv stweaiav ermeev, uwm veasi arm ' rT DIDlN'T HURT A -u- W Da, T. . WISM. IS erbat tbay say et ear SMtbeee of sln osatsl work. We de work tor saovle treat rnt ef rhe city evlrkly to saold as tela. BTerythiag a to 4ate. . Osaa eraaiaga aad Bandara. atala S02s. WISE BROS., Dentists Th rail lac, sen. TaM sad Vasalagtaa. ' tfuUF i.'-.-i u I I ..." . I Mi Bought, and which has bexn has borne the slgnatmeef and lias been made under bis per - sonai supeiTlslon since Its ln&ney. ' Allow no one to decelre you fn-thlsw Signature of BIT " 0 pa. a. wis. BMK JiD c?f:ce raiu::3 Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Twr Poultry Ketri Cw. (:i'ru::z: ' " ft